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Summer issue of Adventure Magazine Summer issue of Adventure Magazine

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THE COINS OF JUDAS photographic exploitation? By Steve Dickinson There is possibly no greater betrayal than that of the kiss planted by Judas Iscariot after the last supper in the garden of Gethsemane. This smacker on Jesus’ cheek, this insignificant act of affection, condemned Jesus and eventually Judas to death. Judas received 30 pieces of sliver, most likely 30 shekels, about $3.50 – a price he eventually tried to return, but overwhelmed with remorse he hung himself. The 30 pieces of silver he earned bought the land he ultimately was buried, in as he was not deemed worthy to be buried with ordinary people. I am sure there is a moral there but that is not our path. "Then one of the twelve, named Judas Iscariot went to the chief priests and said, "What are you willing to give me to betray Him to you?" And they weighed out thirty pieces of silver to him. From then on, he began looking for a good opportunity to betray Jesus." Matthew 25.14-16 The ‘coins of Judas’ refer to the price that we are happy to receive to sacrifice that which is close to our heart, that which we hold special, that which is uniquely ours, and that which to some may deem priceless but to others is worth little more than 30 pieces of Pharisee’s silver. There is debate and aggressive dispute over the exploitation of our natural environment and the activities that go on within it. On one side ‘locals’ who don’t want to share, don’t want the crowds, who simply don’t want the exposure. On to the other side of the scale you have the magazine, video, YouTube, social media, etc who all want to display the beauty of that environment and the fun that can be had. And somewhere in the middle between ‘keep it quiet’ and ‘show the world’ is the photographer trying to capture those moments of splendour. 22//WHERE ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS/#229

Top: Photographers are everywhere in Hawaii Above: Our editor, Steve Dickinson, in the blue t-shirt at Teahupoo in Tahiti during Code Red 2011

Top: Photographers are everywhere in Hawaii<br />

Above: Our editor, Steve Dickinson, in the blue t-shirt at Teahupoo in Tahiti during Code Red 2011

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