SHILL Issue 22

Solana ecosystem zine.

Solana ecosystem zine.


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<strong>SHILL</strong><br />


<strong>SHILL</strong> the MINT<br />

So many NFT that we had to<br />

increase this issue to 48 pages!<br />

GENESYSgo<br />

Have we missed the train? Is it too<br />

late?<br />

HYPE & PRICE<br />

How to analyse a project’s potential<br />

step-by-step.<br />

ISSUE #<strong>22</strong><br />

0.025 ◎

@genenft<br />

THIS<br />

In<br />

ISSUE<br />


4<br />

From<br />

6<br />

the Editor<br />

Working together, paving<br />

the way.<br />


GenelifeNFT creates a new<br />

kind of mint.<br />

Hype and Price<br />

12 Huhao walks us through<br />

how to analyse a project.<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> the Mint<br />

Dropping, holding and 15<br />

hoping<br />


28 7D Volume rankings<br />


30 What’s new on Holaplex?<br />


32 SOLSWATCH scan of the<br />

markets<br />

GENESYSgo<br />

34 Have we missed the train on<br />

this one?<br />


40 The one-of-one mints you<br />

wish you had ALPHA about!

the<br />

from<br />

EDITOR<br />

@Pixeltoy<br />

We are just 7 days out from christmas day. We can push 1 more<br />

issue out before that before returning on Sunday 26 Dec with issue<br />

#24. Twenty-four issues my #frens, that’s a hell of a lot of pages!<br />

<strong>Issue</strong> <strong>22</strong> is on your screen. FFifty-two pages of Solana content from<br />

the past few days. NFTs. Mints. Holaplex mints. Information and<br />

alpha content. It’s all here to keep you up to date and in the loop.<br />

Personally, I am looking forward to 2 upcoming mints. The LitJesus<br />

Gen2.0 release. Probably mint the most common of traits but the<br />

Jesus series are truly amazing. Hand-painted, scanned and minted<br />

as NFT. No 2 alike. Unlike a lot of the shit out there that everyone<br />

apes into lately. Otherwise, I have focussed mainly on Holaplex mints<br />

this week as I at least know that, 1. the artwork is original and, 2. the<br />

artist is actually being paid for their work. The second is the much<br />

anticipated winter launch of Space Goats on Acid. I really enjoy the<br />

art [almost] as much as I love McNatt’s original pieces.<br />

In this issue you will come across a fine article by HuHao about how<br />

to analyse hype around a project. A skill we quickly have to develop<br />

on the Solana chain with the plethora of high-grade shit that has<br />

been dropping daily and disappearing almost as quickly. GeneNFT<br />

walks us through their project ‘the Human Machine’ which is a novel<br />

NFT series you should keep your eyes open for. Solape is minting its<br />

access card now, what does it mean for you and is it worth the 1Sol<br />

mint price?<br />

DigitalRoamad walks us through the GenesysGo, Shadowy Super<br />

Coder project and how it could be the most significant NFT you could<br />

mint in 2021. Not in my wallet at 40Sol. Was considering if it touched<br />

20Sol but it bottomed at 24 before shooting back up. You can’t get<br />

in on every project!<br />

4<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>22</strong>

Two Holaplex newcomers are featured showing that talent is flooding<br />

into the Solana space. So much so that it is getting harder to find the<br />

diamond Holaplex mints - there are just so many to choose from!<br />

Finally, we round out this issue with some ultra fine submissions<br />

from the URS Artists Royal Gang. This group of artists is growing<br />

weekly with a truly supportive network. You need to look at what<br />

they are doing in the space!<br />

What are the stats for the past week you ask?<br />

My roadmap goal was 1000 readers per week. This past week has<br />

seen 1072 unique readers cast their discerning eyes over the #Shill<br />

zine. Thank you #frens for your retweets throughout your Twitter<br />

communities. Going to be hard to top this!<br />

Looking forward to the next issue.<br />

I almost forgot...I created a Shill zine logo! Cool huh?<br />

Pixeltoy<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>22</strong> 5

the<br />

HUMAN<br />

machine<br />

By Gene - Scientific Art NFTs<br />

What’s behind the artwork of our first scientific NFT collection?<br />

Most of us live unaware that we are colossal molecular machines<br />

of unimaginable nano-complexity. 1,260,000,000,000,000,000,000<br />

moving parts keep each one of us living, thinking, surviving. As<br />

many as there are grains of sand on the Earth.<br />

6<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>22</strong>

These parts are your proteins, strings of amino acids ntricately<br />

folded to form 3D structures of diverse form and function. Your<br />

genome, your DNA, contains the instructions on how to build over<br />

20,000 different types. Honed and refined by four billion years<br />

of evolution, these structures work together in a constant battle<br />

against entropy to keep you alive.<br />

Only in the last century has this reality become clear, and with it<br />

a new understanding of medicine and disease. For example, a<br />

mutation or change in a DNA sequence can disrupt the shape of its<br />

protein. That faulty protein can then start a chain reaction, through<br />

interactions with other proteins and systems. A classic example is<br />

cystic fibrosis, caused by changes in a gene involved in moving salt<br />

and water in and out of cells. In conjunction with infections, this<br />

results in the build-up of sticky mucus in the lungs and digestive<br />

system. It’s still an active area of research, but if we can fix the gene,<br />

we fix the protein and cure the disease.<br />

The NFT for CFTR, the gene involved in Cystic Fibrosis.<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> Is1ue #<strong>22</strong> 7

For many rare diseases, we still don’t know which genes are not<br />

functioning properly. Affordable DNA sequencing technology now<br />

means researchers can look for the culprit by sequencing many<br />

patients with the same condition and finding which DNA mutations<br />

they have in common. This genetic origin is only the first step, we<br />

then need to find out what the defective protein should be doing<br />

and how to fix it. This means understanding the 3D structure of the<br />

protein and how it has changed.<br />

Predicting the structure from the DNA sequence has been an almost<br />

impossible problem to solve. The structure can be measured with<br />

crystallography, very high-resolution microscopy, but this is slow<br />

and expensive, meaning that only a fraction of human proteins<br />

have been studied. Earlier this year, in a surprise to many biologists,<br />

DeepMind released AlphaFold, a breakthrough AI system that<br />

predicts protein structure. AlphaFold has the potential to be a<br />

game-changer for scientific discovery and, hopefully, research in<br />

common and rare diseases.<br />

Each artwork in our first collection features one of these protein<br />

structure predictions for each gene in the human genome. They are<br />

coloured according to where in the body they are found and styled<br />

by how well studied their genes are. These really are the structures<br />

in our bodies, each one an essential cog in our machinery. We hope<br />

they convey some of the wonder and strangeness of the reality<br />

revealed by science.<br />

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<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>22</strong>

CryptoVulture<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> Is1ue #<strong>22</strong> 9

the<br />

SOLAPE<br />

access card<br />

The Solape Access Card is a utility based NFT that offers exclusive membership<br />

and rewards to the Solape community. The mint is happening<br />

Saturday, December 18th at 5:00 PM UTC. There will be two rarities of the<br />

Access Cards: Black and Gold<br />

Airdrops<br />

•Black Card holder perks: Benefit from on-going token airdrops from both Solape<br />

and exchange partners. As a platform with a proven track record for providing value<br />

in airdrops, seen here, this is an opportunity for all community members to earn<br />

token rewards through Solape, without holding 100K Solape tokens.<br />

•Rare Gold Card holders will in addition to the Black Card holder perks be entitled<br />

to a 10% bonus percentage of token airdrops.<br />

Solape Early Access — For as long as you hold this NFT, users will be<br />

granted early access to all future DEX upgrades and platform projects. Access<br />

codes or links will be distributed directly to owners NFT’s. Ensuring<br />

both security and utilization of the card.<br />

The ApeHouse — Chat directly with the team in an NFT-gated discord<br />

channel. Stay updated on upcoming features, partnerships, and airdrops<br />

as a Solape Member.<br />

Card Personalization — Hold your Solape Access Card and unlock NFT<br />

personalization rewards over time. For example, Adding your twitter handle<br />

(e.g. @solapefiance), Add your PFP / Logo, and more.<br />

Total Supply: 5000 Cards<br />

Mint Price: 1 SOL<br />

Mint Method: Candy Machine<br />

Number of Black Cards: 4950<br />

Number of Rare Gold Cards: 50<br />

Recently, certain projects have seen botting issues, in which individuals<br />

were able to game the system and mint rarer NFT’s. To avoid this ma-<br />

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<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>22</strong>

nipulation during our minting process,<br />

ALL 5000 cards will initially mint as Black<br />

Access Cards.<br />

After the mint has concluded, the Solape<br />

team will host a live event where the 50<br />

Gold Cards will be randomly allocated to<br />

NFT purchasers and updated on-chain.<br />

Absolutely everyone has a chance to get<br />

a rare gold card if you minted one of the<br />

original 5000. The more cards you hold,<br />

the greater the chance.<br />

A Solape NFT gallery interface will then<br />

be established on our website to view<br />

metadata and in the future make update<br />

requests for personalization.<br />

Will 100k SOLAPE holders lose out on airdrop<br />

rewards now?<br />

No, airdrop rewards for NFT holders are<br />

separate from $SOLAPE token holders and<br />

will not impact or influence one-another.<br />

Do I get double rewards for holding 100k<br />

SOLAPE and having an NFT?<br />

You will receive two sets of airdrops.<br />

If I hold more than one Solape NFT card in<br />

the same wallet, will I still receive multiple<br />

airdrops?<br />

Yes.<br />

What happens if I sell my personalized<br />

card?<br />

If you decide to sell your NFT on a secondary<br />

marketplace after accruing personalization<br />

rewards, the personalized information<br />

will be removed after a sale has been<br />

completed. Airdrop rewards you previously<br />

accumulated will remain in your wallet.<br />

If I list my NFT on a secondary market, will I<br />

still receive airdrops to my wallet?<br />

No, your NFT must be held in your wallet<br />

and delisted from any secondary market to<br />

receive airdrops.<br />

-15% team.<br />

-15% buyback of $SOLAPE token over a<br />

period of 6 months; this will be used to<br />

provide liquidity to the market.<br />

-10% NFT Ape Fund, used to support our<br />

listing partners and projects in the Solana<br />

Ecosystem.<br />

A percentage of each airdrop will still go to<br />

holders of 100k $SOLAPE and that percentage<br />

will remain higher than that of the<br />

NFT airdrops. If you hold both the NFT and<br />

the 100k $SOLAPE tokens, you will receive<br />

both airdrops.<br />

-60% treasury which will be used for the<br />

following:Team expansion and hiring,<br />

New Solape products, Infrastructure<br />

upgrades, Improved support mechanisms,<br />

marketing & Growth budget, CEX listings.<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>22</strong> 11


hype<br />

price<br />

HuHao<br />

&<br />

We like NFTs. Ever heard of the term “apes together, strong.” A quote from<br />

the movie Planet of the Apes and popularised by WSB. Though in reality,<br />

it works. A tribe working together can complete any goal. If a group of<br />

crypto-rich millennials collectively appreciates buys a certain collection,<br />

then these NFTs are going to be more expensive to buy due to demand and<br />

supply. Economics 101.<br />

Hype in NFTs is generated mostly over social media these days,<br />

specifically Twitter and group chats in Discord. Do not underestimate<br />

these two resources, they are practically the charts, graphs, order books,<br />

and information for NFTs. This is because the NFT space is so new, we<br />

are just starting. Imagine you owned a piece of art from any previous art<br />

movements in history, most are worth a considerable amount of money. We<br />

are living during the digital art movement and you shouldn’t be surprised if<br />

students in the future are studying this movement as part of a curriculum.<br />

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<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>22</strong>

Twitter<br />

The social media platform for all things blockchain-related. Twitter is the<br />

perfect tool for us to collectively share moments, thoughts, and photos<br />

and connect with each other. Twitter is also home to all NFT project pages,<br />

news, activity, announcements, and more. Fundamental analysis can be<br />

conducted surrounding hype if you’re goal is to flip or invest in NFTs.<br />

That is why you should dedicate your time and energy to find the best<br />

projects for your ROI. The Bored Ape Yacht Club collection (BAYC) was<br />

released at an 0.08 ETH mint price of $165.94 USD. Currently at the time of<br />

writing, the lowest ape you can buy on the secondary market at OpenSea<br />

is 6.55 ETH $13,586.34 USD. That’s an 81.875x return in 3 months. Cool.<br />

Now let’s look at some apes with the highest sale prices so far. Cool cool<br />

cool.<br />

The highest price an ape has sold for is 109 ETH $<strong>22</strong>5,910.13 USD. That’s<br />

a 1362.5x or, 136,250% ROI IN 3 MONTHS. Now, this gets fun. Even for<br />

anyone that has experience in crypto. The reason there are discrepancies<br />

between the prices of apes is the rarity of these NFTs. Some procedurally<br />

generated apes have traits that are rarer than others:<br />

You can use rarity.tools which is a great website to view the rarity of each<br />

collection. The tool lists the most popular NFT collections and you can<br />

see your own NFT’s rarity by searching for the # of your token. The Twitter<br />

platform will provide a gateway into certain project sites, as well as their<br />

discords.<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> Is1ue #<strong>22</strong> 13


Send your playlist to:<br />

pixeltoy.sol@gmail.com<br />

to be included in the next issue. LIVE LINKS - CLICK IMAGE<br />

14<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>22</strong>

<strong>SHILL</strong> the MINT<br />

LitJesus Gen2<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>22</strong> 15

BatCity Underground<br />

16<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>22</strong>

<strong>SHILL</strong> the MINT<br />

SolanaMechWars<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> Is1ue #<strong>22</strong> 17

Dino Kingz<br />

18<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>22</strong>

<strong>SHILL</strong> the MINT<br />

Chimpanzee Tribe<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>22</strong> 19

Stock Tylers

<strong>SHILL</strong> the MINT<br />


Mickey DeGods

<strong>SHILL</strong> the MINT<br />


Discord<br />

Communities in Discord servers of each project can be extremely<br />

helpful in answering any questions you have. All aspects of a collection,<br />

announcements, and most importantly: community building. You can find<br />

my own Discord server here. Come swing by and say hello! The reason the<br />

BAYC collection had such a popular rise and price is due to community<br />

engagement. People are excited to own an ape. It meant that you were part<br />

of the ‘exclusive’ club where people set their own apes as their PFP across<br />

all social media platforms.<br />

This created interest in the public, and thus created more demand. The<br />

number of users, engagement, and feel in each Discord server would give<br />

you a very good idea of how well a certain collection would fare after the<br />

presale on the secondary markets. I’ll go through two examples with my<br />

own analysis and thoughts. One will be a drop that has already happened,<br />

one will be a drop that has yet to happen. If you are interested in watching<br />

me mint NFTs check out my Youtube channel.<br />

Examples<br />

1. Pudgy Penguins (8888 Supply @ 0.03 ETH Mint)<br />

These cute little penguins would be something I genuinely would buy,<br />

considering the NFT market is starting to heat up. I’ll only mint one. I only<br />

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<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>22</strong>

purchase or ape into projects/collections that I am 100% confident in. If I<br />

have any doubts I’d rather not take the financial risk, as there is enough risk<br />

as it is. Even if a project I’m in does flop, I’m happy to hold onto some art<br />

that I really like for a long time. Remember CryptoPunks is only 4 years old,<br />

and some are sold for millions already.<br />

Imagine you owned some NFTs from right now. Where NFTs are brand new,<br />

30 years down the line if you picked the right collections could your NFT be<br />

the next CryptoPunk? Who knows. Finding projects that stick around, can<br />

be done by choosing the right tribe and community to be in. These cutelooking<br />

penguins sold out in under 19 minutes. A total of 8888 NFTs in the<br />

collection @ 0.03 ETH mint price.<br />

Analyzing the figures, we can look at the Twitter profile of the Pudgy<br />

Penguins. Around 1.9k followers on Twitter. These numbers are extremely<br />

important, as they will correlate with the number of people interested, and<br />

therefore demand. Second, looking at the Discord server. There are 2033<br />

users that joined in total at the time of the drop.<br />

Between these figures and the fact that 8888 were sold within 20 minutes,<br />

we can take this as an example of how the current NFT project sales are<br />

acting in the metaverse. 8888 x 0.03 ETH = 266.64 ETH = $584,378.89 USD<br />

in 20 minutes by 2k users in a fairly successful launch.<br />

266.64/2000 = 0.133 ETH = $275.78USD. That means for every user in the<br />

collection, the average purchase power was 0.133 ETH per person, from<br />

the discord user to the total amount of ETH spent on this particular project.<br />

This will give us a rough outline or base of what to expect in future<br />

upcoming projects. The chat within the Discord server looks organic and<br />

not dead which is what a normal project looks like, therefore it’s realistic.<br />

Immediately, after the drop @ 0.03 ETH mint price the average sales on

the secondary market is @ 0.055 ETH, that’s almost a 2x ROI within a few<br />

minutes. Just for waiting for a drop, paying some gas fees. Imagine doing<br />

this on a bigger scale.<br />

2. The Vogu Collection (7777 Supply @ 0.077 ETH Mint)<br />

The Vogu features a<br />

7777 supply of a roboticthemed<br />

NFT collection,<br />

with a large interactive<br />

community. Before the<br />

drop, which is on Monday,<br />

July 26th, 5:00 pm PDT<br />

2021 there’s already so<br />

much engagement within<br />

the community. The team<br />

has generated a large<br />

following by hosting and<br />

joining interviews across<br />

all social media and the<br />

vision is something I am<br />

looking for before investing<br />

in an NFT collection.<br />

Many projects have a<br />

“roadmap” that only<br />

happens throughout the sale, usually looking something like this: 25%<br />

sold = 1 ETH giveaway, 50% sold = free airdrop, 100% sold = lofi Youtube<br />

channel. What the hell is that? The team will just abandon the project and<br />

move to the next best thing they do. Creating a short-term pump and dump<br />

NFT project. The Vogu has a total number of 4664 Twitter followers at the<br />

time of writing.<br />

Looking through their Discord server, there are 4325 users in total and<br />

counting before the drop at the time of writing.<br />

I am only using the average purchase power per user rather than the<br />

amount of NFTs per collection over the number of users because user<br />

counts, number of NFTs per collection, and mint price are all variables. The<br />

only factor we can assume is the average purchase price per user from a<br />

successful project.<br />

Compared to the previous Pudgy Penguins project, the average purchase<br />

power of 0.133 ETH is $275.78 USD per person this means 4325 x 0.133<br />

= 575.<strong>22</strong>5 ETH can be spent by all the users. But. Is there enough to go<br />

around? The total 7777 x 0.077 ETH mint price =598.829 which is great for<br />

any whales as there is space for an extra 20 ETH worth of stock. There’s<br />

the other factor with the amount of NFTs in the collection vs. the number

of users. 7777 / 4325 = 1.9 ~ just less than 2 NFTs per user. I estimate<br />

that 20% of the total users will be minting the moment the minting function<br />

comes live, 80% coming through the next couple of minutes. Though as<br />

user numbers grow, I expect the average NFT per user will be closer to 1.<br />

I personally am scared of missing out on this project so, during the time<br />

when I mint, I’ll be setting my gwei over both normal and fast in order not to<br />

get slaughtered in the gas war between other minters. The average amount<br />

of people within the discord probably are buying < 2 as they truly like the<br />

project, as do I. Some people can therefore utilise this demand in order to<br />

make a profit. Sometimes in large amounts.<br />

Vogu has differentiated itself from the typical animal/creature NFT collection<br />

in two ways. Aesthetics and vision. Aesthetically it is very different from<br />

anything else on the market, and this is how the CryptoPunks, Bored Ape<br />

Yacht Club have done, with a plethora of knock-off projects for people who<br />

did not get into the right one. Not many have a robot that is ripe for a PFP.<br />

Do not underestimate the power of aesthetics on pricing in the NFT world, it<br />

makes a difference in price. The team specifically wants to create IP which<br />

creates value for the NFT you hold. This is the next wave of NFTs in my<br />

opinion, to be able to find the first movers of collections that focus more on<br />

IP than just a quick money grab. Follow me on my journey in the Metaverse.<br />

Conclusion<br />

Analyzing hype value on NFTs is an important factor when choosing a<br />

collection you want to have, apart from hype focus on the community and<br />

the team. Remember, dead Discord engagement = dead projects.<br />

While you are looking around why not check out our Youtube Channel NFT<br />

Caviar for some free content? Make sure to subscribe and to be notified<br />

for each video upload! You can also follow me on Twitter @HuhaoNFT for<br />

updates in the NFT metaverse.<br />

Oh yeah, we like NFTs.

SOLANALYSIS 7D volume<br />

28<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>22</strong>


The Astronaut @thexastronaut<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> Is1ue #<strong>22</strong> 29

@BBluelephant<br />

30<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>22</strong>

Holaplex<br />

@DCodedNFT<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> Is1ue #<strong>22</strong> 31


SolsWatch<br />

32<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>22</strong>

Solana Bunny Business


Jeff Opdyke @DigitalRoamad<br />

I will declare here that the GenesysGO Shadowy Super Coder NFT is going<br />

to go down as a legendary investment. At bare minimum, I see it spinning<br />

off about $4,100 per month, starting Jan. 4.<br />

The problem, however, is this: Too many former SSC NFT holders do not<br />

understand what happened in the Town Hall yesterday (14 Dec) and rushed<br />

for the exits.<br />

Brief aside: You know those stories of lottery winners who lose their $1<br />

million winning ticket, and then beat themselves up thinking about what<br />

could’ve been?<br />

Brief aside over… The GenesysGO team held its third Town Hall with more<br />

than 450 members of the Shadow DAO. These are the immediate highlights<br />

you need to know if you’re an SSC NFT owner, or you’re thinking of investing<br />

in one … or if you’re one of those who have an SSC listed right now…<br />

•GenesysGO has set the IDO date for its $SHDW token. It will happen<br />

Jan. 3 — 8am Central Time, US. (2pm UTC).<br />

•IDO price is $0.50.<br />

nothing<br />

•GenesysGO has tweaked its previous token distribution model to<br />

create a unique system based on daily vesting, in which each NFT will<br />

spin out 27.39726 $SHDW tokens per day, every day, for a full year.<br />

•GenesysGO — and this is most important — is expanding its mission<br />

beyond Remote Procedure Call serves (a commodity) to on-chain<br />

storage built directly into the SOL network (a premium service). The<br />

$SHDW token, thus, becomes a true utility token that will serve as the<br />

payment mechanism for storage needs. This becomes the revenue<br />

stream — and it’s potentially huge.<br />

I will address key elements of those bullet points in a moment. But first, a<br />

crucial public service announcement: Despite all the angst I’ve seen in the<br />

GenesysGO Discord server, what GenesysGO is doing is hugely beneficial<br />

to NFT holders. It’s going to:<br />

•Protect the tokens from the typical post-IDO dump that ALWAYS<br />

happens.<br />

•Maintain value of the NFT itself, post-IDO (a big concern many<br />

people had).<br />

•Give NFT owners far greater flexibility than they had under the<br />

previous IDO distribution model.<br />

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<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>22</strong>

I point out those facts because some<br />

people in the wake of the Town Hall freaked<br />

out, got mad, got frustrated, thought they<br />

saw their plans for immediate IDO riches<br />

vanish and, so, in what I will describe as an<br />

emotional tizzy they immediately dumped<br />

their NFT. I know this because the floor for<br />

SSCs on Magic Eden fell to 20 SOL from<br />

42 just prior to the Town Hall (if only I’d<br />

been awake…)<br />

The floor has since bounced back to 30.<br />

SSC sellers have willingly traded the filet<br />

mignon and a bottle of Chateau Le Pin they<br />

could have had tomorrow, for a Chicken<br />

McNuggets Happy Meal with a flat Sprite<br />

today.<br />

Another brief aside: In the year 2000, John<br />

Antioco, head of Blockbuster, could have<br />

bought Netflix for $50 million. He literally<br />

laughed out of the room a company now<br />

worth $264 billion — a 5,280x winner. Go<br />

read John Antioco’s Wikipedia page. He’s<br />

best known for the stupidest decision<br />

of his life, and one of the epic failures in<br />

American business.<br />

Now, let’s run through the more-important<br />

elements of those four bullet points so<br />

that you have a clearer understanding of<br />

what GenesysGO is up to.<br />

On-Chain Storage<br />

Frankly, this is by far the most important<br />

reveal in yesterday’s Town Hall.<br />

GenesysGO will expand its mission to<br />

basically become a storage system<br />

embedded into the Solana blockchain.<br />

It won’t be a layer sitting atop the chain<br />

or riding parallel to the chain, like other<br />

storage providers. It will be part of the<br />

chain itself.<br />

That has substantial benefits to<br />

GenesysGO in that it becomes a necessary<br />

service provider for basically every<br />

project building on Solana.<br />

Just this week, Solana’s network<br />

slowed so dramatically that<br />

transactions were failing everywhere.<br />

A network capable of running 65,000<br />

transactions per second was down to<br />

1,000 at some moments.<br />

Part of the reason for the turtle-like<br />

pace: Bots, and a bug in the “Feeder<br />

Queue,” which stacks transactions<br />

in line as they wait for validators to<br />

become available, wreak havoc on the<br />

network during moments of stress.<br />

Data storage — meaning the immutable<br />

record of all Solana transactions — is<br />

currently stored on RPC servers (often<br />

temporarily before being overwritten)<br />

and on what is effectively a giant<br />

spreadsheet on Google Big Table<br />

Storage. The integrity of data recall,<br />

necessary meaning that immutable<br />

record, is in question and is technically<br />

mutable.<br />

In short, Solana’s consensus<br />

mechanism is not as secure as it<br />

needs to be in order to scale to the size<br />

Solana envisions for itself. Without<br />

the immutable record of transactions<br />

and the capacity to have data-demand<br />

scale with the network … Solana will<br />

never achieve its big-boy dreams. (To<br />

be clear, that’s coming from someone<br />

who is a huge fan of SOL.)<br />

GenesysGO now aims to tackle<br />

that problem by building on-chain,<br />

immutable storage that runs at speed<br />

alongside Solana.<br />

The effect is symbiotic: GenesysGO<br />

gives Solana the “hard drive” it needs<br />

for the rapidly accelerating data<br />

demands placed on the rapidly growing

SOL network, and in turn, Solana’s ability to scale means GenesysGO rides<br />

shotgun with that growth.<br />

And here’s the benefit for hodlers of the SSC NFT: $SHDW tokens will be<br />

required for storage demand. A utility token.<br />

Instead of using $SHDW as ETH-like gas to afford the storage transactions,<br />

the token will be staked in large quantities (think: collateral) so that a<br />

storage user can maintain storage access.<br />

The way I see it, that creates a certain price stability since so many tokens<br />

will effectively be pledged as collateral. It takes those tokens out of daily<br />

circulation.<br />

Daily Vesting<br />

This seems to be where a lot of people got confused and flustered.<br />

Or angry.<br />

Originally, GenesysGO was going to allow NFT holders the option to sell into<br />

the IDO some of the 10,000 $SHDW tokens awarded to each NFT holder.<br />

But here’s the crucial point to remember: Those who might have opted for<br />

that path would have been locked into the IDO price. That is an important<br />

distinction I will return to in just a moment.<br />

Under this new plan, SSC NFTs will be staked in a smart contract, and each<br />

NFT will distribute 27.39726 $SHDW tokens per day for 365 days.<br />

Owners can claim those tokens every day, then turn around and sell them<br />

into the market at the prevailing price. Or they can hold onto them. Markets<br />

will include major Solana network exchanges such as Orca, Symmetry,<br />

Raydium, and Dex Labs among others.<br />

What this means is that an SSC NFT is basically an annuity contract that<br />

pays its owner daily for a full year.<br />

And the law of averages says you’re very likely to see a higher return this<br />

way. It’s dollar-cost-averaging in reverse. One day you sell at $2.32, one day<br />

at $3.28, another day at $4.07, etc. Over the course of all your sales, you will<br />

have likely earned more than had you sold all at one price from the get-go.<br />

But for someone who demands liquidity, an SSC owner has the flexibility to<br />

pull their NFT out of the contract and sell it on the secondary market at any<br />

point along the way.<br />

All the remaining daily payouts go to the buyer. Which means that post-<br />

IDO the NFT maintains value. In fact, it might be worth even more than the<br />

assumed daily payouts.<br />

Here’s what I mean. Let’s assume that $SHDW is trading at $2 per token,<br />

just to pick a number. And let’s assume an owner sells it with exactly 10<br />

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<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>22</strong>

months’ worth of daily payouts remaining:<br />

•The NFT is spinning out $54.79 per day.<br />

•Or $16,438.35 over the next 10 months.<br />

An owner could very well list that NFT at $20,000, which would imply an<br />

expected $SHDW price of $2.433 per token. As the price of $SHDW rises,<br />

you’re very likely to see buyers snap up the NFT because they’ll have<br />

expectations that the $SHDW price will go higher than $2.433 and that<br />

they’ll make good money holding the asset.<br />

It’s literally no different than the reason investors pay up to own Tesla or<br />

Amazon or Apple: They’re willing to pay a high price now on expectations<br />

that the company’s earnings will drive the share price even higher. The SSC<br />

NFT is something like a crypto version of that.<br />

Better still, each NFT is packaged with a bonus: Stake the NFT for a year,<br />

and you earn 3,000 bonus tokens, a 30% bump. Those tokens travel with the<br />

NFT. So, if an owner sells before the 12-month holding period has expired,<br />

well that bonus travels with the NFT, helping the NFT maintain even more<br />

value since the seller would obviously calculate into the NFT price the value<br />

of those 3,000 tokens that will land in the new owner’s wallet at some point.<br />

(NOTE: To clarify confusion: Each NFT will pay out the 3,000-token bonus to<br />

whoever stakes it for a full year.)<br />

Now, back to the idea that some people are miffed that they don’t have X<br />

number of tokens to sell in the IDO and pocket gazillions of dollars.<br />

That was never going to happen!<br />

Under the previous plan, NFT owners who opted to sell into the IDO would<br />

have been selling at the IDO price — not the price to which $SHDW might<br />

spike. If the IDO launched, for example, at $0.50, and an owner was selling<br />

5,000 tokens of their 10,000-token allotment, then they’d walk away with<br />

$2,500, even if $SHDW immediately spiked to $20 per token.<br />

With daily vesting, an NFT owner actually benefits from that spike since<br />

they will have tokens immediately available every single day to sell into<br />

whatever price they’re comfortable with … or they can hold those tokens for<br />

even higher prices later, if they expect that.<br />

Moreover, those who want to sell their daily $SHDW emission will benefit<br />

from daily vesting because of the limited supply of tokens on the market.<br />

In most IDOs, there’s a brief flash higher, and then suddenly a tanking as all<br />

the gazillions of tokens flood in. But with daily vesting, there is no flood of<br />

tokens.<br />

The IDO is 30 million tokens. The daily vesting emission is 273,972 based<br />

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on the 10,000 NFTs that exist. That’s<br />

not even 1% of the 30 million initial<br />

supply. And there’s an extremely<br />

high likelihood that only a fraction of<br />

those 273,972 tokens will end up on<br />

the market since there are so many<br />

$SHDW hodlers who are not going<br />

to part with their tokens (me being<br />

one with the 3.5 Shadowy Super<br />

Coders I currently own).<br />

Taken as a whole, this approach<br />

to the $SHDW IDO limits the ability<br />

of whales to dump a boatload of<br />

tokens immediately, which would<br />

undermine the price. And it’s giving<br />

us, SSC owners, a huge amount of<br />

flexibility to sell tokens daily, hodl,<br />

or even completely pull an NFT out<br />

of the smart contract and sell it on<br />

a secondary market, knowing that<br />

the NFT has a ton of residual value<br />

based on the remaining vesting<br />

payments and the 3,000-token<br />

sweetener.<br />

What Might All of This Look Like?<br />

Let’s consider a post-IDO $SHDW<br />

token relative to Filecoin and<br />

Arweave, two of the primary storage<br />

firms now. Neither can scale with<br />

Solana and neither is built into the<br />

network itself. But they’re excellent<br />

comparisons because of the<br />

business they’re in.<br />

At Filecoin’s market cap of $5 billion,<br />

$SHDW is a $25 coin.<br />

At Arweave’s valuation of roughly $2<br />

billion, $SHDW is a $10 coin.<br />

Frankly, I think $SHDW achieves<br />

a $10 billion valuation ultimately<br />

because as a storage arrangement<br />

running inside the SOL blockchain<br />

itself, $SHDW has a superior, cleaner,<br />

more elegant solution that literally<br />

scales right alongside Solana.<br />

That’s a $50 price tag on $SHDW.<br />

But let’s just stay conservative and<br />

stick with $10 to $25. That means<br />

one SSC NFT will spin out between<br />

$274 and $685 per day.<br />

PER. DAY.<br />

Let’s be even more conservative.<br />

Let’s say $SHDW is a $5 token (a<br />

fully diluted market cap of just $1<br />

billion; a top-90 crypto).<br />

That’s $137 per day or more than<br />

$4,100 per month. That’s an annual<br />

salary for a boatload of people —<br />

and more than an annual salary in<br />

many parts of the world.<br />

For those who see what GenesysGO<br />

is doing, you will reflexively<br />

understand why an SSC at 30 SOL<br />

— or even 50 SOL — is dirt cheap<br />

relative to the value that will be<br />

unleashed over the next year.<br />

Seriously, if you think $SHDW at $5<br />

per token is a legit price, then an<br />

SSC is worth nearly 300 SOL right<br />

now, using a $170 SOL price. At 30<br />

SOL, the market is valuing $SHDW<br />

at $0.52 per token, basically its IDO<br />

price. And to think $SHDW is worth<br />

just $0.52, given the role it’s going<br />

to play in helping Solana scale,<br />

is akin to John Antioco’s Netflix<br />

miscalculation.<br />

For those who can’t get past not<br />

having immediate access to some<br />

portion of 10,000 tokens you can<br />

sell at IDO for $0.50 each and<br />

pocket a whopping $2,500 or so …<br />

I’ll be waiting for you at Magic Eden.<br />

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@kidonthephoenix<br />

40<br />

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@33CALICO<br />

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@itslordof<br />

42<br />

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@genenft<br />

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@Chaboola<br />

original is an animated gif



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