Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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CHAPTER 48 The Pediatric Head and Neck 1653



FIG. 48.42 Branchial Sinus. One-month-old child with draining sinus in the left neck. (A) Longitudinal ultrasound image shows a hypovascular

tubular structure in the supericial soft tissues of the left side of the neck (arrows). (B) Panoramic ultrasound of the neck shows the relationship

of the branchial sinus (arrow) to the left lobe of the thyroid gland.



FIG. 48.43 Ectopic Thymus Tissue. Five-month-old child with fullness in the left side of the neck. (A) Ultrasound demonstrates an angular

soft tissue mass with thin parallel septae medial to the carotid (C). (B) Coronal short-tau inversion recovery (STIR) magnetic resonance image

shows soft tissue in the left side of the neck (arrow), which is equal in signal to thymus (T) in the superior mediastinum.



FIG. 48.44 Complicated Thymic Cyst. (A) Complex cystic mass with septation and thick peripheral wall splaying carotid artery (C) and jugular

vein (J). (B) Axial computed tomography scan shows complex mass at thoracic inlet displacing thyroid and airway.

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