11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University

11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University

11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University


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Oral Mini-Symposium 20: Modeling Concepts and Processes on Coral Reefs<br />

20-5<br />

Agent-based Simulation of a Recreational Coral Reef Fishery: Linking Ecological<br />

and Social Dynamics<br />

Jennifer SHAFER* 1<br />

1 <strong>University</strong> of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI<br />

In this agent-based simulation, the ecological dynamics of a simple coral reef ecosystem<br />

are linked to the social dynamics of a recreational fisher community. The simulation<br />

captures the interaction and dynamic feedback between the ecological and social systems<br />

and how these affect fish stocks and fisher behavior. The analysis reveals the complex<br />

nature of how system-level dynamics emerge from localized individual-level behaviors.<br />

Empirically based parameter estimates and behaviors drive the energetics and ecology of<br />

the reef’s three trophic levels from the bottom-up through individual-based mechanistic<br />

rule-sets: photosynthetic turf algae grows, herbivorous fish graze while schooling and<br />

avoiding predation, and roaming piscivores hunt herbivores and patrol the reef edge.<br />

These simple individual behaviors give rise to the more complex ecological phenomena<br />

of fish schooling, carrying capacity, and population cycles. At the same time, a<br />

community of recreational fishers interacts with each other and the physical and<br />

biological components of the reef. Individual fishers assess risk and pay-off in deciding<br />

when to go fishing, find appropriate locations on the reef to set gear, and attempt to catch<br />

fish. Simple individual choices made in the dynamic reef environment result in the<br />

emergent sociological phenomena of localized resource depletion, diffusion of<br />

information and cooperation. Under a community-based management scenario where<br />

fishers have the choice to form self-organized coalitions to establish and enforce catch<br />

restrictions, the resource dilemma associated with overfishing can be overcome under<br />

certain conditions. This research provides proof-of-concept for using agent-based<br />

simulation as a versatile and powerful modeling tool for coupling biophysical and<br />

sociological processes and evaluating alternative management scenarios.<br />

20-6<br />

Models of Coral Reefs with And without Macroalgae Indicate Differential Resilience<br />

to Fishing And Anthropogenic Nutrients<br />

Tak FUNG* 1 , Robert SEYMOUR 1 , Craig JOHNSON 2<br />

1 Department of Mathematics, <strong>University</strong> College London, London, United Kingdom,<br />

2 School of Zoology, <strong>University</strong> of Tasmania, Hobart, Australia<br />

A dynamic model of a generic coral reef ecosystem is constructed using differential<br />

equations. Three benthic groups (corals, turf algae and macroalgae), three fish groups<br />

(herbivorous and small and large piscivorous fish) and one invertebrate group (sea<br />

urchins) are modeled.<br />

The model is parameterized for a pristine (no fishing) generic reef with and without<br />

macroalgae using data from the Caribbean and Indo-Pacific. Three scenarios are<br />

examined, viz. increased a) fishing pressure, b) nutrients, and c) fishing and nutrients.<br />

Nutrients increase the growth rates of both macroalgae and turf, but can have a much<br />

bigger impact on reefs with macroalgae, since macroalgal patches grow laterally over<br />

other benthic groups.<br />

For the reef without macroalgae, increased fishing pressure can give a continuous phase<br />

shift from high coral cover to high cover of turf algae. The reef with macroalgae can<br />

exhibit both continuous and discontinuous phase shifts to dominance by algae (turf and<br />

macroalgae) as fishing pressure increases. Increased nutrients also promotes algal cover,<br />

and for reefs which exhibit a discontinuous phase shift as grazer biomass decreases,<br />

nutrients can increase both the hysteresis effect (which slows recovery of coral cover)<br />

and the grazer biomass at which such a phase shift occurs. Fishing and nutrients can<br />

interact synergistically, such that a heavily fished reef with high nutrients can have high<br />

algal cover where in the presence of either factor alone, it would have low algal cover.<br />

However, in some cases, either decreased grazing or increased nutrients alone can result<br />

in high algal cover.<br />

The results suggest the need for different management strategies for mitigating the effects<br />

of fishing and nutrients on reefs with macroalgae (such as many in the Caribbean) and<br />

without macroalgae (such as typical offshore Indo-Pacific reefs).<br />

20-7<br />

Managing Uncertainties in The Development Of An Agent-Based Model Of A Complex<br />

Coral Reef Ecosystem<br />

Felimon GAYANILO* 1 , John MCMANUS 1<br />

1 National Center for Coral Reef Research, RSMAS, <strong>University</strong> of Miami, Key Biscayne, FL<br />

Agent-based modeling (ABM), an element of the Science of Complexity, is gaining acceptance<br />

in main stream ecological science as a viable tool to model complex coral reef ecosystems.<br />

Current approaches in agent-based modeling to simulate ecological changes due to<br />

anthropogenic and/or natural disturbances in a complex system, such as coral reef ecosystems,<br />

rely heavily on our ontological and epistemological understanding of the ecological network.<br />

Initialization of the model is inductive and generally, environment and rules are modified and<br />

the emergent behavior of the global system is analyzed. Coral reef science is just beginning to<br />

understand the linkages and taxonomic attributes of the elements of this diverse and complex<br />

ecosystem. These uncertainties and information gaps force researchers to rely heavily on<br />

assumed biophysical, temporal, physiological, and sociological rules. This paper addresses the<br />

effects of some of these uncertainties by comparing results of simulated scenarios executed by<br />

an ABM simulation tool, GAMET (Geographic Agent-based Marine Eco-forecasting Tool).<br />

Moreover, options are presented as to how to minimize the effects of these uncertainties,<br />

including the strengthening of a global interdisciplinary program, CARRUS (Comparative<br />

Analysis of Reef Resilience Under Stress).<br />

20-8<br />

Thresholds And The Resilience Of Caribbean Reefs Under Climate Change<br />

Peter MUMBY* 1<br />

1 School of BioSciences, <strong>University</strong> of Exeter, Exeter, United Kingdom<br />

The deteriorating health of the World’s coral reefs threatens global biodiversity, ecosystem<br />

function, and the livelihoods of millions of people living in tropical coastal regions. Reefs in the<br />

Caribbean are among the most heavily-impacted, having experienced mass disease-induced<br />

mortality of the herbivorous urchin Diadema antillarum in 1983 and two framework-building<br />

species of coral. Declining reef health is characterised by increases in macroalgae. A critical<br />

question is whether the observed macroalgal bloom on Caribbean reefs is easily reversible. To<br />

answer this question, we must resolve whether algal-dominated reefs are an alternative stable<br />

state of the ecosystem or simply the readily reversible result of a phase change along a gradient<br />

of some environmental or ecological parameter. Here, using a fully-parameterised simulation<br />

model, we show that Caribbean reefs became susceptible to alternative stable states once the<br />

urchin mortality event of 1983 confined the majority of grazing to parrotfishes. We reveal<br />

dramatic hysteresis in a natural system and define critical thresholds of grazing and coral cover<br />

beyond which resilience is lost. Most grazing thresholds lie near the upper level observed for<br />

parrotfishes in nature suggesting that reefs are highly sensitive to parrotfish exploitation.<br />

Ecosystem thresholds can be combined with stochastic models of disturbance to identify targets<br />

for the restoration of ecosystem processes. We illustrate this principle by estimating the<br />

relationship between current reef state (coral cover and grazing) and the probability that the reef<br />

will withstand moderate hurricane intensity for two decades without becoming entrained in a<br />

shift towards a stable macroalgal-dominated state. Such targets may help reef managers face the<br />

challenge of addressing global disturbance at local scales.<br />


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