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There is a misconception that when

the kids reach college age, we are no longer

“parenting.” While some subscribe to that

philosophy others are in complete disagreement.

While most parents agree that our job description

changes when the children head to college or

graduate from college, there is a growing chorus

of moms and dads who say their jobs are far from

over when the kids reach “legal age”. As our

children are navigating their way through college,

their first job or moving into their first apartment,

there are many questions.

We may no longer be responsible for

picking them up when they fall on the sidewalk

and get an “owie”, but we still need to be there

when they are going through their first level of

challenges as an adult.

The bottom line is we are never “done” with

parenting, We should always be their strongest

support system, their biggest cheer leader and

their most devoted sounding board. The role

definitely changes but it doesn’t end. Don’t rush

it. Embrace it. Enjoy the journey .




m mickle



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18 December 2021 I QC Family Focus

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