11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University

11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University 11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University


Plenary Lessons from the Past Malcolm T. MCCULLOCH ARC Coral Reef Centre of Excellence, Research School of Earth Sciences, The Australian National University, Canberra, ACT 0200, Australia Planet Earth is undergoing rapid environmental change at what is probably an unprecedented rate, even on geologic timescales of tens of millions of years. Coral reefs are at the forefront of these changes being extremely sensitive to the threats from both climate change and direct local human impacts on the marine environment. Locally, land-use changes in river catchments, wetlands, and estuaries, together with growing urbanisation of coastal zones, is leading to increased supplies of sediment and nutrients to inshore coral reefs. Degradation of water quality is also invariably accompanied by pressures from activities, such as trawling and overfishing. Further exacerbating the plight of coral reefs are the ever increasing effects from rapidly growing levels of anthropogenic CO2 emissions. This is not only causing global warming and the related impacts from coral bleaching, but is also directly changing the chemistry of the world’s surface oceans by increasing the acidity, hence reducing the carbonate-ion concentration, upon which coral calcification is dependent. Sea levels are also rising at faster than predicted rates, although the effects on coral reefs are still relatively benign compared to those expected from catastrophic melting of the Greenland/West Antarctic ice sheets once critical CO2 thresholds are exceeded. In addition to serving as immediate indicators of environmental change, corals also provide invaluable long-term information. Within the skeleton of long-lived massive corals, oxygen isotope and Sr/Ca, U/Ca ratios respond to changes in hydrologic and ocean temperature regimes. Increased sediment runoff and changes in water quality can be deduced from Ba, Mn, and rare earth element abundances. More recently it has been shown that boron isotopic variations preserved in coral carbonate skeletons mimic pH changes that control the distribution of carbonate/bicarbonate ions in seawater. Given that systematic measurements of seawater pH have only commenced during the past decade, coral-based pH records are essential to establishing the long-term response of coral calcification to increasing ocean acidity. Such records, however, also have some limitations since they are biologically mediated, hence coral calcification does not reflect a linear, passive response to external forcing. Furthermore, micro-scale variability within various skeletal components can mask larger-scale environmentally-driven signals. Despite these limitations, coral proxies are invaluable as in many cases they provide the only record of the natural ‘baseline’ and variability, against which the critical thresholds for irreversible human-induced environmental changes can be gauged. Such quantitative, scientifically-based data provides much needed guidelines to both reduce local human impacts on coral reef systems, and ensure their resilience to the poorly understood effects of global climate change. Coral Reef Fisheries: Three Thematic Challenges Daniel PAULY Sea Around Us Project, Fisheries Centre, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada This presentation is divided into three parts, each dealing with different sets of scientific challenges: (a) the identification of three types of coral reef fisheries, and the specific management regime each requires; (b) the estimation of global catches from reef fisheries, and (c) the potential impact of global warming on these catches. Regarding (a), I see three types of major fisheries on reefs: (i) recreational fisheries in Florida, Australia and similar high-income areas; (ii) small-scale fisheries, such as traditional reef fishers and the fish suppliers of tourist resorts and the life-fish exporters, as well as a often competing and rapidly growing ‘Malthusian’ small-scale fisheries component, providing occupation of last resort to thousands of new entrants, often displaced coastal dwellers, e.g., in Southeast Asia or the larger Caribbean islands, and (iii) traditional reef fisheries, i.e., fisheries which are still managed under traditional-based rules in the South Pacific. The question of how much fish is caught in coral reef fisheries is based on the assumption that, in the 21st century, it should be unnecessary to consult archives and unpublished or grey literature to derive time series of the world’s coral reef catch, i.e., it should be part of global databases such as those maintained by the FAO. However, this is not the case, because coral reef fisheries are small-scale, and the FAO database covers mainly industrial fisheries. A series of authors have published independent estimates of the world catch from coral reef fisheries, but no consensus has emerged. An approach is presented here which documents an estimate, based on the assumed ‘reefyness’ assumed for various species in the catch reported to FAO by countries with coral reefs. The results, even less likely to generate a consensus, illustrate the need for country-specific catch reconstructions. An example is provided here, but these are discussed in more details in the presentations by Dirk Zeller and Jennifer Jacquet, who complement their catch reconstruction with fisheries-independent data, e.g., household food consumption data. The third topic of this presentation is the future of coral reef fisheries, presently impacted by various stresses likely to increase in the next decades, such as increased turbidity and coastal development, and particularly global change-associated phenomena, illustrated here by quantifying the poleward shifts in the distribution range of reef-associated fish caused by warming at low latitudes, and their impact on the coral reef catches of 10 equatorial countries. This specific threat appears relatively small compared with the direct effect of warming (i.e., coral bleaching) and acidification, but it adds to what may be described, for coral reef systems, as ‘death by a thousand cuts’. xi

Plenary Photophysiology, Bleaching and Adaptation Roberto IGLESIAS-PRIETO Unidad Académica Puerto Morelos, Instituto de Ciencias del Mar y Limnología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Apartado Postal 1152, Cancún 77500 QR Mexico During the last 200 million years scleractinian corals in symbioses with photosynthetic dinoflagellates have been responsible for the formation and maintenance of coral reefs. In these organisms, algal photosynthesis can provide more that a 100% of the basal metabolic requirements. The nutritional advantages that symbiotic invertebrates obtain from the translocation and consumption of algal photosynthates can explain why symbiotic corals possess significantly larger calcification rates relative to non-symbiotic invertebrates. In this context, algal photosynthesis is a key element in the formation of modern coral reefs. Considering the importance of algal photosynthesis for the well being of symbiotic corals, the study of the photobiology of these organisms has attracted significant attention. Symbiotic corals inhabit the entire photic zone and are subject to extraordinary variations in light intensity. I will review the characteristics of the photosynthetic apparatus of dinoflagellates and the physiological mechanisms employed by corals and their symbiotic algae to successfully harvest and utilize the available solar radiation. Based on comparative analyses of the differential responses of individual algal species to variations in growth irradiance in culture, or intact associations in nature, it has been postulated that the differential utilization of solar radiation is an important axis for niche diversification among reef-building corals. Recent analyses of the optical properties of intact coral surfaces using transmittance determinations indicate that due to the multiple scattering of solar radiation on the highly reflective aragonite skeleton, the specific absorption coefficients of the symbiotic algae are much higher that those obtained from freshly isolated algae, making symbiotic scleractinians one of the most efficient solar collector in nature. This efficiency results in significant competitive advantages, as symbiotic corals can collect the same amount of solar radiation as a green plant with approximately one order of magnitude less photosynthetic pigments concentrations. The role of the animal skeleton in modulating the absorption properties of the symbiotic algae has also profound implications for our understanding of the evolution of these organisms. Finally, I will discuss the role of multiple scattering of coral skeletons in the propagation of thermal stress, leading to coral bleaching and mortality. Population Connectivity Within and Among Reef Systems: Progress and Promising Directions Robert COWEN Marine Biology and Fisheries, University of Miami, RSMAS, Miami, FL The study of population connectivity has evolved over the last decade to include a broad array of approaches to assess the scales and mechanisms over which successful larval dispersal operates among reef systems. Strong interest in this topic has been stimulated by a need to provide spatial management options to resource managers, often for resources that are in dire states. The major challenges in this effort are to provide a quantitative understanding of the processes and scales controlling successful larval dispersal and how connectivity influences the dynamics of the affected populations. Resolving the mechanisms controlling larval dispersal will involve a coherent understanding of the relevant physical processes and how organisms mediate the physical outcome. Multiple scales will be important, and therefore understanding how the processes are coupled across scales is essential. By the very nature of reef organisms initiating and ending their larval life within nearshore waters, new focus must be extended on the bio-physical processes operating within this environment. Identifying patterns will need to involve efforts that focus on a variety of species with different life histories across various environments. In concert, the problem is multidisciplinary, but one requiring interdisciplinary research effort. This talk will evaluate our progress to date, implications of mounting environmental challenges and suggest some promising new directions. xii

Plenary<br />

Lessons from the Past<br />

Malcolm T. MCCULLOCH<br />

ARC Coral Reef Centre of Excellence, Research School of Earth Sciences, The Australian National <strong>University</strong>, Canberra,<br />

ACT 0200, Australia<br />

Planet Earth is undergoing rapid environmental change at what is probably an unprecedented rate, even on geologic timescales of tens of<br />

millions of years. Coral reefs are at the forefront of these changes being extremely sensitive to the threats from both climate change and<br />

direct local human impacts on the marine environment. Locally, land-use changes in river catchments, wetlands, and estuaries, together<br />

with growing urbanisation of coastal zones, is leading to increased supplies of sediment and nutrients to inshore coral reefs. Degradation of<br />

water quality is also invariably accompanied by pressures from activities, such as trawling and overfishing. Further exacerbating the plight<br />

of coral reefs are the ever increasing effects from rapidly growing levels of anthropogenic CO2 emissions. This is not only causing global<br />

warming and the related impacts from coral bleaching, but is also directly changing the chemistry of the world’s surface oceans by<br />

increasing the acidity, hence reducing the carbonate-ion concentration, upon which coral calcification is dependent. Sea levels are also<br />

rising at faster than predicted rates, although the effects on coral reefs are still relatively benign compared to those expected from<br />

catastrophic melting of the Greenland/West Antarctic ice sheets once critical CO2 thresholds are exceeded.<br />

In addition to serving as immediate indicators of environmental change, corals also provide invaluable long-term information. Within the<br />

skeleton of long-lived massive corals, oxygen isotope and Sr/Ca, U/Ca ratios respond to changes in hydrologic and ocean temperature<br />

regimes. Increased sediment runoff and changes in water quality can be deduced from Ba, Mn, and rare earth element abundances. More<br />

recently it has been shown that boron isotopic variations preserved in coral carbonate skeletons mimic pH changes that control the<br />

distribution of carbonate/bicarbonate ions in seawater. Given that systematic measurements of seawater pH have only commenced during<br />

the past decade, coral-based pH records are essential to establishing the long-term response of coral calcification to increasing ocean<br />

acidity. Such records, however, also have some limitations since they are biologically mediated, hence coral calcification does not reflect a<br />

linear, passive response to external forcing. Furthermore, micro-scale variability within various skeletal components can mask larger-scale<br />

environmentally-driven signals. Despite these limitations, coral proxies are invaluable as in many cases they provide the only record of the<br />

natural ‘baseline’ and variability, against which the critical thresholds for irreversible human-induced environmental changes can be<br />

gauged. Such quantitative, scientifically-based data provides much needed guidelines to both reduce local human impacts on coral reef<br />

systems, and ensure their resilience to the poorly understood effects of global climate change.<br />

Coral Reef Fisheries: Three Thematic Challenges<br />

Daniel PAULY<br />

Sea Around Us Project, Fisheries Centre, <strong>University</strong> of British Columbia,<br />

Vancouver, Canada<br />

This presentation is divided into three parts, each dealing with different sets of scientific challenges: (a) the identification of three types of<br />

coral reef fisheries, and the specific management regime each requires; (b) the estimation of global catches from reef fisheries, and (c) the<br />

potential impact of global warming on these catches.<br />

Regarding (a), I see three types of major fisheries on reefs: (i) recreational fisheries in Florida, Australia and similar high-income areas; (ii)<br />

small-scale fisheries, such as traditional reef fishers and the fish suppliers of tourist resorts and the life-fish exporters, as well as a often<br />

competing and rapidly growing ‘Malthusian’ small-scale fisheries component, providing occupation of last resort to thousands of new<br />

entrants, often displaced coastal dwellers, e.g., in Southeast Asia or the larger Caribbean islands, and (iii) traditional reef fisheries, i.e.,<br />

fisheries which are still managed under traditional-based rules in the South Pacific.<br />

The question of how much fish is caught in coral reef fisheries is based on the assumption that, in the 21st century, it should be unnecessary<br />

to consult archives and unpublished or grey literature to derive time series of the world’s coral reef catch, i.e., it should be part of global<br />

databases such as those maintained by the FAO. However, this is not the case, because coral reef fisheries are small-scale, and the FAO<br />

database covers mainly industrial fisheries. A series of authors have published independent estimates of the world catch from coral reef<br />

fisheries, but no consensus has emerged. An approach is presented here which documents an estimate, based on the assumed ‘reefyness’<br />

assumed for various species in the catch reported to FAO by countries with coral reefs. The results, even less likely to generate a<br />

consensus, illustrate the need for country-specific catch reconstructions. An example is provided here, but these are discussed in more<br />

details in the presentations by Dirk Zeller and Jennifer Jacquet, who complement their catch reconstruction with fisheries-independent data,<br />

e.g., household food consumption data.<br />

The third topic of this presentation is the future of coral reef fisheries, presently impacted by various stresses likely to increase in the next<br />

decades, such as increased turbidity and coastal development, and particularly global change-associated phenomena, illustrated here by<br />

quantifying the poleward shifts in the distribution range of reef-associated fish caused by warming at low latitudes, and their impact on the<br />

coral reef catches of 10 equatorial countries. This specific threat appears relatively small compared with the direct effect of warming (i.e.,<br />

coral bleaching) and acidification, but it adds to what may be described, for coral reef systems, as ‘death by a thousand cuts’.<br />


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