11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University

11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University 11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University


Oral Mini-Symposium 16: Ecosystem Assessment and Monitoring of Coral Reefs - New Technologies and Approaches 16-1 Sampling State And Process Variables On Coral Reefs Roger GREEN* 1 , Brian MCARDLE 2 , Robert VAN WOESIK 3 1 Department of Biology, The University of Western Ontario, London, ON, Canada, 2 Department of Statistics, The University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand, 3 Biological Sciences, Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne, FL Contemporary coral reefs are forced to survive through and recover from disturbances at a variety of spatial and temporal scales. Understanding disturbances in context of background processes will lead to accurate predictive models of population trajectories over time. Most reef studies and monitoring programs examine the state (variables) of reefs, by assessing the coverage of major benthic organisms; few studies examine the key ecological processes that drive the state variables. Here we outline a sampling strategy that captures both state and process variables, at a spatial scale of 10s of kilometers. Specifically we are interested in 1) examining spatial and temporal patterns in coral population size-frequency distributions, 2) determining vital processes, including rates of recruitment and mortality, 3) examining relationships between processes and state variables and whether size distributions reflect population performance, and 4) assessing which state and process variables relate to environmental forcing functions. Our effective sampling units are randomly selected 75 x 25 m stations, spaced approximately 250-500 m apart, representing a 103 m spatial scale. Stations are nested within sites, spaced approximately 2 km apart, representing a 104 m spatial scale. Three randomly selected 16 m2 quadrats placed in each station, and marked for relocation, are used to assess processes across time; while random belt-transects, re-randomized at each sampling event, are used to sample state variables. Both quadrats and belt-transects are effectively sub-samples from which we derive estimates of means for each station at each sampling event. This nested sampling strategy is allowing us to examine population performance, critical stages in demographic performance and vital rates across locations that can be easily applied to Marine Protected Areas to examine whether and how protecting areas may influence major state and process variables. 16-2 Synoptic Ecological Tools For Coral Reef Science Bruce HATCHER* 1 , Jinyu SHENG 2 , Serge ANDREFOUET 3 1 Bras d'Or Institute for Ecosystem Research, Cape Breton University, Sydney, NS, Canada, 2 Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, Canada, 3 Institut de Recherche pour le Développement, Nouméa, New Caledonia Coral reefs are well-suited to applications of spatial ecology because of their clear geomorphologies, sessile life forms and water-borne vectors of interaction. The challenges of portraying the pattern and pace of change in coral reef ecosystems are increasingly addressed through emerging technology and theory that permit the depiction of the spatial distribution of ecological units at relevant scales of reef existance, and the prediction of interaction parameters across ecological time-space. Acquisition and interpretation of remotely sensed data and imagery provides the maps, and hybrid numerical models of physical advection and bio-physical dispersion provide the movies that combine to support hypothesis testing. The addition of numerical optimization models to the domain supports scenario-based adaptive management. The devil is in the details of scaling and interfacing the pixelated technologies and reconciling the physical versus biological variabilities. Ecological connectivity among coral reef ecosystems is the current test bed the integration of synoptic ecological tools. Through our collaborative experience, we have learned a set of lessons and techniques, which are offered for your consideration. 16-3 Multi-Scale Approach For Assessing The Effects Of Land-Based Contamination On The Southeast Fringing Reef Of Molokai Laetitia HEDOUIN* 1 , Bernardo VARGAS ANGEL 2 , Amanda REICHELT-BRUSHETT 3 , Xavier POCHON 1 , Ruth D. GATES 1 1 Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology, University of Hawaii, Kaneohe, HI, 2 Coral Reef Ecosystem Division, NOAA Fisheries, Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center, Honolulu, HI, 3 School of Environmental Science and Management, Southern Cross University, Lismore, Australia On a global scale, there is now deep concern as to whether coral reefs will survive shifts in the marine environment associated with global climate change; however, on a local scale, many of the reefs in Hawaii are most imminently and seriously threatened by coastal development and changes in land use. Few tools are currently available for assessing the impacts of land-based contamination on the health of reef corals. The first step in developing such tools is to identify biological traits in corals that are responsive to land-based contamination. The current project focuses on corals sampled on the SE coast of Molokai that are threatened by sediment stress e.g. high to low sediment deposition rates. Ecological, physiological and histological characteristics have been measured in corals sampled at 8 stations along the fringing reef of Molokai that cross a gradient of sediment stress. Data have been statistically analyzed to identify biological traits that most tightly correlated with the stress exposure regimes measured at each sampling station. Protein concentration, chlorophyll a concentration, and zooxanthellae densities decrease with increasing sediment loads suggesting that these physiological measures are useful indicators of sediment exposure in corals. Ecological, physiological and histological data represent different temporal windows of the biological response of corals to sediment stress. We are currently exploring whether the integration of these data streams collectively provide greater insight into the biological effects of sediment stress on coral health than each of them alone. 16-4 Using Cellular Diagnostics To Link Land-Based Sources Of Pollution With Coral Reef Degradation in South Florida Phillip DUSTAN* 1 , John FAUTH 2 , Kenneth BANKS 3 , Eric PANTE 4 , Bernardo VARGAS- ANGEL 5 , Craig DOWNS 6 1 Department of Biology, College of Charleston, Charleston, SC, 2 Department of Biology, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL, 3 Department of Environmental Protection, Broward County, Fort Lauderdale, FL, 4 Department of Biology, University of Louisana at Larayette, Lafayette, LA, 5 Coral Reef Ecosystem Division, NOAA Pacific Island Fisheries Sciences Center, Honolulu, HI, 6 Cellular Diagnostics and Proteomics, Haereticus Environmental Laboratory, Amherst, VA This project is a first step in identifying the chain of causality between land-based pollutants, responses of individual reef-building corals, and health of coral reef communities in the South Florida watershed. We tested the feasibility of using cellular diagnostics to link land-based sources at four paired inshore and offshore stations off Broward Country, FL (control, sewage wastewater outfall, an inlet mouth and a wastewater outfall adjacent to an inlet). Live coral coverage was

Oral Mini-Symposium 16: Ecosystem Assessment and Monitoring of Coral Reefs - New Technologies and Approaches 16-5 Development and Application of Variable Fluorescence Techniques and Instrumentation for Monitoring and Assessing Coral Reefs Maxim GORBUNOV* 1 , Dan TCHERNOV 2 , Liti HARAMATY 3 , Yael HELMAN 3 , Frank NATALE 3 , Sophia JOHNSON 3 , Paul FALKOWSKI 3 1 Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, 2 The Interuniversity Institute of Eilat, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Eilat, Israel, 3 Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ The development of advanced technologies for environmental monitoring of coral reef ecosystems requires an understanding of how different environmental factors affect the key elements of the ecosystems and the selection of specific monitoring protocols that are most appropriate for the identification and quantification of particular stressors. Documenting the environmental state of reef communities is critical to developing remediation strategies that can both reduce anthropogenic insult and distinguish between common natural factors and anthropogenic stressors. Bio-optical methods are particularly useful for rapid and non-destructive assessment of the viability of coral reef organisms. Here we present a methodology and instrumentation called Fluorescence Induction and Relaxation (FIRe) System for assessment of photosynthetic and physiological status of coral. We have designed and developed bench-top, diver-operated and moorable instruments. The variable fluorescence technique relies on the relationship between chlorophyll fluorescence yield and the efficiency of photosynthetic processes and provides a comprehensive suite of photosynthetic and physiological parameters, including the quantum yields of photochemistry in Photosystem II (PSII), the functional absorption cross section of PSII, the rates of photosynthetic electron transport on the acceptor side of PSII and between PSII and PSI, coefficients of photochemical and nonphotochemical quenching. In combination with conventional biochemical and molecular biological methods, the FIRe technique was employed to study the impact of common natural stresses (episodes of elevated temperature and excess irradiance), as well as selected anthropogenic factors (heavy metal contamination and pollution) on coral. The analysis revealed that different stressors lead to specific damage to the coral symbioses and are characterized by unique FIRe fluorescence signatures that can be can be used for quantitative assessment of coral health and selective identification of the stressors. 16-6 Potential Application Of Pam Fluorometry in Reactive Coral Health Monitoring Programs: A Pilot Study Jeremy SOFONIA* 1 1 Marine and Coastal Science, Sinclair Knight Merz Pty. Ltd., Perth, Australia Regulatory authorities in Australia increasingly require proponents of commercial development to detect, and respond to, changes in water quality and coral heath prior to the onset of mortality. The use of pulse-amplitude modulated (PAM) fluorometry as an instrument to detect sub-lethal change within photosynthetic organisms is well documented, however, the use of this tool on scleractinian corals in-situ is challenging as ambient environmental conditions directly affect the measured result, monitoring is often restricted to daylight hours and dark adaptation of individual colonies logistically difficult. The use of PAM in reactive coral health monitoring programs is currently limited as sampling is implemented on a set schedule, under a wide range of ambient conditions, and often comprising large coral populations over a wide geographic area. Here two photosynthetic corals, Turbinaria mesenterina and Porites lobata, are observed in-situ across a natural range of light (0 – 320 µmol m-2 s-1) and temperature (18.9 – 30.0 °C). Three fluorescence parameters were estimated including effective quantum yield of photosystem II (ΦpsII), slope of the initial linear range, alpha (α), of the photosynthesis-irradiance (P-I) curve and the maximum relative electron transport rate (rETRmax). Of these, obtaining ΦpsII was comparitively faster and better correlated to changes in ambient light (PARamb). Mean ΦpsII was significantly higher in T. mesenterina than P. lobata in both regimes, however, responses to PARamb were virtually identical (T. mesenterina: y= -0.0011x + 0.668, R2= 0.59; P. lobata: y= - 0.0009x + 0.621, R2= 0.67) and temperature had no significant effect. The use of α and rETRmax from so-called rapid light curves (RCL) were comparatively non-informative and logistically restrictive. It is hypothesised that specific correlations between ΦpsII and PARamb, if established prior to development, may be used as a benchmark to compare the photosynthetic condition of coral symbiotes and potentially provide a rapid assessment of sub-lethal change. 16-7 A Comparison Of Thermal History And fv/fm in Inner Lagoon And Outer Barrier Reef montastrea Faveolata. Karl CASTILLO* 1 1 Marine Science Program, University Of South Carolina, Columbia, SC Pulse amplitude modulated (PAM) fluorometry has been suggested as a tool to complement monitoring efforts for predicting environmental stress in corals. However, documented changes in maximum quantum yields (Fv/Fm) of corals during non-bleaching periods have been limited. Here, thermal exposures of inner lagoon and outer barrier reef Montastrea faveolata were examined. The hypothesis that inferred differences in thermal histories would be reflected in Fv/Fm values was tested. Ambient seawater temperatures adjacent to corals at 1, 3, 6, 9 and 15 m depth were measured every 10 min from October 2006 to June 2007 in the inner and outer reefs of southern Belize. Maximum and mean diel seawater temperature and number days above the local bleaching threshold of 29.8 °C were not significantly different between locations and across each depth. However, minimum and standard error of the mean diel seawater were significantly different between locations and across several depths. Since aspects of seawater temperature varied across locations and depths, the photophysiology of these corals was assessed to test for an association between physical and biotic factors. In June 2007, Fv/Fm for M. faveolata were measured in situ across the same gradient and compared between both locations. Fv/Fm correlated positively with depth in both locations, and was significantly higher in the inner reefs. To test for a cause-and-effect relationship between temperature and photophysiology, samples of M. faveolata were collected and exposed to controlled temperature treatments. Exposure to elevated temperature caused Fv/Fm to be depressed to a greater extent in corals from the outer compared to inner reef, but this effect was not constant at all depths. These results suggest that thermal stress though important may not be the only factor influencing the observed difference in Fv/Fm values for M. faveolata from the inner lagoon and outer barrier reefs at this location. 16-8 Shifting Bleaching Thresholds: Acclimatization Or A Flawed Model? Ray BERKELMANS* 1 1 Australian Institute of Marine Science, Townsville, Australia Time-integrated bleaching thresholds are one of a suite of locally specific bleaching indices that have been developed based on in situ measured temperature data. In recent years these have been adopted as an early warning system on the Great Barrier Reef (GBR), augmented by satellite-based early warning systems such as ‘HotSpots’ and ‘ReefTemp’. The original bleaching thresholds were developed after the 1998 bleaching event, but how well have they performed since then, especially in predicting the 2002 GBR bleaching event? This study reviews the efficacy and accuracy of the time-integrated bleaching thresholds using statistical and empirical techniques. The results show that time-integrated bleaching thresholds accurately predicted bleaching (and non-bleaching) at most reefs in 2002. However, a number of reefs in the central GBR exceeded bleaching thresholds in 2004 and 2005 without bleaching. These anomalies are not explained by selective mortality or other meteorological factors, including global radiation and UV. They are also not explained by pre-season acclimatization. Long-term thermal acclimatization remains the most likely explanation. Mortality thresholds based on 50% mortality of thermally sensitive and locally abundant coral taxa were derived for six reefs that suffered high mortality during past bleaching events. An analysis of these curves in relation to their bleaching thresholds indicates that at most of these sites thermally sensitive taxa die

Oral Mini-Symposium 16: Ecosystem Assessment and Monitoring of Coral Reefs - New Technologies and Approaches<br />

16-1<br />

Sampling State And Process Variables On Coral Reefs<br />

Roger GREEN* 1 , Brian MCARDLE 2 , Robert VAN WOESIK 3<br />

1 Department of Biology, The <strong>University</strong> of Western Ontario, London, ON, Canada,<br />

2 Department of Statistics, The <strong>University</strong> of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand,<br />

3 Biological Sciences, Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne, FL<br />

Contemporary coral reefs are forced to survive through and recover from disturbances at<br />

a variety of spatial and temporal scales. Understanding disturbances in context of<br />

background processes will lead to accurate predictive models of population trajectories<br />

over time. Most reef studies and monitoring programs examine the state (variables) of<br />

reefs, by assessing the coverage of major benthic organisms; few studies examine the key<br />

ecological processes that drive the state variables. Here we outline a sampling strategy<br />

that captures both state and process variables, at a spatial scale of 10s of kilometers.<br />

Specifically we are interested in 1) examining spatial and temporal patterns in coral<br />

population size-frequency distributions, 2) determining vital processes, including rates of<br />

recruitment and mortality, 3) examining relationships between processes and state<br />

variables and whether size distributions reflect population performance, and 4) assessing<br />

which state and process variables relate to environmental forcing functions. Our effective<br />

sampling units are randomly selected 75 x 25 m stations, spaced approximately 250-500<br />

m apart, representing a 103 m spatial scale. Stations are nested within sites, spaced<br />

approximately 2 km apart, representing a 104 m spatial scale. Three randomly selected 16<br />

m2 quadrats placed in each station, and marked for relocation, are used to assess<br />

processes across time; while random belt-transects, re-randomized at each sampling<br />

event, are used to sample state variables. Both quadrats and belt-transects are effectively<br />

sub-samples from which we derive estimates of means for each station at each sampling<br />

event. This nested sampling strategy is allowing us to examine population performance,<br />

critical stages in demographic performance and vital rates across locations that can be<br />

easily applied to Marine Protected Areas to examine whether and how protecting areas<br />

may influence major state and process variables.<br />

16-2<br />

Synoptic Ecological Tools For Coral Reef Science<br />

Bruce HATCHER* 1 , Jinyu SHENG 2 , Serge ANDREFOUET 3<br />

1 Bras d'Or Institute for Ecosystem Research, Cape Breton <strong>University</strong>, Sydney, NS,<br />

Canada, 2 Dalhousie <strong>University</strong>, Halifax, NS, Canada, 3 Institut de Recherche pour le<br />

Développement, Nouméa, New Caledonia<br />

Coral reefs are well-suited to applications of spatial ecology because of their clear<br />

geomorphologies, sessile life forms and water-borne vectors of interaction. The<br />

challenges of portraying the pattern and pace of change in coral reef ecosystems are<br />

increasingly addressed through emerging technology and theory that permit the depiction<br />

of the spatial distribution of ecological units at relevant scales of reef existance, and the<br />

prediction of interaction parameters across ecological time-space. Acquisition and<br />

interpretation of remotely sensed data and imagery provides the maps, and hybrid<br />

numerical models of physical advection and bio-physical dispersion provide the movies<br />

that combine to support hypothesis testing. The addition of numerical optimization<br />

models to the domain supports scenario-based adaptive management. The devil is in the<br />

details of scaling and interfacing the pixelated technologies and reconciling the physical<br />

versus biological variabilities. Ecological connectivity among coral reef ecosystems is the<br />

current test bed the integration of synoptic ecological tools. Through our collaborative<br />

experience, we have learned a set of lessons and techniques, which are offered for your<br />

consideration.<br />

16-3<br />

Multi-Scale Approach For Assessing The Effects Of Land-Based Contamination On The<br />

Southeast Fringing Reef Of Molokai<br />

Laetitia HEDOUIN* 1 , Bernardo VARGAS ANGEL 2 , Amanda REICHELT-BRUSHETT 3 ,<br />

Xavier POCHON 1 , Ruth D. GATES 1<br />

1 Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology, <strong>University</strong> of Hawaii, Kaneohe, HI, 2 Coral Reef<br />

Ecosystem Division, NOAA Fisheries, Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center, Honolulu, HI,<br />

3 School of Environmental Science and Management, Southern Cross <strong>University</strong>, Lismore,<br />

Australia<br />

On a global scale, there is now deep concern as to whether coral reefs will survive shifts in the<br />

marine environment associated with global climate change; however, on a local scale, many of<br />

the reefs in Hawaii are most imminently and seriously threatened by coastal development and<br />

changes in land use. Few tools are currently available for assessing the impacts of land-based<br />

contamination on the health of reef corals. The first step in developing such tools is to identify<br />

biological traits in corals that are responsive to land-based contamination. The current project<br />

focuses on corals sampled on the SE coast of Molokai that are threatened by sediment stress e.g.<br />

high to low sediment deposition rates. Ecological, physiological and histological characteristics<br />

have been measured in corals sampled at 8 stations along the fringing reef of Molokai that cross<br />

a gradient of sediment stress. Data have been statistically analyzed to identify biological traits<br />

that most tightly correlated with the stress exposure regimes measured at each sampling station.<br />

Protein concentration, chlorophyll a concentration, and zooxanthellae densities decrease with<br />

increasing sediment loads suggesting that these physiological measures are useful indicators of<br />

sediment exposure in corals. Ecological, physiological and histological data represent different<br />

temporal windows of the biological response of corals to sediment stress. We are currently<br />

exploring whether the integration of these data streams collectively provide greater insight into<br />

the biological effects of sediment stress on coral health than each of them alone.<br />

16-4<br />

Using Cellular Diagnostics To Link Land-Based Sources Of Pollution With Coral Reef<br />

Degradation in South Florida<br />

Phillip DUSTAN* 1 , John FAUTH 2 , Kenneth BANKS 3 , Eric PANTE 4 , Bernardo VARGAS-<br />

ANGEL 5 , Craig DOWNS 6<br />

1 Department of Biology, College of Charleston, Charleston, SC, 2 Department of Biology,<br />

<strong>University</strong> of Central Florida, Orlando, FL, 3 Department of Environmental Protection, Broward<br />

County, Fort Lauderdale, FL, 4 Department of Biology, <strong>University</strong> of Louisana at Larayette,<br />

Lafayette, LA, 5 Coral Reef Ecosystem Division, NOAA Pacific Island Fisheries Sciences<br />

Center, Honolulu, HI, 6 Cellular Diagnostics and Proteomics, Haereticus Environmental<br />

Laboratory, Amherst, VA<br />

This project is a first step in identifying the chain of causality between land-based pollutants,<br />

responses of individual reef-building corals, and health of coral reef communities in the South<br />

Florida watershed. We tested the feasibility of using cellular diagnostics to link land-based<br />

sources at four paired inshore and offshore stations off Broward Country, FL (control, sewage<br />

wastewater outfall, an inlet mouth and a wastewater outfall adjacent to an inlet). Live coral<br />

coverage was

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