Richa Mathews - Writer Portfolio

I write about art, age and affection. I write about art, age and affection.

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a n n o y i n gAds are annoying unless they’re not.

this new soap, it’ll make your whole life better in ways that make noTryThe world is full of advertisements. From the billboard you seesense.the way to work, to the ads you see between the soaps on tv. Adsonnew. Ads have been around for as long as human life existed.aren’tand Eve had advertisements in their time too. The tree of theAdamfruit was so heavily advertised that Eve had to try!forbiddenthat’s fair, but the truth is, AdsAllannoying. It’s true! No one likesarea 2-minute Ad in betweenseeingmurder mystery. It’s a buzz kill.theirthose were ads of the past. Who even has a TV anymore?However,is why ads are annoying unless they’re not. The new age ofThisdoesn’t revolve around unrealistic expectations.advertisingthe past, I’ve seen too many advertisements for razors where theInhas legs as smooth as a baby’s butt. It’s unrealistic and uncalledmodelHence, deemed annoying.for.word advertisement goes hand in hand with the wordThe"announcement".announcement at an airport is useful and everyone pays attentionAnit. Why? toUnnecessary and unappreciated.The Modern-day Advertisement, however, is a choice.

a n n o y i n g

Ads are annoying unless they’re not.

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