11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University

11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University 11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University


14-45 Range-Wide Population Genetics Of The gorgonia Ventalina/symbiodinium Octocoral Holobiont Jason ANDRAS* 1 , Nathan KIRK 2 , C. Drew HARVELL 1 1 2 Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, Biology, Auburn University, Auburn, AL The conspicuous and ecologically dominant Caribbean seafan coral, Gorgonia ventalina, exists in an obligate mutualistic relationship with photosynthetic dinoflagellates of the genus Symbiodinium, ITS type B1. Here we describe the population genetic structure of the G. ventalina/Symbiodinium coral holobiont at 40 localities spanning more than 3,000 km throughout its range, using a total of 22 polymorphic microsatellite loci (13 loci from the Symbiodinium genome; 9 loci from the G. ventalina genome). The large majority of Symbiodinium populations within a single seafan colony were clonal, and seasonal sampling of marked colonies showed within-host symbiont populations to be temporally stable. Significant structure was detected between Symbiodinium populations among different coral hosts separated by as little as 5km, and overall divergence in symbiont populations followed a pattern of isolation by distance. Differentiation was also detected between Symbiodinium populations hosted by corals in different size/age classes at the same locality. A small fraction of seafan colonies sampled were found to host multiple symbiont genotypes. The relative proportions of these genotypes were dynamic and reversible in response to experimentally induced light and temperature stress, suggesting that the fine-scale Symbiodinium genetic diversity described in this study may have functional significance. Significant structure was also detected among populations of G. ventalina, though at a broader scale of hundreds to thousands of kilometers. The observed patterns of connectivity in populations of the coral host are consistent with data from biogeographic studies of other Caribbean marine organisms with broadly dispersing pelagic larvae. This is the first study we are aware of that considers the population genetics of both members of the obligate coral/algal holobiont. These results will have significance for our understanding of basic coral population biology, the establishment and maintenance of the coral/algal symbiosis, and conservation genetics and management of corals and other Caribbean reef creatures. 14-46 Genetic Variability Of Acropora Cervicornis And A .palmata in Puerto Rico Garcia Reyes JOSELYD* 1 , Nikolaos SCHIZAS 1 1 Department of Marine Sciences, University of Puerto Rico-Mayaguez, Lajas, Puerto Rico Genetic variation of natural populations may be used as a proxy for the long-term survival of populations or species. Effective conservation and management planning for the rapidly declining scleractinian species Acropora cervicornis and A. palmata require an understanding of the standing genetic variability. Over 100 colonies of Acropora cervicornis and A. palmata have been sampled from several reefs around Puerto Rico to assess levels of genetic variability. We used partial DNA sequences of the mitochondrial control region to estimate levels of genetic connectivity in adjacent and geographically distant reefs. Preliminary analysis shows that many of the reefs share haplotypes indicating historical genetic exchange between reefs. Genetic diversity is significantly different among reefs. Analysis of molecular variance suggests that most of the variability is observed within reefs than among reefs. FST values were also significant for both species suggesting that there is fine scale population structure, as previous studies have indicated. Therefore, larval dispersal could be limited over long and even small distances restricting larval supply, which could influence recuperation between reefs. Populations that are considerably connected will not have a significant amount of restriction on gene flow, allowing the exchange of genes between populations. Presence of multiple mitochondrial haplotypes in a reef suggests that sexual reproduction may be contributing to the observed levels of genetic variation in Puerto Rico. The awareness of connectivity between large spatial and small spatial scales is important especially when dealing with a threatened species in order to set the degree of conservation and management strategies. Oral Mini-Symposium 14: Reef Connectivity 14-47 Larval Retention And Population Connectivity in Two Coral-Reef Fishes Mark CHRISTIE* 1 , Christopher STALLINGS 2 , Darren JOHNSON 1 , Mark ALBINS 1 , Jim BEETS 3 , Brian TISSOT 4 , Stephen THOMPSON 5 , Mark HIXON 1 1 Department of Zoology, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, 2 Florida State University Coastal and Marine Laboratory, St. Teresa, FL, 3 Department of Marine Science, University of Hawaii at Hilo, Hilo, HI, 4 Washington State University, Vancouver, Vancouver, WA, 5 Cascadia Conservation Trust, Sisters, OR Patterns of demographic connectivity among and retention within local populations of marine fish are poorly understood due to the difficulty of directly tracking pelagic larvae. To address this issue, we conducted population genetic analyses of two species of coral reef fishes. In 2005, bicolor damselfish (Stegastes partitus) were collected from 5 islands within the Exuma Sound, Bahamas, bordering an area of 100 by 175 km. Fifty adults and fifty recruits from each site were genotyped at 7 polymorphic microsatellite loci. In 2006, 500 adult and 500 recruit yellow tang (Zebrasoma flavescens) were collected from 9 sites distributed around the Big Island of Hawai'i and subsequently genotyped at 15 microsatellite loci. Overall levels of genetic differentiation (e.g., FST) were low for both systems, such that there were no significant patterns of isolation by distance when Euclidean or along-shore distances were employed. However, significant differences between populations of bicolor damselfish located on the eastern and western sides of the Exuma Sound were detected. This pattern suggests that there is limited dispersal across the eastern and western sides of the Exuma Sound and higher levels of connectivity among sites located north and south of one another, coinciding with prevailing northerly currents. Additionally, the high levels of polymorphism found within the genetic markers allowed for the detection of parent-offspring pairs in both species using novel statistical methods. The existence of parent-offspring pairs of fish in the same region provides unequivocal documentation of larval retention and self-recruitment. Given that the overall levels of genetic differentiation in both systems are low, parentage analysis in marine systems may prove to be a powerful tool for informing population-level genetic analyses as well as for providing insights into gene flow and dispersal at ecological timescales. 14-48 Levels Of Population Genetic Structure Of Table Top Acropora Corals At Village, Island And Pacific-Wide Scales And The Value Of Local Marine Protected Areas. Steve PALUMBI* 1 , Jason LADNER 2 1 Department of Biology, Stanford University, Pacific Grove, CA, 2 Stanford University, Pacific Grove, CA To estimate the movement of coral larvae among populations and to estimate the connectivity of coral populations at various geographic scales, we measured mtDNA variation in populations of the table top corals Acropora hyacinthus and A. cytherea from 20 populations from the Philippines to Palmyra atoll. The same thirteen mtDNA haplotypes are seen across the Pacific, indicating that long distance gene flow is possible. Between archipelagos (Philippines, Micronesia, Fiji, American Samoa, Palmyra), coral populations always showed strong genetic differentiation, suggesting such long distance gene flow is rare. Within archipelagos, coral populations on separate islands usually showed strong genetic differences. Populations on different reefs on the same islands showed strong differentiation in about half of the comparisons. The two coral species showed little mtDNA genetic differentiation from one another when sampled from the same reefs, but additional data from nuclear genes showed higher levels of genetic distinction. Results suggest that, over ecologically relevant time scales, coral larvae generally travel short distances along reef complexes on an island, and have low dispersal abilities among islands. Use of coral protected areas to house healthy stands of corals to reseed damaged reefs would require these coral gardens to be placed at short distances from one another. 121

14-49 Quantifying The Spatiotemporal Trends in Marine Connectivity: Merging Seascape Genetics And Biophysical Modeling Within A Graph-Theoretic Framework Eric TREML* 1 , Patrick HALPIN 2 1 The School of Integrative Biology, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, 2 Nicholas School of the Environment and Earth Sciences, Duke University, Durham, NC Marine population connectivity, via larval dispersal, is critical for population persistence and is a key factor influencing how a species might cope with habitat loss and degradation due to local anthropogenic factors and future climate change. However, identifying the patterns in marine population connectivity poses one of the greatest challenges in marine ecology. Although several studies have discovered a general scale of population connectivity, little progress has been made in identifying the spatiotemporal structure of this connectivity. The objectives of this research were to 1) identify the probable dispersal routes and spatial population structure for several marine species throughout the Tropical Pacific, 2) test isolation-by-distance hypotheses of genetic differentiation for several marine species using traditional and graph-theoretic metrics, and 3) develop a framework for integrating these connectivity estimates into the regional marine conservation planning efforts. By exploiting techniques in population genetics, biophysical modeling, and graph theory, this work explored the hypothesis that the spatial genetic structure of marine populations is determined by the location and strength of biophysical connectivity. For this work, dispersal probabilities were derived for multiple species throughout the Tropical Pacific using a spatially-explicit biophysical modeling approach. These probabilities incorporated high-resolution hydrodynamics, pelagic larval duration, simplistic larval behavior, mortality, and settlement probability. The resultant spatiotemporal structure, including persistent dispersal corridors and barriers, were uncovered using clustering and connectivity algorithms from graph theory. The correlation between the biophysical connectivity predictions and the observed population genetic structure was tested within a Mantel regression framework. Finally, this research evaluated methods for integrating the spatial structure of marine population connectivity into regional conservation planning. 14-51 Where Have All The Larvae Gone? Connectivity Within The Hawaiian Archipelago Rob TOONEN* 1 , Chris BIRD 1 , Anuschka FAUCCI 2 , Iliana BAUMS 3 , Derek SKILLINGS 1 , Brian BOWEN 1 1 Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology, University of Hawaii, Kaneohe, HI, 2 Department of Biology, University of Hawaii, Kaneohe, HI, 3 Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA The Papahânaumokuâkea Marine National Monument, encompassing all of the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands, is the largest Marine Protected Area in the world (>350,000 km2), and studies of connectivity between reef habitats across this broad region are currently lacking. To this end, we are surveying a broad range of fish and invertebrate species to understand connectivity patterns throughout the Hawaiian Archipelago. We now have data for more than a dozen species, and using Monmonier’s algorithm as implemented in BARRIER, we have determined areas of restricted gene flow across many species within the Hawaiian Archipelago. Comparing these concordant population genetic breaks with results of a layered Lagrangian model of larval dispersal developed by Kobayashi, we argue that connectivity among coral reef habitats is unlikely to match passive diffusion models based solely on fluid dynamics. We also show that variability among even closely-related species is the norm, and argue that such broad taxonomic surveys are necessary to draw robust conclusions about general patterns of connectivity that will guide management or conservation efforts. Our data show a number of concordant breaks that were previously unknown and suggest that population structure across the Hawaiian Archipelago does not fit predictions based on broad-scale oceanographic currents or advection-diffusion models of larval dispersal driven by geostrophic flow. Oral Mini-Symposium 14: Reef Connectivity 14-53 Does Behavior Drive Population Genetic Structure in The Cardinalfish ostorhynchus Doederleini? Gabriele GERLACH* 1,2 , Jelle ATEMA 3 , Michael KINGSFORD 4 1 University of Oldenburg, Oldenburg, Germany, 2 Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, 3 Boston University, Boston, MA, 4 James Cook University, Townsville, Australia Many marine fish and invertebrates show a dual life history where settled adults produce dispersing larvae. While ocean currents are a major force in larval dispersal, recent studies and our own research show far greater retention than predicted by advection models. Based on microsatellite markers, we compared the genetic structure of adult cardinalfish, Ostorhynchus doederleini, at different reefs at the Capricorn Bunker Reef (Great Barrier Reef, Australia) at a geographical scale from 2 to 140 km over 5 different years. While the genetic structure in 2003 and 2005 showed statistically significant genetic differences between all reefs the populations seemed to have mixed up in 2006 probably driven by storm events. Surprisingly, significant differences were found again in 2007 and these populations were genetically similar to those from 2003 and 2005. Such a rapid reconstitution of the former genetic structure might be explained by behavioral mechanisms leading to different mortality of settling larvae. In order to test this, we collected adult O. doederleini at 4 different reefs and settling larvae from 2 reefs. In a random order we introduced a single larva into a tank containing 2 adults from either reef and observed the aggressive behavior towards this larva. The aggressive interaction of adults were significantly stronger when they originated from reefs different from those where larvae were collected; 7 out of 43 tested larvae were killed by foreign adults while no larvae were killed by adults from their own reef population. Our results indicate that differential aggressive behavior of adults might select against foreign, genetically dissimilar larvae and result in differential mortality of settling larvae from different origin. 14-54 Connectivity And Gene Flow in The Dominant Caribbean Reef-Building Coral, montastraea Annularis Nicola FOSTER* 1 , Claire PARIS 2 , Iliana BAUMS 3 , Mark VERMEIJ 4 , Shannon GORE 5 , Phillippe BUSH 6 , Croy MCCOY 6 , Sascha STEINER 7 , Judith MENDES 8 , Ernesto WEIL 9 , Carolina BASTIDAS 10 , Juan SANCHEZ 11 , Claudia AGUDELO 11 , Renata FERRARI 12 , Patricia GONZALEZ 13 , Michael MCCARTNEY 14 , Reia GUPPY 15 , Owen DAY 16 , Jamie STEVENS 1 , Peter MUMBY 1 1 School of Biosciences, University of Exeter, Exeter, United Kingdom, 2 University of Miami, Miami, FL, 3 The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, 4 University of Hawaii, Lahaina, HI, 5 BVI Conservation and Fisheries Department, Tortola, Virgin Islands (British), 6 Cayman Islands Government, George Town, Cayman Islands, 7 Institute for Tropical Marine Ecology, Roseau, Dominica, 8 University of West Indies, Mona, Jamaica, 9 University of Puerto Rico, Lajas, Puerto Rico, 10 Universidad Simon Bolivar, Caracas, Venezuela, 11 Universidad de los Andes, Bogota, Colombia, 12 Fundacion de Ecologia de Punta Cana, Punta Cana, Dominican Republic, 13 Universidad de La Habana, Havana, Cuba, 14 University of North Carolina, Wilmington, Wilmington, NC, 15 University of newcastle, Newcastle, United Kingdom, 16 Buccoo Reef Trust, Carnbe, Trinidad and Tobago Understanding patterns of connectivity among populations of aquatic organisms is essential for the development of realistic, spatially explicit models of population dynamics and for determining the placement of effective marine reserve networks. Traditionally, two approaches have been used to infer levels of larval connectivity among aquatic (generally marine) populations. The first uses oceanographic models of currents to predict potential levels of dispersal among sites and the second uses population genetics to infer aspects of connectivity from observed gene flow. Rarely have both methods been applied simultaneously. Here, we analysed variation at six polymorphic microsatellite loci to assess gene flow among 30 populations of the reef-building coral, Montastraea annularis, across the Caribbean. This data was then compared to the results from a model of larval dispersal. Using geographical coordinates and genetic distance matrices, an area of reduced gene flow was identified between populations in the eastern and western Caribbean. A further area of lowered gene flow was detected between populations in Belize and those in Honduras and Nicaragua. The observed breaks in gene flow were consistent with the results of the larval dispersal model. Such information regarding the connectivity of populations should be incorporated into future management plans. 122

14-49<br />

Quantifying The Spatiotemporal Trends in Marine Connectivity: Merging Seascape<br />

Genetics And Biophysical Modeling Within A Graph-Theoretic Framework<br />

Eric TREML* 1 , Patrick HALPIN 2<br />

1 The School of Integrative Biology, <strong>University</strong> of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia,<br />

2 Nicholas School of the Environment and Earth Sciences, Duke <strong>University</strong>, Durham, NC<br />

Marine population connectivity, via larval dispersal, is critical for population persistence<br />

and is a key factor influencing how a species might cope with habitat loss and<br />

degradation due to local anthropogenic factors and future climate change. However,<br />

identifying the patterns in marine population connectivity poses one of the greatest<br />

challenges in marine ecology. Although several studies have discovered a general scale<br />

of population connectivity, little progress has been made in identifying the spatiotemporal<br />

structure of this connectivity. The objectives of this research were to 1) identify the<br />

probable dispersal routes and spatial population structure for several marine species<br />

throughout the Tropical Pacific, 2) test isolation-by-distance hypotheses of genetic<br />

differentiation for several marine species using traditional and graph-theoretic metrics,<br />

and 3) develop a framework for integrating these connectivity estimates into the regional<br />

marine conservation planning efforts. By exploiting techniques in population genetics,<br />

biophysical modeling, and graph theory, this work explored the hypothesis that the spatial<br />

genetic structure of marine populations is determined by the location and strength of<br />

biophysical connectivity. For this work, dispersal probabilities were derived for multiple<br />

species throughout the Tropical Pacific using a spatially-explicit biophysical modeling<br />

approach. These probabilities incorporated high-resolution hydrodynamics, pelagic larval<br />

duration, simplistic larval behavior, mortality, and settlement probability. The resultant<br />

spatiotemporal structure, including persistent dispersal corridors and barriers, were<br />

uncovered using clustering and connectivity algorithms from graph theory. The<br />

correlation between the biophysical connectivity predictions and the observed population<br />

genetic structure was tested within a Mantel regression framework. Finally, this research<br />

evaluated methods for integrating the spatial structure of marine population connectivity<br />

into regional conservation planning.<br />

14-51<br />

Where Have All The Larvae Gone? Connectivity Within The Hawaiian Archipelago<br />

Rob TOONEN* 1 , Chris BIRD 1 , Anuschka FAUCCI 2 , Iliana BAUMS 3 , Derek<br />

SKILLINGS 1 , Brian BOWEN 1<br />

1 Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology, <strong>University</strong> of Hawaii, Kaneohe, HI, 2 Department of<br />

Biology, <strong>University</strong> of Hawaii, Kaneohe, HI, 3 Pennsylvania State <strong>University</strong>, <strong>University</strong><br />

Park, PA<br />

The Papahânaumokuâkea Marine National Monument, encompassing all of the<br />

Northwestern Hawaiian Islands, is the largest Marine Protected Area in the world<br />

(>350,000 km2), and studies of connectivity between reef habitats across this broad<br />

region are currently lacking. To this end, we are surveying a broad range of fish and<br />

invertebrate species to understand connectivity patterns throughout the Hawaiian<br />

Archipelago. We now have data for more than a dozen species, and using Monmonier’s<br />

algorithm as implemented in BARRIER, we have determined areas of restricted gene<br />

flow across many species within the Hawaiian Archipelago. Comparing these concordant<br />

population genetic breaks with results of a layered Lagrangian model of larval dispersal<br />

developed by Kobayashi, we argue that connectivity among coral reef habitats is unlikely<br />

to match passive diffusion models based solely on fluid dynamics. We also show that<br />

variability among even closely-related species is the norm, and argue that such broad<br />

taxonomic surveys are necessary to draw robust conclusions about general patterns of<br />

connectivity that will guide management or conservation efforts. Our data show a<br />

number of concordant breaks that were previously unknown and suggest that population<br />

structure across the Hawaiian Archipelago does not fit predictions based on broad-scale<br />

oceanographic currents or advection-diffusion models of larval dispersal driven by<br />

geostrophic flow.<br />

Oral Mini-Symposium 14: Reef Connectivity<br />

14-53<br />

Does Behavior Drive Population Genetic Structure in The Cardinalfish ostorhynchus<br />

Doederleini?<br />

Gabriele GERLACH* 1,2 , Jelle ATEMA 3 , Michael KINGSFORD 4<br />

1 <strong>University</strong> of Oldenburg, Oldenburg, Germany, 2 Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole,<br />

3 Boston <strong>University</strong>, Boston, MA, 4 James Cook <strong>University</strong>, Townsville, Australia<br />

Many marine fish and invertebrates show a dual life history where settled adults produce<br />

dispersing larvae. While ocean currents are a major force in larval dispersal, recent studies and<br />

our own research show far greater retention than predicted by advection models. Based on<br />

microsatellite markers, we compared the genetic structure of adult cardinalfish, Ostorhynchus<br />

doederleini, at different reefs at the Capricorn Bunker Reef (Great Barrier Reef, Australia) at a<br />

geographical scale from 2 to 140 km over 5 different years. While the genetic structure in 2003<br />

and 2005 showed statistically significant genetic differences between all reefs the populations<br />

seemed to have mixed up in 2006 probably driven by storm events. Surprisingly, significant<br />

differences were found again in 2007 and these populations were genetically similar to those<br />

from 2003 and 2005. Such a rapid reconstitution of the former genetic structure might be<br />

explained by behavioral mechanisms leading to different mortality of settling larvae. In order to<br />

test this, we collected adult O. doederleini at 4 different reefs and settling larvae from 2 reefs. In<br />

a random order we introduced a single larva into a tank containing 2 adults from either reef and<br />

observed the aggressive behavior towards this larva. The aggressive interaction of adults were<br />

significantly stronger when they originated from reefs different from those where larvae were<br />

collected; 7 out of 43 tested larvae were killed by foreign adults while no larvae were killed by<br />

adults from their own reef population. Our results indicate that differential aggressive behavior<br />

of adults might select against foreign, genetically dissimilar larvae and result in differential<br />

mortality of settling larvae from different origin.<br />

14-54<br />

Connectivity And Gene Flow in The Dominant Caribbean Reef-Building Coral,<br />

montastraea Annularis<br />

Nicola FOSTER* 1 , Claire PARIS 2 , Iliana BAUMS 3 , Mark VERMEIJ 4 , Shannon GORE 5 ,<br />

Phillippe BUSH 6 , Croy MCCOY 6 , Sascha STEINER 7 , Judith MENDES 8 , Ernesto WEIL 9 ,<br />

Carolina BASTIDAS 10 , Juan SANCHEZ 11 , Claudia AGUDELO 11 , Renata FERRARI 12 , Patricia<br />

GONZALEZ 13 , Michael MCCARTNEY 14 , Reia GUPPY 15 , Owen DAY 16 , Jamie STEVENS 1 ,<br />

Peter MUMBY 1<br />

1 School of Biosciences, <strong>University</strong> of Exeter, Exeter, United Kingdom, 2 <strong>University</strong> of Miami,<br />

Miami, FL, 3 The Pennsylvania State <strong>University</strong>, <strong>University</strong> Park, PA, 4 <strong>University</strong> of Hawaii,<br />

Lahaina, HI, 5 BVI Conservation and Fisheries Department, Tortola, Virgin Islands (British),<br />

6 Cayman Islands Government, George Town, Cayman Islands, 7 Institute for Tropical Marine<br />

Ecology, Roseau, Dominica, 8 <strong>University</strong> of West Indies, Mona, Jamaica, 9 <strong>University</strong> of Puerto<br />

Rico, Lajas, Puerto Rico, 10 Universidad Simon Bolivar, Caracas, Venezuela, 11 Universidad de<br />

los Andes, Bogota, Colombia, 12 Fundacion de Ecologia de Punta Cana, Punta Cana, Dominican<br />

Republic, 13 Universidad de La Habana, Havana, Cuba, 14 <strong>University</strong> of North Carolina,<br />

Wilmington, Wilmington, NC, 15 <strong>University</strong> of newcastle, Newcastle, United Kingdom,<br />

16 Buccoo Reef Trust, Carnbe, Trinidad and Tobago<br />

Understanding patterns of connectivity among populations of aquatic organisms is essential for<br />

the development of realistic, spatially explicit models of population dynamics and for<br />

determining the placement of effective marine reserve networks. Traditionally, two approaches<br />

have been used to infer levels of larval connectivity among aquatic (generally marine)<br />

populations. The first uses oceanographic models of currents to predict potential levels of<br />

dispersal among sites and the second uses population genetics to infer aspects of connectivity<br />

from observed gene flow. Rarely have both methods been applied simultaneously. Here, we<br />

analysed variation at six polymorphic microsatellite loci to assess gene flow among 30<br />

populations of the reef-building coral, Montastraea annularis, across the Caribbean. This data<br />

was then compared to the results from a model of larval dispersal. Using geographical<br />

coordinates and genetic distance matrices, an area of reduced gene flow was identified between<br />

populations in the eastern and western Caribbean. A further area of lowered gene flow was<br />

detected between populations in Belize and those in Honduras and Nicaragua. The observed<br />

breaks in gene flow were consistent with the results of the larval dispersal model. Such<br />

information regarding the connectivity of populations should be incorporated into future<br />

management plans.<br />


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