The Edinburgh Reporter December 2021

A monthly look at the Edinburgh news that matters A monthly look at the Edinburgh news that matters


20WHAT’S ONTHIS MONTH AT THE QUEEN’S HALL...SCOTTISH CHAMBER ORCHESTRA:BRANDENBURG 52 December • 7.30pmThe glistening minimalism of Adams; thegrand invention of Mozart; and the captivatingentertainment of Bach. Maxim Emelyanychevshowcases the exceptional talents of the SCO’sstring and wind players – both separately andtogether – in this striking concert bringingtogether ancient and modern.THE SWEET10 December • 8pmAbove - Phil’sSongbook isusually a sell-outgigROSS WILSON: BLUE ROSE CODE3 December • 8pmRoss Wilson returns to The Queen’s Hall withhis Blue Rose Code and, for all of us, too longin exile from each other, we mark the end ofwhat has been a period of extraordinarytumult and disconnection by coming together,one more time for a communion of love andlight. The show will open with Fat Suit, agenre-defying collective from Glasgow, whosemulti-disciplined cast of musicians from jazz,folk, rock, and electronic worlds embrace aseamless mix of musical styles.SCOTTISH CHAMBER ORCHESTRA:MYTHS & LEGENDS9 December • 7.30pmVibrant Portuguese conductor Joana Carneiromixes together Ravel and Mahler in a glitteringstorybook of musical fantasy: From ‘SleepingBeauty’ and ‘Tom Thumb’ to ghostly lovers andSt Anthony preaching to the fish.Sweet will bring their ‘Hellraiser’ tour toEdinburgh, with special guests, the popularThin Lizzy tribute band, Limehouse Lizzy. Bythe early 70’s The Sweet were arguably thehottest ticket in town with a string of top tenrecords in the UK and Europe includingBlockbuster, Hellraiser, Ballroom Blitz, TeenageRampage’and The Sixteens. (Vaccine passport/ exemption required)20TH ANNIVERSARY OF FLAMENCOGUITARIST AND COMPOSER DANIELMARTINEZ12 December • 7pmTo mark his 20 year anniversary as a flamencoguitarist, the award winning musician andcomposer Daniel Martinez presents a trulyspecial flamenco guitar concert in Edinburgh’siconic Queen’s Hall.DUNEDIN CONSORT: HANDEL -CHILDREN’S ‘MESSIAH’17 December • 4pmFun for all the family is guaranteed in ourinteractive 45-minute concerts specificallydevised for children which will include all theRick Wakeman(right ) promisingnot to be toogrumpybest tunes from Handel’s ‘Messiah’. You caneven expect an appearance from Handelhimself to introduce his most famousmelodies…! Free to adults with tickets for theevening event.DUNEDIN CONSORT: HANDEL –‘MESSIAH’17 December • 7pmThis extraordinary and enduring work hasbecome a staple of the Christmas season, withits glorious arias and choruses ringing out inconcert halls around the world. But withDunedin Consort it never loses its magic.Christmas just wouldn’t be complete withoutit!RICK WAKEMAN: NOT QUITE AS GRUMPYAS LAST CHRISTMAS (almost sold out)18 December • 7.30pmExpect spellbinding piano music, side-splittingstories and revealing insights into Rick’slengthy and varied career with an evening ofsuperb musicianship.PHIL CUNNINGHAM’S CHRISTMASSONGBOOK20 - 21 December • 7.30pmTeeming with jovial anecdotes, modern andtraditional Christmas music and exquisitemusicianship that will tug at ones heartstrings.Phil will be joined by some of the finestmusicians on the Scottish folk scene including:Eddi Reader, Karen Matheson, John McCusker,Kris Drever, Ian Carr and Kevin McGuire alongwith a special guest Brass Band.www.thequeenshall.netA weekend gig for jazz aficionadosTHE SCOTTISH JAZZ Weekendwill run from 10 to 12 Decemberand includes acts such as CrissCross Europe, the guitarist NathanSomevi, a bit of funk, soul andR&B from Aki Remally, a jauntthrough the southern states withAli Affleck and a super groupformed by alto saxophonist,Martin Kershaw, and trumpeter,Colin Steele, playing the music ofCannonball and Nat Adderley.And a heads up that there will bemore music in February with TheScottish Blues Weekend.A digital weekend pass costs£10 and you can watch theconcerts online as many times asyou like.Some concerts during theweekend will take place in personat Assembly Roxy and others willbe available online.To find out more

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