Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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CHAPTER 22 The Scrotum 847





FIG. 22.31 Epididymo-orchitis, Epididymitis, and Orchitis: Spectrum of Appearances. (A) and (B) Acute epididymitis. Longitudinal gray-scale

and color Doppler images show enlargement and a heterogeneous echotexture of tail of the epididymis, with greatly increased low in tail of the

epididymis and minimally increased low in the adjacent testis. (C) Acute epididymo-orchitis. Longitudinal color Doppler scan shows increased

low in the epididymis and testis. (D) and (E) Acute orchitis. Longitudinal dual-image gray-scale and color Doppler images show that right testis

is hypoechoic and has greatly increased low.


chronic alcoholism, and steroid therapy. 152 Multiple organisms

are usually involved, including Klebsiella, Streptococcus, Proteus,

and Staphylococcus. Surgical debridement of devitalized tissue

is usually required, and morbidity and mortality are high without

prompt treatment. Ultrasound is helpful in diagnosis by demonstrating

scrotal wall thickening containing gas with accompanying



When evaluating testicular integrity in the setting of acute trauma,

the primary role of sonography is to assess for the continuity of

the tunica albuginea: this determines clinical management.

Disruption of the tunica albuginea indicates testicular rupture.

Prompt diagnosis of a ruptured testis is crucial because of the

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