

fridayDhAkA: November 26, 2021; Agrahyan 11, 1428 BS; Rabius-Sani 20,1443 hijriwww.thebangladeshtoday.com; www.bangladeshtoday.netRegd.No.DA~2065, Vol.19; N o. 205; 12 Pages~Tk.8.00internationalMigrant boat capsizesin English Channel;at least 31 dead>Page 7SPortSBelow-strength S Africaseek breathing roomfrom one-day series>Page 9art & cultureFaria to performat Sharjah>Page 10RajbariBWDB exec engineershunted out forassaulting deputyRaJbaRi CoRReSpondentAn executive engineer of BangladeshWater Development Board (BWDB) inRajbari, who was caught on cameraassaulting a junior colleague, has beenshunted out. The action was takenagainst Abdul Ahad, the executive engineer,on Wednesday, after the video wentviral on social media.Abdul has been attached to the trainingand human resources wing of the additionalchief engineer's office of BWDB inDhaka, according to an order issued bythe board's deputy secretary (administration),Syed Mahbubul Haque.In the video footage, Abdul can be seenverbally abusing and physically assaultingdeputy assistant engineer MohammadRony in his office. A man who was presentthere at the time, can be seen trying tointervene. After the assault, Rony sent awritten complaint to the chief engineer ofBWDB. "Rony refused to carry out myorder. I lost my cool and assaulted him. Iadmit my mistake," Abdul said.GCC Mayor JahangirsuspendedaShRaful iSlam aShRafSix days after expulsion from AwamiLeague, disgraced Jahangir Alam wassuspended from the post of Gazipur CityCorporation Mayor on Thursday.Taking the allegations brought againstJahangir Alam into consideration overdifferent issues, the Ministry of LocalGovernment, Rural Development andCo-operatives (LGRD) suspended him,said Minister Md Tajul Islam at a pressbriefing on Thursday.A three-member mayoral panel, comprisingAsadur Rahman Kiran, councilorof Ward-43, Md Abdul Alim Molla, councilorof Ward-52, and Ayesha Akter, councilorof Ward-10, of the city corporation,has been formed for running the city corporationactivities as per rules, he said. Theministry issued a notification in this regardon Thursday. The notification directed theformer mayor to hand over charge to thenominated panel within three days followingthe Local Government (CityCorporation) Act, 2009."Various allegations are there againstJahangir Alam and those have been takeninto account. The ministry can suspend amayor for the sake of investigation accordingto the Local Government (City Corporation)Act," the LGRD Minister added.ZummaJahangir alam05:03 AM01:30 PM03:35 PM05:15 PM06:35 PM6:21 5:11Rabab fatima, permanent Representative of bangladesh to the united nations thankedafter un General assembly (unGa) adopted the historic resolution on the graduation ofbangladesh from the ldC category.photo : CourtesyUNGA adopts resolutionon graduation of BDfrom LDC categoryDHAKA : UN General Assembly (UNGA)has unanimously adopted the historicresolution on the graduation ofBangladesh from the LDC category, recognizingthe country's remarkable developmentjourney, reports UNB.With the adoption of this resolution,Bangladesh completes all the proceduresto graduate from the LDC category.This is a landmark achievement inBangladesh's development journey,which coincides with the celebration ofthe 50th anniversary of Bangladesh'sindependence and the birth centenary ofthe Father of the Nation BangabandhuSheikh Mujibur Rahman."What better way to celebrate the 50thanniversary of our independence andbirth centenary of Bangabandhu!Fulfillment of national aspiration andPrime Minister's vision 2021,"Bangladesh's Permanent Representativeto the United Nations AmbassadorRabab Fatima tweeted on Wednesday.Speaking after the adoption of thislandmark resolution, she thanked all theMember States, especially the developmentpartners, for their support to reachconsensus for the adoption of this resolution."Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina envisionedtransforming Bangladesh into amiddle-income country by 2021 and adeveloped country by 2041. She has ledus from the front in this exciting journeydespite the unprecedented challengesposed by the COVID-19 pandemic," saidthe Ambassador.Stressing that the graduation of anLDC is not only a success of the countryitself but also a testimony of the strengthof multilateral partnership led by the UN,she said, "Graduation shouldn't be a punishment;it should be a reward."The Ambassador highlighted theimportance of ensuring an incentivesbasedinternational support structure tograduating and graduated LDCs.She also called for tailored and clearlylaid down roadmaps to address everyaspect of graduation challenge, namely,post-graduation international supportmeasures, smooth transition, financingfor SDGs implementation.The Ambassador said the upcoming5th United Nations Conference on theLDCs (LDC5) to be held in Doha, Qatarprovides the development partners witha good opportunity to come up with atransformative programme of action forthe LDCs for the next decade.The Draft Doha Programme of Action(DPOA) identified graduation as one ofits priority areas. It has set a target toenable 15 additional LDCs to meet thecriteria for graduation by 2031.The success of this ambitious targetwill largely depend on enhanced supportand solidarity from the developmentpartners.Ambassador Rabab Fatima andAmbassador Robert Rae of Canada areco-chairing the preparatory process ofthe LDC5 conference.Daytime traffic jams in capitaldue to students protestShafiqul iSlam (Jami)Students of different schools in the capitalhave started agitation again to ensure saferoads. Students of Viqarunnisa Noon,Government Science College and HolyCross College staged a huge protestdemanding safe roads and arrest of the realkiller in the death of a student of NotreDame College in a collision with a DhakaSouth City Corporation (DSCC) garbagetruck. Besides, Ahsan Kabir Khan was diedby a garbage truck of Dhaka North CityCorporation (DNCC) opposite ofBashundhara City Complex in the capital ataround 2.30 pm on Thursday. Kabir Khanwas a former employee of Prothom Alo.Protests and sit-ins of students at variousimportant points of Dhaka yesterdaycaused severe traffic jams. Some passengerssaid most of the drivers drive the vehiclesrecklessly. As a result the accidentshave been happening. The relevant authoritiesshould take necessary steps immidiatelyon this matter.Students of Viqarunnisa College stageda protest at Shantinagar junction onThursday (November 25) at noon.Students from Government ScienceCollege and Holy Cross protested onFarmgate Road. Students of Wills LittleFlower School started a protest processionin Kakrail area of the capital onThursday morning.The procession started from the frontof Wills Little Flower School and wentaround Shantinagar area. Earlier, hundredsof students of Notre Dame Collegestaged a sit-in protest at Motijheel ShaplaChattar after 11 pm. They marched fromGulistan Zero Point. There, the Gulistanarea became abuzz with their slogan 'Wewant justice'.At this time they were giving differentslogans. They hold placards with variousdemands.The students said that safe road systemshould be ensured for all. This demandhas been agitated more than once before.But no success came.After Notre Dame student,now motorcyclist crushedunder DSCC truckDHAKA : Just a day after the tragic deathof a Notre Dame College student being hitby a DSCC truck, another man wascrushed under the wheels of a DNCC vehiclein the city's Panthapath area onThursday, reports UNB.The victim was identified as AhsanKabir Khan, 48, a printing-press businessmanof Moghbazar in the city.According to witnesses, Kabir, a pillionpassenger of a motorcycle, fell on the oppositeroad of Bashundhara shopping mallbeing hit by the speeding truck around 2:30PM. Golam Rabbani, a sub-inspector ofKalabagan police station, rescued him fromthe spot and took him to the emergencydepartment of Dhaka Medical College andHospital (DMCH) where doctors declaredhim dead around 4 pm.Another injured person is being treatedat a local hospital, he said. Kabir's wife,Nadira Parvin Rekha, said his husbanddid not know how to drive a motorcycle"He might be riding it with someone else,"she said.Meanwhile, DNCC (Dhaka North CityCorporation) has formed a three-memberprobe committee to investigate the accidentand asked it to submit a report within threeworking days. On Wednesday, Naim Hasan,a 17-year-student of Notre Dame Collegewas killed after a DSCC garbage truck hithim at Golchattar in the city's Gulistan areawhile crossing the road.Patrol police in the area detained thedriver of the vehicle, Russel Khan, whilehe was fleeing and seized the truck, saidMd A Ahad, DMP deputy police commissioner(Motijheel range).A case was filed at Paltan police stationin this regard following a complaintlodged by Naim's father, he said.Bangladesh is advancingat indomitable paceunder PM:HasanDHAKA : Information and BroadcastingMinister Dr Hasan Mahmud yesterdaysaid Bangladesh is moving forward at anindomitable pace under the leadership ofPrime Minister Sheikh Hasina."Due to the skilled and visionary leadershipof the prime minister, the countryhas now become a role model of developmentin the world. Today, it is recognisedglobally," he said while taking part ingeneral discussion in the House, markingthe golden jubilee of the country's independence.Hasan, also the Awami League jointgeneral secretary, said US President JoeBiden, in his message sent on the occasionof Mujib Year, mentionedBangladesh as an example of developmentin the world.Besides, he said, the World Bank presidenttermed Bangladesh a role model ofdevelopment.Leader of the House and PrimeMinister Sheikh Hasina yesterdaybrought a motion under the parliamentaryrules of procedure 147 to hold a generaldiscussion on the golden jubilee ofthe country's independence.Hasan took part in the discussion onthe motion."We have been working to build adeveloped and prosperous BangladeshDHAKA : A writ petition was filed withthe High Court on Thursday seeking itsdirective on the authorities concerned togive a compensation of Tk 10 crore tothe family university student Shehrinwho died after falling into a drain inChattogram city, reports UNB.Barrister Anik R Haque filed the writpetition on behalf of rights organisationAin O Salish Kendra (ASK), Children'sCharity Bangladesh (CCB) Foundationand Sadia's maternal uncle Zahid UddinBelal on Thursday. The writ petition waspresented before the High Court bench ofJustice M Enayetur Rahim and JusticeMohammad Mostafizur Rahman, saidAdvocate AM Jamiul Haque Faisal.The Secretaries to the Ministry of LocalGovernment, Rural Development and Cooperativesand Ministry of Home Affairs,Chattogram Divisional Commissioner,Chattogram City Corporation, Chairmanthat sets an example of intellectualthoughts and humanity," he said.That is why a generation having intellect,thoughts, human values and modernknowledge must be built, the informationminister said, adding that thegovernment is working towards achievingthis goal under the leadership ofSheikh Hasina.Referring to the development andprogress that took place in the country inthe last 13 years, he said Bangladeshtoday is far ahead of all other countries inthe South Asia, including Pakistan, indevelopment and social indicators.Even, Bangladesh has surpassedPakistan in all the socioeconomic indexes,he added.Noting that Bangladesh was neverindependent before 1971, Hasan said thefirst "nation-state of Bangalees" wasestablished only under the leadership ofFather of the Nation BangabandhuSheikh Mujibur Rahman.Quoting a statement of communistleader Moni Singh issued on the occasionof the 53rd birthday of Bangabandhu in1972, he said: "Moni Singh saidBangabandhu in a letter in 1951 informedhim that he (Bangabandhu) was goingahead with the plan for independence ofEast Bengal."Writ seeks compensation over student'sdeath after falling in Ctg drainof Chattogram Development Authority(CDA) and others were made defendants.In the writ petition, the petitionersought the court's order to theChattogram City Corporation and theChattogram Development Authority toinform about the steps taken over thedeath of university student SehreenMahbub Sadia.The writ petition also sought its directiveto the authorities concerned for submittinga report on their steps taken toinvestigate the incident compensate thefamily or other action to prevent suchaccident.Earlier on October 19, legal notice wassent to the defendants to compensatethe family of the university student. Itwas mention in the notice that if noaction is taken within seven days ofreceiving the notice, a writ petition willbe filed with the High Court.thousands of students have blocked some key intersections of dhaka city demanding road safety, aday after the death of a notre dame College (ndC) student in a road accident. photo : tbt


DhAkA: November 26, 2021; Agrahyan 11, 1428 BS; Rabius-Sani 20,1443 hijri

www.thebangladeshtoday.com; www.bangladeshtoday.net

Regd.No.DA~2065, Vol.19; N o. 205; 12 Pages~Tk.8.00


Migrant boat capsizes

in English Channel;

at least 31 dead

>Page 7


Below-strength S Africa

seek breathing room

from one-day series

>Page 9

art & culture

Faria to perform

at Sharjah

>Page 10


BWDB exec engineer

shunted out for

assaulting deputy

RaJbaRi CoRReSpondent

An executive engineer of Bangladesh

Water Development Board (BWDB) in

Rajbari, who was caught on camera

assaulting a junior colleague, has been

shunted out. The action was taken

against Abdul Ahad, the executive engineer,

on Wednesday, after the video went

viral on social media.

Abdul has been attached to the training

and human resources wing of the additional

chief engineer's office of BWDB in

Dhaka, according to an order issued by

the board's deputy secretary (administration),

Syed Mahbubul Haque.

In the video footage, Abdul can be seen

verbally abusing and physically assaulting

deputy assistant engineer Mohammad

Rony in his office. A man who was present

there at the time, can be seen trying to

intervene. After the assault, Rony sent a

written complaint to the chief engineer of

BWDB. "Rony refused to carry out my

order. I lost my cool and assaulted him. I

admit my mistake," Abdul said.

GCC Mayor Jahangir


aShRaful iSlam aShRaf

Six days after expulsion from Awami

League, disgraced Jahangir Alam was

suspended from the post of Gazipur City

Corporation Mayor on Thursday.

Taking the allegations brought against

Jahangir Alam into consideration over

different issues, the Ministry of Local

Government, Rural Development and

Co-operatives (LGRD) suspended him,

said Minister Md Tajul Islam at a press

briefing on Thursday.

A three-member mayoral panel, comprising

Asadur Rahman Kiran, councilor

of Ward-43, Md Abdul Alim Molla, councilor

of Ward-52, and Ayesha Akter, councilor

of Ward-10, of the city corporation,

has been formed for running the city corporation

activities as per rules, he said. The

ministry issued a notification in this regard

on Thursday. The notification directed the

former mayor to hand over charge to the

nominated panel within three days following

the Local Government (City

Corporation) Act, 2009.

"Various allegations are there against

Jahangir Alam and those have been taken

into account. The ministry can suspend a

mayor for the sake of investigation according

to the Local Government (City Corporation)

Act," the LGRD Minister added.


Jahangir alam

05:03 AM

01:30 PM

03:35 PM

05:15 PM

06:35 PM

6:21 5:11

Rabab fatima, permanent Representative of bangladesh to the united nations thanked

after un General assembly (unGa) adopted the historic resolution on the graduation of

bangladesh from the ldC category.

photo : Courtesy

UNGA adopts resolution

on graduation of BD

from LDC category

DHAKA : UN General Assembly (UNGA)

has unanimously adopted the historic

resolution on the graduation of

Bangladesh from the LDC category, recognizing

the country's remarkable development

journey, reports UNB.

With the adoption of this resolution,

Bangladesh completes all the procedures

to graduate from the LDC category.

This is a landmark achievement in

Bangladesh's development journey,

which coincides with the celebration of

the 50th anniversary of Bangladesh's

independence and the birth centenary of

the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu

Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.

"What better way to celebrate the 50th

anniversary of our independence and

birth centenary of Bangabandhu!

Fulfillment of national aspiration and

Prime Minister's vision 2021,"

Bangladesh's Permanent Representative

to the United Nations Ambassador

Rabab Fatima tweeted on Wednesday.

Speaking after the adoption of this

landmark resolution, she thanked all the

Member States, especially the development

partners, for their support to reach

consensus for the adoption of this resolution.

"Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina envisioned

transforming Bangladesh into a

middle-income country by 2021 and a

developed country by 2041. She has led

us from the front in this exciting journey

despite the unprecedented challenges

posed by the COVID-19 pandemic," said

the Ambassador.

Stressing that the graduation of an

LDC is not only a success of the country

itself but also a testimony of the strength

of multilateral partnership led by the UN,

she said, "Graduation shouldn't be a punishment;

it should be a reward."

The Ambassador highlighted the

importance of ensuring an incentivesbased

international support structure to

graduating and graduated LDCs.

She also called for tailored and clearly

laid down roadmaps to address every

aspect of graduation challenge, namely,

post-graduation international support

measures, smooth transition, financing

for SDGs implementation.

The Ambassador said the upcoming

5th United Nations Conference on the

LDCs (LDC5) to be held in Doha, Qatar

provides the development partners with

a good opportunity to come up with a

transformative programme of action for

the LDCs for the next decade.

The Draft Doha Programme of Action

(DPOA) identified graduation as one of

its priority areas. It has set a target to

enable 15 additional LDCs to meet the

criteria for graduation by 2031.

The success of this ambitious target

will largely depend on enhanced support

and solidarity from the development


Ambassador Rabab Fatima and

Ambassador Robert Rae of Canada are

co-chairing the preparatory process of

the LDC5 conference.

Daytime traffic jams in capital

due to students protest

Shafiqul iSlam (Jami)

Students of different schools in the capital

have started agitation again to ensure safe

roads. Students of Viqarunnisa Noon,

Government Science College and Holy

Cross College staged a huge protest

demanding safe roads and arrest of the real

killer in the death of a student of Notre

Dame College in a collision with a Dhaka

South City Corporation (DSCC) garbage

truck. Besides, Ahsan Kabir Khan was died

by a garbage truck of Dhaka North City

Corporation (DNCC) opposite of

Bashundhara City Complex in the capital at

around 2.30 pm on Thursday. Kabir Khan

was a former employee of Prothom Alo.

Protests and sit-ins of students at various

important points of Dhaka yesterday

caused severe traffic jams. Some passengers

said most of the drivers drive the vehicles

recklessly. As a result the accidents

have been happening. The relevant authorities

should take necessary steps immidiately

on this matter.

Students of Viqarunnisa College staged

a protest at Shantinagar junction on

Thursday (November 25) at noon.

Students from Government Science

College and Holy Cross protested on

Farmgate Road. Students of Wills Little

Flower School started a protest procession

in Kakrail area of the capital on

Thursday morning.

The procession started from the front

of Wills Little Flower School and went

around Shantinagar area. Earlier, hundreds

of students of Notre Dame College

staged a sit-in protest at Motijheel Shapla

Chattar after 11 pm. They marched from

Gulistan Zero Point. There, the Gulistan

area became abuzz with their slogan 'We

want justice'.

At this time they were giving different

slogans. They hold placards with various


The students said that safe road system

should be ensured for all. This demand

has been agitated more than once before.

But no success came.

After Notre Dame student,

now motorcyclist crushed

under DSCC truck

DHAKA : Just a day after the tragic death

of a Notre Dame College student being hit

by a DSCC truck, another man was

crushed under the wheels of a DNCC vehicle

in the city's Panthapath area on

Thursday, reports UNB.

The victim was identified as Ahsan

Kabir Khan, 48, a printing-press businessman

of Moghbazar in the city.

According to witnesses, Kabir, a pillion

passenger of a motorcycle, fell on the opposite

road of Bashundhara shopping mall

being hit by the speeding truck around 2:30

PM. Golam Rabbani, a sub-inspector of

Kalabagan police station, rescued him from

the spot and took him to the emergency

department of Dhaka Medical College and

Hospital (DMCH) where doctors declared

him dead around 4 pm.

Another injured person is being treated

at a local hospital, he said. Kabir's wife,

Nadira Parvin Rekha, said his husband

did not know how to drive a motorcycle

"He might be riding it with someone else,"

she said.

Meanwhile, DNCC (Dhaka North City

Corporation) has formed a three-member

probe committee to investigate the accident

and asked it to submit a report within three

working days. On Wednesday, Naim Hasan,

a 17-year-student of Notre Dame College

was killed after a DSCC garbage truck hit

him at Golchattar in the city's Gulistan area

while crossing the road.

Patrol police in the area detained the

driver of the vehicle, Russel Khan, while

he was fleeing and seized the truck, said

Md A Ahad, DMP deputy police commissioner

(Motijheel range).

A case was filed at Paltan police station

in this regard following a complaint

lodged by Naim's father, he said.

Bangladesh is advancing

at indomitable pace

under PM:Hasan

DHAKA : Information and Broadcasting

Minister Dr Hasan Mahmud yesterday

said Bangladesh is moving forward at an

indomitable pace under the leadership of

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina.

"Due to the skilled and visionary leadership

of the prime minister, the country

has now become a role model of development

in the world. Today, it is recognised

globally," he said while taking part in

general discussion in the House, marking

the golden jubilee of the country's independence.

Hasan, also the Awami League joint

general secretary, said US President Joe

Biden, in his message sent on the occasion

of Mujib Year, mentioned

Bangladesh as an example of development

in the world.

Besides, he said, the World Bank president

termed Bangladesh a role model of


Leader of the House and Prime

Minister Sheikh Hasina yesterday

brought a motion under the parliamentary

rules of procedure 147 to hold a general

discussion on the golden jubilee of

the country's independence.

Hasan took part in the discussion on

the motion.

"We have been working to build a

developed and prosperous Bangladesh

DHAKA : A writ petition was filed with

the High Court on Thursday seeking its

directive on the authorities concerned to

give a compensation of Tk 10 crore to

the family university student Shehrin

who died after falling into a drain in

Chattogram city, reports UNB.

Barrister Anik R Haque filed the writ

petition on behalf of rights organisation

Ain O Salish Kendra (ASK), Children's

Charity Bangladesh (CCB) Foundation

and Sadia's maternal uncle Zahid Uddin

Belal on Thursday. The writ petition was

presented before the High Court bench of

Justice M Enayetur Rahim and Justice

Mohammad Mostafizur Rahman, said

Advocate AM Jamiul Haque Faisal.

The Secretaries to the Ministry of Local

Government, Rural Development and Cooperatives

and Ministry of Home Affairs,

Chattogram Divisional Commissioner,

Chattogram City Corporation, Chairman

that sets an example of intellectual

thoughts and humanity," he said.

That is why a generation having intellect,

thoughts, human values and modern

knowledge must be built, the information

minister said, adding that the

government is working towards achieving

this goal under the leadership of

Sheikh Hasina.

Referring to the development and

progress that took place in the country in

the last 13 years, he said Bangladesh

today is far ahead of all other countries in

the South Asia, including Pakistan, in

development and social indicators.

Even, Bangladesh has surpassed

Pakistan in all the socioeconomic indexes,

he added.

Noting that Bangladesh was never

independent before 1971, Hasan said the

first "nation-state of Bangalees" was

established only under the leadership of

Father of the Nation Bangabandhu

Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.

Quoting a statement of communist

leader Moni Singh issued on the occasion

of the 53rd birthday of Bangabandhu in

1972, he said: "Moni Singh said

Bangabandhu in a letter in 1951 informed

him that he (Bangabandhu) was going

ahead with the plan for independence of

East Bengal."

Writ seeks compensation over student's

death after falling in Ctg drain

of Chattogram Development Authority

(CDA) and others were made defendants.

In the writ petition, the petitioner

sought the court's order to the

Chattogram City Corporation and the

Chattogram Development Authority to

inform about the steps taken over the

death of university student Sehreen

Mahbub Sadia.

The writ petition also sought its directive

to the authorities concerned for submitting

a report on their steps taken to

investigate the incident compensate the

family or other action to prevent such


Earlier on October 19, legal notice was

sent to the defendants to compensate

the family of the university student. It

was mention in the notice that if no

action is taken within seven days of

receiving the notice, a writ petition will

be filed with the High Court.

thousands of students have blocked some key intersections of dhaka city demanding road safety, a

day after the death of a notre dame College (ndC) student in a road accident. photo : tbt

FrIDAY, noVeMBer 26, 2021


State Minister for Women and Children Affairs Fazilatunnesa Indira delivered

the inaugural address of the `16 Days of Activism against Gender

Based Violence' at the conference hall of Bangladesh Shishu Academy in

Dhaka on Thursday.

Photo: PBA

UNGA confirmation of Bangladesh's

graduation from LDC is a landmark

success: Kamal

DHAKA : The United Nations General

Assembly has adopted a historic resolution

to graduate Bangladesh from the LDC

category to a developing country, a move

hailed by Finance Minister AHM Mustafa

Kamal as a "landmark success."

The UNGA confirmation has come

during the 40th plenary meeting of its 76th

session where the Economic and Social

Council or ECOSOC placed the

recommendation for Bangladesh's

graduation, reports UNB.

"This is recognition of the incredible

socioeconomic progress that has been

attained under the prudent leadership of

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina over the

years", he said in his reaction on Thursday.

Kamal also mentioned that this success

has been achieved thanks to the nation's

efforts at fulfilling the dream of the Father

of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh

Mujibur Rahman.

"This is an international recognition of

the indomitable progress made by

Bangladesh under the direction of the

prime minister. People from all walks of

life of this country have contributed to this

historic success", Kamal added.

Earlier, the Committee for Development

Policy (CDP) of the United Nations

recommended Bangladesh for LDC

Graduation during its triennial review

meeting held on 26th February this year.

CDP also recommended providing an

extended preparatory period of five years

for Bangladesh spanning from the year

2021 to 2026. The recommendation had

been duly endorsed by the ECOSOC of the

United Nations on 08 June 2021.

It is notable that Bangladesh is the only

country that has been recommended for

LDC graduation by fulfilling all three

criteria set by the United Nations. This

achievement will further brighten the

overseas image of the country and will

accelerate the ongoing development pace.

Bangladesh has been recommended for

graduation at a time when the whole

country is celebrating 50 years of its

independence as well as the birth

centennial of Bangabandhu Sheikh

Mujibur Rahman.

As per the rules of CDP, a country can

enjoy three to five years long preparatory

period after being recommended for


Since, Bangladesh has received a fiveyear

preparatory period for graduation as

per the recommendations of CDP, the

country will formally graduate from the

LDC status in 2026.

During this preparatory period,

Bangladesh would be entitled to enjoy all

the international support measures

reserved for LDCs.

In addition, as per the existing provisions,

the country would also remain eligible to

enjoy duty-free and quota-free access in the

European Union market for three more

years lasting until the year 2029.

With a view to continue the international

support measures received as an LDC in the

aftermath of graduation as well as to ensure

a smooth and sustainable graduation-the

government is taking various policy

measures under the leadership of the Prime

Minister's Office, in partnership with private

sector and development partners.

GD-1732/21 (8x3)

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Brace for a foggy


DHAKA : Bangladesh may

well see visibility dipping on

Thursday night and Friday

early morning, with the

weather department

predicting light to moderate

fog in the next 24 hours,

reports UNB.

According to the

Bangladesh Meteorological

Department (BMD),

weather may remain mainly

dry over the country in the

next 24 hours. Night

temperature may fall slightly

but day temperature is likely

to remain nearly unchanged

over the country.

On Wednesday, the

minimum temperature was

recorded at 13.0 degrees in

Srimangal of Sylhet division

while the maximum was

33.0 degrees in Kutubdia of

Chattogram division,

according to weathermen.

Meanwhile, a low pressure

area is likely to form over

southwest Bay of Bengal and

adjoining areas in the next

12 hours as a trough of low

extending from South Bay

persists over North Bay,

according to a Met office


The ridge of subcontinental

high extends up

to West Bengal in

neighbouring India and

adjoining areas, it says.

Woman's body

found in Chattogram

septic tank


recovered the decomposed

body of an unidentified

woman from the septic tank

of a house in Fatikchhari

upazila of Chattogram on

Thursday noon.

Jewel, a domestic help,

spotted the body around

10am when he went down to

clean the septic tank.

On information, police

recovered the body.

Md Azharuddin, Officerin-Charge

(OC) of Bhujpur

police station said they

visited the spot and found

the decomposed body the

woman aged between 32-35

inside the septic tank.

The body was sent for an

autopsy, the OC added.

Love transcends all

Mexican woman flies

to Bangladesh to

marry Jamalpur man

JAMALPUR : A Mexican

woman has flown over

15,000 km to arrive in

Bangladesh to marry her

heartthrob, a man of

Jamalpur district, reports


Gladys Niley Toribio

Morales, a 32-year-old

daughter of a Mexican

businessman, converted

from Christianity to Islam

to tie the knot with 29-yearold

Robiul Islam Ruman

last week.

Like in many other

instances Facebook has

played the matchmaker.

Robiul, a freelance

diploma mechanic from

Pogladigha village at

Sharishabari in Jamalpur

district met with Morales, a

graduate from Meritorious

Autonomous University in

the Mexican city of Puebla,

on Facebook in 2019.

After a few days of chats

and exchange of personal

photos the two could not

resist from falling in love.

As the relationship

deepened Morales

proposed to marry Robiul

to which he immediately

said "Yes.'

The wedding was delayed

by the pandemic that has

prevented Morales to come

to the land of her


Finally, their long and

anxious wait ended at 8:30

am on November 21 when

Morales landed at Shahjalal

International Airport in


After welcoming the

would-be in-law Robiul's

family immediately drove

her to Dhaka Judge's Court,

where she converted to

Islam and got married with




Biden picks women of color to

lead White House budget office

NANTUCKET : Two women of color

are President Joe Biden's picks to lead

the White House budget office, a

milestone for the powerful agency after

his first choice withdrew following

criticism over her previous attacks on

lawmakers from both parties, reports


If confirmed by the Senate, Shalanda

Young would become the first Black

woman in charge of the Office of

Management and Budget, while Nani

Coloretti, a Filipino American, would

serve as Young's deputy, making

Coloretti one of the highest-ranking

Asian Americans in government.

"Today it's my honor to nominate two

GD-1733/21 (15x4)

extraordinary, history-making women

to lead the Office of Management and

Budget," Biden said in a video

announcement released Wednesday

while he spends the Thanksgiving

holiday on Nantucket island in


"She has continued to impress me,

and congressional leaders as well,"

Biden said of Young, who has been

acting director for most of the year.

Biden turned to Young after his first

nominee for budget director, Neera

Tanden, came under bipartisan


Sen. Joe Manchin, a West Virginia

Democrat who has become a pivotal


vote for Biden's agenda in a chamber

split 50-50, was the first Democrat to

oppose Tanden's nomination and,

lacking the necessary votes, she

ultimately withdrew from


Biden later gave Tanden a job in the

White House, where she is staff

secretary and a senior presidential


Young faces a Senate confirmation

vote, though it was not immediately

clear how soon it would be scheduled.

But she was confirmed as deputy

director in March on a 63-37 vote, with

backing from more than a dozen






healthcare project to

be greatly helpful:

Japanese envoy

DHAKA : Japanese

Ambassador to Bangladesh Ito

Naoki on Thursday said the

project taken to support

neonatal and child healthcare

in Dhaka district would greatly

contribute to the improvement

of neonatal and child

healthcare services, reports


The Ambassador made the

remark while attending the

inaugural ceremony of "The

Project for Provision of

Medical Equipment to

Support Neonatal and Child

Healthcare in Dhaka

District." The project is being

implemented by Dhaka

Community Hospital Trust

(DCHT) with support from

the government of Japan

through Grant Assistance for

Grassroots Human Security

Projects (GGHSP).

Prof Quazi Quamruzzaman,

Chairman of the DCHT, CIS

and A-PAD; Md Golam

Mostofa, Executive Director

of Community Initiative

Society (CIS) and Dr Omar

Sharif Ibne Hasan, Director of

the DCHT, also attended the

ceremony. In January 2021,

the DCHT received US$

68,633, equivalent to nearly

Tk 54 lakh. With the money,

the DCHT procured child

ventilator and color Doppler

ultrasound machines, online

UPS for color Doppler

ultrasound machines,

continuous positive airway

pressure (CPAP) machines

and interruptible.

Remco Kemper of the Centre for the Promotion of Imports from Developing

Countries of the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (CBI) handed over the

documents of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed earlier between

the University of Dhaka and the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Development

Cooperation of Netherlands to Dhaka University Vice-Chancellor Prof.

Dr. Md. Akhtaruzzaman yesterday.

Photo : Courtesy

Document of a MoU between

DU and Netherlands handed

over to DU VC

Document of a Memorandum of

Understanding (MoU) signed earlier

between the University of Dhaka (DU) and

the Ministry of Foreign Trade and

Development Cooperation of

Netherlandswashanded over to DU Vice-

Chancellor Prof. Dr. Md. Akhtaruzzaman on

Thursday. Remco Kemper of the Centre for

the Promotion of Imports from Developing

Countries of the Netherlands Enterprise

Agency (CBI) formally handed over this

document at a function held at DU VC Office


Dean of DU Faculty of Fine Art Prof.

NisarHossain, Registrar Prabir Kumar

Sarker and Chairperson of DU Department

of Crafts Farhana Ferdausi were present on

this occasion.

The main objective of this MoU is

tostrengthen the competitive export

capacities of small and medium sized

enterprises (SMEs)of Bangladesh as well as

capacity building in home decoration and

home textile (HDHT)sector. Besides, the

Ministry of Foreign Trade and Development

Cooperation of Netherlands willprovide

support to design a Post-Graduate course on

HDHT and SMEs at the University of Dhaka.

They will also provide technical assistance

and expertise to make young teachers and

students trained and skilled in this regard.

DU VC Prof. Dr. Md. Akhtaruzzaman

urged both sides of the MoU to follow and

implement the objectives properly.

Bangladesh-S Korea to have more cultural

exchanges in future: KM Khalid

DHAKA : State Minister for Cultural

Affairs KM Khalid on Wednesday said

the cultural ties between Bangladesh

and South Korea will become stronger

as the government has planned for

more cultural exchanges between the

two nations, reports UNB.

"One of the biggest development

partners of Bangladesh, South Korea

and its culture has a very harmonious

connection with us and Bangladeshi

people love the South Korean culture.

In order to further strengthening the

cultural exchanges between the two

countries, we are planning a cultural

exchange programme," Khalid said.

He inaugurated the Korean Film and

Tourism Festival 2021 as the chief

guest at the Main Auditorium of the

Bangladesh National Museum,

Shahbagh in the capital.

Further lauding South Korea's role

behind several development initiatives

in the country, Khalid thanked South

Korean Ambassador to Bangladesh Lee

Jang-Keun at the event.

"Over 75,000 Bangladeshi and

Korean people are currently working

together in the Korean EPZ in

Chattogram, while many Bangladeshi

students are currently studying in

Korea and vice-versa. They have

honoured our Father of the Nation

Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur

Rahman through establishing

'Bangabandhu Corner' in several

universities in South Korea, as part of

the Mujib Year celebration. The

country has already preserved our

'Baro Sardar Bari,' one of the most

significant heritage sites in Sonargaon,

which was the first attempt to preserve

a cultural heritage site in Bangladesh."

Greeting the audiences in Bengali,

ambassador Lee Jang-Keun said,

"After waiting for so long, we are very

pleased to resume this long waited

festival and ready to satiate the appetite

for the Korean films and beyond. We

have been organising this festival for

about 10 years, which had to be

postponed in the past year due to the

Covid-19 pandemic but we are really

happy that it is again being organized

this year, and we thank the State

Minister KM Khalid and Bangladesh

National Museum for organizing the


"Our K-Pop (Korean Pop) has already

been pretty popular around the world,

and in recent years, Korean culture

received worldwide acclaim for the

popular 2019 Korean film "Parasite"

which became the first non-English

language film to win the best picture

award in the 92-year history of the

Academy Awards in 2019. Also, the

recent Netflix series 'Squid Game' has

become the biggest success for the

streaming giant, and we are really

happy our enriched Korean culture

through festivals like this," he added.

Zakir Hossain Raju, Head of the

Media and.Communication

Department at the Independent

University Bangladesh (IUB) also

spoke at the event. He described the

popular 2019 Korean film "Parasite"

before its premiere at the event, and

also narrated the struggle Bong Joonho,

the director of the film, went

through while directing this


The inaugural ceremony also

featured a special K-pop performance

by some award-winning Bangladeshi

K-pop girls group named Rebel's

Groove, who showcased two dance

performances at the event.

Total 5 In-person films: "Parasite,"

"Mal-mo-e: The Secret Mission," "Kim

Ji-young, Born 1982," #Alive," and

"Red Shoes and The Seven Dwarfs,"

will be screened from November 24 to

26 at the Main Auditorium.

On the sideline of the film screening,

the Korean Tourism Festival is also

being paralleled at the National

Museum of Bangladesh, with an aim to

showcase the picturesque scenery of

South Korea to Bangladeshi visitors.

Covid kills 9 more in BD,

infects another 237

DHAKA : Bangladesh reported nine

more Covid-linked deaths along with

237 fresh cases in 24 hours till

Thursday morning, reports UNB.

With this, the daily-case positivity

rate declined to 1.25 per cent on

Thursday from Wednesday's 1.49 per

cent, said the Directorate General of

Health Services (DGHS).

On Wednesday, the country reported

three Covid-related deaths for the

second consecutive day along with 312

fresh cases.

The Final Round and Prize Giving Ceremony of 'BUP AccFinity - 2021' was held on Thursday

at Bijoy Auditorium of BUP. The 'BUP AccFinity - 2021' was organized by the Department of

Business Administration in Accounting and Information Systems, Faculty of Business

Studies (FBS).

Photo : Courtsy

HC scraps 10

percent quota system

for including FFs in


DHAKA : The High Court

(HC) yesterday scrapped a

Jatio Muktijoddha Council

(Jamuka) provision

keeping 10 percent quota

system for including real

Freedom Fighters (FFs) in

the official gazette.

A High Court division

bench comprising Justice

KM Kamrul Kader and



Mahbub Ul Islam passed

the order after holding

hearing on separate writ

petitions filed in this


Jamuka on April 18,

2019, issued a circular,

saying for including

Freedom Fighters' in

official gazette; authorities

cannot include more than

10 percent of the existing

number of gazetted

Freedom Fighters under

each upazilla.

"The writ petitioners

were included at the 'Ka'

list of Freedom Fighters by

the upazilla verification

committee in 2017. But

because of this 10 percent

quota system, many of

them were left out of the

gazette, forcing them to

challenge the circular with

the High Court," Advocate

Toufik Inam Tipu, who

moved the petitions before

the court, told newsmen.

The lawyer said none can

regulate the number of real

Freedom Fighters through

any act. It is

unconstitutional also. The

number of real Freedom

Fighters can be more or

less than 10 percent of

those who have already

been gazetted. You cannot

leave any real Freedom

Fighter out of gazette and

cannot add a single fake

Freedom Fighter in that, he


Adamjee EPZ

starts vaccination

programme for


DHAKA : Adamjee EPZ

started the vaccination

programme among the

workers of 49 factories on


The EPZ authority

vaccinated initially 5,000

workers in first day of this

seven-day long program,

said a press release .

A total of 54,446 workers

of AEPZ will be vaccinated

through this program next

on the basis of registration.

17 booths in 7 centers inside

the zone have been prepared

to this effect.

Md Ahsan Kabir, General

Manager of Adamjee EPZ,

and Dr Mohammed Imtiaz,

Civil Surgeon of

Narayanganj District, jointly

inaugurated the vaccination


This initiative has been

taken to ensure vaccine of all

workers safely as well as to

maintain uninterrupted

production and export flow

in EPZ.

BEPZA contacted with

Prime Minister's Office to

bring 5 Lac workers of EPZs

under the inoculation

program. Later, BEPZA

keeps continuing its efforts

to bring all workers of EPZs

under the program with the

help of the concerned

district administration and

Civil Surgeon office.

Total 163686 numbers of

Workers of EPZs under

BEPZA have been

vaccinated already.

Vaccination for rest of the

workers is under process.

BEPZA is working to ensure

100 percent vaccination in

order to maintain

production oriented

working atmosphere of EPZ

by ensuring good health of

the workers.

Mentionable that Cumilla

EPZ started vaccination

program formally on

August18, 2021 as the first

EPZ. Later, the other EPZs

started the program which is

still ongoing.

31st founding anniversary

of KU celebrated


Students, teachers and employees of Khulna

University (KU) yesterday celebrated the

university's 31st founding anniversary with

much enthusiasm and fanfare.

Vice-Chancellor (VC) of KU Professor Dr

Mahmud Hossain inaugurated day's

programmes as the chief guest by releasing

balloons and pigeons at Shaheed Hadi

Chattar in the morning maintaining health


Afterward, a colourful procession was

brought out on the campus.

KU buildings including administrative,

senate, cafeteria, dormitories, roads and

main gate were decorated with colourful

illumination, marking the anniversary.

Expressing gratitude and facilitations to

contributors who played important role for

establishing Khulna University, the KU VC

said, the KU was not a regional university, it's

a university of Bangladesh.

"Our expectation is now to touch sky, we

want to reach the KU in a respectable height

globally in education, research and

innovative creation," he said.

Students, teachers and employees are

trying to make KU internationally slandered,

the VC said, adding that the KU to go ahead

of its goal following current fourth industrial

revolution. Pro Vice-Chancellor Dr Hosne

Ara, deans, disciplines head, director of

student affairs, provosts, among others,

attended the programme.

Later, the VC inaugurated mural of

Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman

dormitory, planted a coconut sapling in front

of Khanjahan Ali dormitory. The sapling

collected from a coconut tree which was

planted by Father of the Nation

Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman

from Govt Women College.

A doa mahfil was held at the central

mosque after Asr prayers on the campus

while Hindu community organized prayers

at KU temple. Honorary crest were handed

over to students and organizations who

obtained outstanding preference in different


KU started its academic activities formally

on November 25, 1991 with four Disciplines

under two Schools with only 80 students and

30 teachers with Prof Dr. Golam Rahman as

the founder Vice-Chancellor (VC), said Atiar

Rahman, Acting director of public affairs and

publication department of KU.

Now it has over 7,000 students and 500

teachers in 29 Disciplines under eight

Schools and two Institutes, he added.

Vice-Chancellor of Khulna University Professor Dr Mahmud Hossain

inaugurated the program Khulna University Day observation. Photo : TBT

Final Round and Prize Giving Ceremony

of 'BUP AccFinity - 2021' Held

The Final Round and Prize Giving

Ceremony of 'BUP AccFinity - 2021' was

held on Thursday at Bijoy Auditorium of

BUP. The 'BUP AccFinity - 2021' was

organized by the Department of Business

Administration in Accounting and

Information Systems, Faculty of Business

Studies (FBS). The purpose of the

programme was to build a platform of

crunching numbers of accounting

enthusiasts of our nation.

In the competition, 11 reputed universities

of Bangladesh participated, and the top 6

teams qualified for final round. Team

Wolves of Motijheel from Bangladesh

University of Professionals become

champion, Team 'Elder Wand' from North

South University and Team Advent

fromBangladesh University of Professionals

become1st and 2nd runner up respectively, a

press release said

Vice Chancellor Major General Md

Moshfequr Rahman, SGP, SUP, ndc, psc was

present as the Chief Guest of the final round

and distributed prizes among the winners.

Brigadier General Md Moazzem Hossain,

BGBM (BAR), PhD, Dean of Faculty of

Business Studies (FBS) and Professor Dr.

Mahfuzul Hoque, Department of Accounting

and Information Systems, University of

Dhaka were present as the Special Guests.

BUP High Officials, Teachers, Students and

Invited Guests were also present in the


Dhaka's air quality still 'unhealthy'

DHAKA : The densely populated capital of

Bangladesh continues to wait for cleaner air,

despite slipping a couple of notches in the list

of world cities with the worst air quality,

reports UNB.

Dhaka has, in fact, been ranked the fourthmost

polluted city in the world. The capital's

air quality index (AQI) was recorded at 188

around 10.15am on Thursday. The air was

classified as 'unhealthy'. An AQI between 101

and 200 is considered 'unhealthy', particularly

for sensitive groups.

India's Delhi, Mongolia's Ulaanbaatar and

Pakistan's Lahore occupied the first three slots

in the list of cities with the worst air quality

with AQI scores of 376, 243 and 233,


AQI, an index for reporting daily air quality,

is used by government agencies to inform

people how clean or polluted the air of a

certain city is, and what associated health

effects might be a concern for them.

In Bangladesh, the AQI is based on five

criteria pollutants-Particulate Matter (PM10

and PM2.5), NO2, CO, SO2 and Ozone.

Dhaka has long been grappling with air

pollution issues. Its air quality usually turns

unhealthy during winter and improves during

monsoon. A report by the Department of

Environment (DoE) and the World Bank in

March 2019 pointed out that the three main

sources of air pollution in Dhaka "are brick

kilns, fumes from vehicles and dust from

construction sites".

With the advent of winter, the city's air

quality starts deteriorating sharply due to the

massive discharge of pollutant particles from

construction works, rundown roads, brick

kilns and other sources.

Air pollution consistently ranks among the

top risk factors for death and disability

worldwide. Breathing polluted air has long

been recognised as increasing a person's

chances of developing heart disease, chronic

respiratory diseases, lung infections and

cancer, according to several studies.

As per the World Health Organization

(WHO), air pollution kills an estimated seven

million people worldwide every year, largely

as a result of increased mortality from stroke,

heart disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary

disease, lung cancer and acute respiratory


3 retired teachers become

UGC professor

DHAKA :Three retired teachers as well as

researchers have been selected as "UGC

Professors" by the University Grants

Commission (UGC) of Bangladesh.

They are: Retired Professor of Chemistry at

Jahangirnagar University Dr Shariff Enamul

Kabir, retired professor of cardiology at

Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical

University Sajal Krishna Banerjee and retired

Professor of the Department of Agriculture at

Bangladesh Agricultural University Sultan

Uddin Bhuiyan.

They were elected for the next two years at a

recently held meeting of the UGC Professor

Selection Committee chaired by UGC

Chairman Prof Kazi Shahidullah , said an

office order of UGC.

According to the UGC professorship policy,

this post is awarded to retired eminent

researchers and UGC professors will get the

same benefits as a selection grade professor gets.

fRIday, NovemBeR 26, 2021


GCC, US united against Iranian threats

Acting Editor & Publisher : Jobaer Alam

e-mail: editor@thebangladeshtoday.com

Friday, November 26, 2021

Timely and efficient

completion of mega projects

The incumbent government has always

been ambitious when it came to

infrastructure development. The Padma

Bridge project as well as the various urban

projects targeted to reduce traffic congestion

clearly indicates the government's willingness to

undertake long term megaprojects.However,

repeated setbacks in multiple infrastructure

projects undertaken have also put a question

mark on the consistency of performance on these


The Mogbazaar-Malibaghflyover in Dhaka for

example was a glaring example of

mismanagement and faulty design. The

ambitious project had its design changed more

than 122 times. The original design was made for

left hand driven traffic lanes as well as faulty

placement of pillars. Too long delayed and over

budgeted the project was not only causing severe

traffic congestion on surrounding roads. Even

after completion it's efficiency in jam reduction

has also been put to question by experts.

The Dhaka- Chittagong highway was another

black hole. Grossly over budgeted by 62% the

deadline for its completion was delayed twice

resulting in undue cost escalations. Though

completed the overall traffic movement will

exceed the highway's four lane capacity by the

year 2030, the primary reason why the

government is now planning on constructing an

elevated expressway over the completed

highway. The importance of greater and careful

future planning here, is clearly highlighted.

But possibly more annoying has been the

elevated expressway that was planned to connect

Dhaka's northern areas with the south.

Originally budgeted at Tk 8,940 crore (USD 1.124

billion) and planned to be finished by 2014, the

project'svery startup was delayed thrice and as of

recently, seen not much activities. While some

initial works are underway, the project is yet to go

on full swing on part due to the contracted firm's

failure to procure adequate funding.

Bangladesh is, already, a highly populated

country with population density in Dhaka being

one of the highest in the world. As a city already

plagued by overpopulation and congestion, mega

projects being delayed not only results in

solutions to be delayed, but also further

contributes to mass congestion due to traffic

being hampered by construction work.

The situation with the elevated expressway in

particular is precarious. With the very inception

of construction delayed thrice,the project that

was supposed to be over by 2014 has not yet

started its main work. Not only will this push the

project's costs further; it will mean that the delays

in solving this city's traffic problem will be

delayed. Also, when construction does begin in

full swing but lingers on, it will contribute greatly

to further congestion of traffic due to

construction work.

The government therefore, needs to take these

scenarios seriously. These are not short term

projects that can be broken down and renewed.

These are long term projects that will influence

the city's as well as the nation's economic growth

and traffic system. Negligence, lack of

consistency as well as faults in such major, large

scale projects will not only compound future city

management but will put the government's

planning and execution credibility in question.

These projects will form the backbone of our

nation for decades to come. To see them dragging

on hopelessly for years will be highly undesirable.

It will be a waste of valuable resources and time

that a developing nation like ours simply cannot

afford. Therefore, urgent and decisive steps must

be taken in order to address these issues, and

ensure that future megaprojects do not meet

similar bumps.

Senior officials from the Gulf

Cooperation Council and the US

met last week in Riyadh and

agreed on a coordinated approach

toward Iran. The GCC-US Working

Group on Iran was set up in

November 2015 following the Camp

David summit of May 2015, where

President Barack Obama and Gulf

leaders agreed to set up several

working groups to manage different

aspects of the GCC-US strategic

partnership. While the focus of those

working groups was initially on

security and political issues,

subsequent summits and ministerial

meetings expanded the scope to other


In its meeting last Wednesday, the

GCC-US Working Group on Iran

reaffirmed that long-standing

partnership and expressed "shared

determination to contribute to

regional security and stability."

The meeting addressed three main

issues: Iran's regional activities, its

missile program, and its nuclear


In a statement issued afterwards,

the group condemned Iran's

"aggressive and dangerous" policies,

including the proliferation and direct

use of ballistic missiles and drones in

hundreds of attacks against civilians

and critical infrastructure in Saudi

Arabia, as well as civilian merchant

seamen in the international waters of

the Sea of Oman and Global Coalition

Against Daesh forces in Iraq and


The gathering also discussed

regional issues and agreed that Iran's

support for armed militias across the

Middle East and its nuclear and

ballistic missile programs pose clear

threats to regional security and

stability. The US and GCC states

further agreed to hold subsequent

Earlier this month, the world's

leaders got together to small

talk about the weather and to

big talk about the climate at the 26th

edition of the UN's climate change

conference (COP26) in Glasgow.

On the sidelines, activists (myself

included) campaigned to persuade

governments to replace platitudes

with attitude, inaction with action.

Nevertheless, the hot air and

greenwashing were plentiful, with

delegates with ties to fossil fuel

companies outnumbering even the

largest country delegation.

In the pavilion section,

greenwashing came from the nuclear

industry, representatives of which in

banana suits claimed that living near

nuclear power stations was as safe as

eating a banana, as well as from

major coal producers like Australia,

and major oil producers such as the

Gulf states, each of whom had a

gigantic stand.

In the closing plenary, minister

after minister urged consensus and

collective action for the sake of their

children or grandchildren and the

future of humanity.

However, despite the platitudes,

rich countries, from the United States

to EU states, showed little appetite to

downscale their lifestyles and

emerging economic powerhouses,

such as China and India, exhibited

little willingness to clean up their

reliance on coal and other dirty fossil


This left low-income countries and

island states feeling a profound sense

of betrayal. This was eloquently

expressed by Shauna Aminath, the

environment minister of the lowlying

Maldives, which could become

uninhabitable by 2050 and possibly

vanish from the map by the turn of

the century, while its vital coral reef

is dying off at an alarming rate.

"[This is] yet another conversation

where we put our homes on the line,

while those who have other options

decide how quickly they want to act,"

she told her fellow ministers in the

final session of the conference. "The

difference between 1.5 and 2C is a

death sentence for us."

Beyond kicking the hot potato of

meaningful climate action down the

road to mid-century for future

generations to deal with, another

favoured tactic of countries and

corporations is to make vague netzero

emission pledges.

More than 140 countries have

promised to be net zero mostly by

2050, with some countries aiming for

sooner and others for later. China has

dR. aBdel aZIZ alUWaISheG

meetings of this working group to

discuss these threats and other issues

within its terms of reference, which

were adopted in its inaugural meeting

on Nov. 3, 2015, addressing Iran's

conventional and asymmetric threats

against peace and security in the


The US and GCC states agreed that

Iran's nuclear program is of grave

concern, as it has taken steps for

which it has no civilian need. These

steps, such as the production of highly

enriched uranium and enriched

uranium metal, would be important

only for a nuclear weapons program.

They called for Iran to fully cooperate

with the International Atomic Energy

Agency and allow unfettered access

and effective inspections of its nuclear


The US and GCC member states

affirmed that Iran has a better

alternative to these continued

escalations, which have kept the

region in turmoil for decades. They

called on Iran to change course and

contribute to a more secure and stable

region. Members of the GCC briefed

on their efforts to build effective

diplomatic channels with Iran to

prevent, resolve or de-escalate

conflicts, backed by strong deterrence

and defense cooperation with the US

and other partners. They described a

vision for these regional diplomatic

efforts developing over time to

Khaled dIaB

promote peaceful ties in the region,

based on a long history of economic

and cultural exchanges.

The two sides agreed that Iran's

nuclear program is of grave concern,

as it has taken steps for which it has

no civilian need.

However, those diplomatic efforts

will not succeed if Iran continues to

provoke a nuclear crisis and escalate

regional tensions. The GCC side

stressed that a mutual return by Iran

The US and GCC states agreed that Iran's nuclear program

is of grave concern, as it has taken steps for which it has

no civilian need. These steps, such as the production of

highly enriched uranium and enriched uranium metal,

would be important only for a nuclear weapons program.

and the US to full compliance with the

Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action

should pave the way for greater

efforts toward both better regional

economic relations and a longer and

stronger agreement to ensure that

Iran's nuclear program is exclusively

for peaceful purposes and that the

Gulf region will remain free of nuclear


At the end, the two sides welcomed

the upcoming seventh round of

JCPOA negotiations in Vienna and

called for an urgent mutual return to

full compliance with the nuclear deal,

paving the way for inclusive

diplomatic efforts to address all issues

that are necessary to ensure

sustainable safety, security and

prosperity in the region.

The GCC and US urged the Iranian

administration of President Ebrahim

Raisi to seize the current diplomatic

opportunity to choose the right path -

to prevent conflict and crisis and

The 'net zero' myth

set 2060 as its target date and India

is aiming for 2070.

Businesses, from giant

multinationals to local steakhouses

in Glasgow, have also been falling

over themselves to announce netzero

pledges. At least a fifth of the

world's 2,000 largest corporations

had already made such promises

before COP26.

Well, not really. There are indeed a

few countries and companies that

have seriously committed to lowering

their carbon (and ecological)

footprint through an ambitious

strategy to reduce their emissions

and pursue sustainable production

and consumption models.

But, for many, climate strategies

amount to little more than a PR


Possibly the most ludicrous netzero

claims are the ones being made

about fossil fuel products. One

flagrant example of this was Shell's

"Drive Carbon Neutral" campaign in

the Netherlands, which claimed that

consumers could offset their petrol

emissions by paying just one euro

cent ($0.012) extra per litre at the


To my mind, this is akin to a

modern reincarnation of the

indulgences sold by the medieval

church. But, here, instead of

"sinners", polluters pay a token

amount to absolve themselves of guilt

but without making any meaningful

change to their destructive


Although these indulgences may

help Shell executives sleep better at

night and motorists feel less guilty

about their gas-guzzling vehicles, this

stunt does next to nothing for the


For that reason, the Dutch

advertising standards agency asked

Shell to remove the ad after nine law

students filed a complaint accusing

the oil giant of greenwashing.

Unfortunately, Shell is not alone in

making these preposterous claims.

There is a troubling new trend among

fossil fuel companies of marketing

gas and oil which they claim is carbon


A recent investigation we

conducted at Carbon Market Watch

found that such claims currently

being made by oil and gas companies

amount to brazen greenwashing.

To the untrained ear, net zero (also

known as carbon neutrality) sounds

deceptively like zero - and therein lies

the marketing genius behind this

term and its rapidly gaining

popularity. It gives the impression

that emissions will be (largely)


However, while one factor in this

equation relates to cutting down the

level of greenhouse gas emissions,

the other involves so-called

offsetting, i.e. balancing emissions in

one place against reductions in


Offsetting can be achieved through

natural solutions that enhance

nature's carbon absorption capacity

(such as afforestation or restoring

wetlands), investing in renewable

energy elsewhere, by buying

To my mind, this is akin to a modern reincarnation of

the indulgences sold by the medieval church. But, here,

instead of "sinners", polluters pay a token amount to

absolve themselves of guilt but without making any

meaningful change to their destructive behaviour.

someone else's emissions reductions,

or by using largely unproven

technologies in the future to capture

carbon from industrial processes or

the air.

If we were to attempt to offset all

our emissions by planting trees, this

would require at least 1.6 billion

hectares (4 billion acres) of new

forests, Oxfam estimates.

This afforested land would cover

five Indias or more than all the

farmland on the planet. This would

not only lead to mass hunger, it is

impractical and impossible. We

would need a Planet B to offset this

Planet A.

The "net-zero" mantra can distort

reality and present as equal yet wildly

different realities.

For instance, a serious country or

company may have a carbonneutrality

plan which relies on

slashing emissions by 90 percent and

neutralising the remaining 10

percent through offsets. A company

or country looking for easy solutions

or to greenwash its image could aim

for the inverse: 10 percent reductions

and 90 percent offsets.

Even though these two hypothetical

create the basis for enhanced regional

security and prosperity. While the

GCC and US agreed to give the Vienna

talks a chance to succeed, they are

aware of the many pitfalls

surrounding such a proposition.

First, other than general

reconciliatory statements, the new

administration in Tehran has shown

few tangible signs that it is interested

in de-escalation. The Houthis have

gone into overdrive in Yemen, Iranaffiliated

militias have upped their

activities in Iraq, and Hezbollah is

tightening its grip on Lebanon,

driving the country into a complete


Second, there is a fear that Iran will

slow-walk the JCPOA talks, dragging

its feet while it takes additional steps

toward developing a military nuclear

capability, following the North Korea

example of the past.

Third, Iran may use the JCPOA

talks as cover to escalate its malign

regional activities, as happened with

the JCPOA in 2015. Then, it took

advantage of the P5+1's desire to

reach a deal and avoid censuring

Tehran while the talks were ongoing.

Fourth, without an enhanced

monitoring and inspection regime,

Iran's return to the JCPOA would be

meaningless, as there would be no

way of ascertaining its full


Aware of these possible hazards, the

GCC-US Working Group on Iran will

continue to monitor progress in the

JCPOA talks, while taking steps to

strengthen GCC defenses in the face

of emerging threats from Iran.

At the same time, the GCC is going

to continue its efforts to de-escalate

the conflict through dialogue and


Source: Arab news

cases are both theoretically "net zero"

or "carbon neutral", they are not

equivalent nor equal. The first is

about taking meaningful action to

clean up the atmosphere, while the

second is about atmospherics and

cleaning up one's image.

The cover provided by the fig leaf of

net zero allows the unscrupulous to

dress up inaction as determined

action. This helps explain why

emissions on paper can appear to be

falling while in the air, where it really

matters, they continue to rise.

After the temporary blip due to the

COVID-19 pandemic, the world is on

course to return to pre-pandemic

emissions levels and, without radical

action, emissions will continue to rise

steadily in the coming years.

In the vital near term, when we

need to massively roll back emissions

this decade if we are to keep global

heating below or near the critical 1.5C

threshold, ambition is severely


When totted up, the combined

commitments of world governments

will shave a measly 7.5 percent off

global emissions by 2030 compared

with 2010 levels, according to a UN

assessment of national plans, rather

than the 65 percent scientific

research says is imperative.

To make matters even direr,

governments appear to have been

underreporting their countries'

emissions, partly thanks to creative

"net" accounting that unrealistically

exploits natural carbon sinks.

The gap between actual and

reported global emissions could be as

high as 13.3bn tonnes a year, the

equivalent of the exhaust of nearly 3

billion cars, a new Washington Post

investigation estimates.

What all this reveals is that

reporting net emissions and aiming

for "net zero" is befogging the road

ahead and leading to dangerous

levels of procrastination and

complacency on the part of

governments and corporations.

To properly illuminate the

challenges on the horizon, we must

abandon talk of "net zero" and speak

about emissions and offsets

separately. While offsetting can be

used to compensate for essential and

unavoidable economic activities,

climate action must be

overwhelmingly focused on reining

in real emissions by 65 percent this

decade. What we desperately need

are climate heroes, not greenwashing


Source: Al Jazeera

FRiDAy, NovembeR 26, 2021


India and Pakistan on the

Indus Waters Treaty


Imagine yourself walking along the

banks of the Jhelum River. You begin

your trek at Verinag, walking along the

arcade and garden built by Emperor

Jahangir in 1620. You admire the city

of Srinagar (the "Indian" capital of

Jammu and Kashmir) as you continue

your walk. This river, once crossed by

Alexander the Great and one of the

many rivers mentioned in the Rigveda,

is now one of the main sources for

irrigation for the many apple orchards

of the region.

Agriculture is, and has been, the

backbone of the region's economy, and

today that economy is threatened.

Despite the Jhelum River being under

one of the most touted international

water treaties of the 20th century, the

Indus Waters Treaty, mining and other

damaging projects have made it more

and more difficult for the region's

farmers to get the water they need.

The Jhelum is just one of six

tributaries that make up the Indus

basin. Since 1960, the Indus Waters

Treaty (IWT) has attempted to divide

the water rights for the basin equitably

between India and Pakistan. However,

the treaty is currently hanging on by a

thread, and the roots of this precarity

can be traced back to the IWT's

establishment. Today, because of

growth in population and water

demands, the difficulties of climate

change, and the mismanagement of the

tributaries by both states, it is critical to

renegotiate the treaty.

The IWT has managed to survive

tense and at times violent relations

between India and Pakistan. However,

armed conflict over territory turns out

to be less difficult to overcome than the

realities of climate change,

technological development, and

population growth. For years, the IWT

was praised for its "far-sightedness" by

commentators and experts like Surya

P. Subedi in 1999, but in recent years it

has become clear that the literal

"divorce" of the Indus Basin was a

mistake. The IWT was a reasonable

short-term solution in the 1950s to the

growing territorial and water rights

tensions between India and Pakistan.

However, today, a critical reevaluation

of the assumptions and method of the

IWT is urgently needed.

A renegotiation of the waters in the

Indus Basin will require not only an

updated understanding of the current

physical situation, but more

importantly an attempt to reverse the

"split" of the Indus Basin and develop a

way to actually share the waters.

Currently, the Indus waters are not

being utilized efficiently or fairly, in

Pakistan, India, or Jammu and

Kashmir (not to mention the growing

water needs of Afghanistan and China).

Pakistani villagers carry potable water walking on the dry bed of the

indus River near Hyderabad city, Pakistan. Photo: Pervez masih

JAmes guilD

Southeast Asian economies are growing

fast, and investment in energy

infrastructure to fuel that growth is

racing to keep up. In 2018, the

Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam,

Malaysia, and Indonesia had a combined

GDP of $2.5 trillion and generated

939,803 GWh of electricity. The Asian

Development Bank estimates that from

2016 to 2030, the region will soak up

$14.7 trillion of investment in energy

infrastructure, leaving little doubt that

much more generating capacity is going

to be built in the coming years.

The question is what kind of capacity

will it be? Investors, developers, utilities,

and governments are laying the

groundwork now for energy systems that

will last for decades, and the choices they

make will determine whether these fastgrowing

economies get locked into highcarbon

footprints, or whether they can

finesse the transition to more sustainable

models of energy governance. Those

looking for a magic bullet that can affect

this transition, such as a tax on carbon,

are likely to be disappointed. Southeast

Asia is a large and diverse region, and

one-size-fits-all approaches will have

limited traction.

More important is understanding how

the state exerts control over domestic

fossil fuel resources and the rents derived

from them. As long as states in Southeast

Asia can control their own energy

destinies, market-based solutions like

taxes or subsidies designed to nudge

them toward renewables will be weak

motivation. Many countries have spent

decades building large and powerful

economic sectors around the exploration,

extraction, consumption, and

exportation of fossil fuels, and that

Southeast Asia's renewable

energy puzzle

A worker near a coal power plant in Cirebon, indonesia.

Photo: Achmad ibrahim

cannot be hand-waved away. Decoding

these motivations is key to figuring out

what path a country is likely to follow,

where market-based solutions might

have some cachet, and where trickier and

more painful political choices and tradeoffs

may be required.

Thailand and Vietnam have been

leading the pack in Southeast Asia when

it comes to renewables, gradually

liberalizing energy markets and seeking

to give private capital a bigger role in the

industry. These changes did not occur in

a vacuum, however. In Thailand, the

political class and other interest groups

started getting serious about reforms

around the time the domestic fossil fuel

supply began to dry up. Thailand's

domestic production of natural gas, its

largest fossil fuel resource, peaked in

2014 and after that the onboarding of

renewables like solar increased at a much

quicker pace. In other words, when the

ability of the state to determine its own

energy destiny through the control and

extraction of fossil fuels began

diminishing, that's when Thailand

pivoted in earnest toward renewables.

Timor-Leste is facing a

China's quest for greater

discourse power

Hugo JoNes

Shifts in China's economic

and military power continue

to produce dramatic

headlines, but few recognize

the changing nature and

impact of China's

internationally oriented

discourse as a form of

power. Those that do tend to

argue China still can't do soft

power and communicates

poorly with the outside

world. On closer inspection,

however, 2021 seems to

have charted a subtle

increase in China's

"discourse power."

COP26 is a prime

example. Despite facing

international criticism due

to Xi Jinping's physical

absence and surging

domestic coal consumption,

China appears to have

successfully employed

discourse to set certain

agendas at the conference.

The concept of "Ecological

Civilization," a slogan closely

linked to Xi's leadership,

found its way into many

climate conversations. This

followed the Kunming

declaration, signed by over

100 nations on October 13,

which enshrined Ecological

Civilization as a "Shared

Future for All Life on Earth."

And on November 1, the first

day of COP26, the U.K.

launched the Clean Green

Initiative (CGI), which has

clearly been informed by

China's Belt Road Initiative


This is not to mention the

Build Back Better World

(B3W) announced at the G-7

summit in August. It is

significant that that the CGI

and B3W have adopted

nomenclature that imitates

the BRI - even though these

projects are intended to

counter or compete with

China. In that sense, the CGI

and B3W represent a shift in

China's ability to shape

international discourse

around development

finance. Considering that

the BRI is in reality just an

umbrella term for China's

diverse global trade and

investment relationships, it

has been remarkably

successful as a narrative

capable of influencing

foreign audiences and

policymakers (its practical

economic performance


These events indicate that

China is increasingly

confident and capable in

propagating terminology

and vocabulary that carry

normative impact. Simply

put, China's discourse power

shows signs of growth.

Over the past two decades

discourse power (huayu

quan) has emerged as a

buzzword used increasingly

by Chinese political and

economic commentators. As

quan translates to both

"right" and "power," huayu

quan can also be understood

as the right to speak and be

heard, or the right to speak

with authority. In practice,

discourse power entails

creating shared vocabularies

in the international realm

that elevate China to a more

favorable position.

In the pursuit of discourse

power, diplomats and state

media have been

encouraged by Xi Jinping to

"tell China's story well." This

task is especially urgent

given the prevalence of what

has been termed "China

threat" discourse: depictions

painting China's rise in a

negative light.

In recent years Xi has been

the driving force behind a

top-down effort to increase

China's discourse power. In

August 2013, he made a

Distinct from general soft power, China's discourse power - the ability to set

and shape global narratives - is quietly on the rise. Photo: Craig Nagy

keynote speech at the

National Propaganda and

Ideology Work Conference

in Beijing, saying, "We must

strive to move international

communications capacity

construction forward…

disseminate China's voice

well, and strengthen our



internationally." In May

2021, Xi once again

reiterated the importance of

discursive power in remarks

made to a Politburo study

session: "China's

international discourse and

influence have significantly

increased while also faced

with new situations and


One of these "new

situations" was the outbreak

of the COVID-19 pandemic

in early 2020. Aware of

China's image problems, Xi's

leadership doubled down on

discursive initiatives,

projecting terms such as

"win-win cooperation" and

"community with a shared

future for mankind" with

increased frequency. Over

the past two years we have

also seen China's discourse

become weaponized with

"wolf warrior diplomacy," a

form of public diplomacy

that is openly combative. As

an example, in February

2020 Zha Liyou, Chinese

Consul General in Kolkata,

replied to one tweet by

saying: "You speak in such a

way that you look like part of

the virus and you will be

eradicated just like virus.

Shame on you."

But many of China's

attempts at globalizing its

preferred political discourse

have not been successful.

The "Chinese Dream," a

cornerstone slogan of

national rejuvenation since

2012, has found little

positive reception in other

countries. This is despite a

concerted attempt by China

to popularize a discourse of

respective national dreams

over the past eight years.

Chinese diplomats,

ambassadors and consul

generals have invented and

promoted an endless list of

dreams: an Argentine

Dream, Salvadorian Dream,

Trinidad and Tobago

Dream, Ghanaian Dream,

Malian Dream, British

Dream, Sino-French Dream,

African Dream, and Latin-

American Dream, to name a

few. This discourse attempts

to standardize diverse

examples of national

development as analogous

"dreams," to build

international legitimacy for

China's rise through

commonality. However, the

political elites in these

countries and regions

seldom adopt Chinese

Dream discourse and are at

times alienated by it. With

the Chinese Dream, China

has not created a shared

vocabulary but is instead

largely talking to itself.

Examples such as the

Chinese Dream show the

limits of China's discourse

power. But they also show

that China is in a learning

process of improving its

discourse power - a trial and

error approach. Official

translations of the Chinese

term, zhongguo meng,

make-or-break moment

AveliNo Dos sANTos DA CosTA

Since the restoration of its

independence in 2002, Timor-Leste

has made tremendous progress in social

capital (education and health),

infrastructure (electricity and

telecommunication), and in

institutional frameworks such as

security, defense and foreign affairs. To

cite some figures, in the health sector,

the number of physicians per 1,000

people significantly increased from

0.034 in 2007 to 0.722 in 2018, which

amounts to a 21 fold rise. Additionally,

there have been enormous

improvements in access to electricity. In

2002, only 23.9 percent of households

had access to electricity - essentially,

only Timorese living in cities. However,

today, even those who live in the

countryside have electricity. According

to the 2019 survey, the number of

households with access to electricity

reached 94.7 percent nationwide. These

are just two examples of the stunning

improvements Timor-Leste has made

in less than 20 years.

Although there have been definite

advancements in the lives of the

ordinary people in general, however,

there is still a long way to go. For

instance, the supply of rice, the main

staple food of the Timorese people, is

always a huge concern due to the low

production rate in the country. This

consequently forces the government to

import almost half of Timor-Leste's

consumption from foreign countries

such as Vietnam, India, Pakistan, and

China annually. Additionally,

malnutrition in Timor-Leste is still

high. In 2013, 50.2 percent of children

under 5 years old had stunted growth,

though this number slightly decreased

to 47.1 percent in 2020. Taken together,

these and other data points indicate

that Timor-Leste needs to further

endeavor to improve the life of its

people. Clearly there is still much more

work to do collectively.

Among the priorities that need

attention, one of the biggest concerns

that the country is facing is how to

diversify its economy away from its

current massive dependence on oil and

gas revenue to other productive sectors,

such as agriculture, fisheries, small

industries, and tourism. Currently,

Timor-Leste's economy is still

vulnerable due to heavy reliance on

taxes collected from oil and gas

extracted from the Timor Sea. These

revenues are invested abroad in

financial assets, known as the

Petroleum Fund. Unfortunately, since

2013, there has been an enormous

decline of oil and gas revenues as

reserves in the Timor Sea dwindle.

Since then, the Petroleum Fund has

reached a plateau and currently it

merely relies on investment returns in

major international companies.

Thus, the depletion of this Petroleum

Fund is only a matter of time if annual

government spending keeps going

beyond the annual investment return.

In Timor-Leste more than 95 percent of

the state's annual spending is directly

withdrawn from the petroleum fund.

Additionally, the recent COVID-19

pandemic has also burdened the

government, which allocated an extra

budget with a total of $150 million to

deal with the outbreak and ensuing

economic cost. This budget also directly

withdrew from the Petroleum Fund.

A final downside of relying on the

Petroleum Fund is that its investment

return rate is hugely influenced by the

market. In 2015 and 2018 the

investment return was negative, while

2019 notched the highest-ever return


These points all suggest that there is

an urgent need to shift the economy to

ensure long-term sustainability. Timor-

Leste's governments have been working

on diversification of the economy based

on countless recommendations from

various credible institutions both

domestic and international, as well as

experts around the globe.

Unfortunately, this initiative has faced

tremendous challenges in the last few

years due to the numerous political

discords between the ruling and the

opposition parties, as well as between

the factions of Mari Alkatiri and Xanana


In spite of this, the task of the next

government, the ninth constitutional

government, will be clear. This period

will be crucial in the history of Timor-

Leste, as the government must at least

initiate the shifting of the economy

sectors outside of oil and gas The main

priority of the next government's

program should include laying out the

foundation of how to face the new era in

The time is now, and every second counts.

the next 15 to 20 years without oil and

gas revenues. Early steps would involve

improvement of the quality and

quantity of domestic agricultural

products, promoting and growing

small-scale industries, and improving

as well as promoting the tourism


Apart from oil and gas production,

coffee is the current largest export of

Timor-Leste. Its annual coffee exports

range from $10-12 million, which is still

on a small scale; however, this counts as

a huge business in Timor-Leste's

economy. Improving the quality of the

coffee will naturally attract more

marketplaces, which eventually will

increase the value of the coffee as well.

Another sector that needs full

attention is the production of rice,

which is a main staple for most

Timorese people. The country needs

around 132,000 tonnes of rice to feed

its 1.3 million people. However,

domestic production capacity only

provides half of this. Thus, improving

the quantity of rice production is a

major issue for both the economy and

food security. The government needs to

respond as swiftly as possible to

eliminate the rice deficit.

As for tourism, Timor-Leste is still

one of the world's untouched

destinations with pristine landscapes as

well as seashores throughout the island.

Boosting the number of visitors should

be initiated by improving the basic

infrastructures of tourism as well as

cuisine, hygiene, and safety. These

should be prioritized by the next


Small industries will play an essential

role for the sustainability of the

economy over the long term. These

small industries will also have a direct

effect on the unemployment rate in the

country. Timor-Leste must have

inclusive economic system where

foreign investments are welcomed

freely, with ease and fast bureaucratic


Taken together, these are

representative examples of the

priorities that need to be addressed in

the coming years if Timor-Leste wants

to sustain its economy over the long


Photo: Collected

The road will be steep and exhausting

to climb, but this is the only path for the

Timorese people in order to survive as a

sovereign and independent country.

Timorese people deserve an inclusive

economic system where all people

participate for a better life and thrive.

The people of Timor-Leste should

choose the next government by

supporting the party that they believe

would best provide and plan for the

initiation of economic diversification

toward non-oil and gas production.

Once this program is realized

nationwide, Timor-Leste, with a

sustainable economy, will be elevated to

the next level.

FriDAY, NOveMBer 26, 2021 6

Training workshop of Atrail beel Water

Management Cooperative Society held


A training workshop for members of

Atrail Beel Water Management

Cooperative Society has been held at

Singair upazila of Manikganj. The daylong

training workshop was held at

Golaidanga High School in the upazila

on Wednesday (November 24) at the

initiative of local Government

engineering Department (lGeD)

under the Small Water Resources

Development Project (Phase II).

Around 250 members of the

association took part in it. Manikganj

local Government engineering

Department (lGeD) executive

engineer Md. faizul Haque spoke as

the chief guest at the occassion

organized by the Department of local

Government and funded by the Japan

International Cooperation Agency


During the time, Upazila engineer

Muhammad Rubaiyat Zaman,

Baldhara UP Chairman Abdul Majed

Khan, Upazila livestock Officer Dr.

faruk Ahmed, Senior fisheries Officer

Wahidul Abrar, Agriculture Officer

Tipu Sultan Sapan, Cooperative Officer

Akhinur Yasmin, Women's Affairs

Officer Raushan Ara and Sub-Inspector

Syeda Nasima Akter were also present

at the occassion.

A training workshop for members of Atrail Beel Water Management

Cooperative Society has been held at Singair upazila of Manikganj


Photo: Mubarak Hossain

20 modern equipments have been distributed among the farmers for cutting

and threshing paddy in Morrelganj on Thursday. Photo: M Palash Sharif

One die of Covid-19, casualties

reach 1,245 in Rangpur

RANGPUR: One more Covid-19 patient died

during the last 24 hours ending at 8 am

yesterday raising the number of coronavirus

related casualties to 1,245 in Rangpur division,

reports BSS.

"The new Covid-19 death was reported from

Dinajpur in the division that witnessed no

fatalities during the last seven days since

November 17," said Acting Divisional Director

(Health) Dr Abu Md Zakirul Islam.

The district-wise breakup of the 1,245

fatalities currently stands at 293 in Rangpur, 81

in Panchagarh, 89 in Nilphamari, 68 in

lalmonirhat, 69 in Kurigram, 254 in

Thakurgaon, 328 in Dinajpur and 63 in

Gaibandha districts of the division.

The average casualty rate currently stands at

2.24 percent in the division.

Meanwhile, the number of Covid-19 cases

reached 55,533 as five new patients were

diagnosed after testing 205 samples at the

positivity rate of 2.44 percent on Wednesday in

the division.

The daily positivity rate has been remaining

mostly below the five percent mark during the

last two months in the division.

"The district-wise break up of total 55,533

patients include 12,506 of Rangpur, 3,822

Panchagarh, 4,458 of Nilphamari, 2,745 of

lalmonirhat, 4,646 of Kurigram, 7,661 of

Thakurgaon, 14,827 of Dinajpur and 4,868 of

Gaibandha in the division," he said.

Dr Islam said a total of 2,99,195 collected

samples were tested till Wednesday, and of

them, 55,533 were found Covid-19 positive

RAJSHAHI: Rajshahi

Medical College Hospital

(RMCH) recorded one more

fatality in its Covid-19 unit

during the last 24 hours till

6am yesterday, reports BSS.

The death toll due to

Covid-19 and its symptoms

reached 32 so far this month

with the new death, RMCH

Director Brigadier General

Shamim Yazdani said.

The new deceased was a

female, hailed from Natore

RMCH records

one more fatality

in Covid-19 unit

and she was suffering from

symptoms of Covid-19.

Meanwhile, four more

patients were admitted to

the Covid-19 unit during the

last 24 hours, taking the

number of admitted patients

with an average positivity rate of 18.56 percent

in the division.

In the meantime, the total number of healed

Covid-19 patients reached 53,366 with

recovery of seven more infected patients on

Wednesday in the division where the average

recovery rate currently stands at 96.10 percent.

The 53,366 recovered patients include 11,590

of Rangpur, 3,683 Panchagarh, 4,362

Nilphamari, 2,625 lalmonirhat, 4,527

Kurigram, 7,350 Thakurgaon, 14,434 in

Dinajpur and 4,795 Gaibandha districts in the


Among the 55,533 patients, 35 are

undergoing treatments at isolation units,

including nine critical patients at ICU beds and

six at High Dependency Unit beds, after

recovery of 53,366 patients and 1,245 deaths

while 887 are remaining now in home


"Meanwhile, the number of citizens who got

the first dose of the Covid- 19 vaccine rose to

65,62,710, and among them, 36,76,118 got the

second dose of the jab till Wednesday in the

division," Dr Islam said.

Chief of Divisional Coronavirus Service and

Prevention Task force and Principal of

Rangpur Medical College Professor Dr AKM

Nurunnobi lyzu said the Covid-19 situation

continues to improve during the last three

months in Rangpur division.

"To prevent another probable wave of the

lethal virus in the winter, everyone should

properly abide by the health directives of the

government," he said.

to 35, including seven

positive for Covid-19, at


Two other patients

returned home after being

cured during the same time.

On the other hand, one

more patient tested positive

for Covid-19 after testing

240 samples in Rajshahi's

two laboratories on

Wednesday, showing a 0.46

percent positivity rate.

The training workshop discussed

important issues aimed at making the

members of Atrail Beel Water

Management Cooperative Society

(PABSOS) self-reliant and self-reliant

by expanding fisheries, agriculture and

animal resources.

Upazila Assistant engineer Nazrul

Islam, Abdul Malek, President and

General Secretary of Atrail Beel Water

Management Cooperative Society

along with officials and employees of

various levels of Small Water

Resources Development Project and

local Government engineering

Department (lGeD) were present.

20 machines,

fertilizer seeds


among farmers

in Morrelganj



In Morrelganj of

Bagerhat, 20 modern

equipments have been

distributed among the

farmers for cutting and

threshing paddy. Under

the farm mechanization

project, the upazila

agriculture department

distributed 10 paddy

harvesters and 10

threshing machines at

subsidized prices on

Thursday around 12


Upazila Chairman Adv.

Shah-i-Alash Bachchu,

Upazila Nirbahi Officer

Md Jahangir Alam and

Agriculture Officer Sifat

Al Maruf officially handed

over the machines. In

addition, 5 and a half

metric tons of high

yielding varieties of rice

seeds and 16 metric tons

of fertilizer were

distributed among the

farmers free of cost.

Upazila Vice Chairman

Mozammel Haque,

fahima Chabul District

Council Member

Professor Afroza Akter

lina were present on the


GP's One Stop

Service Center

inagurated at




Grameen Phone's One

Stop Center has been

inaugurated by senior

officials of Grameen

Phone Company in


The service center was

inaugurated on Thursday

by cutting the ribbon on

the ground floor of labu

Plaza in the old bus stand

area of Nandail Upazila

Sadar. Invited guests

later cut a cake.

The guests present at

the inaugural function

said that Grameen Phone

Company is the oldest

and largest phone service

in Bangladesh. The

center has been

inaugurated at the upazila

level to expand this


During the time, Akram

Hossain, secretary of

Nandail Bazar Business

Association, Hasan

Mahmud, Assistant

Manager Dipankar Das,

Retail Channel Manager

Muhammad Noor e

Khoda, Mymensingh

Retail Channel Manager

Mahmud Ur Rahman,

Territory Manager Syed

Ahmed Chowdhury,

NRBC Bank Manager Asif

Sarwar, NCC Bank

Manager Mahbub were

among others present at

the occassion.

An open discussion was held with the stockholders with the aim of getting the suggestions, complaints

and opinions of the beneficiaries regarding the activities of Sreemangal NGO's in

Moulvibazar on Thursday.

Photo: Sayed Ahmed

Open discussion regarding activities

of Sreemangal NGO’S held


An open discussion was held with the

stockholders with the aim of getting the

suggestions, complaints and opinions of the

beneficiaries regarding the activities of

Sreemangal NGO's in Moulvibazar. The

meeting was held on Thursday morning at

the Zila Parishad Auditorium Hall of the city

at the initiative of MCDA and educo

Bangladesh. Q

The program was attended by educo

Bangladesh Director (Program) farzana

Rangpur region to produce

11,688 tonnes of groundnut

RANGPUR: A target of

producing 11,688 tonnes of

groundnut from 6,015

hectares of land has been

fixed for all five districts in

Rangpur agriculture region

during the current (2021-

2022) Rabi season, reports


Officials of the Department

of Agricultural extension

(DAe) said farmers produced

a record 13,191 tonnes of

groundnut from 6,027

hectares of land exceeding the

fixed production target of

12,161 tonnes during the last

Rabi season. "farmers have

already completed sowing of

groundnut seeds on 4,195

hectares of land as the process

continues amid excellent

climatic conditions,"

Additional Director of the

DAe's Rangpur region

Agriculturist Md. Tauhidul

Ikbal told BSS yesterday.

Tender groundnut plants

are growing fabulously now

both on the mainland and vast

riverine char areas in all five

districts of Rangpur

agriculture region.

farmers are expanding

groundnut farming every year

after getting repeated bumper

production and lucrative

market price in the last 13

consecutive years, even

during the Covid-19 pandemic


As a result of conducting

massive motivational

activities by the DAe and

other agriculture related

organisations, farmers are

cultivating high yielding

varieties of groundnut evolved

by Bangladesh Agriculture

Research Institute (BARI).

farmers are showing keen

interests in enhancing

groundnut cultivation on

main lands and char areas to

reap more profits than many

other crops following the

constantly increasing demand

of the crop. Senior

Coordinator (Agriculture and

environment) of RDRS

Bangladesh Agriculturist

Mamunur Rashid said

farmers can earn Taka 40,000

by producing 26 to 30

mounds of groundnut per

acre of land, spending around

Taka 20,000 as farming costs

per acre.

farmers are getting

excellent groundnut yield by

cultivating its high yielding

varieties evolved by BARI in

all five districts of Rangpur,

Gaibandha, lalmonirhat,

Kurigram and Nilphamari in

the region.

High yielding varieties of

groundnut like 'Maizchar',

'Tridana', 'Basonti', BARI-8,

BARI-6, BINA-4 and BINA-8

are mostly being cultivated by

farmers after getting repeated

bumper output and lucrative

price in recent years.

Khan, educo Bangladesh Managerevaluation

and Knowledge Management Md

Jamal Uddin, Sreemangal Upazila Youth

Development Officer Asim Kumar Kar,

Monitoring & evaluation Officer Kamal

Kashna Roy were among others also present

at the occassion.

The event was attended by educo

Bangladesh's 4 local organizations Breaking

the Silence, MCDA, Idea and Prochestha's

Aloy Alo project beneficiaries from different

classes and 60 representatives from


With increasing demand for

groundnut in the country's

boosting food industry sector,

enthusiastic farmers are

expanding groundnut

cultivation every year.

"Some 7,000 farmers,

mostly living in riverine char

areas, have achieved selfreliance

by cultivating

groundnut twice annually on

sandy char lands with

assistance of the DAe and

different NGOs improving

their living standard," Rashid


Talking to BSS, farmer

Abdur Rahman of village Char

Ghoneshyam village in

Jatrapur union of Kurigram

said he has cultivated

groundnut on one acre of char

land spending Taka 20,000

this year to recoup the crop

losses caused by recent floods.

farmers Abdul Hakim and

Bachchu Mian of Char

Nawani Para in the same area

said they have cultivated

groundnut on more char land

this season after getting

bumper production and

excellent prices every year in

recent times. Similarly,

farmers Abul Hashem,

lokman Hossain and Abdul

Haque of Char Biswanath

village in Kawnia upazila of

Rangpur said they have

cultivated groundnut on more

char lands this year than the

previous seasons.

95,687 patients

so far recover

from Covid-19

in Rajshahi

RAJSHAHI: Ten more

persons have recovered

from Covid- 19 in the

division on Wednesday,

taking the recovery count to

95,687 since the pandemic

began in March last year,

reports BSS.

Sixteen more people have

tested positive for the deadly

disease in six districts of the

division during the same

period, raising the caseload

to 99,295 so far.

The new positive cases

show a falling trend

compared to the previous

day's figure, said Dr Habibul

Ahsan Talukder, divisional

director of Health, adding

that a total of 24 people were

infected on Tuesday.

The death toll remained

steady at 1,680, including

685 in Bogura, 323 in

Rajshahi with 204 in its city

and 175 in Natore as no new

fatality was reported during

the last 24 hours span, Dr

Talukder added.

Besides, all the positive

cases of Covid-19 have, so

far, been brought under

treatment while 23,080

were kept in isolation units

of different dedicated

hospitals for institutional

quarantine. Of them, 19,723

have been released.

Meanwhile, 25 more

people have been sent to

home and institutional

quarantine afresh, while 26

others were released from

isolation during the same


Of the 16 new cases, six

were detected in Joypurhat,

followed by three each in

Bogura and Pabna, two in

Naogaon and one each in

Rajshahi and Natore


With the newly detected

patients, the district-wise

break-up of the total cases

now stands at 28,204 in

Rajshahi including 22,761 in

its city, 5,687 in

Chapainawabganj, 6,441 in

Naogaon, 8,407 in Natore,

4,675 in Joypurhat, 21,700

in Bogura, 11,416 in

Sirajganj and 12,765 in


Grameen Phone's One Stop Center has been inaugurated by senior officials of Grameen Phone

Company in Nandail on Thursday.

Photo: Arabinda Paul

At least 31 migrants bound for Britain died Wednesday when their boat sank in the English Channel,

in what France's interior minister called the biggest migration tragedy on the dangerous crossing to


Photo : AP

Migrant boat capsizes in English

Channel; at least 31 dead

CALAIS : At least 31 migrants bound for

Britain died Wednesday when their

boat sank in the English Channel, in

what France's interior minister called

the biggest migration tragedy on the

dangerous crossing to date.

Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin

said 34 people were believed to have

been on the boat. Authorities found 31

bodies - including those of five women

and a young girl - and two survivors, he

said. One person appeared to still be

missing. The nationalities of the

travelers was not immediately known.

The regional maritime authority,

which oversees rescue operations, later

said 27 bodies were found, two people

survived and four others were missing

and presumed drowned. The

discrepancy in the numbers was not

immediately explained.

Ever-increasing numbers of people

fleeing conflict or poverty in

Afghanistan, Sudan, Iraq, Eritrea or

elsewhere are risking the perilous

journey in small, unseaworthy craft

from France, hoping to win asylum or

find better opportunities in Britain. The

Sweden's first female

prime minister quits

hours later

COPENHAGEN : Hours after

being tapped as Sweden's first

female prime minister,

Magdalena Andersson

resigned Wednesday after

suffering a budget defeat in

parliament and her coalition

partner the Greens left the

two-party minority


The government's own

budget proposal was rejected

in favor of one presented by

the opposition that includes

the right-wing populist

Sweden Democrats. Sweden's

third-largest party is rooted in

a neo-Nazi movement. The

vote was 154-143 in favor of

the opposition's budget


Andersson, leader of the

Social Democratic party,

decided it was best to step

down from the post more

than seven hours after she

made history by becoming

the first woman to lead the


"For me, it is about respect,

but I also do not want to lead

a government where there

may be grounds to question

its legitimacy," Andersson

told a news conference.

Andersson, who was

finance minister before briefly

becoming prime minister,

informed parliamentary

Speaker Andreas Norlen that

she is still interested in

leading a Social Democratic

one-party government.

Norlen, the speaker of

Sweden's 349-seat

parliament, said he will

contact Sweden's eight party

leaders "to discuss the

situation." On Thursday, he

will announce the road ahead.

Andersson said that "a

coalition government should

resign if a party chooses to

leave the government.

Despite the fact that the

parliamentary situation is

unchanged, it needs to be

tried again."

crossings have tripled this year

compared to 2020, and another 106

migrants were rescued in French waters

on Wednesday alone.

A joint French-British search

operation for survivors of the sinking

was called off late Wednesday. Both

countries cooperate to stem migration

across the Channel but also accuse each

other of not doing enough - and the

issue is often used by politicians on both

sides pushing an anti-migration


Four suspected traffickers were

arrested Wednesday on suspicion of

being linked to the sunken boat,

Darmanin told reporters in the French

port city of Calais. He said two of the

suspects later appeared in court.

The regional prosecutor opened an

investigation into aggravated

manslaughter, organized illegal

migration and other charges after the

sinking. Lille Prosecutor Carole Etienne

told The Associated Press that officials

were still working to identify the victims

and determine their ages and

nationalities, and that the investigation

may involve multiple countries. "It's a

day of great mourning for France, for

Europe, for humanity to see these

people die at sea," Darmanin said. He

lashed out at "criminal traffickers"

driving thousands to risk the crossing.

Activists demonstrated outside the

port of Calais on Wednesday night,

accusing governments of not doing

enough to respond to migrants' needs.

Hundreds of people live in precarious

conditions along the French coast,

despite regular police patrols and

evacuation operations.

The bodies were brought to the Calais

port, Jean-Marc Puissesseau, head of

the ports of Calais and Boulogne, told

The AP. "We were waiting for

something like this to happen," he said,

given the growing numbers of people

risking the passage.

Aid groups blamed European

governments for increasingly hard-line

migration policies. "The U.K. is not a

choice, it is an escape, an escape for

people fleeing the lack of welcome in

Europe," said Nikolai Posner of French

charity Utopia 56.

3 men charged in Ahmaud Arbery's

death convicted of murder

BRUNSWICK : Three men were convicted of

murder Wednesday in the killing of Ahmaud

Arbery, the Black man who was running

empty-handed through a Georgia subdivision

when the white strangers chased him, trapped

him on a quiet street and blasted him with a


The February 2020 slaying drew limited

attention at first. But when video of the

shooting leaked online, Arbery's death quickly

became another example in the nation's

reckoning of racial injustice in the way Black

people are treated in their everyday lives.

Now the men all face a mandatory sentence

of life in prison. The judge will decide whether

their sentences are served with or without the

possibility of parole.

As the first of 23 guilty verdicts were read,

Arbery's father had to leave the courtroom

after leaping up and shouting. At the reading

of the last criminal count, Arbery's mother

dropped her head and quietly pumped her


"He didn't do nothing but run and dream,"

Marcus Arbery Sr. said of his son. Outside the

courthouse, dozens of Black supporters

hugged and cried.

The jury deliberated for about 10 hours

before convicting Greg McMichael, son Travis

McMichael and neighbor William "Roddie"


The McMichaels grabbed guns and jumped

in a pickup truck to pursue the 25-year-old

Arbery after seeing him running outside the

Georgia port city of Brunswick. Bryan joined

the pursuit in his own pickup and recorded

cellphone video of Travis McMichael fatally

shooting Arbery.

The father and son told police they

suspected Arbery was a fleeing burglar. But

the prosecution argued that the men provoked

the fatal confrontation and that there was no

evidence Arbery committed any crimes in the


"We commend the courage and bravery of

this jury to say that what happened on Feb. 23,

2020, to Ahmaud Arbery - the hunting and

killing of Ahmaud Arbery - it was not only

morally wrong but legally wrong, and we are

thankful for that," said Latonia Hines, Cobb

County executive assistant district attorney.

Prosecutor Linda Dunikoski added: "The jury

system works in this country. And when you

present the truth to people and they see it,

they will do the right thing."

Travis McMichael, 35, stood for the verdict,

his lawyer's arm around his shoulder. At one

point, he lowered his head to his chest. After

the verdicts were read, as he stood to leave, he

mouthed "love you" to his mother in the

courtroom gallery.

Greg McMichael, 65, hung his head when

the judge read his first guilty verdict. Bryan,

52, bit his lip.

Three men were convicted of murder Wednesday in the killing of Ahmaud

Arbery, the Black man who was running empty-handed through a Georgia

subdivision when the white strangers chased him, trapped him on a quiet

street and blasted him with a shotgun.

Photo : AP

US jobless claims hit

52-year low after

seasonal adjustments


number of Americans

applying for unemployment

benefits plummeted last

week to the lowest level in

more than half a century,

another sign that the U.S.

job market is rebounding

rapidly from last year's

coronavirus recession,

reports UNB.

Jobless claims dropped by

71,000 to 199,000, the

lowest since mid-November

1969. But seasonal

adjustments around the

Thanksgiving holiday

contributed significantly to

the bigger-than-expected

drop. Unadjusted, claims

actually ticked up by more

than 18,000 to nearly


The four-week average of

claims, which smooths out

weekly ups and downs, also

dropped - by 21,000 to just

over 252,000, the lowest

since mid-March 2020

when the pandemic

slammed the economy.

Since topping 900,000 in

early January, the

applications have fallen

steadily toward and now

fallen below their

prepandemic level of around

220,000 a week. Claims for

jobless aid are a proxy for


Overall, 2 million

Americans were collecting

traditional unemployment

checks the week that ended

Nov. 13, down slightly from

the week before.

"Overall, expect continued

volatility in the headline

figures, but the trend

remains very slowly lower,"

Contingent Macro Advisors

wrote in a research note.

Brazilians find stock

exchange bull

unbearable, remove it


Brazilians felt bearish about

the new Wall Street-inspired

bull sculpture outside the

stock exchange, and didn't

have to wait long for it to

crash: The statue has been

removed a week after it was


Sao Paulo's stock exchange

had hoped to bestow the

rundown city center with a

flashy landmark. But its

golden sheen was offset by

nearby tents for the homeless

and the daily line outside a

major trade union of people

searching for jobs-any job.

By Tuesday night, it was


Critics said the metal and

fiberglass sculpture at the

gates of the stock exchange in

no way reflects Brazil's

current economic crossroads

nor near-term prospects, with

poverty and unemployment

high and inflation running in

the double digits. Local media

have shown poor Brazilians in

several cities so desperate for

food that they rummage

through rejected meat scraps.

"It represents the strength

and the resilience of the

Brazilian people," Gilson

Finkelsztain, the exchange's

CEO, said at its Nov. 16

unveiling. It was sponsored

by the stock exchange and

investor Paulo Spyer.

Spyer, who owns a

consultancy firm named Vai

Tourinho ("Go Little Bull" in

Portuguese), said he was

honored to give "a gift to all

Brazilians." Some locals were

keen to snap pictures with the

sculpture, which resembles

the Charging Bull in

Manhattan's financial district.

But celebration was swiftly

met with protests. The next

day, a dozen students posted

stickers that read "HUNGER"

on the bull's body. After their

removal, the nonprofit group

SP Invisible, which aids the

poor, organized a barbecue

beside the bull to feed

homeless people. Both

demonstrations reverberated

widely on social media.

"This bull is suggesting we

are experiencing some

progress, but it is the exact

opposite," Vinicius Lima, one

of the nonprofit's organizers,

told journalists. "Beef prices

have skyrocketed.

FriDAY, NovEmBEr 26, 2021


Scholz seals deal to crown

career as German chancellor

BERLIN : Olaf Scholz is set to become post-

World War II Germany's ninth chancellor,

crowning a career that has seen him serve in a

string of top government posts, after leading

his party to an election comeback that

appeared hugely unlikely just a few months

ago. The 63-year-old on Wednesday sealed a

deal for his center-left Social Democrats to

lead Germany's next government in a

coalition with the environmentalist Greens

and the pro-business Free Democrats. The

agreement followed relatively quick talks that

were disciplined and discreet, qualities that

reflect Scholz's own image. Scholz has a terse,

no-nonsense approach typical of his home

city of Hamburg, where he once worked as a

lawyer - an even more sober style than that of

outgoing Chancellor Angela Merkel. He

joined the Social Democratic Party at 17 and

was first elected to parliament in 1998.

He is unflappable and unshakably selfconfident,

but no master of rhetoric. During a

turbulent stint as the Social Democrats'

general secretary in the early 2000s, he

Hiker finds remains of 4th,

final victim of Colorado flood

FORT COLLINS : A hiker found the remains of

the fourth and final person who died during

flooding and mudslides in an area of northern

Colorado that was burned by a massive

wildfire, authorities said.

The remains of Diana Brown, 57, of San

Antonio, were found Saturday, according to

the Larimer County Sheriff's Office. She was

swept away by the flood waters July 20 along

with her family members Richard Brown, of

Bellevue, Nebraska; Patricia Brown, of

Madison, Wisconsin; and David Brown, also

from San Antonio.

Richard Brown owned a mobile home in the

area, but his home residence was in Bellevue,

Nebraska, the Fort Collins Coloradoan

reported. All four victims were in the same

house in the small Black Hollow area 45 miles

(72 kilometers) west of Fort Collins when the

flood hit.

The first three bodies were recovered several

days after the flood, and the search was

earned the nickname "Scholzomat" for what

critics said was a habit of constantly repeating

the same phrases in support of then-

Chancellor Gehard Schroeder's welfare-state

trims and economic reforms, which faced

dissent within the party.

Scholz's experience, attention to detail and

sometimes technocratic image became an

asset during this year's election campaign, in

which he led the long-struggling Social

Democrats from third place in polls to a

narrow win in the Sept. 26 election.

He was helped by a series of gaffes and slips

by his two opponents - Armin Laschet, the

leader of Merkel's center-right Christian

Democrats, and Annalena Baerbock, who was

making the Greens' first run for the


The Social Democrats' stock rose as Scholz,

the finance minister and vice chancellor in

Merkel's government, calmly ran through a

largely accident-free campaign and turned in

unspectacular but solid performances in three

televised pre-election debates.

suspended July 29 with no sign of Diana

Brown's body. Another unsuccessful search

involving 120 people took place in mid-


The flooding and slides happened in an area

that was burned last year by the 326-squaremile

(844-square-kilometer) Cameron Peak

Fire, the largest in Colorado's history. Fires

torch vegetation that usually helps absorb rain

and keeps the ground stable, making those

areas more vulnerable to flooding, especially in

steep sections. The soil in burned areas can

also repel rain.

Six homes were destroyed and another was

damaged, all on the same road, according to

the sheriff's office.

Scientists say climate change is responsible

for more intense and frequent extreme

weather like flooding and droughts and events

like wildfires. But more research is needed to

determine how much global warming is to

blame, if at all, for a single event.

A hiker found the remains of the fourth and final person who died during

flooding and mudslides in an area of northern Colorado that was burned by a

massive wildfire.

Photo : AP



Malaysia PM launches Huawei customer

solution innovation center

The 28th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Gas Transmission Company Limited (GTCL) was held on

24th November 2021 at 6:30 pm in Hotel Intercontinantal, Dhaka. Chairman of GTCL Board of

Directors and Senior Secretary, Energy and Mineral Resources Division, Md. Anisur Rahman

presided over the meeting while, Shareholder and Member of Board of Directors Mr. A B M Abdul

Fattah Chairman, Petrobangla and all other Shareholders and Members of the Board Directors of

the Company attended the meeting. The Audited Accounts & Management Report for the fiscal year

2020-21 of the Company was approved by the shareholders at the AGM. During the FY 2020-2021,

the Company earned an amount of Tk.1,120.17 crore as revenue by transporting 25,597.17 million

cubic meter gas and 361.33 million liter condensate. The Company earned Tk.237.85 crore as Pre-tax

Profit and Tk.74.09 crore as Post-tax Profit and a total amount of Tk.753.17 crore was contributed to

the Government Exchequer.

Photo : Courtesy

Prime Bank wins prestigious Efma-Accenture

Banking Innovation Awards 2021

Prime Bank limited shines

in the international

Financial Sphere receiving

the Analytics & Artificial

Intelligence (AI) award-

Bronze at the prestigious

Efma-Accenture Banking

Innovation Awards 2021

along with Bank of

Santander, Spain (Gold) and

ING Bank, Turkey (Silver).

The accolade comes from

Prime Bank's AI driven

digital nano financing

platform, "PrimeAgrim" that

focuses on innovation that

facilitates banking needs

and propel financial

inclusion, a press release


The Efma-Accenture

Banking Innovation Awards

have been a catalyst for

innovation in the banking

sector worldwide. The

awards ceremony is widely

recognized as the 'Oscars' of

the Banking industry. Efma

recognizes the best in

banking innovation,

attracted a record-breaking

816 entries from nearly 300

financial institutions in 73


PrimeAgrim, is a digital

nano financing platform that

is embedded with artificial

intelligence, machine

learning and alternative

credit to address emergency

needs of Blue-collar

Working Community.

PrimeAgrim is an end-toend

digital product that

assesses customers' credit

eligibility and completes

disbursement digitally,

negating the hassles of

document submission to

save time and energy.

Prime Bank Limited's

Head of Consumer Banking

Division and DMD, ANM

Mahfuz commented on this

occasion, "Prime Bank has

been working relentlessly to

promote financial inclusion




Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited inaugurated its 381st Branch at Kaliganj of Keraniganj Upazila in Dhaka

on 25 November 2021, Thursday. Mohammed Monirul Moula, Managing Director and CEO of the bank

inaugurated the Branch as chief guest. Muhammad Qaisar Ali, Additional Managing Director presided

over the program while Abu Sayed Md. Idris, Head of Dhaka South Zone of the bank addressed the welcome

speech. Md. Mizanur Rahman Bhuiyan, Executive Vice President of the bank, Md. Jahangir Shah,

Chairman of Aganagar Union Parishad and Md. Shwadhin Sheikh, President of Keraniganj Garments

Babosayee O Dokan Malik Samobay Samiti addressed the program as special guest. Syed Zinder Kabir,

Head of Kaliganj Branch thanked the audience. Sushil Kumar Modak, Sayed Jobaer and Md. Nazmul

Hasan, businessmen addressed on behalf of clients and well-wishers. Executives and employees of the

bank, clients, well wishers and local elites were present on the occasion. Later, the new branch distributed

SME investment.

Photo : Courtesy

Walton declares huge discounts on combo packages

Bangladeshi Superbrand

Walton has declared special

discounts on combo packages

for the purchase of its various

products of electronics, home

and kitchen appliances under

its new initiative 'Wedfest

Combo Offer'. Under the

campaign, customers are

getting huge discounts on

specific models of refrigerator,

TV, AC, washing machine,

microwave oven, blender, rice

cooker, gas stove and fan

under three packages-

Platinum, Gold and Special,

says a press release.

On Thursday (November

25, 2021) the announcement

was made at a declaration

programme held at the

Walton corporate office in

Dhaka. The the 'Wedfest

Combo Offer' campaign,

customers can choose

products on three packages-

Platinum, Gold and Special

and get cash discounts from

Tk 23,000 to Tk 40,000 from

Walton Plaza, distributor

showroom or e-plaza across

the country. The benefits are

available from November 15,

2021 and will continue until

March 15, 2022. However, the

facilities under Walton's

ongoing Digital Campaign

Season-12 will not be

applicable for customers who

avail 'Wedfest Combo Offer'.

Rifah Tasnia Swarna,

Director of Walton High-Tech

Industries Limited, was

present at the programme as

chief guest. Deputy Managing

Directors Nazrul Islam Sarker,

Eva Rezwana, Amdadul

Haque Sarker and Eva

Rizwana Nilu, Walton Plaza

Trade's Chief Executive Officer

(CEO) Mohammad Rayhan,

Top officials of Walton pose at the declaration of its 'Wedfest Combo Offer. Photo : Courtesy'

Senior Executive Directors SM

Zahid Hasan, Ariful Ambia,

Walton AC's Chief Business

Officer (CBO) Tanvir

Rahman, Refrigerator's CBO

Anisur Rahman Mollick, TV's

CBO Mostafa Nahid Hossain,

Electrical Appliance's CBO

Sohel Rana, Home

Appliance's CBO Al Imran,

Kitchen Appliance's CBO

Mahfuzur Rahman, Media

Adviser Enayet Ferdous were

among others also present on

the occasion.

The Platinum package

include one model of 563-liter

side-by-side glass door

refrigerator, 1.5-ton's highenergy

saving AC, 43-inch

android smart TV, front

loading automatic washing

machine and 30-liter

microwave oven and three

unit of celling fan, one model

of blender, rice cooker and gas

stove. The market price of

these products are Tk

2,38,340. However, the

products can be bought

together with Tk 2,00,511

under the package which will

save Tk 40,000.

Customers have the

opportunity to purchase the

above-mentioned products of

other models with Tk 1,38,626

on a discount of Tk 27,000

under Gold package while the

customers can buy those

products with Tk 1,19,313 with

a discount of Tk 23,000 under

the Special Package.

The newly refurbished and

upgraded Huawei Customer

Solution Innovation Center

(CSIC) has been officially

launched by Prime Minister

Dato' Sri Ismail Sabri Bin

Yaakob recently as part of

the celebrations to

commemorate Huawei's

20th anniversary in

Malaysia. The CSIC, located

in Integra Tower at the heart

of Kuala Lumpur,

aggregates the company's

over 120 reference

applications and services

globally. Michael Yuan,

Chief Executive Officer of

Huawei Malaysia, was also

present at the event.

The state-of-the-art

technology and solutions

displayed in Huawei

Malaysia CSIC aims to assist

the nation in becoming the

ASEAN Digital Hub.

Huawei's CSIC was designed

as an Information and


Technology (ICT) Hub and

Centre of Excellence to drive

the industry's open

ecosystem and accelerate



transformation in Malaysia,

a press release said.

Delivering the keynote

address during the launch,

Dato' Sri Ismail Sabri said,

"Tthe CSIC is a testament to

Huawei Malaysia's

commitment to the nation's

digital transformation.

"Thank you, Huawei, for

accelerating digital

transformation and

strengthening the

development of Malaysia's

innovative platforms since

20 years ago."

CEO of Huawei Malaysia,

Yuan, meanwhile, said,

"Through the CSIC, Huawei

will continue to bring global

experiences to serve the

needs of the ICT industry in

Malaysia and to assist local

stakeholders in succeeding

in their businesses. This

center will act as a catalyst to

accelerate Malaysia's digital

transformation and to

capitalize on the potential of

Berger Paints Bangladesh

Limited (BPBL) has

inaugurated its latest Berger

Experience Zone at Khulna to

provide one-stop painting

solution to all kinds of

painting requirements. The

leading paints solutions brand

of the country has expanded

its service of excellence

further in the southern parts

of the country, as it opened

this franchised outlet under

the dealer "Mukut Hardware"

at the district's 383,

Khanjahan Ali Road, Ferighat


Among the Berger officials

present at the inauguration

event were - Mohsin Habib

Chowdhury, Senior General

Manager, Sales and

Marketing; Ata E Muneer,

Divisional Sales Manager;

Shabbir Ahmed, Head -

Project, Prolinks and

Experience Zone; Sayed

Shorif Russel, Category Manager - Marketing and Shakil M Humayun, Branch

advanced technologies and

assist in driving investments

in the digital economy for

the nation at the same time."

Huawei launched CSIC in

Bangladesh in 2016. Since

then, it has been playing a

pivotal role in ICT through

the exchange of the world's

best technological

knowledge and practices

and innovation in business


New Berger Experience Zone

inaugurated in Khulna

Manager - Khulna Sales, a

press release said.

Mohsin Habib Chowdhury,

Senior General Manager,

Sales and Marketing, BPBL,

said, "Khulna is a city that is

always full of life and festivity.

As we inaugurate this

franchised outlet in the heart

of the city, we are hopeful of

adding more colors to this

festivity and celebration of

life. Now the people of Khulna

can avail of genuine, top of

line paints solutions without

any hassle."

The core objective of Berger

Experience Zones is to offer

Berger's comprehensive

painting solutions to

maximum possible

consumers across the nation.

The outlets provide various

services, such as hundreds of

color shades, vibrant palettes,

and resolve all sorts of paintrelated

queries for the

common customers.

Why Bangladesh Inc is wary of a sturdy dollar

DHAKA : A stronger US dollar

is usually grody news for

emerging market economies

with heavy dollardenominated

debt. And

Bangladesh is no exception,

reports UNB.

In this country, the

corporate sector has

borrowed heavily in foreign

currencies from external

sources at lower interest rates.

A stronger dollar has now

made their foreign debt

expensive, hitting them really

hard as they struggle to tide

over the Covid-induced

economic slowdown.

Those entrepreneurs who

took hassle-free loans from

abroad some five years agowhen

the interest rate on bank

loans in Bangladesh was more

than 12% -- are now facing the

wrath of the appreciating

dollar, having forced to count

10% more on money they

borrowed at just 3-4%


The approved debt from

external sources for

Bangladesh's private sector

stood at USD 14,003.95

million as of June 2021, of

which USD 9,601.27 million

had been repaid along with

USD 677.37 million interest.

In the January to March

quarter of the last financial

year, the approved external

debt for the private sector was

USD 617.95 million, while it

declined to USD 230.81

million in the last quarter of

2020-21 fiscal, as per

Bangladesh Bank (BB)


Experts say the size of the

Bangladeshi economy has

expanded and industrial

production has increased

significantly over the past

decade, but financing for

domestic investment still

remains a big challenge. In

addition, a large number of

entrepreneurs are still leaning

on foreign loans.

The loan money from

external sources comes to the

country in dollars or any other

currency and it has to be

repaid in that foreign

currency. For this reason, if

the exchange rate of a foreign

currency goes up, then the

borrowers will have to buy it

at a higher price, according to

the experts. Five year ago in

April 2016, one US dollar was

sold in Bangladesh at

Tk76.60. The rates remained

the same for almost three

years. However, Bangladesh

taka has lost 10% more value

over the past two years.

Posts and Telecommunications Minister Mustafa Jabbar,along with

Professor Dr. Md. Golam Rahman, Advisor of Daffodil International

University's Department of Journalism, Media and Communication and

Editor of the Daily Ajker Patrika, Prominent Film Director Amitabh Reza

Choudhury, Syed Ishtiaq Reza, editor-in-chief of GTV, RafeSadnan Adel,

Head of Media and External Relations of BRAC, Digital Media Specialist

Nurunnabi Chowdhury Hasib at the closing ceremony of the 'JMC Media

Buzz' program organized by the Department of Journalism, Media and

Communication (JMC) of Daffodil International University. Photo : Courtesy

FriDAY, NoveMber 26, 2021


Man City beats PSG, both advance

in Champions League

SportS DeSk

Fresh from scoring Manchester City's

winner, Gabriel Jesus surely would not

have intended to have a dig at Paris

Saint-Germain, reports AP.

Even if the striker's comment after

City's 2-1 win on Wednesday - as both

teams advanced in the Champions

League - did cut to the heart of the

contrasts in their performances.

"We have a lot of players who can

help the team," he said. "Everyone

wants to give good balls to other

players. Nobody is selfish."

PSG had its 11 players on the field at

the Etihad Stadium - with Lionel Messi,

Neymar and Kylian Mbappe leading

the attack - but it didn't always seem

there was a complete team out there.

"They have a lot of quality," City

manager Pep Guardiola said. "We try to

keep the players far away from the

goal." It was the less glamorous

Brazilian attacker on the scoresheet

rather than Neymar in the chill of

Manchester. Brought off the bench in

the second half to give City a No. 9,

Gabriel Jesus completed the City

comeback with a scuffed shot after

being teed up by Bernardo Silva.

"We attack well in the spaces and the

quality from Bernardo," Guardiola

said. "When you talk about the right

technique, it is that. The right tempo

and doing it in the right moment to give

your team-mate the best chance to

score the goal."

City clinched top spot in Group A and

a meeting with a runner-up in the

round of 16 in February.

"It was a bit frustrating in the first

half," Silva said, "because it felt like we

were controlling the game, we felt like

we were pressing high, winning the

ball, having the possession, but it felt

like we were not scoring again."

The clash of the competition's

wealthiest teams, who are yet to win

European football's top prize, fully

came to life in the 50th minute when

Mbappe put PSG ahead after an

interchange between Messi and

Neymar. But the attacking dominance

by City that defined the first half saw

Raheem Sterling's outstretched left foot

nudge in a cross from Kyle Walker to

equalize before the winner came in the

76th. "After the goal, we conceded at

the beginning of the second half, the

team had a great reaction," Silva said.

PSG is also sure of going through as

runner-up thanks to Leipzig beating

Club Brugge 5-0.

All four English teams will now be in

the knockout stage with a game to

spare, with City joining defending

champions Chelsea, Liverpool and

Manchester United.

Pochettino, who reached the 2019

Champions League final with

Tottenham before being fired, was

hesitant in committing his future to

PSG. "The players know very well our

situation," he said. "They know their

situation. We are living in a business

where rumours are there."

The Champions League is the trophy

Pochettino has to deliver for the Qatari

ownership. Just as Guardiola is striving

to deliver the prize with so much

investment from Abu Dhabi.

It encouraged Guardiola that his

team beat PSG -- just like in the

semifinals last season -- after losing 2-0

in the group game in Paris in


"They have a lot of quality defensively

with short passes and everything,"

Guardiola said. "We had a good game,

but the most important thing was of

course today we did it again and against

a top side."

Manchester City defeated paris Saint-Germain 2-1 on Wednesday - as both teams advanced in the

Champions League - did cut to the heart of the contrasts in their performances.

photo: Ap

Australian bowling coach

Cooley back with

England ahead of Ashes

SportS DeSk

England have appointed

Troy Cooley as a consultant

pace bowling coach ahead of

the upcoming Ashes series,

reports BSS.

The England and Wales

Cricket Board announced

Wednesday that the 55-

year-old Australian will aid

the tourists' quicks in

Brisbane under the direction

of elite pace bowling coach

Jon Lewis.

He will then assist the

seamers in England's

second-string Lions squad

when they face Australia A

in a four-day match that

starts on December 9.

Cooley was England's

bowling coach during their

2005 Ashes series success

and subsequently took up a

similar role with Australia.

He joined the England and

Lions players during the

three-day intra-squad

warm-up match that started

in Brisbane on Tuesday.

ECB performance director

Mo Bobat said in a

statement: "It's great to have

someone with Troy's

expertise and experience

supporting our Ashes prep

and also working closely

with our Lions pace bowlers.

"Troy's understanding of

what it takes to be successful

in Australian conditions is

second to none, and the

players are sure to benefit


Joe Root's men are

looking to regain the Ashes

from arch-rivals Australia

following a drawn 2019

series in England.

The first Test of an

upcoming five-match

campaign starts at

Brisbane's Gabba ground on

December 8.

Maradona is dead, long

live Maradona! World

honors 'Golden Kid'

SportS DeSk

The world will on Thursday mark the oneyear

anniversary of the death of Diego

Maradona, regarded by some as the best

player of all time and a man adored in his

home country Argentina despite, or perhaps

because of, his human flaws, reports BSS.

Argentine club matches are to mark a

minute of silence and players will arrange

themselves in a "10" formation on the pitch

to honor Maradona's famous jersey number,

while special masses will be held -- including

in the Buenos Aires slum where Maradona

grew up, to mark the day he passed away.

In Naples, where he spent part of his

career, two statues for the striker are set to be

unveiled. "We'll miss you for the rest of our

lives," said the Argentine Football League in

homage on the eve of the anniversary, with a

video of the life, goals, and many trophies of

the man nicknamed "Pibe de Oro" (Golden

Kid). Maradona died of a heart attack last

November at the age of 60, weeks after

undergoing brain surgery for a blood clot.

The former Boca Juniors, Barcelona and

Napoli star had battled cocaine and alcohol

addictions for years, and was suffering from

liver, kidney and cardiovascular disorders

when he died.His death shocked fans around

the world, and tens of thousands queued to

file past his coffin, draped in the Argentine

flag, at the presidential palace in Buenos

Aires during three days of national


He may be dead, but in Argentina

Maradona is everywhere. From ubiquitous

mural frescos that portray him as a deity to

television series about his life and even a

religion bearing his name. His two goals in

the 1986 World Cup quarter-finals, which

saw Argentina triumph over England just

four years after the Falklands War, made

Maradona an instant hero.

EU calls for 'verifiable proof'

from China on Peng Shuai

SportS DeSk

The EU is calling on China to provide

"verifiable proof" of the whereabouts and

welfare of tennis champion Peng Shuai, who

has accused a powerful politician of sexual

assault, reports BSS.

"We urge a full and transparent

investigation" into the accusations, a

spokeswoman for the EU's diplomatic service

told AFP on Wednesday.

Peng, a 35-year-old Wimbledon and

French Open doubles champion, was not

seen for more than two weeks following her

allegations that former vice-premier Zhang

Gaoli, now in his 70s, forced her into sex

during a years-long on-off relationship.

On Sunday, official photos of a Beijing

tennis tournament showed Peng among

attendees, and she participated the same day

in a video call with the head of the

International Olympic Committee.

Last week, a Chinese state-run media outlet

published what it said was a screenshot of an

email by Peng which stated that the

accusations made by tennis star were "not

true" and that "everything is fine" with her.

"We have seen Peng Shuai's presumed

remarks and footage from her public

appearance. However, the reports, both about

the allegations of abuse and the fact that she

had not been seen for two weeks, remain very

worrying," the EU spokeswoman, Nabila

Massrali, said in a statement to AFP.

A below-strength South African team will be seeking a clean sweep when they play the Netherlands

in a three-match one day international series starting at SuperSport park on Friday. photo: Ap

Australia's Boyle

sees red as Hibs

lose to Ross County

SportS DeSk

Australia's Martin Boyle was

sent off following Hibernian's

1-0 loss at Ross County on

Wednesday, just days after his

hat-trick sent the Edinburgh

club into the Scottish League

Cup final, reports BSS

Boyle's treble was the

centrepiece of Hibs' 3-1 semifinal

win over Rangers at

Hampden Park on Sunday

that secured an appearance in

next month's final against

Celtic, the other half of

Glasgow's Old Firm.

But it was a different story

on Wednesday as Hibs

suffered a fifth consecutive

loss in the Scottish


Blair Spittal's 72nd-minute

goal separated the teams at

Dingwall after the substitute's

cross evaded everyone before

finding the back of the net.

To make matters worse for

Hibs, they also had Christian

Doidge sent off after he

appeared to rake his studs

down the leg of David

Cancola, with Boyle seeing

red for comments made

towards referee Gavin

Duncan after full-time.

"I know it's for something

the referee said Martin said to

him, which Martin says he

didn't," Hibs manager Jack

Ross told BBC Radio.

Below-strength South Africa

seek breathing room from

one-day series

SportS DeSk

A below-strength South African team will be

seeking a clean sweep when they play the

Netherlands in a three-match one day

international series starting at SuperSport

Park on Friday, reports BSS.

The series forms part of the International

Cricket Council's World Cup Super League

which is a qualifying tournament for the

2023 Cricket World Cup.

Hosts India and the best-placed seven

other teams will qualify automatically for the

World Cup, with the remaining five teams in

the Super League having to play in a tenteam

qualifying tournament to fill the other

two places in India.

Although the Covid-19 pandemic has

caused an imbalance in the number of

fixtures played in the league, South Africa are

currently in ninth place, outside the

automatic qualifying places.

Victory against the Netherlands and in a

home series against Bangladesh in March

will give the Proteas some breathing space in

their qualifying bid, with potentially difficult

series against India, Australia and England

to come.

South Africa have taken a minor gamble by

resting six key players, including regular

white-ball captain Temba Bavuma, ahead of

a Test series against India next month.

They were further weakened on

Wednesday when Cricket South Africa

announced that fast bowler Lungi Ngidi had

been withdrawn from the squad after testing

positive for Covid while fellow paceman

Lizaad Williams was injured.

South Africa should still be too strong for a

Netherlands team that failed to win a match

and were eliminated after the first round of

the recent T20 World Cup.

The hosts will nevertheless be wary of the

underdogs, who beat Ireland 2-1 in June in

the only series they have played in the league.

A month later South Africa could only share

the honours against Ireland, suffering an

upset defeat in one match with another game

being rained off.

The Netherlands team includes five South

African-born players, including veteran leftarm

spinning all-rounder Roelof van der

Merwe, 36, who played in 13 one-day

internationals and 13 T20 internationals for

South Africa between 2009 and 2011.

Squads: South Africa: Keshav Maharaj

(capt), Junior Dala, Daryn Dupavillon,

Zubayr Hamza, Reeza Hendricks, Sisanda

Magala, Janneman Malan, David Miller,

Wayne Parnell, Andile Phehlukwayo,

Dwaine Pretorius, Ryan Rickelton, Tabraiz

Shamsi, Kyle Verreynne (wkt), Khaya


Netherlands: Pieter Seelaar (capt), Colin

Ackermann, Bas de Leede, Scott Edwards

(wkt), Clayton Floyd, Brandon Glover, Boris

Gorlee, Viv Kingma, Fred Klaassen, Stephan

Myburgh, Musa Nadeem, Max O'Dowd,

Timm van der Gugten, Roelof van der

Merwe, Saqib Zulfiqar.

Djokovic won't want to risk

missing Australian Open - Tiley

SportS DeSk

Nine-time Australian Open champion

Novak Djokovic won't want to risk

missing out on winning a record 21st

Grand Slam title, tournament chief

Craig Tiley predicted Thursday as a

bumper series of lead-up events was

announced, reports BSS.

All players heading to Australia for

the opening major of the year in

January must be vaccinated against

Covid, casting doubt on whether the

Serbian world number one will play.

Djokovic, who is gunning for a

record-breaking 21st Slam crown, has

refused to reveal if he has been

inoculated. "He has not shared his

status with anyone," Tiley told sports

radio station SEN.

"He believes that what you say

around your medical position is private

and he believes people should have the

right to choose."

But Tiley added: "Novak has won

nine Australian Opens and I'm sure he

wants to get to 10.

"He's on 20 Grand Slam titles as is

Rafa Nadal, who is coming, and Roger

Federer, so one of them is going to

surpass the other.

"I don't think Novak will want to

leave that feat to someone else.

"One thing is for sure, if he is playing

here in January, then he is vaccinated."

Djokovic said at the weekend that

"we'll have to wait and see" when asked

whether he will be at Melbourne Park

to defend his title.

Currently around 85 percent of

players have got the jab and Tiley said

he expected that to reach between 95

and 100 percent by January.

"We take a lot of credit for that

because we put a vaccination

requirement on it (coming to

Australia)," he said.

His comments came as the seasonopening

schedule was released after

repeated delays as organisers worked

out what could be played where as

Australia gradually relaxes state and

international borders after long Covid

lockdowns. All Australian Open leadup

events took place at Melbourne Park

this year in bio-secure conditions after

players were forced to quarantine in

hotels for 14 days. Fully vaccinated

players are expected to be able to enter

Australia without being quarantined or

confined to bubbles in 2022, with

Sydney and Adelaide returning to the

calendar. Brisbane, Perth and Hobart,

which traditionally hold events, miss

out for a second year, as does

Auckland in New Zealand.

"It is not news to anyone that the

pandemic, closed borders and varying

rates of vaccination created a massive

Nine-time Australian open champion Novak Djokovic won't want to risk

missing out on winning a record 21st Grand Slam title. photo: Ap

challenge for us and led to the changes

specifically for the summer," said Tiley.

"It's why we waited as long as

possible to secure optimal conditions

for the players and fans in as many

locations as we could."

The men's ATP Cup, won this year

by a ruthless Russian team

spearheaded by Daniil Medvedev

and Andrey Rublev, and by

Djokovic's Serbia the year before,

will kick off the season on January 1

in Sydney.

FRIDAY, NoVeMBeR 26, 2021


Faria to perform

at Sharjah


Bangladesh to mark Golden

Jubilee with 50 original songs


Forty two singers have lent their voice in a unique

project involving 50 original songs marking the Golden

Jubilee of Bangladesh and also to encourage the

production of original songs.

The songs will be coming out gradually on the

YouTube channel of the record label Akkhor Records.

The project was initiated by promising composermusic

director-singer Muntasir Tusher, also the

proprietor of Akkhor Records. He has composed and

arranged music for the songs with the lyrics penned by

lyricists like Tofail Hossain Tapan, Rajib Hasan,

Hossain Munni and Hossain Rony. "The initiative was

taken to mostly patronise creation of original songs.

Now we are going through such a time that when the

old songs are being covered or having versions with the

music re-arranged. This project of 50 songs is an

attempt to push the practice of original songs forward

and motivate the practitioners," Tusher told on


"A total of 42 artists have sung in this project. The

audios have been done meanwhile. We are expecting to

start creating videos for the songs by December," he

added. Tusher said, "Seventy per cent of the

performing artistes are new singers and the rest are

senior ones. It includes Kumar Bishwajit, Mehreen,

Badsha Bulbul, Priyanka Gope, Alok Sen, TW Sainik,

Parvez Sazzad, Pallabi, Rakiba Oyshi, Abanti Sithi,

Nandita, Monty, Sajal, Achol and many others."

"We have announced the project on Independence

Day this year by releasing a song sung by Pantha Kanai

from Akkhor Records. Our main target is to encourage

the creation of original songs," he said.

Akkhor Records released the song 'Shomukhe

Shonali Ahoban' in the voice of Pantha Kanai on its

YouTube channel in April this year, commemorating

the Golden Jubilee of Bangladesh.

Sara Ali Khan in love with both

Akshay, Dhanush in 'Atrangi Re'

'Atrangi Re' trailer came out on Wednesday and the

Sara Ali Khan, Akshay Kumar and Dhanush starrer is

served with a generous dose of magical realism.

Sara's character Rinku is caught between two worlds -

her reality today and the one she lived aeons ago. The

director, however, explains that there is a lot more to

Atrangi Re than what we glimpse in the trailer,

according to a report of Indian Express.

Every character gets a grand entry here. Sara is

especially impressive as she shows growth as an actor.

When she asks if for once a woman can have everything

in life, she voices the hopes and aspirations of her

gender who juggle life, home and love on daily basis.

Atrangi Re brings back Dhanush that Bollywood loves

so much. His performance has a genuineness and

warmth that stays with you. We believe that the film

would have made for a spectacular theatrical watch, but

it will be streaming on Disney+ Hotstar instead. It is

also refreshing to hear Tamil lines being spoken in the

film by a Tamil actor, which shows that the director

cares about representation. Akshay's character is one

that is most surreal - he rides an elephant in the entry

shot and plays with fire during a magic show, and then

delivers a sermon from the scriptures.

While the nature of the movie is not clear, what is clear

is that it is an 'atrangi' (unusual/extraordinary) love

story with characters having "pure souls", as the

filmmaker himself suggests.

Earlier, Akshay gave audience the first looks at the

characters of Sara Ali Khan, Dhanush and himself from

the upcoming film. The motion posters were shared by

the actor on social media, giving a glimpse into the

colourful world of the three characters. While Sara plays

Rinku, Dhanush will be seen as Vishu.

Recently, in an interview with Mid-Day, director

Aanand L Rai opened up on the age-gap between the

cast. Since the time the film's cast was announced, it has

been criticised from all quarters due to the age

difference between Sara (26), and the two male actors

Akshay (54) and Dhanush (38).

Source: UNB

Dhallywood model, actress Nusraat Faria Mazhar is going

to perform at the famous Sharjah International Cricket

Stadium in UAE. The actress will be performing three

popular songs of her titled 'Pataka', 'Ami Chai Thakte' and

'Habibi' at the stadium.

The Bangladesh-UAE Friendship Festival will be held on

December 3 at 4 pm local time at Sharjah Stadium. People

can enjoy Faria's performances there and tickets will be

available for purchase from today onwards.

Regarding the context Faria said, "I have heard the name

of Sharjah Stadium a lot. It feels good to think that I will

perform in that stadium this time. I will be flying soon to

take part in the event. Hope you have a great time. "

Recently, shooting of the movie 'Bangabandhu', a stateof-the-art

initiative of Bangladesh and India, has started in

Bangladesh. Faria is playing the role of Mujib's daughter

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina in the movie based on the

biography of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh

Mujibur Rahman. Faria will return to the United Arab

Emirates on December 5 to join the film's shooting unit.

Saney's 'Unique Brothers Ltd'

creating buzz in the town


With 1.15M followers on YouTube,

Unique Brothers Ltd is one of the

leading YouTube channels of

Bangladesh right now and the main

person behind is the famous

YouTuber of recent times Durjoy

Ahammed Saney.

Durjoy was born and brought up in

Keraniganj. He was born in 1999 and

in 2017 after passing out from school

and college, he took his first step

towards YouTube. He first bought a

digital camera as a hobby in

photography. But then watching

various contents of YouTube inspired

him to do something new, and that

was the start of his journey on

YouTube and the start of Unique

Brothers Ltd on YouTube.

Durjoy now is one of the top ten

YouTubers of Bangladesh with

millions of followers on Facebook and

YouTube. His amazing comic videos and contents different

from other general videos made people watch them more and

more. But the journey was not that easy at all and he didn't get

famous overnight. The videos he made didn't really get much

response at the begining. It took time for people to watch his

After several big-budget attempts at rebooting the 'Predator'

films, 'Predator 5' will debut on Hulu instead of in theaters,

showing the franchise has turned into a failure. 'Predator 5',

which is titled 'Prey', is reportedly set in the time of the

Comanche Nation 300 years ago. The film follows Naru (Amber

Midthunder), a female warrior forced to do her best Arnold

Schwarzenegger impression by protecting her tribe against an

alien predator. Dan Trachtenberg (10 Cloverfield Lane) directed

the film, and Patrick Aison (Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan) wrote the


Attempts at continuing the 'Predator' franchise always come

up short. The original film, 1987's 'Predator', was an

unambiguous hit, earning more than $98 million at the box

office on a budget under $20 million. However, sequels haven't

been so lucky. Predator 2, a 1990 follow-up that's sans

Schwarzenegger, was a box office disappointment, earning

under $60 million. And additional installments also haven't

gained much traction. Predators, a 2010 reboot, earned more

than $127 million, but the 'Predator' follow-up didn't inspire a

direct sequel. Another franchise installment came eight years

later in director Shane 'Black's The Predator'; however, behindthe-scenes

drama, reshoots, and poor CGI plagued the

production. In the end, 'The Predator' was significantly changed

from the director's version and became a critical and box office


Source: IANS

videos and enjoy them.

Durjoy said in an interview that at first,

it used to make him really sad as he used

to work so much but didn't get a

response from people. But he didn't lose

hope and had belief in himself. And soon

the different and enjoyable contents of

his channel attracted the audience and

the channel is now one of the leading

YouTube channels.

After his channel Unique Brothers Ltd

touched the milestone of million

subscribers, he got the Silver and Golden

Play button from YouTube with a

verified sign. Durjoy says he loves

making the contents for people and it

gives him happiness. He is thankful to

his family and friends for always

encouraging him and staying by his side.

Durjoy Saney is a great inspiration for

young content makers nowadays. He

encourages everyone to focus on their

creativity and work on them and also

tells them to believe in themselves. It was

his belief in himself and his contents that led Durjoy to go

forward in life and his works. Durjoy wants to keep making

videos in the future for his followers who love his content. He

also cherishes the dream of working on the big screen


'Predator 5' plan shows how

badly the franchise has failed

H o R o s c o p e


(March 21 - April 20) : You've decided

to let yourself go. You're tired of being

a perfectly controlled person. You

don't want to restrain your urges anymore!

Something in the air is different. You can express

your needs freely. Talk to your partner about your

desires. Your relationship can only benefit from

your current frame of mind.


(April 21 - May 21) : The present

planetary aspects could change your

approach to life. Almost compulsively,

you'll need to deepen your relationships

with the people you've recently met. You'll probably be

attracted to one of them, but be careful, as this person

might not feel the same way about you. Look on the

bright side. Why would you want to waste your energy

on someone who doesn't care about you?


(May 22 - June 21) : There might

be one aspect of your nature that

you ignore. You always need to be

the one in charge in a relationship.

It would be wise to change this. The planetary

configuration can help you do that now.

People will be much more receptive to your

natural charms if you can change your

controlling attitude!


(June 22 - July 23) : Don't let your

emotions get the better of you today.

If you can harness them, you'll have

the vital force of ten people. You can be invincible.

You can do whatever you feel like doing and no

one can stop you. If you share this energy with

others, they might end up feeling like you do - the

best in your whole life.


(July 24 - Aug. 23): Finally, today,

you'll know what it feels like to be in

charge of things. You'll even feel

that you were born to do it. In any

case, you'll beautifully coordinate the day.

You're the maestro conducting a full orchestra.

You'll tell those around you what to do all day

long. Isn't it fun to feel such personal power?


(Aug. 24 - Sept. 23): Unlike other

occasions, today you'll display your

true feelings. Even when you hide

them they're still there, deep inside

you. You may think that showing your feelings is

a sign of weakness, but today you'll show the

world that your heart isn't made of stone, and

you'll let yourself go.


(Sept. 24 - Oct. 23): Your behavior is

about to improve your love life.

You're no longer hung up about

your body. You're no longer

distracted by it during passionate moments.

You'll focus on and enjoy the here and now, and

you won't be lost in your thoughts like usual.

You're a new person about to experience the

pleasures of life.


(Oct. 24 - Nov. 22) : You'll have a lot of

stamina in the weeks to come. Your

energy will increase, thanks to the

prevailing planetary transits. You

thrive on your romantic desires and your

creativity. You should try to stay in control of

situations. Don't let your or anyone else's

emotions take over your life.


(Nov. 23 - Dec. 21): You're a sensual

person. You have a strong emotional

force. Today that energy will increase

and express itself vigorously. The

people you encounter will be astonished by your

power. You could easily seduce the entire world.

Try to keep this energy under control. You could be

thrown off balance and into a situation you might



(Dec. 22 - Jan. 20): You love to meet

new people and talk to them, but you

rarely get personally involved. You keep

a certain distance between you and the

person you're talking to. Today you'll wonder if

you're missing out on interesting experiences by

controlling your emotions so tightly, or if your

defenses are high for a good reason.


(Jan. 21 - Feb. 19) : You'll probably

feel a little lost today. You'll have to

come to a decision in the near future,

and your life will be greatly affected by

it. Should you listen to your desires? Should they be

in charge of your life? Or should you try to rein in

your feelings and take the more practical route? It's

something to think about.


(Feb. 20 - Mar. 20) : Today you'll

change your approach to

relationships. In the past, they

were based on feelings, but now

you'll decide that they should be more

rational. You might feel that this sudden

change of attitude could detract from your

happiness, but it could also lead to stronger,

more stable relationships.

fRIDAY, NovEMBER 26, 2021


German economy weaker than expected in third quarter

FRANKFURT : Germany lowered its

growth estimate for the third quarter on

Thursday, as clouds gathered over the

economy with the coronavirus pandemic

resurging, reports UNB.

The federal data agency said the

economy expanded by 1.7 percent in the

July to September period compared to the

previous quarter, down 0.1 percentage

points from a preliminary figure published

last month.

"The German economy's recovery

continued through the summer," Destatis

said in a statement.

But growth was decelerating, with the

third quarter figure easing from two

percent posted in the second quarter.

With new curbs imposed again in recent

days over record new Covid infections,

experts have warned that output in the last

three months of the year will be hard hit.

Already, an acute shortage of raw

materials was crimping growth in

Europe's biggest economy.

Germany's Bundesbank is now

expecting output to be flat in the fourth

quarter. For the full year, the government

forecasts that GDP will come in at 2.6

percent rather than the 3.5 percent

previously predicted.

Germany announced record

coronavirus fatalities and infections

Thursday as its total death toll passed

100,000, with its most severe virus wave

yet breaking just as a new government

prepares to take the reins.

Europe's largest economy recorded 351

fatalities in the past 24 hours, bringing the

total death toll since the start of the

pandemic to 100,119, according to figures

from the Robert Koch Institute (RKI)

health agency.

A mobile court on Thursday has fined two pharmacies Tk 3,000 for keeping expired and unauthorized

drugs in Kumarkhali upazila. The court was conducted by Upazila Assistant Commissioner

(Land) Tamanna Tasneem.

Photo: M R Nayan

Ethiopian leader called

war 'epitome of hell.'

Now he's back

NAIROBI : Ethiopian Prime

Minister Abiy Ahmed is

already a veteran at

surprising the world in just

three years in power. He's

done it again this week by

announcing that, after a year

of waging war, he will lead it

from the battlefront, reports


Abiy's rule has been short

in the vast sweep of Ethiopian

history, but he has spent

almost all his life preparing

for it. Told as a child by his

mother that she believed he

would lead Ethiopia, he now

speaks of martyrdom, if

needed, to hold the nation


Abiy rocketed to office out

of seemingly nowhere in

2018 with vows of dramatic

reforms to a long-repressive

national government. He also

announced he would make

peace with neighboring

Eritrea after years of bitter

conflict. For that, the youthful

prime minister was awarded

the Nobel Peace Prize.

Then, less than a year later,

Abiy announced his military

was at war with the leaders of

Ethiopia's northern Tigray

region, who had dominated

the previous national

government but quickly

found friction with the prime

minister. Political differences

turned to gunfire in

November 2020.

Tens of thousands of

people have been killed since

then, and close to half a

million people inside Tigray

now face the world's worst

famine crisis in a decade, one

that the United States has

called "entirely man-made."

IEA urges OPEC to take 'necessary

steps' to lower oil prices

PARIS : The head of the International Energy

Agency on Wednesday called on OPEC and its

allies to take measures to help bring oil prices

down to "reasonable levels".

"I very much hope to see in the next meeting or

meetings they... make the necessary steps in

order to comfort the global oil markets and help

bring the prices down at reasonable levels," Fatih

Birol told reporters.

The head of the IEA, which unites oil

consuming nations, also took aim at Russia over


"Russia can easily increase exports to Europe

about 15 percent... and significantly comfort the

European gas markets," said Birol.

Natural gas prices in Europe have surged this

year and Russia, the region's major supplier, has

been slow to step up deliveries.

OPEC nations and their allies, including

Russia, agreed in July to slowly increase their oil

output each month towards pre-pandemic levels

as the world economy recovers from the Covid-

19 pandemic.

Americans are spending

but inflation casts pall

over economy

WASHINGTON : Americans are doing the main thing that

drives the U.S. economy - spending - but accelerating

inflation is casting a pall.

A raft of economic data issued Wednesday showed the

economy on solid footing, with Americans' incomes rising

and jobless claims falling to a level not seen since the

Beatles were still together.

The spike in prices for everything from gas to rent,

however, will likely be the chief economic indicator

Americans discuss over Thanksgiving Day dinner.

The Commerce Department reported that U.S.

consumer spending rebounded by 1.3% in October. That

was despite inflation that over the past year has

accelerated faster than it has at any point in more than

three decades.

The jump in consumer spending last month was double

the 0.6% gain in September.

At the same time, consumer prices rose 5% compared

with the same period last year, the fastest 12-month gain

since the same stretch ending in November 1990.

"Although consumer confidence has declined in the fall

because of high inflation, households continue to spend,"

said Gus Faucher chief economist at PNC Financial.

Personal incomes, which provide the fuel for future

spending increases, rose 0.5% in October after having

fallen 1% in September, which reflected a drop in

government support payments. Pay for Americans has

been on the rise with companies desperate for workers,

and government stimulus checks earlier this year further

padded their bank accounts. That bodes well for a strong

holiday season and major U.S. retailers say they're ready

after some companies, like Walmart and Target, went to

extreme lengths to make sure that their shelves are full

despite widespread shortages.

Gift campaigns and hygienic kits have been distributed in Pirganj upazila of

Thakurgaon. The materials were distributed at the office room of Pirganj CDP

organized by Good Neighbors Bangladesh on Thursday afternoon. During the

time, Pirganj Upazila Chairman Akhtarul Islam, Mayor Ikramul Haque, UP

Chairman Ekramul Haque and Pirganj CDP Senior Manager Peter Tuhin

Bairagi were among others present at the occasion. Photo: Bishnupada Roy

S (21) (325)

GD-1734/21 (6x5)

They have declined to move faster despite a

jump in prices to over $80 per barrel, a level that

many analysts worry could undermine the global

economic recovery.

They are due to review their strategy at a

meeting in December.

The United States and a handful of other oil

consuming nations announced on Tuesday

releases of supplies from their strategic

petroleum reserves.

The move is aimed at blunting soaring prices at

the pump that are biting into consumers'

pocketbooks and pushing up transportation

costs."The rise in oil prices is placing a burden on

consumers in these countries and also in several

emerging countries," Birol said.

"It also puts additional pressure on inflation in

a period where economic recovery remains

uneven and still faces a number of risks," he

added.Inflation is pushing central banks towards

raising interest rates, a move which would slow

the global economic recovery as well as dent oil


GD-1731/21 (10x4)

Friday, dhaka: november 26, 2021; Agrahyan 11, 1428 Bs; Rabius-sani 20, 1443 hijri

'We've a very transparent

democracy': FM Momen

DHAKA : Foreign Minister Dr AK Abdul

Momen on Thursday said Bangladesh

maintains a "very stable and transparent"

democracy and the US might have

invited those countries with weak

democracies for its Democracy Summit,

reports UNB.

"We've had a stable democracy over the

last several years, a very clear and transparent

democracy. Free and fair voting is

happening," he told reporters while

responding to questions on Democracy

Summit. After attending a programme in

the city, the Foreign Minister voters can

cast their votes freely and anybody can

contest elections if they want.

In Myanmar, Afghanistan many cannot

vote, said the Foreign Minister. "In

our country, all people can vote. When

there's a will, there's a way. From that

perspective, we're much better."

Dr Momen said those who are weak

were convened and the US side said they

DSCC truck's proxy

driver remanded

over Notre Dame

student's death

DHAKA : A Dhaka court yesterday

placed the man that was driving a killer

garbage truck that ran over a student of

Notre Dame College, leaving him dead

on the spot, on three-day remand in the

case filed in this regard. Dhaka

Additional Magistrate Tofazzal Hossain

passed the order as police produced

Russel Khan before the court and pleaded

to place him on seven-day remand.

Father of victim Nayeem Hasan, a

second-year student of the college, filed

the case under Road and Transport Act

last night with capital's Paltan Police

Station. Russel, who was nabbed by the

people on the spot, was shown arrested

in the case. The Dhaka South City

Corporation garbage truck, being driven

by the proxy driver Russel, who is

not a regular staff of the DSCC but used

to work as a helper of the vehicle, hit

and ran over the Nayeem in Gulistan

area on November 24.

Rohingya relocation

will hold the Summit in two phases.

In the first phase, some countries that

are weak in democracy will join.

He said there is nothing to be worried

as the people of Bangladesh will work

for further strengthening the democracy,

if required. Dr Momen said the US

itself faced problems in the recent past

despite being an old democracy. Those

who are weak in democracy were possibly

called by the US. "I don't say they've

dropped us."

Since day one, the Biden-Harris

Administration has made it clear that

renewing democracy in the United

States and around the world is essential

to meet the unprecedented challenges of


President Joe Biden stated on the

International Day of Democracy, "No

democracy is perfect, and no democracy

is ever final. Every gain made, every barrier

broken, is the result of determined,

Gender-based violence

Media must be more


DHAKA : Faruq Faisel, Regional Director

for ARTICLE 19 South Asia, has said

media must be more responsible in reporting

and broadcasting the incidents of gender-based

violence, reports UNB.

For this, he said, the journalists involved

in reporting also need training on the use

of gender sensitive language.

On the occasion of the 16 days of

activism and International Day for the

Elimination of Violence against Women

(VAW), ARTICLE 19 on Thursday hosted

an online discussion with experts and

activists on gender-based violence and the

systemic VAW issues in Bangladesh.

This year's United Nations theme is

"Orange the World: End Violence against

Women Now!".

Fawzia Khondker Eva, Core Group

Member of 'Sangat', a feminist network in

South Asia, Dr Snigdha Rezwana, faculty

at the Department of Anthropology at

Jahangirnagr University and Aparajita

unceasing work."

On December 9-10, President Biden

will host the first of two Summits for

Democracy, which will bring together

leaders from government, civil society,

and the private sector to set forth an

affirmative agenda for democratic

renewal and to tackle the greatest threats

faced by democracies today through collective


The virtual summit will focus on challenges

and opportunities facing democracies

and will provide a platform for

leaders to announce both individual and

collective commitments, reforms, and

initiatives to defend democracy and

human rights at home and abroad.

For the United States, the summit will

offer an opportunity to listen, learn, and

engage with a diverse range of actors

whose support and commitment is critical

for global democratic renewal,

according to White House.

Sangita, a human rights activist and an

international award-winning independent

filmmaker, spoke at the event as discussants

with Faruq Faisel in the chair.

Eva said patriarchal mindset is the main

obstacle to women's development and

empowerment, not men. "Women and

girls are the first victims of poverty, violence

and even pandemics due to this

mindset. Everyone, especially the media,

must come forward to dispel this misconception."

Dr Rezwana called for practising sensitivity

and ethics in reporting the incidents

of gender-based violence in the media.

She said victims are emotionally and

socially devastated by the use of inappropriate

and sexiest language in describing

incidents of rape and violence against


Aparajita Sangita said transgender characters

are portrayed in a very offensive and

negative way in dramas and movies.

379 refugees leave for Bhasan Char

MAnik BhuiyAn, noAkhAli CoRResPondenT

As many as 379 Rohingya refugees left

Chattogram port for Bhasan Char on a

naval ship Thursday morning. These

refugees are part of some 1,500

Rohingyas slated to be relocated to the

island in the seventh phase.

Shamsuddauja, additional refugee

relief and repatriation commissioner in

Cox's Bazar, said naval ship Penguin carrying

the forcibly displaced Myanmar

nationals left the port at 10am after an

overnight stay at a military transit camp

at Patenga in Chattogram.

According to Navy sources in

Chattogram, 257 Rohingyas in the first

group and 122 Rohingyas in the second

group were brought from Ukhia in seven

buses to the Navy's transit camp at

Patenga Wednesday, where initial health

check-ups were carried out and food was

provided to them.

The personal belongings of the 379

Rohingyas have already reached Bhasan

Char, the sources added.

About 1,500-2,000 Rohingya men,

women and children willing to go to

Bhasan Char in the seventh phase have

gathered at the temporary transit

point-Ukhiya Degree College-since

Tuesday noon.

Jamalida Begum, leader of the Arakan

Rohingya Society for Peace and Human

Rights (ARSPH) in Ukhia, said the residents

of the camp in Ukhia are terrified

after the killing of Rohingya leader

Mohib Ullah and the gun attack on a

As many as

379 Rohingya

refugees left


port for

Bhasan Char

on a naval

ship Thursday



refugees are

part of

some 1,500


slated to be

relocated to

the island in

the seventh


Photo : TBT

madrasa in Rohingya camp. "So, most of

the Rohingyas are willing to move to

Bashan Char."

Meanwhile, Mohammad Rafiqul

Islam, officer-in-charge of Bhasan Char

Police, said about 1,500 Rohingya

refugees are expected to reach Bhasan

Char in the seventh phase. "All the

preparations have been completed to

receive them," he added.

In six phases, over 18,500 Rohingyas

have been shifted to Bhasan Char so far.

Bangladesh is currently hosting over

1.1 million Rohingyas in camps in Cox's

Bazar and Bhasan Char. Most of them

have come to this country since August

25, 2017, when the Myanmar military

launched a brutal offensive targeting the

Muslim ethnic minorities.

Arrest warrant

issued against

Ruhul Kabir Rizvi

DHAKA : A Dhaka court yesterday

issued arrest warrant against BNP senior

joint secretary general Ruhul Kabir Rizvi

in a case lodged under Special Powers

Act with capital's Badda Police Station.

Dhaka Senior Special Judge KM Imrul

Qayesh passed the order, accepting the

charge-sheet filed in the case, public prosecutor

(PP) Tapos Kumar Paul told BSS.

"Thursday was fixed for passing order

on accepting the charge-sheet in the case

filed in January, 2015. But the accused

failed to appear before the court for the

proceedings. The court accepted the

charge-sheet and issued arrest warrant

against him," the PP said.

Dhaka for commencing

'Political Dialogue'

with EU next year

DHAKA : Dhaka is looking forward to

commencing the 'Political Dialogue'

with the European Union (EU) next

year, reports BSS.

This was revealed while EU

Ambassador to Bangladesh Charles

Whiteley met State Minister for Foreign

Affairs Md. Shahriar Alam at the latter's

office on Wednesday, a press release said

During the meeting Alam appreciated

the EU's role as a development and trading

partner amid the COVID-19 pandemic

and looked forward to commencing

the 'Political Dialogue' with the EU

next year.

The EU ambassador said that "certain

provision of concern for Bangladesh's

RMG industry is being looked into further

in Brussels".

The state minister underscored the

need for enhanced bilateral cooperation

in climate action.

Alam encouraged the European

Investment Bank to further support

regional hydropower projects, alongside

other solar regional connectivity projects.

He thanked the EU for its constructive

engagement with Bangladesh's

Universal Periodic Review (UPN) recommendations

implementation under the

UN Human Rights Council. They also

discussed some issues concerning labour

rights and migration. Ambassador

Whiteley briefed the state minister about

some of the upcoming bilateral engagements

in the coming year.

Ataullah Mandal

as Gazipur unit

acting general

secretary of AL

DHAKA : Awami League has named

Md Ataullah Mandal as the acting

general secretary of the party's

Gazipur metropolitan unit replacing

disgraced Zahangir Alam who has

recently been expelled from the party,

according a press release on

Thursday, reports UNB.

Ataullah was chosen by the Awami

League's Central Executive Committee,

said the release signed by the party's

Office Secretary Biplob Barua.

The post fell vacant on November 19

after Awami League expelled Zahangir,

also the mayor of Gazipur, for life over

allegations of making derogatory comments

on Bangabandhu and martyred

freedom fighters, He also lost primary

membership of the party.

Awami League has decided to take

legal action against Jahangir.

Winter actually

starts with

selling vapa

pitha in


corners of

Rajshahi city.

These popular

pithas are sold

from morning

till night. The

picture is taken

from Tultuli

Para, Rajshahi.

Photo :

star Mail

Hasina's strong solidarity

message to Erdogan

elevated ties : Envoy

DHAKA : Turkish Ambassador to

Bangladesh Mustafa Osman Turan

has listed two watershed moments of

solidarity that elevated the relations

between Bangladesh and Turkey to a

new height and could make it stronger

with the exchange of high-level visits

in the coming days, reports UNB.

He said there are some circles that

do not want to see Bangladesh and

Turkey stay so close but Turkey will

not fall into that trap if there is any

attempt to spoil the "long-standing

and deep-rooted" relations.

"There may be some disagreements,

which are sometimes unfortunately

misinterpreted, but we are too close,"

said the ambassador without naming

the circles. "You can interpret it as you

hear it. I am not here to name names."

Ambassador Turan made the

remarks while interacting with the

members of the Diplomatic

Correspondents Association,

Bangladesh (DCAB) at the embassy on


DCAB Vice-President Md Mahfuzur

Rahman Mishu and General Secretary

AKM Moinuddin also spoke.

Referring to the two significant

moments of solidarity, he said Prime

Minister Sheikh Hasina was one of the

first world leaders to send a strong

message of solidarity to President

Recep Tayyip Erdogan after the "very

unfortunate coup attempt" in Turkey

in 2016.

"No other countries, not even

Turkey's allies in Europe, sent a message

to the Turkish government but

Bangladesh did. That shows how close

the two countries are."

Referring to the second moment of

solidarity between the two countries,

the envoy said Turkey's First Lady

Emine Erdogan visited Bangladesh

immediately after the Rohingya crisis

had begun in 2017.

"Probably Turkey is the country

which understands Bangladesh the

best when it comes to hosting over a

million Rohingya refugees. We are

hosting more than 4 million refugees,"

he mentioned.

The ambassador said they are very

much present on the ground in Cox's

Bazar to support the Rohingyas and

the host communities. "However,

repatriation of the Rohingyas should

be the real solution to the crisis."

There was a strain on bilateral relations

as Turkey reacted following the

execution of war criminals and top

Jamaat leaders who had assisted the

Pakistan army and participated in

genocide during the nine-month

Liberation War of Bangladesh in 1971

and committed crimes against


About Turkey's current position on

Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami, the

ambassador said they do not have a

position on political parties in

Bangladesh. "We have a position on

our bilateral relations."

Ambassador Turan said it is up to

Bangladesh and its people how they

will treat political parties and Turkey

respects Bangladesh's position as a

friendly country.

He said Turkey and Bangladesh

enjoy long-standing and deep-rooted

relations and nothing can change that.

Responding to a question on a highlevel

visit, the ambassador said

President Erdogan will visit

Bangladesh to take relations to the

next stage. "We are working on it and

trying to decide the best time to make

that happen."

Also, he said they see no obstacles to

further improving the relations

between the two countries. "We

should have some highest level bilateral

visits at the level of the president

and prime minister."

When such visits take place, the

ambassador said, the relations will

certainly become stronger with the

signing of many bilateral and business

deals. "Our relations are gradually


Steam generators installed

at Unit-1 of Rooppur NPP

DHAKA : All four steam generators

have been installed at the design position

at Unit-1 of the Rooppur Nuclear

Power Project (RNPP), reports UNB.

Specialists of Energospecmontazh, a

subcontracting organization of the

Rosatom State Corporation

Engineering Division, have carried out

assembly operations to install the

steam generators at their regular position

in the reactor compartment in

accordance with the approved schedule,

said the Rosatom in a statement on


"Another important stage of the

installation works has been completed

at Power Unit- 1", said Aleksey Deriy,

Vice-President of ASE and Director of

the Rooppur NPP Construction


The steam generators being installed

in the permanent position allows starting

welding works on the main circulation

pipeline to connect the primary

circuit equipment, such as: a reactor,

steam generators, main circulation

pumps, he added. The steam generators

were manufactured for the

Rooppur NPP at the Atommash plant

(branch of AEM-Technologies) in

Volgodonsk of Russia. Each complete

steam generator is about 14-meterlong,

more than 4 meters in width and

weighs 350 tons.

The steam generators are the main

equipment of the reactor plant circulation

circuit and are designed to transfer

the heat produced in the reactor

core to the secondary circuit, where the

steam to rotate the turbine to generate


The Rooppur NPP is designed and

constructed by the Rosatom State

Corporation Engineering Division as

the General Contractor.

The plant will consist of two

Generation III+ VVER-1200 reactor

power units with an expected life cycle

of 60 years and a provision extension

for another 20 years.

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