11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University

11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University 11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University


14-55 The Importance Of Behavior On Self-Recruitment: A Modeling Approach Jean-Olivier IRISSON* 1 , Claire PARIS 2 , Laurent CHERUBIN 2 , Michel DE LARA 3 , Serge PLANES 1 1 UMR 5244, Biologie et Ecologie Tropicale et Mediterranenne, Université de Perpignan, Perpignan, France, 2 RSMAS - University of Miami, Miami, FL, 3 CERMICS - Ecole des Ponts et Chaussées, Paris, France All early models of the pelagic phase of coastal organisms made the simplifying assumption that larvae could be treated as passive particles in a flow. This was justified in the early nineties because of both computational limitations and lack of knowledge about the behavioral ecology of marine larvae. However, for more than a decade now, the swimming abilities of coral reef fishes, in particular, as well as their vertical distribution, have been investigated using several methods. All agree on the tremendous swimming speeds and endurance displayed by fish larvae, on their ability to influence their vertical and horizontal distributions and on the potential impact of these factors on connectivity. Yet, no numerical model integrates this kind of behavior more extensively than for the last instants of larval life. We present two numerical models of the whole larval phase which both feature larval behavior. One explicitly integrates larval swimming in a mesoscale environment, around an island, and estimates the impact of swimming on self-recruitment. Because we still know very little about the orientation behavior of larvae in oceanic waters, we deduce their swimming decisions from an optimization method with realistic constraints and a biologically sensible objective (i.e. recruitment). Swimming along these optimal trajectories substantially enhances the possibility of self-recruitment compared to a passive scenario. The other model examines the influence of statistically modeled vertical distributions of larvae in the context of many inter-connected fish populations in the Caribbean. The distribution is shown to markedly modify the connectivity matrix. Overall, both models show that larval behavior has a great influence during the pelagic phase. Many studies show that larvae probably use their swimming abilities to reduce rather than to enhance dispersal, and our findings demonstrate that they can do so very efficiently. 14-56 Long PLDs, Larval Behavior, and Connectivity in Spiny Lobster Mark BUTLER* 1 , Robert COWEN 2 , Claire PARIS 2 , Hirokazu MATSUDA 3 , Jason GOLDSTEIN 4 1 Department of Biological Sciences, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA, 2 Rosenstiel School of Marine & Atmospheric Sciences, University of Miami, Miami, FL, 3 Fisheries Research Division, Mia Prefecture Fishery Research Center, Mia, Japan, 4 Department of Zoology, University of New Hamphire, Durham, NH Among marine taxa, the pelagic larval duration (PLD) of spiny lobsters lies at the extreme. With PLDs ranging from 4 to 24 mos, spiny lobster larvae potentially disperse thousands of kilometers unless they possess behaviors or are captured in retentive environments that constrain their transport. Attempts to model connectivity in spiny lobsters have been hampered by a poor understanding of PLDs, ontogenetic changes in behavior, and by overly simplistic models. We have combined laboratory and field studies of larval behavior and distribution with advanced oceanographic modeling to predict dispersal of Caribbean Spiny Lobster (Panulirus argus). We successfully, and for the first time, reared P. argus from egg to juvenile and have determined its PLD (6 mos) along with stage-specific responses of larvae to light and chemical cues that may affect dispersal. Our experiments revealed distinct differences in response among larval stages consistent with observations of larval vertical distribution in nature, determined from monthly depth-stratified plankton tows. We also discovered that the strong-swimming postlarvae are attracted to coastal chemical cues up to 30 km from shore, particularly cues emanating from red macroalgae. These data have been used to parameterize a lobster Lagrangian particle model linked with the Hybrid Coordinate Ocean Model, similar to methods used for fishes. Simulations of P. argus larval dispersal suggest that with larval behavior: (a) the probability of successful recruitment increased by more than an order of magnitude, (b) median dispersal was ~200 km compared to ~ 800 km in simulations using passive dispersal, and (c) local patterns of retention and advection of larvae were idiosyncratic. We are now determining if model predictions of recruitment magnitude are consistent with empirical estimates of larval supply in the Caribbean. Oral Mini-Symposium 14: Reef Connectivity 14-57 Combining Modeling And Empirical Approaches To Track Connectivity Across Temporal And Spatial Scales Heather GALINDO* 1 , Donald OLSON 2 , Stephen PALUMBI 1 1 Hopkins Marine Station, Stanford University, Pacific Grove, CA, 2 Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Miami, Miami, FL Biological connections among marine populations via larval dispersal affect both demographic and evolutionary processes, yet describing the actual patterns of connectivity has remained a challenge. Recent integration of oceanographic and population genetic models has proven an effective tool for generating hypotheses about connectivity patterns we can then test with empirical datasets. We will present examples of this approach at various scales and discuss the advantages and limitations of this method in each case. First, we will describe how this approach has been successfully used to detect major geographic breaks in genetic structure for a free-spawning coral at the scale of the Caribbean basin. Next we will outline how this approach can be modified for application at both smaller spatial and temporal scales. Smaller spatial scales can potentially be achieved through finer geographic resolution of oceanographic models coupled with local collection of empirical data. In addition, better temporal resolution can be gained by matching recent oceanographic datasets with a cohort genetics approach where the genetic signatures of arriving larvae are tracked both within and between settlement seasons. The explicit integration of oceanography and population genetics gives us a powerful way to both generate and test hypotheses about patterns of marine connectivity. In addition, this modeling framework is extremely flexible and can be adapted to a variety of geographic regions and marine species. 14-58 Realized Connectivity: Post-Settlement Survival Linked To Larval Source Scott HAMILTON* 1 , Robert WARNER 1 1 EEMB, UCSB, Santa Barbara, CA Experiences during larval life may influence phenotypic traits, performance, and the probability of post-settlement survival. For a reef fish on an oceanic island, we used otolith (ear stone) elemental profiles of lead (Pb) to assign recent settlers to (1) a group that developed in nearshore waters elevated in Pb, or (2) those that developed in offshore waters depleted in Pb, potentially dispersing from upstream sources. Larval history influenced early life history traits: offshore developers initially grew slowly but compensated with fast growth upon entering nearshore waters, and metamorphosed in better condition with higher energy reserves. While 45% of settlers developed nearshore, only 23% of survivors after the first month displayed a nearshore otolith profile. Importantly, selective mortality was mediated by larval history, in that the post-settlement intensity of selection was much greater for fish that developed nearshore, potentially because only exceptionally strong offshore larvae survived to settle in the first place. Given the potential for asymmetrical post-settlement survival based on larval history, successful management may require knowledge of ‘realized connectivity’ on ecological scales, which is the proportion of individuals from different sources that survive to reproduce. Simply counting new settlers may be misleading. 123

14-59 Fishy Chronology: Using The Chemical Chronology Of Otoliths To Investigate Shared Environments Among Reef Fish Paul CHITTARO* 1 , J. Derek HOGAN 2 1 NWFSC, NOAA, Seattle, WA, 2 GLIER, University of Windsor, Windsor, ON, Canada Understanding the extent to which populations are connected is necessary for effective management. Although it is difficult to directly track fish during their pelagic larval stage, their otoliths have proven to be an invaluable tool since they record not only the time but also aspects of the environment in which the fish resides. The goal of this study is to provide information regarding the environments through which fish traveled, as well as the number of source populations that supply reef fish. To do this we use the otoliths of newly settled bicolor damselfish (Stegastes partitus), that were collected from Belize and Mexico in 2002 and 2003, and we determine the concentrations of elements (via laser ablation) along a transect from the otolith core to edge (representing their larval development and pelagic dispersal, until their settlement). We compare otolith chemical chronologies of individuals (at the site and regional scale, as well as at different time periods) in order to identify the extent to which individuals occupied similar environments during the course of their lives and the number of source populations from which they originated. 14-60 Multiple Scales Of Larval Dispersal in A Coral Reef Fish Mark TUPPER* 1 1 The WorldFish Center, Penang, Malaysia The management of coral reef fisheries is increasingly turning to an ecosystem-based approach involving networks of marine protected areas (MPAs). Central to this approach is knowledge of the connectivity between potential MPA sites. Recent studies have demonstrated high levels of retention in pomacentrids, which lay demersal eggs and have a short (9-21 days) planktonic phase. In this study, tetracycline was used to mass-mark goatfish (Parupeneus multifasciatus) embryos, taken by stripping ripe adults captured from a spawning aggregation site in Guam. This species has a planktonic phase of approximately 35 days. Marked fish were then recaptured by beach seining for newly settled juveniles and their otoliths examined for evidence of a tetracycline mark. A total of 11,000 otoliths were sampled, and 17 displayed a clear tetracycline mark. Goatfish settled over a range of dispersal scales. Some fish settled just tens to hundred of meters from the aggregation site. Most fish settled 1 km to 10s of km from the aggregation. Two fish settled about 100 km away at the downstream island of Rota in the Northern Marianas Islands (NMI). This has implications for transboundary management, as it is now evident that some of the NMI's reef fish stocks originate in Guam. Oral Mini-Symposium 14: Reef Connectivity 14-61 Connectivity Of Coral Reef Fish Populations: Estimates From Transgenerational Mass- Marking Of Embryonic Otoliths Using Enriched Stable Isotopes Simon THORROLD* 1 , Geoffrey JONES 2 , Serge PLANES 3 1 Biology Department, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA, 2 School of Marine and Tropical Biology, James Cook University, Townsville, Australia, 3 Laboratoire Écosystèmes Aquatiques Tropicaux et Méditerranéens, CNRS-EPHE-UPVD, Université de Perpignan, Perpignan, France Theoretical studies suggest that connectivity plays a fundamental role in the dynamics, community structure, genetic diversity, and resiliency to human exploitation of coral reef fishes. Modeling efforts have been hindered, however, by the paucity of empirical estimates of, and processes controlling, population connectivity in coral reef ecosystems. While progress has been made with older life stages, connectivity as a function of larval dispersal remains unresolved for most marine populations. We have developed a new technique, based on transgenerational marking of embryonic otoliths with enriched barium isotopes, to quantify population connectivity in coral reef fishes. Gravid females are injected with an enriched stable Ba isotope solution that generates a unique isotope signature in the otoliths of all larvae subsequently spawned by the individual for up to 3 months after the injection. Otoliths of juvenile fish are then scanned for the tag using laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Validated in benthic and pelagic spawning fishes, the first field study using transgenerational marking has recently being completed in Kimbe Bay, on the northern coast of New Britain, Papua New Guinea. Results suggest that natal homing of larvae may be a common life history strategy in reef fishes, and thus appropriate spatial scales for management and conservation of coral reefs are likely much smaller than previously realized. 124

14-59<br />

Fishy Chronology: Using The Chemical Chronology Of Otoliths To Investigate<br />

Shared Environments Among Reef Fish<br />

Paul CHITTARO* 1 , J. Derek HOGAN 2<br />

1 NWFSC, NOAA, Seattle, WA, 2 GLIER, <strong>University</strong> of Windsor, Windsor, ON, Canada<br />

Understanding the extent to which populations are connected is necessary for effective<br />

management. Although it is difficult to directly track fish during their pelagic larval<br />

stage, their otoliths have proven to be an invaluable tool since they record not only the<br />

time but also aspects of the environment in which the fish resides. The goal of this study<br />

is to provide information regarding the environments through which fish traveled, as well<br />

as the number of source populations that supply reef fish. To do this we use the otoliths<br />

of newly settled bicolor damselfish (Stegastes partitus), that were collected from Belize<br />

and Mexico in 2002 and 2003, and we determine the concentrations of elements (via laser<br />

ablation) along a transect from the otolith core to edge (representing their larval<br />

development and pelagic dispersal, until their settlement). We compare otolith chemical<br />

chronologies of individuals (at the site and regional scale, as well as at different time<br />

periods) in order to identify the extent to which individuals occupied similar<br />

environments during the course of their lives and the number of source populations from<br />

which they originated.<br />

14-60<br />

Multiple Scales Of Larval Dispersal in A Coral Reef Fish<br />

Mark TUPPER* 1<br />

1 The WorldFish Center, Penang, Malaysia<br />

The management of coral reef fisheries is increasingly turning to an ecosystem-based<br />

approach involving networks of marine protected areas (MPAs). Central to this approach<br />

is knowledge of the connectivity between potential MPA sites. Recent studies have<br />

demonstrated high levels of retention in pomacentrids, which lay demersal eggs and have<br />

a short (9-21 days) planktonic phase. In this study, tetracycline was used to mass-mark<br />

goatfish (Parupeneus multifasciatus) embryos, taken by stripping ripe adults captured<br />

from a spawning aggregation site in Guam. This species has a planktonic phase of<br />

approximately 35 days. Marked fish were then recaptured by beach seining for newly<br />

settled juveniles and their otoliths examined for evidence of a tetracycline mark. A total<br />

of 11,000 otoliths were sampled, and 17 displayed a clear tetracycline mark. Goatfish<br />

settled over a range of dispersal scales. Some fish settled just tens to hundred of meters<br />

from the aggregation site. Most fish settled 1 km to 10s of km from the aggregation. Two<br />

fish settled about 100 km away at the downstream island of Rota in the Northern<br />

Marianas Islands (NMI). This has implications for transboundary management, as it is<br />

now evident that some of the NMI's reef fish stocks originate in Guam.<br />

Oral Mini-Symposium 14: Reef Connectivity<br />

14-61<br />

Connectivity Of Coral Reef Fish Populations: Estimates From Transgenerational Mass-<br />

Marking Of Embryonic Otoliths Using Enriched Stable Isotopes<br />

Simon THORROLD* 1 , Geoffrey JONES 2 , Serge PLANES 3<br />

1 Biology Department, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA, 2 School of<br />

Marine and Tropical Biology, James Cook <strong>University</strong>, Townsville, Australia, 3 Laboratoire<br />

Écosystèmes Aquatiques Tropicaux et Méditerranéens, CNRS-EPHE-UPVD, Université de<br />

Perpignan, Perpignan, France<br />

Theoretical studies suggest that connectivity plays a fundamental role in the dynamics,<br />

community structure, genetic diversity, and resiliency to human exploitation of coral reef fishes.<br />

Modeling efforts have been hindered, however, by the paucity of empirical estimates of, and<br />

processes controlling, population connectivity in coral reef ecosystems. While progress has<br />

been made with older life stages, connectivity as a function of larval dispersal remains<br />

unresolved for most marine populations. We have developed a new technique, based on<br />

transgenerational marking of embryonic otoliths with enriched barium isotopes, to quantify<br />

population connectivity in coral reef fishes. Gravid females are injected with an enriched stable<br />

Ba isotope solution that generates a unique isotope signature in the otoliths of all larvae<br />

subsequently spawned by the individual for up to 3 months after the injection. Otoliths of<br />

juvenile fish are then scanned for the tag using laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass<br />

spectrometry. Validated in benthic and pelagic spawning fishes, the first field study using<br />

transgenerational marking has recently being completed in Kimbe Bay, on the northern coast of<br />

New Britain, Papua New Guinea. Results suggest that natal homing of larvae may be a<br />

common life history strategy in reef fishes, and thus appropriate spatial scales for management<br />

and conservation of coral reefs are likely much smaller than previously realized.<br />


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