11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University

11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University 11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University


12-14 Ocean Dynamics Drive Coral Reef Processes in The Andaman Sea Claudio RICHTER* 1 , Mélanie BON 1 , Laura FILLINGER 1 , Carin JANTZEN 1 , Cornelia RODER 1 , Gertraud SCHMIDT 1 , Niphon PHONGSUWAN 2 , Somkiat KHOKIATTIWONG 2 1 Center for Tropical Marine Ecology, Bremen, Germany, 2 Phuket Marine Biological Center, Phuket, Thailand Coral reefs are rich benthic ecosystems thriving in nutrient-poor waters. A striking feature of the Andaman Sea is the exposure of offshore reefs to large amplitude internal waves. These solitary-like waves (or solitons) are generated by the ebb and flow of water across the shallow ridges of the Andaman-Nicobar island arc and propagate along the density discontinuity (pycnocline) between warm surface and colder deep waters pycnocline with speeds of ~2 m s -1 and amplitudes of up to 80 m. Here, we show that the dissipation of the solitons’ energy in shoaling water enhances pelagic-benthic coupling along the continental margin, due to turbulent mixing near the sea bed, entrainment of interstitial and subpycnocline nutrients, and formation of bores. These 'solibores' supply nutrients and plankton to the benthos of the Similan Islands. Lowered temperature, pH and light hamper, however, coral photosynthesis and calcification, and their resilience against macroalgal competitors and grazers, resulting in low or negative reef growth. The frequency and intensity of cold bores (with temperatures drops of up to 10°C within only minutes) may on the other hand increase the corals’ resilience to thermal stress. The findings have important repercussions on the Similan reefs which have been impacted by earlier bleaching and recent Tsunami. Because solitons are ubiquitous in the Andaman Sea and elsewhere, they may be an important yet so far overlooked mechanism structuring benthic communities in tropical waters. 12-15 Opposing Effects Of Water Quality On Coral Bleaching Resistance And Recovery David OBURA* 1 , Haji MACHANO 2 , January NDAGALA 3 , Monica ZAVAGLI 4 1 CORDIO East Africa, Mombasa, Kenya, 2 WWF Tanzania, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, 3 Mafia Island Marine Park, Mafia Island, Tanzania, 4 Ramsar Secretariat, Gland, Switzerland The Mafia-Rufiji-Kilwa system of coral reefs and islands in central Tanzania is influenced strongly by outflow from the Rufiji river, which forms the largest delta system in Tanzania. Within this area, the impact of coral bleaching and mortality in 1998 varied considerably among reefs, with estimated mortality of corals varying from 0 to 100%, from surveys and observations conducted in the subsequent 9 years from 1999 to 2007. A new assessment method that includes estimation of a broad scope of factors hypothesized to influence coral resistance and tolerance to bleaching, and reef recovery following mortality, was conducted in November-December 2007 on 15 reefs in the region, sampling coral communities in 10-12 and 3-5 m depth zones. Quantitative and semiquantitative data were collected on benthic cover, coral community structure, coral population structure, coral condition, herbivorous fish community structure, and indicators of physical site properties including connectivity, cooling and flushing, shading and screening and acclimatization potential. The two major factors that affected coral community structure related to a) initial resistance to bleaching - reefs with highest indicators of mainland river influence showed the lowest evidence of mass mortality in 1998, with turbidity likely providing the greatest degree of protection from thermal stress; and b) recovery following mortality - a combination of factors that included clear water (least mainland influence), substrate robustness (maximize coral survival) and high larval supply. These factors act in direct opposition to one another: turbid waters maximized coral survival during thermal stress, but clear water maximizes coral recruitment and survival under normal conditions. Thus current status of reefs is a result of multiple interacting factors; these need to be considered in a holistic way in prioritysetting for active management to minimize climate impacts to coral reefs. Oral Mini-Symposium 12: Reef Resilience 12-16 Two-Years Monitoring Of Water Flow Effects On Photosynthesis And Growth Of The Coral acropora Digitifera Takashi NAKAMURA* 1,2 , Seitaro S. YAMAZAKI 1 , Yeong Shyan YUEN 1 , Hideo YAMASAKI 1 1 Faculty of Science, University of the Ryukyus, Okinawa, Japan, 2 Amakusa Mar Biol Lab, Kyushu University, Kumamoto, Japan We conducted an outdoor aquarium experiment to clarify long-term influence of water flow on corals. Water motion has significant impacts on the physiology of corals; limitation in watermotion causes severe bleaching in the coral Acropora digitifera during a period with strong light and high water temperature. Although there are numbers of investigations that report the effects of water flow in short-term (hours to weeks) experiments, long-term effects especially on the interaction with seasonal change in weather are not fully understood. In this study we report effects of water flow on the coral A. digitifera in several water-flow conditions (flow/wave/limited-flow) over two-year period in Okinawa, southern Japan. We monitored algal photosynthesis in hospite of A. digitifera weekly with a Diving-PAM chlorophyll fluorometer. Colony growth was measured monthly by the underwater buoyant weight method. In subtropical southern Japan under the influence of monsoon climate, seasonal change in weather had strong impacts on the photophysiology of A. digitifera. A. digitifera was evenly stressed in spring as well as in summer. Notably, high photosynthetic efficiency was often recorded just after the period of rainy season. Throughout the entire experimental period, photosynthesis of A. digitifera in limited-flow condition showed lower activity level than that of in flow conditions. Less colony growth with the disappearance of axial polyps was also observed under limited-flow condition in contrasted with flow conditions. These adverse effects of limited-flow could be diminished by the subsequent exposure to flow. The results confirm that water-flow can keep photosynthesis as well as growth of A. digitifera in good conditions throughout the years. We suggest that water-flow is an important factor that should be taken into the consideration of coral reef conservation. 12-17 Wave Effects On Coral Reefs Malcolm L. HERON 1 , William J. SKIRVING 2 , Scott F. HERON* 3 1 Marine Geophysical Laboratory, James Cook University, Townsville, Australia, 2 NOAA Coral Reef Watch, Silver Spring, MD, 3 NOAA Coral Reef Watch, Siver Spring, MD The work aims to evaluate the extent to which wave mixing mitigates the phenomenon of coral bleaching on isolated reefs. The physical conditions which allow coral bleaching are high insolation, low currents and low winds. Under these conditions a stable warm layer can form at the surface of the ocean. In this work we argue that very low swell wave energy should be added to the list, not because of linear waves passing through, but because of wave breaking at the reef front. For most reefs which rise abruptly from a nearly flat seabed, linear wave theory is sufficiently accurate for estimating the amplitude of a swell wave as it propagates from open water to the encounter with the reef. At the reef front, the wave energy is redistributed into a reflected component, localized turbulent mixing, and a forward bore across the reef top and onto the reef flats beyond. Under almost all conditions the mixing at the reef front is sufficient to destroy any tendency for a stable warm surface layer to form. Therefore, corals on the exposed sides of a reef are less likely to suffer from bleaching during an event where the surface temperature is elevated elsewhere in the vicinity; unless the full water column is warmed. The bore water which overflows the reef front is well mixed and during a bleaching event carries the cooler mixed water across the reef and onto the flats nearby. The main outcome from this work is that we predict that corals on the exposed sides of a reef and those on the adjacent reef top will be protected from bleaching under any but the most severe thermal stress. Further work should discover whether these corals can act as brood stock for subsequent reef recovery. 103

12-18 Coral Reefs Under The Impact Of Internal Waves, Similan Islands, Andaman Sea: Primary Production Carin JANTZEN* 1 , Cornelia RODER 1 , Gertraud SCHMIDT 1 , Christian WILD 2 , Claudio RICHTER 1 1 Center for Tropical Marine Ecology (ZMT), Bremen, Germany, 2 Coral Reef Ecology Work Group (CORE), Center of Geobiology and Biodiversity Research, München, Germany Internal waves induced significant small-scale differences in structure and dynamics of primary producers on the exposed W and sheltered E sides of Similan Islands, Andaman Sea: Living corals were less abundant on the W side of the islands (49-67 % of total hard substrate vs. 28-44 % on W sides), with a higher percentage of turf algae (W: 43-46 %; E: 12-19 %) and higher areal concentrations of chlorophyll a and pheophytin. Chamber incubations carried out at the same light intensities showed 30-40 % reduced levels of potential photosynthesis on the W sides, this applies for both, the hermatypic coral Porites lutea (mg O2 h-1 cm-1 of coral surface) and sediment-associated algae (mg O2 h- 1 mg-1 of Chl a). In-situ rapid lightcurves measured with a submersible pulse amplitude modulated underwater fluorometer showed lower saturation light intensities along with higher Chl a content (mg cm-2of coral surface) in W Similan P. lutea, indicating an adaptation to lower light levels in turbid upwelling waters. 12-20 Coral Reefs Under The Impact Of Internal Waves, Similan Islands, Andaman Sea: Heterotrophy Cornelia RODER* 1 , Carin JANTZEN 1 , Gertraud SCHMIDT 1 , Claudio RICHTER 1 1 Center for Tropical Marine Ecology, Bremen, Germany Coral reefs of the exposed Western sides of the Similan Islands, an offshore island group in the Andaman Sea, experience strong swell during the SW monsoon and internal wave induced upwelling, increasing POM concentrations, turbidity and nutrient levels 3 to 4fold relative to the sheltered E sides of the islands, Here, we test the effect of these internal bores on the autotrophic vs heterotrophic nutrition of corals. Measurements on isotopic composition ( 13 C and 15 N) of zooxanthellae as well as coral host (Porites lutea, Diploastrea heliopora, Pocillopora eydouxi) tissue indicate that the corals of the W side of the islands are more heterotrophic than on the sheltered E sides, despite their close geographical distance (200 m), with plankton substituting the reduced measured photosynthetic activity on the W sides. Shading experiments suppressing photosynthetic activity revealed a more effective maintenance of metabolic activity in all three species due to enhanced heterotrophy on the W side. Cross-transplantation experiments with P. eydouxi showed that corals from the W side, accustomed to the rough conditions there, show faster adaptability to changes and enhanced resilience to environmental disturbance. Measurements on fitness parameters such as RNA/DNA-ratios or protein concentrations further support these assumptions. Oral Mini-Symposium 12: Reef Resilience 12-21 Coral Recruitment in The Garden Of Good And Evil: Algae As A Driver Of Coral Reef Resilience Robert STENECK* 1 , Suzanne ARNOLD 1 , Peter MUMBY 2 , Valerie PAUL 3 , Raphael RITSON-WILLIAMS 3 1 School of Marine Sciences, University of Maine, Walpole, ME, 2 Marine Spatial Ecology Laboratory, University of Exeter, Exeter, United Kingdom, 3 Smithsonian Institution, Fort Pierce, FL Coral reefs are globally endangered ecosystems. Their resilience depends on the ecological success of reef corals. In recent decades, mortality rates of adult corals have increased due to bleaching and disease. Thus, the ability of reefs to recover depends on the successful recruitment of corals. We studied the factors driving the recruitment of Caribbean corals at multiple scales in space and time. Since 2003 we have studied eight regions (Bahamas, Bonaire, St. Croix, St. John, Mexico, Belize, Honduras, Guatemala) four to six reefs per region with replicated benthic community structure transects, fish surveys, bite rates, and coral settlement plates at multiple reefs per region. From this a clear pattern has emerged. Algal community structure regulates coral recruitment both positively, due to the presence of coralline algal species that facilitate coral settlement, and negatively, due to the presence of macroalgae and thick algal turfs that inhibit coral settlement and coralline algal species that kill newly settled corals (via smothering overgrowth, or the shedding of the coralline’s surface cells). Increased algal biomass of turfs and macroalgae reduce larval settlement and post-settlement survival. Since different coralline algal species can affect coral recruitment both positively and negatively, we conducted laboratory studies to determine if settling corals are selective in settling on facilitating species and avoiding recruitment inhibiting species. We found that different coral species show different coralline-specific selectivity. For example, Acropora palmata metamorphoses and settles near the coralline Hydrolithon boergesenii whereas A. cervicornis settles onto Titanoderma prototypum. We suspect that settling corals can determine the right zone, microhabitat (e.g. subcryptic spaces) and ecological state (e.g. high vs. low algal biomass) based on the coralline flora they detect. 12-22 Algal Effects On Coral Replenishment, And The Resilience Of Coral Reefs Chico BIRRELL* 1 , Laurence MCCOOK 2 , Bette WILLIS 3 , Guillermo DIAZ-PULIDO 4 1 Australian Institute of Marine Science, Perth, Australia, 2 Pew Fellow in Marine Conservation; ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies; GBRMPA, Townsville, Australia, 3 ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies; School of Biological Sciences JCU, Townsville, Australia, 4 Pew Program in Marine Conservation; ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies, Brisbane, Australia The ecological resilience of coral reefs depends critically on the capacity of coral populations to re-establish in habitats dominated by macroalgae. Coral reefs globally are under rapidly increasing pressure from human activities, especially from climate change, with serious environmental, social and economic consequences. Coral mortality is usually followed by colonisation by benthic algae of various forms, so that algae dominate most degraded and disturbed reefs. The capacity of coral populations to re-establish in this algal-dominated environment will depend on direct and indirect impacts of the algae on the supply of coral larvae from remnant adults, on settlement of coral larvae and on the post-settlement survival and growth of juvenile corals. This talk summarises a recent review of this topic. The effects of benthic algae on coral replenishment vary considerably but the thick mats or large seaweeds typical of degraded reefs have predominantly negative impacts. Some algae, mostly calcareous red algae, may enhance coral settlement on healthy reefs. Algal effects on coral replenishment include reduced fecundity and larval survival, pre-emption of space for settlement, abrasion or overgrowth of recruits, sloughing or dislodgement of recruits settled on crustose algae, and changes to habitat conditions. There is a serious lack of information about these effects, which are likely to cause bottlenecks in coral recovery and significantly reduce the resilience of coral reefs. 104

12-14<br />

Ocean Dynamics Drive Coral Reef Processes in The Andaman Sea<br />

Claudio RICHTER* 1 , Mélanie BON 1 , Laura FILLINGER 1 , Carin JANTZEN 1 , Cornelia<br />

RODER 1 , Gertraud SCHMIDT 1 , Niphon PHONGSUWAN 2 , Somkiat<br />


1 Center for Tropical Marine Ecology, Bremen, Germany, 2 Phuket Marine Biological<br />

Center, Phuket, Thailand<br />

Coral reefs are rich benthic ecosystems thriving in nutrient-poor waters. A striking<br />

feature of the Andaman Sea is the exposure of offshore reefs to large amplitude internal<br />

waves. These solitary-like waves (or solitons) are generated by the ebb and flow of water<br />

across the shallow ridges of the Andaman-Nicobar island arc and propagate along the<br />

density discontinuity (pycnocline) between warm surface and colder deep waters<br />

pycnocline with speeds of ~2 m s -1 and amplitudes of up to 80 m. Here, we show that the<br />

dissipation of the solitons’ energy in shoaling water enhances pelagic-benthic coupling<br />

along the continental margin, due to turbulent mixing near the sea bed, entrainment of<br />

interstitial and subpycnocline nutrients, and formation of bores. These 'solibores' supply<br />

nutrients and plankton to the benthos of the Similan Islands. Lowered temperature, pH<br />

and light hamper, however, coral photosynthesis and calcification, and their resilience<br />

against macroalgal competitors and grazers, resulting in low or negative reef growth. The<br />

frequency and intensity of cold bores (with temperatures drops of up to 10°C within only<br />

minutes) may on the other hand increase the corals’ resilience to thermal stress. The<br />

findings have important repercussions on the Similan reefs which have been impacted by<br />

earlier bleaching and recent Tsunami. Because solitons are ubiquitous in the Andaman<br />

Sea and elsewhere, they may be an important yet so far overlooked mechanism<br />

structuring benthic communities in tropical waters.<br />

12-15<br />

Opposing Effects Of Water Quality On Coral Bleaching Resistance And Recovery<br />

David OBURA* 1 , Haji MACHANO 2 , January NDAGALA 3 , Monica ZAVAGLI 4<br />

1 CORDIO East Africa, Mombasa, Kenya, 2 WWF Tanzania, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania,<br />

3 Mafia Island Marine Park, Mafia Island, Tanzania, 4 Ramsar Secretariat, Gland,<br />

Switzerland<br />

The Mafia-Rufiji-Kilwa system of coral reefs and islands in central Tanzania is<br />

influenced strongly by outflow from the Rufiji river, which forms the largest delta system<br />

in Tanzania. Within this area, the impact of coral bleaching and mortality in 1998 varied<br />

considerably among reefs, with estimated mortality of corals varying from 0 to 100%,<br />

from surveys and observations conducted in the subsequent 9 years from 1999 to 2007. A<br />

new assessment method that includes estimation of a broad scope of factors hypothesized<br />

to influence coral resistance and tolerance to bleaching, and reef recovery following<br />

mortality, was conducted in November-December 2007 on 15 reefs in the region,<br />

sampling coral communities in 10-12 and 3-5 m depth zones. Quantitative and semiquantitative<br />

data were collected on benthic cover, coral community structure, coral<br />

population structure, coral condition, herbivorous fish community structure, and<br />

indicators of physical site properties including connectivity, cooling and flushing,<br />

shading and screening and acclimatization potential. The two major factors that affected<br />

coral community structure related to a) initial resistance to bleaching - reefs with highest<br />

indicators of mainland river influence showed the lowest evidence of mass mortality in<br />

1998, with turbidity likely providing the greatest degree of protection from thermal<br />

stress; and b) recovery following mortality - a combination of factors that included clear<br />

water (least mainland influence), substrate robustness (maximize coral survival) and high<br />

larval supply. These factors act in direct opposition to one another: turbid waters<br />

maximized coral survival during thermal stress, but clear water maximizes coral<br />

recruitment and survival under normal conditions. Thus current status of reefs is a result<br />

of multiple interacting factors; these need to be considered in a holistic way in prioritysetting<br />

for active management to minimize climate impacts to coral reefs.<br />

Oral Mini-Symposium 12: Reef Resilience<br />

12-16<br />

Two-Years Monitoring Of Water Flow Effects On Photosynthesis And Growth Of The<br />

Coral acropora Digitifera<br />

Takashi NAKAMURA* 1,2 , Seitaro S. YAMAZAKI 1 , Yeong Shyan YUEN 1 , Hideo<br />

YAMASAKI 1<br />

1 Faculty of Science, <strong>University</strong> of the Ryukyus, Okinawa, Japan, 2 Amakusa Mar Biol Lab,<br />

Kyushu <strong>University</strong>, Kumamoto, Japan<br />

We conducted an outdoor aquarium experiment to clarify long-term influence of water flow on<br />

corals. Water motion has significant impacts on the physiology of corals; limitation in watermotion<br />

causes severe bleaching in the coral Acropora digitifera during a period with strong<br />

light and high water temperature. Although there are numbers of investigations that report the<br />

effects of water flow in short-term (hours to weeks) experiments, long-term effects especially<br />

on the interaction with seasonal change in weather are not fully understood. In this study we<br />

report effects of water flow on the coral A. digitifera in several water-flow conditions<br />

(flow/wave/limited-flow) over two-year period in Okinawa, southern Japan. We monitored<br />

algal photosynthesis in hospite of A. digitifera weekly with a Diving-PAM chlorophyll<br />

fluorometer. Colony growth was measured monthly by the underwater buoyant weight method.<br />

In subtropical southern Japan under the influence of monsoon climate, seasonal change in<br />

weather had strong impacts on the photophysiology of A. digitifera. A. digitifera was evenly<br />

stressed in spring as well as in summer. Notably, high photosynthetic efficiency was often<br />

recorded just after the period of rainy season. Throughout the entire experimental period,<br />

photosynthesis of A. digitifera in limited-flow condition showed lower activity level than that of<br />

in flow conditions. Less colony growth with the disappearance of axial polyps was also<br />

observed under limited-flow condition in contrasted with flow conditions. These adverse effects<br />

of limited-flow could be diminished by the subsequent exposure to flow. The results confirm<br />

that water-flow can keep photosynthesis as well as growth of A. digitifera in good conditions<br />

throughout the years. We suggest that water-flow is an important factor that should be taken<br />

into the consideration of coral reef conservation.<br />

12-17<br />

Wave Effects On Coral Reefs<br />

Malcolm L. HERON 1 , William J. SKIRVING 2 , Scott F. HERON* 3<br />

1 Marine Geophysical Laboratory, James Cook <strong>University</strong>, Townsville, Australia, 2 NOAA Coral<br />

Reef Watch, Silver Spring, MD, 3 NOAA Coral Reef Watch, Siver Spring, MD<br />

The work aims to evaluate the extent to which wave mixing mitigates the phenomenon of coral<br />

bleaching on isolated reefs. The physical conditions which allow coral bleaching are high<br />

insolation, low currents and low winds. Under these conditions a stable warm layer can form at<br />

the surface of the ocean. In this work we argue that very low swell wave energy should be<br />

added to the list, not because of linear waves passing through, but because of wave breaking at<br />

the reef front. For most reefs which rise abruptly from a nearly flat seabed, linear wave theory<br />

is sufficiently accurate for estimating the amplitude of a swell wave as it propagates from open<br />

water to the encounter with the reef. At the reef front, the wave energy is redistributed into a<br />

reflected component, localized turbulent mixing, and a forward bore across the reef top and<br />

onto the reef flats beyond. Under almost all conditions the mixing at the reef front is sufficient<br />

to destroy any tendency for a stable warm surface layer to form. Therefore, corals on the<br />

exposed sides of a reef are less likely to suffer from bleaching during an event where the surface<br />

temperature is elevated elsewhere in the vicinity; unless the full water column is warmed. The<br />

bore water which overflows the reef front is well mixed and during a bleaching event carries the<br />

cooler mixed water across the reef and onto the flats nearby. The main outcome from this work<br />

is that we predict that corals on the exposed sides of a reef and those on the adjacent reef top<br />

will be protected from bleaching under any but the most severe thermal stress. Further work<br />

should discover whether these corals can act as brood stock for subsequent reef recovery.<br />


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