11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University

11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University

11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University


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22-46<br />

Population Genetic Structure Of A Coral Reef Ecosystem Apex Predator, The Gray<br />

Reef Shark (Carcharhinus Amblyrhynchos)<br />

Rebekah HORN* 1 , William ROBBINS 2 , Douglas MCCAULEY 3 , Philip LOBEL 4 ,<br />

Mahmood SHIVJI 1<br />

1 National Coral Reef Institute, <strong>Nova</strong> <strong>Southeastern</strong> <strong>University</strong>, Dania Beach, FL,<br />

2 Cronulla Fisheries Research Centre, NSW Department of Primary Industries, Cronulla,<br />

Bangladesh, 3 Hopkins Marine Station, Stanford <strong>University</strong>, Pacific Grove, CA, 4 Biology<br />

Department, Boston <strong>University</strong>, Boston, United States Minor Outlying Islands<br />

Sharks play a major functional role as apex predators in coral reef ecosystems, raising<br />

concerns that their ongoing overexploitation will compromise the integrity and<br />

sustainability of reefs. The gray reef shark (Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos) is a strongly<br />

coral reef associated species whose populations are known to have declined substantially<br />

in some regions. There is no information on population structure in this species to aid in<br />

their management and conservation. We are assessing genetic structure in this species by<br />

using entire mitochondrial control region sequences and 15 nuclear microsatellite loci as<br />

markers. 93 gray reef shark samples were obtained from across the species’ Indo-Pacific<br />

distribution (eastern Indian Ocean [Madagascar/Seychelles], Central Pacific [Hawaii],<br />

Southwestern Pacific (eastern Australia, Palmyra, Palau, Cocos (Keeling) Islands]).<br />

Mitochondrial (AMOVA) and microsatellite (STRUCTURE) data concordantly identify<br />

the Hawaii population as a distinct genetic group relative to other sampling locations. The<br />

microsatellite data further identify 3 distinct overall gray reef shark groups (eastern<br />

Indian Ocean, Central Pacific, and Southwestern Pacific). Our current analyses do not<br />

show any evidence of population structure among islands of the Southwestern Pacific,<br />

although this question is being further addressed with additional samples from more<br />

locations. These results show strong genetic differentiation exists in gray reef shark<br />

populations separated by expanses of open ocean, and suggest proper management of this<br />

declining species will have to occur at the very least on a regional geographic scale.<br />

22-47<br />

Population Genetic Structure Of The Parrotfish Scarus Ghobban in The Western<br />

Indian Ocean And Its Implication For Fish Stock Management<br />

Oskar HENRIKSSON* 1 , Shakil VISRAM 2 , Ruby MOOTHIEN PILLAY 3 , Sadri<br />

SAID 4 , Mats GRAHN 1<br />

1 School of life science, Sodertorns university college, Huddinge, Sweden, 2 CORDIO East<br />

Africa, Mombasa, Kenya, 3 Mauritius Oceanography Institute, Quatre Bornes, Mauritius,<br />

4 Institute of Marine Sciences, <strong>University</strong> of Dar es Salaam, Zanzibar, Tanzania<br />

Much is unknown about the population structure of fish in the Western Indian Ocean<br />

(WIO). The knowledge of the genetic structure of a population is essential for the optimal<br />

designation of fish stocks this knowledge is important for sustainable management. Most<br />

fish stocks are today defined and managed by countries and not geographical regions.<br />

However, fish populations do not adhere to political boundaries, hence neither should the<br />

management of fish stocks. This study aims to investigate the genetic structure and<br />

connectivity of Scarus ghobban which is important for subsistence fishing in the WIO.<br />

Little research has so far been conducted on S. ghobban, and for this reason not much is<br />

known of its potential for migration and the genetic connectivity between different<br />

regions. The spatial genetic variation at 16 locations has been examined: 3 sites on<br />

Mauritius, 5 sites in Tanzania and 8 sites in Kenya. Levels of population differentiation<br />

were investigated using the DNA fingerprinting method Amplified Fragment Length<br />

Polymorphisms (AFLP). Results indicate the presence of several genetically<br />

differentiated subpopulations of S. ghobban, which might need to be managed separately.<br />

The implication of this data is that the current scale of management in the region is too<br />

local. Today the foremost management regime is mainly through beach management<br />

units which operate on a scale far smaller than the size of the potential fish stocks.<br />

Oral Mini-Symposium 22: Coral Reef Associated Fisheries<br />

22-48<br />

Central Pacific Survey Reveals Lower Reef Shark Density Near Human Population<br />

Centers<br />

Marc NADON* 1 , Benjamin RICHARD 1 , Brian ZGLICZYNSKI 2 , Robert SCHROEDER 1 ,<br />

Russell BRAINARD 2<br />

1 CRED, JIMAR-NOAA-PIFSC, Honolulu, HI, 2 CRED, NOAA-PIFSC, Honolulu, HI<br />

Biennial surveys (2000-2007) of coral-reef shark populations were conducted around 50 U.S.<br />

Pacific Islands in several regions: the Hawaiian Archipelago, the Marianas Archipelago, the<br />

Line Islands, the Phoenix Islands, and the American Samoa Archipelago. Two fisheriesindependent<br />

census methods were implemented by divers: stationary point counts and toweddiver<br />

surveys. Five species of sharks were recorded in sufficient frequency to allow meaningful<br />

statistical analyses: grey reef shark (Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos), galapagos shark<br />

(Carcharhinus galapagensis), whitetip reef shark (Triaenodon obesus), blacktip reef shark<br />

(Carcharhinus melanopterus), and tawny nurse shark (Nebrius ferrugineus). Preliminary<br />

analyses showed a highly significant negative relationship between grey reef and galapagos<br />

shark densities and proximity to human population centers (e.g., proxy for potential fishing<br />

pressure and other human impacts). Average combined numerical density for these two species<br />

near population centers was less than 1% of densities recorded at the most isolated islands (e.g.,<br />

no human population, very low present or historical fishing pressure or other human activity).<br />

Even around islands with no human habitation but within reach of populated areas, gray reef<br />

and galapagos shark densities were only between 15 and 40% of the population densities around<br />

the most isolated near-pristine reefs. Trends in whitetip and blacktip reef shark numbers were<br />

similar, but less dramatic. Tawny nurse shark densities were low around most islands. This<br />

study is the first fisheries-independent large-scale survey of shark populations in the central<br />

Pacific. From our preliminary results we infer that some shark populations near human<br />

population centers are severely depleted.<br />

22-49<br />

From Depensation To Compensation: Processes That Drive The Recovery Of A Depleted<br />

Population<br />

Robert GLAZER* 1 , Gabriel DELGADO 1 , Lonny ANDERSON 2 , David HAWTOF 3 , Paul<br />

KUBILIS 4<br />

1 Fish and Wildlife Research Institute, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission,<br />

Marathon, FL, 2 Keys Marine Laboratory, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission,<br />

Layton, FL, 3 Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, Marathon, FL, 4 Program for<br />

Environmental Statistics, <strong>University</strong> of Florida, Gainseville, FL<br />

The recovery of a depleted population depends to a great extent on the interactions between life<br />

history strategies and ecological processes. Using data from a 10-year study, we show the<br />

processes that affected how a population of queen conch (Strombus gigas) recovered in the<br />

Florida Keys archipelago. We describe the progression of the recovery from its initial stages<br />

where it was at critically low densities and was dominated by depensatory processes resulting in<br />

limited reproductive encounters. As the population density increased, the proportion of the<br />

population engaged in reproductive encounters also increased; however, the area occupied by<br />

the population remained relatively constant. In 1999, when the maximum density was achieved<br />

(approximately 1,100 conch per ha), compensatory processes predominated and the area<br />

occupied by the population expanded rapidly with a concurrent and significant shift of the<br />

population into less-favorable habitat. These processes help to explain recovery of depleted or<br />

endangered species and may provide guidance to managers on how best to design protected<br />

areas.<br />


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