11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University

11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University 11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University


Oral Mini-Symposium 17: Emerging Techniques in Remote Sensing and Geospatial Analysis 17-25 A Novel Model Framework For Predicting Organismal Distributions Across The Seascape Using Gis Topographic Metrics And Benthic Habitat Associations. Brian WALKER* 1 1 National Coral Reef Institute, Nova Southeastern University Oceanographic Center, Dania Beach, FL Increased topographic complexity has been linked to increased species diversity and/or abundance in many ecological communities including coral reefs. Several topographic metrics can be measured remotely in GIS using high resolution bathymetry including elevation, surface rugosity, and seafloor volume within specified areas. Statistical relationships between these data and organismal distributions within mapped habitats can be used to make predictions across the entire bathymetric dataset. In this study a model framework is presented which determines statistically significant relationships between reef fish abundance and species richness and GIS topographic complexity measurements for samples within similar benthic habitats. Predictions from these relationships for each habitat were then projected to create GIS-based prediction maps of abundance and species richness for the entire seascape. Reef fish associations with GIS topographic metrics were significant and varied between habitats. Model evaluation showed that patterns in the measured data emerged in the prediction data. The results allow for viewing of data trends throughout the seascape, quantification of assemblages in nonsampled areas, and statistical comparisons of areas within the region to support and guide management related decisions. This model framework can be adapted to other communities (e.g. benthic organisms) and/or parameters (e.g. diversity) that relate to topographic complexity. 17-26 An Investigation Of Reef Fish Community Modelling With Geostatistical Methods Jeanne DE MAZIERES* 1 , James COMLEY 2 1 School of Marine Studies, University of the South Pacific, Suva, Fiji, 2 Institute of Applied Science, University of the South Pacific, Suva, Fiji The objective of this study was to determine the spatial distribution of reef fish communities according to the habitat types of the Coral Coast, Fiji Islands by using geostatistical analysis methods. The Coral Coast is located on the south coast of Viti Levu, Fiji’s main island which is bordered by a fringing reef about 80 km long. The study area was divided into 22 geomorphological reef units where biological data were previously collected. Substrate cover and fish counts were obtained for a total of 312 transects. Data were processed and a spatial database was created including the location of the surveyed transects associated with quantitative and qualitative information on substrate cover, habitat type and fish family abundance. We worked with six classes of habitats (sand, rubble, bedrock, macroalgae, seagrass and live coral) which were distinguished according to thresholds of 20% for the biotic substrate and 50% for the abiotic. Nine fish families were selected due to their importance for the fisheries and as reef health indicators. We conducted batches of exploratory and multivariate statistical tests to identify distinct and significant patterns of fish assemblage distribution at both scales of the reef system and the reef unit. The overall results showed that sand, seagrass and live coral habitats hosted significantly different communities. We then determined the fish families which were characteristic of those habitats. Their distribution was predicted at the reef unit scale by using the cokriging geostatistical model which allowed multivariate interpolation and estimation of prediction error. It seemed that the quality of the estimations varied highly depending on the reef unit and the family. Used as a complement to the others available tools, this geostatistical model might provide a useful support for decision-making and management of the reef resources. 17-27 Predictive Habitat Mapping Of Deep Or Turbid Coral Reefs Using An Ecological Modelling Approach With Multibeam Data Ben RADFORD* 1 , Kimberly VAN NIEL 1 , Karen HOLMES 1,2 , Gary KENDRICK 3 , Jessica MEEUWIG 3 , Euan HARVEY 3 1 School of Earth and Geographical Sciences, University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia, 2 Centre for Ecohydrology, University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia, 3 Botany, University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia In the past coral reef mapping using forms of remotely sensed data (such as satellite imagery, aerial photography) has been largely been limited areas shallower 30 meters of water depth because of light availability. However in resent years this has changed with in the introduction of sensors that can collect high resolution “Multibeam” sonar data. Multibeam sonar provides the potential to map at broad scale by providing high resolution bathymetric and substrate information from water depths of 20 to over 60 meters, When combined with an ecological modelling approach, multibeam and towed video imagery provide the basis for mapping living coral on deep or turbid coral reefs. Here we outline this approach integrating data capture with analysis methods and ecological theory. We demonstrate this mapping method using deeper coral reefs areas from the Abrolhos Islands, Western Australia. This mapping approach involved a number of stages: (1) collecting and processing of raw data, (2) extensive secondary modelling on primary data, such as bathymetry, to develop spatial surfaces which are relevant to both the physical (e.g. h) and biotic aspects of a site, (3) integrating spatial surfaces and in situ information, (4) the development of predictive habitat models, and (5) the spatial extension of the in situ data to the unknown areas using the predictive models. Each of these steps is essential to build realistic spatially explicit models of reef substrate and major biotic groups. Predictive modelling methods were used to explore the data and final predictions were developed using a novel approach of merging multiple biotic predictions. This framework facilitated development of high accuracy maps of hard coral distribution (and other important biotic groups) were traditional spectral remote sensing would fail. 17-28 Seafloor Characterization Using Multibeam and Optical Data at French Frigate Shoals, Northwestern Hawaiian Islands Jonathan WEISS* 1 , Joyce MILLER 1 , John ROONEY 1 1 Joint Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Research, University of Hawaii, and NOAA Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center, Honolulu, HI Multibeam bathymetry, backscatter, and optical data collected by NOAA’s Coral Reef Ecosystem Division are used to create maps of seafloor habitats on the bank top at French Frigate Shoals in water depths ranging from

Oral Mini-Symposium 17: Emerging Techniques in Remote Sensing and Geospatial Analysis 17-29 Semi-Automated Classification Of Acoustic & Optical Remotely Sensed Imagery in The U.s. Caribbean Bryan COSTA* 1 , Tim BATTISTA 1 , Charles MENZA 1 1 Biogeography Branch, NOAA/NOS/NCCOS/CCMA, Silver Spring, MD Benthic habitat mapping supports ecosystem-based management objectives by contributing to the development of detailed species utilization models linking physical habitats with biological information. Marine habitats deeper than 30 meters have been successfully characterized by conducting heads-up digitizing of acoustic and optical remotely sensed imagery. These resulting maps, however, are subjective and ultimately irreproducible because they depend on the accuracy and interpretation of the person that is digitizing. Here we semi-automate the seafloor feature extraction and classification process using high-resolution MBES and LiDAR data as well as underwater images collected off the coast of western Puerto Rico. Alternative approaches were used to identify and extract seafloor features at relevant spatial and thematic scales. The accuracy of these mid to deep-water benthic habitat maps were validated using georeferenced underwater imagery. The ability to quickly and objectively create benthic habitat maps would allow scientists and resource managers to better quantify and assess the changing health of mid to deep-water coral reef ecosystems. 17-30 Mapping Marine Habitats in The Largest Reef Area Of Southern Atlantic: The Abrolhos Bank, Brazil Daniel KLEIN 1 , Alex BASTOS 2 , Guilherme DUTRA* 3 , John MUSINSKY 4 , Ruy KIKUCHI 5 , Rodrigo MOURA 6 1 Marine Management Areas Science Program, Conservation International / UFBA, Caravelas, Brazil, 2 Laboratório de Oceanografia Geológica, DERN, UFES, Vitória, Brazil, 3 Marine Program, Conservation International Brazil, Salvador, Brazil, 4 CABS, Conservation International, Arlington, VA, 5 Centro de Pesquisas em Geofísica e Geologia, UFBA, Salvador, Brazil, 6 Marine Program, Conservation International Brazil, Caravelas, Bahia, Brazil The Abrolhos Bank is the largest and richest coral reef area in the South Atlantic, covering 46,000 km 2 of shallow waters (up to 100 m deep) in the Northeastern Brazilian Continental Shelf. The region bears a mosaic of estuaries, mangrove forests and coralline reefs, as well as rodolith, grass, algae and muddy beds. Despite its importance, most of the bank remains unmapped in terms of the extension and distribution of its habitats, with the exception of emergent coralline reefs mapped in coarse scale with remote sensing (TM Landsat). This situation represents a major impediment for effective conservation planning, zoning and monitoring of marine managed areas. The project described herein is producing finer scale maps covering Abrolhos’ main marine habitats with use of side scan sonar (Edgetech) surveys at two different scales: 1) East-West transects from shallow areas (20 m) to the shelf break, each transect spaced by 10 km (100 kHz); 2) finer scale mapping between the initial transects, in areas with hard bottom structures and higher habitat heterogeneity (500 kHz). Subsequent ground truth with targeted SCUBA dives, ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle) and bottom grabbers are assisting habitat classification. Preliminary results are showing extensive areas of unmapped reefs (hard structures), as well as a great habitat diversity in inter-reefal areas. Paleochannels and other more isolated depressions were also recorded and observed along the Bank’s plains. Habitats’ maps resulting from these surveys will be critical for developing strategies for the sustainable use of the region’s unique seascape. 17-31 Single Beam Acoustic Remote Sensing For Coral Reef Mapping Arthur GLEASON* 1 , Pamela REID 1 , Todd KELLISON 2 1 Marine Geology and Geophysics, University of Miami / RSMAS, Miami, FL, 2 NOAA Southeast Fisheries Science Center, Miami, FL Coral reef habitats that cannot be mapped with optical techniques are both extensive and ecologically important. For example, over 55% of the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary (about 1540 square nautical miles) has not been mapped due to water depth or clarity limitations. Acoustic mapping systems are the natural solution to mapping optically deep water, and inexpensive commercial single beam seabed mapping systems are available. Several studies have used commercial single beam systems to map coral reefs, but basic questions about what substrates can be reliably distinguished and how consistent classification schemes are in different areas have not been systematically explored. We have used one commercial system, the Quester Tangent Series V (QTCV) to begin answering such questions. QTCV datasets from the Florida Keys, USA, the Bahamas, and Navassa Island reveal that rock and sediment are almost always reliably distinguished and that sediment grain size and high seabed relief are other factors captured by classification results. Moderate resolution (~100 m transect spacing) surveys in the Florida Keys are sufficient to delineate the extent of outlier reefs and to differentiate two distinct outlier reef morphologies: patches and linear ridges. Due to their low cost and portability, single beam systems can play a valuable role in coral reef mapping efforts, efficiently providing rapid reconnaissance and moderate resolution habitat maps of large areas. 17-32 Characterization And Monitoring Of Insular Shelf Reefs in Optically-Deep Waters Roy ARMSTRONG* 1 , Maria CARDONA 1 , Hanumant SINGH 2 , Sara RIVERO 1 , Fernando GILBES 1 1 University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez, Puerto Rico, 2 Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA Although remote sensing technology is a useful tool for monitoring shallow (

Oral Mini-Symposium 17: Emerging Techniques in Remote Sensing and Geospatial Analysis<br />

17-29<br />

Semi-Automated Classification Of Acoustic & Optical Remotely Sensed Imagery in<br />

The U.s. Caribbean<br />

Bryan COSTA* 1 , Tim BATTISTA 1 , Charles MENZA 1<br />

1 Biogeography Branch, NOAA/NOS/NCCOS/CCMA, Silver Spring, MD<br />

Benthic habitat mapping supports ecosystem-based management objectives by<br />

contributing to the development of detailed species utilization models linking physical<br />

habitats with biological information. Marine habitats deeper than 30 meters have been<br />

successfully characterized by conducting heads-up digitizing of acoustic and optical<br />

remotely sensed imagery. These resulting maps, however, are subjective and ultimately<br />

irreproducible because they depend on the accuracy and interpretation of the person that<br />

is digitizing. Here we semi-automate the seafloor feature extraction and classification<br />

process using high-resolution MBES and LiDAR data as well as underwater images<br />

collected off the coast of western Puerto Rico. Alternative approaches were used to<br />

identify and extract seafloor features at relevant spatial and thematic scales. The<br />

accuracy of these mid to deep-water benthic habitat maps were validated using<br />

georeferenced underwater imagery. The ability to quickly and objectively create benthic<br />

habitat maps would allow scientists and resource managers to better quantify and assess<br />

the changing health of mid to deep-water coral reef ecosystems.<br />

17-30<br />

Mapping Marine Habitats in The Largest Reef Area Of Southern Atlantic: The<br />

Abrolhos Bank, Brazil<br />

Daniel KLEIN 1 , Alex BASTOS 2 , Guilherme DUTRA* 3 , John MUSINSKY 4 , Ruy<br />

KIKUCHI 5 , Rodrigo MOURA 6<br />

1 Marine Management Areas Science Program, Conservation International / UFBA,<br />

Caravelas, Brazil, 2 Laboratório de Oceanografia Geológica, DERN, UFES, Vitória,<br />

Brazil, 3 Marine Program, Conservation International Brazil, Salvador, Brazil, 4 CABS,<br />

Conservation International, Arlington, VA, 5 Centro de Pesquisas em Geofísica e<br />

Geologia, UFBA, Salvador, Brazil, 6 Marine Program, Conservation International Brazil,<br />

Caravelas, Bahia, Brazil<br />

The Abrolhos Bank is the largest and richest coral reef area in the South Atlantic,<br />

covering 46,000 km 2 of shallow waters (up to 100 m deep) in the Northeastern Brazilian<br />

Continental Shelf. The region bears a mosaic of estuaries, mangrove forests and coralline<br />

reefs, as well as rodolith, grass, algae and muddy beds. Despite its importance, most of<br />

the bank remains unmapped in terms of the extension and distribution of its habitats, with<br />

the exception of emergent coralline reefs mapped in coarse scale with remote sensing<br />

(TM Landsat). This situation represents a major impediment for effective conservation<br />

planning, zoning and monitoring of marine managed areas. The project described herein<br />

is producing finer scale maps covering Abrolhos’ main marine habitats with use of side<br />

scan sonar (Edgetech) surveys at two different scales: 1) East-West transects from<br />

shallow areas (20 m) to the shelf break, each transect spaced by 10 km (100 kHz); 2)<br />

finer scale mapping between the initial transects, in areas with hard bottom structures and<br />

higher habitat heterogeneity (500 kHz). Subsequent ground truth with targeted SCUBA<br />

dives, ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle) and bottom grabbers are assisting habitat<br />

classification. Preliminary results are showing extensive areas of unmapped reefs (hard<br />

structures), as well as a great habitat diversity in inter-reefal areas. Paleochannels and<br />

other more isolated depressions were also recorded and observed along the Bank’s plains.<br />

Habitats’ maps resulting from these surveys will be critical for developing strategies for<br />

the sustainable use of the region’s unique seascape.<br />

17-31<br />

Single Beam Acoustic Remote Sensing For Coral Reef Mapping<br />

Arthur GLEASON* 1 , Pamela REID 1 , Todd KELLISON 2<br />

1 Marine Geology and Geophysics, <strong>University</strong> of Miami / RSMAS, Miami, FL, 2 NOAA<br />

Southeast Fisheries Science Center, Miami, FL<br />

Coral reef habitats that cannot be mapped with optical techniques are both extensive and<br />

ecologically important. For example, over 55% of the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary<br />

(about 1540 square nautical miles) has not been mapped due to water depth or clarity<br />

limitations. Acoustic mapping systems are the natural solution to mapping optically deep water,<br />

and inexpensive commercial single beam seabed mapping systems are available. Several studies<br />

have used commercial single beam systems to map coral reefs, but basic questions about what<br />

substrates can be reliably distinguished and how consistent classification schemes are in<br />

different areas have not been systematically explored. We have used one commercial system,<br />

the Quester Tangent Series V (QTCV) to begin answering such questions. QTCV datasets from<br />

the Florida Keys, USA, the Bahamas, and Navassa Island reveal that rock and sediment are<br />

almost always reliably distinguished and that sediment grain size and high seabed relief are<br />

other factors captured by classification results. Moderate resolution (~100 m transect spacing)<br />

surveys in the Florida Keys are sufficient to delineate the extent of outlier reefs and to<br />

differentiate two distinct outlier reef morphologies: patches and linear ridges. Due to their low<br />

cost and portability, single beam systems can play a valuable role in coral reef mapping efforts,<br />

efficiently providing rapid reconnaissance and moderate resolution habitat maps of large areas.<br />

17-32<br />

Characterization And Monitoring Of Insular Shelf Reefs in Optically-Deep Waters<br />

Roy ARMSTRONG* 1 , Maria CARDONA 1 , Hanumant SINGH 2 , Sara RIVERO 1 , Fernando<br />

GILBES 1<br />

1 <strong>University</strong> of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez, Puerto Rico, 2 Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution,<br />

Woods Hole, MA<br />

Although remote sensing technology is a useful tool for monitoring shallow (

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