11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University

11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University 11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University


Oral Mini-Symposium 25: Predicting Reef Futures in the Context of Climate Change 25-5 Going, Going, Gone? Are 1998 And 2005 Signs Of The Future For Coral Reefs? C. Mark EAKIN* 1 , Jessica A. MORGAN 2 , Scott F. HERON 2 , Janice M. LOUGH 3 , William J. SKIRVING 2 , Gang LIU 2 , Tyler R. L. CHRISTENSEN 2 , Dwight K. GLEDHILL 2 , Alan E. STRONG 4 1 Coral Reef Watch, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Silver Spring, MD, 2 Coral Reef Watch, IMSG at National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Silver Spring, MD, 3 Australian Institute of Marine Science, Townsville MC, QLD, Australia, 4 Coral Reef Watch, AJH Environmental at National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Silver Spring, MD The 2005 Caribbean coral bleaching event was the most extensive and devastating on record for this basin. The greatest bleaching and mortality were seen along the Antillean Arc where the thermal stress exceeded any seen in the Caribbean during the previous 21 years of satellite data and 100 years of gridded, in situ temperature reconstructions. Coral bleaching exceeded 90% at many sites, and extended across most of the wider-Caribbean region; mortality exceeded 40% at many sites. The 2005 Caribbean bleaching rivals that seen in the Indo-Pacific in 1998. Climate change is rapidly modifying the environmental envelope of coral reefs through both increased thermal stress and ocean acidification. Both the thermal and chemical limits that control coral survival and reef growth will likely be passed before 2100 assuming even conservative projections reported in the 4th Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. While local stresses currently dominate, coral reefs are increasingly confronted with global-scale changes due to rising greenhouse gas concentrations. The 1998 and 2005 bleaching events showed one of the key problems that climate change poses to coral reefs: warming oceans can kill corals in even the best-managed or most remote coral reefs. Global action to curb greenhouse gas emissions is certainly needed. However, because of the time delay between emission reductions and climate stabilization, emission curbs are not sufficient by themselves. Steps need to be taken to increase the resilience of coral reefs to survive bleaching, ocean acidification, and other climate change threats. 25-6 Forecasting Storm-Mediated Changes in Reef Coral Assemblages Joshua MADIN* 1,2 , Michael O'DONNELL 3 , Sean CONNOLLY 4 1 Department of Biological Sciences, Macquarie University, New South Wales, Australia, 2 National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis, University of California, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, 3 Marine Science Institute, University of California, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, 4 School of Marine and Tropical Biology, James Cook University, Townsville, Australia Reef corals build physical structures that provide essential ecosystem services including substrate for settlement, protection from predators, and shelter from disturbances. Restricted to shallow-water equatorial regions, corals continually experience moderate wave forces and intermittent bombardment by severe hydrodynamic disturbances. Predicted increases in severity of tropical storms and hypothesized weakening of reef carbonate materials through seawater acidification will necessarily affect the ability of corals to mechanically withstand hydrodynamic disturbances, but how and to what extent these will change coral community assemblages remains unclear. We use field measurements of colony mechanical vulnerability and an existing mathematical model to forecast changes in coral assemblage structure following tropical storms under two reef strength scenarios: present-day reef strength measurements and future estimates assuming a 50% weakening due to acidification. There are dramatic, morphological-specific differences in the expected numbers of remaining colonies. Larger disturbances result in dramatic decreases in the median size of the competitively dominant species. As a consequence, relative cover of the other species increases. At some point over the continuum of disturbance intensities each species dominates the postdisturbance assemblage both in relative cover and mean colony size, but absolute numbers of remaining colonies become sparse for all populations. Hypothetical halving substrate strength exacerbates these differences: certain populations lose up to 20% more colonies than present-day conditions and the dominance hierarchy shifts at lower disturbance intensities. Both colony size and proportion cover have consequences for recovery following disturbances. For example, larger colonies tend to be more resistant physical abrasion and disease, have greater competitive and reproductive potential, and command greater proportions of limited substrate space. The number of associated species supported by a colony scales with both colony size and morphological complexity. Therefore, the forecasted dominance of mechanically robust, morphologically simple coral species in future reef environments will lead to decreases in whole-reef biodiversity. 25-7 Seasonal To Decadal Changes in The Carbonate System Of The North Pacific Ocean Richard FEELY* 1 , Chris SABINE 2 , Kathryn FAGAN 3 1 OCRD, PMEL/NOAA, Seattle, WA, 2 PMEL/NOAA, Seattle, WA, 3 University of Washington, Seattle, WA The addition of fossil fuel carbon dioxide to the atmosphere is rapidly changing seawater chemistry and the calcium carbonate saturation state of the world’s oceans as a result of the acidifying effects of CO2 on seawater. This acidification makes it more difficult for corals to build their skeletons. Repeat hydrographic and coastal cruises in the North Pacific show direct evidence for ocean acidification. The dissolved inorganic carbon increases, of about 10-15 µmol kg-1 in surface and intermediate waters over the past 15 years, are consistent with corresponding pH decreases of approximately 0.025 units over large sections of the northeastern Pacific. These dramatic changes can be attributed, in most part, to anthropogenic CO2 uptake by the ocean over the past decade. These data verify earlier model projections that the oceans are undergoing ocean acidification as a result of the uptake of carbon dioxide released as a result of the burning of fossil fuels. From these results we have estimated an average upward migration of the aragonite saturation horizon of approximately 1 m yr-1 in the North Pacific. Such shoaling is due to the effects of anthropogenic CO2, ventilation and biological respiration processes in the surface and intermediate waters. We have also instrumented a Coral Reef Instrumented Monitoring and CO2 Platform (CRIMP-CO2) in southern Kaneohe Bay in December 2005 and have been collecting data almost continuously since that time. The CO2 mooring collects air pCO2 and pO2 and surface water pCO2, pO2, temperature, and salinity data every three hours. The results show a seasonal trend in the pCO2 data with higher levels occurring during the summer months and lower levels occurring during the winter. Changes in water temperature had a small effect on surface water pCO2 levels and seasonal changes in pCO2 are driven mainly by changes in calcification. 25-8 Marine Biocalcifiers Exhibit Mixed Responses To Co2-Induced Ocean Acidification Justin RIES* 1 , Anne COHEN 1 , Daniel MCCORKLE 1 1 Geology and Geophysics, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA We have conducted 6-month laboratory experiments to investigate the effect of CO2-induced reductions in seawater CaCO3 saturation state on biocalcification by 21 aragonitic and calcitic (low-high Mg) taxa representing eight of the major marine calcifying groups: Chlorophyta; Rhodophyta; Crustacea; Bivalvia; Gastropoda; Annelida; Cnidaria; and Echinodermata. The CaCO3 saturation states of the experimental seawaters, constrained by intercalibrated determinations of pH, alkalinity, and DIC, were attained with bubbled air-CO2 mixtures of 380 (ambient), 560, 840, 2240 ppm CO2, yielding Ωarag of 3.2 (ambient), 2.4, 1.8, 0.8, respectively. Net calcification/dissolution rates obtained from buoyant weighing reveal that nearly half of the species exhibited reduced calcification, and even dissolution, in the elevated-CO2 seawaters. However, each of the major taxonomic groups that we investigated contained at least one species (9 species in total) that exhibited increased calcification in the moderately (560 ppm) or extremely (840 or 2240 ppm) elevated CO2 conditions. This surprising observation runs counter to the conventional belief that CO2-induced ocean acidification necessarily reduces calcification rates in marine organisms. Rather, some calcifying organisms appear to benefit from the elevated DIC, either directly through photosynthesis or indirectly through calcification, which requires conversion of HCO3 - to CO3 = via proton-pumping from the organism’s internal calcifying medium. No single trait governed the pattern of responses amongst the organisms. A confluence of factors, including skeletal mineral polymorph solubility, proton-pumping efficiency, and the utilization of photosynthesis, appears determinant of each organism’s response. 229

Oral Mini-Symposium 25: Predicting Reef Futures in the Context of Climate Change 25-9 Carbonate Dissolution By Euendolithic Microorganisms Increases With Rising pCO2 Aline TRIBOLLET* 1 , Marlin ATKINSON 2 , Chris LANGDON 3 1 IRD, Marseille, France, 2 HIMB, Kaneohe, HI, 3 University of Miami, Miami, FL Six months-old experimental blocks of the coral Porites lobata colonized by natural epilithic and endolithic organisms from an offshore oceanic site in Kaneohe Bay (Hawaii) were placed in experimental tanks with similar water quality as the oceanic site. After a further two months of acclimation, blocks were exposed to 2 different aqueous pCO2 treatments, one at ambient pCO2 (400 ppmv) and another at 750 ppmv (predicted pCO2 by the year 2100) for another 3 months. Before and after treatment, euendolithic microorganisms (i.e. boring cyanobacteria, algae and fungi), their distribution, abundance and bioeroding activity were determined using thin sections, scanning electron microscopy and image analysis. At the beginning of the pCO2 experiment, euendolithic communities comprised of 65-80% chlorophyte Ostreobium quekettii, and increased to 90% at the end of the experiment. There were no differences in the relative abundance of euendolithic species, nor any differences in bioeroded area at the surface of blocks (27%) between pCO2 treatments. The depth of penetration of euendolithic filaments of O. quekettii was however significantly higher under elevated pCO2 (1.4 mm) than ambient pCO2 (1 mm). Consequently, higher microbioerosion rates (biogenic carbonate dissolution) were measured under elevated pCO2 than ambient pCO2 (0.63 kg m-2 of planar reef y-1 versus 0.45 kg m-2 y-1). Based on these results, we estimate that carbonate dissolution by O. quekettii can increase by 30% with a doubling atmospheric pCO2. We conclude that biogenic dissolution by euendoliths can be a dominant mechanism of carbonate dissolution in a more acidic ocean and could have major negative consequences on the maintenance of coral reefs in a close future. 25-10 Coral Reef Response To Climate Change – Addressing Complex Problems With A Simple Model Robert BUDDEMEIER* 1 1 Kansas Geological Survey, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS The COMBO model is a spreadsheet-based tool designed to be used by managers, conservationists, and biologists for projecting the effects of climate change on coral reefs at local-to-regional scales. The model calculates the effects on coral growth and mortality, and ultimately on coral reef cover, from changes in average sea-surface temperature and carbon dioxide concentrations, and from episodic high temperature mortality (bleaching) events. The model uses a probabilistic assessment of the frequency of high temperature events under a future climate to allow development and testing of local scenarios. COMBO offers data libraries and default factors for three selected regions (Hawai’i, Great Barrier Reef, Caribbean), but it is structured with user-selectable parameter values and data input options, facilitating modifications to reflect local conditions or to incorporate local expertise. Results of parameter sensitivity analyses and comparison of future scenarios for different regions in the North and South Pacific are used to demonstrate model applications to the complexities of assessing the relative importance of high temperature events, increased average temperature, and increased carbon dioxide concentration to the future status of coral reefs at local and regional scales. 25-11 Scleractinian Corals Response To Ocean Acidification Conditions Maoz FINE* 1,2 , Dan TCHERNOV 3,4 1 Faculty of Life Sciences, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel, 2 Interuniversity Institute for Marine Science in Eilat, Eilat, Israel, 3 Department of Evolution, Systematics and Ecology, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel, 4 The Interuniversity Institute for Marine Science, Eilat, Israel Anthropogenic-driven accumulation of CO2 in the atmosphere, and projected ocean acidification, has raised concerns regarding the eventual impact on coral reefs. Little is known however about the physiological response of corals to increased pCO2 and ocean acidification and hence it is difficult to predict what shifts these ecosystems will experience. This study demonstrates that skeleton-producing corals grown in experimental acidified conditions are able to sustain basic life functions, in a sea anemone-like form and will resume skeleton-building when reintroduced to normal modern marine conditions. Coral species from the temperate Mediterranean and tropical Red Sea were subjected to pH 7.3-7.6 and 8.2 (ambient) for 3-18 months in an open flow-through system. Corals in decreased pH conditions demonstrated morphological changes such as dissociation of the colony form followed by complete skeleton dissolution. In encrusting corals the polyps remained attached to the undissolved substrate whereas living polyps of branching species descended to the aquarium bottom. Biomass of the solitary polyps under decreased pH conditions was 1.5 to 3-fold higher than the biomass of polyps in the control colonies. This may be explained by the higher primary productivity (Net and Gross Photosynthesis) that was measured in corals under higher pCO2. Changes in photosynthesis and calcification as a response to decreased pH were species specific with some species responding earlier than others. Gametogenesis in control and experimental corals developed similarly. Soft bodied corals calcified and reformed colonies when transferred back to ambient pH conditions. Hence, in the absence of conditions supporting skeletonbuilding, corals maintain basic life functions as a skeleton-less ecophenotype. This has far reaching implications for the understanding of the natural history of corals and their near future in an increasingly changing environment. 25-12 Impacts Of Ocean Acidification And Warming On Calcifying Coral Reef Organisms David I. KLINE* 1 , Kenneth R. N. ANTHONY 1,2 , Guillermo DIAZ-PULLIDO 1,2 , Sophie DOVE 1,2 , Selina WARD 1 , Ove HOEGH-GULDBERG 1,2 1 Centre for Marine Studies, The University of Queensland, St Lucia, QLD, Australia, 2 ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies, The University of Queensland, St Lucia, QLD, Australia The world’s oceans are predicted to become warmer and more acidic over the next century with potentially dramatic consequences for coral reef ecosystems. However, there is little known about the combined impacts of temperature and pH on coral reef organisms or about which species will be most vulnerable to these changed environmental conditions. Using a large custom-built, flow-through aquarium system we simulated 3 projected levels of CO2 concentrations at two ocean temperatures to simulate future reef conditions under high-emission scenarios. We compared a series of physiological responses (including growth rate, photosynthesis/respiration, and survivorship) of four major calcifying coral reef organisms from the southern Great Barrier Reef (massive corals, branching corals, calcareous algae and foraminiferans) to temperature and CO2 conditions in a highly replicated factorial design. Our results suggest that different reef calcifying organisms have varying susceptibilities to climate change with calcareous algae and branching corals projected to reach their physiological thresholds as early as 2050. Reefs of the future will likely undergo large ecological changes as some of the first species likely to be impacted by climate change are important coral reef framework builders. 230

Oral Mini-Symposium 25: Predicting Reef Futures in the Context of Climate Change<br />

25-5<br />

Going, Going, Gone? Are 1998 And 2005 Signs Of The Future For Coral Reefs?<br />

C. Mark EAKIN* 1 , Jessica A. MORGAN 2 , Scott F. HERON 2 , Janice M. LOUGH 3 ,<br />

William J. SKIRVING 2 , Gang LIU 2 , Tyler R. L. CHRISTENSEN 2 , Dwight K.<br />

GLEDHILL 2 , Alan E. STRONG 4<br />

1 Coral Reef Watch, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Silver Spring,<br />

MD, 2 Coral Reef Watch, IMSG at National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration,<br />

Silver Spring, MD, 3 Australian Institute of Marine Science, Townsville MC, QLD,<br />

Australia, 4 Coral Reef Watch, AJH Environmental at National Oceanic and Atmospheric<br />

Administration, Silver Spring, MD<br />

The 2005 Caribbean coral bleaching event was the most extensive and devastating on<br />

record for this basin. The greatest bleaching and mortality were seen along the Antillean<br />

Arc where the thermal stress exceeded any seen in the Caribbean during the previous 21<br />

years of satellite data and 100 years of gridded, in situ temperature reconstructions. Coral<br />

bleaching exceeded 90% at many sites, and extended across most of the wider-Caribbean<br />

region; mortality exceeded 40% at many sites. The 2005 Caribbean bleaching rivals that<br />

seen in the Indo-Pacific in 1998.<br />

Climate change is rapidly modifying the environmental envelope of coral reefs through<br />

both increased thermal stress and ocean acidification. Both the thermal and chemical<br />

limits that control coral survival and reef growth will likely be passed before 2100<br />

assuming even conservative projections reported in the 4th Assessment Report of the<br />

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. While local stresses currently dominate,<br />

coral reefs are increasingly confronted with global-scale changes due to rising<br />

greenhouse gas concentrations. The 1998 and 2005 bleaching events showed one of the<br />

key problems that climate change poses to coral reefs: warming oceans can kill corals in<br />

even the best-managed or most remote coral reefs. Global action to curb greenhouse gas<br />

emissions is certainly needed. However, because of the time delay between emission<br />

reductions and climate stabilization, emission curbs are not sufficient by themselves.<br />

Steps need to be taken to increase the resilience of coral reefs to survive bleaching, ocean<br />

acidification, and other climate change threats.<br />

25-6<br />

Forecasting Storm-Mediated Changes in Reef Coral Assemblages<br />

Joshua MADIN* 1,2 , Michael O'DONNELL 3 , Sean CONNOLLY 4<br />

1 Department of Biological Sciences, Macquarie <strong>University</strong>, New South Wales, Australia,<br />

2 National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis, <strong>University</strong> of California, Santa<br />

Barbara, Santa Barbara, 3 Marine Science Institute, <strong>University</strong> of California, Santa<br />

Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, 4 School of Marine and Tropical Biology, James Cook<br />

<strong>University</strong>, Townsville, Australia<br />

Reef corals build physical structures that provide essential ecosystem services including<br />

substrate for settlement, protection from predators, and shelter from disturbances.<br />

Restricted to shallow-water equatorial regions, corals continually experience moderate<br />

wave forces and intermittent bombardment by severe hydrodynamic disturbances.<br />

Predicted increases in severity of tropical storms and hypothesized weakening of reef<br />

carbonate materials through seawater acidification will necessarily affect the ability of<br />

corals to mechanically withstand hydrodynamic disturbances, but how and to what extent<br />

these will change coral community assemblages remains unclear.<br />

We use field measurements of colony mechanical vulnerability and an existing<br />

mathematical model to forecast changes in coral assemblage structure following tropical<br />

storms under two reef strength scenarios: present-day reef strength measurements and<br />

future estimates assuming a 50% weakening due to acidification. There are dramatic,<br />

morphological-specific differences in the expected numbers of remaining colonies.<br />

Larger disturbances result in dramatic decreases in the median size of the competitively<br />

dominant species. As a consequence, relative cover of the other species increases. At<br />

some point over the continuum of disturbance intensities each species dominates the postdisturbance<br />

assemblage both in relative cover and mean colony size, but absolute<br />

numbers of remaining colonies become sparse for all populations. Hypothetical halving<br />

substrate strength exacerbates these differences: certain populations lose up to 20% more<br />

colonies than present-day conditions and the dominance hierarchy shifts at lower<br />

disturbance intensities.<br />

Both colony size and proportion cover have consequences for recovery following<br />

disturbances. For example, larger colonies tend to be more resistant physical abrasion and<br />

disease, have greater competitive and reproductive potential, and command greater<br />

proportions of limited substrate space. The number of associated species supported by a<br />

colony scales with both colony size and morphological complexity. Therefore, the<br />

forecasted dominance of mechanically robust, morphologically simple coral species in<br />

future reef environments will lead to decreases in whole-reef biodiversity.<br />

25-7<br />

Seasonal To Decadal Changes in The Carbonate System Of The North Pacific Ocean<br />

Richard FEELY* 1 , Chris SABINE 2 , Kathryn FAGAN 3<br />

1 OCRD, PMEL/NOAA, Seattle, WA, 2 PMEL/NOAA, Seattle, WA, 3 <strong>University</strong> of Washington,<br />

Seattle, WA<br />

The addition of fossil fuel carbon dioxide to the atmosphere is rapidly changing seawater<br />

chemistry and the calcium carbonate saturation state of the world’s oceans as a result of the<br />

acidifying effects of CO2 on seawater. This acidification makes it more difficult for corals to<br />

build their skeletons. Repeat hydrographic and coastal cruises in the North Pacific show direct<br />

evidence for ocean acidification. The dissolved inorganic carbon increases, of about 10-15 µmol<br />

kg-1 in surface and intermediate waters over the past 15 years, are consistent with<br />

corresponding pH decreases of approximately 0.025 units over large sections of the northeastern<br />

Pacific. These dramatic changes can be attributed, in most part, to anthropogenic CO2 uptake<br />

by the ocean over the past decade. These data verify earlier model projections that the oceans<br />

are undergoing ocean acidification as a result of the uptake of carbon dioxide released as a<br />

result of the burning of fossil fuels. From these results we have estimated an average upward<br />

migration of the aragonite saturation horizon of approximately 1 m yr-1 in the North Pacific.<br />

Such shoaling is due to the effects of anthropogenic CO2, ventilation and biological respiration<br />

processes in the surface and intermediate waters. We have also instrumented a Coral Reef<br />

Instrumented Monitoring and CO2 Platform (CRIMP-CO2) in southern Kaneohe Bay in<br />

December 2005 and have been collecting data almost continuously since that time. The CO2<br />

mooring collects air pCO2 and pO2 and surface water pCO2, pO2, temperature, and salinity<br />

data every three hours. The results show a seasonal trend in the pCO2 data with higher levels<br />

occurring during the summer months and lower levels occurring during the winter. Changes in<br />

water temperature had a small effect on surface water pCO2 levels and seasonal changes in<br />

pCO2 are driven mainly by changes in calcification.<br />

25-8<br />

Marine Biocalcifiers Exhibit Mixed Responses To Co2-Induced Ocean Acidification<br />

Justin RIES* 1 , Anne COHEN 1 , Daniel MCCORKLE 1<br />

1 Geology and Geophysics, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA<br />

We have conducted 6-month laboratory experiments to investigate the effect of CO2-induced<br />

reductions in seawater CaCO3 saturation state on biocalcification by 21 aragonitic and calcitic<br />

(low-high Mg) taxa representing eight of the major marine calcifying groups: Chlorophyta;<br />

Rhodophyta; Crustacea; Bivalvia; Gastropoda; Annelida; Cnidaria; and Echinodermata. The<br />

CaCO3 saturation states of the experimental seawaters, constrained by intercalibrated<br />

determinations of pH, alkalinity, and DIC, were attained with bubbled air-CO2 mixtures of 380<br />

(ambient), 560, 840, 2240 ppm CO2, yielding Ωarag of 3.2 (ambient), 2.4, 1.8, 0.8, respectively.<br />

Net calcification/dissolution rates obtained from buoyant weighing reveal that nearly half of the<br />

species exhibited reduced calcification, and even dissolution, in the elevated-CO2 seawaters.<br />

However, each of the major taxonomic groups that we investigated contained at least one<br />

species (9 species in total) that exhibited increased calcification in the moderately (560 ppm) or<br />

extremely (840 or 2240 ppm) elevated CO2 conditions. This surprising observation runs<br />

counter to the conventional belief that CO2-induced ocean acidification necessarily reduces<br />

calcification rates in marine organisms. Rather, some calcifying organisms appear to benefit<br />

from the elevated DIC, either directly through photosynthesis or indirectly through<br />

calcification, which requires conversion of HCO3 - to CO3 = via proton-pumping from the<br />

organism’s internal calcifying medium. No single trait governed the pattern of responses<br />

amongst the organisms. A confluence of factors, including skeletal mineral polymorph<br />

solubility, proton-pumping efficiency, and the utilization of photosynthesis, appears<br />

determinant of each organism’s response.<br />


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