11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University

11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University 11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University


24-1 Fates Of Restored Acropora Palmata Fragments At The M/v Fortuna Reefer Grounding Site, Mona Island Puerto Rico: Lessons Learned Over 10 Years Andrew BRUCKNER 1 , Ron HILL 2 , Robin BRUCKNER* 3 1 NOAA Coral Reef Conservation Program, NOAA, Silver Spring, MD, 2 Southeast Fishery Science Center, NOAA Fisheries, Galveston, TX, 3 Office of Habitat Conservation, NOAA Restoration Center, Silver Spring, MD Restoration of detached Acropora palmata fragments generated by the M/V Fortuna Reefer grounding off Mona Island (18°02'N; 67°51'W) was completed on October 14, 1997, three months after the grounding. Fragments (n= 1857) were secured to either reef substrates or dead standing A. palmata skeletons using stainless steel wire. Fragments experienced high rates of early mortality (57% surviving after 2 years) primarily attributed to wire breakage and removal during winter storms, overgrowth by bioeroding (clionid) sponges, disease, and predation by Coralliophila abbreviata (gastropods). Fewer than 10% (n=166) of the fragments were alive after 10 years. Most survivors resembled adult colonies with tissue covering their upper skeletal surfaces, extensive branching (mean= 5 branches, 89 cm in length), and a substantial increase in height (mean = 39 cm tall). Survivors included representatives of all size classes originally attached (15-340 cm), although the mean length of survivors (78 cm) was significantly larger than dead fragments (62 cm). Most surviving fragments were secured to the reef (70%) and oriented upright (>80%). These were 13% larger (mean=79 cm original length; current length= 120 cm) and had grown upward 14% more than fragments attached to skeletons. The most significant ongoing sources of mortality include snail predation (8%), overgrowth by sponges (6%), and disease (6%). While some fragment mortality can be directly attributed to the restoration approaches used at this site, most losses were due to disease and corallivory, two pervasive problems affecting acroporids throughout the region. Since 2001, we have documented an increase in corallivore abundance and a severe outbreak of disease; these primarily affected unrestored colonies, and have caused the loss of >95% of the colonies in surrounding areas. To improve our ability to recover and rebuild degraded acroporid populations, restoration approaches need to be combined with measures to mitigate disease and corallivory. 24-2 Gardening Coral Reefs – New Insights For Coral Reef Restoration By Using Branching Corals As Ecosystem Engineering Species Yael HOROSZOWSKI* 1,2 , Jean-Claude BRETHES 3 , Baruch RINKEVICH 1 1 National Institute of Oceanography, Israel Oceanographic & Limnological Research, Haifa, Israel, 2 ISMER, Universite du Quebec a Rimouski, Rimouski (Quebec), Canada, 3 ISMER, Universite du Quebec a Rimouski, Rimouski (Quebec), QC, Canada Many of the world’s coral reefs are experiencing a severe degradation due to anthropogenic activities that have significantly weakened the reefs’ ability to cope with disturbances. Due to the ineffectiveness of traditional measures, active restoration has now become the premiere method of rehabilitation. In past efforts, coral colonies were taken from healthy localities and transplanted into denuded areas. This, however, resulted in low survival rates and inflicted stress on donor colonies. With the aim of overcoming these pitfalls, we tested the application of the “gardening coral reefs concept,” a method inspired from forest restoration guidelines. This method involves generating and farming large stocks of new coral colonies in an in situ, floating nursery prior to their transplantation into degraded reefs. The experiment targeted a degraded zone of Eilat’s Reef, Israel. Two transplantation events were carried out: In November 2005, 550 nursery-grown colonies of two branching scleractinians (Stylophora pistillata, Pocillopora damicornis) were transplanted on five denuded knolls. In May 2007, 330 nursery-grown colonies of three branching species (S. pistillata, P. damicornis, Acropora sp.), one massive species (Favia favus) and one hydrozoan (Millepora dichotoma) were added. The first two years of monitoring revealed low mortality rates of the new transplants. The new ecological and spatial niches resulting from the autogenic engineering characteristics of the transplants were immediately colonized by coral-obligatory invertebrates. When following influences on local fish community we witnessed an increase in the habitat’s carrying capacity, reflected by higher fish abundance with no modification of the species composition. S. pistillata colonies from both transplantations released planula larvae. Thus, the nursery-grown transplants are not only reinforcing the local coral community but are also contributing to larval pool by participating in the local coral reproduction. Oral Mini-Symposium 24: Reef Restoration 24-3 Coral Transplantation in a Degraded Lagoon Environment: Differential Results of Three Species Edgardo GOMEZ* 1 , Patrick CABAITAN 1 , Helen YAP 1 1 The Marine Science Institute, University of the Philippines, Quezon City, Philippines A major challenge to restoration ecologists concerning reef corals is the determination of the appropriate species to use, and how to deploy them in the field to ensure good survival and growth. We transplanted three coral species which represent different life history strategies, viz., Montipora digitata, Porites cylindrica, and Pavona danai. Our study aims to establish viable coral populations within a range of conditions in a degraded lagoon environment (Bolinao, northwestern Philippines). The basic assumption is that prevailing environmental factors are still favorable for scleractinian survival, growth and reproduction, but that limitations probably exist in terms of potential recruitment, substrate suitability, and competition with other, established, benthic species. Degraded bommies along a gradient from sheltered to exposed conditions were used as platforms for the transplantation of branch fragments of the three species mentioned above. There was variable success ranging from high mortality for a usually fragmenting species, M. digitata, to virtually no mortality for P. cylindrica, with P. danai towards the more positive end. Growth of the transplants appeared to be better in environments that resembled more closely those of their naturally established (source) populations. The experimental treatments included variations in density and orientation of the transplants (attachment to horizontal and vertical surfaces), for which there appear to be no statistically significant differences in terms of growth and survival. 24-4 Coral Transplants As Rubble Stabilizers: A Technique To Restore And Mitigate Damaged Reefs Pablo ROJAS* 1 , Laurie RAYMUNDO 1 , Roxanna MYERS 1 1 Marine Laboratory, University of Guam, Mangilao, Guam Developing workable stabilizing techniques to mitigate the effects of coastal construction, ships groundings and destructive fishing have been challenging well-informed decision makers for the past 30 years. Coral communities reduced into rubble are less likely to provide potential substrate for recruits due to instability and have slim chances to recover. We tested the efficacy of using two species of corals with contrasting morphologies as rubble consolidators. Three experimental plots were established in a 14 m2rubble field at 15 m depth in Sumay Mound, Apra Harbor, Guam. Eighteen fragments each of Porites rus, a submassive species that forms basal plates and Porites cylindrica, an upright branching species were transplanted to each plot in June 2006. We cemented each fragment to pieces of rubble to provide minimum stability and monitored for consolidating ability, measured in survival and basal growth and branching. We hypothesized that P. rus, which is hardy and forms extensive basal plates like forming plate would be superior as a consolidator to P. cylindrica. After 13 months, growth and overall survival varied significantly between species. Survival of P. rus was 99% and 80% for P. cylindrica. Monthly mean basal growth was 0.76 mm for P. rus and 0.16 mm for P. cylindrica. Porites rus proved superior as a stabilizer due to its plate-like forming base that enhanced fragment stability. P. cylindrica failed to attach to substrate and its mortality was higher. Transplants required occasional recementing in the early stages and cleaning of seasonally abundant macroalgae. Our study demonstrated that a morphologically complex, hardy, plateforming coral species can be used to stabilize coral rubble. With minimum maintenance at posttransplantation, Porites rus established themselves within one year and showed positive growth, high survival and attachment to the substrate. 215

24-5 How Quickly Do Coral-Fragments Of Different Species ‘self-Attach’ After Transplantation? James GUEST* 1 , Rommi DIZON 2 , Chiara FRANCO 3 , Alasdair EDWARDS 1 , Edgardo GOMEZ 2 1 School of Biology, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom, 2 Marine Science Institute, University of the Philippines, Diliman, Philippines, 3 Department of Marine Science and Technology, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom Although corals regularly undergo colony fragmentation, mortality of unattached coral fragments can be high. Consequently the speed at which fragments ‘self-attach’ to substrata is likely to be critical to survival. During reef restoration interventions, coral transplants are often attached using epoxy or other adhesives, however self-attachment by growth of coral tissue onto the substrate is likely to provide a more secure and lasting bond. While it is known that coral fragments can generate new tissue to bond to the substratum within a few weeks of transplantation, surprisingly little is known about the speed of self-attachment. In this study, self-attachment times as well as growth rates and survival of transplanted fragments from thirteen coral species on replicated calcium carbonate substrata were examined experimentally in north-western Philippines. Two independent experiments were carried out. The first examined self-attachment, growth rates and survival in eleven species from different families representing a range of morphologies over approximately two years, whereas the second examined selfattachment times of three fast-attaching Acropora species in detail over one month. In the first experiment, Acropora muricata was significantly faster to self-attach (median time 39 days) compared to all other species, while Echinopora lamellosa was slowest to selfattach (median time 167 days) and was significantly slower than all other species except Porites lutea and Pavona frondifera. In the second experiment, A. muricata (branching) was significantly slower (median time 24 days) than A. hyacinthus (tabular) and A. digitifera (digitate)(median time 16 days). Results reveal that Acropora species have significantly faster attachment times than the other coral taxa studied. However branching Acropora species - which tend to fragment more frequently - do not necessarily have faster self-attachment times than other morphologies. 24-6 Restoration Of Threatened Acropora Cervicornis Corals: Clone As A Factor in Mortality, Growth, Branching, And Self-Attachment Austin BOWDEN-KERBY* 1 1 Counterpart International, Suva, Fiji The potential of farming Acropora cervicornis corals to restore this threatened species to Caribbean reefs was investigated, with particular emphasis on genetic factors relating to the relative success of culture methods. Clones from both high and low energy areas were sampled, to determine the relative importance of intraspecific variability and source environment on experimental outcomes. Corals were sampled from eight isolated Acropora cervicornis populations; thirty 10cm coral fragments obtained from each. Half of the samples were obtained from reef front coral thickets, and half were obtained from back reef areas. Fragments were attached to wire frames using colored ties to distinguish between clones, six branches per clone per frame. Sites were located in shallow back reef areas

24-5<br />

How Quickly Do Coral-Fragments Of Different Species ‘self-Attach’ After<br />

Transplantation?<br />

James GUEST* 1 , Rommi DIZON 2 , Chiara FRANCO 3 , Alasdair EDWARDS 1 , Edgardo<br />

GOMEZ 2<br />

1 School of Biology, Newcastle <strong>University</strong>, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom,<br />

2 Marine Science Institute, <strong>University</strong> of the Philippines, Diliman, Philippines,<br />

3 Department of Marine Science and Technology, Newcastle <strong>University</strong>, Newcastle upon<br />

Tyne, United Kingdom<br />

Although corals regularly undergo colony fragmentation, mortality of unattached coral<br />

fragments can be high. Consequently the speed at which fragments ‘self-attach’ to<br />

substrata is likely to be critical to survival. During reef restoration interventions, coral<br />

transplants are often attached using epoxy or other adhesives, however self-attachment by<br />

growth of coral tissue onto the substrate is likely to provide a more secure and lasting<br />

bond. While it is known that coral fragments can generate new tissue to bond to the<br />

substratum within a few weeks of transplantation, surprisingly little is known about the<br />

speed of self-attachment. In this study, self-attachment times as well as growth rates and<br />

survival of transplanted fragments from thirteen coral species on replicated calcium<br />

carbonate substrata were examined experimentally in north-western Philippines. Two<br />

independent experiments were carried out. The first examined self-attachment, growth<br />

rates and survival in eleven species from different families representing a range of<br />

morphologies over approximately two years, whereas the second examined selfattachment<br />

times of three fast-attaching Acropora species in detail over one month. In the<br />

first experiment, Acropora muricata was significantly faster to self-attach (median time<br />

39 days) compared to all other species, while Echinopora lamellosa was slowest to selfattach<br />

(median time 167 days) and was significantly slower than all other species except<br />

Porites lutea and Pavona frondifera. In the second experiment, A. muricata (branching)<br />

was significantly slower (median time 24 days) than A. hyacinthus (tabular) and A.<br />

digitifera (digitate)(median time 16 days). Results reveal that Acropora species have<br />

significantly faster attachment times than the other coral taxa studied. However branching<br />

Acropora species - which tend to fragment more frequently - do not necessarily have<br />

faster self-attachment times than other morphologies.<br />

24-6<br />

Restoration Of Threatened Acropora Cervicornis Corals: Clone As A Factor in<br />

Mortality, Growth, Branching, And Self-Attachment<br />

Austin BOWDEN-KERBY* 1<br />

1 Counterpart International, Suva, Fiji<br />

The potential of farming Acropora cervicornis corals to restore this threatened species to<br />

Caribbean reefs was investigated, with particular emphasis on genetic factors relating to<br />

the relative success of culture methods. Clones from both high and low energy areas<br />

were sampled, to determine the relative importance of intraspecific variability and source<br />

environment on experimental outcomes. Corals were sampled from eight isolated<br />

Acropora cervicornis populations; thirty 10cm coral fragments obtained from each. Half<br />

of the samples were obtained from reef front coral thickets, and half were obtained from<br />

back reef areas. Fragments were attached to wire frames using colored ties to distinguish<br />

between clones, six branches per clone per frame. Sites were located in shallow back<br />

reef areas

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