NC - Winter 2021

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THE HOLY<br />


NAZARETH //<br />

VOL. 15 //<br />

NO 3 //<br />

WINTER <strong>2021</strong><br />

Nazareth<br />



Special<br />

Prayer<br />

Edition<br />

Healing Rosary<br />

for Families<br />



Dear Friends of Nazareth,<br />

This time of Advent calls me to<br />

deep reflection of the Incarnation<br />

and the Holy Family. It humbles me<br />

to think of all the ways God could<br />

have manifested Himself, He chose<br />

to physically come into the world<br />

through a humble little family.<br />

Family. It is the heart of our mission<br />

as the Sisters of the Holy Family of<br />

Nazareth. As professed Sisters of the<br />

Holy Family of Nazareth, we commit<br />

ourselves in our Covenant of Love, to<br />

a Life of Service “acknowledging that<br />

holy, healthy families are central to the<br />

transformation of the world” (CL 5.4).<br />

Throughout these past almost two<br />

years, holy, healthy families have been<br />

a saving blessing for many people, and<br />

yet for many others, family continues<br />

to bear the active wounds of deep<br />

brokenness, pain, hurt, abuse, and<br />

isolation.<br />

I most recently was reminded of this<br />

reality as I reviewed a report of our<br />

website analytics that notes the pages<br />

most visited on nazarethcsfn.org. Over<br />

the past year, we have had a growing<br />

number of visitors finding comfort in<br />

the Healing Rosary for Families and our<br />

Novena to the Holy Family.<br />

As Sisters of the Holy Family of<br />

Nazareth, we commit ourselves and<br />

resources to enhancing the quality of<br />

family life. In lieu of our traditional<br />

Advent/Christmas Issue of Nazareth<br />

Connections, I would like to share<br />

with you this special Prayers of<br />

the Sisters of the Holy Family of<br />

Nazareth edition, which I pray will be<br />

a resource to you and your families.<br />

My prayer for you is that these<br />

enclosed prayers will serve as a<br />

source of peace, grace, and guidance<br />

for you and your families. I would<br />

also like to invite you to join our<br />

community in praying the Novena to<br />

the Holy Family (p. 8), which begins<br />

Friday, December 17, and leads into<br />

the Feast of the Holy Family on<br />

Sunday, December 26.<br />

In closing, I leave you with the words<br />

of our Mother Foundress, Blessed<br />

Mary of Jesus the Good Shepherd,<br />

from a letter she wrote to one of our<br />

sisters on December 22, 1893.<br />

“Just as Jesus came to<br />

form the Kingdom of His<br />

Love in the midst of the<br />

Blessed Virgin and St.<br />

Joseph, may the Divine<br />

Infant establish the same<br />

Kingdom in your soul.<br />

May He endow you with<br />

His gifts and graces, and,<br />

above all, I entreat Him to<br />

grant you inner peace and<br />

serenity, His Spirit, and<br />

an understanding of His<br />

love and His ways.”<br />

(Letter 158)<br />

As we contemplate the great<br />

mystery of God becoming man, let<br />

us remember that He who came<br />

into the world physically through the<br />

Holy Family of Nazareth is named<br />

Jesus, which means “God saves.” May<br />

He who as our Mother Foundress<br />

said, endow you and your families<br />

with His gifts, graces, and grant you<br />

inner peace, serenity, His Spirit, and an<br />

understanding of His love and His ways.<br />

In The Holy Family,<br />

Sister Kathleen Maciej, CSFN<br />


We invite you to pray with us, to listen to God’s call with us, and to love with<br />

us as we find God in ordinary experiences. Learn more about our community<br />

life, our ministries, and our mission at nazarethcsfn.org/join-us. Or contact<br />

Sr. Emmanuela Le, CSFN, National Vocation Director, at 972-641-4496 ext. 111<br />

or vocations@nazarethcsfn.org.<br />


4<br />

VOLUME 15 //<br />

NO 3 //<br />

WINTER <strong>2021</strong><br />

9<br />

Nazareth Connections is published<br />

three times a year by the Sisters<br />

of the Holy Family of Nazareth<br />

in the USA.<br />

7<br />

Editor:<br />

Rachel Neubauer<br />

Proofreaders:<br />

Sr. Mary Ellen Gemmell<br />

Sr. Lucille Madura<br />

Amanda Giarratano<br />

Contents<br />


4-5 My Escapades<br />

in Nazareth<br />

ROSARY<br />

12-16 The Healing<br />

Rosary for Families<br />

12<br />

Editorial Board:<br />

Sr. Angela Szczawinska<br />

Sr. Barbara Frances Samp<br />

Sr. Carol Szott<br />

Sr. Jude Carroll<br />

Sr. Kathleen Ann Stadler<br />

Sr. Lucille Madura<br />

Sr. Marcelina Mikulska<br />

Sr. Marcella Louise Wallowicz<br />

Sr. Mary Louise Swift<br />

Sr. Teresilla Kolodziejczyk<br />

Katherine Barth<br />

Design/Print:<br />

McDaniels Marketing<br />


6 When I Knew<br />

Angels Were Real<br />

7 Prayers<br />

NOVENA<br />

8-11 Holy Family Novena<br />


17 Sr. Peter Marie Genuardi<br />


18 Stay-at-Home Social<br />

19 Giving the<br />

Gift of Stocks<br />


A depiction of the Nativity from<br />

the original Provincialate House in<br />

Des Plaines, IL.<br />

Questions, comments, suggestions?<br />

Please contact:<br />

Communications Department<br />

Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth<br />

310 N. River Road,<br />

Des Plaines, IL 60016<br />

847-298-6760, ext. 144<br />

communications@nazarethcsfn.org<br />

nazarethcsfn.org<br />

facebook.com/csfn.usa<br />

twitter.com/csfn_usa<br />

instagram.com/csfn.usa<br />

NAZARETH CONNECTIONS // WINTER <strong>2021</strong><br />



My Escapades<br />

in Nazareth<br />

1898-1901<br />

By Sr. M. Simplicia of the Cross<br />

Editor’s Note: Sr. Mary Simplicia of<br />

the Cross (Marian Ławecka – died<br />

July 18, 1963) was one of the very few<br />

who had the good fortune of meeting<br />

our Foundress, Blessed Mary of Jesus<br />

the Good Shepherd (Frances Siedliska).<br />

Following in her eldest sister’s, Sr.<br />

Pancratius, footsteps, Marian entered<br />

Nazareth. Several years later, their<br />

two younger sisters Sr. Laura and Sr.<br />

Marinelle joined the community, making<br />

them the first “Nazareth Quartet” in<br />

the history of the Congregation.<br />

We previously featured an excerpt<br />

from Sr. Simplicia’s “My Escapades<br />

In Nazareth,” a compilation of stories<br />

written from the time she was a boarder<br />

attending Holy Family Academy in<br />

Chicago in our <strong>2021</strong> Fall Nazareth<br />

Connections. We are delighted to share<br />

with you another story from Sr. Simplicia.<br />

She writes, “So it was during the time of<br />

Mother Lauretta’s time in the Academy<br />

in Chicago that I had all kinds of<br />

adventures, more than any other of the<br />

girls… I was of a very lively disposition<br />

and God endowed me with a brilliant<br />

memory, that made me useful at times,<br />

but also at times prone to mischief<br />

as one can see from the following<br />

‘Escapades’… Enjoy reading and have a<br />

good hearty laugh, which is so beneficial<br />

to health.”<br />


At that time, the Holy Family<br />

Academy did not have a private<br />

chaplain until 1900. In the<br />

meantime, the Resurrection Father<br />

from St. Stanislaus Parish would<br />

perform the sacred functions<br />

besides the daily Holy Mass, also<br />

the Benediction on Holydays and<br />

Midnight Mass on Christmas.<br />

After the vigil-supper on Christmas<br />

Eve, all the sisters retired for<br />

a nap to be up at midnight for<br />

Meditation, Office, and Holy Mass.<br />

However, we girls, or should I<br />

call it the famous Academy Choir,<br />

decided to refrain from sleeping<br />

so our voices would be primed<br />

for ‘singing’ instead of ‘yawning.’<br />

Since we would be awake, I was<br />

assigned the Portress for that night.<br />

We all went down to the small Music<br />

Room and sang the new Christmas<br />

Carols we previously learned to be<br />

sure we knew them well for Midnight<br />

Mass. As I made my way into the<br />

Music Room, I placed the key on<br />

the piano and sang away with the<br />

Academy Choir, practicing every carol<br />

(some even twice) so that we would<br />

be perfect for Midnight Mass. We<br />

sang for quite a while, and when we<br />

finished, we all dispersed and went<br />

on our way. As designated Portress<br />

for the evening, I remained on the<br />

first floor, awaiting any visitor who<br />

would be calling upon the sisters and<br />

paying attention for Reverend Father,<br />

who would be arriving to prepare<br />

for Midnight Mass. I was quietly<br />

replaying the Christmas Carols in<br />

my head when all of a sudden, the<br />

doorbell rang! I reached for the key<br />

in my pocket, but it was not there.<br />

Where could the key have gone? I<br />

then remembered setting it down on<br />

the piano, so I rushed down to the<br />

Music Room with great haste, went<br />

directly to the piano to retrieve the<br />

key, but it was not there, either!<br />

Where did the key go? At this point,<br />

I became extremely frantic; the<br />

Reverend Father needed to get into<br />

the chapel to prepare for Midnight<br />

Mass. Within that moment, I did<br />

what any logical person would have<br />

done... I ran to one of the parlors,<br />

opened the window, put out a stool,<br />

and asked the Reverend Father to<br />

get on the stool and jump in through<br />

the window because I lost the key.<br />

Upon hearing the Reverend Father’s<br />

second doorbell chime, which<br />

happened while I was grabbing<br />

the stool, Mother Provincial and<br />

Mother Superior came out from the<br />

chapel while I was encouraging the<br />

priest to simply hop on the stool<br />

and jump in through the window.<br />

After all my tearful begging, the<br />

Reverend Father looked at me and<br />

said but one word, “Crazy!” He<br />

then turned around and went home.<br />

Running out of the parlor, I bumped<br />

right into Mother Superior, who<br />

asked me, “Marylka, why don’t you<br />

open the door?” Crying, I answered,<br />

“I lost the key!” Sister Superior took<br />

out her key and moved to open<br />

the door, but I said through my<br />

tears, “Father is gone. I told him<br />

that I lost the key, and I offered<br />

him a stool to jump in through the<br />

window, but he called me ‘Crazy’<br />

and turned back to the rectory.”<br />

Mother Superior immediately called<br />

another girl and told us to run to<br />

the rectory. I was told to apologize<br />

and ask Father Superior to send<br />

the priest because it was getting<br />

close to Midnight Mass. We both<br />

ran to the rectory and asked for<br />

Father Superior. He answered the<br />

door, and I proceeded to tell him my<br />

sorrowful tale. As I explained to him<br />

about the stool and encouraging the<br />

Reverend Father to jump through<br />

the window, Father Superior began<br />

to laugh uncontrollably. I asked him<br />

what was so funny, and he began to<br />

explain that the priest who had come<br />

to visit was not the most athletically<br />

framed man and would have had great<br />

difficulty fitting through the window.<br />

Father Superior called the priest<br />

who had initially come to say Mass<br />

to let him know we had found a key<br />

to open the door, but the priest<br />

refused to come and celebrate Mass.<br />

Nevertheless, Father Superior<br />

told us to go home and that the<br />

priest would be over soon.<br />

With that, we ran home, a distance<br />

of two blocks, and Mother Provincial<br />

was standing on the corridor awaiting<br />

the news. We told her that the<br />

priest would be here in no time and<br />

immediately ran up to join the choir,<br />

who had already begun singing.<br />

The priest came, much to my relief,<br />

and celebrated Midnight Mass.<br />

While we were away pleading with<br />

Father Superior at the rectory, all<br />

the girls came down on the corridor<br />

asking about Midnight Mass. Mother<br />

proceeded to tell all about me<br />

misplacing the key and telling the<br />

priest to crawl through the window.<br />

The next day, one of the girls<br />

came to apologize because she<br />

hid the key. In fact, she hid it so<br />

well that she did not remember<br />

just where she placed it, but<br />

acknowledged it was an awful trick!<br />

NAZARETH CONNECTIONS // WINTER <strong>2021</strong><br />



When I Knew<br />

Angels Were Real<br />

By Sr. Frances Smalkowski<br />

“For I am sending an angel before you to guard<br />

you on the way and bring you to the place I have<br />

prepared. Be attentive to him and heed his voice.”<br />

— Exodus 23:20-21a<br />

So, when did I REALLY start believing in angels?<br />

Somewhere around age five or so, my older brother was taking me to the<br />

local CSFN elementary school in Jamaica, NY. St. Joseph’s regularly had a<br />

movie to which older siblings could bring along their younger ones. Of course,<br />

with sincere promises (that almost sounded like an oath in a courtroom), Joey<br />

and little Frances pledged to hold each other’s hands through “thick and thin.”<br />

Being five years apart and growing up regularly teasing each other, Joey<br />

started squeezing my hand while taunting me with the reminders that he was<br />

in charge, and that I needed to listen to him. Sure!<br />

Coming close to a boulevard named Liberty Avenue, I let go of his hand and<br />

ran as fast as I could get away from him to cross. Midway could be heard the<br />

screeching of cars as a little child stood frozen touching the car in front of her<br />

with her small hand.<br />

People from the corner bar came out and walked me back to my brother who<br />

looked visibly frightened. Together we made a contract never to tell “Mommy.”<br />

Who wouldn’t believe in angels after that? I can still feel/see that car stopped<br />

in front of me. (For sure, Joey has his own version of this event!)<br />


Prayers<br />



O most blessed Trinity, we praise and thank you<br />

for the example your servant, Blessed Mary of Jesus the Good Shepherd,<br />

has given us by imitating the life and virtues of the Holy Family of Nazareth.<br />

Grant us the grace we ask through her intercession for your greater glory,<br />

for the sanctification of souls and for the extension of your Kingdom on earth.<br />

Amen.<br />



O most blessed Trinity, we praise and thank you for the example of<br />

Blessed Mary Stella and Her Ten Companions,<br />

Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth,<br />

who by imitating Jesus Christ, offered themselves as a sacrifice of love.<br />

God of mercy and compassion,<br />

through the merits of their martyrdom and by their intercession, grant us the<br />

grace we humbly ask… (insert intention here)…<br />

so that like them, we may witness with our lives<br />

to the presence of the Kingdom of God’s love<br />

and extend it to the human family throughout the world.<br />

We ask this through Christ, our Lord. Amen.<br />

Blessed Martyred Sisters of Nowogródek, pray for us.<br />



God of Mercy,<br />

Your Son Jesus Christ lovingly fulfilled your will<br />

and his death became the source of new life for the Church.<br />

Malgorzata Banas, a Nazareth sister of Nowogródek,<br />

in the following of Jesus, accepted the challenges of her life<br />

and transformed them into a way of dedicated ministry to the Church.<br />

Grant that this faithful servant be counted among the blessed.<br />

May her witness of deep faith, courage and love of neighbor<br />

help us to remain faithful to Jesus and his Church.<br />

Grant our petitions through her intercession.<br />

We ask this in the name of Jesus. Amen.<br />

Sr. Frances Smalkowski sitting at the<br />

dinner table with her parents and her<br />

brother Joey.<br />

Mother Foundress, Blessed Mary<br />

of Jesus the Good Shepherd,<br />

Chicago-1889<br />

Nowogródek Martyrs<br />

Sr. Malgorzata Banas<br />

NAZARETH CONNECTIONS // WINTER <strong>2021</strong><br />


NOVENA<br />

Pray the Holy Family<br />

Novena with us<br />

The Feast of the Holy Family is<br />

celebrated on the Sunday between<br />

Christmas and January 1. This year,<br />

the feast falls on December 26. Since<br />

1989, friends of the Sisters of the Holy<br />

Family of Nazareth have joined us in<br />

praying the special Holy Family Novena,<br />

written by Sr. Cathy Fedewa, CSFN, for<br />

the nine days leading up to this feast.<br />

We invite you to join in spirit with this<br />

worldwide time of prayer and to use<br />

this Novena at any time of the year. If<br />

you would like to share this Novena<br />

with relatives and friends so that they<br />

may pray it with us, copies in English,<br />

Polish, or Spanish can be downloaded<br />

from our website at nazarethcsfn.<br />

org/prayer/holy-family-novena.<br />





Intention: For all families<br />

(Add your own personal<br />

intentions quietly or aloud<br />

as circumstances allow).<br />

We often think of the Holy Family<br />

as a family without struggles.<br />

God, of course, was their center<br />

and their strength, but God<br />

called Jesus, Mary, and Joseph<br />

to a great self-emptying love.<br />

Joseph took to himself a young<br />

maiden with a child not his own,<br />

believing in the darkness that this<br />

faithful, protecting love would<br />

serve God’s plan. Mary watched<br />

her Son grow to the fullness of<br />

manhood, only to be murdered. And<br />

Jesus enfleshed the enduring love<br />

of His Father despite the cost to<br />

those He loved, and to Himself.<br />

Prayer: God, grace us with the<br />

fidelity, courage and love of Jesus,<br />

Mary, and Joseph. Be for us a still<br />

point and a resting place in this life<br />

where we must see all with the<br />

eyes of faith to be true to our call.<br />

Like Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, we<br />

embrace this human journey,<br />

despite its times of doubt and fear,<br />

because today and always You are<br />

our security and our strength.<br />


We ask this through the intercession<br />

of the family of Nazareth, Jesus,<br />

Mary, and Joseph, model for<br />

all Christian families. Amen.<br />


Intention: For engaged<br />

couples and newlyweds (Add<br />

your own personal intentions).<br />

Many couples at this very moment<br />

are contemplating marriage for<br />

many reasons. They need to look<br />

deeply into the commitment<br />

they are asking of one another, a<br />

commitment that calls for the<br />

greatest love they can give – the<br />

total giving of themselves to one<br />

another and the total acceptance and<br />

support of one another. They are<br />

the seeds of a newly forming family.<br />

Prayer: God, Keeper of Promises,<br />

help the newly married from the<br />

very onset to love each other into<br />

the best that they can become for<br />

themselves, for each other and for<br />

all those whose lives they touch.<br />

Expand their hearts to include new<br />

life born of that love if such is part<br />

of Your plan for them. Mary, and<br />

Joseph, just as at Nazareth you laid<br />

the foundation for Jesus to grow in<br />

wisdom, age, and grace, give these<br />

couples the greatness of heart to<br />

love their children into new loving<br />

persons. We ask this through the<br />

intercession of the family of Nazareth,<br />

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, model<br />

for all Christian families. Amen.<br />


Intention: For persons suffering<br />

because of broken relationships<br />

and family problems (Add your<br />

own personal intentions).<br />

There is so much suffering and pain in<br />

the world today. One of the greatest<br />

pains comes when members of<br />

families can no longer continue loving<br />

one another into wholeness. So much<br />

healing and forgiveness are needed –<br />

gifts that can come only from turning<br />

to God for the strength and courage<br />

that lie at the base of forgiving love.<br />

Prayer: Jesus Healer, we ask You<br />

to be present to members of families<br />

who are broken and hurting. To those<br />

who are the cause of the pain, give<br />

the strength of conversion of heart<br />

to see their problems and deal with<br />

them. Those who are the victims will<br />

need from You – and others who<br />

love them – a great deal of support<br />

and strength to forgive and to love<br />

so greatly that healing can happen.<br />

But God, there are also families<br />

where the pain has been too great,<br />

and the bonds have been severed. Be<br />

with each member of those families<br />

so that they may have the courage to<br />

“gather up the fragments” and move<br />

on in life. Allow them to go beyond<br />

the crippling effects of the pain and<br />

to find in You and in those who<br />

love them, the support, affirmation,<br />

and courage to go on. We ask this<br />

through the intercession of the family<br />

of Nazareth, Jesus, Mary, and Joseph,<br />

model for all Christian families. Amen.<br />

DAY 4 - PERSONS<br />


Intention: For all who<br />

have become alienated from<br />

their families (Add your<br />

own personal intentions).<br />

Many people have been victims<br />

of families who were not able for<br />

live out a real loving commitment<br />

to one another. Some have come<br />

from unions never blessed with<br />

love; others are children of those<br />

who have been victims themselves<br />

and were unable to give love. Not<br />

having known the love of parents or<br />

other special family members, they<br />

found themselves part of a cycle that<br />

seemed only to turn in on itself.<br />

Prayer: Compassionate God,<br />

we pray that there be persons<br />

who are willing to reach out in<br />

love to these victims, to share of<br />

their abundance with those who<br />

have so little, whether physically,<br />

spiritually, or emotionally.<br />

Grant to those who feel unloved the<br />

grace and gift to see love in another’s<br />

heart. Give them also the courage to<br />

accept that love so that at least one<br />

life can break the cycle of unloving.<br />

Open the hearts of every family<br />

member to realize how special<br />

each other family member is so<br />

that they never become the source<br />

of another’s pain. May they rather<br />

be guilty of loving too much than<br />

not enough. We ask this through<br />

the intercession of the family of<br />

Nazareth, Jesus, Mary, and Joseph,<br />

model for all Christian families. Amen.<br />

DAY 5 - FAMILIES<br />


Intention: For stepfamilies<br />

and couples in a second<br />

marriage (Add your own<br />

personal intentions).<br />

There are those among us who<br />

are struggling with the joys and<br />

tensions of putting together a new<br />

family, beginning again to build<br />

and to strengthen the bonds of<br />

love that will carry them together<br />

through life. Many members of<br />

those families are picking up the<br />

pieces of their puzzled lives at<br />

very vulnerable times. They need<br />

special grace to put it all together<br />

with the love and affirmation that<br />

each family member can give.<br />

continued on next page... NAZARETH CONNECTIONS // WINTER <strong>2021</strong> 9

Prayer: God of Struggle, these<br />

new families need all the support<br />

and affirmation they can get, not<br />

only from within, but also from<br />

loved ones and friends outside<br />

their homes. We ask that all those<br />

who relate in any way to family<br />

members be conscious of their need<br />

for support and understanding.<br />

Grant to each family member<br />

enough love to be open to one<br />

another, accepting the new patterns,<br />

personalities, and gifts that they<br />

may encounter, building up and<br />

strengthening this new foundation so<br />

that it may grow in love to be a firm<br />

and lasting foundation. We ask this<br />

through the intercession of the family<br />

of Nazareth, Jesus, Mary, and Joseph,<br />

model for all Christian families. Amen.<br />

DAY 6 - MY FAMILY<br />

Intention: For all the members<br />

of my extended family (Add<br />

your own personal intentions).<br />

There is one very special family who<br />

we need to keep in prayer – our own<br />

families into which we were born.<br />

There is no set pattern that defines<br />

who that may be since, for each of<br />

us, it is unique. In Jesus there is no<br />

barrier of time and space – all is<br />

present now. In that understanding,<br />

call to mind each member of your<br />

family (silently name them).<br />

Prayer: No family is perfect and<br />

mine is no exception. I give thanks<br />

to You, God of My Life, for all the<br />

joys and blessings that have been<br />

part of my experience in my family,<br />

but I also offer to You the pain and<br />

hurts. I give both of these to You<br />

that I may not forget either, for all in<br />

life is related and I do not want the<br />

joys to be blotted out by the pain.<br />

Help me to forgive those members of<br />

my family, including myself, who have<br />

caused pain and help me to affirm<br />

those who have been a source of joy.<br />

Give me the strength to be a light<br />

within my family, to be a witness of<br />

Your love to others, and to continue<br />

to place before You all of our needs.<br />

We ask this through the intercession<br />

of the family of Nazareth, Jesus,<br />

Mary, and Joseph, model for<br />

all Christian families. Amen.<br />

DAY 7 - FAMILIES<br />


Intention: For those celebrating<br />

special events this year (Add<br />

your own personal intentions).<br />

“Rejoice with those who rejoice.”<br />

There are many things to celebrate<br />

in families – births and birthdays;<br />

weddings and anniversaries; first steps<br />

and graduations; and all the everyday,<br />

seemingly small joys that come<br />

with loving, sharing, affirming, and<br />

appreciating the gifts of one another.<br />

Prayer: We rejoice and thank<br />

You, Gracious God, for the<br />

special gifts that family members<br />

can be to one another.<br />

We thank you especially for those<br />

couples who celebrate Silver and<br />

Golden Anniversaries of marriage –<br />

lives of loving, faithful commitment<br />

to one another. They are a special<br />

witness to their children and to the<br />

world – a reflection of Your faithful<br />

commitment to Your people. Grant<br />

to them the rewards of their fidelity<br />

– the peace and joy that come from<br />

knowing they have lived life to its<br />

fullness, constantly mindful of the<br />

other rather than themselves.<br />

We ask this through the intercession<br />

of the family of Nazareth, Jesus,<br />

Mary, and Joseph, model for<br />

all Christian families. Amen.<br />

DAY 8 - FAMILIES<br />


Intention: For those<br />

families who take the time<br />

to help others (Add your<br />

own personal intentions).<br />

“They will know we are Christians<br />

by our love.” And the love that<br />

is shared intimately among family<br />

members cannot help but spill out<br />

beyond their circle to others. The<br />

very love they share is a muchneeded<br />

witness to our world.<br />

Prayer: Jesus, Center of Life, give<br />

to those families who desire to<br />

share their love more deeply the<br />

strength to reach out, to go beyond<br />

themselves. Help them to find ways<br />

of reaching out that will build rather<br />

than divide the bonds which love<br />

has created. Above all, help them<br />

always to keep You as the focus of<br />

their lives as did Mary and Joseph.<br />

We pray too for those men and<br />

women who have been leaders<br />

in movements that have offered<br />

support to couples and families,<br />

enabling them to find ways of sharing<br />

with other families. Give them and<br />

others the courage and strength<br />

to continue to channel their great<br />

love for You, through their families,<br />

to the world. We ask this through<br />

the intercession of the family of<br />

Nazareth, Jesus, Mary, and Joseph,<br />

model for all Christian families. Amen.<br />


DAY 9 - FAMILY OF<br />


Intention: For our sisters<br />

and brothers throughout<br />

the world (Add your own<br />

personal intentions).<br />

There is a larger circle of<br />

family members to whom we<br />

are related – the family of the<br />

World. Jesus provides for us<br />

the WAY, the TRUTH, and the<br />

LIFE that models the universal<br />

bonding that links us together.<br />

Prayer: God, Creator of the<br />

earth and all its people, grant<br />

that we may never become so<br />

self-centered as to lose sight of<br />

this larger family to which we<br />

all belong. Help us to be mindful<br />

that, as members of one family, we<br />

are all equal in the eyes of God.<br />

We all have gifts to share, as did each<br />

member of the Holy Family – may<br />

we be generous and creative in the<br />

sharing of those gifts, whether they<br />

be material or spiritual. Together,<br />

then, we can truly build a better<br />

world. We ask this through the<br />

intercession of the family of Nazareth,<br />

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, model<br />

for all Christian families. Amen.<br />

CO<strong>NC</strong>LUDING PRAYER<br />

Lord God, from You every family<br />

in heaven and on earth takes its<br />

name. Father, You are Love and<br />

Life. Through Your Son, Jesus<br />

Christ, born of woman, and<br />

through the Holy Spirit, fountain<br />

of divine charity, grant that every<br />

family on earth may become<br />

for each successive generation<br />

a true shrine of life and love.<br />

Grant that your grace may guide the<br />

thoughts and actions of husbands<br />

and wives for the good of their<br />

families and of all the families in the<br />

world. Grant that the young may<br />

find in the family solid support for<br />

their human dignity and for their<br />

growth in truth and love. Grant<br />

that love, strengthened by the<br />

grace of the sacrament of marriage,<br />

may prove mightier than all the<br />

weaknesses and trials through which<br />

our families sometimes pass.<br />

Through the intercession of the<br />

Holy Family of Nazareth, grant<br />

that the Church may fruitfully<br />

carry out her worldwide mission<br />

in the family and through the<br />

family. We ask this of You, who<br />

are Life, Truth, and Love, with the<br />

Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.<br />

Pope John Paul II<br />

Novena Text:<br />

Sister Catherine Fedewa, CSFN<br />

Novena Published with<br />

Ecclesiastical Permission. 1989<br />

COPYRIGHT 1989<br />

Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth<br />

285 Bellevue Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15229<br />

Sr. Josephine Garret, CSFN, joins in<br />

prayer with a young parishioner.<br />

NAZARETH CONNECTIONS // WINTER <strong>2021</strong><br />


ROSARY<br />

Healing Rosary<br />

for Families<br />


Editor’s Note: The Healing Rosary for<br />

Families was written by an Associate<br />

of the Holy Family who has requested<br />

not to be named because, as she<br />

explains, “I believe [this rosary] was<br />

a joint effort among the communion<br />

of Saints here and in heaven.” The<br />

rosary incorporates some of the most<br />

pressing problems of families that the<br />

Associate has experienced in her time<br />

as a spiritual director and counselor. It<br />

was graciously reviewed by Sr. Frances<br />

Smalkowski, CSFN. We invite you to pray<br />

in unison with us from loving hearts as<br />

witnesses to the love of the Holy Family.<br />



Prayer to the Holy Family: “Jesus,<br />

Mary, and Joseph, in you we<br />

contemplate the splendor of true<br />

love; to you we turn with trust.<br />

Holy Family of Nazareth, grant that<br />

our families too may be places of<br />

communion and prayer, authentic<br />

schools of the Gospel and small<br />

domestic churches. Holy Family of<br />

Nazareth, may families never again<br />

experience violence, rejection, and<br />

division; may all who have been hurt<br />

or scandalized find ready comfort<br />

and healing. Holy Family of Nazareth,<br />

make us once more mindful of the<br />

sacredness and inviolability of the<br />

family, and its beauty in God’s plan.<br />

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, graciously<br />

hear our prayer. Amen.”<br />

(From Pope Francis’ “Prayer to the<br />

Holy Family,” December 29, 2013.)<br />

For Healing of Families:<br />

Our Father<br />

Our Father, who art in heaven,<br />

hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom<br />

come; thy will be done on earth<br />

as it is in heaven. Give us this<br />

day our daily bread; and forgive<br />

us our trespasses as we forgive<br />

those who trespass against us;<br />

and lead us not into temptation,<br />

but deliver us from evil. Amen.<br />

“The Lord heals the<br />

brokenhearted, and<br />

binds up their wounds.”<br />

Psalm 147:3<br />

The Apostles’ Creed<br />

I believe in God, the Father almighty,<br />

Creator of heaven and earth, and<br />

in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our<br />

Lord, who was conceived by the<br />

Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary,<br />

suffered under Pontius Pilate, was<br />

crucified, died, and was buried; he<br />

descended into hell; on the third<br />

day he rose again from the dead;<br />

he ascended into heaven, and is<br />

seated at the right hand of God<br />

the Father almighty; from there<br />

he will come to judge the living<br />

and the dead. I believe in the Holy<br />

Spirit, the holy Catholic Church, the<br />

communion of saints, the forgiveness<br />

of sins, the resurrection of the<br />

body, and life everlasting. Amen.<br />

For Fathers: Hail Mary<br />

Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is<br />

with you; blessed are you among<br />

women, and blessed is the fruit of<br />

your womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother<br />

of God, pray for us sinners now and<br />

at the hour of our death. Amen.<br />

For Mothers: Hail Mary…<br />

For Children: Hail Mary…<br />

Glory Be<br />

Glory be to the Father, the Son,<br />

and the Holy Spirit; as it was in the<br />

beginning, is now, and ever shall<br />

be, world without end. Amen.<br />


The Annunciation and<br />

Mary’s “Yes” to God.<br />

The fruit of this mystery is humility.<br />

For those who are not saying yes<br />

to God; those who are not following<br />

the will of God: Our Father…<br />

1. For families broken by alcohol<br />

abuse: Hail Mary…<br />

2. For families broken by physical<br />

and mental abuse: Hail Mary…<br />

3. For families broken by drug abuse<br />

and all addictions: Hail Mary…<br />

4. For families broken by<br />

infidelity: Hail Mary…<br />

5. For families broken by lack of love<br />

of God and neighbor: Hail Mary…<br />

6. For families broken by misuse<br />

of the internet: Hail Mary…<br />

7. For families broken by<br />

divorce: Hail Mary…<br />

8. For families broken by<br />

workaholism: Hail Mary…<br />

9. For families broken by<br />

unforgiveness: Hail Mary…<br />

10. For families broken by lack of<br />

awareness of sin and the need<br />

for repentance: Hail Mary…<br />

Glory Be<br />

Glory be to the Father, the Son,<br />

and the Holy Spirit; as it was in the<br />

beginning, is now, and ever shall<br />

be, world without end. Amen.<br />

Fatima Prayer<br />

O my Jesus, forgive us our sins;<br />

save us from the fires of hell; lead<br />

all souls to Heaven, especially<br />

those in most need of Thy mercy.<br />

“Thank God for the grace by<br />

which you can recognize your<br />

limitations and your weakness.<br />

That is a truth which each one<br />

of us ought to acknowledge.<br />

Consider also that God needs<br />

neither our knowledge nor<br />

our talents, but desires our<br />

self-surrender, good will, and<br />

readiness to do whatever<br />

He asks of us. Resort to<br />

prayer, therefore; submit and<br />

recommend everything to God,<br />

and He shall accomplish His<br />

designs even by means of a frail<br />

continued on next page... NAZARETH CONNECTIONS // WINTER <strong>2021</strong> 13

instrument to the everlasting<br />

glory of His Name.”<br />

(From Blessed Mary of Jesus the<br />

Good Shepherd [Frances Siedliska],<br />

Foundress of the Congregation<br />

of the Sisters of the Holy Family<br />

of Nazareth)<br />


MYSTERY: The Visitation.<br />

The fruit of this mystery<br />

is love of neighbor.<br />

For families in need:<br />

Our Father…<br />

1. For the lonely: Hail Mary…<br />

2. For the hungry: Hail Mary…<br />

3. For the handicapped: Hail Mary…<br />

4. For refugees: Hail Mary…<br />

5. For widows, widowers, and<br />

the elderly: Hail Mary…<br />

6. For those with financial<br />

struggles: Hail Mary…<br />

7. For those who live alone:<br />

Hail Mary…<br />

8. For those who are suffering with<br />

mental illness: Hail Mary…<br />

9. For those who are<br />

persecuted: Hail Mary…<br />

10. For those who are<br />

despairing: Hail Mary…<br />

Glory Be<br />

Glory be to the Father, the Son,<br />

and the Holy Spirit; as it was in the<br />

beginning, is now, and ever shall<br />

be, world without end. Amen.<br />

Fatima Prayer<br />

O my Jesus, forgive us our sins;<br />

save us from the fires of hell; lead<br />

all souls to Heaven, especially<br />

those in most need of Thy mercy.<br />

“May the Holy Family, icon and<br />

model of every human family,<br />

help each individual to walk in<br />

the spirit of Nazareth. May it<br />

help each family unit to grow in<br />

understanding of its particular<br />

mission in society and the<br />

Church by hearing the Word<br />

of God, by prayer, and by a<br />

fraternal sharing of life. May<br />

Mary, Mother of ‘fairest love,’<br />

and Joseph, Guardian of the<br />

Redeemer, accompany us all<br />

with their constant protection.”<br />

(From St. John Paul II, “Letter To<br />

Families,” February 2, 1994)<br />


The Nativity.<br />

The fruit of this mystery<br />

is detachment from the<br />

things of the world.<br />

For the sanctity of life:<br />

Our Father…<br />

1. For the sanctity of the<br />

unborn: Hail Mary…<br />

2. For the sanctity of traditional<br />

marriage: Hail Mary…<br />

3. For the protection of<br />

children: Hail Mary…<br />

4. For those that cannot<br />

conceive: Hail Mary…<br />

5. For the healing of families<br />

affected by miscarriages and<br />

abortion: Hail Mary…<br />

6. For the unmarried: Hail Mary…<br />


7. For foster and adoptive<br />

families: Hail Mary…<br />

8. For right judgement<br />

for those contemplating<br />

suicide: Hail Mary...<br />

9. For an increase in compassion<br />

for all those who are<br />

caregivers: Hail Mary...<br />

10. For an increase in courage and<br />

perseverance for those who<br />

help save lives: Hail Mary…<br />

Glory Be<br />

Glory be to the Father, the Son,<br />

and the Holy Spirit; as it was in the<br />

beginning, is now, and ever shall<br />

be, world without end. Amen.<br />

Fatima Prayer<br />

O my Jesus, forgive us our sins;<br />

save us from the fires of hell; lead<br />

all souls to Heaven, especially<br />

those in most need of Thy mercy.<br />

“There is so much suffering in<br />

families these days all over<br />

the world that it is important<br />

to pray, and it is important to<br />

forgive. People ask me what<br />

advice I have for a married<br />

couple struggling in their<br />

relationship. I always answer,<br />

‘Pray and forgive’; and to young<br />

people who come from violent<br />

homes, ‘Pray and forgive’;<br />

and to the single mother with<br />

no family support, ‘Pray and<br />

forgive.’ You can say, ‘My Lord,<br />

I love You. My God, I am sorry.<br />

My God, I believe in You. My<br />

God, I trust You. Help us to love<br />

one another as You love us.’”<br />

(From St. Teresa of Calcutta)<br />


MYSTERY: The Presentation.<br />

The fruit of this mystery is obedience.<br />

For renewal of faith in<br />

families: Our Father…<br />

1. For families to have the<br />

courage to put God first in their<br />

everyday life: Hail Mary…<br />

2. For the return of all those that have<br />

strayed from the faith: Hail Mary…<br />

3. For families to pray<br />

together: Hail Mary…<br />

4. For understanding, reverent<br />

communication, and reconciliation<br />

in families: Hail Mary…<br />

5. For families to seek God’s<br />

Wisdom: Hail Mary…<br />

6. For family members to spend more<br />

time with each other: Hail Mary…<br />

7. For families to trust in<br />

Jesus: Hail Mary...<br />

8. For the holiness parents need<br />

to be the first heralds of faith<br />

to their children: Hail Mary…<br />

9. For compassion and mercy<br />

in the hearts of all God’s<br />

children: Hail Mary…<br />

10. For our leaders in the faith – the<br />

Pope, Cardinals, Bishops, Priests,<br />

Deacons and Religious: Hail Mary…<br />

Glory Be<br />

Glory be to the Father, the Son,<br />

and the Holy Spirit; as it was in the<br />

beginning, is now, and ever shall<br />

be, world without end. Amen.<br />

Fatima Prayer<br />

O my Jesus, forgive us our sins;<br />

save us from the fires of hell; lead<br />

all souls to Heaven, especially<br />

those in most need of Thy mercy.<br />

“We can try to limit suffering,<br />

to fight against it, but we<br />

cannot eliminate it. It is when<br />

we attempt to avoid suffering<br />

by withdrawing from anything<br />

that might involve hurt, when<br />

we try to spare ourselves the<br />

effort and pain of pursuing<br />

truth, love, and goodness,<br />

that we drift into a life of<br />

emptiness, in which there may<br />

be almost no pain but the dark<br />

sensation of meaninglessness<br />

and abandonment is all the<br />

greater. It is not by sidestepping<br />

or fleeing from suffering that<br />

we are healed, but rather by<br />

our capacity for accepting<br />

it, maturing through it, and<br />

finding meaning through<br />

union with Christ, who<br />

suffered with infinite love.”<br />

(From Pope Benedict XVI,<br />

Encyclical Letter “Spe Salvi,”<br />

November 30, 2007)<br />

Sr. Maria Magdalena taking time to<br />

pray in the Provincialate chapel for all<br />

families.<br />

CSFN Associates gather together in<br />

praying for the intentions of the CSFN<br />

community.<br />

continued on next page... NAZARETH CONNECTIONS // WINTER <strong>2021</strong> 15


Finding in the Temple.<br />

The fruit of this mystery<br />

is joy in finding Jesus.<br />

For families that have<br />

experienced loss: Our Father…<br />

1. For families that have lost a<br />

loved one: Hail Mary…<br />

2. For families that have experienced<br />

loss of employment: Hail Mary…<br />

3. For families that have experienced<br />

loss of love: Hail Mary…<br />

4. For families that have experienced<br />

loss of hope: Hail Mary…<br />

5. For families that have experienced<br />

loss of faith: Hail Mary…<br />

6. For families that have experienced<br />

loss of dignity: Hail Mary…<br />

7. For families that have experienced<br />

loss of home: Hail Mary…<br />

8. For families that have<br />

experienced loss of clothing<br />

and belongings: Hail Mary…<br />

9. For families that have experienced<br />

loss of health: Hail Mary…<br />

10. For families that have lost<br />

the freedom to worship<br />

God: Hail Mary…<br />

Glory Be<br />

Glory be to the Father, the Son,<br />

and the Holy Spirit; as it was in the<br />

beginning, is now, and ever shall<br />

be, world without end. Amen.<br />

Fatima Prayer<br />

O my Jesus, forgive us our sins;<br />

save us from the fires of hell; lead<br />

all souls to Heaven, especially<br />

those in most need of Thy mercy.<br />

“Heavenly Father, You have<br />

given us a model of life in the<br />

Holy Family of Nazareth. Help<br />

us, O loving Father, to make<br />

our family another Nazareth<br />

where love, peace, and joy reign.<br />

May it be deeply contemplative,<br />

intensely Eucharistic, and<br />

vibrant with joy. Help us to<br />

stay together in joy and sorrow<br />

through family prayer. Teach<br />

us to see Jesus in the members<br />

of our family, especially in His<br />

distressing disguises. May the<br />

Eucharistic Heart of Jesus make<br />

our hearts meek and humble<br />

like his and help us to carry<br />

out our family duties in a holy<br />

way. May we love one another<br />

as God loves each one of us<br />

more and more each day, and<br />

forgive each other’s faults as<br />

You forgive our sins. Help us, O<br />

loving Father, to take whatever<br />

You give and to give whatever<br />

You take with a big smile.<br />

Immaculate Heart of Mary,<br />

cause of our joy, pray for us.<br />

Saint Joseph pray for us. Holy<br />

Guardian Angels be always with<br />

us, guide and protect us. Amen.”<br />

(From St Teresa of Calcutta)<br />

Hail Holy Queen<br />

Hail, Holy Queen, mother of mercy,<br />

our life, our sweetness, and our<br />

hope. To you we cry, poor banished<br />

children of Eve; to you we send up<br />

our sighs, mourning and weeping in<br />

this valley of tears. Turn, then, most<br />

gracious advocate, your eyes of<br />

mercy toward us; and after this, our<br />

exile, show unto us the blessed fruit<br />

of your womb, Jesus. O clement, O<br />

loving, O sweet Virgin Mary. Amen.<br />


In Memoriam<br />

Sister Peter Marie Genuardi<br />

February 20, 1947 –<br />

November 7, <strong>2021</strong><br />

Sister Peter Marie’s life revolved<br />

around four main loves: her God, her<br />

family, her community, and her friends.<br />

Born on February 20, 1947, in<br />

Norristown, PA, to Peter and Ann<br />

Marino Genuardi, Immaculata was<br />

the oldest girl of the six children in<br />

the family, which included brothers<br />

Joe and Peter and sisters Toni, Anna<br />

Marie, and Bernie, with Bernie having<br />

the undisputed “pride of place” in<br />

the family. Immaculata was baptized<br />

on March 16, 1947, at the Church<br />

of the Holy Savior in Norristown<br />

and then attended that parish<br />

elementary school from grades one<br />

to six. Seventh and eighth grades<br />

found Immaculata at Visitation BVM<br />

School in Trooper, PA, where she had<br />

her first encounter with the Sisters<br />

of the Holy Family of Nazareth. She<br />

said, “The Sisters were so human, and<br />

loved one another so much, and they<br />

loved to laugh.”<br />

After graduating from Bishop<br />

Kenrick High School in Norristown,<br />

Immaculata worked for a year in a<br />

medical facility in Conshohocken, PA.<br />

On September 8, 1966, she became a<br />

postulant of Immaculate Conception<br />

Province in Philadelphia, PA; she<br />

pronounced her First Vows on August<br />

12, 1969, in Meadowbrook, PA, and<br />

Perpetual Vows on October 12, 1974,<br />

in her home parish of Visitation BVM.<br />

Upon graduating from Holy Family<br />

College – now University – she<br />

primarily taught second grade. It<br />

was her singular joy to prepare<br />

these children for the Sacraments<br />

of Reconciliation and Eucharist. Her<br />

ministry took her to various parishes,<br />

including: Queen of Peace in Ardsley,<br />

PA; St. Kunegunda in McAdoo, PA;<br />

St. Katherine of Siena in Philadelphia,<br />

PA; St. Gregory in Plantation, FL;<br />

Visitation BVM in Trooper, PA; and<br />

St. Adalbert in Philadelphia, PA; where<br />

she concluded her active teaching<br />

ministry with their kindergarten. She<br />

then volunteered as a “Lunch Mother”<br />

at St. Christopher’s Parish School in<br />

Somerton, PA. Sister admitted that<br />

she did less monitoring of the lunches<br />

but became the quintessential go-to<br />

person for the tying of tiny shoelaces.<br />

Coordinating and calling BINGO at<br />

Mount Nazareth was her special gift.<br />

Retired from teaching but continuing<br />

to minister within Mary of Nazareth<br />

Convent, she coordinated the visits of<br />

various maintenance personnel who<br />

came to service equipment in the<br />

convent and to inspect the elevator,<br />

the heating and air conditioning<br />

systems, and the like. She loved to<br />

engage the workers in conversations<br />

about themselves, their families and<br />

world situations. She was truly a<br />

daughter of Nazareth – interested<br />

in the ordinariness of life.<br />

Her lifelong friendships taught her<br />

about a love that deepened and<br />

expanded with each passing year.<br />

Rooted in God and in her friends,<br />

she was able to love others without<br />

judgement, forgive quickly, exude<br />

kindness, and rise above the pettiness<br />

that comes into each of our lives<br />

at times.<br />

Sister was called home to the Lord on<br />

Sunday, November 7, <strong>2021</strong>.<br />

Donations in memory of a deceased sister may be mailed to<br />

Development Office, Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth, 310<br />

N. River Road, Des Plaines, IL 60016. Please include a note with<br />

the name of the Sister in whose memory you are giving. Donations<br />

may also be made online at nazarethcsfn.org/support-us/donate.<br />

NAZARETH CONNECTIONS // WINTER <strong>2021</strong><br />



Stay-at-Home Social:<br />


We hoped the world would move to a “pre-COVID normal” this past fall; however, with conditions of the pandemic on<br />

the rise, we came to the decision that it would be best to celebrate our CSFN Social as a virtual event once again.<br />

On Wednesday, October 27, through<br />

the gift of technology, we celebrated<br />

our friends, family, and Sisters in a<br />

30-minute video presentation. Our<br />

Provincial Superior, Sr. Kathleen Maciej,<br />

CSFN, greeted our viewers, who<br />

then heard the words of a beautiful<br />

opening prayer created especially<br />

for this event by Sr. Cathy Fedewa,<br />

CSFN. Our National Development<br />

Director, Kathi Barth, shared some<br />

remarks, and the presentation<br />

concluded with a photo montage<br />

featuring our Sisters, notes of gratitude<br />

from our friends, and recognition<br />

of our generous social sponsors.<br />

Thank you again to all of our generous donors, sponsors, volunteers, and Sisters! We are looking forward to seeing all of<br />

you at our next in-person event, hopefully, next year. If you missed the live stream video presentation or want to share it<br />

with your friends and family, visit the videos section on our Facebook page. If you would like to donate, please go to our<br />

website and click “Donate” (in the comment section, note your donation is for the Social), send a gift in the mail, or call<br />

our National Development Office at 847-298-6760.<br />


• INTECH Construction, LLC<br />

• Holy Family University<br />

• St. Katherine of Siena Parish<br />

• Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Nowakowski<br />

• WSFS Community Foundation<br />

• Trinity Health Mid Atlantic<br />

– Nazareth Hospital<br />

• Mr. and Mrs. Michael Delaney<br />

• Mr. and Mrs. Terrence Delaney<br />

• Dr. Thomas J. Kardish<br />


Giving Gifts of Stocks<br />

Makes “Cents”...<br />

for You and CSFN<br />

Looking to give toward a cause you believe in and make your charitable dollars<br />

do the most good? Consider making a gift of publicly held stock or mutual fund<br />

shares (that you have had for at least one year) to the Sisters of the Holy Family<br />

of Nazareth. These gifts not only help you claim the full market value of the<br />

shares you chose to donate, but it lets you avoid taxes on capital gains, which<br />

we see as a double benefit for you, the donor.<br />

Consider the following example: John and Sue Smith own 100 shares of XYZ<br />

Corporation stock, which they purchased three years ago for $1,000. The fair<br />

market value of those 100 shares is now $2,000. If the Smith’s donate the 100<br />

shares of XYZ Corp. stock to the Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth, they<br />

can claim the entire $2,000 as a charitable deduction on their <strong>2021</strong> taxes, and<br />

they do not have to pay capital gains taxes on the $1,000 profit.<br />

In order to take advantage of this double benefit, it is necessary to donate<br />

the shares of stock. If you sell the shares yourself and then donate the cash<br />

proceeds, you will be liable for capital gains taxes. And please note, if you are<br />

unable to take the full deduction in one year, you can carry it forward for up to five years.<br />

While gifts of cash are always greatly appreciated, a gift of stocks or mutual fund shares can benefit you and CSFN. We<br />

ask you to keep this in mind if you are considering a gift to the Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth. As always, we are<br />

deeply grateful for your support of our sisters and their ministries.<br />


Mail: Send donations to the Development Office, 310 N. River Road, Des Plaines, IL 60016.<br />

Website: www.nazarethcsfn.org – click the “Donate” to use a credit card or checking account.<br />

Facebook: www.facebook.com/csfn.usa – click on “Donate”<br />

Call: 847-298-6760, ext. 237, our Development Office<br />

Text-2-Give: Text the word REGISTER to (847) 994-4483. You will then be asked to provide contact<br />

and credit card information.<br />

NAZARETH CONNECTIONS // WINTER <strong>2021</strong><br />


310 N River Rd.<br />

Des Plaines, IL 60016<br />

www.nazarethcsfn.org<br />

Non-profit<br />

Organization<br />

U.S. Postage<br />

Paid<br />

Rockford, IL<br />

Permit No. 2495<br />


Due to the pandemic, we have postponed “Oktoberfest 2020 and<br />

<strong>2021</strong>” to spring of next year. We invite you to renew friendships and<br />

acquaintances and make new ones at “Oktoberfest in Spring,” sponsored<br />

by the Oktoberfest Committee and the Sisters of the Holy Family of<br />

Nazareth, to be held on Sunday, March 27, 2022, at the Meridian Banquet<br />

and Conference Center, Rolling Meadows, IL.<br />

Enjoy a unique and exciting afternoon with an opportunity to try your<br />

luck at Choose Your Prize Raffle, Silent Auction, and Split the Pot Raffle.<br />

Our CSFN Creations will provide lovely, handcrafted items for sale. A<br />

delicious luncheon will be served. Cash bar available.<br />

All proceeds from this event assist the Sisters of the Holy Family of<br />

Nazareth in their Family Outreach and will enable them to continue their<br />

mission through their daily ministries of service to, with, and for families.<br />

We look forward to seeing you soon!<br />

We, the Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth, are called to extend the Kingdom of God’s love among ourselves and<br />

others by living the spirit of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph whose lives were centered in the love of God and one another.<br />

We witness to this love through dedicated service to the Church, especially in ministry to the family.

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