11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University

11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University 11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University


24-41 Scleractinian Coral Relocation From A Coastal Seawall To A Nearshore Hardbottom Habitat in The Northern Florida Keys. Jeff ANDERSON* 1 , J. Harold HUDSON, PH.D. 2 , Bill GOODWIN 3 , John ILIFF 4 , Tom MOORE 4 1 Contractor to Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary, I.M. Systems Group, Inc., Key Largo, FL, 2 Damage Assessment and Resource Protection, Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary (Retired), Miami, FL, 3 Damage Assessment and Resource Protection, Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary, Key Largo, FL, 4 NOAA Restoration Center, St. Petersburg, FL During a permitted seawall reconstruction project, Scleractinian corals were found growing on the vertical face. For a coastal location, the seawall housed a large quantity, size, and distribution of healthy reef coral species generally found further offshore. Based on the seawall construction date, the corals had been growing in that environment for a maximum of 35 years. A total of 136 whole colonies and live coral fragments, with diameters ranging from 10 cm to 100 cm, representing 13 Scleractinian species, were harvested. Collected corals were temporarily housed in wire-mesh baskets in situ. To accommodate the lateral accretion typical for Scleractinians growing on vertical surfaces, the corals were attached to 30 flat-faced cement and fiberglass modules at the removal site, transported to an offshore site approximately one nautical mile east of the original seawall, and cemented on the seafloor. Two of the largest colonies, along with a number of fragments, were cemented directly to the substrate. The relocation site lies in 4 m of water, is comprised of hardground of Pleistocene Key Largo limestone bedrock overlain by a thin veneer of carbonate sediment, and is populated by numerous Octocorals, sponges, and occasional Scleractinian species. State of Florida biologists conducted an inspection and declared the modules were securely cemented to the bedrock and that all relocated corals appeared healthy as evidenced by their normal coloration and overall appearance. Ongoing monitoring of the site has demonstrated the relocated corals have grown new tissue and continue to survive three years after relocation. The project demonstrates that Scleractinian corals can be successfully collected from coastal construction sites and relocated in order that they can continue to contribute to the marine ecosystem. 24-42 Coral Restoration Is Not Merely About Corals: Reef Fish Habitat Use Measures Coral Reef Restoration Success At The Fortuna Reefer Grounding Site, Mona Island, Puerto Rico Ron HILL* 1 , Michelle SCHÄRER 2 , Michael NEMETH 2 , Andy BRUCKNER 3 1 SEFSC, NOAA/NMFS, Galveston, TX, 2 Dept. of Marine Sciences, Univ. of Puerto Rico-Mayagüez, Mayagüez, Puerto Rico, NOAA/NMFS, Sand Spring, MD Oral Mini-Symposium 24: Reef Restoration 3 OHC Coral Reef Ecosystem Div, A multi-agency emergency restoration reattached over 1800 Acropora palmata fragments, following the grounding of the M/V Fortuna Reefer on Mona Island in 1997. Shortly after the grounding, we began monitoring the restoration using coral reattachment, survival, and growth and the recovery of fish assemblages as measures of success. Although no surveys were conducted before the grounding, we have neighboring undisturbed areas for comparison and we can analyze temporal changes within the site. In early surveys reef fish assemblages were significantly different from adjacent control sites. With almost a decade of monitoring complete, we are starting to see increases in species diversity, expansions of size distributions, and increases in abundances and diversity of juvenile haemulids, species known to be habitat selective. Additional monitoring will determine when the conditions can be considered “normative” however experimental approaches might be required to improve restoration of fish habitat and encourage the coral-fish interactions that can contribute to the effectiveness of coral reef restoration. 24-43 Multivariate Responses Of The Coral Reef Fish Community To Artificial Structures And Coral Transplants Sebastian FERSE* 1 1 ZMT Bremen, Bremen, Germany Reef rehabilitation efforts frequently employ the use of artificial structures or coral transplantation. Although several studies have addressed relationships between artificial structures or the natural habitat and associated fish communities, no attempt has been made to contrast the effects on the fish community of structures used alone and in combination with coral transplantation. In this study, repeated fish census over plots containing rubble [C], artificial structures [S], and structures together with coral transplants [S+C], was conducted over a time of up to two years at three sites in North Sulawesi, Indonesia. The results show an increase in fish abundance and number of species in the [S] plots, and a further increase in the presence of corals at two sites. Principal component analysis (PCA) emphasized differences between the three treatments in terms of fish abundance, number of species, and diversity (H' and H' max). Abundance, number of species and H' in the [S+C] plots was higher than that observed in the surrounding natural reef at one location, but lower at the other two sites. Cluster analysis revealed distinct communities at the three treatments and a low similarity to the natural reef at all three locations. Similarity to natural reefs was lowest in the rubble plots. Spearmanrank correlation of the similarity matrices for each treatment with model similarity matrices revealed increasing similarity among census replicates in the [S] and [S+C] treatments over time at all sites. Crossed three-way ANOVA of the average similarities among census replicates showed significant effects of treatment and the interaction terms location*treatment and location*time. The results underline the role that structures and transplants play in re-shaping and stabilizing the associated fish community, but also demonstrate that the effects differ markedly depending on the ambient reef. 24-44 Effects Of Coral Transplantation And Giant Clam Restocking On The Functional Groups Of Fish On Degraded Patch Reefs Patrick CABAITAN* 1 , Edgardo GOMEZ 1 , Porfirio ALIÑO 1 1 Marine Science Institute, University of the Philippines, Quezon City, Philippines This study examined the effects of restoration treatments on different functional groups of reef fish that are important to the stability of a community. Fish on 25 degraded patch reefs were monitored monthly for 3 months before and every 1-2 months for 11 months after the application of the restoration treatments. The treatments were: 1) transplantation of Acropora spp. and Pocillopora spp. corals, 2) restocking of the giant clam Tridacna gigas, 3) restocking of T. gigas with coral transplantation, 4) deployment of T. gigas shells, and 5) control. The fish were categorized into 10 functional groups, defined by feeding habit and the relative size of their territory. For fish with large territory, the coral treatment increased the abundance of Omnivore, Zoobenthivore, and Carnivore, while the clam+coral treatment increased the abundance of Omnivore, Zoobenthivore, and Herbivore relative to the control. The clam treatment increased the abundance of Omnivore and Zoobenthivore. For fish with small territory, the coral treatment increased the abundance of Omnivore, Herbivore, and Carnivore, while the clam+coral treatment increased the abundance of Omnivore and Herbivore relative to the control. The Clam treatment increased the abundance of Carnivore, while the shell treatment increased the abundance of Herbivore. Only Zooplanktivore with small and large territories and Zoobenthivore with small territory did not achieve any significant increase in any of the treatments. This study shows the feasibility to restore reefs, although with different responses from the fish functional groups, which can be summarized into: 1) habitat-linked, 2) trophically-linked, and 3) cascading effects on the increase of certain functional groups. 225

24-45 Alternate Benthic Assemblages On Artificial Reef Restoration Structures And Their Effects On Coral Larval Settlement Margaret MILLER* 1 , Abel VALDIVIA 2,3 , K. Lindsey KRAMER 4 , Benjamin MASON 5 , Dana WILLIAMS 3,6 , Lyza JOHNSTON 5 1 Southeast Fisheries Science Center, NOAA Fisheries, Miami, FL, 2 CIMAS, University of Miami, Miami, FL, 3 Southeast Fisheries Science Center, NOAA Fisheries, Miami, 4 US National Park Service, Hilo, HI, 5 Marine Biology and Fisheries, University of Miami, Miami, FL, 6 CIMAS, University of Miami, Miam, FL Acute physical reef injuries are sometimes addressed by construction of on-site artificial structures to secure fractured framework and enhance architectural complexity of damaged sites. To characterize benthic assemblages, four restoration structures (RS) along with adjacent natural reef substrates (Reference) in the Florida Keys, USA (age range 6-13 yrs) were sampled via line-intercept transects. Multivariate clustering analysis indicated a high degree of divergence between RS and Reference samples, as well as among sites. RS had significantly higher cover of thick cyanobacterial turfs (up to 30% cover) than Reference substrates. Assemblage differences were primarily attributable to macroalgal and cyanobaterial groups with fast growth and turnover, rather than to slow-growing corals and crustose coralline algae. Thus, divergence of assemblages is not simply attributable to incomplete succession, but appears to be a persistent, possibly stable state. Since cyanobacteria have known ill effects on adult and larval corals, we tested if exudates of these distinct algal assemblages (RS and Ref) chemically inhibit coral larval settlement. Seawater exudates were prepared from 1m 2 of macroalgae, including turf, collected from RS and Reference substrates at two sites (Wellwood and Maitland). Competent larvae of three broadcast spawning scleractinian species were exposed to natural substrate in exudates or seawater controls and allowed three days to settle. Acropora palmata and Diploria strigosa larvae were subject to exudates from a single site (Wellwood) while Montastraea faveolata larvae were tested with exudates from both sites. Reference exudates from the Wellwood site displayed greatest settlement inhibition for all 3 species while, for M. faveolata, RS exudates from the Maitland site were more inhibitory than Maitland Reference exudates. A.palmata larvae displayed greater sensitivity than the other species with 100% mortality in the Wellwood Ref treatment. Both RS and Reference substrates in these locations appear to have compromised ‘recruitment potential’ for spawning corals. 24-46 Natural And Enhanced Coral Reef Recovery After Injury Alison MOULDING* 1 , David GILLIAM 1 , Vladimir KOSMYNIN 2 , Richard DODGE 1 1 National Coral Reef Institute, Nova Southeastern University, Dania Beach, FL, 2 Bureau of Beaches and Coastal Systems, Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Tallahassee, FL The coral reefs of Broward County, southeast Florida, USA are located offshore a highly urbanized area. Because of the close proximity of a major shipping port and its associated anchorage, Broward reefs have been impacted by more than 10 ship groundings over the last 15 years. These injuries usually require restoration to speed recovery and compensate for damage. However, the recovery process on injured sites is not well understood, and even less is known about how restoration aids in recovery. This study examines coral recruitment, growth, and mortality in permanent quadrats on injured sites to asses their potential for natural recovery. It also investigates substrate materials commonly used in reef restoration, including limestone, concrete, and terracotta, to determine their efficacy in attracting and retaining coral recruits. Lastly, transplantation of juvenile corals collected on settlement plates from areas of higher coral recruitment and of corals raised in the lab from the larval stage is examined as a potential method to enhance reef restoration. Preliminary results indicate coral recruitment rates to injured sites were higher compared to reference sites. Mortality rates at the injured sites were also higher than reference sites. After one year of deployment, more corals settled on limestone plates than on concrete or terracotta. Hence, recovery on injury sites may be hampered by high juvenile coral mortality rates, and the choice of substrate materials used in restoration may influence recovery. Oral Mini-Symposium 24: Reef Restoration 24-48 Recruitment Of The Temperate Scleractinian Coral, oculina Arbuscula, To Natural And Artificial Substrata On Reefs Of The South Atlantic Bight, U.s.a. Daniel GLEASON* 1 , Leslie SUTTON 1 1 Department of Biology, Georgia Southern University, Statesboro, GA Similar to their tropical counterparts, temperate reefs have high biodiversity, but are in peril from anthropogenic impacts. Primary threats include commercial trawling, recreational fishing, ocean acidification, and increased sedimentation. Oculina arbuscula is a temperate, broadcast spawning coral and is the only structurally complex Scleractinian occurring on hard-bottom reefs of the South Atlantic Bight, U.S.A. Oculina arbuscula is an important contributor to reef rugosity in this ecosystem, but can be easily damaged by dredges and trawls. To investigate the sustainability of these coral populations on reefs off the Georgia coast we monitored recruitment of O. arbuscula to 30x30 cm plots over 3 years. Treatments consisted of 10 replicates of each of the following: 1) unmanipulated natural substrata, 2) natural substrata initially cleared of all encrusting organisms, and 3) artificial substrata consisting of concrete paving tiles. These plots were photographed at least 13 times between July 2004 and June 2007 using a digital camera mounted to a PVC frame to control for distance and exposure level. These images showed that O. arbuscula recruits throughout the year with peak recruitment exhibited in September/October. While recruitment rates were higher than death rates in all treatments and resulted in a net gain of O. arbuscula colonies, recruitment to artificial substrata far exceeded that found on natural surfaces. Competition with other sessile invertebrates, such as tunicates and sponges, appeared to contribute little to these differences because recruitment rates were similar on unmanipulated and cleared natural substrata. Likewise, the high recruitment rate observed on the artificial substrata rules out the possibility that maintenance of O. arbuscula populations is limited by larval supply. While the reasons are unclear currently, these results suggest that deploying artificial substrata, such as concrete paving tiles, may be useful as a mechanism of enhancing recruitment of O. arbuscula to damaged temperate reef structure. 24-49 Brazilian Corals Early Growth And Survival Clovis CASTRO* 1 , Bruna CASTRO 1 1 Departamento de Invertebrados, Museu Nacional, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Early growth and survival of coral recruits are crucial for the renewal of coral populations and restoration initiatives. In order to assess these parameters, we set up experiments with different recruitment plates (plastic and ceramic) and environmental conditions (open sea and tanks). In the laboratory, coral spats were recorded using a dissecting microscope. Each individual spat was measured and its position recorded using a coordinate system. Plastic plates were deployed in January, 2004, and initially kept in the Itacolomis Reefs (16°54’S, 039°04’W) for circa 15 months. Censuses occurred in June, 2005 (T0) and March, 2006 (T1 – 9 months). This experiment started with 1762 live spats and ended with 574. Survival rates were higher in tanks (61%, excluding spats in lost plates, vs. 15% in open sea). Survival was also higher in larger spats, both in tanks and open sea. Growth rates were slightly higher in tanks. Larger spats grew faster than smaller ones. Ceramic tiles were deployed in March, 2006, and kept in the “Recife de Fora” (16°24’S, 038°59’W) for circa seven months. Censuses occurred in October, 2006 (T0), March (T1 – 5 months) and October, 2007 (T2 – 12 months). This experiment started with 1078 live spats. The last census showed 206 live spats, 19% of the original spats. Survival rates agreed with those from plastic plates. However, differences between tanks (T0-T1 = 48%; T1- T2 = 34%) and open sea (T0-T1 = 27%; T1-T2 = 5%), as well as in larger spat size classes, were more evident. Growth rates in tanks were substantially higher than in open sea (up to 7 times higher in the same size class). These preliminary results suggest that rearing coral recruits in captivity may become an alternative for coral reef restoration in the long term. 226

24-41<br />

Scleractinian Coral Relocation From A Coastal Seawall To A Nearshore<br />

Hardbottom Habitat in The Northern Florida Keys.<br />

Jeff ANDERSON* 1 , J. Harold HUDSON, PH.D. 2 , Bill GOODWIN 3 , John ILIFF 4 , Tom<br />

MOORE 4<br />

1 Contractor to Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary, I.M. Systems Group, Inc., Key<br />

Largo, FL, 2 Damage Assessment and Resource Protection, Florida Keys National Marine<br />

Sanctuary (Retired), Miami, FL, 3 Damage Assessment and Resource Protection, Florida<br />

Keys National Marine Sanctuary, Key Largo, FL, 4 NOAA Restoration Center, St.<br />

Petersburg, FL<br />

During a permitted seawall reconstruction project, Scleractinian corals were found<br />

growing on the vertical face. For a coastal location, the seawall housed a large quantity,<br />

size, and distribution of healthy reef coral species generally found further offshore.<br />

Based on the seawall construction date, the corals had been growing in that environment<br />

for a maximum of 35 years. A total of 136 whole colonies and live coral fragments, with<br />

diameters ranging from 10 cm to 100 cm, representing 13 Scleractinian species, were<br />

harvested. Collected corals were temporarily housed in wire-mesh baskets in situ. To<br />

accommodate the lateral accretion typical for Scleractinians growing on vertical surfaces,<br />

the corals were attached to 30 flat-faced cement and fiberglass modules at the removal<br />

site, transported to an offshore site approximately one nautical mile east of the original<br />

seawall, and cemented on the seafloor. Two of the largest colonies, along with a number<br />

of fragments, were cemented directly to the substrate. The relocation site lies in 4 m of<br />

water, is comprised of hardground of Pleistocene Key Largo limestone bedrock overlain<br />

by a thin veneer of carbonate sediment, and is populated by numerous Octocorals,<br />

sponges, and occasional Scleractinian species. State of Florida biologists conducted an<br />

inspection and declared the modules were securely cemented to the bedrock and that all<br />

relocated corals appeared healthy as evidenced by their normal coloration and overall<br />

appearance. Ongoing monitoring of the site has demonstrated the relocated corals have<br />

grown new tissue and continue to survive three years after relocation. The project<br />

demonstrates that Scleractinian corals can be successfully collected from coastal<br />

construction sites and relocated in order that they can continue to contribute to the marine<br />

ecosystem.<br />

24-42<br />

Coral Restoration Is Not Merely About Corals: Reef Fish Habitat Use Measures<br />

Coral Reef Restoration Success At The Fortuna Reefer Grounding Site, Mona<br />

Island, Puerto Rico<br />

Ron HILL* 1 , Michelle SCHÄRER 2 , Michael NEMETH 2 , Andy BRUCKNER 3<br />

1 SEFSC, NOAA/NMFS, Galveston, TX, 2 Dept. of Marine Sciences, Univ. of Puerto<br />

Rico-Mayagüez, Mayagüez, Puerto Rico,<br />

NOAA/NMFS, Sand Spring, MD<br />

Oral Mini-Symposium 24: Reef Restoration<br />

3 OHC Coral Reef Ecosystem Div,<br />

A multi-agency emergency restoration reattached over 1800 Acropora palmata<br />

fragments, following the grounding of the M/V Fortuna Reefer on Mona Island in 1997.<br />

Shortly after the grounding, we began monitoring the restoration using coral<br />

reattachment, survival, and growth and the recovery of fish assemblages as measures of<br />

success. Although no surveys were conducted before the grounding, we have neighboring<br />

undisturbed areas for comparison and we can analyze temporal changes within the site. In<br />

early surveys reef fish assemblages were significantly different from adjacent control<br />

sites. With almost a decade of monitoring complete, we are starting to see increases in<br />

species diversity, expansions of size distributions, and increases in abundances and<br />

diversity of juvenile haemulids, species known to be habitat selective. Additional<br />

monitoring will determine when the conditions can be considered “normative” however<br />

experimental approaches might be required to improve restoration of fish habitat and<br />

encourage the coral-fish interactions that can contribute to the effectiveness of coral reef<br />

restoration.<br />

24-43<br />

Multivariate Responses Of The Coral Reef Fish Community To Artificial Structures And<br />

Coral Transplants<br />

Sebastian FERSE* 1<br />

1 ZMT Bremen, Bremen, Germany<br />

Reef rehabilitation efforts frequently employ the use of artificial structures or coral<br />

transplantation. Although several studies have addressed relationships between artificial<br />

structures or the natural habitat and associated fish communities, no attempt has been made to<br />

contrast the effects on the fish community of structures used alone and in combination with<br />

coral transplantation. In this study, repeated fish census over plots containing rubble [C],<br />

artificial structures [S], and structures together with coral transplants [S+C], was conducted<br />

over a time of up to two years at three sites in North Sulawesi, Indonesia. The results show an<br />

increase in fish abundance and number of species in the [S] plots, and a further increase in the<br />

presence of corals at two sites. Principal component analysis (PCA) emphasized differences<br />

between the three treatments in terms of fish abundance, number of species, and diversity (H'<br />

and H' max). Abundance, number of species and H' in the [S+C] plots was higher than that<br />

observed in the surrounding natural reef at one location, but lower at the other two sites. Cluster<br />

analysis revealed distinct communities at the three treatments and a low similarity to the natural<br />

reef at all three locations. Similarity to natural reefs was lowest in the rubble plots. Spearmanrank<br />

correlation of the similarity matrices for each treatment with model similarity matrices<br />

revealed increasing similarity among census replicates in the [S] and [S+C] treatments over<br />

time at all sites. Crossed three-way ANOVA of the average similarities among census replicates<br />

showed significant effects of treatment and the interaction terms location*treatment and<br />

location*time. The results underline the role that structures and transplants play in re-shaping<br />

and stabilizing the associated fish community, but also demonstrate that the effects differ<br />

markedly depending on the ambient reef.<br />

24-44<br />

Effects Of Coral Transplantation And Giant Clam Restocking On The Functional Groups<br />

Of Fish On Degraded Patch Reefs<br />

Patrick CABAITAN* 1 , Edgardo GOMEZ 1 , Porfirio ALIÑO 1<br />

1 Marine Science Institute, <strong>University</strong> of the Philippines, Quezon City, Philippines<br />

This study examined the effects of restoration treatments on different functional groups of reef<br />

fish that are important to the stability of a community. Fish on 25 degraded patch reefs were<br />

monitored monthly for 3 months before and every 1-2 months for 11 months after the<br />

application of the restoration treatments. The treatments were: 1) transplantation of Acropora<br />

spp. and Pocillopora spp. corals, 2) restocking of the giant clam Tridacna gigas, 3) restocking<br />

of T. gigas with coral transplantation, 4) deployment of T. gigas shells, and 5) control. The fish<br />

were categorized into 10 functional groups, defined by feeding habit and the relative size of<br />

their territory. For fish with large territory, the coral treatment increased the abundance of<br />

Omnivore, Zoobenthivore, and Carnivore, while the clam+coral treatment increased the<br />

abundance of Omnivore, Zoobenthivore, and Herbivore relative to the control. The clam<br />

treatment increased the abundance of Omnivore and Zoobenthivore. For fish with small<br />

territory, the coral treatment increased the abundance of Omnivore, Herbivore, and Carnivore,<br />

while the clam+coral treatment increased the abundance of Omnivore and Herbivore relative to<br />

the control. The Clam treatment increased the abundance of Carnivore, while the shell<br />

treatment increased the abundance of Herbivore. Only Zooplanktivore with small and large<br />

territories and Zoobenthivore with small territory did not achieve any significant increase in any<br />

of the treatments. This study shows the feasibility to restore reefs, although with different<br />

responses from the fish functional groups, which can be summarized into: 1) habitat-linked, 2)<br />

trophically-linked, and 3) cascading effects on the increase of certain functional groups.<br />


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