Magazine NOVIT MODELS™ №5/2021

En: FITNESS FOR MODELS: Force, grace, slimness. About of the benefits of spinach. BEAUTY & CAREER: "Milan city" fashion week 2021" sight of model Matvey Beloglazov. Opening new faces: Anzhelina-Siuzanna Wicki. PHOTO GALLERY "20 Hits": photographer – Yury Ivanenko, model – Yana Argutkina. NEWS. Ru: ФИТНЕС ДЛЯ МОДЕЛЕЙ. Сила, грация, стройность. ДИЕТИКА: О пользе шпината. КРАСОТА & КАРЬЕРА: "Milan city" fashion week 2021" – глазами модели Матвея Белоглазова. Открываем новые лица: Анжелина-Сюзанна Вики. ФОТОГАЛЕРЕЯ "20 Хитов”: фотограф – Юрий Иваненко, модель – Яна Аргуткина. НОВОСТИ.

En: FITNESS FOR MODELS: Force, grace, slimness. About of the benefits of spinach. BEAUTY & CAREER: "Milan city" fashion week 2021" sight of model Matvey Beloglazov. Opening new faces: Anzhelina-Siuzanna Wicki. PHOTO GALLERY "20 Hits": photographer – Yury Ivanenko, model – Yana Argutkina. NEWS.
Ru: ФИТНЕС ДЛЯ МОДЕЛЕЙ. Сила, грация, стройность. ДИЕТИКА: О пользе шпината. КРАСОТА & КАРЬЕРА: "Milan city" fashion week 2021" – глазами модели Матвея Белоглазова. Открываем новые лица: Анжелина-Сюзанна Вики. ФОТОГАЛЕРЕЯ "20 Хитов”: фотограф – Юрий Иваненко, модель – Яна Аргуткина. НОВОСТИ.


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"Milan city fashion week"- 2021

sight of model Matvey Beloglazov.

NM. Hello!

М. Hi!

NM. Introduce yourself,


М. My name is Matvey Beloglazov

instagram @mattwey_

NM. How did you get on this


М. I was invited by the

organizers because 2 years

ago I took part in a project

"Fashion in the city" and

recommended myself well.

NM. Impressions...?

М. The organization is at the

highest level. I am delighted!

I participated in the show of 2

designers. A total of 9 stylists

demonstrated their collections

on this day.

NM. What designers ' clothes

did you represent?

М. Michael Lombard and


NM. Can you tell me more

about Michael Lombard?

М. Michael is a famous fashion

designer. He started out as

executive director of record

label blah with his own label

Atlantic Records and realized

his passion for design and

creating something unique

in the fashion industry. The

Michael Lombard collection,

named "King of the Skin" by

the Huffington Post, has been

worn by professional athletes

and music stars around the

world. Michael Lombard is

the first Monster Energy Drink

sponsored fashion designer

worldwide on his fashion

tour. Michael Lombard has

signed with HarperPR, the

style fashion house, for Lady

Gaga, Beyoncé, Nicki Minaj,

Jennifer Lopez, and many

other celebrities. Michael has

dressed celebrities such as


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