11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University

11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University 11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University


14-29 Complex Patterns of Genetic Connectivity in a Brooding Coral on the Great Barrier Reef, Australia Madeleine VAN OPPEN* 1 , Adrian LUTZ 1 , Glenn DE'ATH 2 1 Australian Institute of Marine Science, Townsville, MC, Australia, 2 Australian Institute of Marine Science, Townsvile, MC, Australia An understanding of the extent of larval transport in and out of reefs, as well as the direction of larval dispersal will improve our ability to forecast whether and how fast reef organisms are likely to recover from disturbance events that cause massive mortality. Assessment of connectivity on the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) is complex, as the GBR is extremely large (~350,000 km2, of which ~21,000 km2 consists of coral reef) and comprises ~2,900 separate reefs. We assessed genetic connectivity among and diversity within GBR populations of the brooding coral, Seriatopora hystrix. Approximately 1,800 specimens were collected across ~8.5 degrees of latitude and genotyped at ten microsatellite loci. Although extensive mixing was obvious in some areas, for example along the outer-shelf Ribbon reefs in the northern section of the GBR, high levels of genetic subdivision were generally observed among populations. Nearby populations from the same reef were in some cases as genetically distinct as populations hundreds of kilometres away. A strong signature of recent admixture (i.e., linkage disequilibrium, heterozygote deficits and high allelic diversity) was present in a subset of the populations, and where both lagoonal and exposed sites were sampled on the same reef, the latter were much more admixed. A hydrodynamic model is available for the northern section of the GBR and a comparison of hydrodynamic and genetic data will be presented. 14-30 Population Genetics, Larval Dispersal, and Demographic Connectivity in Marine Systems Kimberley WEERSING* 1 , Robert TOONEN 2 1 Oceanography, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, HI, 2 Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Kane`ohe, HI We survey 300 published studies to synthesize life-history and population genetic structure data from a broad array of benthic marine taxa (including ten coral species and 62 reef-associated species) to determine how well pelagic larval duration (PLD) correlates with population genetic estimates of dispersal. Expanding on earlier studies, we also explore other potential biophysical correlates of population substructure (genetic marker class, habitat type, and larval swimming ability) that have not been considered in previous meta-analyses. In contrast to previous studies concluding that planktonic periods correlate well with inferred dispersal ability, we find that average PLD was poorly correlated with population connectivity (FST). Furthermore, even this weak correlation appears to be anchored by the zero PLD class, because removal of species that lack a pelagic phase from the analysis resulted in a non-significant relationship between F ST and mean PLD. A 3-way ANCOVA instead reveals that genetic marker class (mtDNA, allozymes, and microsatellites) is responsible for most of the variation in FST (F = 7.113, df = 2, p = 0.001), while neither habitat nor swimming ability were significant factors. In contrast to the general expectation that microsatellite-based studies provide the finest resolution of population structure, we find that significantly higher values of FST are obtained with mtDNA than with either microsatellites or allozymes (which were not significantly different). Useful predictors of the pattern and scale of dispersal play a central role in both ecological and evolutionary studies, but as yet remain elusive; this study suggests that mean PLD is at best a weak predictor of population genetic structure and that estimates of larval dispersal will need to encompass both behavioral and physical transport processes. Oral Mini-Symposium 14: Reef Connectivity 14-31 Local And Regional Self-Recruitment in The Bicolor Damselfish (Stegastes Partitus) On Turneffe Atoll in The Mesoamerican Barrier Reef Eva SALAS* 1 , Helena MOLINA 1 , Dan HEATH 2 1 Centro de Investigación en Ciencias del Mar y Limnología (CIMAR), Universidad de Costa Rica, San Jose, Costa Rica, 2 Great Lakes Institute for Environmental Research (GLIER), University of Windsor, Windsor, ON, Canada The scale of larval retention is of critical importance to define units of conservation for reef fishes. By using genotype assignment techniques, we estimated the proportion of self recruitment of Stegastes partitus, a Caribbean damselfish with a long (30-day) pelagic larval phase. Adults and recently settled juveniles were collected from reefs located on Turneffe atoll and the Belize barrier reef, and were genotyped at 12 microsatellite loci. We found that selfrecruitment rates are relatively low at a local,

14-33 Temporal Patterns in Genetic Structure Within And Among Cohorts Of Settlement- Stage Larvae And New Recruits Of A Coral Reef Fish Tauna RANKIN* 1 , Su SPONAUGLE 1 , Dean WILLIAMS 2 1 Marine Biology and Fisheries, RSMAS/University of Miami, Miami, FL, 2 Biology, Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, TX High fecundity coupled with extensive and often variable mortality of early life stages leads to highly variable recruitment dynamics of many marine organisms, including coral reef fishes. Sources of variation in recruitment strength can be the result of random (e.g. temperature, current trajectories) and selective (e.g. starvation, predation) processes. Identifying sources of variation in and mechanisms important to early survival may provide a means of predicting population structure and connectivity among populations. Most population genetic studies have concentrated on spatial patterns of genetic structure. The goal of this study was to identify temporal genetic variation within and among cohorts of settlement-stage larvae and newly recruited juveniles and to determine 1) whether allelic frequencies vary among monthly cohorts of settling larvae due to fluctuating larval transport or chance reproductive success of a small proportion of adults, and 2) whether temporal variation within monthly cohorts is indicative of selective or random loss of alleles (i.e. genetic drift). To investigate the presence and mechanism of temporal shifts in a population’s genetic composition, six monthly cohorts of newly settled bicolor damselfish Stegastes partitus were sampled in the upper Florida Keys, USA over four years. Late-stage larvae were collected in light traps and newly recruited juveniles were collected a few days later on the reef. Exon-primed intron-crossing polymerase chain reaction amplifiable introns (EPIC-PCR) and a 400 base pair region of the mitochondrial control region I were compared within cohorts and among different months and years. When differences in allelic frequencies among monthly cohorts were detected, calculations of relatedness were used to test for a Hedgecock effect. We also determined whether allele frequencies within cohorts resulted from selective processes acting on certain loci or over all loci equally, suggesting random genetic drift. 14-34 Genetic Connectivity Of The Shallow And Deep Reef: Intra-Reef Genetic Structure Of seriatopora Hystrix On The Northern Great Barrier Reef Pim BONGAERTS* 1 , Norbert ENGLEBERT 1,2 , Tyrone RIDGWAY 1 , Cynthia RIGINOS 3 , Ove HOEGH-GULDBERG 1 1 Centre for Marine Studies, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, 2 IBED, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 3 School of Integrative Biology, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia Whilst many reef communities in the Great Barrier Reef Lagoon are limited to shallow waters, there are a large number of reefs that extend beyond 25m depth (especially along the Great Barrier Reef margin). These deeper reefs appear to be less prone to disturbance than their shallow counterparts as the effects of several major stressors on coral reefs (e.g. elevated sea surface temperatures and storm-induced waves) are largely confined to shallow depths. As such, the relatively undisturbed deep reef has the potential to function as a refugium and subsequently as a “re-seeding” reproductive source for the shallow, aiding in recovery after a disturbance. Coral species that transcend the distinct shallow and deep reef habitats (i.e. depth-generalist species) and thrive under a large range of environmental conditions have the highest potential to provide a viable recruitment resource for the shallow. However, due to the lack of appropriate markers, very little is known about local recruitment processes and the extent of recruitment occurring between shallow and deep reef habitats. In this study we explore the extent of gene flow in the brooding coral Seriatopora hystrix between the deep reef slope (27m), the reef crest (6m), and back reef (2-3m) on two outer-reefs of the northern Great Barrier Reef. Nine microsatellite loci, specifically developed for Seriatopora hystrix were amplified and their variation assessed. Preliminary results indicate that populations are largely self seeding, which challenges the idea that reef systems may be rapidly repopulated from external larval sources after a disturbance and rather highlights the importance of local recruitment processes for shallow coral reef recovery. Oral Mini-Symposium 14: Reef Connectivity 14-35 Low Genetic Diversity And Gene Flow Suggests Vulnerable Atlantic Coral Outposts Flavia NUNES* 1 , Richard D. NORRIS 1 , Nancy KNOWLTON 1 1 Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla, CA Coral species diversity in the Atlantic Ocean is concentrated in the Caribbean Sea, but coral populations are also found along the coasts of Brazil and West Africa, and on mid-Atlantic islands. These coral “outposts” are typically rocky reefs harboring a low number of coral species, often rich in endemics. In order to study the levels of genetic diversity and gene flow among these low-diversity outposts and the Caribbean, 130 individuals of Montastraea cavernosa sampled from 6 Atlantic populations in the Caribbean (Panamá, Belize and Puerto Rico), North Atlantic (Bermuda), Western South Atlantic (Brazil) and Eastern Tropical Atlantic (São Tomé, West Africa) were genotyped at two nuclear and one mitochondrial loci. For the two nuclear loci, Caribbean and North Atlantic populations displayed high levels of genetic diversity and similar allele frequencies, whereas the Brazilian and West African populations each had markedly lower levels of genetic diversity and distinct allele frequencies relative to other populations. The mitochondrial locus had much lower diversity than the nuclear loci, with one fixed allele in the South Atlantic populations (Brazil and São Tomé), and one very common allele being nearly fixed in the Caribbean and North Atlantic populations. Surprisingly, no population differentiation was observed among Caribbean and North Atlantic populations of M. cavernosa over all loci, suggesting these populations are well-connected over evolutionary time scales. Populations from Brazil and West Africa, however, were significantly differentiated from all other populations over all loci, including each other, except for the mitochondrial locus, where they display the same genotype. Genetic diversity and connectivity may be important factors that contribute to the resilience of a coral population to disturbance. Low genetic diversity and low levels of gene flow in Brazil and West Africa suggest that isolated outposts may be more vulnerable to degradation and loss relative to Caribbean populations. 14-36 Genetic Parental Analysis Reveals Both Local Retention And Large Scale Connectivity Of Clownfish in Kimbe Bay Serge PLANES* 1 , Geoffrey JONES 2 , THORROLD SIMON 3 1 UMR 5244 - Laboratoire Écosystèmes Aquatiques Tropicaux et Méditerranéens, CNRS - EPHE - UPVD, Perpignan, France, 2 School of Marine and Tropical Biology, and ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies, James Cook University, TOWNSVILLE, Australia, 3 Biology Department MS # 50, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA Many marine species produce larvae that can be pelagic for weeks or months and the potential for long distance dispersal by prevailing currents is extremely high. Marine populations have, in turn, been assumed to be demographically “open”, consisting of many sub-populations that are connected by larval dispersal. However recent work has consistently demonstrated high levels of self-recruitment in reef fish populations. Because of the technical difficulty of tracking larvae, direct measures of dispersal have not previously been obtained. We report on the potential of genetic parental analysis to estimate local self-recruitment and connectivity among distant areas by identifying the parent (and their location) of a new recruit settling at a certain location. We sampled (fin-clip) the entire adult population of clown fish (Amphiprion percula) from the reef around a small island, Kimbe Island, Papua New Guinea, together with new recruits from Kimbe Island and several other locations throughout Kimbe Bay. Parental analysis demonstrated significant self-recruitment (about 50%) to the Kimbe Island sub-population, but also significant connectivity among three distant locations within Kimbe Bay. As many as 10% of new recruits at these distant locations - up to 50km from Kimbe Island - were spawned by Kimbe Island adults. At small spatial scale, we observe strong retention (up to 50%) within small lagoon around Kimbe island that question about the ability of the species to achieve the pelagic larval phase within these lagoon. Finally, we demonstrate that some parents at specific sites within Kimbe Island were more efficient in producing self-recruitmenting juveniles than adults at other sites. Genetic parental analysis opens the possibility for new perspectives in understanding success of the larval phase and investigating process determining connectivity in the perspective of better management of marine populations. Financial support provided by: CRISP 118

14-33<br />

Temporal Patterns in Genetic Structure Within And Among Cohorts Of Settlement-<br />

Stage Larvae And New Recruits Of A Coral Reef Fish<br />

Tauna RANKIN* 1 , Su SPONAUGLE 1 , Dean WILLIAMS 2<br />

1 Marine Biology and Fisheries, RSMAS/<strong>University</strong> of Miami, Miami, FL, 2 Biology,<br />

Texas Christian <strong>University</strong>, Fort Worth, TX<br />

High fecundity coupled with extensive and often variable mortality of early life stages<br />

leads to highly variable recruitment dynamics of many marine organisms, including coral<br />

reef fishes. Sources of variation in recruitment strength can be the result of random (e.g.<br />

temperature, current trajectories) and selective (e.g. starvation, predation) processes.<br />

Identifying sources of variation in and mechanisms important to early survival may<br />

provide a means of predicting population structure and connectivity among populations.<br />

Most population genetic studies have concentrated on spatial patterns of genetic structure.<br />

The goal of this study was to identify temporal genetic variation within and among<br />

cohorts of settlement-stage larvae and newly recruited juveniles and to determine 1)<br />

whether allelic frequencies vary among monthly cohorts of settling larvae due to<br />

fluctuating larval transport or chance reproductive success of a small proportion of adults,<br />

and 2) whether temporal variation within monthly cohorts is indicative of selective or<br />

random loss of alleles (i.e. genetic drift). To investigate the presence and mechanism of<br />

temporal shifts in a population’s genetic composition, six monthly cohorts of newly<br />

settled bicolor damselfish Stegastes partitus were sampled in the upper Florida Keys,<br />

USA over four years. Late-stage larvae were collected in light traps and newly recruited<br />

juveniles were collected a few days later on the reef. Exon-primed intron-crossing<br />

polymerase chain reaction amplifiable introns (EPIC-PCR) and a 400 base pair region of<br />

the mitochondrial control region I were compared within cohorts and among different<br />

months and years. When differences in allelic frequencies among monthly cohorts were<br />

detected, calculations of relatedness were used to test for a Hedgecock effect. We also<br />

determined whether allele frequencies within cohorts resulted from selective processes<br />

acting on certain loci or over all loci equally, suggesting random genetic drift.<br />

14-34<br />

Genetic Connectivity Of The Shallow And Deep Reef: Intra-Reef Genetic Structure<br />

Of seriatopora Hystrix On The Northern Great Barrier Reef<br />

Pim BONGAERTS* 1 , Norbert ENGLEBERT 1,2 , Tyrone RIDGWAY 1 , Cynthia<br />


1 Centre for Marine Studies, <strong>University</strong> of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, 2 IBED,<br />

<strong>University</strong> of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 3 School of Integrative Biology,<br />

<strong>University</strong> of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia<br />

Whilst many reef communities in the Great Barrier Reef Lagoon are limited to shallow<br />

waters, there are a large number of reefs that extend beyond 25m depth (especially along<br />

the Great Barrier Reef margin). These deeper reefs appear to be less prone to disturbance<br />

than their shallow counterparts as the effects of several major stressors on coral reefs (e.g.<br />

elevated sea surface temperatures and storm-induced waves) are largely confined to<br />

shallow depths. As such, the relatively undisturbed deep reef has the potential to function<br />

as a refugium and subsequently as a “re-seeding” reproductive source for the shallow,<br />

aiding in recovery after a disturbance. Coral species that transcend the distinct shallow<br />

and deep reef habitats (i.e. depth-generalist species) and thrive under a large range of<br />

environmental conditions have the highest potential to provide a viable recruitment<br />

resource for the shallow. However, due to the lack of appropriate markers, very little is<br />

known about local recruitment processes and the extent of recruitment occurring between<br />

shallow and deep reef habitats. In this study we explore the extent of gene flow in the<br />

brooding coral Seriatopora hystrix between the deep reef slope (27m), the reef crest<br />

(6m), and back reef (2-3m) on two outer-reefs of the northern Great Barrier Reef. Nine<br />

microsatellite loci, specifically developed for Seriatopora hystrix were amplified and<br />

their variation assessed. Preliminary results indicate that populations are largely self<br />

seeding, which challenges the idea that reef systems may be rapidly repopulated from<br />

external larval sources after a disturbance and rather highlights the importance of local<br />

recruitment processes for shallow coral reef recovery.<br />

Oral Mini-Symposium 14: Reef Connectivity<br />

14-35<br />

Low Genetic Diversity And Gene Flow Suggests Vulnerable Atlantic Coral Outposts<br />

Flavia NUNES* 1 , Richard D. NORRIS 1 , Nancy KNOWLTON 1<br />

1 Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla, CA<br />

Coral species diversity in the Atlantic Ocean is concentrated in the Caribbean Sea, but coral<br />

populations are also found along the coasts of Brazil and West Africa, and on mid-Atlantic<br />

islands. These coral “outposts” are typically rocky reefs harboring a low number of coral<br />

species, often rich in endemics. In order to study the levels of genetic diversity and gene flow<br />

among these low-diversity outposts and the Caribbean, 130 individuals of Montastraea<br />

cavernosa sampled from 6 Atlantic populations in the Caribbean (Panamá, Belize and Puerto<br />

Rico), North Atlantic (Bermuda), Western South Atlantic (Brazil) and Eastern Tropical Atlantic<br />

(São Tomé, West Africa) were genotyped at two nuclear and one mitochondrial loci. For the<br />

two nuclear loci, Caribbean and North Atlantic populations displayed high levels of genetic<br />

diversity and similar allele frequencies, whereas the Brazilian and West African populations<br />

each had markedly lower levels of genetic diversity and distinct allele frequencies relative to<br />

other populations. The mitochondrial locus had much lower diversity than the nuclear loci,<br />

with one fixed allele in the South Atlantic populations (Brazil and São Tomé), and one very<br />

common allele being nearly fixed in the Caribbean and North Atlantic populations.<br />

Surprisingly, no population differentiation was observed among Caribbean and North Atlantic<br />

populations of M. cavernosa over all loci, suggesting these populations are well-connected over<br />

evolutionary time scales. Populations from Brazil and West Africa, however, were significantly<br />

differentiated from all other populations over all loci, including each other, except for the<br />

mitochondrial locus, where they display the same genotype. Genetic diversity and connectivity<br />

may be important factors that contribute to the resilience of a coral population to disturbance.<br />

Low genetic diversity and low levels of gene flow in Brazil and West Africa suggest that<br />

isolated outposts may be more vulnerable to degradation and loss relative to Caribbean<br />

populations.<br />

14-36<br />

Genetic Parental Analysis Reveals Both Local Retention And Large Scale Connectivity Of<br />

Clownfish in Kimbe Bay<br />

Serge PLANES* 1 , Geoffrey JONES 2 , THORROLD SIMON 3<br />

1 UMR 5244 - Laboratoire Écosystèmes Aquatiques Tropicaux et Méditerranéens, CNRS -<br />

EPHE - UPVD, Perpignan, France, 2 School of Marine and Tropical Biology, and ARC Centre<br />

of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies, James Cook <strong>University</strong>, TOWNSVILLE, Australia,<br />

3 Biology Department MS # 50, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA<br />

Many marine species produce larvae that can be pelagic for weeks or months and the potential<br />

for long distance dispersal by prevailing currents is extremely high. Marine populations have, in<br />

turn, been assumed to be demographically “open”, consisting of many sub-populations that are<br />

connected by larval dispersal. However recent work has consistently demonstrated high levels<br />

of self-recruitment in reef fish populations. Because of the technical difficulty of tracking<br />

larvae, direct measures of dispersal have not previously been obtained. We report on the<br />

potential of genetic parental analysis to estimate local self-recruitment and connectivity among<br />

distant areas by identifying the parent (and their location) of a new recruit settling at a certain<br />

location. We sampled (fin-clip) the entire adult population of clown fish (Amphiprion percula)<br />

from the reef around a small island, Kimbe Island, Papua New Guinea, together with new<br />

recruits from Kimbe Island and several other locations throughout Kimbe Bay. Parental analysis<br />

demonstrated significant self-recruitment (about 50%) to the Kimbe Island sub-population, but<br />

also significant connectivity among three distant locations within Kimbe Bay. As many as 10%<br />

of new recruits at these distant locations - up to 50km from Kimbe Island - were spawned by<br />

Kimbe Island adults. At small spatial scale, we observe strong retention (up to 50%) within<br />

small lagoon around Kimbe island that question about the ability of the species to achieve the<br />

pelagic larval phase within these lagoon. Finally, we demonstrate that some parents at specific<br />

sites within Kimbe Island were more efficient in producing self-recruitmenting juveniles than<br />

adults at other sites. Genetic parental analysis opens the possibility for new perspectives in<br />

understanding success of the larval phase and investigating process determining connectivity in<br />

the perspective of better management of marine populations.<br />

Financial support provided by: CRISP<br />


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