2021 Winter Shaggy Sheet

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Your generosity makes our lifesaving work<br />

possible. It is our privilege to assist you with your charitable<br />

giving. To ensure your year-end giving goes smoothly, please<br />

review these dates and giving options below to provide your<br />

ongoing support of Peggy Adams Animal Rescue League.<br />

All gifts must be date-stamped or processed by<br />

December 31, the IRS deadline for yearly tax<br />

deduction eligibility. Stock: Allow five business days<br />

to complete the stock transfer by December 31<br />

at 5pm<br />

Please contact me if I can help you with your<br />

end of year giving.<br />

Kati Erickson, CAP® at 561-472-8576<br />

or K.Erickson@PeggyAdams.org<br />

Types of Gifts<br />

Peggy Adams can accept a variety of assets to support<br />

your year-end charitable giving, including appreciated<br />

stock, IRA Rollovers, or simple gifts via cash or<br />

credit card.<br />

Appreciated Stock<br />

Donating stock (vs. cash) can save you a lot of money<br />

and Peggy Adams will get to keep more, meaning<br />

everybody wins! Make a bigger impact by donating<br />

long-term appreciated securities, including stock,<br />

bonds, and mutual funds. You can reduce or even<br />

eliminate federal capital gains taxes on the transfer.<br />

You may also be entitled to a federal income tax<br />

charitable deduction based on the fair market value of<br />

the securities at the time of the transfer.<br />

Donor Advised Fund<br />

Contributing to Peggy Adams through your Donor<br />

Advised Fund gives you the flexibility to support the<br />

animals while enjoying some favorable tax benefits.<br />

You can recommend a grant or recurring grants now<br />

to make an immediate impact. It’s a great way to<br />

simplify your charitable giving.<br />

IRA Charitable Rollover<br />

One specific giving opportunity for donors 70½ or<br />

older, is the IRA Charitable Rollover. Donors can<br />

transfer up to $100,000 annually from IRA accounts<br />

to public charities like Peggy Adams without being<br />

subject to federal income taxes on the distribution.<br />

Take advantage of this opportunity by December 31.<br />

Endowment Gift<br />

Peggy Adams has an Endowment Fund with the<br />

Community Foundation for Palm Beach and Martin<br />

Counties. Contact us to see how your gift can be<br />

designated to be endowed to benefit Peggy Adams<br />

FOREVER.<br />

Online Giving<br />

One-time or monthly donations can be made by<br />

credit card through PeggyAdams.org/Donate<br />

16 Peggy Adams Animal Rescue League

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