December 2021 edition

The Holidays on Curaçao are special. Starting with the tradition of making ayaka’s which is mostly done in small groups. We have included an easier recipe for you, see page 3. Part take in a ‘misa di aurora’, the 5:00 am mass taking place each morning from 9 days before Christmas. Starting 16th – 24th December. The churches are ready to welcome you. The Holidays on Curaçao are special.
Starting with the tradition of making ayaka’s which is mostly done in small groups.
We have included an easier recipe for you, see page 3.
Part take in a ‘misa di aurora’, the 5:00 am mass taking place each morning from 9 days before Christmas. Starting 16th – 24th December. The churches are ready to welcome you.

from madeincuracao More from this publisher

I Am Made In December 2021 22Curaçao ArtistGabriel JeukenTwo year since the first publication of Curaçao-made comic series“Lita’s Adventures” (page 21), a new local comic artist has joined itsproduction team. Gabriel N. Jeuken is a student at Max the Mutt, aprofessional art school for comic and cartoon artists in Toronto,Canada. He now resides, works, and studies in Curaçao where he isoffering services as designer and colorist for the local market.

I Am Made In December 2021 23Hello Gabriel. In your career youhave focused on comic arts. Whatdrew you to this genre?I always loved comics. When I aslittle, I read a lot of Suske en Wiskeand Donald Duck comics. WheneverI sat in a waiting room, I would wadethrough the magazines just to see ifthey had any. Reading the storieswas like watching a tiny tv in myhead, and since I like writing my ownstories, I wanted to be able to dowhat comic artists did with theirsand bring my characters and creaturesto life on the page.So have you always known youwanted to be a comic artist?At first, I was just drawing a lot of picturesbecause I found it fun. Later, Ilearned that people could make moneyout of doing what they liked. So, Itook the opportunity to create a careerout of it. Of course, in the earlyyears, there was some oppositionfrom my surroundings, but I'm happyto say that I do get a lot of supporttoo for choosing this career path.

I Am Made In December 2021 23

Hello Gabriel. In your career you

have focused on comic arts. What

drew you to this genre?

I always loved comics. When I as

little, I read a lot of Suske en Wiske

and Donald Duck comics. Whenever

I sat in a waiting room, I would wade

through the magazines just to see if

they had any. Reading the stories

was like watching a tiny tv in my

head, and since I like writing my own

stories, I wanted to be able to do

what comic artists did with theirs

and bring my characters and creatures

to life on the page.

So have you always known you

wanted to be a comic artist?

At first, I was just drawing a lot of pictures

because I found it fun. Later, I

learned that people could make money

out of doing what they liked. So, I

took the opportunity to create a career

out of it. Of course, in the early

years, there was some opposition

from my surroundings, but I'm happy

to say that I do get a lot of support

too for choosing this career path.

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