11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University

11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University 11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University


Oral Mini-Symposium 11: From Molecules to Moonbeams: How is Reproductive Timing Regulated in Coral Reef Organisms? 11-17 The Annual Timing Of Coral Spawning: A Role For Rainfall? Judith MENDES* 1,2 1 Department of Life Sciences, University of the West Indies, Kingston, Jamaica, 2 Bellairs Research Insititute of McGill University, St James, Barbados Sea surface temperature (and the solar insulation responsible for temperature) is the most frequently cited trigger for the annual timing of coral spawning. We conducted a metaanalysis of spawning time at 42 sites worldwide in relation to sea surface temperature and rainfall. The data on temperature, rainfall and spawning time were examined by loglinear analysis. The log-linear model of best fit included al 2-way interactions (temperature x rainfall, spawning x temperature, and spawning x rainfall; chi-squared = 41.06, df = 39, p = 0.38). The chi-squared test is not significant indicating that the values predicted by the model are not significantly different from the observed values. One can thus conclude that the model is sufficient to explain the time of spawning. Tests of partial association show that the magnitude of the temperature effect was greater than that for rainfall, however, on its own, temperature was insufficient to explain the time of spawning. Only when the interaction between rainfall and spawning was incorporated in the model could the time of spawning be adequately explained. According to our model, temperature and rainfall have opposite effects on the time of spawning with the likelihood of spawning increasing with increasing temperature and decreasing with increasing rainfall. Two possible roles underlying the contribution of rainfall to spawning time are, firstly, that spawning during period of low rainfall reduces the risk of catastrophic reproductive failure caused by gametes coming into contact with rain diluted surface water. Secondly, spawning prior to the peak of heavy rainfall, may also increase the food available for newly-settled, azooxanthellate coral polyps and the chance of such polyps acquiring zooxanthellae. A similar association of spawning to heavy rainfall (typhoons) has recently been described for the abalone Haliotis diversicolor (Onitsuka et al, 2007) 11-18 Global Patterns And Environmental Controls Of Sexual Reproduction in Scleractinian Reef Corals Peter HARRISON* 1 1 Coral Reef Research Centre, School of Environmental Science and Management, Southern Cross University, Lismore, NSW, Australia Research on sexual reproductive patterns of scleractinian reef corals continues to expand rapidly, providing important insights into proximate environmental controls and evolutionary constraints on coral reproductive success. An updated global review of scleractinian coral reproductive patterns confirms that hermaphroditic broadcast spawning remains the dominant pattern among scleractinian corals studied to date, with fewer gonochoric broadcast spawning or brooding species known. In a few species, mixed patterns of sex allocation and both brooding and broadcast spawning occur. Sea temperature and light in various forms are key environmental factors that interact to control reproductive cycles, lunar periodicity and spawning periods in reef corals. These proximate cues also strongly influence breeding periods and reproductive synchrony among coral species, with mass spawning (involving many species) or multispecific spawning (with fewer species) prevalent on many tropical and subtropical reefs. Protracted breeding periods and less synchronous reproduction are evident among reef corals on some equatorial reefs. A new model is developed that integrates thermal and light energy optima as primary determinants of coral reproductive patterns, with suboptimal conditions resulting in impaired reproduction and reduced reproductive success. Sea temperature also significantly influences coral larval development, competency and settlement success, with more rapid larval attachment and increased likelihood of localised settlement, but lower post-settlement survival, under elevated temperature. This has very important implications for reef connectivity and gene flow among coral populations in a rapidly warming global climate, and the future viability of some isolated reef systems. 11-19 Solar Insolation Drives Reproductive Schedules Of Reef Corals: A Long Road in The Search For Proximate And Ultimate Cues Robert VAN WOESIK* 1 1 Biological Sciences, Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne, FL Coral populations depend on the formation of sex cells (gametes) for survival and adjustment to climatic shifts. Since adaptation involves differential-reproductive rates of individuals in populations, it is critical to understand global reproductive schedules of corals. This study tested the hypothesis that annual rising Sea Surface Temperatures (SSTs) and solar insolation are related to gamete maturation and synchronous gamete release in the Atlantic and Indo-Pacific Oceans. Reproductive schedules of corals were positively related to solar insolation cycles, and SSTs were poor predictors of coral spawning schedules. Near the equator coral spawning coincided with the equinoxes, showing two annual events. While proximate cues may explain how spawning synchronicity develops, there is a need to identify ultimate cues to ask why questions, including: 1) Why do such patterns exist? and 2) What is the long-term advantage (or adaptive significance) of such synchronized patterns? There is a strong positive relationship between the derivative of solar insolation and mean-wind speed, suggesting that rates of solar insolation change are strong predictors of mean-wind speed. This infers that corals appear to synchronize mass spawning during seasonally calm periods; which clearly agrees with recent genetic evidence of local dispersal and high local retention. Synchronization during calm periods would have rapidly evolved through selection outside the seasonally calm periods, because gametes and larvae would have been lost from the local species pool. Therefore, while solar insolation may be the proximate cue, the strong evolutionary filter (the ultimate cue) may have been the calm periods when insolation was not changing rapidly, which in turn facilitated local larval retention. This research demonstrates that solar insolation strongly influences coral reproductive schedules worldwide, and synchronization enhances time-varying differences in reproductive output and fitness because it occurs at times of low regional wind speeds that facilitate high local larval retention. 11-20 Predicting patterns of coral spawning at multiple scales Andrew BAIRD* 1 , James GUEST 2 1 ARC CoE Reef Studies, James Cook University, Townsville, Australia, 2 School of Biology, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom Early theoretical work predicted that the reproductive season of widespread organisms should be more extended near the equator than at high latitudes because conditions favourable for gametogenesis persist year round. Similarly, it was believed that synchrony among both populations and species would be lower at the equator because there are fewer good cues in the tropics where annual fluctuations in environmental variables are lower. Here, we present data from numerous locations within the Indo-Pacific which indicates that multi-specific synchronous spawning is a characteristic feature of all Acropora assemblages and further, at large scales, spawning episodes are highly predictable. In the central Indo-Pacific, for example, the majority of reproductive output is concentrated in brief periods following full moons at the beginning and end of the monsoon. Above approximately 28-30 degrees latitude, and possibly at some sites in the cental Pacific, this pattern breaks down and the spawning episode is progressively one month later in the season for every 2-400 km further from the equator. At smaller scales the patterns are far less predictable. For example, in the central GBR peak spawning times within sub-populations of a single species can vary dramatically over very small scales. In conclusion, while large scale patterns in coral spawning seasonality may be relatively predictable, detailed studies at the local scale are required to determine precisely when a given sub-population will spawn. 95

Oral Mini-Symposium 11: From Molecules to Moonbeams: How is Reproductive Timing Regulated in Coral Reef Organisms? 11-21 Spatial Patterns Of Reproductive Synchrony By Four Genera Of Tropical Green Seaweed Across A Latitudinal Gradient in The Caribbean. Kenneth CLIFTON* 1 1 Biology, Lewis and Clark College, Portland, OR Spatial and temporal patterns of reproductive effort are an especially significant feature of fertilization success for virtually all broadcast spawning organisms. While most research efforts on this topic have focused on varying temporal scales of reproductive synchrony (i.e., diel, lunar, and seasonal scales), patterns of reproductive synchrony on varying spatial scales (i.e. from meters to hundreds of kilometers) are less well studied. Simultaneous investigations of sexual reproduction by tropical green seaweeds (e.g., Caulerpa, Halimeda, Penicillus, Udotea) across a latitudinal gradient in the Caribbean (Panama, U.S. Virgin Islands, Florida) reveal patterns of reproductive synchrony on different spatial scales. Within a region, spatial synchrony often extends beyond local populations (meters to tens of meters) to at least scales of tens of kilometers, however, such synchrony is not maintained across larger (hundreds of kilometer) spatial scales. Relative synchrony within and between genera is maintained across this larger latitudinal gradient, however. Reproductive seasonality also shows an interaction with latitude for these seaweeds, with shorter, temporally delayed seasons of reproductive activity occurring at higher latitudes. 11-22 Genetic, Spatial And Temporal Patterns Of Spawning in The Caribbean Montastraea Annularis Species Complex Don LEVITAN* 1 , Nancy KNOWLTON 2 1 Biological Science, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL, 2 Department of Invertebrate Zoology, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC Members of the Montastraea annularis species complex all spawn on the same few evenings each year. Montastraea franksi spawns approximately 100 minutes after sunset and M. faveolata and M. annularis overlap in spawning approximately 200 minutes after sunset. These latter two species have incompatible gametes, whereas M.franksi and M. annularis gametes are compatible when corals are manipulated to spawn simultaneously. Here we investigate patterns and consequences in spawning times within a species. What factors influence spawning times and what are the consequences of spawning early or late within a conspecific spawning event? We have mapped and genotyped over 350 individual corals on a reef off of Bocas del Toro, Panama. These tagged corals have been monitored for spawning over the past six years. The results indicate that (1) putative clone-mates produced via fragmentation have more similar spawn times than unrelated genotypes, (2) corals in deeper water tend to spawn earlier, and (3) there is a genotype by depth interaction in spawning times (clone-mates have significant differences in the way they respond to depth in spawn time). In addition although the species tends to spawn over a period of approximately 40 minutes, (4) individuals corals tend to spawn within a few minutes of when they spawned in previous years; individuals have a high degree of fidelity to a particular spawn time. Overall these results suggest a large genetic component to precise spawn times. Data on reproductive success of corals that spawn at different times indicate that (5) corals spawning during the mid-point of the event have higher reproductive success compared to individuals spawning at the tails of the event. The genetic control over spawning time coupled with the fitness consequences of variation in spawning times provide the evolutionary mechanism by which reproductive synchrony is achieved. 11-23 Correlated Evolution Of Life-History Traits in Scleractinian Corals Alexander KERR* 1,2 , Andrew BAIRD 2 , Terry HUGHES 2 1 Marine Laboratory, University of Guam, Mangilao, Guam, 2 ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies, James Cook University, Townsville, Australia The population and quantitative genetic aspects of life-history traits receive considerable theoretical and empirical attention, yet far less is known about the macroevolutionary relationships among such characters, particularly in a phylogenetic context. In this study, we examine the evolution of two important life-history features, sexuality and reproductive mode, on a composite or “supertree” phylogeny of 242 species of scleractinian corals in order to address the following questions: (1) How rapidly do reproductive traits evolve? (2) Are the evolutionary rates of reproductive characters correlated? (3) How does trait evolution generate large-scale taxonomic patterns in reproductive traits? Both maximum likelihood-based model selection and maximum-parsimony mapping of state transitions done over a sample of optimal trees to incorporate phylogenetic uncertainty indicate that the evolution of sexuality (gonochorism versus hermaphroditism) and reproductive mode (brooding versus spawning) were unambiguously correlated across Scleractinia. Transition rates between states differed significantly and by as much as two orders of magnitude among, as well as within, characters. Reproductive mode evolves at twice the rate of sexuality, while the evolution of sexuality was heavily biased: Gonochorism is over 100 times more likely to be lost than gained and then only among brooders, such that gonochoric spawners seldom evolve hermaphroditism. Gonochoric spawners preferentially shift to brooding and then, or jointly, become hermaphroditic before reacquiring spawning to attain the dominant scleractinian reproductive condition. Thus, we conclude that large-scale taxonomic and phylogenetic patterns in a fundamental life-history character may be accentuated by correlated evolution with other life-history traits when coupled by state bias in at least one character. Further, phylogenetic and taxonomic patterns of joint character states can be generated through unanticipated and extended pathways of state change if traits are under intense natural selection. 11-24 The Reproductive Biology Of Pacific Island Corals: Patterns And Permutations Robert RICHMOND* 1 1 Kewalo Marine Laboratory, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, HI Data and observations on reproductive characteristics are available for approximately 220 species of scleractinian corals world wide. Only 10 coral species have been identified as having year round production of gametes and larvae, and all of these are brooders. The remaining 200+ species have been identified as having limited periods of reproductive activity each year, from a few nights or days per year, to several periods over several months. Two decades of data on coral reproduction in the Pacific Islands of Hawaii and Micronesia have revealed annual, lunar and diel patterns in timing as well as reproductive responses to both natural and anthropogenic disturbances. Many of the mass spawning species including those in the genera Acropora, Goniastrea, Favia, Porites and Leptoria have distinct temporal patterns during the days or nights on which they spawn. Repeated sampling has demonstrated species will release gametes consistently at specific times of day, evening or night year after year. Variability in annual reproductive cycles has been found in response to climatic conditions and events. Recent research on the effects of multiple stressors on corals has found reproduction is affected by both exogenous and endogenous factors and that reproductive patterns can be interrupted or otherwise affected by pollution and other sources of stress. Reproduction and subsequent recruitment are the two processes responsible for the persistence of coral reefs, and as such, are important processes for addressing the future of these precious ecosystems in the face of mounting levels of anthropogenic disturbances including global climate change. 96

Oral Mini-Symposium 11: From Molecules to Moonbeams: How is Reproductive Timing Regulated in Coral Reef Organisms?<br />

11-17<br />

The Annual Timing Of Coral Spawning: A Role For Rainfall?<br />

Judith MENDES* 1,2<br />

1 Department of Life Sciences, <strong>University</strong> of the West Indies, Kingston, Jamaica, 2 Bellairs<br />

Research Insititute of McGill <strong>University</strong>, St James, Barbados<br />

Sea surface temperature (and the solar insulation responsible for temperature) is the most<br />

frequently cited trigger for the annual timing of coral spawning. We conducted a metaanalysis<br />

of spawning time at 42 sites worldwide in relation to sea surface temperature and<br />

rainfall. The data on temperature, rainfall and spawning time were examined by loglinear<br />

analysis. The log-linear model of best fit included al 2-way interactions<br />

(temperature x rainfall, spawning x temperature, and spawning x rainfall; chi-squared =<br />

41.06, df = 39, p = 0.38). The chi-squared test is not significant indicating that the values<br />

predicted by the model are not significantly different from the observed values. One can<br />

thus conclude that the model is sufficient to explain the time of spawning. Tests of partial<br />

association show that the magnitude of the temperature effect was greater than that for<br />

rainfall, however, on its own, temperature was insufficient to explain the time of<br />

spawning. Only when the interaction between rainfall and spawning was incorporated in<br />

the model could the time of spawning be adequately explained. According to our model,<br />

temperature and rainfall have opposite effects on the time of spawning with the<br />

likelihood of spawning increasing with increasing temperature and decreasing with<br />

increasing rainfall. Two possible roles underlying the contribution of rainfall to spawning<br />

time are, firstly, that spawning during period of low rainfall reduces the risk of<br />

catastrophic reproductive failure caused by gametes coming into contact with rain diluted<br />

surface water. Secondly, spawning prior to the peak of heavy rainfall, may also increase<br />

the food available for newly-settled, azooxanthellate coral polyps and the chance of such<br />

polyps acquiring zooxanthellae. A similar association of spawning to heavy rainfall<br />

(typhoons) has recently been described for the abalone Haliotis diversicolor (Onitsuka et<br />

al, 2007)<br />

11-18<br />

Global Patterns And Environmental Controls Of Sexual Reproduction in<br />

Scleractinian Reef Corals<br />

Peter HARRISON* 1<br />

1 Coral Reef Research Centre, School of Environmental Science and Management,<br />

Southern Cross <strong>University</strong>, Lismore, NSW, Australia<br />

Research on sexual reproductive patterns of scleractinian reef corals continues to expand<br />

rapidly, providing important insights into proximate environmental controls and<br />

evolutionary constraints on coral reproductive success. An updated global review of<br />

scleractinian coral reproductive patterns confirms that hermaphroditic broadcast<br />

spawning remains the dominant pattern among scleractinian corals studied to date, with<br />

fewer gonochoric broadcast spawning or brooding species known. In a few species,<br />

mixed patterns of sex allocation and both brooding and broadcast spawning occur. Sea<br />

temperature and light in various forms are key environmental factors that interact to<br />

control reproductive cycles, lunar periodicity and spawning periods in reef corals. These<br />

proximate cues also strongly influence breeding periods and reproductive synchrony<br />

among coral species, with mass spawning (involving many species) or multispecific<br />

spawning (with fewer species) prevalent on many tropical and subtropical reefs.<br />

Protracted breeding periods and less synchronous reproduction are evident among reef<br />

corals on some equatorial reefs. A new model is developed that integrates thermal and<br />

light energy optima as primary determinants of coral reproductive patterns, with<br />

suboptimal conditions resulting in impaired reproduction and reduced reproductive<br />

success. Sea temperature also significantly influences coral larval development,<br />

competency and settlement success, with more rapid larval attachment and increased<br />

likelihood of localised settlement, but lower post-settlement survival, under elevated<br />

temperature. This has very important implications for reef connectivity and gene flow<br />

among coral populations in a rapidly warming global climate, and the future viability of<br />

some isolated reef systems.<br />

11-19<br />

Solar Insolation Drives Reproductive Schedules Of Reef Corals: A Long Road in The<br />

Search For Proximate And Ultimate Cues<br />

Robert VAN WOESIK* 1<br />

1 Biological Sciences, Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne, FL<br />

Coral populations depend on the formation of sex cells (gametes) for survival and adjustment to<br />

climatic shifts. Since adaptation involves differential-reproductive rates of individuals in<br />

populations, it is critical to understand global reproductive schedules of corals. This study tested<br />

the hypothesis that annual rising Sea Surface Temperatures (SSTs) and solar insolation are<br />

related to gamete maturation and synchronous gamete release in the Atlantic and Indo-Pacific<br />

Oceans. Reproductive schedules of corals were positively related to solar insolation cycles, and<br />

SSTs were poor predictors of coral spawning schedules. Near the equator coral spawning<br />

coincided with the equinoxes, showing two annual events. While proximate cues may explain<br />

how spawning synchronicity develops, there is a need to identify ultimate cues to ask why<br />

questions, including: 1) Why do such patterns exist? and 2) What is the long-term advantage (or<br />

adaptive significance) of such synchronized patterns? There is a strong positive relationship<br />

between the derivative of solar insolation and mean-wind speed, suggesting that rates of solar<br />

insolation change are strong predictors of mean-wind speed. This infers that corals appear to<br />

synchronize mass spawning during seasonally calm periods; which clearly agrees with recent<br />

genetic evidence of local dispersal and high local retention. Synchronization during calm<br />

periods would have rapidly evolved through selection outside the seasonally calm periods,<br />

because gametes and larvae would have been lost from the local species pool. Therefore, while<br />

solar insolation may be the proximate cue, the strong evolutionary filter (the ultimate cue) may<br />

have been the calm periods when insolation was not changing rapidly, which in turn facilitated<br />

local larval retention. This research demonstrates that solar insolation strongly influences coral<br />

reproductive schedules worldwide, and synchronization enhances time-varying differences in<br />

reproductive output and fitness because it occurs at times of low regional wind speeds that<br />

facilitate high local larval retention.<br />

11-20<br />

Predicting patterns of coral spawning at multiple scales<br />

Andrew BAIRD* 1 , James GUEST 2<br />

1 ARC CoE Reef Studies, James Cook <strong>University</strong>, Townsville, Australia, 2 School of Biology,<br />

Newcastle <strong>University</strong>, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom<br />

Early theoretical work predicted that the reproductive season of widespread organisms should<br />

be more extended near the equator than at high latitudes because conditions favourable for<br />

gametogenesis persist year round. Similarly, it was believed that synchrony among both<br />

populations and species would be lower at the equator because there are fewer good cues in the<br />

tropics where annual fluctuations in environmental variables are lower. Here, we present data<br />

from numerous locations within the Indo-Pacific which indicates that multi-specific<br />

synchronous spawning is a characteristic feature of all Acropora assemblages and further, at<br />

large scales, spawning episodes are highly predictable. In the central Indo-Pacific, for example,<br />

the majority of reproductive output is concentrated in brief periods following full moons at the<br />

beginning and end of the monsoon. Above approximately 28-30 degrees latitude, and possibly<br />

at some sites in the cental Pacific, this pattern breaks down and the spawning episode is<br />

progressively one month later in the season for every 2-400 km further from the equator. At<br />

smaller scales the patterns are far less predictable. For example, in the central GBR peak<br />

spawning times within sub-populations of a single species can vary dramatically over very<br />

small scales. In conclusion, while large scale patterns in coral spawning seasonality may be<br />

relatively predictable, detailed studies at the local scale are required to determine precisely<br />

when a given sub-population will spawn.<br />


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