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by Evin Ersan College Reporter, Boston University

For one of my college essays, I wrote about

emotional intelligence and how it factors into

leadership roles. I recently read a very compelling

article on this subject written by Bob Gershberg,

CEO/Managing Partner of Wray Executive Search.

Mr. Gershberg does a wonderful job defining

emotional intelligence and its importance in our

society. Here are the highlights of his article and my

thoughts on it.

The dictionary defines emotion as, “A natural

instinctive state of mind deriving from one’s

circumstances, mood, or relationships with others.”

In a world where emotions are running very high

right now, I believe society is slowly realizing that

how we handle our emotions and the emotions of

others can make a big difference in the outcomes

we can expect. Emotionally charged acts or words

are known to ignite strong responses. This is not

necessarily always a negative thing. Emotion can

be part of paving the way towards change if it is

used in a way to enlighten and inspire others. It

can also go very wrong when it offends, separates,

alienates, or disregards the feelings and/or beliefs

of others.

10 December 2021 I QC Family Focus

Emotional intelligence, or EQ as it is referred

to in science, is the ability to detect, comprehend,

regulate, and understand our emotions as well as

the emotions of others. To do so, Mr. Gershberg

states one must possess talents in, “self-control,

social skills, relationships, communication and

influencing or motivating other people — all great

skills for personal and professional success.”

According to the University of New Hampshire

psychology department, emotional intelligence is

the, “ability to validly reason with emotions and to

use emotions to enhance thought.” EQ refers to

an individual’s ability to perceive, control, evaluate,

and express emotions. People with a high EQ can

manage emotions, use their emotions to facilitate

thinking, understand emotional meanings and

accurately perceive others’ emotions. EQ is partially

determined by how a person relates to others and

maintains emotional control.”

The Harvard Business Review has hailed

emotional intelligence as, “a ground-breaking,

paradigm-shattering idea” and “one of the most

influential business ideas of the decade.”

So what is the difference between IQ and EQ?

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