11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University

11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University 11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University


24-25 Development Of A Coral Nursery Program For The Threatened Coral Acropora Cervicornis in Florida James HERLAN* 1 , Diego LIRMAN 1 1 Marine Biology and Fisheries, University of Miami, Miami, FL Acroporid corals were among the most abundant reef-building corals on Caribbean reefs until a drastic decline resulted in losses of up to 95 % at many locations. This regional decline prompted the listing of Acropora as ‘threatened’ under the U.S. Endangered Species Act in 2006. In response to the need for localized efforts to protect and recover surviving populations of staghorn coral, Acropora cervicornis, an underwater nursery was established in Biscayne National Park, Florida. The goals of this nursery, one of four such nurseries established in Florida, are to develop effective fragmentation and propagation methodologies and to evaluate the role of genetics on coral resilience. In June 2007, branch clippings (10 cm) were collected from A. cervicornis colonies and fragmented into 3-7 cm sections that were glued onto cement bases in vertical and horizontal orientation. The bases were glued onto cinder blocks and placed in the nursery established at 6 m of depth. The fragmentation and transplantation methods used were very efficient and resulted in limited fragment mortality;14 % of fragments died within the first month, but subsequent mortality has been minimal. The growth of fragments was influenced by time after transplantation, size, and orientation. The growth rate of fragments was 0.6 cm/month during the first 6 weeks after transplantation and increased to 0.9 cm/month in the subsequent 6 weeks. Growth was positively related to initial fragment size, and fragments in horizontal position grew significantly faster (0.9 cm/month) than fragments in vertical position (0.6 cm/month) due to the ability of these fragments to grow from both ends. The fast growth of this species makes it an ideal candidate for restoration programs and it is expected that the staghorn fragments kept in Florida nurseries will provide an expanding coral stock to be used in future reef restoration and scientific experiments. 24-26 Comparisons between Directly Transplanted and Nursery-reared Coral Fragments in Bolinao, Northwestern Philippines Dexter DELA CRUZ* 1 , Baruch RINKEVICH 2 , Edgardo GOMEZ 3 , Helen YAP 1 1 The Marine Science Institute, University of the Philippines, Quezon City, Philippines, 2 Israel Oceanographic and Limnological Research, National Institute of Oceanography, Haifa, Israel, 3 The Marine Science Institute, University of the Philippines, Quezon CIty, Philippines Direct transplantation is the current method of choice in reef restoration efforts worldwide, though with varying degrees of success, probably due to the stress imposed on the fragments or whole colonies used. The alternative method of rearing fragments in coral nurseries located at sheltered reef zones is now used as an intermediate step with the goal of producing robust transplants that will survive better than directly transplanted fragments. These two methods are compared in field experiments in Bolinao, northwestern Philippines using 2 common species, Echinopora lamellosa and Merulina scabricula. The first experiment compares the survival of wild nubbins (~3-4 cm) that are maintained in a field nursery versus similar fragments that are transplanted directly to dead coral bommies. The second experiment compares the performance of nursery-reared coral nubbins with that of similar-sized fragments (~5 cm) collected from the wild by attaching both types of transplants to natural substrates. Survival was monitored monthly. Three end points were selected, namely, 7 months after transplantation (normal conditions), a month after the June 2007 bleaching event (elevated water temperature) and 3 months after bleaching (post-bleaching recovery phase). Kaplan-Meier survival analyses (employing Gehan’s-Wilcoxon pairwise test) showed that the three end points yielded consistent results. There were significant differences between the two methods for E. lamellosa in the first experiment, while there were no significant differences between wild and nursery-grown corals for both species in the second experiment. These results indicate that some species fare better when maintained in nurseries; however, this advantage is not necessarily carried over after they are transplanted to natural substrates. Oral Mini-Symposium 24: Reef Restoration 24-27 Use Of Aquacultured Coral Fragments For Restoration Activities in The Florida Keys: Culture Techniques And Health Certification Ilze BERZINS* 1 , Craig WATSON 2 , Roy YANONG 2 , Kathy KILGORE 2 , Casey COY 1 , Ryan CZAJA 1 , Lauri MACLAUGHLIN 3 , Billy CAUSEY 3 1 The Florida Aquarium, Tampa, FL, 2 Tropical Aquaculture Laboratory, University of Florida, Ruskin, FL, 3 Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary, Key West, FL Many species of Atlantic Scleractinia can be fragmented and grown successfully in aquaculture systems, but can they be reintroduced to the wild? This study addressed two primary questions concerning the use of aquacultured fragments for restoration: 1) whether culture techniques affect survival and growth of reintroduced fragments, and 2) could these fragments be a vector for disease when returned to a restoration site? Addressing the first question, 210 fragments were cut from 7 species (30 per species) of coral collected from the Truman Annex site in Key West Harbor. The fragments (Siderastrea radians, Solenastrea bournoni, Montastrea annularis, Montastrea cavernosa, Diploria clivosa, Dichocoenia stokesii, and Stephanocoenia michellini) were distributed to two culture locations and one open reef site. The land-based fragments were grown in culture for 7 months prior to transplantation in the field. Transplantation of corals to Miss Beholden grounding site, Western Sambo Reef, occurred in December, 2006. Monitoring of the site will follow 3 month intervals for 2 more years. To answer the second question, a standard best management practice was developed to ensure that corals intended for reintroduction are healthy prior to restoration. These procedures and other diagnostic methods were used to develop criteria for issuance of a federal health certification before reintroduction of corals to restoration sites. 24-28 Genet Considerations in Acropora Cervicornis Propagation in Restoration Andrew ROSS* 1 1 Life Sciences, University of the West Indies, Montego Bay, Jamaica Coral restoration, propagation and gardening are concepts gaining interest and impetus in research and backing in conservation, aesthetics and politics as the plight of corals gains popular visibility, particularly in the specter of global climate change. In investigating propagation it is important to understand the how choice of parent material influences final outcomes. Significant differences in growth rate, branching morphology and resistance to bleaching were recorded between genets of Acropora cervicornis propagated in buoyant-line nurseries in Montego Bay, Jamaica in 2005 through 2007. In 2005 differences between genets were noted in growth rate, branch number and overall branched growth rates. In 2006 final length differences were noted between genets at all depths without differences within genets between depths. Branch number and overall branching length were different between depths however, with higher overall branching length and branch number at shallower depths. Strong genet differences were also seen in susceptibility to bleaching at all depths. These patterns continued through the 2007/8 experiments using ramets produced in the 2006 growth trials, though bleaching was driven largely by re-fragmentation and nursery fouling organism contact and stinging stresses. Although some level of adaptation or hardening to stress-related bleaching was observed, genets with faster growth and branching were always relatively more resistant to bleaching and associated death indicating generally stronger or weaker genets. It is apparent that choice in genet for propagation must be carefully considered in any restoration programme, particularly considering the monetary costs involved and the potential rarity of the species concerned. Similarly, the long-term goals of any propagation programme must be considered such as breadth of genetic differentiation for effective sexual reproduction or longterm success through associated human gardening or other water quality and ecosystem management programmes when choosing the genets invested in. 221

24-29 A Land-Based Resource For Ecologically-Important Western Atlantic Corals Thomas CAPO* 1 , Phillip GILLETTE 1 , Daniel DIRESTA 2 , Richard CURRY 3 , Chris LANGDON 1 , Andrew BAKER 1 , Diego LIRMAN 1 , Iliana BAUMS 4 1 MBF, University of Miami RSMAS, Miami, FL, 2 Department of Biology, University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL, 3 Biscayne National Park, Homestead, FL, 4 Department of Biology, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA Coral reefs in the continental US show their greatest development along the SE coast of the state of Florida. The northern portion of the reef tract is found within Biscayne National Park, where it is of high intrinsic value for both scientific and recreational reasons. The state of the reef has declined over recent years due to both natural and anthropogenic stressors. Given these threats, the loss of corals within the park due to accidental boat groundings represents a significant impact on an already dwindling resource. In 2000, we initiated a collaborative research program to evaluate rehabilitation of damaged areas based upon coral fragments recovered from these areas. Orphaned fragments were collected from grounding sites and relocated to a field-nursery in BNP as well as the University of Miami’s land-based Coral Resource Facility. Research over the past four years has focused on the initiation of clonal lines to produce uniform ramets for manipulative experiments and on factors controlling ex situ growth rate. Continuing trials are targeting four key parameters of coral growth and survival: fragment size, supplemental feeding, water movement, and light. The UM Coral Resource Facility now houses over two dozen coral species, of which five have been targeted for intensive culture and mass growout: Acropora cervicornis, A. palmata, Montastraea faveolata, Oculina sp., and Porites furcata. To ensure genetic diversity, five independent clonal lines of each species are in the isolation process. Presently we are providing microcolonies, nubbins, and macrocolonies with a known environmental history and documented genetic profile to investigators for studies in coral physiology, epidemiology, ecotoxicology and restoration research. Incorporating advances in coral propagation and building on our successful growout, we are expanding the present UM facility to hold more than 10,000 coral fragments of the 5 target species in support of coral research. 24-30 Spatial and Temporal Patterns In The Recruitment And Settlement Behaviour Of Scleractinian Coral Larvae On Artificial Substrata: Applicability And Implications For Coral Reef Restoration Cristiana DAMIANO* 1,2 , Peter HARRISON 1 1 School of Environmental Science and Management, Southern Cross University, Lismore, Australia, 2 National Marine Science Centre, Coffs Harbour, Australia The discipline of coral reef restoration through larvae reseeding remains in its formative stage. While preliminary studies have indicated the viability of inducing laboratorycultured coral larvae to settle on reefs, almost no work has been done to determine their subsequent growth and survival, or the extent to which such ‘reseeding’ facilitates the rapid and efficient recovery of coral communities. This latter information is a prerequisite for reseeding techniques as a mechanism for promoting the restoration of corals. Equally importantly, identifying the key factors influencing the fate of coral recruits is an essential component of coral reef ecology that will ultimately assist management agencies to define clearer protocols for their future conservation throughout the world. Here we present results of research done from 2003/06 to assess the applicability, benefits and disadvantages of scleractinian coral larvae rearing and reseeding techniques on artificial substrata under laboratory conditions at Heron Island Research Station, Australia. Gravid colonies of Acropora millepora and Platygyra daedalea were collected and the predictable annual mass spawning provided access to large quantities of larvae, which were reared in aquarium facilities for six days and transferred to 70-l plastic tanks, containing three replicates of two preconditioned ceramic tile orientations (horizontal and 45°). After seven days, settled spats were taken back to the reef and monitored for growth and survival via a repeated-measure sampling technique. High rates of settlement and recruitment were observed for A. millepora planulae, supporting the viability of using laboratory-reared larvae for coral reef rehabilitation and restoration programs. However, longer-term survival rates were low, particularly after a widespread bleaching event that affected Heron Island’s reefs during summer 2006/07. Although these results are preliminary, they nevertheless support the need for ongoing research to more fully describe the ecological processes contributing towards planulae recruitment and survival as a prerequisite for restoration programs. Oral Mini-Symposium 24: Reef Restoration 24-31 Reef Restoration—The Good And The Bad Jere LIPPS* 1 1 Integrative Biology & Museum of Paleontology, University of California--Berkeley, Berkeley, CA Little good and a lot of bad come from reef restoration. Reefs damaged by humans and nature are “restored” using unnatural materials as substrata quickly occupied by corals and fish. This is commonly considered good, for seemingly the reef has been returned to a “healthy” state; fish can be caught again and tourists return for the “beautiful reefs”. Restoration, the act of restoring to a former state, has never been accomplished on a reef; rather reefs have been manipulated to conform to particular human values without regard for the entire reef--its ecology, trophodynamics, hydrodyamics, physical or chemical characteristics of pseudosubstrata, geochemistry, nutrient supply, and even reef aesthetics among a multitude of others. People seemingly cannot leave well enough alone when it comes to reefs that have been noticeably damaged. Yet, that is exactly what reefs need—time without interference. Emotional reactions without careful analysis of the total consequences of various methods are ill-advised. Reefs evolved over millions of years in one of the harshest environments on earth—the air-water interface. They are well adapted to recover from physical damage of almost any sort. Reefs are not fragile. Thoughtful assistance would help, using materials occurring naturally within reef systems, by involving regional stakeholders in natural processes of restoration, and by stringent protection regulations and agreements. Opportunistic “restoration” by well-meaning, misguided or avaricious people without careful consideration of what really constitutes a reef is a major mistake that will eventually need restoration itself. Do we need more junk on our reefs? 24-32 Reef Rehabilitation At Maiton Island: The Prototype Of Rehabilitation By Using Artificial Substrate in Thailand Hansa CHANSANG* 1 , Nalinee THONGTHAM 1 , Ukkrit SATAPOOMIN 1 , Niphon PHONGSUWAN 1 , Pitul PANCHAIYAPHUM 2 , Vipoosit MANTACHITRA 3 1 -, Phuket Marine Biological Center, Phuket, Thailand, 2 -, Phuket Marine and Coastal Resources Conservation Center, Phuket, Thailand, 3 Burapha University, Faculty of Aquatic science, Chonburi, Thailand A pilot project on rehabilitation was carried out at reef of Maiton Island using triangular concrete modules as artificial substrate for coral settlement. The reef was physically damaged by storm and no noticeable recovery was observed after 8 years. Two hundred and twenty-five modules of 50x50x50 cm were placed covering area of 225 m 2 . The structural design for the modules was based on the objective of study complexity of module structures to reef fish colonization and coral settlement. Monitoring on development of colonization of sessile organisms especially coral and fish population have been carried out periodically. The modules had successfully increased coral recruitment. Complexity of substrate surface increased chances of coral recruitment. After 7 years, there were 16 genera of coral settled on the surfaces. The total coral cover was about 53-60% of module surface. For fish recruitment, early colonization of fishes in term of number of species and individuals were rapid with in the first 4 months. Fish assemblages did not differ among different complex modules. The fish assemblages stabilized after 7 years and 88 species of 23 genera were sighted. The development of fish assemblages correlate with increasing coral coverage on module surfaces. At present, there are 1280 modules in the reef covering the minimum area of 1280 m 2 . This artificial reef will continue to evolve and increase in community complexity. It is evaluated as a successful project considering the outcome and cost effective including labor input. 222

24-29<br />

A Land-Based Resource For Ecologically-Important Western Atlantic Corals<br />

Thomas CAPO* 1 , Phillip GILLETTE 1 , Daniel DIRESTA 2 , Richard CURRY 3 , Chris<br />

LANGDON 1 , Andrew BAKER 1 , Diego LIRMAN 1 , Iliana BAUMS 4<br />

1 MBF, <strong>University</strong> of Miami RSMAS, Miami, FL, 2 Department of Biology, <strong>University</strong> of<br />

Miami, Coral Gables, FL, 3 Biscayne National Park, Homestead, FL, 4 Department of<br />

Biology, Pennsylvania State <strong>University</strong>, <strong>University</strong> Park, PA<br />

Coral reefs in the continental US show their greatest development along the SE coast of<br />

the state of Florida. The northern portion of the reef tract is found within Biscayne<br />

National Park, where it is of high intrinsic value for both scientific and recreational<br />

reasons. The state of the reef has declined over recent years due to both natural and<br />

anthropogenic stressors. Given these threats, the loss of corals within the park due to<br />

accidental boat groundings represents a significant impact on an already dwindling<br />

resource. In 2000, we initiated a collaborative research program to evaluate rehabilitation<br />

of damaged areas based upon coral fragments recovered from these areas. Orphaned<br />

fragments were collected from grounding sites and relocated to a field-nursery in BNP as<br />

well as the <strong>University</strong> of Miami’s land-based Coral Resource Facility. Research over the<br />

past four years has focused on the initiation of clonal lines to produce uniform ramets for<br />

manipulative experiments and on factors controlling ex situ growth rate. Continuing trials<br />

are targeting four key parameters of coral growth and survival: fragment size,<br />

supplemental feeding, water movement, and light. The UM Coral Resource Facility now<br />

houses over two dozen coral species, of which five have been targeted for intensive<br />

culture and mass growout: Acropora cervicornis, A. palmata, Montastraea faveolata,<br />

Oculina sp., and Porites furcata. To ensure genetic diversity, five independent clonal<br />

lines of each species are in the isolation process. Presently we are providing<br />

microcolonies, nubbins, and macrocolonies with a known environmental history and<br />

documented genetic profile to investigators for studies in coral physiology, epidemiology,<br />

ecotoxicology and restoration research. Incorporating advances in coral propagation and<br />

building on our successful growout, we are expanding the present UM facility to hold<br />

more than 10,000 coral fragments of the 5 target species in support of coral research.<br />

24-30<br />

Spatial and Temporal Patterns In The Recruitment And Settlement Behaviour Of<br />

Scleractinian Coral Larvae On Artificial Substrata: Applicability And Implications<br />

For Coral Reef Restoration<br />

Cristiana DAMIANO* 1,2 , Peter HARRISON 1<br />

1 School of Environmental Science and Management, Southern Cross <strong>University</strong>,<br />

Lismore, Australia, 2 National Marine Science Centre, Coffs Harbour, Australia<br />

The discipline of coral reef restoration through larvae reseeding remains in its formative<br />

stage. While preliminary studies have indicated the viability of inducing laboratorycultured<br />

coral larvae to settle on reefs, almost no work has been done to determine their<br />

subsequent growth and survival, or the extent to which such ‘reseeding’ facilitates the<br />

rapid and efficient recovery of coral communities. This latter information is a<br />

prerequisite for reseeding techniques as a mechanism for promoting the restoration of<br />

corals. Equally importantly, identifying the key factors influencing the fate of coral<br />

recruits is an essential component of coral reef ecology that will ultimately assist<br />

management agencies to define clearer protocols for their future conservation throughout<br />

the world. Here we present results of research done from 2003/06 to assess the<br />

applicability, benefits and disadvantages of scleractinian coral larvae rearing and<br />

reseeding techniques on artificial substrata under laboratory conditions at Heron Island<br />

Research Station, Australia. Gravid colonies of Acropora millepora and Platygyra<br />

daedalea were collected and the predictable annual mass spawning provided access to<br />

large quantities of larvae, which were reared in aquarium facilities for six days and<br />

transferred to 70-l plastic tanks, containing three replicates of two preconditioned ceramic<br />

tile orientations (horizontal and 45°). After seven days, settled spats were taken back to<br />

the reef and monitored for growth and survival via a repeated-measure sampling<br />

technique. High rates of settlement and recruitment were observed for A. millepora<br />

planulae, supporting the viability of using laboratory-reared larvae for coral reef<br />

rehabilitation and restoration programs. However, longer-term survival rates were low,<br />

particularly after a widespread bleaching event that affected Heron Island’s reefs during<br />

summer 2006/07. Although these results are preliminary, they nevertheless support the<br />

need for ongoing research to more fully describe the ecological processes contributing<br />

towards planulae recruitment and survival as a prerequisite for restoration programs.<br />

Oral Mini-Symposium 24: Reef Restoration<br />

24-31<br />

Reef Restoration—The Good And The Bad<br />

Jere LIPPS* 1<br />

1 Integrative Biology & Museum of Paleontology, <strong>University</strong> of California--Berkeley, Berkeley,<br />

CA<br />

Little good and a lot of bad come from reef restoration. Reefs damaged by humans and nature<br />

are “restored” using unnatural materials as substrata quickly occupied by corals and fish. This<br />

is commonly considered good, for seemingly the reef has been returned to a “healthy” state; fish<br />

can be caught again and tourists return for the “beautiful reefs”. Restoration, the act of<br />

restoring to a former state, has never been accomplished on a reef; rather reefs have been<br />

manipulated to conform to particular human values without regard for the entire reef--its<br />

ecology, trophodynamics, hydrodyamics, physical or chemical characteristics of pseudosubstrata,<br />

geochemistry, nutrient supply, and even reef aesthetics among a multitude of others.<br />

People seemingly cannot leave well enough alone when it comes to reefs that have been<br />

noticeably damaged. Yet, that is exactly what reefs need—time without interference.<br />

Emotional reactions without careful analysis of the total consequences of various methods are<br />

ill-advised. Reefs evolved over millions of years in one of the harshest environments on<br />

earth—the air-water interface. They are well adapted to recover from physical damage of<br />

almost any sort. Reefs are not fragile. Thoughtful assistance would help, using materials<br />

occurring naturally within reef systems, by involving regional stakeholders in natural processes<br />

of restoration, and by stringent protection regulations and agreements. Opportunistic<br />

“restoration” by well-meaning, misguided or avaricious people without careful consideration of<br />

what really constitutes a reef is a major mistake that will eventually need restoration itself. Do<br />

we need more junk on our reefs?<br />

24-32<br />

Reef Rehabilitation At Maiton Island: The Prototype Of Rehabilitation By Using<br />

Artificial Substrate in Thailand<br />

Hansa CHANSANG* 1 , Nalinee THONGTHAM 1 , Ukkrit SATAPOOMIN 1 , Niphon<br />


1 -, Phuket Marine Biological Center, Phuket, Thailand, 2 -, Phuket Marine and Coastal<br />

Resources Conservation Center, Phuket, Thailand, 3 Burapha <strong>University</strong>, Faculty of Aquatic<br />

science, Chonburi, Thailand<br />

A pilot project on rehabilitation was carried out at reef of Maiton Island using triangular<br />

concrete modules as artificial substrate for coral settlement. The reef was physically damaged<br />

by storm and no noticeable recovery was observed after 8 years. Two hundred and twenty-five<br />

modules of 50x50x50 cm were placed covering area of 225 m 2 . The structural design for the<br />

modules was based on the objective of study complexity of module structures to reef fish<br />

colonization and coral settlement. Monitoring on development of colonization of sessile<br />

organisms especially coral and fish population have been carried out periodically.<br />

The modules had successfully increased coral recruitment. Complexity of substrate surface<br />

increased chances of coral recruitment. After 7 years, there were 16 genera of coral settled on<br />

the surfaces. The total coral cover was about 53-60% of module surface. For fish recruitment,<br />

early colonization of fishes in term of number of species and individuals were rapid with in the<br />

first 4 months. Fish assemblages did not differ among different complex modules. The fish<br />

assemblages stabilized after 7 years and 88 species of 23 genera were sighted. The development<br />

of fish assemblages correlate with increasing coral coverage on module surfaces.<br />

At present, there are 1280 modules in the reef covering the minimum area of 1280 m 2 . This<br />

artificial reef will continue to evolve and increase in community complexity. It is evaluated as a<br />

successful project considering the outcome and cost effective including labor input.<br />


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