EKSPRESI 2021: Meraikan Tari Kreasi, Merangkul Inovasi


EKSPRESI 2021Meraikan Tari Kreasi, Merangkul InovasiThree-Episode Digital DocuseriesEpisode 1: 3 Dec 2021Episode 2: 10 Dec 2021Episode 3: 17 Dec 2021Supported by:


Meraikan Tari Kreasi, Merangkul Inovasi

Three-Episode Digital Docuseries

Episode 1: 3 Dec 2021

Episode 2: 10 Dec 2021

Episode 3: 17 Dec 2021

Supported by:

About Ekspresi 2021

Ekspresi is DIAN Dancers’ quadrennial end-of-year festival.

In the past, Ekspresi has proudly brought together members of the local and regional Malay Dance community.

Groups such as Era Dance Theatre, Perkumpulan Seni, Artiste Seni Budaya, Atrika Dance Company and Attrians

have participated in Ekspresi over the years from 2008. This year, DIAN Dancers’ Ekspresi will spotlight the

Malay Dance genre Kreasi, which focuses on the spirit of innovation in Malay Dance. With Kreasi,

choreographers reimagine canonical repertoire. In Ekspresi, choreographers will be adapting and reimagining

repertoire from Perkumpulan Seni, one of Singapore’s oldest arts establishments in Singapore founded in 1956.

The presentation this year features 5 local, young Malay Dance choreographers, as well as choreographies by

DIAN Dancer’s 3 founding members. The project is a 3 part online docuseries consisting of the pre-recorded

performances, edited with interviews with the young choreographers and DIAN Dancers’ 3 founders. It also

features a dance item from Perkumpulan Seni as homage for using their works as inspiration.

About DIAN Dancers

DIAN Dancers first emerged in the Malay Arts scene in 2003 (ROS registered in 2013). The troupe's name which

means “glowing light” which corresponds with their motto, “Menyuluh Wawasan Budaya” (Envisioning the Future

our Culture). DIAN was established by Abdul Yazid Juhuri and later, co-founders, Md Izwan Sarif and Soultari

Amin Farid came in 2005, to provide support to bring the group forward. It has maintained a healthy membership

of 25 members across the years with ages ranging from 17 years old to early 30s.

The vision of the troupe is to educate practising youths who are regarded as the next generation of our art form.

DIAN Dancers is invested in the creation of programmes which are specially catered to foster and educate young

artists of their cultural traditions, performing art forms and artistic creation. Our current programmes include

teaching the foundations ofMalay dances and music (Asli, Inang, Masri, Joget & Zapin) and also to provide

platforms such as artistic and social events for our members to connect with one another, their founding and

senior members as well as members of the public.

About Perkumpulan Seni

The meeting of various arts activists on 8 July 1956 led to the founding of Perkumpulan Seni, with its main

objective of expanding and preserving the originality and artistic values of various Malay art forms. With the motto

“Seni Untuk Masyarakat” (Arts for the Community), their core objective is to guide and build artistic understanding

towards the community.

Apart from staging productions and publishing its own books, Perkumpulan Seni is actively involved in various

Malay arts activities, mostly in drama, dance and literature, locally and internationally.

Amongst its pioneers are Usman Awang (poet and writer), A. Ghani Hamid (writer, poet, visual artist), Bani

Buang, “The Father of Malay Drama” who introduced Malay drama on television, and Zubir Said, composer of

Singapore’s national anthem.



Artistic Director / President

Dr. Muhd Noramin Mohd Farid

Ekspresi 2021 promises to be an eventful festival filled with innovative performances and educational

components to understand the practice of Malay dance in Singapore. It is dedicated especially for those

who have been keen observers to the growth of DIAN Dancers. This year in December we will

celebrate our 18th birthday since our humble inception in 2003.

We acknowledge that the past two years have been a very difficult period due to Covid-19 especially

the limitations that have restricted live performances and group trainings. We had to resort to online

Zoom trainings for most part of our rehearsals for this festival but when tight regulations were eased,

we took every opportunity to do it physically -- remaining steadfast despite the ever changing situation!

We have chosen to make Ekspresi different in 2021, offering this platform for our own artists, in

particular those who have shown development and keen interest in choreography. For the past three

Ekspresi festivals, we focused on both local and international performers. But this year we wanted to

take on an introspective approach to look at the diverse and potential talents that we have within. We

offer the spotlight to five choreographers who are willing to take this challenge! And I must say that they

have done it very well with much room for further growth.

In addition, we saw fit to highlight Perkumpulan Seni (PS), a pioneer arts organisation in the country,

established in 1956. We gave our choreographers the challenge to be inspired by some of PS's iconic

works that continue to be remembered and practised today. At the same time, we saw this digital

platform as an opportunity to bring together some of the Malay dance CCA groups and collectives who

are under the purview of our co-founders such as, Kesenian Si Anak Tari (Temasek Polytechnic),

Wangsa Kesari Seni (Singapore Polytechnic), Theatre diploma graduates of Nanyang Academy of Fine

Arts (NAFA).

Personally, I am blessed to have had the opportunity to direct this wonderful festival and I am glad that

we could all come together despite the circumstances to celebrate the innovation and dynamic practice

that continues to shape Malay dance today. We hope Ekspresi 2021, will be as meaningful to you as it

is for us from DIAN Dancers!

xx 3 December 2021 xxx



Choreography: Rabiatuladawiyah

Composer: Al-Hafiz Jamat

Sulaman Mesra

Inspiration drawn from Perkumpulan Seni's

"Tari Selamat Datang" (1990s) by Kamal Ridzuan


Dalam sulaman ada kesenian, setiap benang mempunyai

kepentingan. Seperti kehidupan, ikatan terjalin antara

satu sama lain. Sulaman Mesra menggambarkan

persaudaraan antara anak-anak dara, tentang turun naik

sebuah jalinan yang dibina dalam sebuah ikatan yang

dipanggil kehidupan.

There is beauty in the art of sewing. Each thread bears

significance. Just like life, yours intertwines with that of

others. Sulaman Mesra is a depiction of sisterhood,

where paths cross, just like sewing, and experiences are

just threads in this fabric we call life.

Rabia first started dancing in secondary school and found her

passion for dancing at Polytechnic level with CCA group,

Kesenian Si Anak Tari, under the tutelage of Soultari Amin

Farid and later Abdul Yazid Juhuri. She was also the

president of the CCA group and received an Akaraka

scholarship for her leadership and artistic involvement in


Today, Rabia is the assistant choreographer of her former

CCA. Through her involvement with DIAN Dancers, she has

received in-depth education in Malay Dance and was invited

to be a collaborator for two projects, Bhumi Collective’s Twine

(2017) and Tripitaka’s festival, Play 2019. Most recently, she

became a member of Perkumpulan Seni and participated in

Singapore Writers Festival 2020 and Muara Festival 2021,

under the tutelage of Kamel Ridzuan (Sp?).

Masri Tawadad

Choreography: Hidayat Zainal

Composer: Al-Hafiz Jamat

Hidayat Zainal

Inspiration drawn from Perkumpulan Seni's

"Masri Kini" (2000) by Kamal Ridzuan

Hidayat first experienced Malay dances in Lanang Ayunda,

Malay dance CCA ITE East wherein he was assigned

leadership roles. He joined DIAN Dancers in 2013 and has

developed choreographic skills through his experiences

working alongside his founder, Abdul Yazid Bin Juhuri. He

have represented DIAN in local and international Malay

dance festivals. Hidayat choreographed for dance

productions in DIAN Dancers’ such as "Ragawi Graduation"

, “Terkenang” and "Suri" .

Masri Tawadad is a Masri Arab inspired choreography. The

title of this dance came from the word “Tawadad” which is

an Arabic translation of the word "courtship. Drawing

inspiration from bird's mating ritual, movements of the birds

during their mating dance with the exoticness of Arabic

melodies and rhythm were incorporated.

Masri Tawadad adalah sebuah karya Masri Arab. Tajuk

tarian ini, Tawadad, adalah terjemahan dari bahasa Arab

yang bermaksud terjalinnya pacaran. Inspirasi untuk karya

ini adalah dari ritual mengawan burung, dimana gerakan

burung-burung mengawan disatukan dengan melodi dan

ritma Arab.


Zapin Arus Bushra

Choreography: Nurul Farahani

Composer: Aidil Akmal

Inspiration drawn from Perkumpulan Seni's

"Zapin Gelombang (2003) by Kamal Ridzuan

Nurul Farahani

Farahani has been with DIAN Dancers since 2010. Her

recent choreography works in DIAN Dancers are SURI and

"Terkenang” (To Reminisce) in 2018. She was involved in

Bhumi Collective’s Singapore-KL collaboration “Sau(dara)”

in 2019 and "Glam" by Teater Muzikal Collective in 2018.

As an alumnus of Ngee Ann Polytechnic’s Malay Dance,

Itra Tari, she was invited to choreograph for “Naluri Anak

Penari” (A Dancer’s Instinct) in 2017.

Zapin Arus Bushra menampilkan pelbagai gerakan lembut dan

tangkas yang melambangkan pelbagai rintangan seperti air

laut yang ada pasang surutnya. Namun disebalik cabaran

yang kita dihadapi, pastinya ada pembawaan berita yang baik,

iaitu bushra.

Zapin Arus Bushra presents the variety of fluid and sharp

movements that signify the many different obstacles like the

sea's changing tides. Despite the challenges we face, good

news definitely awaits -- bushra, it is called.

Choreography: Aizat Haikal

Composer: Aidil Akmal

Belaian Rindu,

Lambaian Sayang

Inspiration drawn from Perkumpulan Seni's

"Sayang Serawak" (2011) by Kamal Ridzuan

Aizat Haikal

The blossoming of matrimonial love continues to the love and

care towards the family. A love that transcend time, space

and life itself. From young till end. A tribute for my family.

Cinta yang mekar yang dicurahkan melalui kasih sayang

ibubapa kepada keluarga yang dibina. Kasih sayang yang

melangkaui masa, ruang dan kehidupan. Dari kecil sehingga

ke akhir hayat. Satu penghargaan buat keluargaku.

Gurauan Mesra

Aizat Haikal started out in Malay Theatre with Singapore

Polytechnic's Sang Singa Purba. He became the founder and

resident choreographer of Wangsa Kesari Seni. The Malay dance

CCA group has performed in Muara, Heritage Festival, Lantern

Festival and more. They joined their 1st competition Persada Juara

Tari (2013) and clinched 5th position.

Influenced by his elder Sister, Nurul Asyiqin, who was already a

dancer then, he joined Dian Dancers in 2008. Aizat Haikal has

represented Dian Dancers in Gentarasa, Official opening Malay

Heritage Centre, Festival Tari Serumpun and much more. In

addition, with Dian Dancers, he has performed in Australia, Japan

and Taiwan. He also had the opportunity to choreograph under

Dian Dancers projects namely 'Terkenang' in 2018.

Choreography: Syafiqah

Composer: Aidil Akmal

Inspiration drawn from Perkumpulan Seni's

"Joget Terudar" (2007) by Kamal Ridzuan


Syafiqah is a dancer and committee member of

DIAN Dancers. In 2017, she was given an opportunity

by Soultari Amin Farid to become assistant

choreographer in her former CCA, where she found

her passion in Malay Dance. She was also involved in

other programmes such as Sau(dara) and NUSA.

The shy and playful interaction during a courtship with a

significant other,

Always catching a glimpse of each other,

Making tireless gestures to get the attention of the other,

Will the effort prevail and they end up together.

Bergurau senda bersama pasangan pilihan

Sentiasa berpandangan mesra antara satu sama lain

Tidak jemu menarik perhatian, menunjukkan kasih sayang

Adakah usahanya akan berjaya dan mereka akhir bersama



Beralun Langkah

Choreography: Mohd Kamel Ridzuan

Mohd Kamel Ridzuan

Sebuah tarian yang sederhana.

Menunjukkan gerak dan tingkah tarinya yang indah.

Lenggok gayanya membuaikan sukma.

Beriring irama, beralun langkah.

Mohd Kamel Ridzuan is a choreographer and the head of Perkumpulan

Seni's dance section. He became a member of Perkumpulan Seni in the

late 1970s and was also a dancer with the National Dance Company in

the 80s. In his 40 years of contribution to the Malay dance scene, Mohd

Kamel has had experience performing at international festivals in

Belgium, Malaysia and Philippines.

A humble work of dance.

Portraying beautiful movement and manners.

The swaying movement evokes the soul.

Music enhances every movement.

Choreography: Abdul Yazid Juhuri

Composer: Al-Hafiz Jamat

Fluid articulation of fingers

Each step moved with grace

Coquettish eyes arousing the soul

To bring joy to a weary heart

Oh Sweet smelling musk flower

Unfulfilled intentions bring disappointment

Oh my lady who fills my heart

May you meet the beholder of your heart


Lemah Gemalai jari tersusun

Langkah di orak penuh bersantun

Mata menjeling jiwa beralun

Mana nak hibur hati yang gerun

Harum sungguh si bunga kasturi

Hajat tak sampai kecewa lagi

Wahai juwita pujaan di hati

Moga kau bertemu si jantung hati

Abdul Yazid Juhuri

Abdul Yazid Juhuri is a choreographer and founder of DIAN Dancers which

he established in 2003. He started dancing with Putra Putri Seni, a Malay

dance group CCA in ITE Bishan under the guidance of Hartini Md Yusof. His

advancement in Malay dance was cultivated through his activities with

Perkumpulan Seni and People's Association's Teater TarI Era.

Yazid was President of DIAN Dancers from 2013 - 2020 and under his

leadership the group has travelled to perform in many festivals namely

Australia, Taiwan, Thailand and India.

Langkah Kesari Seni

Choreography: Izwan Sarif

Composer: Azrin Abdullah


Izwan Sarif

Izwan Sarif is a choreographer and a bridal business

entrepreneur. He is the co-founder of DIAN Dancers and is

the resident choreographer of Singapore Polytechnic’s

Malay dance CCA troupe, Wangsa Kesari Seni since 2012.

Izwan's Malay dance journey began with People's

Association's Teater Tari Era in 2002.

He is also the co-founder and CEO of his bridal services

company, Putih Bridal which he established in 2010. Izwan

received his WSQ Diploma in Arts Management in 2013.

Langkah Kesari Seni is a Zapin piece that portrays the spirit and

energy of youths. Kesari Seni means the "Lions of Art" and the

dancers are playing these important role. A dance that blends swift

and sharp movements, coupled with consistent change of floor

patterns -- a reflection of rapid development of the world today.

Langkah Kesari Seni adalah sebuah karya Zapin yang menonjolkan

sukma dan tenaga pemuda hari ini. Kesari Seni membawa maksud

"Singa Seni" dan penari-penari memainkan peranan penting ini.

Sebuah tarian yang menyatukan pergerakkan tangkas dan cepat,

ditambah dengan polar lantai yang menyambung -- satu cerminan

berubahan yang pesat pada masa kini.

Ilham Pujangga

Choreography: Soultari Amin Farid

Rearranger: Muhd Aryandi Ahmad

Dancers: Kesenian Si Anak Tari

(Temasek Polytechnic)

"Iya, anak muda itu tiada mati kerana tergelincir kakinya

Tetapi matinya anak muda itu, ialah kerana tergelincir lidahnya

Berdiam dirilah kamu kepada perkara yang bukan-bukan

Bersuaralah kamu kepada perkara yang memberi kebaikan"

- Ismail Haron, penyanyi dan penulis lirik, Ilham Pujangga (1972)

Soultari Amin Farid

Better known by his stage name, Soultari

Amin Farid, Dr Noramin Farid was trained in

Malay dance with Perkumpulan Seni. He is

a choreographer, arts educator and


Amin is the Joint-Artistic Director of Bhumi

Collective, a multidisciplinary performing

arts and producing company; and the

president of DIAN Dancers. a Malay dance

youth group.

Amin is a recipient of the ASEAN-India

Youth Award (2018), Singapore Youth

Award (2017), National Arts Council

Scholarship (2017) and Goh Chok Tong

Mendaki Youth Promise Award (2016). He

holds a PhD in Theatre, Drama and Dance

Studies from Royal Holloway, University of

London, UK.


"Yes, the youth has died not because he has fallen

But he died betrayed by his own tongue

Don't speak of unnecessary things

But speak loud of that which brings goodness"

- Ismail Haron, singer and lyricist, Ilham Pujangga (1972)

Choreography: Soultari Amin Farid

Composer: Aidil Akmal

Dancers; Lyn Hanis &

NAFA Theatre Diploma Graduates

A Zapin piece which portrays the rigorous journey for youths,

to understand who they truly are deep inside.

The adage "united we stand, divided we fall" provides a lesson about

life, especially for those who are still searching for their direction.

Sebuah tarian Zapin yang memaparkan semangat perjuangan

pemuda-pemudi untuk terus mengenal jati diri mereka.

Peribahasa "bersatu kita teguh, bercerai kita roboh" sebagai satu

bekalan kehidupan buat mereka yang masih mencari arah.

Pajong: A Tribute

Original Choreography: Salinah Mohamed

Choreography Rearranged by: Soultari Amin Farid

Composer: Azrin Abdullah

Performed by Alumni of :

Kesenian Si Anak Tari (Temasek Polytechnic)

Wangsa Kesari Seni (Singapore Polytechnic)

Tujuan saya membuat penghargaan untuk Kak Salinah adalah

kerana kehilangan beliau telah memberi satu kesan yang pedih

dan mendalam buat saya. Sebagai anak jati Perkumpulan Seni

(PS) saya banyak bergaul dan membesar bersama kakakkakak

PS dan Kak Salinah adalah satu-satunya inspirasi seni

saya yang terawal.

Seniman-seniman meninggalkan karya-karya yang

memperingatkan kita tentang fungsi seni sebagai satu luahan

yang indah dan mendalam maknanya. Dengan membawa

kembali tarian ini dan mengajarnya kepada anak-anak didik

saya, saya menganggap karya Kak Salinah ini sebagai satu

anugerah untuk kita hayati sepanjang zaman.

Salinah Mohamed (1978- 2019)

The intention for my tribute for Kak Salinah is because

losing her left quite a deep and painful impact on me.

As a member of Perkumpulan Seni (PS), I spent grew

up with and spent a lot of time with my sisters from PS

and Kak Salinah was one of my earliest people to inspire

me artistically.

Artists live behind works dan remind us of the function of

the arts as an expression of beauty (life) and deep

symbolisms. By reviving this dance and to teach it to my

students, I regard Kak Salinah's work as a gift for us to

appreciate forevermore.


Kreasi as Strategy:

A Practitioner-Scholar Reflection

Dr. Muhd Noramin Mohd Farid

Kreasi is regarded as a genre by Malay dance practitioners. As a label, it was first

introduced to practitioners in Singapore through Indonesian practitioners in the late 21st

century who were already using the label to denote dance and music creations that were

regarded as not purely traditional but still fit within the paradigm of the traditional.

Markers of what constitute as “traditional”, “kreasi” or “kontemporari”, labels that

actively used today, are usually determined by elite personalities within a community of

practice who are mostly traditionalist by orientation. This means that kreasi as a genre

is a way for some (within the community of practice) to denote a work that does not

conform to a perceived authenticity of the traditional.

As an avid practitioner-scholar within the Malay dance scene, I have observed and

regard kreasi as a reaction by traditionalists, to allay their anxiety and to make sense of

a hyper-modern environment in which they live in. This is also a response to the realities

that ageing practitioners are faced with as their successors become receptive and

proponents of hybridising global cultures and popular phenomenon.

Aside from the contesting views that continue to shape the discourse of the practice

today, I am eager to argue for kreasi as a strategy and pedagogy to subvert and negotiate

the contending paradigms of practice. This is possible due to the in-between nature that

kreasi falls in the tradisional-kontemporari spectrum, which allows for creativity to

thrive. However, in order for creativity to happen through the genre of kreasi, there must

be an awareness of the elements that are present within the traditional form itself.

As a guide, I list some of the fundamental elements of the form:

a. Dance Techniques b. Dance Motifs c. Floor Patterns

d. Genre Makers of Music e. Costume f. props

This list is not exhaustive and choreographers may consider the specific elements that

inspire them to lead into the choreographic process.

As the choreographic process ensues, it is the framework of the “traditional” helps to

keep kreasi within the expectations of the community of practice – however, I would say

that these expectations still offer room for negotiation. Such expectations are not

written but would require the role of elder practitioners to provide some guidance. As

such I see kreasi as a dynamic genre that exists best as a in-between marker and it is due

to its ever evolving nature, we should see it as both a strategy and a tool of pedagogy.


Just some preliminary thoughts for a longer article in the near future!


Artistic Director





Video &

Technical Director

Muhd Noramin Bin Mohd Farid

Deanna Binte Dzulkifli for

Bhumi Collective

Mohd Kamel Ridzuan (PS)

Abdul Yazid Bin Mohamad Juhuri

Muhd Noramin Bin Mohd Farid

Md Izwan Bin Sarif

Muhammad ‘Aizat Haikal Bin Saini

Nurul Farahani Bte Idris

Muhammad Hidayat Bin Zainal

Rabiatuladawiyah Binte Zakaria

Syafiqah Binte Muhammad Shaharuddin

Aidil Akmal

Al Hafiz Jamat

Azrin Abdullah

Muhammad Aryandi Bin Ahmad

Fadlin Faladino

DIAN Dancers

Eya Awal Din

Hazirah Nur-Fatihah Binte Rosli

Muhamad Amir Adip Bin Azhar

Muhammad ‘Aizat Haikal Bin Saini

Muhammad Fawwaz Bin Mohamed Farok

Muhammad Hidayat Bin Zainal

Nur Amalina Binte Samin

Nur Namira Binte Surani

Nur Safinatun Najah Binte Mohd Sulaiman

Nur Syafikha Bte Rahimat

Nurshuhadah Binte Mohamed Sayadi

Nurul Asyiqin Bte Saini

Nurul Farahani Bte Idris

Rabiatuladawiyah Binte Zakaria

Siti Ayuni Binte Mohd Kamar

Siti Nur Atikah Bte Rosli

Suzanna Binte Abdul Rahman

Syafiqah Binte Muhammad Shaharuddin

Syaza Umairah Binte Salam

Tutik Humaira Binte Mohamed Tahir


Guest Dancers

Aaron Hogan

Anna Natassha Binte Musa

Dzulkarnaen Bin Mohamad Djohan

Dzulkarnaen Bin Zainol Abiddin

Lyn Hanis Bte Rezuan

Muhammad Izman Bin Kamilan

Noorhidayu Binte A Malek

Nur Artiqa Faryaini Binte Salimi

Nur Nadhirah Binte Mofe

Nurul Amira Binte Mohd Azlin

Tajiyah Sulwana Binte Tajuddin


(Singapore Polytechnic)

Muhammad Ayyub Bin Azman

Muhammad Farhan Bin Abdul Razak

Nur Munawarah Binte Siddik Wahid

Nur Nabilah Binte Shariffudin

Nur Syahirah Binte Ridzwan

Sri Maryani Binte Roni


Fatin Hazira Bte Mohamad Juffery

Luqman Nurhakim Azlan

Muhammad Sa’Ed Bin Abdul Fattah

Nuri Haqirah Binte Mohamed Hazmi

Rabiatuladawiyah Binte Zakaria

Rena Shafiqah Binte Rosmadi


(Temasek Polytechnic)

Charmaine Sharlina Bte Mohd Hairy

Dwi Nur Zulaikha Bte Salahuddin

Eizza Hashiela Binte Mohd Taufik

Ella Nabilah Bte Mohamad Haermee

Hazirah Binte Ismail

Irdina 'Ain Binte Mohamed Affandi

Nur Liyana Binte Mohamad Joned

Nur Qistina Bte Shamser

Nur Sakinah Aqilah Bte Muhammad Yazid

Nurfaizah Binte Shariff

Putri Annisaa' Bte Mahmod

Qistina Adlina Binte Sofian

Siti Nuraisyah Binte Roslan

Su'Aidi Bin Sugito

Syafa Ramadana Binte Rohan

Special Thanks

Perkumpulan Seni

Mohd Kamal Ridzuan

Mohd Kamel Ridzuan

Sarimah Mohamed

Suleha Jumaat

Ariffin Abdullah

Sri Mahligai

Attrians Singapore

In The Memory of

Staff Sgt Salinah Mohamed


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