11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University

11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University 11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University


Oral Mini-Symposium 16: Ecosystem Assessment and Monitoring of Coral Reefs - New Technologies and Approaches 16-9 Integrating Satellite and In Situ Light, Wind and Temperature Data for Ecological Forecasting of Coral Bleaching at Four Sites in the Caribbean James HENDEE 1 , Tao ZHENG 2 , Lew GRAMER 3 , Erik STABENAU* 4 , Derek MANZELLO 5 , Shunlin LIANG 6 1 Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Miami, FL, 2 Department of Geography, Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant, MI, 3 Cooperative Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Studies, University of Miami, Miami, FL, 4 South Florida Natural Resources Center, Everglades National Park, Homestead, FL, 5 Rosenstiel School for Marine and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Miami, Miami, FL, 6 Department of Geography, University of Maryland, College Park, MD Satellite and in situ irradiance instruments provide different perspectives on the ocean environment, the former providing regional coverage of incident radiation, the latter providing both site-specific light penetration data, as well as validation of the satellite readings. Physiological studies of corals reveal that sea temperature and light, under elevated and sustained conditions, induce coral bleaching. At the Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory (AOML), ecological forecasts (ecoforecasts) such as coral bleaching are produced using an artificial intelligence tool that integrates various data sources (e.g., satellite and in situ) in near real-time, and includes heuristic and numeric modeling capabilities. To improve upon existing ecoforecasts of bleaching, satellite acquired Photosynthetically Available Radiation (PAR) data were produced by Central Michigan University during April through August, 2007 for four stations of AOML's Integrated Coral Observing Network (ICON), located in the Bahamas, Jamaica, Puerto Rico and St. Croix. The satellite derived instantaneous PAR values were estimated within nine pixels of a 3x3 window centered on a site's latitude and longitude. In situ sea surface PAR values at each site were used to validate the average of the nine estimated values, with time interpolation applied to match surface measurement and satellite observation times. The satellite and surface PAR data agreed well at all four sites. Irradiance at the coral surface was calculated using attenuation coefficients (Kd) derived from readings from well-maintained sub-surface irradiance sensors at each site and were extrapolated to each region using the satellite PAR readings. Satellite and surface wind and sea temperature data were combined with these readings to produce regional bleaching ecoforecasts. Inherent problems of high spatial and temporal variability in solar radiation at any defined point provide unique challenges to large-scale implementation. Although major bleaching was not observed during this time frame, output from the ecoforecasting construct shows promise for future implementation. 16-10 GBROOS – An Ocean Observing System for the Great Barrier Reef Scott BAINBRIDGE* 1 1 Australian Institute of Marine Science, Townsville, Australia The Great Barrier Reef Ocean Observing System (GBROOS), a geographic node of the Australian Integrated Marine Observing System (IMOS), is an observation network currently being deployed along the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) in Northern Australia. The project aims to quantify and monitor the impact of the Coral Sea, in particular cool and warm water intrusions, on the GBR and to provide the real-time physical data required to understand the impact of climate change and other environmental factors on coral reef ecosystems. The project has four components. Sets of long-term oceanographic moorings consisting of paired deep (200m) and shallow (30-70m) moorings will be deployed to detect water moving onto and long the GBR from the pole-ward East Australian and the equatorial Hiri western boundary currents. Upgraded Remote Sensing capacity (SST and Ocean Colour), coupled with real-time underway sampling to validate the remotely sensed data, will give large-scale information about the GBR. Sensor networks located at seven sites, using high-speed communications and a range of buoy mounted sensors, will provide real-time information about small-scale phenomena. This component provides a platform for the development and testing of the next generation of smart technologies and approaches for real-time observing systems. The observational data will have significant impact on our understanding of global change, its potential impact on the physical and chemical conditions in marine environments and the associated changes to the biology and structure of the GBR. GBROOS is setting up the infrastructure to support a new generation of observation systems from sophisticated real-time moorings to the communication and data systems for ‘smart’ sensor systems. This data, coupled with model and scenario engines, will increase our ability to understand changes in the physical environment and the impact these have on coral reef systems. 16-11 Ecological Forecasting for Coral Reef Ecosystems James HENDEE* 1 , Lew GRAMER 2 , Derek MANZELLO 3 , Erik STABENAU 4 , Chris LANGDON 3 , Mike JANKULAK 2 1 Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Miami, FL, 2 Cooperative Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Studies, University of Miami, Miami, FL, 3 Rosenstiel School for Marine and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Miami, Miami, FL, 4 South Florida Natural Resources Center, Everglades National Park, Homestead, FL Assessment of coral reef ecosystems implies the acquisition of precision data and observations appropriate for answering questions about the response of multiple organisms to physical and other environmental stimuli. At the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory, we model marine organismal response to the environment in terms of a Stimulus/Response Index (S/RI). S/RI is computed using an approach called heuristic programming, from parameters bounded in subjective terms, which are defined within the software numerically, so as to match research and our understanding of the process in question. The modelled organismal response is called an ecological forecast, or ecoforecast, and the likelihood and severity of the response is reflected in a rising S/RI. We have had success to date in modelling coral bleaching response to high sea temperatures plus high irradiance and other parameters. The approach requires, a) highly robust instrumentation (in situ, satellite, or other) deployed for long periods and producing high quality data in near real-time, b) a basic understanding of the process, behavior and/or physiology being modelled, and, c) a knowledge of approximate threshold levels for single or synergistically acting environmental parameters that elicit the phenomenon in question. We use both traditional (e.g., sea temperature, salinity, light), as well as novel (e.g., pCO2, pulse amplitude fluorometry) oceanographic instruments to produce a continuous S/RI that has been used as an overall indicator of ecosystem health at all ICON coral reef monitoring locations. We are now actively researching ecoforecast models of species-specific spawning, and of enhanced water column productivity on reefs. Results from recent monitoring efforts, as well as the implications of adapting this technique for use in other locations or on data streams managed by other agencies, will be presented. 16-12 Advancing Spatial-Temporal Continuity in Coral Reef Ecosystem Pattern Detection: The Morphology, Distribution And Chemical Environments Of Coral Habitats Encompassing Coiba National Park, Panamá. Luis CAMILLI* 1 , Oscar PIZARRO 2 , Richard CAMILLI 3 1 Center for Habitat Studies, Moss Landing Marine Laboratories, Moss Landing, CA, 2 Australian Centre for Field Robotics, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia, 3 Applied Ocean Physics & Engineering Dept, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA Quantitative study of environmental change in coral ecosystems is challenging, costly, and hindered by inadequate scales of observation. A synoptic perspective of reef biogeochemical dynamics and community structure was revealed using new technologies and methods designed to enable high resolution underwater habitat assessment with non invasive monitoring capabilities and rapid information output. A towed, chemical sensor platform and a diver-based, automated imaging system were developed to compare reef architecture and benthic morphology across spatial scales ranging from centimeters to kilometers, and resolve sub-meter variability in ambient water chemistry across basin scale seascapes. Acoustic bathymetry, stereo-optical imaging, in-situ underwater mass spectrometry, CTD, chlorophyll, and CDOM data were coupled with precision navigation to enable multi parameter biogeochemical and structural comparisons of coastal and island coral habitats surrounding Parque Nacional Coiba, a UNESCO World Heritage site in Pacific Panamá. Baseline chemical data (O2, CO2, CH4, N2) and 3-D digital reef mosaics generated in this research were augmented with traditional monitoring protocols, time series data from a moored observatory, video sampling and remote sensing analysis to create and validate comprehensive, thematic water chemistry and benthic habitat maps. This integrated approach shows considerable promise for locating, predicting and quantifying natural and anthropogenic environmental stressors affecting the distribution, diversity and health of tropical coral communities. 131

Oral Mini-Symposium 16: Ecosystem Assessment and Monitoring of Coral Reefs - New Technologies and Approaches 16-13 Landscape Mosaics Of Coral Reefs: A New Survey Technology For Mapping And Monitoring Reef Condition Brooke GINTERT* 1 , Nuno GRACIAS 2 , Diego LIRMAN 1 , Arthur GLEASON 1 , Philip KRAMER 3 , R. Pamela REID 1 1 University of Miami, Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, Miami, FL, 2 Department of Electronics, Computer Engineering and Automatics, Universitat de Girona, Girona, Spain, 3 The Nature Conservancy, Summerland Key, FL Efficient survey methodologies that provide comprehensive assessment of reef condition are fundamental to coral reef monitoring. Current state-of-the-art techniques in coral reef assessment rely on highly trained scientific divers to extract indices of reef health (e.g. substrate cover, species richness, coral size, coral mortality, and coral recruitment). Landscape video mosaics are an innovative survey technology that provide large scale (up to 400m2), spatially accurate, high resolution images of the reef benthos without extensive survey times or a need for scientific divers. Based on diver-acquired video of the reef benthos and novel mosaicing algorithms, landscape mosaics have been used in the laboratory to extract indices of benthic cover, coral colony size, and colony health that compare favorably with diver surveys. The spatially explicit images allow users to make accurate benthic measurements (such as colony area and diameter, as well as distance relationships for spatial analysis) directly from mosaic products. Repeated mosaic surveys of the same area are easily referenced for change detection analysis and provide an image-based monitoring capability that can survey hundreds of coral colonies over time without the use of in situ tagging and underwater relocation. In addition, landscape mosaics provide a large-scale visual permanent record of the state-of-the-reef at the time of collection that is accessible to both the scientific community and general public. To date this technology has been used to detect and monitor changes in reefs responding to hurricanes, ship groundings, and mass bleaching events. 16-14 Imaging Coral Community Structure At High Resolution Over Large Areas On The Reef Terraces Of The Chagos Archipelago John TURNER* 1 , Robert GIBBS 1 1 School of Ocean Sciences, Bangor University, Bangor, United Kingdom A new technique is described to image large areas of coral reef at high resolution to analyse coral community structure and improve public awareness of reef environments. A major problem encountered in mapping any benthic community is obtaining an optical image that covers sufficient area at high resolution to identify species and investigate spatial relationships. Such large images are difficult to obtain in turbid waters (hence acoustic methods are used) and also in clear waters, where either the water depth is so shallow that camera to subject distance is short, or in deeper water where distance is long but resolution poor. Previous research on reef biotope mapping has identified the need to formulate an image within a 20-30 m2 pixel, so typical of satellite remote sensing imagery used in wider scale mapping. A diver-operated rig was designed to carry a high resolution digital underwater video camera and lighting, such that accurate circular tracks of reef could be sequentially imaged about a central point. Each ring increased in diameter to overlap the preceding circle, ensuring 100 % cover. The technique was deployed at 5 sites between 10 and 20 m depth on different reef slopes around 4 atolls of the Chagos archipelago. Software was written to mosaic 3,570 video images recorded across 21 rings to create a 76 square metre image of each site, resulting in a resolution of 2 mm at 1m distance from the reef. Images of the different sites were analysed using MapInfo GIS to assess spatial relationships between coral colonies, and to examine recovery at colony scale on a previously bleached reef. The images are being used for monitoring and conservation policy formulation. Sections of images will be reproduced at life-size in the new London Zoo Chagos reef exhibit, to assist in the public understanding of reefs. 16-15 Bioeroding Sponges Need To Be Monitored Christine SCHÖNBERG* 1 , Katherine E. HOLMES 2 1 Dept. of Animal Biodiversity and Evolution, Carl von Ossietzky University, Faculty 5, Biology and Environmental Sciences, Oldenburg, Germany, 2 Center for Biodiversity and Conservation, American Museum of Natural History, New York, New York, NY Bioeroding sponges are important in the balance of coral reef construction and destruction. Due to changes in environmental conditions, these sponges can become epidemic and have occasionally been recognised for their value as bioindicators. Recent studies revealed increases in bioeroding sponge abundances in the Caribbean and on the Australian Great Barrier Reef, which was largely explained with deteriourating conditions or disturbance events that led to an increased availability of suitable substrate for the settlement of bioeroders. The sponges appear to be hardier than corals, even if they are zooxanthellate. We propose to incorporate the most common species of bioeroding sponges into long-term monitoring projects. Species of the ‘Cliona viridis’ complex are thought to be most suitable for this, because they occur at all study sites, but species such as the Caribbean Cliona delitrix should also be considered. If the procedure is kept simple (see proposal on poster), replicate studies can be conducted at very different sites and in consecutive approaches, eventually leading to a sound database on the leading endolithic agents of warm water bioerosion. 16-16 Solar Radiation Dosimetry In Florida Coral Reefs Determined From Remote Sensed, Modeled, And In Situ Data Mace BARRON* 1 , Deborah VIVIAN 1 , Susan YEE 1 , Debbie SANTAVY 1 1 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Gulf Ecology Division, Gulf Breeze, FL Solar irradiance has been increasingly recognized as an important determinant of bleaching in coral reefs, but measurements of solar radiation exposure within coral reefs have been relatively limited. Solar radiation dosimetry within multiple coral reef areas of South Florida was assessed using remote sensed, modeled, and measured values during a minor bleaching event (August 2005). Coral reefs in the Dry Tortugas and Upper Keys had similar diffuse down welling attenuation coefficients (Kd, m-1), but Kd values were significantly greater in the Middle and Lower Keys. Mean one percent attenuation depths varied by reef region for ultraviolet B (UVB; 9.7 to 20 m), ultraviolet A (UVA; 22 to 40 m) and visible (27 to 43 m) solar radiation. Solar irradiances determined from remote sensed surface intensity and Kd were significantly correlated with measured values, but were generally over estimated at the depth of corals. Solar irradiances modeled using an atmospheric radiative transfer model parameterized with site specific approximations of cloud cover showed close agreement with measured values. Estimated daily doses (W*hr/m2) of UVB (0.01-19), UVA (2-360) and visible (29-1653) solar radiation varied with coral depth (2 to 24 m) and meteorological conditions. These results indicate large variation in solar radiation dosimetry within coral reefs that may be estimated with reasonable accuracy using regional Kd measurements and radiative transfer modeling. 132

Oral Mini-Symposium 16: Ecosystem Assessment and Monitoring of Coral Reefs - New Technologies and Approaches<br />

16-13<br />

Landscape Mosaics Of Coral Reefs: A New Survey Technology For Mapping And<br />

Monitoring Reef Condition<br />

Brooke GINTERT* 1 , Nuno GRACIAS 2 , Diego LIRMAN 1 , Arthur GLEASON 1 , Philip<br />

KRAMER 3 , R. Pamela REID 1<br />

1 <strong>University</strong> of Miami, Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, Miami,<br />

FL, 2 Department of Electronics, Computer Engineering and Automatics, Universitat de<br />

Girona, Girona, Spain, 3 The Nature Conservancy, Summerland Key, FL<br />

Efficient survey methodologies that provide comprehensive assessment of reef condition<br />

are fundamental to coral reef monitoring. Current state-of-the-art techniques in coral reef<br />

assessment rely on highly trained scientific divers to extract indices of reef health (e.g.<br />

substrate cover, species richness, coral size, coral mortality, and coral recruitment).<br />

Landscape video mosaics are an innovative survey technology that provide large scale<br />

(up to 400m2), spatially accurate, high resolution images of the reef benthos without<br />

extensive survey times or a need for scientific divers. Based on diver-acquired video of<br />

the reef benthos and novel mosaicing algorithms, landscape mosaics have been used in<br />

the laboratory to extract indices of benthic cover, coral colony size, and colony health<br />

that compare favorably with diver surveys. The spatially explicit images allow users to<br />

make accurate benthic measurements (such as colony area and diameter, as well as<br />

distance relationships for spatial analysis) directly from mosaic products. Repeated<br />

mosaic surveys of the same area are easily referenced for change detection analysis and<br />

provide an image-based monitoring capability that can survey hundreds of coral colonies<br />

over time without the use of in situ tagging and underwater relocation. In addition,<br />

landscape mosaics provide a large-scale visual permanent record of the state-of-the-reef<br />

at the time of collection that is accessible to both the scientific community and general<br />

public. To date this technology has been used to detect and monitor changes in reefs<br />

responding to hurricanes, ship groundings, and mass bleaching events.<br />

16-14<br />

Imaging Coral Community Structure At High Resolution Over Large Areas On The<br />

Reef Terraces Of The Chagos Archipelago<br />

John TURNER* 1 , Robert GIBBS 1<br />

1 School of Ocean Sciences, Bangor <strong>University</strong>, Bangor, United Kingdom<br />

A new technique is described to image large areas of coral reef at high resolution to<br />

analyse coral community structure and improve public awareness of reef environments.<br />

A major problem encountered in mapping any benthic community is obtaining an optical<br />

image that covers sufficient area at high resolution to identify species and investigate<br />

spatial relationships. Such large images are difficult to obtain in turbid waters (hence<br />

acoustic methods are used) and also in clear waters, where either the water depth is so<br />

shallow that camera to subject distance is short, or in deeper water where distance is long<br />

but resolution poor. Previous research on reef biotope mapping has identified the need to<br />

formulate an image within a 20-30 m2 pixel, so typical of satellite remote sensing<br />

imagery used in wider scale mapping. A diver-operated rig was designed to carry a high<br />

resolution digital underwater video camera and lighting, such that accurate circular tracks<br />

of reef could be sequentially imaged about a central point. Each ring increased in<br />

diameter to overlap the preceding circle, ensuring 100 % cover. The technique was<br />

deployed at 5 sites between 10 and 20 m depth on different reef slopes around 4 atolls of<br />

the Chagos archipelago. Software was written to mosaic 3,570 video images recorded<br />

across 21 rings to create a 76 square metre image of each site, resulting in a resolution of<br />

2 mm at 1m distance from the reef. Images of the different sites were analysed using<br />

MapInfo GIS to assess spatial relationships between coral colonies, and to examine<br />

recovery at colony scale on a previously bleached reef. The images are being used for<br />

monitoring and conservation policy formulation. Sections of images will be reproduced at<br />

life-size in the new London Zoo Chagos reef exhibit, to assist in the public understanding<br />

of reefs.<br />

16-15<br />

Bioeroding Sponges Need To Be Monitored<br />

Christine SCHÖNBERG* 1 , Katherine E. HOLMES 2<br />

1 Dept. of Animal Biodiversity and Evolution, Carl von Ossietzky <strong>University</strong>, Faculty 5, Biology<br />

and Environmental Sciences, Oldenburg, Germany, 2 Center for Biodiversity and Conservation,<br />

American Museum of Natural History, New York, New York, NY<br />

Bioeroding sponges are important in the balance of coral reef construction and destruction. Due<br />

to changes in environmental conditions, these sponges can become epidemic and have<br />

occasionally been recognised for their value as bioindicators. Recent studies revealed increases<br />

in bioeroding sponge abundances in the Caribbean and on the Australian Great Barrier Reef,<br />

which was largely explained with deteriourating conditions or disturbance events that led to an<br />

increased availability of suitable substrate for the settlement of bioeroders. The sponges appear<br />

to be hardier than corals, even if they are zooxanthellate. We propose to incorporate the most<br />

common species of bioeroding sponges into long-term monitoring projects. Species of the<br />

‘Cliona viridis’ complex are thought to be most suitable for this, because they occur at all study<br />

sites, but species such as the Caribbean Cliona delitrix should also be considered. If the<br />

procedure is kept simple (see proposal on poster), replicate studies can be conducted at very<br />

different sites and in consecutive approaches, eventually leading to a sound database on the<br />

leading endolithic agents of warm water bioerosion.<br />

16-16<br />

Solar Radiation Dosimetry In Florida Coral Reefs Determined From Remote Sensed,<br />

Modeled, And In Situ Data<br />

Mace BARRON* 1 , Deborah VIVIAN 1 , Susan YEE 1 , Debbie SANTAVY 1<br />

1 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Gulf Ecology Division, Gulf Breeze, FL<br />

Solar irradiance has been increasingly recognized as an important determinant of bleaching in<br />

coral reefs, but measurements of solar radiation exposure within coral reefs have been relatively<br />

limited. Solar radiation dosimetry within multiple coral reef areas of South Florida was<br />

assessed using remote sensed, modeled, and measured values during a minor bleaching event<br />

(August 2005). Coral reefs in the Dry Tortugas and Upper Keys had similar diffuse down<br />

welling attenuation coefficients (Kd, m-1), but Kd values were significantly greater in the<br />

Middle and Lower Keys. Mean one percent attenuation depths varied by reef region for<br />

ultraviolet B (UVB; 9.7 to 20 m), ultraviolet A (UVA; 22 to 40 m) and visible (27 to 43 m)<br />

solar radiation. Solar irradiances determined from remote sensed surface intensity and Kd were<br />

significantly correlated with measured values, but were generally over estimated at the depth of<br />

corals. Solar irradiances modeled using an atmospheric radiative transfer model parameterized<br />

with site specific approximations of cloud cover showed close agreement with measured values.<br />

Estimated daily doses (W*hr/m2) of UVB (0.01-19), UVA (2-360) and visible (29-1653) solar<br />

radiation varied with coral depth (2 to 24 m) and meteorological conditions. These results<br />

indicate large variation in solar radiation dosimetry within coral reefs that may be estimated<br />

with reasonable accuracy using regional Kd measurements and radiative transfer modeling.<br />


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