5 Studying Habits That Successful Online Students Adopt

Online learning is incredibly flexible, as you can learn from anywhere and at your own pace. But the advantage of flexibility can become a downside if you procrastinate and don’t complete your work on time.

Online learning is incredibly flexible, as you can learn from anywhere and at your own pace. But the advantage of flexibility can become a downside if you procrastinate and don’t complete your work on time.


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5 Studying Habits That Successful Online Students Adopt

Online learning is incredibly flexible, as you can learn from anywhere and at your

own pace. But the advantage of flexibility can become a downside if you

procrastinate and don’t complete your work on time. What you should do—if you

want to earn good grades—is adopt the habits that successful student adopt to do

well in online classes.

1. Make A Clear Distinction Between Studying Time & Social Time

Setting aside time for studying can be a major challenge, especially if you’re

someone who likes to do things on a whim. Having a dedicated studying time will

help you stay on track, as every day you’ll complete work at a certain hour. Also,

let those around you—your family, friends, and roommates—know that you’re

studying. This way they won’t bother you.

2. Don’t Hesitate To Ask For Help

While studying online, if you don’t understand a particular concept or topic, you

should reach out to classmates or your professor for help. You can also hire online

tutors. Just call one and ask, “Can you take my online class for me?” An online tutor

will provide you with one-on-one attention, and they’ll make sure you do well in

your online classes.

3. Plan Your Studying Session

Successful online students create studying plans and stick to them. They dedicate

at least 10 hours each week to working on classwork and studying. At the beginning

of the course, print out your syllabus. It’s always good to have a hard copy at your

desk, as this can be referenced quickly. Mark all deadlines on your calendar.

When you use a calendar, you’ll have a clear idea of what needs to get done. Using

a calendar will also save you from procrastinating and rushing to get things done.

4. Stay Connected With Your Classmates

If you want to complete an online course on time, you should connect and engage

with your peers. Discussing general topics on community boards and working with

others on group projects will familiarize you with your peers. When students learn

together, it’s easy for them to get motivated.

But one of the biggest drawbacks of online learning is that it can make students

feel isolated. This is why you must take the extra step to connect and engage with

others. Doing so will help you stay on track, even when the course is getting tough.

5. Use All Available Resources

In an online course, you can access a plethora of online resources. There are tons

of study apps, flash cards, practice quizzes, and other resources that students can

use to prepare for exams. You can also hire an online tutoring service when you

need help with a difficult topic; a tutor will complete your assignments on time.

Resource Box

The author regularly writes about online learning and helps online students hire

the best tutors. A good tutor can complete homework, essays, exams, quizzes, and

even discussion boards. This author loves when students call asking, “Can you take

my online class for me?”

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