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George Milne








Leandi Roux


George and the hamsters were very excited! It was

Christmas Eve and they were all getting ready for

Christmas. They made eggnog and cookies for Santa

Claus, and prepared sugar cubes for the reindeer.

When everything was ready, George

and the hamsters sat in front of the

TV with Christmas snacks and hot

chocolate. Suddenly, there was a

loud knocking on the door.


“Who could that be?" wondered George. As he peered out

the window, he saw an old man with a long white beard

wearing a red robe. "Oh!" he exclaimed. "It's Santa Claus!"

"What?!" squeaked the hamsters, who ran to the door.


“Hello!" George said.

"You must help!" cried

Santa. "The reindeer have

eaten far too much

Christmas pudding and

cannot pull the sleigh.

With so many presents

to still deliver, there

will be a lot of sad little

boys and girls if they

wake up tomorrow

with no presents."



“Can you help?" asked George, turning to the Major. The Major

nodded. "The hamsters will do what they can!" he replied.

"What can we do?" asked the other hamsters.

"Pull the sleigh and pass out the presents," Santa instructed.

"Lead the way—we'll leave at once!" said the Major. The

hamsters quickly followed Santa. On the roof of a house,

they could see his sleigh with all the reindeer lying down,

fast asleep. They ran to the house. The hamsters scurried

up the wall and helped George up.


“Right," said Santa, "Could the biggest and strongest hamsters

please line up?" asked Santa. The hamsters arranged themselves.

George looked at the harness. "It's too big for the hamsters.

It won't fit."Santa smiled and reached into his pocket, pulling

out a paper bag from it, he poured out a little dust that he

sprinkled over the harness, which shrunk to fit the hamsters.

"Magic," Santa winked. George was speechless!


"Now," Santa said, "The hamsters don't know how to land on

roofs, so we will have to keep the sleigh in the air," he

explained. "How will they do that and deliver presents?"

asked George."I will sprinkle just a little magic dust and the

hamsters can fly into all the houses with the presents,"

Santa replied with a twinkle in his eye. "All the hamsters

need to do is close their eyes and imagine Christmas."


Santa chuckled. He sprinkled magic dust on the other hamsters,

and when he called out, "Go, go, go!" the hamsters pulling the

sleigh started to run. Suddenly, they were in the air!


"Nandi first," said George, looking at Santa's list, feeling as if he were

dreaming! Santa reached into a big sack and pulled out some brightly

wrapped presents. "A football, her favourite team's jersey,a book and

some sweets," he said, handing these to one of the hamsters who

stared at him, not knowing what to do. Santa sprinkled magic dust

over the hamster. When he said, "Go!", the hamster suddenly

jumped up and flew off to Nandi's house.


“I will fly down the middle of the street. George and the Major,

you pass presents to the hamsters, which they will then deliver

to the children," said Santa. "How will we know what present

goes to which child, and where they all live?" asked George.

"Don't worry about that!" said Santa. "The presents will tell you.


As they were passing the presents to the hamsters,

George turned to the Major and asked, "Have you noticed

that the sacks are not getting empty?""It's magic," replied

the Major, and Santa laughed. 12

There were two big sacks of presents in the sleigh. George and

the Major took one each. George reached into his sack and

pulled out a present. "Football for Peter," the present said, out

loud. George passed the present to a hamster who flew off

to deliver it. The Major took out a present from his sack.

"Teddy bear for Sally, " it said. He looked at George and

nodded before handing it to another hamster.


They flew over farms and forests, deserts, seas and mountains, leaving

presents for children in each home, even the igloos in the frozen north.

As they made their way home, the sun was rising.



"Look!" said George. "There's Nandi." And there she was, chasing

her football with her kitten.They soon landed in George's garden,

where Santa's rather sheepish looking reindeer were waiting.

"Thank you," Santa said to the hamsters. "You have made a lot

of children very happy. See you next year!" And off they flew.



"Goodness, that was exciting!" said George. "But… Hold on… We

never delivered any gifts to us!" he howled, dismayed. "I am

quite sure that Santa would not have forgotten us," the Major

declared. But in the living room, the hamsters' little stockings

were empty, and there were no gifts under the tree.

"Oh no!" wailed the hamsters. "Santa forgot us," they said,

and they all looked very sad.

"No, he hasn't!" cried the Major. "Look here!"


All the hamsters ran to the guestroom. In the centre of the

floor was an enormous pile of Christmas biscuits and around

the walls, heaps of presents, all wrapped up in brightly

coloured paper.


"Hooray!" roared the hamsters, who rushed into the room to each

get a biscuit and look for their presents.

George helped himself to a biscuit and stood watching at the door.

He thought he heard, "Did you really think that I would forget you

all? Merry Christmas. Ho, ho, ho!"


“How did he do that?"

wondered George before

remembering what

Santa had said.



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