11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University

11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University 11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University


Oral Mini-Symposium 11: From Molecules to Moonbeams: How is Reproductive Timing Regulated in Coral Reef Organisms? 11-1 Sex Change In Fungiid Corals Yossi LOYA* 1 , Kazuhiko SAKAI 2 1 Zoology, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel, 2 Sesoko Station, University of the Ryukyus, Okinawa, Sesoko, Motobu-Cho, Japan Sex change in animals has been the subject of a variety of theoretical and empirical evolutionary studies. The direction of sex change in animals has been reported occurring mainly from M to F (males to females; protandry) and visa versa (protogyny) and in some cases as bidirectional. Our knowledge of the various modes of sexual reproduction in scleractinian corals has increased greatly during the last two decades, but is far from encompassing the wide plasticity of reproductive strategies exhibited by this group. Here we report on novel observations of sex change in two coral species, where tagged individuals have been monitored during 3 years in the field and experimental aquaria at Sesoko, Okinawa: Fungia repanda (exhibiting protandry), and Ctenactis echinata, revealing novel bidirectional mode of sex change: (M-F-M and F-M-F). Our study exemplifies the view that models that can be applied on the scale of individuals may provide important insights to the factors underlying the evolution of sex change in animals. 11-2 Behavioural Endocrinology Of Bi-Directional Sex Change in Coral-Dwelling Gobies Frederieke KROON* 1 , Philip MUNDAY 2 , David WESTCOTT 1 , Luke GARDNER 3 , Abigail ELIZUR 4,5 1 CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems, Atherton, Australia, 2 James Cook University, School of Marine and Tropical Biology, Townsville, Australia, 3 Queensland Department of Primary Industries & Fisheries, Woorim, Bribie Island, Australia, 4 University of the Sunshine Coast, School of Science and Education, Maroochydore DC, Australia, 5 Queensland Department of Primary Industries & Fisheries, Woorim, Australia The discovery of bi-directional sex change (i.e. the ability to change sex repeatedly in both directions) in various fish species provides a unique opportunity to study the endocrine mechanisms underlying female and male sex differentiation. We examined a potential causal relationship between behaviour, endocrine pathways, and natural sex change in coral-dwelling gobies of the genus Gobiodon. These species generally live in heterosexual pairs and natural sex change occurs as a result of changes in social conditions. If adult sex change in coral-dwelling gobies is a result of changes in behavioural interactions perceived by an individual fish, then we predict the following: that in heterosexual pairs males are behaviourally dominant; that in heterosexual pairs cortisol levels are higher in females than in males; that in heterosexual pairs aromatase expression is higher in females than in males; that in heterosexual pairs estradiol levels are higher in females than in males; that an increase in cortisol levels results in protandrous sex change, and a decrease in cortisol levels results in protogynous sex change. To test these predictions, we observed behavioural interactions in existing heterosexual pairs in the laboratory, and conducted field experiments under natural social conditions. The results suggest that, in coral dwelling gobies, behavioural interactions mediates sex change in each direction via the aromatase pathway. 11-3 Light Sensing And The Coordination Of Coral Broadcast Spawning Behavior Dan HILTON 1 , Peter VIZE* 2 1 Biological Sciences, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada, 2 Biological Sceinces, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada While lunar cycles establish the day of spawning in corals, sunlight driven systems control the hour and minute of spawning. The two lines of evidence supporting this contention are: 1. coral spawning times change from year to year corresponding to changes in sunset time 2. artificially changing sunset time results in a corresponding change to spawn time. This later point also indicates that the solar control is not an entrained circadian system or it would not respond in this manner. Our research is exploring the cellular pathways by which solar light regulates spawning behavior through a combination of proteomics and candidate pathway analysis. We are mapping coral protein phosphorylation oscillations in response to different levels of illumination. As most light transduction systems result in changes in such patterns this approach will identify phosphoprotein signatures that can be used as markers of signal perception. Such signatures can then be used to test the role of different signaling pathways in the response to light, to compare responses in species with different spawning times, to measure the importance of zooxanthellae in the response etc. A second approach is identifying coral orthologs of genes involved in regulating either circadian cycles or light responses. These candidates are then tested for responsiveness to lunar and solar light at both the transcriptional and posttranscriptional level. Through a combination of these two approaches we hope to map the pathways by which lunar and solar light independently regulate coral spawning behavior. We are particularly interested in how these two different systems intersect to select the exact moment of gamete release and how changes in the dynamics of the molecular sensing systems generates distinct species-specific spawning windows. 11-4 Light-Responsive Cryptochromes From A Simple Multicellular Animal, The Coral Acropora Millepora Oren LEVY* 1 , Lior APPELBAUM 2 , William LEGGAT 3 , Yoav GOTHILF 4 , David HAYWARD 5 , David MILLER 6 , Ove HOEGH-GULDBERG 7 1 Department of Environmental Sciences, The Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel, 2 Center For Narcolepsy, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA, 3 Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, James Cook University, Townsville, Australia, 4 Department of Neurobiochemistry, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel, 5 Molecular Genetics and Evolution Group, Australian National University, Canberra ACT, Australia, 6 Comparative Genomics Centre, James Cook University, Townsville, Australia, 7 Centre for Marine Studies, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia Hundreds of species of reef-building corals spawn synchronously over a few nights each year, and moonlight regulates this spawning event. However, the molecular elements underpinning the detection of moonlight remain unknown. Here we report the presence of an ancient family of blue-light–sensing photoreceptors, cryptochromes, in the reef-building coral Acropora millepora. In addition to being cryptochrome genes from one of the earliest-diverging eumetazoan phyla, cry1 and cry2 were expressed preferentially in light. Consistent with potential roles in the synchronization of fundamentally important behaviors such as mass spawning, cry2 expression increased on full moon nights versus new moon nights. Our results demonstrate phylogenetically broad roles of these ancient circadian clock–related molecules in the animal kingdom. 91

Oral Mini-Symposium 11: From Molecules to Moonbeams: How is Reproductive Timing Regulated in Coral Reef Organisms? 11-5 Evidence For Opsin-Regulated Long-Wavelength Photosensitivity in Coral Larvae Benjamin MASON* 1 , Matthew BEARD 2 , Margaret MILLER 3 , Jonathan COHEN 4 , Valery SHESTOPALOV 5 , Vladlen SLEPAK 6 1 RSMAS, University of Miami, Miami, FL, 2 Biological Sciences, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL, 3 NOAA - Southeast Fisheries Science Center, Miami, FL, 4 Marine Science, Eckerd College, St. Petersburg, FL, 5 BascomPalmer Eye Institute, McKnight Vision Center, Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine, University of Miami, Miami, FL, 6 Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology, Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine, University of Miami, Miami, FL Research has demonstrated that light influences the swimming behavior and settlement of coral larvae, yet a physiological and molecular basis for photosensitivity has not been described in corals. Here we provide evidence for long-wavelength photosensitivity in several species of scleractinian coral larvae and demonstrate the presence of an opsin– like protein, localized in solitary, sensory epithelial cells. Settlement experiments with Porites astreoides and Acropora palmata demonstrated that these larvae are attracted to and preferentially settle on red substrates. Larvae settled and metamorphosed on red fluorescent plastic substrate but not on plastic substrates of other colors. Preference for red was not observed when larvae were maintained in the dark, suggesting that phototaxis, rather than a chemical cue, was responsible for the observed preference. Electrophysiology (electroretinographic traces) confirmed sensitivity to long-wavelength light in larvae of P. astreoides. Immunoblots, using a rabbit polyclonal antibody directed against squid opsin, indicated the presence of a ~50 kDa, opsin-like protein in larvae of A. palmata, and Diploria strigosa. Immunofluorescence and confocal imaging of sectioned larvae demonstrated this opsin-like protein is localized in solitary, ciliary epithelial cells in P. astreoides, D. strigosa, Montastraea faveolata, and Favia fragum. Protein blasts of M. faveolata larval contig ESTs with Nematostella vectensis and squid opsin sequences, revealed the expression of two 7-transmembrane receptors with significant similarity (2e^-9 to 2e^-18) to the query sequences. Efforts to determine the remaining sequence and confirm the identity of these proteins are currently in progress. 11-6 Bleaching Has No Short-term Effect on Reproduction in the Scleractinian Coral Montipora capitata Evelyn COX* 1 1 University of Hawaii West Oahu, Pearl City, HI Bleaching is generally expected to produce detrimental impacts on coral reproduction. This study compared the fecundity of bleached and unbleached colonies of the Hawaiian coral Montipora capitata. It was hypothesized that bleaching would have no effect on reproduction because previous studies have shown that Montipora capitata can increase heterotrophic feeding following bleaching. Reproductive parameters, total reproductive output (bundles released ml-1 coral colony), number of eggs bundle-1, and egg size, measured in the summer of 2005 did not differ between colonies that bleached or did not bleach during 2004. These data were collected following a single bleaching event and cannot be used to predict the outcome should bleaching episodes become more frequent or severe. 11-7 Reproduction in The Coral Reef Herbivore Scarus Ferrugineus (Scaridae): Its Timing And Seasonality Yohannes AFEWORKI* 1,2 , John VIDELER 2 , Henrich BRUGGEMANN 3 1 Applied Marine Science, College of Marine Science, Massawa, Eritrea, 2 Marine Biology, University of Groningen, Haren, Netherlands, 3 Laboratoire ECOMAR, Université de La Réunion, La Réunion, France Reproductive behavior of the rusty parrotfish Scarus ferrugineus was studied in a fringing reef in the Southern Red Sea (Eritrea). Observations on territory holding Terminal Phase Males (TTP) were conducted to record the following parameters: the location of the territory, timing and duration of territory holding, territory size, size of the TTP, number of Initial Phase females (IP) and non-territorial Terminal Phase males (TP) arriving at the territory, frequency of spawning and streaking. The mating system of S.ferrugineus is lek-based where large TTPs occupy a temporary breeding territory in the deep fore reef (6 – 10 m depth). Territory holding and spawning occurred daily year-round. But the timing was different for the cold (November – April) and warm (May – October). During the warm months (July – September) breeding territories were kept at around high tide time. The timing of spawning shifted with the peak high-tide-time as it progressed through the consecutive days. Only when the day high tide occurred after 3:00 pm the fish switched to the early hours of the morning just after the night high tide. Duration of the breeding ranged between 1 – 3.5 hours with the longest periods occurring during the morning. In the colder months (December – March) territory holding invariably took place during the morning hours between 7:30 and 11:00 irrespective of the period of the tide. Intensity of reproductive behavior was highest during the cold months. During that period 70 % of females that were striped had hydrated eggs compared to 40 % during the warm months. A tradeoff between reproduction and growth is evident in the cold months as reflected in the low body condition of all the social categories. This tradeoff appears to be caused by lost feeding opportunities while spawning, high energetic costs of spawning and territory keeping and low primary production during that period. 11-8 Patterns of Egg Predation at Reef Fish Spawning Aggregation Sites and the Role of Target Egg Predators Matthew FRASER* 1 , Mark MCCORMICK 1 1 Marine and Tropical Biology, James Cook University, Townsville, Australia Predator-prey interactions at reef fish spawning aggregations are poorly understood yet form the foundation of hypotheses explaining spawning site selection and temporal patterns of spawning aggregations. The current study examined egg predation by reef based obligate and facultative planktivores at reef fish spawning aggregation sites at Kimbe Bay, Papua New Guinea. The objective of this study was to quantify egg predation levels among spawning aggregation sites and among three reef fish species, and examine characteristics of both the spawners and spawning sites in order to explain the patterns of egg predation. Spawning activity was monitored daily at seven spawning aggregation sites across three reefs over a two month period. During each spawning event the number of spawning rushes released, the number of rushes preyed upon and the species of egg predators that fed on each rush. Attributes of each spawning aggregation site measured were density of egg predators during a spawning event and substratum topographic complexity. Egg predation was greatest for the surgeonfish, Ctenochaetus striatus, and differed significantly among sites. Levels of egg predation for C. striatus correlated significantly with egg predator density while egg predation levels for the parrotfish, Chlorurus bleekeri, and wrasse, Thalassoma hardwicke, did not. Similarly, levels of egg predation for C. striatus correlated significantly with substrate topographic complexity while egg predation levels for C. bleekeri and T. hardwicke did not. This study shows the immediate predation of eggs by target egg predators is an important source of mortality and directly influences the number of propagules being effectively liberated from spawning sites used by C. striatus. The differences in the levels of egg predation between spawning species suggests that the intensity of target egg predation may not be an important determinant in the choice of spawning aggregation sites. 92

Oral Mini-Symposium 11: From Molecules to Moonbeams: How is Reproductive Timing Regulated in Coral Reef Organisms?<br />

11-5<br />

Evidence For Opsin-Regulated Long-Wavelength Photosensitivity in Coral Larvae<br />

Benjamin MASON* 1 , Matthew BEARD 2 , Margaret MILLER 3 , Jonathan COHEN 4 ,<br />

Valery SHESTOPALOV 5 , Vladlen SLEPAK 6<br />

1 RSMAS, <strong>University</strong> of Miami, Miami, FL, 2 Biological Sciences, Florida State<br />

<strong>University</strong>, Tallahassee, FL, 3 NOAA - Southeast Fisheries Science Center, Miami, FL,<br />

4 Marine Science, Eckerd College, St. Petersburg, FL, 5 BascomPalmer Eye Institute,<br />

McKnight Vision Center, Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine, <strong>University</strong> of Miami,<br />

Miami, FL, 6 Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology, Leonard M. Miller School of<br />

Medicine, <strong>University</strong> of Miami, Miami, FL<br />

Research has demonstrated that light influences the swimming behavior and settlement of<br />

coral larvae, yet a physiological and molecular basis for photosensitivity has not been<br />

described in corals. Here we provide evidence for long-wavelength photosensitivity in<br />

several species of scleractinian coral larvae and demonstrate the presence of an opsin–<br />

like protein, localized in solitary, sensory epithelial cells. Settlement experiments with<br />

Porites astreoides and Acropora palmata demonstrated that these larvae are attracted to<br />

and preferentially settle on red substrates. Larvae settled and metamorphosed on red<br />

fluorescent plastic substrate but not on plastic substrates of other colors. Preference for<br />

red was not observed when larvae were maintained in the dark, suggesting that<br />

phototaxis, rather than a chemical cue, was responsible for the observed preference.<br />

Electrophysiology (electroretinographic traces) confirmed sensitivity to long-wavelength<br />

light in larvae of P. astreoides. Immunoblots, using a rabbit polyclonal antibody directed<br />

against squid opsin, indicated the presence of a ~50 kDa, opsin-like protein in larvae of<br />

A. palmata, and Diploria strigosa. Immunofluorescence and confocal imaging of<br />

sectioned larvae demonstrated this opsin-like protein is localized in solitary, ciliary<br />

epithelial cells in P. astreoides, D. strigosa, Montastraea faveolata, and Favia fragum.<br />

Protein blasts of M. faveolata larval contig ESTs with Nematostella vectensis and squid<br />

opsin sequences, revealed the expression of two 7-transmembrane receptors with<br />

significant similarity (2e^-9 to 2e^-18) to the query sequences. Efforts to determine the<br />

remaining sequence and confirm the identity of these proteins are currently in progress.<br />

11-6<br />

Bleaching Has No Short-term Effect on Reproduction in the Scleractinian Coral<br />

Montipora capitata<br />

Evelyn COX* 1<br />

1 <strong>University</strong> of Hawaii West Oahu, Pearl City, HI<br />

Bleaching is generally expected to produce detrimental impacts on coral reproduction.<br />

This study compared the fecundity of bleached and unbleached colonies of the Hawaiian<br />

coral Montipora capitata. It was hypothesized that bleaching would have no effect on<br />

reproduction because previous studies have shown that Montipora capitata can increase<br />

heterotrophic feeding following bleaching. Reproductive parameters, total reproductive<br />

output (bundles released ml-1 coral colony), number of eggs bundle-1, and egg size,<br />

measured in the summer of 2005 did not differ between colonies that bleached or did not<br />

bleach during 2004. These data were collected following a single bleaching event and<br />

cannot be used to predict the outcome should bleaching episodes become more frequent<br />

or severe.<br />

11-7<br />

Reproduction in The Coral Reef Herbivore Scarus Ferrugineus (Scaridae): Its Timing<br />

And Seasonality<br />

Yohannes AFEWORKI* 1,2 , John VIDELER 2 , Henrich BRUGGEMANN 3<br />

1 Applied Marine Science, College of Marine Science, Massawa, Eritrea, 2 Marine Biology,<br />

<strong>University</strong> of Groningen, Haren, Netherlands, 3 Laboratoire ECOMAR, Université de La<br />

Réunion, La Réunion, France<br />

Reproductive behavior of the rusty parrotfish Scarus ferrugineus was studied in a fringing reef<br />

in the Southern Red Sea (Eritrea). Observations on territory holding Terminal Phase Males<br />

(TTP) were conducted to record the following parameters: the location of the territory, timing<br />

and duration of territory holding, territory size, size of the TTP, number of Initial Phase females<br />

(IP) and non-territorial Terminal Phase males (TP) arriving at the territory, frequency of<br />

spawning and streaking. The mating system of S.ferrugineus is lek-based where large TTPs<br />

occupy a temporary breeding territory in the deep fore reef (6 – 10 m depth). Territory holding<br />

and spawning occurred daily year-round. But the timing was different for the cold (November –<br />

April) and warm (May – October). During the warm months (July – September) breeding<br />

territories were kept at around high tide time. The timing of spawning shifted with the peak<br />

high-tide-time as it progressed through the consecutive days. Only when the day high tide<br />

occurred after 3:00 pm the fish switched to the early hours of the morning just after the night<br />

high tide. Duration of the breeding ranged between 1 – 3.5 hours with the longest periods<br />

occurring during the morning. In the colder months (December – March) territory holding<br />

invariably took place during the morning hours between 7:30 and 11:00 irrespective of the<br />

period of the tide. Intensity of reproductive behavior was highest during the cold months.<br />

During that period 70 % of females that were striped had hydrated eggs compared to 40 %<br />

during the warm months. A tradeoff between reproduction and growth is evident in the cold<br />

months as reflected in the low body condition of all the social categories. This tradeoff appears<br />

to be caused by lost feeding opportunities while spawning, high energetic costs of spawning and<br />

territory keeping and low primary production during that period.<br />

11-8<br />

Patterns of Egg Predation at Reef Fish Spawning Aggregation Sites and the Role of Target<br />

Egg Predators<br />

Matthew FRASER* 1 , Mark MCCORMICK 1<br />

1 Marine and Tropical Biology, James Cook <strong>University</strong>, Townsville, Australia<br />

Predator-prey interactions at reef fish spawning aggregations are poorly understood yet form the<br />

foundation of hypotheses explaining spawning site selection and temporal patterns of spawning<br />

aggregations. The current study examined egg predation by reef based obligate and facultative<br />

planktivores at reef fish spawning aggregation sites at Kimbe Bay, Papua New Guinea. The<br />

objective of this study was to quantify egg predation levels among spawning aggregation sites<br />

and among three reef fish species, and examine characteristics of both the spawners and<br />

spawning sites in order to explain the patterns of egg predation. Spawning activity was<br />

monitored daily at seven spawning aggregation sites across three reefs over a two month period.<br />

During each spawning event the number of spawning rushes released, the number of rushes<br />

preyed upon and the species of egg predators that fed on each rush. Attributes of each spawning<br />

aggregation site measured were density of egg predators during a spawning event and<br />

substratum topographic complexity. Egg predation was greatest for the surgeonfish,<br />

Ctenochaetus striatus, and differed significantly among sites. Levels of egg predation for C.<br />

striatus correlated significantly with egg predator density while egg predation levels for the<br />

parrotfish, Chlorurus bleekeri, and wrasse, Thalassoma hardwicke, did not. Similarly, levels of<br />

egg predation for C. striatus correlated significantly with substrate topographic complexity<br />

while egg predation levels for C. bleekeri and T. hardwicke did not. This study shows the<br />

immediate predation of eggs by target egg predators is an important source of mortality and<br />

directly influences the number of propagules being effectively liberated from spawning sites<br />

used by C. striatus. The differences in the levels of egg predation between spawning species<br />

suggests that the intensity of target egg predation may not be an important determinant in the<br />

choice of spawning aggregation sites.<br />


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