December 2021 edition

The Holidays on Curaçao are special. Starting with the tradition of making ayaka’s which is mostly done in small groups. We have included an easier recipe for you, see page 3. Part take in a ‘misa di aurora’, the 5:00 am mass taking place each morning from 9 days before Christmas. Starting 16th – 24th December. The churches are ready to welcome you. The Holidays on Curaçao are special.
Starting with the tradition of making ayaka’s which is mostly done in small groups.
We have included an easier recipe for you, see page 3.
Part take in a ‘misa di aurora’, the 5:00 am mass taking place each morning from 9 days before Christmas. Starting 16th – 24th December. The churches are ready to welcome you.

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I Am Made In December 2021 20Seeing Bonaire from CuraçaoIt’s a special event on Curaçao when theweather spirits decide to clear the oceanhorizon of cloud cover to reveal… land!Imagine being the first human to come tothe islands, many thousands of years ago, tolook out over the sea and see the faint outlineof the hills. “Land ho!!” they may haveshouted to their families, and boarded theirhandmade canoes made of hollowed outtrees to cross the sea and explore that sliverof land. Do you see it? How close it looks?Like you could almost swim there?Over the ages, the inhabitants of our islandshave traveled between these insular sistersby canoe at first, then by ferry in the past,and now with modern technology, only ashort 15 minute flight away. But somehow,peering at a horizon, finally freed of obscuringclouds, almost inviting us to come andexplore, still recalls to me those earliest explorers,who were the first to gaze out fromthe continent and plant human feet on ourisland soils.Goodbye for now, Bonaire! May we travelyour way again soon, after the pandemichas passed and we are once again able totread your shores.

I Am Made In December 2021 21Woman photo created by wayhomestudio -

I Am Made In December 2021 21

<a href="">Woman photo created by wayhomestudio -</a>

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