Magazine NOVIT MODELS™ №5/2021

En: FITNESS FOR MODELS: Force, grace, slimness. About of the benefits of spinach. BEAUTY & CAREER: "Milan city" fashion week 2021" sight of model Matvey Beloglazov. Opening new faces: Anzhelina-Siuzanna Wicki. PHOTO GALLERY "20 Hits": photographer – Yury Ivanenko, model – Yana Argutkina. NEWS. Ru: ФИТНЕС ДЛЯ МОДЕЛЕЙ. Сила, грация, стройность. ДИЕТИКА: О пользе шпината. КРАСОТА & КАРЬЕРА: "Milan city" fashion week 2021" – глазами модели Матвея Белоглазова. Открываем новые лица: Анжелина-Сюзанна Вики. ФОТОГАЛЕРЕЯ "20 Хитов”: фотограф – Юрий Иваненко, модель – Яна Аргуткина. НОВОСТИ.

En: FITNESS FOR MODELS: Force, grace, slimness. About of the benefits of spinach. BEAUTY & CAREER: "Milan city" fashion week 2021" sight of model Matvey Beloglazov. Opening new faces: Anzhelina-Siuzanna Wicki. PHOTO GALLERY "20 Hits": photographer – Yury Ivanenko, model – Yana Argutkina. NEWS.
Ru: ФИТНЕС ДЛЯ МОДЕЛЕЙ. Сила, грация, стройность. ДИЕТИКА: О пользе шпината. КРАСОТА & КАРЬЕРА: "Milan city" fashion week 2021" – глазами модели Матвея Белоглазова. Открываем новые лица: Анжелина-Сюзанна Вики. ФОТОГАЛЕРЕЯ "20 Хитов”: фотограф – Юрий Иваненко, модель – Яна Аргуткина. НОВОСТИ.


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- beneficial effect on the eyes, prevention of retinal

detachment, prevention of many eye diseases;

- significant improvement in the functioning of

the pancreas, normalization of digestion in both

adults and children;

- prevention of hypertension;

- stimulation of the intestines (spinach has a mild

laxative effect), normalization of metabolism in

people of any age;

- rejuvenation of the body, slowing down the aging

process of body cells;

- fight against various developmental disorders

of babies. Eating spinach is possible even for

newborn babies, and in some countries, mashed

made from the spinach plant are an obligatory

component of the diet of infants;

- removal of inflammation, edema (due to a weak

diuretic effect).



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