11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University

11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University 11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University


Oral Mini-Symposium 15: Progress in Understanding the Hydrodynamics of Coral Reef Systems 15-1 Hydrodynamic Modeling Of A Fringing Reef Embayment: Hanalei Bay, Hawaii Ronald HOEKE* 1 , Curt STORLAZZI 2 1 Joint Institute of Marine and Atmospheric Research(JIMAR), University of Hawaii/NOAA, Honolulu, HI, 2 Coastal and Marine Geology Program (CMG), USGS Pacific Science Cente, Santa Cruz, CA Concerns about watershed management and its connection to nearshore ecological health at Hanalei Bay, Kauai, Hawaii, USA, have prompted a concerted interagency effort to gain better understanding of circulation, sedimentation, and water quality within the bay. Recent advances in computational hydrodynamics have resulted in the development of suites of software to model such coastal processes. These models have proven successful at a number of sandy, continental coastal sites, but few have been applied to insular coral reefs. Here we present the application of the Delft3D computational hydrodynamic software package to Hanalei Bay, a wave-dominated, microtidal coral reef embayment. Numerical output using model parameters traditionally used for sandy continental margins is contrasted with adaptations for microtidal, oceanic fringing reef environments and compared to in situ observations. Analyses reveal the importance of: (1) wave refraction/diffraction effects, (2) spatially varying bottom friction values that range over an order of magnitude, and (3) shortcomings of numerical solutions of these two processes when applied to fringing reef environments. The relative contribution of tides, winds, and waves to the bay’s hydrodynamics are calculated for a range of conditions. The contribution of waves is several orders of magnitude greater than other physical processes in determining overall circulation and flushing of the bay, and dominates the near-bed shear stresses at most locations in the bay. These findings show the precision of current computational hydrodynamics in highenergy, morphologically complex environments, such as Hanalei Bay, to be relatively poor at this time. Despite this, these techniques do provide valuable order-of-magnitude estimates of hydrodynamic processes and create a qualitative synoptic picture. These spatially explicit, fine scale estimates would be difficult with other methods. 15-2 Modelling Larval Retention Around Reefs By Local Scale Circulation Features Paulina CETINA-HEREDIA* 1 , Sean CONNOLLY 2,3 , Michael HERZFELD 4 1 School of Marine & Tropical Biology, James Cook University, Townsville, Australia, 2 School of Marine and Tropical Biology, James Cook University, Townsville, Australia, 3 ARC centre of Excellence, Coral Reef Studies, Townsville, Australia, 4 Division of Marine and Atmospheric Research, CSIRO, Hobart, Australia Larval transport is mediated by circulation patterns. Low frequency, large scale currents can advect larvae for long distances, connecting populations over 100 km. However, local scale circulation features, such as lee reef eddies, can retain larvae near reefs and enhance self-recruitment. To accurately estimate larval dispersal, it is necessary to consider these local scale circulation processes. This study aims to approximate larval retention around reefs as a consequence of recirculation and stagnant flows provoked by the interaction of currents with the complex reef bathymetry that reefs normally display. To characterize eddies formed in the lee of reefs (different shapes) under different circulation regimes (low and/or high frequency dominant) and quantify the retention of larvae we simulate larval transport with a 3D finite difference hydrodynamic model (Sparse Ocean Hydrodynamic Code) in the Northern Section of the Great Barrier Reef. The life span, strength and size of eddies is quantified, using vorticity and the Okubo Weiss invariant as diagnostic variables. Finally, an approximation of larval retention as a function of reef geometry and prevalent circulation regime is attempted to provide a novel tractable approach accounting for local scale circulation features on larval dispersal in regional scale metapopulation models. 15-3 Characterization Of Hydrodynamic And Biophysical Anomalies On The Florida Reef Tract Lewis GRAMER* 1 , Elizabeth JOHNS 2 , James HENDEE 2 1 Cooperative Institute of Marine and Atmospheric Studies, University of Miami, Miami, FL, 2 Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory, National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration, Miami, FL NOAA's Integrated Coral Observing Network (ICON) project uses an artificial intelligence software system to implement heuristic models of coral reef ecosystem response to physical, chemical and biological conditions. These heuristic models use categorical, “if-then” rules to recognize and report patterns in environmental data integrated in near real-time from multiple external sources. One such model is described that detects and distinguishes episodic, biologically significant hydrodynamic processes acting upon coral reefs in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary. Data are gathered from in situ sensors, satellites, and highfrequency radar at three shallow reef locations 100-200m inshore of the outer edge of the reef crest: Sombrero Reef in the Middle Keys, Molasses Reef in the Upper Keys, and Fowey Rocks off the Miami coast. The model recognizes apparent changes in biological production and circulation that may impact the reef ecosystem. Primary model criteria are in situ sea temperature variability occurring at near-tidal periodicities, wind velocity variability, and sea color-derived satellite chlorophyll a concentrations. Model forecasts are then verified using secondary data not utilized by the model as input, including satellite-derived regional sea surface temperature and ocean color imagery, radar-derived ocean surface currents, in situ salinity, and divers’ visual reports. Three classes of nutrient delivery events are characterized by the model products: those forced respectively by wind-driven upwelling and downwelling; by net tidal transport of eutrophic water from Florida Bay; and by interaction of Florida Current frontal features with topography, which may be modulated by internal waves breaking on the reef slope. Multiple events of each type are characterized within a 23-month period in 2006- 2007. 15-4 Spatial And Temporal Variability in Velocity Shear Over Fringing Coral Reefs And Its Implications On Water Column Structure And Particulate Flux Curt STORLAZZI* 1 1 Coastal and Marine Geology Team, US Geological Survey, Santa Cruz, CA Long-term hydrodynamic data from a number of bottom-mounted instruments and spatiallyextensive, but temporally-limited, hydrographic surveys have been collected to better understand coastal dynamics on and among fringing coral reefs in Hawaii, USA. These highresolution data (waves, currents, temperature, salinity, and turbidity) suggest that wave- and wind-driven flows appear to be the primary control on flow over shallow portions of the reefs while tidal and subtidal currents dominate flow over the deeper, outer portions of the reefs and insular shelf. Near-surface current directions over the fore reef vary on average by more than 40º from those near the seafloor, and the orientation of the currents over the reef flat differed on average by more than 65º from those observed over the fore reef. This shear occurred over relatively short vertical (O~meters) and cross-shore (O~100’s of meters) scales, causing material distributed throughout the water column, including the suspended particles causing turbidity (e.g. sediment or larvae) and/or dissolved nutrients and contaminants, to be transported in different directions under constant oceanographic and meteorologic forcing, depending on its initial location. When the direction of the flows over the fore reef and the reef flat are counter one another, which is quite common, they cause a zone of cross-shore horizontal shear and often form a front, dividing turbid, lower-salinity water inshore from clear, higher-salinity water offshore. It is not clear whether these zones of high shear and fronts are the cause or the result of the location of the fore reef, but these features appear to be correlated alongshore over relatively large horizontal distances (O~kilometers). When two flows converge or when a single flow is bathymetrically steered, eddies can be generated that, in the absence of large ocean surface waves, tend to accumulate suspended particulate material. 125

Oral Mini-Symposium 15: Progress in Understanding the Hydrodynamics of Coral Reef Systems 15-5 Experimental Characterization Of The Oceanic Water Fluxes in A Macro-Tidal Intermittently Open Lagoon Bounded By Semi-Submerged Coral Reef Cristele CHEVALIER* 1 , Jean-Luc DEVENON 2 , Gilles ROUGIER 3 1 Cyroco, IRD, Marseille, cedex 09, France, Metropolitan, 2 Laboratoire d'Océanologie et de Biogéochimie, Université de la Méditerranée, Marseille, cedex 09, France, 3 Laboratoire d'Oceanographie et Biogeochimie, Université de la Méditerranée, Marseille cedex 9, France, Metropolitan In the macro-tidal lagoons, of the Indian Ocean, coral reefs can be momentarily submerged by water at high tide and partially emerged at low tide. This process contributes to lagoon and open sea exchanges, although the reefs are often considered as impervious and the water fluxes assumed to occur only through the passes. We study the influence of this reef hydrodynamic control, by developing an original experimental approach combining small ship side mounted ADCP measurement following transects thru passes and near reefs, with more classical high resolution ADCP moorings. The aim is to gain insight in spatial variability of fluxes at a reasonable cost that moorings alone cannot be able to provide. This new strategy of measurement is exemplified at the occasion of an experimental campaign on the Mayotte lagoon and the results of this experiment are presented. Particularly, it is shown how the mounted ADCP data are validated. A specific tidal analysis methodology is then proposed to get the spatial variability of the tidal component of the current thru the passes and above the reef. This variability is identified by least square fitting of spatial distribution of the tidal amplitudes owing the availability of repeated transects associated with fixed point temporal sequences of current issued from moored ADCP currentmeters. This method has been validated against a priori known theoretical spatial distribution as well as in-situ already available data. All these analysis allow us to estimate the tidal induced fluxes thru the passes and above the reefs and to evaluate their respective part in water lagoon renewal. 15-6 Morpho-Space Exploration Of Simulated Coral Morphologies And Three- Dimensional Images Of Scleractinian Corals Maxim FILATOV* 1 , Chris KRUSZYÑSKI 2 , Jaap KAANDORP 1 , Robert VAN LIERE 2 , Mark VERMEIJ 3 , Rolf BAK 4 1 Section Computational Science, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2 Center for Mathematics and Computer Science, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 3 University of Hawaii at Manoa, Maui fieldstation, Lahaina, HI, 4 Netherlands Institute of Sea Research (Nioz), Den Burg, Nepal We developed a method for the quantitative analysis of three-dimensional images of complex-shaped scleractinian corals obtained with X-ray Computed Tomography scanning techniques. The analysis is based on a number of morphometric quantities, i.e. branching rate, branch thickness, branch spacing etc. We use this method for the quantitative comparison of morphological variation in closely related species in the Caribbean coral genus Madracis: M. decactis, M. carmabi, M. Formosa and M. mirabilis. We compare the Madracis morphologies with a range of simulated morphologies. In the simulations the morphologies were obtained in an accretive growth process where layers of materials are deposited on top of previous ones. The local thickness of new layers is controlled by the simulated physical environment (local availability of light and nutrient) and the amount of translocation of nutrient over the surface of the object. With the simulation model, varying a model parameter representing the amount of local translocation of nutrient over the surface of the object, we simulate a range of morphologies where branching forms gradually transform into more spherical shapes. By varying a parameter controlling the contribution of local light intensity we can change the overall branching pattern. Some of the simulated morphologies are almost indistinguishable from three-dimensional images of actual M. mirabilis and M. decactis colonies; some three-dimensional images (M. formosa) cannot be completely captured by our model. Our aim now is to find missing model parameters and to detect which actual morphologies can be predicted by our model using a systematic comparison of actual and simulated morpho-spaces. 15-7 Use Of The Coral-Sel Technique in Water Flow Research Carolyn MARGOLIN* 1 1 Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, University of Miami, Miami, FL When flow experiments are carried out in open flow-through systems, several non-targeted variables also change with changing flow rate. These may include temperature, oxygen level, and food availability. In order to keep these factors constant across flow treatments, it is necessary to place all corals into a single water system while still exposing them all to different water flow rates. In order to accomplish this, a rotating “coral-sel” was constructed in an outdoor tank at the University of Miami’s Aplysia Resource Center on Virginia Key. The coral-sel allows corals to be placed at three set distances from the center of rotation of the apparatus. This allows the corals to experience one of three set water flow rates while simultaneously being immersed in water with identical characteristics other than flow rate. These rates can be adjusted using a gear system on the external component of the coral-sel. Clod card techniques were used in order to test differences in flow rates at each of the specified distances prior to attachment of coral to each site. Fragments of Montastraea faveolata were attached to plates at each of the tested positions. Each fragment was monitored for survival, change in weight, change in surface area, and zooxanthellar activity. These data were used to determine the effects of water flow on the coral holobiont in terms of growth, calcification, and zooxanthellar activity. Statistical analysis showed that changes in fragment surface area were inversely related to water flow speed. However, the greatest increases in weight occurred at mid-flow rates (15.7 cm/s). Area and weight data were used to determine calcification rates. Apparent calcification rates were greatest for fragments exposed to mid-speed flow rates (15.7cm/s). 15-8 Importance of the infragravity band in the wave energy budget of a fringing reef Anne-Christine PEQUIGNET* 1 1 Oceanography, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI In an effort to understand and quantify wave energy at the shoreline of fringing reefs, a series of pressure sensors and current meters were deployed across fringing reefs on Guam and Oahu, Hawaii as part of the PILOT (Pacific Island Land-Ocean Typhoon) experiment. Spectral transformation of waves from the forereef to the shoreline is analyzed in terms of energy flux along the cross shore transects. Reflection, dissipation and non linear interactions are estimated during various offshore wave conditions and phases of the tide. The wave transformation across the reef is strongly dependent on wave frequency and the wave energy spectrum on the reef flat is dominated by infragravity waves. This results from the combined effects of strong dissipation of sea and swell through breaking and friction, weaker dissipation of infragravity energy through friction and the generation of infragravity energy as the waves cross the forereef and the reef crest. Infragravity waves are reflected both at the forereef and the shoreline, whereas sea and swell waves are not reflected despite the steep reef face. The wave energy in the sea and swell band at the shoreline of a fringing reef depends predominantly on the reef platform water depth, whereas the infragravity energy appears to depend more strongly on the offshore wave energy. Although general trends in wave transformation may be observed on fringing reefs of different bathymetries, the presence of morphological features (such as porous reef face, longshore variation due to spurs and groove...) significantly affects wave transformation and makes each reef a unique breakwater system. 126

Oral Mini-Symposium 15: Progress in Understanding the Hydrodynamics of Coral Reef Systems<br />

15-5<br />

Experimental Characterization Of The Oceanic Water Fluxes in A Macro-Tidal<br />

Intermittently Open Lagoon Bounded By Semi-Submerged Coral Reef<br />

Cristele CHEVALIER* 1 , Jean-Luc DEVENON 2 , Gilles ROUGIER 3<br />

1 Cyroco, IRD, Marseille, cedex 09, France, Metropolitan, 2 Laboratoire d'Océanologie et<br />

de Biogéochimie, Université de la Méditerranée, Marseille, cedex 09, France,<br />

3 Laboratoire d'Oceanographie et Biogeochimie, Université de la Méditerranée, Marseille<br />

cedex 9, France, Metropolitan<br />

In the macro-tidal lagoons, of the Indian Ocean, coral reefs can be momentarily<br />

submerged by water at high tide and partially emerged at low tide. This process<br />

contributes to lagoon and open sea exchanges, although the reefs are often considered as<br />

impervious and the water fluxes assumed to occur only through the passes. We study the<br />

influence of this reef hydrodynamic control, by developing an original experimental<br />

approach combining small ship side mounted ADCP measurement following transects<br />

thru passes and near reefs, with more classical high resolution ADCP moorings. The aim<br />

is to gain insight in spatial variability of fluxes at a reasonable cost that moorings alone<br />

cannot be able to provide. This new strategy of measurement is exemplified at the<br />

occasion of an experimental campaign on the Mayotte lagoon and the results of this<br />

experiment are presented. Particularly, it is shown how the mounted ADCP data are<br />

validated. A specific tidal analysis methodology is then proposed to get the spatial<br />

variability of the tidal component of the current thru the passes and above the reef. This<br />

variability is identified by least square fitting of spatial distribution of the tidal<br />

amplitudes owing the availability of repeated transects associated with fixed point<br />

temporal sequences of current issued from moored ADCP currentmeters. This method<br />

has been validated against a priori known theoretical spatial distribution as well as in-situ<br />

already available data. All these analysis allow us to estimate the tidal induced fluxes thru<br />

the passes and above the reefs and to evaluate their respective part in water lagoon<br />

renewal.<br />

15-6<br />

Morpho-Space Exploration Of Simulated Coral Morphologies And Three-<br />

Dimensional Images Of Scleractinian Corals<br />

Maxim FILATOV* 1 , Chris KRUSZYÑSKI 2 , Jaap KAANDORP 1 , Robert VAN LIERE 2 ,<br />

Mark VERMEIJ 3 , Rolf BAK 4<br />

1 Section Computational Science, <strong>University</strong> of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands,<br />

2 Center for Mathematics and Computer Science, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 3 <strong>University</strong> of<br />

Hawaii at Manoa, Maui fieldstation, Lahaina, HI, 4 Netherlands Institute of Sea Research<br />

(Nioz), Den Burg, Nepal<br />

We developed a method for the quantitative analysis of three-dimensional images of<br />

complex-shaped scleractinian corals obtained with X-ray Computed Tomography<br />

scanning techniques. The analysis is based on a number of morphometric quantities, i.e.<br />

branching rate, branch thickness, branch spacing etc. We use this method for the<br />

quantitative comparison of morphological variation in closely related species in the<br />

Caribbean coral genus Madracis: M. decactis, M. carmabi, M. Formosa and M. mirabilis.<br />

We compare the Madracis morphologies with a range of simulated morphologies. In the<br />

simulations the morphologies were obtained in an accretive growth process where layers<br />

of materials are deposited on top of previous ones. The local thickness of new layers is<br />

controlled by the simulated physical environment (local availability of light and nutrient)<br />

and the amount of translocation of nutrient over the surface of the object. With the<br />

simulation model, varying a model parameter representing the amount of local<br />

translocation of nutrient over the surface of the object, we simulate a range of<br />

morphologies where branching forms gradually transform into more spherical shapes. By<br />

varying a parameter controlling the contribution of local light intensity we can change the<br />

overall branching pattern. Some of the simulated morphologies are almost<br />

indistinguishable from three-dimensional images of actual M. mirabilis and M. decactis<br />

colonies; some three-dimensional images (M. formosa) cannot be completely captured by<br />

our model. Our aim now is to find missing model parameters and to detect which actual<br />

morphologies can be predicted by our model using a systematic comparison of actual and<br />

simulated morpho-spaces.<br />

15-7<br />

Use Of The Coral-Sel Technique in Water Flow Research<br />

Carolyn MARGOLIN* 1<br />

1 Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, <strong>University</strong> of Miami, Miami, FL<br />

When flow experiments are carried out in open flow-through systems, several non-targeted<br />

variables also change with changing flow rate. These may include temperature, oxygen level,<br />

and food availability. In order to keep these factors constant across flow treatments, it is<br />

necessary to place all corals into a single water system while still exposing them all to different<br />

water flow rates. In order to accomplish this, a rotating “coral-sel” was constructed in an<br />

outdoor tank at the <strong>University</strong> of Miami’s Aplysia Resource Center on Virginia Key. The<br />

coral-sel allows corals to be placed at three set distances from the center of rotation of the<br />

apparatus. This allows the corals to experience one of three set water flow rates while<br />

simultaneously being immersed in water with identical characteristics other than flow rate.<br />

These rates can be adjusted using a gear system on the external component of the coral-sel.<br />

Clod card techniques were used in order to test differences in flow rates at each of the specified<br />

distances prior to attachment of coral to each site. Fragments of Montastraea faveolata were<br />

attached to plates at each of the tested positions. Each fragment was monitored for survival,<br />

change in weight, change in surface area, and zooxanthellar activity. These data were used to<br />

determine the effects of water flow on the coral holobiont in terms of growth, calcification, and<br />

zooxanthellar activity. Statistical analysis showed that changes in fragment surface area were<br />

inversely related to water flow speed. However, the greatest increases in weight occurred at<br />

mid-flow rates (15.7 cm/s). Area and weight data were used to determine calcification rates.<br />

Apparent calcification rates were greatest for fragments exposed to mid-speed flow rates<br />

(15.7cm/s).<br />

15-8<br />

Importance of the infragravity band in the wave energy budget of a fringing reef<br />

Anne-Christine PEQUIGNET* 1<br />

1 Oceanography, <strong>University</strong> of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI<br />

In an effort to understand and quantify wave energy at the shoreline of fringing reefs, a series of<br />

pressure sensors and current meters were deployed across fringing reefs on Guam and Oahu,<br />

Hawaii as part of the PILOT (Pacific Island Land-Ocean Typhoon) experiment. Spectral<br />

transformation of waves from the forereef to the shoreline is analyzed in terms of energy flux<br />

along the cross shore transects. Reflection, dissipation and non linear interactions are estimated<br />

during various offshore wave conditions and phases of the tide.<br />

The wave transformation across the reef is strongly dependent on wave frequency and the wave<br />

energy spectrum on the reef flat is dominated by infragravity waves. This results from the<br />

combined effects of strong dissipation of sea and swell through breaking and friction, weaker<br />

dissipation of infragravity energy through friction and the generation of infragravity energy as<br />

the waves cross the forereef and the reef crest. Infragravity waves are reflected both at the<br />

forereef and the shoreline, whereas sea and swell waves are not reflected despite the steep reef<br />

face.<br />

The wave energy in the sea and swell band at the shoreline of a fringing reef depends<br />

predominantly on the reef platform water depth, whereas the infragravity energy appears to<br />

depend more strongly on the offshore wave energy.<br />

Although general trends in wave transformation may be observed on fringing reefs of different<br />

bathymetries, the presence of morphological features (such as porous reef face, longshore<br />

variation due to spurs and groove...) significantly affects wave transformation and makes each<br />

reef a unique breakwater system.<br />


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