Grey-Bruce Kids Winter 2021/22

A FREE magazine for parents and caregivers.

A FREE magazine for parents and caregivers.


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Crouched down – so close to the earth that I can smell the<br />

rich, dark soil – I peer at the tiny bug making its way across<br />

the puddle in the driveway; a puddle that must seem like a vast<br />

ocean.<br />

A little hand reaches out to offer a safe resting place, no fear of<br />

creepy crawlies, just an inquisitive child wanting to explore. It is<br />

during these encounters that I feel the most blessed to have the<br />

best job in the world, one that has no schedule, no limits, no<br />

judgment... just pure, in-the-moment wonder.<br />

On Nov. 7, 2012, my husband Rick and I were promoted to<br />

the best job ever… we became grandparents. From that day on<br />

we became Nana and Ba (our granddaughter Gracie’s choice as<br />

she learned to say Grandpa), and knew that every day we would<br />

work on developing a loving, supportive and joyful relationship<br />

with her and with her brother Gavin, who arrived over three<br />

years later.<br />

Grandparents provide a different type of relationship than<br />

parents do with their kids. Speaking for ourselves, it is a more<br />

relaxed experience. Without the pressures that come with raising<br />

children, our role as grandparents is one of unconditional love<br />

and support, filling our time together with imaginative play and<br />

creativity, while passing down skills and knowledge. Grandkids<br />

love to learn and what better way to spend time than learning<br />

something together.<br />

The pandemic has made it difficult for some families to nurture<br />

the grandparent and grandchild relationship. In our case, our<br />

grandkids live in the U.S., and with border closures, it has<br />

been a challenge to see them. Thankfully with technology, we<br />

can talk every day and share some of their milestones and daily<br />

happenings. We have had tours of Gracie’s doll house, been<br />

shown her dolls and their extensive wardrobe, listened to tales<br />

from Girl Scout meetings, checked out all the cool bugs and<br />

reptiles in her book, and enjoyed a dance party or two. Gavin<br />

will call and ask what we did that day, telling us all we need to<br />

know about tractors, showing us his latest creations, and playing<br />

dress up.<br />

Many times when the kids video chat, all they want to do is<br />

play around with the settings to become dragons or catch pizza<br />

instead of chatting. What is a grandparent supposed to do?<br />

Play along, enjoy the giggles, become a pizza eating dragon!<br />

Sometimes we read a book or have the kids read to us. There are<br />

many ways to interact using the Internet such as family Bingo<br />

games or watching movies together. We have even organized<br />

charades, favourite jokes nights and trivia calls with them.<br />

Our grandkids know they can call any time to share anything<br />

with us... even if it is a 30 second call to say they just saw a<br />

snake eat a frog on TV! It always makes our hearts sing when we<br />

receive a voicemail notification from them and have fun sending<br />

one back.<br />

When the kids are here we are completely invested in their time<br />

with us. The chore list is shortened so that our precious time<br />

with them is maximized. The great outdoors never fails to keep<br />

us all active as we build memories together. Sharing our love of<br />

respecting Mother Nature through gentle exploration, teaching<br />

them how things grow, and child-led play has us looking at the<br />

world with new wonder as we experience it through their eyes.<br />

Gracie wants to be a master baker so we spend time learning<br />

how to make macarons or basket weave pastry for a pie. While<br />

the pie is baking, you will find us outside saving a bug or<br />

learning to change a tire. Gavin is all about farm work and you<br />

never see him without his John Deere hat. If he isn’t outside on<br />

the tractor with Ba, you will find him and Nana building a Lego<br />

city or helping Ba bake cookies.<br />

Sometimes letting their time with us be child-led allows for a<br />

day filled with learning together about a mushroom we saw on<br />

a walk in the woods, or tracks left by a woodland creature. Just<br />

the simple question, “What do you want to learn about today?”<br />

opens an incredible opportunity for adventure.<br />

Many times our everyday activities around our property and<br />

in the house allow for learning and play... nothing fancy or<br />

planned, just sharing our knowledge. It’s important for us<br />

to spend time doing things they find interesting but just as<br />

important to do things with them that you enjoy or they may<br />

not have the opportunity to be exposed to, such as planting a<br />

garden or raising chickens. It’s all a part of sharing what you love<br />

with an open heart and open mind. You might not really like<br />

painting rocks but the time spent chatting and being creative is<br />

time well spent.<br />

We like to travel with our grandkids and do our best to<br />

introduce them to different cultures and experiences. It adds<br />

an element of pureness to travel since they don’t have any<br />

judgments and always live in the moment. There’s nothing like<br />

returning to a place you have visited previously and visiting<br />

again with your grandkids... I guarantee you will have a totally<br />

different experience seeing it through their eyes.<br />

World travel with our grandkids started early with a volunteer<br />

trip to Nicaragua when Gracie was five and Gavin was 18<br />

months. Watching them playing with the local kids reminded<br />

us that we are all the same no matter how you live or what you<br />

have.<br />

Volunteering and giving back has always been a part of our<br />

family life. As grandparents it’s important to us to instill this<br />

value within our grandchildren, whether it be locally, such as<br />

picking up garbage or helping at an event, or global service,<br />

such as designing a bookmark to raise funds for sea turtles or<br />

gathering supplies for a sloth sanctuary.<br />

We truly believe that experiences are better than things, and you<br />

don’t have to travel far – there is so much to do in our own area.<br />

Spend a night in a yurt, plan a day-long road trip, go on a search<br />

for the best poutine, do a scavenger hunt or Bingo at a local<br />

provincial park, take them to a play or a concert, visit the local<br />

library, museum or art gallery, take a class together, volunteer<br />

at an event, hike or cycle the local trails, or pick up litter in a<br />

playground. The things to do are truly endless.<br />

A lovely way to nurture the grandparent/child relationship is by<br />

having routines and traditions.<br />

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