11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University

11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University

11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University


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14-10<br />

Does Vertical Migration Behavior Of Reef Fish Larvae Influence Their Transport?<br />

Klaus HUEBERT* 1 , Su SPONAUGLE 1 , Robert COWEN 1<br />

1 Division of Marine Biology and Fisheries, <strong>University</strong> of Miami / RSMAS, Miami, FL<br />

The degree to which the population connectivity of coral reef organisms is influenced by<br />

the behavior of their dispersive larvae is controversial. One type of behavior that<br />

potentially affects larval transport is vertical migration between depths with different<br />

ambient currents. Our objective was to describe vertical migrations of pelagic coral reef<br />

fish larvae in the Straits of Florida, and estimate their influence on larval transport.<br />

Repeated time series of plankton net tows were conducted offshore of Miami using a<br />

Multiple Opening Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNESS). The<br />

upper 100 m of the water column was sampled at 3 h intervals for a duration of 48 h, with<br />

different nets fishing at 0-25 m, 25-50 m, 50-75 m and 75-100 m. Simultaneously, a suite<br />

of environmental variables was recorded by the MOCNESS as well as a shipboard<br />

Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP). Across several families of reef fishes, large<br />

larvae were distributed significantly deeper than small larvae, revealing downward<br />

vertical migration with ontogeny. Taking ambient light levels and visual net-avoidance<br />

behavior into account, vertical distributions of some families also varied significantly<br />

between day and night, revealing diel vertical migrations. The predominant long-shore<br />

component of the Florida Current was consistently greatest at the surface and decreased<br />

with depth, while the cross-shore current was an order of magnitude weaker and highly<br />

variable. The distribution of currents together with the observed patterns of vertical<br />

migration of larvae results in an overall reduction of larval horizontal advection speeds,<br />

with important consequences for population connectivity.<br />

14-11<br />

Homing in Coral Reef Cardinalfish Contributes to Low Population Connectivity<br />

Among Reefs<br />

Naomi GARDINER* 1 , Geoff JONES 1<br />

1 ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies, James Cook <strong>University</strong>, Townsville,<br />

Australia<br />

Recent studies have indicated greater levels of self-recruitment within coral reef fish<br />

populations, and less connectivity among populations than once appreciated. However,<br />

the ability of individuals to return to home reefs, and the spatial scales over which<br />

homing can occur are poorly understood. While cardinalfish are known to return home<br />

when displaced within lagoon environments, whether or not they can return home across<br />

open water, when displaced from one reef to another is unknown. This study employed<br />

displacement experiments to investigate the homing-ability of 5 common Indo-Pacific<br />

cardinalfish species (Apogon fragilis, A. leptacanthus, Archamia zosterophora,<br />

Ostorhinchus artus and O. quinquelineatus) in Kimbe Bay (PNG). Individuals were<br />

displaced ca. 500m from ‘home’ positions onto either the same reef or onto a neighboring<br />

reef (separated from the home site by open-water). Despite their small size (SL ca.<br />

5-8cm) and limited swimming capabilities, all species were capable of returning to home<br />

coral heads, across open-water, within a single night. Homing capabilities from up to<br />

5km away were also demonstrated. We argue that homing in these nocturnal foraging<br />

species contributes to the lack of connectivity among coral reefs.<br />

Oral Mini-Symposium 14: Reef Connectivity<br />

14-12<br />

The Biology Of Acropora Palmata Larvae: Implications For Dispersal And Population<br />

Connectivity<br />

Ainhoa LEON ZUBILLAGA* 1 , Alina M. SZMANT 2,3<br />

1 Biologia de Organismos, Universidad Simon Bolivar, Caracas, Venezuela, 2 Center for Marine<br />

Science, <strong>University</strong> of North Carolina Wilmington, Wilmington, NC, 3 Center for Marine<br />

Science, <strong>University</strong> of North Carolina Wilmington, Wilmington<br />

The exchange of genetic material within and across coral populations will depend not just on<br />

physical factors (e.g. hydrography) but also on larval characteristics such as buoyancy, duration<br />

of development to competency and competency, swimming abilities, and other larval behaviors.<br />

A range of experimental procedures were used to determine these variables for the threatened<br />

species Acropora palmata. Eggs are buoyant upon release and rise to the ocean surface;<br />

embryos lost buoyancy over time as they developed into planulae (F = 46.4, df = 9; p = 0.000)<br />

presumably as they metabolized lipid stores. Embryos reached a swimming planula stage at ca.<br />

60 h after fertilization, and gradually gained the ability to swim downwards; however,<br />

maximum swimming capabilities were not observed until 192 h after fertilization. There was no<br />

evidence of diel swimming patterns as was previously found for Montastraea faveolata. Larvae<br />

did not reach competency until they were at least 6 to 8 days old. These larval characteristics<br />

could lead to fairly extensive dispersal depending on local current conditions during the first<br />

week after spawning. There was a significant dependence (x2 = 29.7, p

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