The Edinburgh Reporter December 2021

A monthly look at the Edinburgh news that matters A monthly look at the Edinburgh news that matters


16 FOOD AND DRINKCafé review: AmareloCROSSWORDCompiled by David AlburyCoffee stop atCausewaysideAmarelo stirs things up on the Southside of EdinburghBy CHARLIE ELLISSINCE OPENING at the start of2018, Amarelo (102 Causewayside)has quickly established itself as apopular destination for coffeedrinkers and hungry lunchers inCausewayside and surrounding areas.Hayley Clarke and Ali Everitt built upa loyal fanbase with their varied rangeof freshly made salads, sandwichesand wraps, as well as delicious soups.Now under new management, theplace has maintained its standards.Their pizza wraps are particularlyscrumptious, while their sandwichesinclude classic combinations (tunacrunch) and some more unusualones (such as coronation chickpea,brie & crispy bacon). There are aplethora of great veggie, vegan andgluten free options. Gluten freeand vegan tray-bakes also featurein their tempting baking section.Look out for their red velvet cake,Portuguese custard tarts and yummydoughnut bites!Amarelo’s excellent custom blendcoffee comes from local roasters Forth(based in Newbridge). The idea was tohave “something original that youcan’t get elsewhere, something a bitdifferent”. Described as “sweet, cedar,chocolate and spicy” it certainlyproduces a consistently flavoursomeespresso. Their smooth and richcortado is particularly good. Alsopopular is their flavoursome turmericlatte. Amarelo also serve Shibuileaf teas.Though primarily a takeaway theydo have window seats from whichyou can enjoy your food and drinksurrounded by lovely William Morriswallpaper. Along with the Art & CraftCollective and August 21 over theroad, Amarelo is part of a hub ofexcellent local businesses in this partof Causewayside. Less than fiveminutes from the East end of theMeadows, Amarelo is an ideal placeto pick up a tasty and healthy lunchto take to the park.Custom has picked up inrecent months as more peoplereturn to the various officesnearby and more tourists arrive.The busyness of the place reflectstheir fresh, tasty food and coffee andgood customer Royal horse meeting (5)8 Requiring much work (9)10 Two-piece swimsuit (6)11 One who tends a flockof sheep (8)12 Neutral, not showing favour (8)13 Unlit or mysterious (4)15 Extreme feelings of pain (7)17 Liquid metal and nameof a planet (7)20 Detergent, cleansing agent (4)22 Person who checks eyes anddispenses spectacles (8)25 The time by which somethingmust be completed (8)26 False, a lie (6)27 Tuneful (9)28 Machine that gives off a loud,wailing sound as a warning (5)DOWN1 The activity of spying (9)2 Country ruled by a single personor government (8)3 The edge of a road (7)4 Extremely lazy (4-4)5 Code (6)6 Hot Indian food (5)9 Assists (4)14 Club member in chargeof money (9)16 Very open or clear inexplanation (8)18 Drink made of variousingredients (8)19 Conceal, especially a mistake (5-2)21 Very likely to win, better chancethan evens (4-2)23 Vicious hooligan (4)24 Put off, discourage (5)ANSWERSAcross: 7 Ascot, 8 Laborious, 10 Bikini, 11 Shepherd, 12 Unbiased, 13 Dark, 15 Agonies, 17Mercury, 20 Soap, 22 Optician, 25 Deadline, 26 Untrue, 27 Melodious, 28 Siren.Down: 1 Espionage, 2 Dominion, 3 Wayside, 4 Bone-idle, 5 Cipher, 6 Curry, 9 Aids, 14 Treasurer,16 Explicit, 18 Cocktail, 19 Cover-up, 21 Odds-on, 23 Thug, 24 Deter.Have you had your fill?THE REFILLERY - a plastic freegrocery and ethical goods storehas opened its third branch atWaverley Market. Edinburgh’slargest plastic free grocery store,sells an extensive range ofwholefoods, herbs and spices,detergents and bathroomessentials that can be refilled inexisting packaging or in basicallyanything you can carry it home in.And they have organic fruit andvegetables, delicious locallybaked bread, fresh milk inreturnable glass bottles and arange of non-plastic groceryitems and ethical gifts.In just under three years, TheRefillery’s customers have savedover half a million pieces ofplastic by offering a range ofplastic free alternatives.Founder of The Refillery, KellyWright, said: “Waverley Market issuch a great location for us tocontinue our mission to makeplastic free shopping accessibleto more people. I’m reallylooking forward to openingour latest store.”

17Juliet’s food diaryWhisky wonderlandNaughty but nice festive experiences which should top your Christmas wishlistBy JULIET LAWRENCE WILSONCONTRARY TO SANTA, you’re far morelikely to get a cracking gift if you’re on mynaughty list. What does make me feel like agood woman, is when I’ve really nailed itpresent-wise. Whisky lovers in my life mayfind a Woven Tasting Trio under the treethis year. Featuring three exquisite andcharacterful blends, or “experiences”, asthey call them, it feels altruistic to support anew and innovative Edinburgh business.Based at The Biscuit Factory, their blendingstudio has certainly been busy. Co-founderand Blender, Peter Allison tells me thattheir experiences stand out because they’resourcing much higher quality malt andgrain whiskies.“We’re making very small batches, only400 bottles at a time,” he said. “It’s aboutpaying more care and attention andmarrying the spirit for extended periodsof time.”Here’s the science according to Woven:the fats and acids in whisky take time tofuse together. The longer the marryingprocess is given, the more harmoniousthe result and it creates “better mouthfeel”. Hmm, entirely like traditionalmarriage then?Excitingly, despite the Woven collective’sextensive experience in the industry,Pete tells me that although they follow aprocess in blending, he’s entirely selftaught:“You have to trust your own palateand be prepared to write the story youwant to read.”The impressive results aside, one thingthat makes the brand stand out for me is(Top left) WovenWhisky blends(Top right) sweet treatsfrom Ptasie Mleczko(Above) Carlo and Katiaof East Coast(Above right) fruitsof the seathat they’ll never try to make the sameblend twice. It’s certainly an initiative that’slooking forward. “We want to build acommunity around our products,” Peteenthuses. “Whisky shouldn’t beintimidating, it’s about bringing people inso they can enjoy it as much as we do.”The modern and minimalist packaging isalso appealing and the initial sample setfeatures three experiences. A keen cook,Pete said that Experience 1 is brilliantlysuited to pair with stilton, as the smoky andsweet notes cut through the acidity of thecheese beautifully. Experience 2 is theperfect accompaniment to a mince pie, andExperience 3 is fantastic in a hot toddy.When I first nosed Experience 3 my initialthought was, it’s beginning to smell a lotlike Christmas, and can see how this wouldwork with honey, lemon and spices.Although I’m a whisky lover, I’m by nomeans an expert but I would attest thatthese alchemistic concoctions are theperfect tipple to broaden your palate andappreciate for pure pleasure.Santa may be making a longer stop off atChez Juliet this Christmas Eve. Woven’s3x10cl Tasting Pack Trio costs £35. Topurchase visit wovenwhisky.comOn the subject of Christmas sweet treatsit can be annoying that most are so heavy.Step forward Ptasie Mleczko Edinburgh –try saying that after a few drams. These aresmall batch, artisan, chocolate-coatedMallow Mousse and are utterly exquisite.As beautiful to look at as they taste, theycome in a variety of flavours and there arealso vegetarian and vegan options. Made byEd Janusz from Ed’s Supper club, who Imentioned in our last issue, these wouldmake a perfect gift for the sweet-toothed.Visit to order.I’ve been fortunate enough to be invitedto a few Scotch Malt Whisky Society eventsincluding the beautiful Queen StreetGarden Party and the decadent and full-onglam Great Gatsby Evening. One of themembership benefits is access to thegorgeous Leith Vaults membership room.Perfect for enjoying a few cosy evenings inthe winter chill. Membership costs £65 andcan be bought at smws.comWith more people moving out oftown, this has been good news for theculinary offerings outside the city centre.I recently enjoyed the fabulous seafoodrestaurant East Coast in Musselburgh. Thecontemporary space is warm, inviting andreassuringly attached to a chippy that’s beenin owners Carlo and Katia’s family since the1970s. We enjoyed some zingingly freshdressed crab on sourdough toast followedby lobster and chips, both cooked toperfection, and a sumptuous saffron risottowith Parma ham rolled monkfish and a redwine jus. You can always judge a restaurantby its risotto and this was spectacularRounding off with a delicate tiramisu, itwas a generously portioned and deliciousmeal. The service is friendly and personaland the atmosphere buzzing. It’s certainlyworth heading out of town for. Carlo andKatia also run East Coast Fish and Chipshop next door. Please visit for more information.


Juliet’s food diary

Whisky wonderland

Naughty but nice festive experiences which should top your Christmas wishlist


CONTRARY TO SANTA, you’re far more

likely to get a cracking gift if you’re on my

naughty list. What does make me feel like a

good woman, is when I’ve really nailed it

present-wise. Whisky lovers in my life may

find a Woven Tasting Trio under the tree

this year. Featuring three exquisite and

characterful blends, or “experiences”, as

they call them, it feels altruistic to support a

new and innovative Edinburgh business.

Based at The Biscuit Factory, their blending

studio has certainly been busy. Co-founder

and Blender, Peter Allison tells me that

their experiences stand out because they’re

sourcing much higher quality malt and

grain whiskies.

“We’re making very small batches, only

400 bottles at a time,” he said. “It’s about

paying more care and attention and

marrying the spirit for extended periods

of time.”

Here’s the science according to Woven:

the fats and acids in whisky take time to

fuse together. The longer the marrying

process is given, the more harmonious

the result and it creates “better mouth

feel”. Hmm, entirely like traditional

marriage then?

Excitingly, despite the Woven collective’s

extensive experience in the industry,

Pete tells me that although they follow a

process in blending, he’s entirely selftaught:

“You have to trust your own palate

and be prepared to write the story you

want to read.”

The impressive results aside, one thing

that makes the brand stand out for me is

(Top left) Woven

Whisky blends

(Top right) sweet treats

from Ptasie Mleczko

(Above) Carlo and Katia

of East Coast

(Above right) fruits

of the sea

that they’ll never try to make the same

blend twice. It’s certainly an initiative that’s

looking forward. “We want to build a

community around our products,” Pete

enthuses. “Whisky shouldn’t be

intimidating, it’s about bringing people in

so they can enjoy it as much as we do.”

The modern and minimalist packaging is

also appealing and the initial sample set

features three experiences. A keen cook,

Pete said that Experience 1 is brilliantly

suited to pair with stilton, as the smoky and

sweet notes cut through the acidity of the

cheese beautifully. Experience 2 is the

perfect accompaniment to a mince pie, and

Experience 3 is fantastic in a hot toddy.

When I first nosed Experience 3 my initial

thought was, it’s beginning to smell a lot

like Christmas, and can see how this would

work with honey, lemon and spices.

Although I’m a whisky lover, I’m by no

means an expert but I would attest that

these alchemistic concoctions are the

perfect tipple to broaden your palate and

appreciate for pure pleasure.

Santa may be making a longer stop off at

Chez Juliet this Christmas Eve. Woven’s

3x10cl Tasting Pack Trio costs £35. To

purchase visit

On the subject of Christmas sweet treats

it can be annoying that most are so heavy.

Step forward Ptasie Mleczko Edinburgh –

try saying that after a few drams. These are

small batch, artisan, chocolate-coated

Mallow Mousse and are utterly exquisite.

As beautiful to look at as they taste, they

come in a variety of flavours and there are

also vegetarian and vegan options. Made by

Ed Janusz from Ed’s Supper club, who I

mentioned in our last issue, these would

make a perfect gift for the sweet-toothed.

Visit to order.

I’ve been fortunate enough to be invited

to a few Scotch Malt Whisky Society events

including the beautiful Queen Street

Garden Party and the decadent and full-on

glam Great Gatsby Evening. One of the

membership benefits is access to the

gorgeous Leith Vaults membership room.

Perfect for enjoying a few cosy evenings in

the winter chill. Membership costs £65 and

can be bought at

With more people moving out of

town, this has been good news for the

culinary offerings outside the city centre.

I recently enjoyed the fabulous seafood

restaurant East Coast in Musselburgh. The

contemporary space is warm, inviting and

reassuringly attached to a chippy that’s been

in owners Carlo and Katia’s family since the

1970s. We enjoyed some zingingly fresh

dressed crab on sourdough toast followed

by lobster and chips, both cooked to

perfection, and a sumptuous saffron risotto

with Parma ham rolled monkfish and a red

wine jus. You can always judge a restaurant

by its risotto and this was spectacular

Rounding off with a delicate tiramisu, it

was a generously portioned and delicious

meal. The service is friendly and personal

and the atmosphere buzzing. It’s certainly

worth heading out of town for. Carlo and

Katia also run East Coast Fish and Chip

shop next door. Please visit eastcoast for more information.

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