Magento 2 Cancel Order

The competition in E-commerce business is all about offering the best customer experience. For Magento 2 stores, Meetanshi's Magento 2 Cancel Order extension helps in improving the shopping experience of the store. With Magento 2 Cancel Order by Customer extension, let customers cancel their pending orders from "My Account", "My Orders" and order details page in the frontend. The admin is notified via an automated Email about the order cancelation. The Magento 2 Cancel Order extension also lets customers add comments in the confirmation popup that can be seen from the backend. It gives useful data to the admin for improving the products' features and understanding the customers' mindset! Benefits of Magento 2 Cancel Order: • Let customers cancel their orders with “Pending” or “Processing” status from "My Account", "My Orders" and order details page in the storefront. • Allow customers to add comments in the confirmation popup that appears while canceling the orders. • The admin is notified via an automated Email when a customer cancels the order from the storefront. • Admin can choose the notification Email template, sender, and receiver. • Option to set custom text for the button label and the notice text in the popup. • When a customer cancels the order, its status is changed from "Pending" to "Cancel" and the product is restocked. • When a customer cancels the order, its status is changed from "Processing" to "Cancel" and the product is restocked. • Enhanced shopping experience. • Customer convenience for order cancelation. For more information, Visit The competition in E-commerce business is all about offering the best customer experience. For Magento 2 stores, Meetanshi's Magento 2 Cancel Order extension helps in improving the shopping experience of the store.

With Magento 2 Cancel Order by Customer extension, let customers cancel their pending orders from "My Account", "My Orders" and order details page in the frontend. The admin is notified via an automated Email about the order cancelation.

The Magento 2 Cancel Order extension also lets customers add comments in the confirmation popup that can be seen from the backend. It gives useful data to the admin for improving the products' features and understanding the customers' mindset!

Benefits of Magento 2 Cancel Order:

• Let customers cancel their orders with “Pending” or “Processing” status from "My Account", "My Orders" and order details page in the storefront.
• Allow customers to add comments in the confirmation popup that appears while canceling the orders.
• The admin is notified via an automated Email when a customer cancels the order from the storefront.
• Admin can choose the notification Email template, sender, and receiver.
• Option to set custom text for the button label and the notice text in the popup.
• When a customer cancels the order, its status is changed from "Pending" to "Cancel" and the product is restocked.
• When a customer cancels the order, its status is changed from "Processing" to "Cancel" and the product is restocked.
• Enhanced shopping experience.
• Customer convenience for order cancelation.

For more information,


Cancel Order for Magento 2User GuideTable of Content1. Extension Installation Guide2. Configuration3. Order Cancellation Notification Email Settings4. Order Cancellation from Frontend5. Order Status Update in Backend6. Order Cancellation Notification Email to AdminCancel Order for Magento 2© Meetanshi

Cancel Order for Magento 2

User Guide

Table of Content

1. Extension Installation Guide

2. Configuration

3. Order Cancellation Notification Email Settings

4. Order Cancellation from Frontend

5. Order Status Update in Backend

6. Order Cancellation Notification Email to Admin

Cancel Order for Magento 2

© Meetanshi

1. Extension Installation

• For Magento Marketplace Customers

o Create a folder structure in Magento root as app/code/Meetanshi/CancelOrder

o Download and extract the zip folder and upload our extension files to the

app/code/Meetanshi/CancelOrder via FTP.

o Login to your SSH and run below commands step by step:

• php bin/magento setup:upgrade

• For Magento version 2.0.x to 2.1.x - php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy

• For Magento version 2.2.x & above - php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy –f

• php bin/magento cache:flush

• For Meetanshi Customers

o Extract the zip folder and upload our extension to the root of your Magento 2 directory via


o Login to your SSH and run below commands step by step:

• php bin/magento setup:upgrade

• For Magento version 2.0.x to 2.1.x - php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy

• For Magento version 2.2.x & above - php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy –f

• php bin/magento cache:flush

2. Configuration

For configuring the extension, log in to Magento 2, move to Stores → Configuration → Cancel

Order where you can find various settings to enable the extension.

• Cancel Order: Enable Cancel Order extension.

• Button Text: Enter text for the Cancel Order button in the frontend.

• Cancellation Notice for Popup: Enter cancellation notice to show in the order cancellation

confirmation popup.

Cancel Order for Magento 2

© Meetanshi

3. Order Cancellation Notification Email Settings

The extension facilitates to send the Email notification to the admin when someone cancels the

order from the frontend.

• Send Order Cancel Notification to Admin: Set YES to send an order cancellation notification

to admin.

• Email ID: Enter Email ID of the admin to receive notification.

• Email Sender: Select the Email sender.

• Email Template: Select the Email template.

Cancel Order for Magento 2

© Meetanshi

4. Order Cancellation from Frontend

Once the extension is configured, after the customers place the order from frontend, they can see

Cancel Order button for the pending and processing orders in their “My Account” section.

• Cancel Order Button in My Account Dashboard

Customers can cancel pending and processing orders from My Account dashboard.

Cancel Order for Magento 2

© Meetanshi

• Cancel Order button in My Orders Page

Customers can also cancel pending and processing orders from My Orders page.

Cancel Order for Magento 2

© Meetanshi

• Cancel Order Button in Order View Page

Customers can also cancel an individual pending or processing order from the order view


Cancel Order for Magento 2

© Meetanshi

• Order Cancellation Confirmation Popup

On click of the Cancel Order button, a responsive order cancellation confirmation popup is

opened. Here, the customer can see the order number for which he has requested the

cancellation and notice added from the backend. He has to enter the reason for the order

cancellation prior to confirming order cancellation.

Cancel Order for Magento 2

© Meetanshi

• Order Cancellation Success Message

Once the customer submits the button from the order cancellation confirmation popup, the

success message is displayed.

Cancel Order for Magento 2

© Meetanshi

5. Order Status Update in Backend

Once the order is cancelled successfully from the frontend, the related order status is updated in

the Sales → Orders grid.

For the orders cancelled with Pending Status, gets automatically be cancelled and the product

quantity gets restocked.

For the orders cancelled with Processing status, credit memo gets generated and the product

quantity gets restocked after the order cancellation.

6. Order Cancellation Notification Email to Admin

Immediately after the successful order cancellation from the frontend, the admin gets an order

cancellation notification Email with the order and customer details.

Cancel Order for Magento 2

© Meetanshi

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