11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University

11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University 11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University


Oral Mini-Symposium 19: Biogeochemical Cycles in Coral Reef Environments 19-1 Nutritional Exchange in The Anemonefish/anemone Symbiosis: Photosynthetically- Fixed Carbon Is Translocated To Host Fish Ann CLEVELAND* 1 , Alan VERDE 1 , Raymond LEE 2 1 Corning School of Ocean Studies, Maine Maritime Academy, Castine, ME, 2 School of Biological Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA The relationship between anemones and anemonefish is an oft-cited and endearing example of a mutualistic symbiosis. Current research on mutualistic symbioses suggests these relationships are more commonplace and have greater import at the ecosystem level on nutrient dynamics and evolutionary processes than previously thought. Our research examines the flow of nutrients between resident anemonefishes Amphiprion clarkii and A. perideraion and their host anemone Heteractis crispa; this study provides the first direct evidence of nutritional transfer from zooxanthellae to resident fish. Specifically we traced 1) the flow of photosynthetically-fixed carbon from zooxanthellae to resident fish and 2) the flow of ingested carbon and nitrogen from anemones to resident fish. In the photosynthetic study, anemones were incubated in seawater with 13CO2; in the carbon/nnitrogen study, anemones were fed pellets containing both 13C and 15N. After isotopic exposures, anemones were transferred to individual aquaria equipped with running seawater and paired with a resident fish. Prior to placing each fish in an aquarium and at 2, 4, 8, 16, and 24 hr after exposure to labeled anemones, the epidermis of each fish was wiped with GFC filters; after a 12 d exposure to the labeled anemones, tissue samples were collected from each fish. Filters and fish tissues were analyzed for 13C and 15N using a mass spectrometer. 13C was detected in the filters at the 2 hr timepoint and both 13C and 15N were present in fish tissue samples. Although isotopic label is transferred directly from anemone to fish epidermis via direct contact, the only mechanism for the fish tissues to accumulate the labels is by ingestion. The data suggest that fish are directly ingesting zooxanthellae expelled by the anemone and that photosynthetically-fixed carbon may be an important supplement to anemonefishes. 19-2 Continuous Measurements Of Productivity Over An Algal Reef Flat Using A Modified Eulerian Approach James FALTER* 1 , Ryan LOWE 2 , Marlin ATKINSON 1 , Stephen MONISMITH 3 , Daniel SCHAR 1 1 Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology, University of Hawaii, Kaneohe, HI, 2 School of Environmental Systems Engineering, University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia, 3 Civil and Environmental Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA We made continuous measurements of the flux of dissolved oxygen over an algaldominated reef flat community on the Kaneohe Bay Barrier Reef, Hawaii as a proxy for the instantaneous net community production (NP) of organic carbon. Fluxes were calculated from measurements of dissolved oxygen and current profiles taken from moored oxygen sensors and acoustic Doppler current profilers (ADCPs) located at points defining the vertices of a triangular control volume 250 m in length on each side. We also used conventional Lagrangian methods of estimating NP by following drifters and dye patches. Comparison with conventional Lagrangian methods of estimating NP were excellent when tracking water with dye patches, however, the use of surface drogues over-predicted NP. Continuous measurement of daily integrated Production (P) and integrated community Respiration (R) reveal that R varies with P on short time scales in response to changing light conditions; thus indicating the predominance of autotrophic respiration in this plant-dominated reef community. At seasonal time scales, P and R are well matched in late fall and winter, however, P:R become significantly greater than 1 in summer. In addition, light utilization efficiencies were significantly greater in summer than late fall. 19-3 Nitrogen Dynamics on a Post-bleaching Reef Glen HOLMES* 1 , Ron JOHNSTONE 1 1 The University of Queensland, St Lucia, Australia Understanding the dynamics of coral reef nutrients, particularly nitrogen, following a coral mortality event is imperative for the prediction of further possible changes on the impacted reef as well as for the identification of potential management interventions. This is particularly pertinent in view of the continued trend towards the increased frequency and geographic extent of coral mortality events. This study investigated the dynamics of nitrogen associated with microbial communities that develop on coral skeletons following bleaching induced mortality using both the acetylene reduction and isotopic nitrogen techniques. The results show that nitrogen fixation activity increases dramatically in the initial three months following coral mortality with fixation rates as much as an order of magnitude higher than those observed on hard substrate material throughout the study sites. Rates of ethylene conversion up to 705 µmol.m-2.hr-1 were observed on Montastrea faveolata skeletons while nitrogen fixation rates using 15N of up to 144 µmol N2.m-2.hr-1 were observed on Acropora aspera skeletons. These rates are higher than previously reported for coral reefs. Nitrogen fixation activity was found to be influenced by environmental parameters such as nutrient loading and light levels. The results also suggest that the microbes persisting from the pre-bleached coral may influence the dynamics of the microbial community developing on the newly dead coral skeletons. The observed rates of nitrogen fixation following bleaching induced coral mortality may potentially be sufficient to singularly direct an affected ecosystem towards a phase change from a coral to algal dominance. 19-4 Nitrogen Fixation in Coral Reef Environments Beatriz CASARETO* 1,2 , Loic CHARPY 3 , Marie Jose LANGLADE 4 , Yoshimi SUZUKI 1 1 Graduate School of Science and Technology, Shizuoka University, Shizuoka, Japan, 2 Laboratory of Aquatic Science, Tokyo, Japan, 3 IRD, CENTRE D fOCEANOLOGIE DE MARSEILLE, Marseille, France, 4 IRD CENTRE D fOCEANOLOGIE DE MARSEILLE, Marseille, France Coral reefs are sites of high nitrogen fixation activity. Marine cyanobacteria are major contributors of nitrogen fixation in coral reefs. In coral reefs cyanobacteria can be found in very diverse environments: in the water column, in the sandy bottom, on coral gravels as endolithic and epilithic forms, or forming microbial mats. The high diversity of cyanobacteria in coral reefs shows their adaptative capacity to live in these nutrient limited environments. The purpose of the present research is to evaluate N2 fixation rates in different environments of the coral reefs and their contribution to the primary production of the total ecosystem. Two different fringing coral reef sites were studied: Sesoko at Okinawa, Japan and La Reunion at the Indian Ocean. N2 fixation and primary production rates were measured using 13C and 15N fixation techniques. Time series incubations were done in order to asses N2 fixation during the night (dark period) and day time. Measurements were done in sandy bottom, coral gravels and cyanobacteria mats. N2 fixation in sandy bottom varied from 2 to 8 µmol N/mg Chl-a with 2.5 to 12% contribution to the primary production. In coral gravels it ranged from 0.5 to 12 µmol N/mg Chl-a with 6 to 26% contribution to primary production, while in cyanobacteria mats it varied between 9 to 240 µmol N/mg Chl-a with contributions of 5 to 21% to the primary production. Differences in N2 fixation rates between daytime and nighttime were found in all the studied environments. Moreover the presence of both heterocystous possessing and nonheterocystous possessing cyanobacteria indicates that N2 fixation and primary production were separated in time (day and night) and space (presence of heterocystous) due to oxygen sensitivity of the nitrogenase enzyme. 163

Oral Mini-Symposium 19: Biogeochemical Cycles in Coral Reef Environments 19-5 Cyanobacteria Mats in Two Shallow Coral Reef Ecosystems: La Reunion (Sw Indian Ocan) And Sesoko (Okinawa, Nw Pacific Ocean) Charpy LOIC* 1 , Casareto BEATRIZ 2 , Langlade MARIE JOSÉ 3 , Suzuki YOSHIMI 4 , Palinska KATARZYNA 5 , Golubic STJEPKO 6 1 IRD, Marseille, France, 2 Laboratory of Aquatic Science and Consultan, Tokyo, Japan, 3 IRD, Marseille, France, Metropolitan, 4 Shizuoka University, Shizuoka, Japan, 5 University of Oldenburg, Oldenburg, Germany, 6 Boston University, Boston, MA Various types of microbial mats are present in Okinawa and La Reunion coral reef ecosystems. The heterocystous Nodularia and non-heterocystous Leptolyngbya cyanobacteria were present in the two ecosystems. Many mats contained a mixture of different morphotypes. Using the acetylene reduction technique, nitrogenase activity was observed in all the tested mats. The conversion ratio of ethylene to N (C2H2:N2) calculated from 15N2 method ranged between 1.1 and 5.8. Nitrogen fixation by Nodularia, Hydrocoleum lyngbyaceum and Hydrocoleum cantharidosmum mats were particularly high at Sesoko compared with literature data. Nitrogen fixation represented between 5% (Leptolyngbya ) to 21% (Hydrocoleum cantharidosmum ) of that required for primary production measured using 13C uptake and C:N ratio. 19-6 Functional Role Of Crustose Coralline Algae in Nutrient Dynamics Of Coral Reef Ecosystem Yeong Shyan YUEN* 1 , Seitaro S. YAMAZAKI 1 , Takashi NAKAMURA 1,2 , Hideo YAMASAKI 1 1 Faculty of Science, University of the Ryukyus, Okinawa, Japan, 2 Amakusa Mar. Biol. Lab., Kyushu University, Kumamoto, Japan Coral reefs worldwide, especially those located near the coastline are constantly being subjected to anthropogenic nutrient input. This anthropogenic nutrient input generally increases the nitrogenous compound concentrations in seawater. This is in contrast with the paradigm that coral reefs thrive best in oligotrophic waters. Accordingly, the study of biogeochemical of nitrogen cycle in reef ecosystems should consider this increasing eutrophication phenomenon. In addition, crustose coralline algae (CCA), a main reefbuilder, have been overlooked when it comes to the study of organisms involved in the major nitrogen cycle processes. CCA is well known for its important role in reefbuilding, inducer for invertebrates’ larval settlement and metamorphosis as well as primary producer. In this study, we consider CCA as a combination of the algal component and its calcium carbonate substratum. Here, we report the NH4 + and NO3 - uptake activities by CCA and the organisms involved in these activities. Laboratory experiments on the nutrients uptake involved the incubation of CCA in seawater containing a spike of nutrient and monitor its depletion. Organisms involved in nutrients uptake was identified using molecular biological approach. Our results show that microbial consortium residing in the substratum plays a major role in nitrogen cycle processes in the CCA system. The substratum covered by CCA would create a low oxygen concentration environment as well as anoxic environment, which is ideal for the growth of various microbes. Our finding leads us to conclude that CCA is an important functional group involved in the nutrient dynamics in coral reef ecosystems. 19-7 Nitrogen Dynamics in Symbiotic Relationships in Corals Kazuyo SHIROMA* 1 , Yoshimi SUZUKI 1 , Kazuhiro DAIGO 1 , Sylvain AGOSTINI 1 , M.F. M. FAIROZ 1 , Beatriz E. CASARETO 1,2 1 Shizuoka University, Shizuoka, Japan, 2 Laboratory of Aquatic Science, Tokyo, Japan Symbiotic systems in corals are found to be complex and diverse today. The components are not only corals and zooxanthellae but algae and bacteria also have important roles in/on corals. The systems sustain coral symbiosis with nitrogen cycling in oligotrophic environment. Empirical data have demonstrated imbalance of nitrogen budget that contributed in the symbiotic relationships with measurement such as nutrients in seawater and nitrogen isotope in corals. These studies found that besides external resources, internal resources are used in coral symbiosis. Isotope technique enables determination of external resource usage or translocation of nitrogen from symbionts to corals without facing to nitrogen conservation issues. However, the calculation used today overestimate uptake rate by coral symbiosis since only uptake but not excrete rates are considered. If the assimilation of ammonium only contribute 10 % of nitrogen required by zooxanthellae, nitrogen cycle in corals are underestimated. Here, we propose possible methods to evaluate internal and external nitrogen cycles found in symbiotic systems in corals. By introducing C and N stable isotopes into seawater simultaneously, we found that uptake ratios fluctuate, possibly caused by variation in internal resource availability to coral symbiosis. In the future, mathematical model is built to develop as a tool to predict nitrogen dynamics in coral reefs with environmental data. Construction of mathematical model of the symbiosis become useful tool to predict fluctuations of symbiotic relationships in corals those are vulnerable to environmental changes. 19-8 Dissolved Organic Carbon Dynamics and Microbial activity in Tropical and Sub-tropical Coral Reefs Fairoz M F M * 1 , Forest ROHWER 2 , Yoshimi SUZUKI 1 , Beatriz CASARETO 3 1 Global Biogeochemistry Lab, Shizuoka University, Japan, Shizuoka, Japan, 2 Biology Department, San Diego State University, U.S.A., San Diego, CA, 3 Laboratory of Aquatic Research and Consultants (Pvt) Ltd., Tokyo, Japan, Tokyo, Japan The marine microbial food web is supported by dissolved organic carbon (DOC). Yet very few measurements of DOC have been made on coral reefs and the relationship between DOC, microbial activity, and macro-organisms in reef environment is not well understood. In previous studies we have shown that additions of labile DOC kill corals. In this study, DOC, nutrients and coral reef characters were measured on Sri Lankan reefs and compared with similar measurements from the Caribbean, Line Islands, Bermuda, and Japan. The water chemistry analysis and reefs surveys were performed using JGOFS and Reef Check protocols, respectively. On the northern Sri Lanka coral reef, the DOC levels were high with low nutrient levels. These conditions correlated with higher coral and lower algae cover. DOC levels were lower and nutrient levels were higher at reefs in southern region, which had low live coral and higher algae cover. However, this is significant variation in the general trends. We suggest that the biogeochemical origin and fate of labile fraction of DOC in coral reef will be important to describe the interactions between microbial activity and coral stress. 164

Oral Mini-Symposium 19: Biogeochemical Cycles in Coral Reef Environments<br />

19-1<br />

Nutritional Exchange in The Anemonefish/anemone Symbiosis: Photosynthetically-<br />

Fixed Carbon Is Translocated To Host Fish<br />

Ann CLEVELAND* 1 , Alan VERDE 1 , Raymond LEE 2<br />

1 Corning School of Ocean Studies, Maine Maritime Academy, Castine, ME, 2 School of<br />

Biological Sciences, Washington State <strong>University</strong>, Pullman, WA<br />

The relationship between anemones and anemonefish is an oft-cited and endearing<br />

example of a mutualistic symbiosis. Current research on mutualistic symbioses suggests<br />

these relationships are more commonplace and have greater import at the ecosystem level<br />

on nutrient dynamics and evolutionary processes than previously thought. Our research<br />

examines the flow of nutrients between resident anemonefishes Amphiprion clarkii and<br />

A. perideraion and their host anemone Heteractis crispa; this study provides the first<br />

direct evidence of nutritional transfer from zooxanthellae to resident fish. Specifically<br />

we traced 1) the flow of photosynthetically-fixed carbon from zooxanthellae to resident<br />

fish and 2) the flow of ingested carbon and nitrogen from anemones to resident fish. In<br />

the photosynthetic study, anemones were incubated in seawater with 13CO2; in the<br />

carbon/nnitrogen study, anemones were fed pellets containing both 13C and 15N. After<br />

isotopic exposures, anemones were transferred to individual aquaria equipped with<br />

running seawater and paired with a resident fish. Prior to placing each fish in an<br />

aquarium and at 2, 4, 8, 16, and 24 hr after exposure to labeled anemones, the epidermis<br />

of each fish was wiped with GFC filters; after a 12 d exposure to the labeled anemones,<br />

tissue samples were collected from each fish. Filters and fish tissues were analyzed for<br />

13C and 15N using a mass spectrometer. 13C was detected in the filters at the 2 hr<br />

timepoint and both 13C and 15N were present in fish tissue samples. Although isotopic<br />

label is transferred directly from anemone to fish epidermis via direct contact, the only<br />

mechanism for the fish tissues to accumulate the labels is by ingestion. The data suggest<br />

that fish are directly ingesting zooxanthellae expelled by the anemone and that<br />

photosynthetically-fixed carbon may be an important supplement to anemonefishes.<br />

19-2<br />

Continuous Measurements Of Productivity Over An Algal Reef Flat Using A<br />

Modified Eulerian Approach<br />

James FALTER* 1 , Ryan LOWE 2 , Marlin ATKINSON 1 , Stephen MONISMITH 3 ,<br />

Daniel SCHAR 1<br />

1 Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology, <strong>University</strong> of Hawaii, Kaneohe, HI, 2 School of<br />

Environmental Systems Engineering, <strong>University</strong> of Western Australia, Perth, Australia,<br />

3 Civil and Environmental Engineering, Stanford <strong>University</strong>, Stanford, CA<br />

We made continuous measurements of the flux of dissolved oxygen over an algaldominated<br />

reef flat community on the Kaneohe Bay Barrier Reef, Hawaii as a proxy for<br />

the instantaneous net community production (NP) of organic carbon. Fluxes were<br />

calculated from measurements of dissolved oxygen and current profiles taken from<br />

moored oxygen sensors and acoustic Doppler current profilers (ADCPs) located at points<br />

defining the vertices of a triangular control volume 250 m in length on each side. We<br />

also used conventional Lagrangian methods of estimating NP by following drifters and<br />

dye patches. Comparison with conventional Lagrangian methods of estimating NP were<br />

excellent when tracking water with dye patches, however, the use of surface drogues<br />

over-predicted NP. Continuous measurement of daily integrated Production (P) and<br />

integrated community Respiration (R) reveal that R varies with P on short time scales in<br />

response to changing light conditions; thus indicating the predominance of autotrophic<br />

respiration in this plant-dominated reef community. At seasonal time scales, P and R are<br />

well matched in late fall and winter, however, P:R become significantly greater than 1 in<br />

summer. In addition, light utilization efficiencies were significantly greater in summer<br />

than late fall.<br />

19-3<br />

Nitrogen Dynamics on a Post-bleaching Reef<br />

Glen HOLMES* 1 , Ron JOHNSTONE 1<br />

1 The <strong>University</strong> of Queensland, St Lucia, Australia<br />

Understanding the dynamics of coral reef nutrients, particularly nitrogen, following a coral<br />

mortality event is imperative for the prediction of further possible changes on the impacted reef<br />

as well as for the identification of potential management interventions. This is particularly<br />

pertinent in view of the continued trend towards the increased frequency and geographic extent<br />

of coral mortality events. This study investigated the dynamics of nitrogen associated with<br />

microbial communities that develop on coral skeletons following bleaching induced mortality<br />

using both the acetylene reduction and isotopic nitrogen techniques. The results show that<br />

nitrogen fixation activity increases dramatically in the initial three months following coral<br />

mortality with fixation rates as much as an order of magnitude higher than those observed on<br />

hard substrate material throughout the study sites. Rates of ethylene conversion up to 705<br />

µmol.m-2.hr-1 were observed on Montastrea faveolata skeletons while nitrogen fixation rates<br />

using 15N of up to 144 µmol N2.m-2.hr-1 were observed on Acropora aspera skeletons. These<br />

rates are higher than previously reported for coral reefs. Nitrogen fixation activity was found to<br />

be influenced by environmental parameters such as nutrient loading and light levels. The<br />

results also suggest that the microbes persisting from the pre-bleached coral may influence the<br />

dynamics of the microbial community developing on the newly dead coral skeletons. The<br />

observed rates of nitrogen fixation following bleaching induced coral mortality may potentially<br />

be sufficient to singularly direct an affected ecosystem towards a phase change from a coral to<br />

algal dominance.<br />

19-4<br />

Nitrogen Fixation in Coral Reef Environments<br />

Beatriz CASARETO* 1,2 , Loic CHARPY 3 , Marie Jose LANGLADE 4 , Yoshimi SUZUKI 1<br />

1 Graduate School of Science and Technology, Shizuoka <strong>University</strong>, Shizuoka, Japan,<br />

2 Laboratory of Aquatic Science, Tokyo, Japan, 3 IRD, CENTRE D fOCEANOLOGIE DE<br />


Marseille, France<br />

Coral reefs are sites of high nitrogen fixation activity. Marine cyanobacteria are major<br />

contributors of nitrogen fixation in coral reefs. In coral reefs cyanobacteria can be found in very<br />

diverse environments: in the water column, in the sandy bottom, on coral gravels as endolithic<br />

and epilithic forms, or forming microbial mats. The high diversity of cyanobacteria in coral<br />

reefs shows their adaptative capacity to live in these nutrient limited environments. The purpose<br />

of the present research is to evaluate N2 fixation rates in different environments of the coral<br />

reefs and their contribution to the primary production of the total ecosystem. Two different<br />

fringing coral reef sites were studied: Sesoko at Okinawa, Japan and La Reunion at the Indian<br />

Ocean. N2 fixation and primary production rates were measured using 13C and 15N fixation<br />

techniques. Time series incubations were done in order to asses N2 fixation during the night<br />

(dark period) and day time. Measurements were done in sandy bottom, coral gravels and<br />

cyanobacteria mats. N2 fixation in sandy bottom varied from 2 to 8 µmol N/mg Chl-a with 2.5<br />

to 12% contribution to the primary production. In coral gravels it ranged from 0.5 to 12 µmol<br />

N/mg Chl-a with 6 to 26% contribution to primary production, while in cyanobacteria mats it<br />

varied between 9 to 240 µmol N/mg Chl-a with contributions of 5 to 21% to the primary<br />

production. Differences in N2 fixation rates between daytime and nighttime were found in all<br />

the studied environments. Moreover the presence of both heterocystous possessing and nonheterocystous<br />

possessing cyanobacteria indicates that N2 fixation and primary production were<br />

separated in time (day and night) and space (presence of heterocystous) due to oxygen<br />

sensitivity of the nitrogenase enzyme.<br />


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