

WedneSdayDHaka: November 24, 2021; agrahyan 9, 1428 BS; Rabius-Sani 18,1443 Hijriwww.thebangladeshtoday.com; www.bangladeshtoday.netRegd.No.Da~2065, Vol.19; N o. 203; 12 Pages~Tk.8.00internationalUS announces moresanctions overRussian gas pipeline>Page 7SPortSDortmund withoutHaaland and Hummelsin Lisbon showdown>Page 9art & culture'Rehana Maryam Noor'secures nomination at FiveFlavours Film Festival>Page 10Bangavax finally getsapproval for human trialDHAKA : Bangladesh Medical ResearchCouncil (BMRC) has approved in principleGlobe Biotech Limited's Covid-19 vaccineBangavax for human trial, reportsUNB."BMRC has given the approval in principlefor administering Covid-19 vaccine ofBangavax and we'll submit an applicationto the Bangladesh Directorate General ofDrug Administration (DGDA), seeking itspermission for the clinical trial. The administrationof its jabs will start once the finalapproval is given," said Dr MohamamdMohiuddin, senior manager of BMRC'sQuality and Regulatory Department.BMRC Director Dr Ruhul Amin signedthe letter of approval issued on Tuesday.Globe Biotech Limited has claimed thatBangavax is 100% effective for fighting 11variants of Covid-19, including the Deltavariant.On January 17, Globe Biotech, the onlySHAfiquL iSLAM (JAMi)Zohr05:00 AM11:50 PM03:35 PM05:15 PM06:35 PM6:19 5:11Bangladeshi company trying to develop aCovid-19 vaccine, submitted an applicationto the BMRC for approval to conductBangavax's clinical trials.On June 16, the BMRC decided toapprove Globe Biotech's Covid-19 vaccine,Bangavax, for human trials.Globe Biotech received a licence to producetheir potential vaccine for trial onDecember 28 last year.The BMRC, which oversees all such trials,got back to them in June with certainconditions that had to be met before theclinical trials could go ahead.The key condition was that GlobeBiotech would have to run trials on monkeysor chimpanzees first.One of the bottlenecks the companyidentified at the time was that the countrydid not have a third-party clinical researchorganization (CRO) that could conductsuch tests on animals.ECNEC approves 10projectsincluding MatarbariTen projects have been approved in themeeting of the Executive Committee of theNational Economic Council (ECNEC).The total cost of the approved projects hasbeen estimated at TK 29,344.27 crore. Ofthis, TK 11,330 million will be spent fromgovernment funds, TK 18,932.04 millionfrom loans and the rest will be spent fromthe agency's own funds. The ECNECmeeting started at 10 am on Tuesday(November 23). The Prime Minister andECNEC Chairperson Sheikh Hasinapresided over the meeting by joining theNEC conference room in Sher-e-BanglaNagar via video conference fromGanobhaban. On the other hand, concernedministers and secretaries werepresent in the NEC conference room.After the ECNEC meeting PlanningMinister MA Mannan and State Ministerfor Planning Dr. Shamsul Alam gavedetails about ECNEC meeting in the pressconference.At the press conference, the state ministerfor planning said that ECNEC hasapproved the 1st amendment of theMatarbari Ultra Super Critical Coal FiredPower Plant construction project byincreasing the expenditure by TK 15,870crore. At present the cost of the project is51 thousand 854 crore.He said Prime Minister Sheikh Hasinahad instructed to bring Matarbari projectsunder one authority. For this, it is necessaryto make a separate authority only forthe matarbari.On the other hand, the planning ministersaid, in today's meeting, the flyover andphysical infrastructure development projectin Haor area at a cost of TK 3,490 crorehas been approved. The project will connectthe two districts side by side.Although Netrokona and Sunamganj aretwo adjoining districts, communicationwas cut off for most of the year. However,the communication system of these two districtswas established through this project.The approved projects are: 1.'Modernization of Bangladesh MarineAcademy through InfrastructuralRestructuring' project. 2. `Upgradation ofAricha (Barangail)-Ghior-Daulatpur-Nagarpur-Tangail Regional Highway (R-506) to appropriate standard and width'project. 3. Project for widening and developmentof National Highway (N-806) inNarail city part. 4. 'Establishing DigitalConnectives (Digital Connectivity)' project.5. 'Rural Transport ImprovementProject-2 (RTIP-2) (Third Amendment)'project. 6. 'Important Rural InfrastructureDevelopment of Sylhet Division' (1stAmendment) Project. 7. 'Development offlyovers and physical infrastructure inHaor area' project. 8. 'Polder No-14/1Rehabilitation of Khulna District' project.9. 'Disaster Risk Management Expansion(Component-1, Bapaubo Part)' project. 10.'Matarbari 2600 MW Ultra Super CriticalCoal Fired Power Project (1stAmendment)' project.Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina presided over the meeting of Bangladesh Awami League LocalGovt Representative Nomination Board at Ganobhaban on Tuesday. Photo : Star MailSending Khaleda abroadPro-BNP lawyerssubmit memo toLaw MinisterDHAKA : A delegation of pro-BNPlawyers on Tuesday submitted a memorandumto Law Minister Anisul Huq seekingthe government's permission to sendailing Khaleda Zia abroad for treatment,reports UNB.They argued that there is no legal obstructionfor the government in allowing Khaledato go abroad. The delegation, led byAdvocate Fazlur Rahman, member secretaryof Bangladesh Jatiyatabadi AinjibiForum (BJAF), met the Law Minister at hissecretariat office around 1:45pm and submittedthe memorandum to him.In the memorandum, the lawyers saidthe BNP chairperson and three-time(former) Prime Minister Khaleda Ziahas been receiving treatment inCoronary Care Unit of Evercare Hospitalin a critical condition.They said the specialist doctors who aretreating her have already given an opinionto send her abroad for advanced treatment."We the lawyers are concerned overthe deterioration of health condition of thecountry's three-time former PrimeMinister...we think it's imperative to allowher to go abroad for advanced treatmentin a bid to save her life."They mentioned that the governmentreleased Khaleda as per section 401 (1) ofthe Code of Criminal Procedure (CrPC)with two conditions and the tenure of herrelease was extended thrice.GDP size stands at Taka 34,840bat current prices in FY21DHAKA : The size of the Gross DomesticProduct (GDP) in the last fiscal year (FY21)stood at Taka 34,840 billion at currentprices as per the new base year of 2015-16.The GDP growth of the country recorded5.43 per cent also in the last fiscal year,according to the provisional estimation ofthe Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS).The BBS data showed that the per capitaincome of the country in the last fiscal year(FY21) stood at $2,554 or Taka 2,16,589which was $2,326 or Taka 1,97,199 in theprevious fiscal year (FY20), according tothe fresh base year of 2015-16. The BBShas already completed the necessary worksfor updating the GDP base year from2005-06 to 2015-16.Revealing the latest provisional figures ofthe BBS which were also placed before theECNEC meeting, Planning Minister MAMannan said that the base year has beenupdated for which newer areas have beenbrought under the calculation."As a result, the overall GDP size hasbeen increased as well as the per capitaincome," he added.He informed that the foreign currencyreserves are nearing $50 billion while thecountry's literacy rate above 15 years alsoreached 75.2 per cent. However, the povertyrate remains at 20.5 per cent while thelife expectancy reached 72.8 years.The Planning Minister informed that theGDP growth rate in the last fiscal year(FY21) reached 5.43 per cent which was thehighest in this South Asian region despitethe shocks of the COVID-19 pandemic.The BBS data also showed that comparedto the base year 2005-06 to 2015-16,the GDP size in current prices witnessed a19.8 per cent increase in FY16 compared tothe year 2015-16 to 2020-21, the GDP sizeover the last six years at current prices witnesseda 17 per cent increase.Out of the overall GDP size of Taka34,840 billion in FY21 at current prices, theshare of the agriculture sector is Taka 4,061billion, the industries sector Taka 11,362billion while the services sector Taka18,098 billion as per the fresh base year.Meanwhile, if compared at constantprices, the GDP size in the last fiscalyear stood at Taka 27,939 billion,according to the new base year. As perthe fresh base year, the country's investmentratio to GDP stood at 30.76 percent, while the national savings ratio toGDP at 32.15 per cent.Bangladesh can act as role modelin addressing climate change:PMDHAKA : Prime Minister Sheikh Hasinahas said although Bangladesh is affectedby the adverse impacts of climate change,it can act as a role model before the worldin addressing climate change."Bangladesh is especially affected bynegative effects of climate change and canfunction as a role model to the developedand developing world," she wrote in anarticle published in Washington basedfamous Diplomat magazine on Monday,reports BSS. Following is the full article bySheikh Hasina:Climate Change Through the Lens ofBangladeshAs Bangladesh is located at the end ofthe drainage basin of mighty Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna River systems, it isprone to climate-related disasters. Therecent report of the IntergovernmentalPanel on Climate Change painted an irreversibleand irrefutable future, specificallyfor South and Southeast Asia. An increasingmonsoon will lead to variability in locallevels of rainfall and to frequent and intermittentflooding events. As a result, thecoastal zone of Bangladesh will be highlysusceptible to inundation and salinity,which will most likely hamper agriculturalproduction and affect food security.Natural disasters linked to climate changeare threatening the lives of the people andof future generations of the country.This impending doom drives us toenhance the resilience of infrastructures,institutional capacity, and financial preparedness,and to help vulnerable communitiesto adapt and manage residualrisks. There are several experiences andbest practices that Bangladesh can sharewith developed and developing countries.As chair of the Climate VulnerableForum (CVF) - a coalition of 48 countriesfrom Asia, Africa, the Caribbean, thePacific, and South America - Bangladeshhas pioneered in the preparation of thecomprehensive Mujib Climate ProsperityPlan. Launched in July this year, it is thefirst plan of a CVF country with a strategicinvestment framework to mobilize financingthrough international cooperation toimplement climate-resilience initiatives.Germany as a resource-rich country mayplay an important role in this regard.Key initiatives of the program includerenewable energy, energy-storage infrastructure,power-grid modernization, and emissiontrading. The instrument also extends itsspotlights to future-proof Bangladesh'sindustries, locally led adaptation outcomes,and the financial protection of micro, small,and medium enterprises. In addition, thedevelopment of climate-resilient and naturebasedagriculture and fisheries, environment-friendlytransport, and climateresilientwell-being programs are pivotal tothis visionary document.With the global transition toward theSustainable Development Goals, my governmenthas initiated an overall plan forBangladesh to become a developed countryby 2041. As a result, the country's economicgrowth trajectory has maintainedsmooth momentum even amid the prevailingCOVID-19 crisis and despite a risingpopulation, limited land resources andfrequent natural disasters.Simultaneously, we have been boostingthe country's agricultural production duringthe previous 20 years. Our annual rice productionhas almost tripled between 1971 and2020. To date, more than 100 high-yielding,modern rice varieties have been developedand distributed to the farmers, includingless water-intensive and more heat-tolerantvarieties. In addition, floating agriculture ispracticed in many areas of Bangladesh tomeet the food demand, mitigating societalchallenges and ensuring the conservation ofbiodiversity and the ecosystem.SC upholds top fugitivemilitant Salehin'sdeath penaltyDHAKA : The Supreme Court onTuesday upheld the death penalty ofSalauddin Salehin, a dreaded militantfrom the banned JMB, who was convictedin the 2004 killing of Goni Gomez ofJamalpur, reports UNB.A five-member bench of the AppellateDivision, led by Chief Justice Syed MahmudHossain passed the order after hearing apetition. Salehin has been a fugitive since2015 when his militant abducted him from aprison van carrying him to Mymensingh jailafter a gun attack in Trishal upazila.The court did not consider the appealof Rakib, another death-row convict inthe case, as he already died.Deputy Attorney General BiswajitDebnath represented the state.In 2006, Dhaka Speedy Trial Tribunalsentenced Salehin and Rakib to death inthe case and later the High Court (HC)upheld sentence rejecting their appeal.Rejected by the HC the two appealedthe death sentence before the SupremeCourt. Additional Attorney GeneralMehedi Hasan Chowdhury said GoniGomez, owner of a pharmacy, who hadconverted to Christian from Muslim, waskilled by the JMB men. Rakib, anotheraccused in the case, was killed in a gunfightwith police in 2015.Demo for half bus fareStudents give 48-hour ultimatumDHAKA : Students of different collegesin the city on Tuesday afternoonthreatened to resume demonstrationson Saturday morning if their two-pointdemand, including half fare for busrides for them, is not met by 48 hours,reports UNB.Students of Dhanmondi IdealCollege blocked Science Laboratoryintersection in the city around 12:30pm, demanding half fare for studentsin public transport. Later, studentsfrom Dhaka City College and otheradjacent colleges expressed solidaritywith them and joined the demonstrations,halting traffic on the busy road.Adnan, a student of DhanmondiIdeal College, said, "They gave a 48-hour ultimatum and threatened toresume their movement on Saturday iftheir demands - half fare for studentsand safety of students, especiallyfemale ones - are not met by Friday."Mahmudul Hasan Rafi, a student ofDhaka City College, said, "Ideal Collegestudents were obstructed by police onMonday while inspecting whether studentswere allowed to pay half fare inbuses. Besides, the students also face safetyproblem. The students of Dhaka Collegeand City College expressed their solidaritywith the students of Ideal College."Ikram Ali Mia, officer-in-charge ofDhanmondi Police Station, said,"Police are there to tackle any untowardincident though no unwantedincident has been reported yet."Some areconstructionworkers,some areauto-rickshawdrivers,some areshop-workers,some areoffice peons.They areknown asteenage gangsin the capital.The name oftheir groupis 'Vibba LaKing'.Photo :Star Mail


DHaka: November 24, 2021; agrahyan 9, 1428 BS; Rabius-Sani 18,1443 Hijri

www.thebangladeshtoday.com; www.bangladeshtoday.net

Regd.No.Da~2065, Vol.19; N o. 203; 12 Pages~Tk.8.00


US announces more

sanctions over

Russian gas pipeline

>Page 7


Dortmund without

Haaland and Hummels

in Lisbon showdown

>Page 9

art & culture

'Rehana Maryam Noor'

secures nomination at Five

Flavours Film Festival

>Page 10

Bangavax finally gets

approval for human trial

DHAKA : Bangladesh Medical Research

Council (BMRC) has approved in principle

Globe Biotech Limited's Covid-19 vaccine

Bangavax for human trial, reports


"BMRC has given the approval in principle

for administering Covid-19 vaccine of

Bangavax and we'll submit an application

to the Bangladesh Directorate General of

Drug Administration (DGDA), seeking its

permission for the clinical trial. The administration

of its jabs will start once the final

approval is given," said Dr Mohamamd

Mohiuddin, senior manager of BMRC's

Quality and Regulatory Department.

BMRC Director Dr Ruhul Amin signed

the letter of approval issued on Tuesday.

Globe Biotech Limited has claimed that

Bangavax is 100% effective for fighting 11

variants of Covid-19, including the Delta


On January 17, Globe Biotech, the only



05:00 AM

11:50 PM

03:35 PM

05:15 PM

06:35 PM

6:19 5:11

Bangladeshi company trying to develop a

Covid-19 vaccine, submitted an application

to the BMRC for approval to conduct

Bangavax's clinical trials.

On June 16, the BMRC decided to

approve Globe Biotech's Covid-19 vaccine,

Bangavax, for human trials.

Globe Biotech received a licence to produce

their potential vaccine for trial on

December 28 last year.

The BMRC, which oversees all such trials,

got back to them in June with certain

conditions that had to be met before the

clinical trials could go ahead.

The key condition was that Globe

Biotech would have to run trials on monkeys

or chimpanzees first.

One of the bottlenecks the company

identified at the time was that the country

did not have a third-party clinical research

organization (CRO) that could conduct

such tests on animals.

ECNEC approves 10projects

including Matarbari

Ten projects have been approved in the

meeting of the Executive Committee of the

National Economic Council (ECNEC).

The total cost of the approved projects has

been estimated at TK 29,344.27 crore. Of

this, TK 11,330 million will be spent from

government funds, TK 18,932.04 million

from loans and the rest will be spent from

the agency's own funds. The ECNEC

meeting started at 10 am on Tuesday

(November 23). The Prime Minister and

ECNEC Chairperson Sheikh Hasina

presided over the meeting by joining the

NEC conference room in Sher-e-Bangla

Nagar via video conference from

Ganobhaban. On the other hand, concerned

ministers and secretaries were

present in the NEC conference room.

After the ECNEC meeting Planning

Minister MA Mannan and State Minister

for Planning Dr. Shamsul Alam gave

details about ECNEC meeting in the press


At the press conference, the state minister

for planning said that ECNEC has

approved the 1st amendment of the

Matarbari Ultra Super Critical Coal Fired

Power Plant construction project by

increasing the expenditure by TK 15,870

crore. At present the cost of the project is

51 thousand 854 crore.

He said Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina

had instructed to bring Matarbari projects

under one authority. For this, it is necessary

to make a separate authority only for

the matarbari.

On the other hand, the planning minister

said, in today's meeting, the flyover and

physical infrastructure development project

in Haor area at a cost of TK 3,490 crore

has been approved. The project will connect

the two districts side by side.

Although Netrokona and Sunamganj are

two adjoining districts, communication

was cut off for most of the year. However,

the communication system of these two districts

was established through this project.

The approved projects are: 1.

'Modernization of Bangladesh Marine

Academy through Infrastructural

Restructuring' project. 2. `Upgradation of

Aricha (Barangail)-Ghior-Daulatpur-

Nagarpur-Tangail Regional Highway (R-

506) to appropriate standard and width'

project. 3. Project for widening and development

of National Highway (N-806) in

Narail city part. 4. 'Establishing Digital

Connectives (Digital Connectivity)' project.

5. 'Rural Transport Improvement

Project-2 (RTIP-2) (Third Amendment)'

project. 6. 'Important Rural Infrastructure

Development of Sylhet Division' (1st

Amendment) Project. 7. 'Development of

flyovers and physical infrastructure in

Haor area' project. 8. 'Polder No-14/1

Rehabilitation of Khulna District' project.

9. 'Disaster Risk Management Expansion

(Component-1, Bapaubo Part)' project. 10.

'Matarbari 2600 MW Ultra Super Critical

Coal Fired Power Project (1st

Amendment)' project.

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina presided over the meeting of Bangladesh Awami League Local

Govt Representative Nomination Board at Ganobhaban on Tuesday. Photo : Star Mail

Sending Khaleda abroad

Pro-BNP lawyers

submit memo to

Law Minister

DHAKA : A delegation of pro-BNP

lawyers on Tuesday submitted a memorandum

to Law Minister Anisul Huq seeking

the government's permission to send

ailing Khaleda Zia abroad for treatment,

reports UNB.

They argued that there is no legal obstruction

for the government in allowing Khaleda

to go abroad. The delegation, led by

Advocate Fazlur Rahman, member secretary

of Bangladesh Jatiyatabadi Ainjibi

Forum (BJAF), met the Law Minister at his

secretariat office around 1:45pm and submitted

the memorandum to him.

In the memorandum, the lawyers said

the BNP chairperson and three-time

(former) Prime Minister Khaleda Zia

has been receiving treatment in

Coronary Care Unit of Evercare Hospital

in a critical condition.

They said the specialist doctors who are

treating her have already given an opinion

to send her abroad for advanced treatment.

"We the lawyers are concerned over

the deterioration of health condition of the

country's three-time former Prime

Minister...we think it's imperative to allow

her to go abroad for advanced treatment

in a bid to save her life."

They mentioned that the government

released Khaleda as per section 401 (1) of

the Code of Criminal Procedure (CrPC)

with two conditions and the tenure of her

release was extended thrice.

GDP size stands at Taka 34,840b

at current prices in FY21

DHAKA : The size of the Gross Domestic

Product (GDP) in the last fiscal year (FY21)

stood at Taka 34,840 billion at current

prices as per the new base year of 2015-16.

The GDP growth of the country recorded

5.43 per cent also in the last fiscal year,

according to the provisional estimation of

the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS).

The BBS data showed that the per capita

income of the country in the last fiscal year

(FY21) stood at $2,554 or Taka 2,16,589

which was $2,326 or Taka 1,97,199 in the

previous fiscal year (FY20), according to

the fresh base year of 2015-16. The BBS

has already completed the necessary works

for updating the GDP base year from

2005-06 to 2015-16.

Revealing the latest provisional figures of

the BBS which were also placed before the

ECNEC meeting, Planning Minister MA

Mannan said that the base year has been

updated for which newer areas have been

brought under the calculation.

"As a result, the overall GDP size has

been increased as well as the per capita

income," he added.

He informed that the foreign currency

reserves are nearing $50 billion while the

country's literacy rate above 15 years also

reached 75.2 per cent. However, the poverty

rate remains at 20.5 per cent while the

life expectancy reached 72.8 years.

The Planning Minister informed that the

GDP growth rate in the last fiscal year

(FY21) reached 5.43 per cent which was the

highest in this South Asian region despite

the shocks of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The BBS data also showed that compared

to the base year 2005-06 to 2015-16,

the GDP size in current prices witnessed a

19.8 per cent increase in FY16 compared to

the year 2015-16 to 2020-21, the GDP size

over the last six years at current prices witnessed

a 17 per cent increase.

Out of the overall GDP size of Taka

34,840 billion in FY21 at current prices, the

share of the agriculture sector is Taka 4,061

billion, the industries sector Taka 11,362

billion while the services sector Taka

18,098 billion as per the fresh base year.

Meanwhile, if compared at constant

prices, the GDP size in the last fiscal

year stood at Taka 27,939 billion,

according to the new base year. As per

the fresh base year, the country's investment

ratio to GDP stood at 30.76 per

cent, while the national savings ratio to

GDP at 32.15 per cent.

Bangladesh can act as role model

in addressing climate change:PM

DHAKA : Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina

has said although Bangladesh is affected

by the adverse impacts of climate change,

it can act as a role model before the world

in addressing climate change.

"Bangladesh is especially affected by

negative effects of climate change and can

function as a role model to the developed

and developing world," she wrote in an

article published in Washington based

famous Diplomat magazine on Monday,

reports BSS. Following is the full article by

Sheikh Hasina:

Climate Change Through the Lens of


As Bangladesh is located at the end of

the drainage basin of mighty Ganges-

Brahmaputra-Meghna River systems, it is

prone to climate-related disasters. The

recent report of the Intergovernmental

Panel on Climate Change painted an irreversible

and irrefutable future, specifically

for South and Southeast Asia. An increasing

monsoon will lead to variability in local

levels of rainfall and to frequent and intermittent

flooding events. As a result, the

coastal zone of Bangladesh will be highly

susceptible to inundation and salinity,

which will most likely hamper agricultural

production and affect food security.

Natural disasters linked to climate change

are threatening the lives of the people and

of future generations of the country.

This impending doom drives us to

enhance the resilience of infrastructures,

institutional capacity, and financial preparedness,

and to help vulnerable communities

to adapt and manage residual

risks. There are several experiences and

best practices that Bangladesh can share

with developed and developing countries.

As chair of the Climate Vulnerable

Forum (CVF) - a coalition of 48 countries

from Asia, Africa, the Caribbean, the

Pacific, and South America - Bangladesh

has pioneered in the preparation of the

comprehensive Mujib Climate Prosperity

Plan. Launched in July this year, it is the

first plan of a CVF country with a strategic

investment framework to mobilize financing

through international cooperation to

implement climate-resilience initiatives.

Germany as a resource-rich country may

play an important role in this regard.

Key initiatives of the program include

renewable energy, energy-storage infrastructure,

power-grid modernization, and emission

trading. The instrument also extends its

spotlights to future-proof Bangladesh's

industries, locally led adaptation outcomes,

and the financial protection of micro, small,

and medium enterprises. In addition, the

development of climate-resilient and naturebased

agriculture and fisheries, environment-friendly

transport, and climateresilient

well-being programs are pivotal to

this visionary document.

With the global transition toward the

Sustainable Development Goals, my government

has initiated an overall plan for

Bangladesh to become a developed country

by 2041. As a result, the country's economic

growth trajectory has maintained

smooth momentum even amid the prevailing

COVID-19 crisis and despite a rising

population, limited land resources and

frequent natural disasters.

Simultaneously, we have been boosting

the country's agricultural production during

the previous 20 years. Our annual rice production

has almost tripled between 1971 and

2020. To date, more than 100 high-yielding,

modern rice varieties have been developed

and distributed to the farmers, including

less water-intensive and more heat-tolerant

varieties. In addition, floating agriculture is

practiced in many areas of Bangladesh to

meet the food demand, mitigating societal

challenges and ensuring the conservation of

biodiversity and the ecosystem.

SC upholds top fugitive

militant Salehin's

death penalty

DHAKA : The Supreme Court on

Tuesday upheld the death penalty of

Salauddin Salehin, a dreaded militant

from the banned JMB, who was convicted

in the 2004 killing of Goni Gomez of

Jamalpur, reports UNB.

A five-member bench of the Appellate

Division, led by Chief Justice Syed Mahmud

Hossain passed the order after hearing a

petition. Salehin has been a fugitive since

2015 when his militant abducted him from a

prison van carrying him to Mymensingh jail

after a gun attack in Trishal upazila.

The court did not consider the appeal

of Rakib, another death-row convict in

the case, as he already died.

Deputy Attorney General Biswajit

Debnath represented the state.

In 2006, Dhaka Speedy Trial Tribunal

sentenced Salehin and Rakib to death in

the case and later the High Court (HC)

upheld sentence rejecting their appeal.

Rejected by the HC the two appealed

the death sentence before the Supreme

Court. Additional Attorney General

Mehedi Hasan Chowdhury said Goni

Gomez, owner of a pharmacy, who had

converted to Christian from Muslim, was

killed by the JMB men. Rakib, another

accused in the case, was killed in a gunfight

with police in 2015.

Demo for half bus fare

Students give 48-

hour ultimatum

DHAKA : Students of different colleges

in the city on Tuesday afternoon

threatened to resume demonstrations

on Saturday morning if their two-point

demand, including half fare for bus

rides for them, is not met by 48 hours,

reports UNB.

Students of Dhanmondi Ideal

College blocked Science Laboratory

intersection in the city around 12:30

pm, demanding half fare for students

in public transport. Later, students

from Dhaka City College and other

adjacent colleges expressed solidarity

with them and joined the demonstrations,

halting traffic on the busy road.

Adnan, a student of Dhanmondi

Ideal College, said, "They gave a 48-

hour ultimatum and threatened to

resume their movement on Saturday if

their demands - half fare for students

and safety of students, especially

female ones - are not met by Friday."

Mahmudul Hasan Rafi, a student of

Dhaka City College, said, "Ideal College

students were obstructed by police on

Monday while inspecting whether students

were allowed to pay half fare in

buses. Besides, the students also face safety

problem. The students of Dhaka College

and City College expressed their solidarity

with the students of Ideal College."

Ikram Ali Mia, officer-in-charge of

Dhanmondi Police Station, said,

"Police are there to tackle any untoward

incident though no unwanted

incident has been reported yet."

Some are



some are



some are


some are

office peons.

They are

known as

teenage gangs

in the capital.

The name of

their group

is 'Vibba La


Photo :

Star Mail

weDneSDAY, noveMbeR 24, 2021


697 21/11/21

Salman F Rahman, MP addressing a Meet the Reporters at Dhaka Reporters Unity yesterday. Photo : Courtesy

Youth held with

gold worth TK

2.40cr in Ctg,


intelligence officials seized 26

gold bars and other gold items

weighing 4.1 kilogram from a

flight of Biman Bangladesh

Airlines at Shah Amanat

International Airport in the

city yesterday, reports BSS.

Customs officials arrested

youth Mohammad Sohel, 27,

at the airport upon his arrival

from Dubai for allegedly

attempting to smuggle the

said gold worth about Taka

2.40 crore.

RMCH records

one more fatality

in Covid-19 unit

RAJSHAHI : Rajshahi Medical

College Hospital (RMCH)

recorded one more fatality in its

Covid-19 unit during the last 24

hours till 6am yesterday

The death toll due to Covid-19

and its symptoms reached 30 so

far this month with the new

deaths, RMCH Director

Brigadier General Shamim

Yazdani said.

The new female fatality was

the resident of Rajshahi and she

was suffering from symptoms of


Meanwhile, four more

patients were admitted to the

Covid-19 unit during the last 24

hours, taking the number of

admitted patients to 30,

including seven testing positive

for Covid-19, at present.

Covid-19 cases reach

55,521 with 13 afresh in

RANGPUR: The number of Covid-19 cases has

reached 55,521 as 13 new patients were

reported on Monday in Rangpur division

where the pandemic situation continues

improving during the last three months, reports


"The 13 new patients were diagnosed after

testing 184 samples at the positivity rate of 7.07

percent in the division on Monday," Acting

Rangpur Divisional Director (Health) Dr Abu

Md Zakirul Islam told BSS yesterday.

Earlier, the daily Covid-19 positivity rates

were 2.17 percent on Sunday, 1.33 percent on

Saturday, 3.57 percent on Friday, 1.89 percent

on Thursday, 3.77 percent on Wednesday and

3.86 percent on Tuesday last in the division.

"The district-wise break up of total 55,521

patients include 12,504 of Rangpur, 3,822

Panchagarh, 4,457 of Nilphamari, 2,744 of

Lalmonirhat, 4,646 of Kurigram, 7,657 of

Thakurgaon, 14,824 of Dinajpur and 4,867 of

Gaibandha in the division," he said.

Meanwhile, no Covid-19 patient died during the

last 24 hours ending at 8 am yesterday in the

division where the total number of casualties

remained steady at 1,244. The average casualty

rate currently stands at 2.24 percent in the


The district-wise break up of the 1,244

fatalities stands at 293 in Rangpur, 81 in

Panchagarh, 89 in Nilphamari, 68 in

Lalmonirhat, 69 in Kurigram, 254 in

Thakurgaon, 327 in Dinajpur and 63 in

Gaibandha of the division.

"Since the beginning of the pandemic, a

total of 2,98,814 collected samples were tested

till Monday, and of them, 55,521 were found

Covid-19 positive with an average positivity rate

of 18.58 percent in the division," Dr Islam said.

Meanwhile, the number of healed Covid-19

patients reached 53,345 with recovery of 13

more patients on Monday in the division where

the the average recovery rate currently stands at

96.08 percent.

The 53,345 recovered patients include 11,582

of Rangpur, 3,680 Panchagarh, 4,362

Nilphamari, 2,625 Lalmonirhat, 4,527

Kurigram, 7,345 Thakurgaon, 14,429 in

Dinajpur and 4,795 Gaibandha districts in the

division. Among the 55,521 patients, 32 are

under treatments at isolation units, including

eight critical patients at ICU beds and five at

High Dependency Unit beds, after recovery of

53,345 patients and 1,244 deaths while 9000

are remaining in home isolation.

Court orders to

confiscate properties

of Kanak, Delwar

DHAKA : A Dhaka court yesterday directed

law enforcers to confiscate the assets of

fugitive accused -journalist Kanak Sarwar

and Major (retd) Delwar Hossain in

connection with a Digital Security Act (DSA)


Dhaka Cyber Tribunal Judge Mohammad

Ash Sams Joglul Hossain passed the order,

asking to submit a report in this regard

within December 13, said court sources.

On June 30, investigation officer of

Shahbagh Police Station SI Mohammad

Russel Molla submitted a charge sheet to the

court against them.

On November 2, the court issued warrant

orders against the two fugitives taking the

charge sheet into cognizance.

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Shamim Mashraki

passes away

DHAKA : Shamim

Mashraki, advisory Editor of

the districtnews24 and

permanent member of

Jatiya Press Club, died of a

heart attack at Mymensingh

Medical College Hospital

yesterday morning.

He was 55.

Shamim Mashraki, also a

former leader of Dhaka Sub-

Editors Council, left behind

his wife, only son and a host

of relatives and admirers to

mourn his death.

Acting president of the

Jatiya Press Club Hasan

Hafiz and its General

Secretary Elias Khan

expressed profound shock

and sorrow at the death of

Shamim Mashraki.

In a condolence message,

they prayed for the eternal

peace of the departed soul

and conveyed deep

sympathy to the bereaved

family members.

IU celebrates

University Day


Islamic University (IU) in

Kushtia celebrated its 43rd

University Day on the

campus on Monday,

marking its 42th founding


The day-long celebration

began with the unfurling of

the national and university

flags by IU vice-chancellor

Shaikh Abdus Salam and

pro vice-chancellor Prof M

Mahbubur Rahman,




officers and employees later

brought out a colourful

procession led by the VC on

the campus. The procession

ended in front of Bangla

Moncha adjacent to the

university's arts building.

Subsequently, a discussion

and a cultural programme

was held on the campus.

Among others, IU

treasurer Prof M Alamgir

Hossain Bhuiya, acting

registrar Ataur Rahman,

transport administrator Prof

M Anowar Hossain, proctor

Prof M Jahangir Hossain,

and deans and chairpersons

of different faculties were

present on the occasion.

The university began its

journey on November 22 in

1979 in Gazipur on a campus

currently used by National


Humayun inaugurates

Narsingdi District Bar

Association building

DHAKA : Industries Minister

Nurul Majid Mahmud

Humayun inaugurated the

newly constructed expansion

building of Narsingdi District

Bar Association.

The minister inaugurated

the building on Monday at a

function at the office

premises of the District Bar

Association, said a press

release. The building was

named after father of the

industries minister, MA

Majid, a prominent lawyer

and former president of

Dhaka Bar Association.

The results of the admission test for the 1st year BBA program under 'C' unit of

Dhaka University for the academic year 2020-2021 have been published on

Tuesday. Dhaka University Vice-Chancellor Prof. Dr. Akhtaruzzaman officially

unveiled the results in the virtual classroom.

Photo: DU Public Relations

First Bangladeshi winner on

a Formula1 track: Racer

Avik Anwar makes history

DHAKA : Avik Anwar, the first Bangladeshi

international motorsports winner and

Bangladesh Rallycross champion, has won

three races so far in the NGK Pro Car

Championship in the United Arab Emirates

(UAE), reports UNB.

He won this prestigious race after

competing with formula racers from

different countries of the world including

Scotland, New Zealand, Belgium, Mexico,

Ireland, United Arab Emirates, India,

Switzerland, Austria, United Kingdom and


After winning the highly competitive race,

Avik released a video on his official Facebook

page for his fans, expressing his happiness

and gratitude.

"Those who said I can't, those who said it is

not possible, those who have always looked

down on Bangladeshis, today's victory is for

them! You should always dream big and no

matter how hard it gets to achieve the dream,

Insha'Allah one day the dream will turn into

a successful reality," Avik wrote on his


Earlier, Avik confirmed his victory on a

separate Facebook post where he wrote,

"History created once again, first

Bangladeshi to race and get Pole position at

Qualifying at Yas Marina Formula 1 circuit!

It wasn't easy." He also thanked his


Sharing the details of his preparation and

experience for the ongoing race, Avik talked

to several Bangladeshi media from Dubai.

"Last year, I played in only three rounds of

the tournament. This year, I want to take

part in all the rounds of this year's

championship. My preparation has been

quite good, and my confidence also

increased a lot after winning the first round.

I hope I can do better in the next rounds as

well," he informed.

Apart from being the first-ever

Bangladeshi motorsports superstar, Avik is

also an active social media influencer and

YouTuber, with having more than 132k

subscribers on his official YouTube channel

where he reviews cars and also shares his

journey for the fans and followers.

Helping Bangladeshi youths stage

a comeback from Covid setbacks

DHAKA : Young people left unemployed by

the Covid-19 pandemic can now dream of

staging a comeback, thanks to a new

initiative by the Uddokta project that aims to

encourage entrepreneurship.

Uddokta-empowering entrepreneurs-a

three-year (2020-2022) project was initially

a partnership between Chevron and global

nonprofit organisation iDE, signed in 2019

underChevron's Bangladesh Partnership

Initiative (BPI).

Now, Uddokta has partnered with the

Embassy of Switzerland to take this noble

initiative forward. The formal integration

was done at a recent event 'Empowering

people through our partnership' in Dhaka.

Chevron's director of corporate affairs, the

deputy head of cooperation from Swiss

Embassy and the Asia-Pacific vice president

of iDE attended the event.

This partnership seeks to improve incomes

and livelihoods of rural communities via

enterprise development, creation of local

entrepreneurs and strengthening market

systems in Chevron BPI catchment areas of

Sylhet division-Sylhet, Moulavibazar, and

Habiganj. In July 2021, Switzerland

supported Uddokta through their

Bangladesh Covid-19 response to increase

the employment of youths and women

affected by the pandemic in and around the

project area. In this joint collaboration, the

Uddokta project will help improve the lives

and livelihoods of over 2,600 youths by

supporting micro, small and medium

enterprises (MSMEs) and more than 100

local cooperatives with a strong emphasis on

gender inclusivity and integration.

Apart from supporting the out-of-job

youths, the project will focus on long-term

sustainability through greater emphasis on

climate-smart sectors in the four districts of

Sylhet division-Sylhet, Moulavibazar,

Habiganj and Sunamganj.

As the pandemic continues to impede the

country's economic activities, especially for

Bangladeshi rural women and youths, the

partnership also aims to promote an

inclusive and non-discriminative society,

and youth employment opportunities.

"The new partnership is appreciated for

their innovative approach towards

supporting youths affected by Covid-19,"

said the director of corporate affairs,

Chevron Bangladesh, Muhammad Imrul


"With global attention on the annual UN

Climate Change Conference of COP26, the

Uddokta project will be prioritising green

growth and initiatives for the betterment of

rural communities in the future."

iDE vice president for Asia-Pacific, Deepak

Khadka said: "Sustainability will be key to

the programme as well as developing

solutions to challenges and accelerating the

results of the programme."

Engineer Fazlur Rashid, Director General of Bangladesh Water Development Board, attended a

two-day long workshop titled 'WMO Workshop on Hydrological Status and Outlook System in Ganga

Brahmaputra Meghna Basin' held in New Delhi, India. Water experts from Bangladesh, Bhutan,

India and Nepal participated in the workshop.

Photo : Courtesy

Army chief accords

reception to gallantry

award holder FFs

DHAKA : Chief of Army

Staff General SM Shafiuddin

Ahmed yesterday accorded a

reception to the gallantry

award holder Freedom

Fighters (FFs) of

Bangladesh Army at a

ceremony at the Army

Multipurpose Complex in

Dhaka Cantonment on the

occasion of the Armed

Forces Day-2021.

The army chief conferred

peace-time award on 26

army personnel for their

praiseworthy and

courageous works in

different times in 2020-21 in

the function, said an ISPR

press release.

Of the awardees, six

received 'Osamanyo Seba

Padak (OSP)' and 20

received 'Bishishta Seba

Padak (BSP)', the release

also said.

In the function, General



greetings with the freedom

fighter member of the

Bangladesh Army and their

successors and presented

gifts to them.

Later, he also exchanged

greetings with the awarded

army personnel.

AL decides to further

strengthen party at

grass roots level

DHAKA : Awami League has

decided to take a massive

work plan to strengthen the

party further at grass roots

level in Chattogram.

The decision was taken at

a divisional workshop titled

'Upcoming Jatiya Sangasad

(JS) Elections and

preparations of Awami

League' organised by AL

Chattogram division team at

LD Hall at JS Bhaban.

AL Districts and grass root

level leaders took part in the

workshop. AL General

Secretary and Road

Transport and Bridges

Minister Obaidul Quader

inaugurated the workshop

while AL Presidium

Member Sheikh Fazlul

Karim Selim addressed it as

the chief guest.

AL Presidium Member

Engineer Mosharraf

Hossain addressed the

workshop as special guest

with AL Joint General

Secretary Mahbubul-Alam

Hanif in the chair.

Govt to go for strict monitoring

against rice hoarding: Sadhan

DHAKA : Food Minister Sadhan Chandra

Majumder yesterday said the government

will run strict monitor against illegal food

hoarders in an attempt to make rice

procurement a success during the ongoing

aman season.

"Illegal hoarders will be brought under

strict surveillance in order to make the

government's aman rice procurement

trouble-free," he said. The food minister

made this comment virtually connecting

with an internal aman procurement progress

review meeting of Rangpur and Rajshahi

divisions of 2021-22 from his ministry office

here. He said, "None will be allowed to stock

rice without having food grade license. The

food grade license holders must have to

submit their fortnightly food transaction

reports to the authorities concerned."

Giving strict instructions to the food

department officials, the minister said the

aman production is comparatively better this

year and the government has fixed rationale

prices for the aman paddy and rice. "So, the

concerned food department officials must be

more attentive by designing a concrete plan

so that the aman procurement drive would

be a success," he told the meeting.

Sadhan, however, said the concerned food

officials have to give explanation if they failed

to fulfill the aman procurement target.

"More procurement allocations will be given,

if necessary, to the officials who will be able

to achieve hundred percent procurement

target before the stipulated time," he said.

Terming the northern region as the food

granary, the minister said more food would

be procured from the region, adding that the

food officials must be careful so that none of

the growers and the rice mill owners faces

harassment during the ongoing food

procurement drive.

Drawing attention of the rice mill owners

that the country has no shortage of rice, he

said yet the government allowed to import as

much as 29 lakh tonnes rice in the past, but

only 8 lakh tonnes were imported which

proved that there is adequate rice stock in

the country.

The minister advised the rice mill owners

not to think about their own interest only as

they have to think about the interest of the

consumers too. He warned the food officials

that their irresponsibility regarding rice

procurement would not be accepted under

any circumstances. Chaired by Food

Secretary Dr Mst Nazmanara Khanum, the

programme also was addressed, among

others, by Additional Director General of

Food Abdullah Al Mamun, Additional

Secretary Khawja Abdul Hannan and

Divisional Commissioner of Rajshahi Dr

Mohammad Humayun Kabir.

Covid claims 3 more lives

in Bangladesh; positivity

rate rises to 1.45%

DHAKA : Bangladesh reported three more

Covid-linked deaths along with 284 fresh

cases in 24 hours till Tuesday morning.

With this, the daily case positivity rate rose

to 1.45 per cent on Tuesday from Monday's

1.42 per cent, said the Directorate General of

Health Services (DGHS).

Among the deceased, two were men and

one woman. One of the deceased was from

Dhaka and two Chattogram divisions.

With the fresh numbers, the total fatalities

rose to 27,958 while the caseload mounted to


Conclusion of basic training of the assistant engineers of Bangladesh

Power Development Board (BPDB) and distribution certificates among

them were held on Tuesday. Secretary of the power department Md.

Habibur Rahman distributed certificates among them at a function

organized at Bidyut Bhaban.

Photo : Courtesy

Ridding campus of outside elements

a test for DU authorities

DHAKA : What is the worst thing

about being a female student of Dhaka

University? One can hardly deny that it

is their insecurity on the campus,

reports UNB.

"One evening, I was going to my

dormitory. As I walked to the dorm, I

could sense a man following me. At

one stage, he actually overtook me and

turned towards me, blocking my path

and staring at me nastily. I felt

nauseous and started shouting. The

nearby students approached and got

me out of that situation," said a female

student of the university wishing not to

be named.

This harrowing account of a female

residential student's experience while

living on the Dhaka University (DU)

campus is far from unique, and many

in fact experience far worse things. It's

all part of life on a more-or-less open

campus in the middle of a busy

metropolis where crime and violence

are rampant.

But isn't it the responsibility of DU

authorities to do everything they can to

provide these students with a more

agreeable and conducive environment

for academic pursuits?

The same student whose account we

started with also says: "In our campus,

we don't feel safe. There're too many

outsiders, vagabonds, drug addicts,

beggars, muggers and floating people

causing all sorts of difficulties and


For the reasons of safety, she prefers

not to give her identity.

But many students, some under their

own names and identities, share

similar experiences in multiple

Facebook groups run by the students.

Some of them even complain about

being hijacked.

Nasir Uddin Prince, Master's student

of Television, Film and Photography,

was a victim of a hijacking on the

campus a few days back. He is also

General Secretary of the Socialist

Students Front's central committee.

The hijacker took away his camera,

lens, battery, charger and some

important documents.

After so many incidents, DU

students are now demanding a

collective campaign to drive out

vagabonds, drug addicts, beggars,

muggers and floating people from

campus, and to restrict the movement

of outsiders and heavy vehicles on the

campus grounds. Though the

authorities did not take any steps at

first, some students started working

spontaneously to this end. They have

driven out vagabonds from the campus

and forced many heavy vehicles to


After a while, the DU authorities

seemed to come to their senses and

started working for a secure campus.

Recently, the university authorities

urged outsiders not to stay on the

campus without any necessity, to

ensure the safety of students.

They have also been conducting

drives for the last few days to eject

outsiders with the help of law

enforcement agencies.

All the makeshift shops in front of

the Suhrawardy Udyan gate inside the

campus were removed during a drive

on November 16.

Julius Caesar Talukdar, founder of

Dhaka University Nirapotta Moncha,

an organisation that works for the

safety of DU students and a safer

campus, told UNB: "The university

authorities can take steps to control

traffic jams, muggings, drug peddling

in the campus area. Setting up check

posts at every entrance point of the

campus (including Shahbagh, Doyel

Chattar, Nilkhet, and the Palashi

intersection) will be very helpful for

that." Asked to comment, DU proctor

AKM Golam Rabbani acknowledged

that too many people were gathering

on the DU campus, mostly having no

business there. Although this only

started happening 'recently' according

to him.

"It harms the environment of an

educational institution," lamented the

proctor. "Our students were forced to

take steps to defend themselves. Then

we took the matter seriously and have

already started ensuring a safe and

education-friendly campus for the


The same student whose account we

started with also says: "In our campus,

we don't feel safe. There're too many

outsiders, vagabonds, drug addicts,

beggars, muggers and floating people

causing all sorts of difficulties and


Now even the state's law enforcers,

in the form of DMP (Dhaka

Metropolitan Police), are being reeled

in to prevent heavy vehicles moving

through the campus. Although the

proctor was not too impressed with the

police's ham-handed response, in

which they passed the buck for

preventing heavy vehicles plying the

campus area to Dhaka Sarak

Paribahan Malik Samity - an

association of business owners in the

transport sector.

"We've also eradicated the makeshift

rickshaw stands from every entry point

to the university," Proctor Golam

Rabbani added, trying to assure they

are taking the matter seriously.

Whether the measures taken are

successful in solving the problem, only

time will tell!

WEDNEsDAy, NovEMbER 24, 2021


Acting Editor & Publisher : Jobaer Alam

e-mail: editor@thebangladeshtoday.com

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Coping with sea-level

rise and other issues

Bangladesh's exposure to the growing hazard of sealevel

rise in the 21st century needs to be seen in the

perspective of its exposure to current environmental

hazards and its growing development needs. If sea-level is

currently rising at 1.3 mm/year, that is by only 13 mm (=

0.5 inch) in 10 years. Even if the rate is 3 mm/year, that is

by only 30 mm (=1.2 inches) in 10 years. But Bangladesh's

population of over 160 million is currently growing at a

rate of 2 million a year: i.e., it could grow by 20 million in

the next 10 years. That will generate much greater pressure

on the country's land and water resources and its economy

than will a slowly-rising sea-level.

The country's agricultural land is already fully developed;

in fact, considerable areas of valuable farmland are being

lost to expansion of settlements and infrastructure each

year. Priority attention therefore needs to be paid to

addressing current development and environmental

problems : i.e., intensifying agricultural production;

expanding economic activities outside agriculture;

reducing exposure to existing levels of drought, floods and

cyclones; supplementing dry-season flow in south-western

rivers; and minimising impacts of arsenic-contaminated

groundwater used for drinking and irrigation in large parts

of the country. Rates of sea-level rise may increase and

demand more urgent attention later in the 21st century, but

Bangladesh faces serious problems now that need urgent

attention if the country is to sustain its ability to feed,

support and safeguard the livelihoods of its population in

the short and medium terms.

However, several of the measures for mitigating the

impacts of a rising sea-level described above are also

needed to address current environmental and

development problems. Most urgent of these is the need for

measures to halt - and, if possible, reverse ? the growing

problem of salt-water intrusion in the south-west of

Bangladesh. Water taken from rivers and groundwater for

domestic, industrial or irrigation use anywhere in the

Ganges and Brahmaputra catchment areas ? inside as well

as outside Bangladesh ? decreases dry-season flow to the

coastal zone; and it must be expected that increasing

withdrawal of water in upper India in future decades will

continue to decrease dry-season flow in the Ganges river

before it reaches Bangladesh. That means that nation-wide

measures are needed now to use water resources more

efficiently, especially for irrigation, which would also be

beneficial in arsenic-contaminated areas. There is a present

need, too, to test and introduce mitigation measures as a

means to increase agricultural production and to safeguard

lives and livelihoods against current environmental

hazards in relevant coastal and near-coastal regions.

In relation to sea-level rise, the most important early

measure required is to start making more detailed

assessments of the current physical, economic and human

geography of the different physiographic regions and

subregions within and adjoining the coastal zone in order

to provide a comprehensive factual basis for planning

current and future development. Existing institutions for

monitoring tide levels, river flow, soil and water salinity,

land levels and land use need to be strengthened. Field

surveys will be needed to supplement existing information

(some of which, like soil surveys carried out 50 years ago,

will need to be updated) and interpretations of satellite

images must be supported by adequate ground testing.

Such surveys will need to be followed by relevant studies to

identify, test and ready cost appropriate intervention

measures for individual areas, including institutional and

political measures that might be needed to implement and

support identified measures.

Budgets and time-frames for implementation in different

areas will then be needed to be drawn up. Patently, it will

be essential to engage local people in such studies and

decisions in order both to harness their local

environmental knowledge and to gain their support for

implementing and supporting changes that are considered

necessary in both their own and the national interest. The

geographical diversity and complexity of Bangladesh's

coastal zone and the multidisciplinary nature of many of

the mitigation measures identified suggest that a

comprehensive Integrated Coastal Zone Management Plan

is needed, along the lines of the Dutch delta management

plan, with appropriate staffing to prepare, operate and

oversee it.

Many of the measures described above are needed

regardless of a rising sea-level with global warming. So are

several similar land and water management and

institutional measures in other parts of the country to feed

and employ the burgeoning population. Future sea-level

rise and climate change merely add urgency to the existing

need for a national plan to implement relevant measures to

safeguard, maintain and accelerate economic and social

development in the country in pace with its growing

population and its exposure to existing environmental

hazards .The range of studies needed in order to formulate

such an integrated development plan in Bangladesh ? the

country in which intervention to meet current and future

development needs is perhaps most urgently required ?

could provide a model for such planning in other countries

with low-lying coastal areas.

After the Kyle Rittenhouse verdict could a defamation

lawsuit or DOJ investigation be next?

Turley on critics against the

Rittenhouse case: The jury did exactly

as it was designed Fox News

contributor Jonathan Turley on Kyle

Rittenhouse being not guilty on all charges.

In the aftermath of the Rittenhouse

verdict, figures on both sides of the case are

threatening new filings and investigations.

It seems likely that the case will move into

a new stage of litigation, particularly civil

litigation. However, advocates on both sides

may be overstating the basis for a

Rittenhouse 2.0. These lawsuits can come

with risks and considerable costs. That is

why Voltaire once lamented "I was never

ruined but twice: once when I lost a lawsuit,

and once when I won one."

Immediately following the verdict, House

Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry

Nadler called for the Justice Department to

investigate the "miscarriage of justice."

Others have called for a federal civil rights

case against Rittenhouse.

The Justice Department does not have an

office for the prosecution of "miscarriages of

justice" due to errant jury decisions.

Rittenhouse was acquitted on state

charges by a state jury. Moreover, while

some have called for reducing self-defense

protections, the jury applied the law as it

currently appears on the books. It is not

The Rittenhouse jury faithfully applied

the Wisconsin law and came to a wellfounded

verdict of acquittal. It is a

dangerous precedent to investigate jury

decisions simply because you disagree with

their decisions. There is also no clear basis

for a civil rights prosecution. Rittenhouse is

White and shot three White men. He was

not accused of a hate crime. Moreover, he is

not a member of law enforcement or

government agency, so he did not deprive

anyone of their civil rights under federal law.

Rittenhouse could face lawsuits from the

families of the deceased or from Gaige

Grosskreutz, who survived being shot in the

arm. That includes wrongful death actions

much like the litigation against O.J.

Simpson after he was acquitted for the

killings of his ex-wife, Nicole Brown

Simpson, and her friend Ronald Goldman.

However, he was then found guilty in a torts

lawsuit brought by the Goldman family and

ordered to pay $33.5 million. Those

damages later rose to $58 million.

The risk of such torts actions is that they

proceed under a lower standard of proof.

Rather than shouldering the "beyond a

reasonable doubt" standard of the

prosecution, the plaintiffs would have to

only prove responsibility by a

"preponderance of the evidence." However,

that is no guarantee of conviction.

All three men attacked or threatened

Rittenhouse before he used his weapon. The

common law protects not just self-defense

but mistaken self-defense where a person

may have erroneously (but reasonably)

thought that he was under attack.

When attacked, Rittenhouse is authorized

under common law to use commensurate

force. While Wisconsin does not have a

"Stand Your Ground" law, the common law

has always recognized such a right and did

not require a person to retreat before using

force. There is also more leeway in the

admission of evidence in civil cases on both

sides. That could further complicate any

recovery by these plaintiffs.

Finally, Wisconsin is a "modified

comparative negligence" state. Accordingly,

any plaintiff (or his estate) is barred if he is

51 percent or more at fault.

Rittenhouse does not have a viable claim

for wrongful arrest or prosecution given the

fatalities in the case and the reasonable

disagreement of the need to use lethal force.

However, many commentators have

suggested that he has a strong case for

defamation against President Biden and

many in the media for calling him a "white

supremacist," "domestic terrorist" and

"murderer." There is no question that

Rittenhouse has been subject to false and

harmful claims in the media. Indeed, many

watching the trial were surprised by the

sharp disconnect between what they had


seen on the case in the media and what was

being presented in court. Such defamation

cases however are notoriously difficult to

win and the odds are against Rittenhouse in

prevailing on these characterizations of

prejudice or guilt. It is likely that

Rittenhouse will be considered a limited

public figure or public figure given the

notoriety of the case and his public defenses.

The Supreme Court has held that public

figure status applies when someone

"thrust[s] himself into the vortex of [the]

public issue [and] engage[s] the public's

attention in an attempt to influence its


If a court finds such a status, he would be

subject to a higher standard of proof under

New York Times v. Sullivan. This is precisely

the environment in which the opinion was

written, and he is precisely the type of

plaintiff that the opinion was meant to


The Supreme Court ruled that tort law

could not be used to overcome First

Amendment protections for free speech or

the free press. The Court sought to create

"breathing space" for the media by

articulating that standard that now applies

to both public officials and public figures.

Moreover, courts are highly protective of

"opinion" statements. People are allowed to

reach a different conclusion from the jury in

calling Rittenhouse a murderer or to

characterize his actions as racist given the

subject of the underlying protests. That does

not mean that they are right or fair. There is

no evidence that Rittenhouse is a White

supremacist. However, courts give a wide

berth to free speech in such public

controversies. Many cite the litigation by

Nicholas Sandmann, a former high school

student who was widely and unfairly

accused of abusing a Native American at a


pro-life event at the Lincoln Memorial.

Reporters latched on to the fact that he

was wearing a MAGA hat and called a racist

and falsely accused of starting the

confrontation. He sued and settled with

some media outfits. However, courts

rejected his claims based on being labeled a

racist. Where he prevailed was on

statements that he "blocked" the activist at

the scene. There may be more specific false

statements like those in Sandmann's case

but the characterizations of his motivations

or beliefs will be the most challenging to

litigate. Finally, there is likely to be litigation

over who receives the $2 million bond

posted in the Kyle Rittenhouse. Now that he

has been acquitted, the bond ordinarily goes

to the defendant. However, his previous

lawyer, Lin Wood, and his organization

Fightback Foundation claim the money.

In a letter sent to Kenosha County Circuit

Court Judge Bruce Schroeder, Kenosha

attorney Xavier Solis wrote that the money

should be returned to Fightback:

"These funds were transferred by the

Fightback Foundation to the Pierce

Bainbridge Law Firm's trust account and

paid by attorney John Pierce on behalf of,

and as an agent for, the Fightback

Foundation. Accordingly, the $2 million

shall be returned to the Fightback

Foundation, if and when such funds are

released consistent with Wisconsin law and

pursuant to court rulings releasing the bail

money back to the individual or entity that

posted the cash bail."

That presents a novel question. The court

received the money on behalf of

Rittenhouse. The family also claims that his

mother raise a fair amount of the bail

money. This could come down to a

contractual dispute if Rittenhouse expressly

agreed that this was a loan to be returned to

the foundation. If not, the court could just

return the money to Rittenhouse and have

the lawyers sue to the family for recovery of

owed funds.

What is clear is that the Rittenhouse case

(like the Simpson and Sandmann cases) will

continue for years. Indeed, Sandmann is

still awaiting trial on some of his defamation


Source: Fox news

Green Hydrogen: The new scramble for North Africa

The potential of the Sahara desert in

North Africa to generate large

amounts of renewable energy thanks

to its dry climate and vast expanses of land

has long been touted. For years, the

Europeans, in particular, have considered it a

potential source of solar energy that could

satisfy a sizable chunk of European energy


In 2009, the Desertec project, an

ambitious initiative to power Europe from

Saharan solar plants was launched by a

coalition of European industrial firms and

financial institutions with the idea that a tiny

surface of the desert can provide 15 percent

of Europe's electricity via special high voltage

direct current transmission cables.

The Desertec venture eventually stalled

amid criticisms of its astronomical costs and

its neo-colonial connotations. After an

attempt to revive it as Desertec 2.0 with a

focus on the local market for renewable

energy, the project was eventually reborn

into Desertec 3.0, which aims to satisfy

Europe's demand for hydrogen, a "clean"

energy alternative to fossil fuels.

In early 2020, Desertec Industrial

Initiative (DII) launched the MENA

Hydrogen Alliance to help set up energy

projects in the Middle East and North Africa

region that produce hydrogen for export.

As the world seeks to switch to renewable

energy amid a growing climate crisis,

hydrogen has been presented as a "clean"

alternative fuel. Most current hydrogen

production is the result of extraction from

fossil fuels, leading to large carbon emissions

(grey hydrogen). The cleanest form of

hydrogen - "green" hydrogen - comes from

electrolysis of water, a process that can be

powered by electricity from renewable

energy sources.

In recent years, under heavy lobbying from

various interest groups, the EU has

embraced the idea of a hydrogen transition

as a centrepiece of its climate response,

introducing in 2020 its hydrogen strategy

within the framework of the European Green

Deal (EGD). The plan proposes shifting to

"green" hydrogen by 2050, through local

production and establishing a steady supply

from Africa.

It was inspired by ideas put forward by

trade body and lobby group Hydrogen

Europe, which has set out the "2 x 40 GW

green hydrogen initiative". Under this

concept, by 2030 the EU would have in place

40 gigawatts of domestic renewable

hydrogen electrolyser capacity and import a

further 40 gigawatts from electrolysers in

There is also no clear basis for a civil rights prosecution.

Rittenhouse is White and shot three White men. He was not

accused of a hate crime. Moreover, he is not a member of

law enforcement or government agency, so he did not

deprive anyone of their civil rights under federal law.

neighbouring areas, among them the deserts

of North Africa, using existing natural-gas

pipelines that already connect Algeria to

Europe. Germany, where Desertec was

launched, has been on the forefront of the

EU's hydrogen strategy. Its government has

already approached the Democratic

Republic of Congo, South Africa and

Morocco to develop "decarbonised fuel"

generated from renewable energy, for export

to Europe and is exploring other potential

areas/countries particularly suited to green

hydrogen production. In 2020, the

Moroccan government entered into a

partnership with Germany to develop the

first green hydrogen plant on the continent.

Initiatives like Desertec have been quick to

jump on the hydrogen bandwagon, which is

likely to bring billions of euros of EU funding.

Its manifesto reflects the general narrative

used to promote the hydrogen and

renewable energy projects. It tries to present

them as beneficial for local communities. It

claims it could bring "economic

development, future-oriented jobs and social

stability in North-African countries".

But it also makes clear the extractive

nature of this scheme: "for a fully renewable

energy system in Europe, we need North

Africa to produce cost-competitive solar and

wind electricity, converted to hydrogen, for

export by pipeline to Europe". And it makes

sure to indicate its commitment to "Fortress

Europe", by claiming that the projects could

"[reduce] the number of economic migrants

from the region to Europe".

In other words, the vision behind Desertec

and many of these European "green"

projects in North Africa seeks to preserve the

current exploitative, neo-colonial relations

Europe has with the region. During the

colonial era, European powers set up a vast

economic system to extract wealth, raw

materials and (slave) labour from the African

continent. Although the 20th century

brought independence to African colonies,

this system was never dismantled; it was only

transformed, often with the help of local

post-colonial authoritarian leaders and

elites. Now the fear is that the EU's green

transition will continue to feed this

exploitative economic system to the benefit

of European big business and to the

detriment of local communities in African

countries they partner with. The push for

new hydrogen supply chains proposed in

projects like Desertec does little to alleviate

these concerns. This is because one of the

biggest lobbies behind the EU's turn to

hydrogen represents fossil fuel companies,

whose origins are tightly linked to the

colonial exploits of European powers. Two of

DII's partners, for example, are the French

energy giant Total and the Dutch oil major


In Africa and elsewhere, fossil fuel

companies continue to use the same

exploitative economic structures set up

during colonialism to extract local resources

Now the fear is that the EU's green transition will continue to feed

this exploitative economic system to the benefit of European big business

and to the detriment of local communities in African countries

they partner with. The push for new hydrogen supply chains proposed

in projects like Desertec does little to alleviate these concerns.

and transfer wealth out of the continent.

They are also keen on preserving the

political status quo in African countries so

they can continue to benefit from lucrative

relations with corrupt elites and

authoritarian leaders. This basically allows

them to engage in labour exploitation,

environmental degradation, violence against

local communities, etc with impunity.

In this sense, it is not surprising that the

fossil fuel industry and its lobbies are

pushing for embracing hydrogen as the

"clean" fuel of the future in order to stay

relevant and in business. The industry wants

to preserve the existing natural gas

infrastructure and pipelines, along with the

exploitative economic relations behind them.

Given the industry's long track record of

environmental damage and abuse, it is also

not surprising that the hydrogen drive hides

major pollution risks. Desertec's manifesto,

for example, points out that "in an initial

phase (between 2030-2035), a substantial

hydrogen volume can be produced by

converting natural gas to hydrogen, whereby

the CO2 is stored in empty gas/oil fields".

This alongside the use of scarce water

resources to produce hydrogen are yet

another example of dumping waste in the

global South and displacing environmental

costs from the North to the South.

The economic benefits for the local

population are also under question. A huge

upfront investment would be needed in

order to establish the infrastructure required

to produce and transport green hydrogen to

Europe. Given previous experiences carrying

out such high-cost and capital-intensive

projects, the investment ends up creating

more debt for the receiving country,

deepening the dependence upon multilateral

lending and Western financial assistance.

North African energy projects established

with European support in the past decade

already show how energy colonialism is

reproduced even in transitions to renewable

energy in the form of green colonialism or

green grabbing.

In Tunisia, a solar energy project called

TuNur, endorsed by Desertec, has been

scrutinised for its export-oriented plans.

Given the country's massive energy

deficiency and dependence on imports of

Algerian natural gas for power generation,

exporting electricity while the local

population suffers from repeated blackouts

makes little sense. In Morocco, the

untransparent land acquisition process and

water exploitation plans of the Ouarzazate

Solar Plant - also supported by DII members

- have raised questions about possible harms

local communities may suffer. The high cost

of the project - paid for with loans from

international financial institutions - has also

raised concern about its debt burden on the

national budget. Amid the growing climate

crisis, North African countries cannot afford

to continue engaging in such exploitative

projects. They cannot continue being

exporters of cheap natural resources to

Europe and the site of displaced socioenvironmental

costs of its green transition.

They need a just transition that involves a

shift to an economy that is ecologically

sustainable, equitable and just for all. In this

context, existing neo-colonial relations and

practices must be challenged and halted.

As for European countries and

corporations, they need to break away from

the imperial and racialised logic of

externalising costs. Otherwise, they would

continue to feed green colonialism and

further pursuit of extractivism and

exploitation of nature and labour for a

supposedly green agenda, which would

undermine collective efforts for an effective

and just global response to climate change.

Source: Al Jazeera

weDneSDaY, nOVembeR 24, 2021



One of the secrets to good-looking

nails is to have well-tended cuticles.

But as the weather gets colder, it's

harder than ever to keep them in

tiptop shape. "One reason that cuticles

may get even drier than normal skin is

because of the hyaluronic acid in our

skin, which helps to suck in moisture

and keep our skin hydrated," said

Neera R. Nathan, a dermatologist,

dermatologist surgeon and clinical

investigator at Massachusetts General

Hospital. "That acid is located mostly

in the second layer of the skin, known

as the dermis, but the cuticle lacks this

second layer."

As your cuticles go, so go your nails.

"If they're dry, it can cause damage to

your nails," nail artist Britney TOKYO

told HuffPost. "For example, you may

see white lines in your nail bed, which

means that dry cuticles are causing

nails to dry out, too. That contributes

to nails that break more frequently."

Damaged cuticles can even pose a

health risk. "When your cuticles

become damaged, the nail as a whole

is prone to infection," dermatologic

surgeon Dendy Engelman said. "Open

cuticle wounds and peeling skin aren't

able to properly protect against

infection-causing bacteria that can

enter the nails. That's why it's

important to keep the entire nail area

clean, healthy and hydrated."

First of all, stop being so hard on

your poor old cuticles. "I know it's

easier said than done, but quit picking

and biting the nails, cuticles and

surrounding skin," Engelman said. "It

can cause the skin to become more

inflamed, and it can allow bacteria to

get into the nail."

Tempted to reach for cuticle

Keeping cuticles excellent this winter

Cold, dry weather is hard on that sensitive skin around your nails. Here's what experts suggest to keep them


Photo: Collected

scissors? Stop yourself. "Many people

choose trimming, but it's not the best

choice," nail stylist Vanessa Sanchez

McCullough said. "Because the cuticle

is made up of two different types of

skin, both dead and live tissue,

trimming can escalate problems

instead of stopping them. Before you

allow a manicurist to cut your cuticles,

try caring for that skin first. You'll see

a huge difference."

Here's an easy two-for-one

Essentials about ‘Covid Pills’

CatHeRIne PeaRSOn

The United States is buying

up millions of courses of

two antiviral drugs that

treat COVID-19 - known as

"COVID pills" - which it

intends to make easily

accessible for free. It's a

clear sign of confidence that

the new medicines could

change the trajectory of the

pandemic, and maybe even

help bring it to an end.

But how likely is that,

really? And how do the pills

work? Here's what you

need to know. Although the

Biden administration is

rushing to secure doses of

the two medicines, neither

has actually been approved.

Merck, which is

collaborating with

Ridgeback Biotherapeutics

on the development of its

pill, asked the Food and

Drug Administration to

grant emergency use

authorization for its

antiviral pill molnupiravir

last month. And Pfizer

applied for emergency use

authorization of its pill,

Paxlovid, this week. Both

pills are geared toward

people who are at a high

risk of severe illness from

COVID, because of factors

like age, underlying health

conditions or vaccination

status. But eligibility

ultimately will be up to the

FDA, if and when it

authorizes their use.

An FDA panel is

scheduled to discuss

Merck's application on Nov.

30. If the panel

recommends authorization

and the FDA agrees, the

drug could be available

within a matter of weeks -

presumably sometime in

December, about when

some fear we could be

heading into another

COVID surge. The FDA has

not yet indicated if it plans

to convene a similar panel

to consider the Pfizer pill.

The COVID pills can't

prevent people from getting

infected, but they can help

people who've caught the

virus from getting seriously

sick or dying.

According to data

released by the companies,

Merck's COVID pill cuts the

risk of hospitalization or

death in half, while Pfizer's

pill lowers it by 89%. Both

would be prescription

drugs that would get filled

at a pharmacy and taken at

home, unlike infusion

medications like remdesivir

that are given in the

hospital to people who are

already really sick.

The timeline is key.

"Both medications, when

given to people with early

Here's what experts think about molnupiravir and Paxlovid, two antiviral

drugs that may help reduce severe COVID outcomes. Photo: Krizzdapaul

COVID infections - so

before the virus has had a

chance to become widely

distributed - seem to reduce

hospitalizations," Erica

Johnson, chair of the

Infectious Disease Board of

the American Board of

Internal Medicine, said of

the COVID pills.

In the studies, people

received the pills within five

days of their symptoms

starting, Johnson noted.

And people who got them

within three days seemed to

have the best outcomes.

Antiviral drugs aren't

new. They're used to fight

off many different types of

viruses, from the flu to HIV.

How they work depends on



formulation, but they

generally block receptors so

viruses can't attack healthy

cells, and they lower a

person's overall viral load.

Because the COVID pills

need to be given early in the

cycle of a person's illness,

their effectiveness really

depends on quick, accurate

testing. That means

someone who develops

symptoms would need to

get a PCR test with fast

turnaround results, then

start treatment ASAP.

The reality, however, is

that fast testing continues

to be an issue. "We're still

missing a large number of

cases nationwide, and

missing cases in potentially

more at-risk people

compared to other

countries where testing is

more readily available,"

said James Lawler, an

infectious diseases

physician with Nebraska


Lawler pointed out that in

Nebraska, for example,

residents of many counties

have to drive a couple of

hours to get a PCR test,

which is the gold standard

COVID test, and then must

wait for the results.

"We're just not able to

diagnose cases rapidly and

effectively, which is

obviously a critical piece in

the chain of using these

drugs effectively. You have

to be able to diagnose the

cases. You have to be able to

get the drugs to patients

early in the course of

illness," Lawler said.

This may lead to more

people relying on rapid

antigen tests in order to get

a COVID pill prescription,

since those results are

delivered within a few

hours. However, rapid

antigen tests are not as

reliable or sensitive as PCR

tests. A Cochrane review

found that they correctly

identified COVID-19 in 72%

of people with symptoms,

but in just 58% of people

without symptoms. The

CDC and FDA also have

warned that rapid antigen

tests can lead to false

positives in low-prevalence


The two COVID pills

could provide another line

of defense against severe

outcomes from the virus.

But the most important

thing is to get vaccinated

(and boosted). Vaccines not

only keep people from

getting really sick with the

virus, they also help lower

the risk of transmission -

despite a lot of public

confusion on that point.

"It's an additional

strategy that we have to

help manage infection for

people who are infected,

but does not replace the

value of vaccination,"

Johnson said of the pills.

Further, the pills are not

replacements for other

proven public health

strategies, like masking in

areas of high transmission,

Johnson added.

In part, that is because it

is not at all clear yet

whether COVID pills could

decrease the likelihood of a

person spreading the virus

to others. That is something

future research will need to


There's reason to be

hopeful that the COVID

pills could help bring the

pandemic under control,

but only time will tell. First,

they need to go through the

authorization process. And

if they are authorized,

doctors and researchers will

be closely watching how

they perform in real-time.

"All of this needs to be

taken with a grain of salt,

because none of these data

have actually been

published in peer-reviewed

literature, so we're relying

on, so far, press releases

from the drug companies

themselves," Lawler said.

Of course, federal

regulators will take a very

close look at that data

before they approve the


Lawler added that he

thinks there has been some


exuberance" in some

people's expectations of

how these pills might

change the pandemic. Still,

the drugs could help keep

people from getting really,

really ill, and may be

particularly useful in

keeping hospitals in COVID

hotspots from becoming


"These are medications

we can give to people who

haven't gotten that sick yet,"

Johnson said. "And that's

why I think there's a lot of

excitement about these


moisturizer idea from Michelle Wong,

who has a chemistry Ph.D. and is

founder of Lab Muffin Beauty Science.

"If you use a non-sticky lip balm, you

can apply it to your cuticles every time

you apply it to your lips," she told


When I got my COVID

booster shot, I was fully

anticipating the next day to be

a wash. I had preemptively

taken care of my to-do list and

cleared the day so I could rest.

But I never developed a single

symptom, aside from the

slightest bit of soreness at the

injection site, and by the

afternoon I decided I felt well

enough to go on a run.

As I talked to friends and

family members about their

booster shots, I noticed their

experiences ran the gamut.

Many felt slightly off and took

a nap. Some, like me, were

completely unaffected, while

others were completely wiped

out for a day or two.

Over 26 million Americans

have received a booster shot

so far. The reactions people

have reported after their

boosters appear to be in line

with what people felt after

their second dose. The very

vast majority of side effects -

like chills, aches and pain - are

no big deal. If anything,

they're a sign your immune

system is revved up and doing

what it needs to do to protect

you from COVID-19.

Everyone's going to respond

a bit differently, likely due to

their age, health and how their

immune system responds to

vaccines. Below, several

people share the side effects

they experiences when getting

their shots.

Scott Jelinek, a 33-year-old

pediatrician living in

Philadelphia, has been seeing

patients infected with the

SARS-CoV-2 virus and

wanted the highest level of

protection possible to

minimize his chances of

getting sick and spreading the

virus to others. Jelinek got his

first Pfizer dose in December

2020 and was keeping an eye

on studies showing that

antibody levels wane with


Jelinek received his Pfizer

booster dose at the end of

September. He experienced

no side effects the day he got

the booster, but the next day

his arm was a little sore, he

had the chills and he was fairly

fatigued. Those symptoms

only lasted a day.

If anything, he was glad to

have felt some mild effects

after the jab.

"It gave me comfort that my

immune system was working

to create the antibodies

necessary and it gave me a

sense of reassurance that the

booster was working," Jelinek


Rebecca Hui, a 32-year-old

mental health clinician, got

her initial Moderna doses in

January and February, and

followed up with a Moderna

booster in early November.

She qualified for a booster due

to the nature of her job, but

also wanted to avoid passing

HuffPost. You also might want to

consider starting from the inside.

"Since our cuticles and nails reflect

our overall health and nutrition, I

recommend taking a daily

multivitamin with biotin, zinc and

vitamin D," dermatologist Brandon

Kirsch said.

Timing is important, too. As soon as

you finish washing your hands, get

moisture back to the area right away.

"The key is to moisturize frequently

with a cream or ointment-based

hydrating moisturizer, and to apply it

while the skin is still somewhat

damp," said dermatologist Cula

Svidzinski, assistant professor of

dermatology at Mount Sinai. "That

will do wonders for your cuticles."

To give a boost to your nighttime

routine, consider donning a pair of

gloves to lock in hydration while you

sleep. "I do think overnight gloves can

help quite a bit," nail artist Natalie

Minerva told HuffPost. "Use a

moisturizer or Vaseline to lock in the

moisture from within the skin."

Just make sure that overnight glove

is cotton or another breathable fabric.

"Too much moisture, collected in a

non-breathable glove, can be as

damaging, or even more damaging,

than too much dryness," Kirsch said.

"My all-time favorite is petrolatum

ointment, also known as petroleum

jelly, used either alone or under cotton

gloves," Nathan said. "It's inexpensive,

and the generic brands work great,


"If I need something more intensive,

or if I'm using overnight gloves with a

cream, this is what I use," Minerva


"The face oil is my favorite product,

hands down - pun intended," Minerva

said. "It's typically meant as a night

COVID to older, at-risk family

members whom she visits


She hadn't experienced

many side effects after her

first two doses - just a sore

arm and some slight fatigue

after dose two - but developed

stronger symptoms after the

booster. Her side effects came

on about nine hours after

receiving the booster shot and

persisted for about 12 hours.

She said she felt a little warm

and drained, as if a cold was

coming on. But by morning,

the symptoms had subsided.

Luis Gallego, a 41-year-old

early childhood education

specialist, didn't experience

any noticeable side effects,

with the exception of a sore

arm, after any of his shots. He

received his first Pfizer doses

different people experienced. Photo: Luza Studios

in January and followed up

baby, received the one-dose

with a Pfizer booster at a local

Johnson & Johnson shot in

pharmacy in late October. "I

March. After her J&J shot, she

was planning to take a sick

had pretty significant side

day just in case I would get

effects that lasted about 12

anything, but I forgot and it

hours - fatigue, body pain,

didn't impact my day,"

chills, a fever - but a big caveat

is that she was in the first

Gallego said.

He chose to get a booster

trimester of pregnancy and

because he was eligible and

was already feeling pretty

didn't want to test his luck - he

depleted to begin with.

has been fortunate enough to

When Hemcher learned

avoid COVID so far and didn't

that all adults who received

want to risk it during his

the J&J shot were eligible for a

upcoming travels abroad. "I

booster, she scheduled an

love traveling and I know that

appointment for a Pfizer shot

increases the chances of with the hope of passing more

getting expose to variants - so antibodies to her daughter,

the more protected I can be, who she is currently

the better," Gallego said. breastfeeding. "I had zero side

Tina, a 69-year-old woman effects aside from some mild

living in Florida, said there shoulder pain where I received

was no doubt in her mind the vaccine," Hemcher said of

she'd get a booster shot when her booster shot.

she became eligible. She had Erin, a 40-year-old health

been fully vaccinated with the care worker living in Illinois,

Moderna shots by January got pretty sick with COVID-19

and wanted to be well-

last year. After recovering, she

protected ahead of the

holidays this year. She felt

wiped out after her initial

doses and was prepared to

potentially feel crummy after

the booster, too.

She got the booster in the

afternoon and around 9 p.m.,

she had a headache. During

the two days that followed,

she felt extremely fatigued

and unwell and spent a good

chunk of time in bed.

"The lack of energy put me

out," she said, noting that her

energy levels were restored

after about two and a half

days. "I was still glad I did it.

Knowing what the symptoms

were from - it didn't faze me in

the least. I didn't feel good, but

I had no regrets."

Katie Hemcher, a 33-yearold

woman who recently had a

treatment for the face, but I use it for

hands because it's a really nice oil

finish, and it smells so incredibly

good. I also use the Aesop hand balm

on all of my clients."

"These two products are often

referred to as a 'cuticle cocktail,'

because they work so well together,"

McCullough said. "Cuticle Away is an

alpha hydroxy-based product, which

breaks down dead skin to exfoliate it

off the nail plate and cuticle area. You

need to follow up with SolarOil to

moisturize that skin after the

exfoliation. With repeated use, your

cuticles will appear to be invisible,

because they will be so healthy."

"I love this easy-to-use, one-click

applicator pen," Engelman said. "I

keep one at my desk and apply it

directly on the nail bed and the

surrounding nail area. It contains

cationic hyaluronic acid to deeply

hydrate both the nail and cuticle,

helping to moisturize the entire nail

structure. This serum keeps nails

supple and flexible, while also

promoting ideal moisture levels in the


"This is the cuticle oil pen I use when

I'm on the go," Minerva said. "I like its

easy application, small size and nospill


This was a top cuticle-moisturizing

pick of both Kirsch and Svidzinski,

who cited the brand as personal

favorites. It's a product that's

concentrated, long-lasting, glycerinrich

and fragrance-free.

"The environment plays a big role in

skin and nail health," Engelman said.

"Dry air quickly can dehydrate skin,

making it appear flaky and dull, and

the same goes for cuticles. I

recommend using an evaporative

humidifier like this one."

What it really feels like to get

a Covid booster shot

developed many debilitating

long-haul symptoms

including extreme fatigue,

headaches and brain fog. Erin,

who wished to use only her

first name for privacy, was

fully vaccinated by late

January 2021 and started

working with a post-COVID

clinic to manage her long

COVID symptoms, many of

which improved with

medications by summertime.

Erin was hesitant to get a

booster at first, given all of the

long-haul symptoms she dealt

with, but her doctor

recommended that she get it -

plus, she didn't want to battle

COVID again without the

most protection. So she

scheduled her booster for

early November.

"I did get fatigued hours

Side effects from the COVID vaccine booster run the gamut. Here's what seven

later and woke up with a

headache, but eventually,

within 24 hours, I was back to

normal," she said. Katie, a 29-

year-old woman living in

Pennsylvania who asked to

withhold her last name for

privacy, said she has been

extremely cautious

throughout the pandemic and

wanted a booster shot to get

some additional protection.

After her first Moderna dose,

she experienced injection site

pain; the second dose brought

on heavy injection site pain, a

headache, mild body aches

and a very low-grade fever.

About 24 hours after her

Moderna booster shot, which

she got last week, she

developed mild body aches

and some swelling in the

lymph nodes under her

armpit. That armpit pain

intensified the next day but

quickly declined on the third


WeDNeSDAY, NOveMBeR 24, 2021 6

Human chain demanding launch

of operation theater in Nalchity

Upazila Health Complex


Residents of Nalchity Upazila are deprived

of services due to closure of operation theater

at Nalchity Upazila Health Complex in

Jhalokati for a long time.

The people of the deprived areas staged an

hour-long human chain in front of the

Upazila Health Complex on Tuesday

demanding the opening of the operation

theater. Deprived of services, the authorities

of Nalchiti Health Complex said that despite

having all the operation equipment

including c-section in Nalchity Health

Complex, the operation theater could not be

started due to shortage of manpower.

Recently, a pregnant woman had

complications during her normal delivery.

When she was brought to Nalchity Upazila

Health Complex, the newborn baby died due

to lack of operation theater. This caused a

great commotion in Nalchity.

People of Nalchity upazila staged an hour-long human chain in front of

the Upazila Health Complex on Tuesday demanding the opening of

operation theater.

Photo: Khalid Hasan

Memebers of Bangladesh Coast Guard in a drive arrested a drug peddler along with 42,000 yaba pills

from Marine Drive under Teknaf in early Tuesday.

Photo: Courtesy

Tri-annial conference of Bonpara

municipal AL held



The tri-annial conference of Bonpara

Pouro Awami League has been held in

Baraigram under the chairmanship of

municipal Mayor KM Zakir Hossain.

The conference was moderated by

General Secretary of Upazila Awami

League Adv Mizanur Rahman on


Professor Abdul Quddus, Member of

Parliament for Natore-4 constituency,

was the chief guest at the day-long

function. It was addressed among

others by Natore district Awami League

co-president Adv. Shahjahan Kabir,

District Education and Human

KM Zakir Hossain was elected

as the President and Ataur

Rahman Ata was elected as the

General Secretary of Bonpara

Pouro Awami League recently.

Photo: TBT

Development Secretary Principal A.

Razzak Mollah, District Volunteer

League President Adv. Arifur Rahman,

Acting President of Upazila Awami

League Abdul Quddus Miaji, Joint

General Secretary Moazzem Hossain

Bablu, Former UP Chairman Abu Hena

Mostafa Kamal, President of Upazila

Sechchasebak League Atiqur Rahman

Piyas, Youth League Leader Kazi Yusuf

Abdullah Md. Abdur Rahman, heroic

freedom fighter Abul Khair and others.

After a long discussion and review in

the second part of the program, in the

afternoon, KM Zakir Hossain was

elected as the President and Ataur

Rahman Ata was elected as the General

Secretary of Bonpara Pouro Awami


Preventing further antibiotic resistance spread stressed


Medical practitioners and

health experts at a discussion here today

unequivocally called for stopping the

further emergence and spread of antibiotic

resistance as its consequence is very much

hazardous to public health, reports BSS.

They identically mentioned that all sorts

of non-prescribed, overrated and frequent

uses of antibiotics in the human body as

well as in all other domestic animals like

poultry birds, fish and cattle are always

harmful. So, effective and meaningful steps

should be taken to stop the unethical uses

of antibiotics at once.

Communicable Disease Control (CDC)

section in the Department of Health

Services under its 'Antibiotic Resistance

Containment, Viral Hepatitis and

Diarrhoea Control Programme' organized

the discussion at the office conference hall

of Divisional Director of Health to mark the

World Antibiotic Awareness Week- 2021.

During her keynote presentation on

Antimicrobial Resistance in Bangladesh,

Dr Nazma Akter, Assistant Director of

Health (Disease Control), said there is no

alternative to stop the use of antibiotics

without prescription to ensure a sound

public health. She mentioned that

antibiotic resistance destroys the immunity

power of the human body and

subsequently makes the body vulnerable to

many communicable diseases.

Dr Akter said the present government is

committed to prevent antibiotic resistance

and urged all authorities concerned to

BCG detains 1

along with

42,000 yaba

pills in Teknaf

On the basis of secret

information, a special

operation was conducted in

the area adjacent to the

freshwater chhara ghat of

Marine Drive under Teknaf

Police Station under the

leadership of Lt. Commander

M Naeem-ul-Haq, Teknaf

Station Commander, BCG

Station on Tuesday, a press

release said.

This information was given

by Lt. Khandaker Munif Taki,

Media Officer of Bangladesh

Coast Guard Headquarters on

Tuesday morning.

He said that during the

when the movement of a

person seemed suspicious, the

Coast Guard members

signaled him to stop. When

the man sensed the presence

of the Coast Guard and tried

to flee, the Coast Guard

members were able to chase

and arrest him.

He further added that the

Coast Guard members seized

42,000 yaba tablets from a

white sack belonging to the

man (Md. Abdullah-26). The

seized yaba and the detainee

were later handed over to

Teknaf Model Police Station

for legal action.

supplement the government efforts


She told the meeting that the CDC has a

plan of launching an effective antimicrobial

surveillance in human, fish and poultry

birds through undertaking an integrated

programme. It will also adopt a controlling

measure on selling antimicrobials without

prescription, she added.

With Divisional Director of Health Dr

Anwarul Kabir in the chair, the meeting

was addressed, among others, by Deputy

Director of the Department of Livestock Dr

Abdul Mazid, Assistant District Primary

Education Officer Gofran Halim, Executive

Magistrate Rakibul Hassan and Medical

Officer of Police Hospital Dr Saber


Nilphamari Deputy Commissioner Md Hafizur Rahman Chowdhury, Superintendent of Police

Md Mokhlesur Rahman, BPM, PPM, Kishoreganj Upazila Nirbahi Officer Nabirul Islam and

Assistant Commissioner (Land) Sanjida Rahman visited 'Nirapad Bidhrashrom' situated at

Kishoreganj upazila of Nilphamari on Monday. During the time, DC inquired about the sheltering

of elderly parents and assured them of overall cooperation. Among others, founding chairman

of 'Nirapad Bidhrashrom' Sajedur Rahman Saju and members of the executive committee

of the old age home were present at the time.

Photo: TBT



of disabled



RANGPUR: Flourishing

leadership of disabled

people could help them in

availing the facilities being

provided by the government

for their development for

mainstreaming in the

society, reports BSS.

Leaders of Rangpur

Rangdhanu District

Protibondhi Adhikar

Sangstha (RDPAS), an

organisation working for

welfare of disable people,

viewed this as the

concluding function of a

three-day training course

that ended at its office in the

city on Monday afternoon.

Physically challenged

males and females from five

unions of Badarganj upazila

participated in the event on

'Flourishing leadership and

group development training'

of the self-assisting groups

of disabled people.

The Commonwealth

Foundation Access

Bangladesh Foundation

extended assistance to

RDPAS in arranging the

training course.

President of RDPAS Md.

Rabiul Islam as the chief

guest attended the

concluding and certificate

distribution ceremony

moderated by its

Community Organiser Md

Atiar Rahman.

General Secretary of

RDPAS Md. Hasanur

Rahman Helal and its

Organising Secretary Md.

Ariful Islam were present.

Experts for organic

pesticide management

in betel leaf farming

RANGPUR: Experts at a

farmers' field day have

stressed on adopting organic

pesticide based technologies

for insect pests and disease

management in betel leaf

farming to enable farmers in

getting more profits, reports


They opined this at the

event on insect pests and

disease management

through organic pesticide

based technology held at

village Alodatpur in

Gangachara upazila here on

Monday afternoon.

Regional Agricultural

Research Station (RARS) of

Bangladesh Agricultural

Research Institute (BARI) at

Burirhat in Rangpur

organised the event

participated by local betel

leaf farmers.

Additional Secretary

(Research) of the Ministry of

Agriculture Kamala Ranjan

Das attended the occasion as

the chief guest.

With Chief Scientific

Officer of BARI at RARS

Agriculturist Dr. Ashish

Kumar Saha in the chair,

Deputy Director of the

Department of Agricultural

Extension (DAE) for

Rangpur Md. Obaidur

Rahman Mandal was present

in the event as special guest.

Principal Scientific Officers

of RARS at Burirhat

Agriculturist Dr. Md.

Obaidul Haque and

Agriculturist Md. Anwar

Zahid and Additional Deputy

Director of the DAE for

Rangpur Ashok Roy were


Senior Scientific Officer of

RARS at Burirhat

Agriculturist Dr. Md. Harun-

Ar-Rashid presented organic

pesticide based technologies

for insect pests and disease

management in betel leaf


He said farmers are

cultivating betel leaf on

498.72 hectares of land in

6,449 betel leaf 'Baraz' and

producing 3968.47 metric

tonnes of betel leaf annually

in all five districts of Rangpur

agriculture region.

As a result of long-term

cultivation of betel leaf on the

same land, outbreak of

various types of betel insects

and diseases are being

noticed in the region.

Farmers use a lot of

pesticides and fungicides to

control pests and diseases

and they are failing to

manage the menace as the

pests and diseases have

become tolerant to pesticides

and fungicides.

"It is possible to

successfully control the black

flies, whiteflies, leaf- eating

insects and mites by using

the organic pesticides

Ontario, Fizimite and

Spinosade in phases in

growing betel leaf plants," he


It is also possible to

successfully control root rot,

leaf and leaf rot and

anthracnose diseases by

applying Dynamic and


Farer Sachin Roy on his

exhibition plot said if organic

pesticides were readily

available in local markets,

farmers would be able to use

organic pesticides easily.

"If betel leaf produced

using organic pesticide

technology could be exported

abroad, betel leaf growers

would get fair prices and

become motivated to use



technology," he said.

Farmers Jyoti Krishna Roy

and Rakhal Chandra Roy

requested for imparting

training to more farmers on

betel leaf production using

organic pesticide technology.

The chief guest said

organic pesticides would be

made available in local

markets at affordable prices

and a large number of

farmers would be brought

under training in this regard.

"Good management of soil

testing will be ensured for the

croplands of farmers under

betel cultivation," he added.

Dr. Ashish Kumar Saha

suggested farmers to

cultivate BARI Pan-3 variety

of betel leaf to enhance

production and get more


A press conference was held against Triptis Mandal, headmaster of Buridaha High School in Manda,

Naogaon, and Sujoy Pramanik, president of the school's governing body, for allegedly embezzling

money in the name of giving a job at Manda press club on Tuesday. Photo: Shazzadul Tuhin

The State Department sought Monday to keep up pressure on Russia over that country's U.S.-

opposed Nord Stream 2 pipeline, sanctioning what the U.S. said was a Russia-linked company

and ship working on the project.

Photo : AP

Fijians urged to

abide by COVID-19

safety measures

SUVA : Fiji's Permanent

Secretary for Health James

Fong said Tuesday COVID-19

safety measures are being

increasingly ignored, with poor

compliance more clearly visible

in major business facilities.

Fong said Fiji should expect

the third wave of cases due to

excessive gatherings during

Christmas and the New Year,

reports UNB.

He stressed that the public

need to embrace society-wide

promotion and compliance

with COVID-19 safe measures.

He said while the easing of

restrictions is needed to

facilitate social and economic

livelihood, the public must

ensure that together with

vaccination, people

continue to observe COVID-

19 safety measures to avoid

the spread of the virus.

French prime

minister positive

for COVID-19,

as cases rise

PARIS : France's prime

minister tested positive for

COVID-19 on Monday,

hours after returning from a

visit to neighboring Belgium

and just as France is seeing a

nationwide resurgence of

infections, according to his

office, reports UNB.

The positive test also

means that his Belgian

counterpart Alexander De

Croo and four other minister

immediately went into

quarantine since they met

with Castex for talks in

Brussels earlier Monday.

French Prime Minister

Jean Castex will adapt his

schedule for the coming 10

days to continue his

activities in isolation, his

office said. Officials at the



headquarters did not

comment on whether Castex

has any virus symptoms.

One of Castex's daughters

tested positive Monday after

her father returned from a

meeting with Belgian Prime

Minister Alexander de Croo

in Brussels, and Castex

himself then took two tests

that were both positive, his

office said.

De Croo's office said he

will be tested Wednesday

and will self-isolate while

awaiting the result, as will

the foreign affairs, defense,

justice and home ministers.

"Since Prime Minister De

Croo received the French

Prime Minister for security

talks, he has immediately

interrupted his activities," a

statement from his office


While 75% of France's

population is vaccinated, the

number of virus infections

has risen quickly in recent

weeks. Hospitalizations and

deaths linked to the virus are

also rising in France, though

are so far well below the

crisis levels of earlier surges.

French President

Emmanuel Macron

contracted COVID-19 last

December, and other

government ministers have

also had the virus.

US announces more

sanctions over

Russian gas pipeline

WASHINGTON : The State Department

sought Monday to keep up pressure on

Russia over that country's U.S.-opposed

Nord Stream 2 pipeline, sanctioning what

the U.S. said was a Russia-linked company

and ship working on the project.

The U.S. has unsuccessfully tried to slow or

stop the construction of Nord Stream 2,

which would carry Russian gas to Germany,

fearing the added leverage that the energy

project will give Russia in Europe.

Russian-controlled gas giant Gazprom

owns the pipeline with investment from

several European companies. The United

States reached a deal with Germany, a key

NATO ally, last summer to allow the

pipeline's completion without imposing U.S.

sanctions on German interests involved in

the project.

Monday's move targets a business,

Transadria Limited, and one of its vessels

that had worked on Nord Stream.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken said in a

statement the Biden administration has now

sanctioned eight people and 17 vessels linked

to the pipeline.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has said

the country could quickly boost natural gas

supplies to the European Union once

German regulators allow the new pipeline to

start operation. Energy prices have soared in

Europe, which imports much of its natural

gas from Russia, and led to pain for

businesses and households.

Ex-South Korean strongman

Chun Doo-hwan dies at age 90

SEOUL : Former South Korean military

strongman Chun Doo-hwan, who took

power in a 1979 coup and brutally crushed

pro-democracy protests before going to

prison for misdeeds in office, died on

Tuesday. He was 90.

Emergency officials said Chun died at his

home. Police earlier said Chun suffered a

cardiac arrest and emergency officials

rushed to his Seoul residence.

Hundreds of pro-democracy protesters

were killed and tens of thousands were

imprisoned during Chun's presidency in the

1980s, but he allowed some liberalization

after years of authoritarian rule. Under

public pressure, he allowed the first direct

and free election in the nation's history.

Facing massive criticism after he left office

in 1988, Chun took refuge for two years in a

Buddhist temple before being arrested. He

was tried for corruption, mutiny and treason

and was sentenced to death upon conviction.

He was pardoned in 1997 in a bid for

national reconciliation.

Chun was an army major general when he

seized power in December 1979 with his

military cronies. Tanks and troops rolled into

Seoul in a coup that came less than two

months after his mentor, President Park

Chung-hee, was assassinated by the

intelligence chief during a late-night

drinking party.

Chun quickly consolidated his power by

suppressing a civil uprising in the southern

city of Gwangju, then spelled Kwangju. His

government also imprisoned tens of

thousands of students and other citizens,

saying it was rooting out social evil.

Government records show the military

crackdown on Gwangju resulted in the

deaths of about 200 people. Activists,

however, say far more civilians died. Chun's

military tribunal arrested opposition leader

Kim Dae-jung and sentenced him to death

for allegedly fomenting the Gwangju


After the United States intervened, Kim's

sentence was reduced and he was later freed.

South Korea's economy boomed during

Chun's tenure. The country also successfully

held the 1986 Asian Games and won the

rights to host the 1988 Summer Olympics,

which began after he left office.

Chun introduced several liberalizing

measures, including an end to a Korean

War-era curfew and an easing of restrictions

on overseas trips. To get Washington's

endorsement of his military-backed

government, he reportedly dropped plans to

develop atomic bombs and longer-range

missiles. Chun sought reconciliation with

North Korea by seeking summit talks with

then-leader Kim Il Sung, the late grandfather

of current leader Kim Jong Un. He also

approved exchanges of visits by families

separated by the Korean War and accepted a

rare offer of flood aid from North Korea.

North Korea, however, repeatedly

challenged South Korea during Chun's rule.

In 1983, North Korean commandos

triggered a bomb attack that targeted Chun

during a visit to Myanmar.

France's prime minister tested positive for COVID-19 on Monday, hours after

returning from a visit to neighboring Belgium and just as France is seeing a

nationwide resurgence of infections, according to his office. Photo : AP

Bus crash in Bulgaria

kills at least 45 people

SOFIA : A bus crash in

western Bulgaria early

Tuesday has killed at least 45

people, authorities said.

The bus, registered in North

Macedonia, crashed around 2

a.m. and there were children

among the victims,

authorities said. Seven people

were taken to hospitals for


The cause of the crash was

not immediately confirmed,

but it appeared that the bus

hit a highway guard rail,

crashed and caught fire.

Officials said an

investigation will be


Bulgarian news agency

Novinite said representatives

from North Macedonia's

embassy visited a hospital

where some of the victims

were taken.

Photos taken shortly after

the crash showed the bus

engulfed in flames with

plumes of thick, black smoke

rising from the scene.

Bulgarian Caretaker Prime

Minister Stefan Yanev visited

the site of the crash and told

reporters it was "a huge


"I take this opportunity to

send my condolences to the

relatives of the victims,"

Yanev said. "Let's hope we

learn lessons from this tragic

incident and we can prevent

such incidents in the future."

North Macedonian Prime

Minister Zoran Zaev told

Bulgarian television channel

bTV that he had spoken to

one of the bus survivors.

"One of the passengers told

me that he was asleep and

woke up from an explosion,"

Zaev told bTV, adding that the

authorities will gather

information that is

"important for the families of

the dead and the survivors."

Oliver Varhelyi, a European

Union Commissioner, sent

his condolences to the

families and friends of those

affected by the crash.

"Terrible news about the

tragic bus accident in Bulgaria

in early morning hours,"

Varhelyi wrote online.

At least 4 killed in

southern China

dormitory collapse

BEIJING : At least four

people have died in the

collapse of a workers'

dormitory in the southern

Chinese province of Jiangxi,

state media report.

The six-story building in the

province's Ganjiang New

District tumbled down

Monday evening, they said.

The building housed

workers who had originally

worked at a local

pharmaceutical plant and

most of the residents were

elderly, according to state

broadcaster CCTV and other

outlets. The building was

constructed in 1995 mainly

out of prefabricated slabs and

was considered to be poor

quality, they said.

6 die, 14 rescued

as ferry capsizes in

eastern Sri Lanka

COLOMBO : The Sri Lanka

Navy on Tuesday afternoon

said six people died and 14

people including children

were rescued after a ferry

capsized in Kinniya in Sri

Lanka's Eastern Province

earlier in the day.

Navy Spokesperson

Captain Indika De Silva told

Xinhua that the ferry capsized

early Tuesday while it was

crossing a waterway as the

bridge above has been


Police said the ferry

capsized due to


Initial reports showed that

22 people including students

were on board the ferry. Navy

divers recovered six bodies,

including four children, while

14 people were rescued and

admitted to nearby state


Search and rescue

operations are still underway.

Captain Indika said it was

unknown why students were

on board the ferry.

weDNeSDAY, NOVeMBeR 24, 2021


New York's French

chef Daniel Boulud

voted world's best

NEW YORK : French chef Daniel Boulud,

who has been living in New York for almost

40 years, was named best restaurateur in the

world by Les Grandes Tables du Monde on

Monday for his flagship restaurant "Daniel."

The association of 184 top restaurants

worldwide said that the Lyon native, who

moved to New York in 1982, "embodies, for

many North Americans, French gastronomy,

or even gastronomy, period."

Boulud, 66, defines his cuisine as French in

its cooking and textures but with American

products and flavors. Besides "Daniel,"

which has two Michelin stars, in New York,

the chef has other restaurants in the United

States, Canada, Dubai, Singapore and the

Bahamas. Boulud told AFP after the news

broke that this latest in a long list of honors

represented a "professional dedication and

really a sign of friendship and support from

colleagues" in an environment widely seen as

extremely competitive and high-pressure.

Like all New Yorkers, Boulud took a big hit

in the Covid-19 pandemic that killed at least

34,000 people in his adopted city, which

bore the brunt of the first wave of the virus in

the United States in early 2020.

Some of his establishments closed, but

"Daniel" kept going, setting up a terrace of

covered shelters on the sidewalk "with

heating in the winter and air conditioning

and music in the summer" for die-hard fans.

Emerging from the pandemic, Boulud

thinks New York will remain "one of the five

most attractive cities in the world" and will

always enjoy a prominent place in French

gastronomy. The economic and cultural

capital of the United States and a cultural

mosaic of 8.5 million inhabitants, New York

is home to 183 French restaurateurs,

according to the French consulate.

"In love" with New York and now an

American citizen, Boulud still boasts of being

"the most French of all French chefs in the

United States" thanks to a "cuisine which has

its French references" but which "never stops


The price of one of his "exceptional"

dinners runs to about $300 a head including

wine and service, according to the

restaurateur. "Customers want to have fun,

to splash out on wines, they go out a lot. We

see them with a regularity and a loyalty that

reassures us", said Boulud, who is now

looking forward to the return of visitors from

Asia and Europe.

A bus crash in western Bulgaria early Tuesday has killed at least 45 people,

authorities said.

Photo : AP

bw_ bs ZvwiLt 17/11/2021

GD-1720/21 (9 x 3)



Islami Bank Bangladesh ltd inaugurated its 200th Sub-Branch at Azimpur in Dhaka on Tuesday.

Mohammed Monirul Moula, Managing Director and CEO of the bank inaugurated the Sub-Branch as

chief guest. Md. Mahboob Alam, Senior Executive Vice President of the bank and Hasibur Rahman

Manik, Councilor of Dhaka South City Corporation addressed the program as special guest.

Mahmudur Rahman, Head of Dhaka Central Zone of the bank presided over the program while Md.

Ashraf Ali, Head of New Market Branch addressed the welcome speech and Mohammad Abdul Haie,

In-Charge of Azimpur Sub-Branch thanked the audience. Principal Nizam Uddin, academician and

Mohammad Kaiyum Jaj Miyan, President of Azimpur Road Babosayee Samiti addressed on behalf of

clients and well-wishers. Executives and employees of the bank, clients, well wishers and local elites

were present on the occasion.

Photo : Courtesy

United Commercial Bank Ltd (UCB) has signed a MoU with Lanka Bangla Finance Ltd. at the premises

of the bank recently. Under the MoU, Mastercard Titanium and Visa Platinum Cardholders of

Lanka Bangla Finance Ltd can access UCB Imperial Airport Lounge at Hazrat Shahjalal

International Airport, Dhaka from 1st December 2021. Arif Quadri, Acting Managing Director of

United Commercial Bank Limited & Khwaja Shahriar, Managing Director & CEO of LankaBangla

Finance Ltd. have signed the MoU on behalf of their respective organizations. Senior Officials of both

the organizations were also present at the event.

Photo : Courtesy

Energypac brings in new stylish

JAC T-8 Double Cabin Pickup

Energypac has recently introduced a new

generation super stylish JAC Double Cabin

Pickup 'T-8' through a launching ceremony on

22nd November 2021 for those who aspire to

have a vehicle with great utility.

A virtual inauguration ceremony in this

regard was held. Jashim Uddin, President,

FBCCI, graced the occasion as the chief guest

with Humayun Rashid, MD & CEO, Energypac

Power Generation Limited (EPGL); Oscar Yu,

Deputy General Manager, JAC International,

and other officials of EPGL in attendance, a

press release said.

Humayun Rashid, MD & CEO, Energypac

Power Generation Limited, said, "Energypac is

the official distributor of Chinese state-owned

automobile and commercial vehicle

manufacturer JAC Motors. Over the last few

years, we have introduced a number of JAC

trucks and motor vehicles in the country so that

people from different regions can reap the

benefits of the developments underway in the

country. This time, we are happy to bring in the

new super powerful and stylish vehicle, JAC T-

8 and we are assembling it in Bangladesh in

oour state of the art plant Energypac Industrial

park. We are proud that we are able to

contribute to the development of the

Bangladesh economy, even during the

pandemic. We believe Bangladesh will be

considered a lucrative destination for

investment in the Chinese community and will

be considered a country of opportunity. We are

proud to contribute to participate in the

innovation and reimagining Bangladesh as a

destination for FDI. With this, we are proud to

say that "Crafted with pride, Made in


"Bangladesh has achieved tremendous

success in developing its transportation system.

Consequently, our automobile industry is also

expanding. I congratulate Energypac for

bringing JAC vehicles to this country, which are

playing significant roles in empowering people

economically." said Jashim Uddin, President,

FBCCI. We are proud that Energypac is one of

the biggest contributors to the economy in

Bangladesh. There is huge potential in

Bangladesh for Foreign Direct Investment.

Thank to Energypac for innovating and

continuously improvising, which is great for

Bangladesh. I encourage Energypac to launch

other big JAC vehicles. To JAC, Bangladesh

wants more investment from you.

The recently-launched T-8 is a versatile

double cabin pickup vehicle as people can use it

both for transporting goods and personal

purposes. It stands out from others because of

five factors - style, comfort, stability, safety, and

power. Coming with 1999cc and mileage of

9.3L/100km, T-8 boasts an aggressive and

muscular front grille design, streamlined body,

18" double color, and aluminum alloy wheel

rim. For the comfort of the passengers, it has a

premium leather seat & spacious passenger

space with manual 6-way driver seat

adjustment, an all-black interior, and an

electronic-control air-conditioning facility. T-8

is also facilitated with an energy-absorbing

anti-collision beam and 79L fuel tank. To

ensure safety, there are driver and front

passenger SRS airbags and front and rear disc

brakes. All in all, the T-8 provides ruggedness

with all features of a luxury sedan.

OPEC+ oil producers can run out

of spare productive capacities

within next year: Vortexa

MOSCOW:OPEC+ countries significantly

increased oil exports in October-November,

which contributed to the decline in Brent prices

in recent weeks, reports BSS.

However, the reserve of productive capacities

of the countries involved in the agreement is

limited and may turn out to be less than the

known estimates, the Vortexa consulting

company states in its report.

According to the company, OPEC + can run

out of productive capacities within the next year,

of the demand continues to grow.

Since May, the countries of the OPEC +

agreement have been weakening restrictions on

oil production, but not all of them were able to

really increase production and exports, which

fueled the rise in oil prices in recent months. Only

Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates were

able to provide a noticeable increase in oil

supplies abroad, whose total exports are

currently 2 million bpd higher than the average in

the first half of 2021. "But their supply additions

were eaten up by disappointing export levels

elsewhere, including at that point of time Russia,"

Vortexa notes. Meanwhile other countries of the

alliance showed stagnation or even a decline in

production, according to the calculations by

Vortexa experts.

"According to the EIA, global spare capacity in

October was 6.2 mbd, while according to the

Saudi oil minister it is 3-4 mbd. I would argue we

have at best 3 mbd, up to 2 mbd in Saudi Arabia

and less than 1 mbd in Russia and the UAE

combined," David Wech, Vortexa author, says.

"If demand were really to reach 2019 levels

soon and declines at many producers continue at

recent rates, most of that cushion could be used

up within the next 12 months," he concludes.

ICC Bangladesh

Delegation off to

Dubai to attend

ICC's 12th World

Chambers Congress

ICC Bangladesh President

Mahbubur Rahman led a 9-

Member delegation to ICC's

12th World Chambers

Congress. The delegation

off to Dubai for attending in

the Congress recently. The

World Chambers Congress

(WCC) is the premier event

of its kind bringing together

chamber, business and

government figures alike, a

press release said.

The 12th World

Chambers Congress of ICC

and World Chambers

Federation (WCF) will be

held in Dubai on 23-25

November 2021. The theme

of the Congress is

Generation Next:

Chambers 4.0 to be jointly

organized by Dubai

Chamber. The 12th WCC is

gearing up to be a worldclass

event bringing

together some of the best

minds in chambers,

governments and

businesses to explore how

chambers are leveraging

advanced technologies to

achieve their goals,

"Generation Next:

Chambers 4.0".

Rizwan Rahman,

President, Dhaka Chamber

of Commerce & Industry

(DCCI) has been invited as

a Speaker in the Congress.

The Delegation include:

ICC Bangladesh President

Mahbubur Rahman, Abdul

Hai Sarker, Chairman,

Purbani Group; Anwar-Ul-

Alam Chowdhury (Parvez),

Managing Director, Evince

Group; Mir Nasir Hossain,

Managing Director, Mir

Akhter Hossain Limited;

Mohammad Hatem,

Executive President,

BKMEA & Managing

Director, MB Knit Fashion

Ltd.; Matiur Rahman,

Chairman & Managing

Director, Uttara Group of

Companies; Rizwan

Rahman, President, DCCI,

Md. Salauddin Yousuf,

Member, CCCI & Director,

Lub-rref (Bangladesh) Ltd.

and Ataur Rahman,

Secretary General, ICC

Bangladesh.The delegation

is expected to return Dhaka

on November 27.

ISHO begins




ISHO, the country's leading

furniture and lifestyle brand,

is currently running a

campaign called 'Small Things

Matter' which will go on till

November 28, 2021. This isset

to be one of the most

ambitious campaigns of the

company so far, as ISHO aims

to deliver products to

customers on the same day as

they have been ordered.

This convenient offer is only

applicable for select products,

and for purchases that are

made before 3 pm. During the

campaign, customers can

expect their chosen products

to be delivered on the same

day. The campaign also

extends to ensure that

purchases made after 3 pm

are delivered within 24 hours,

a press release said.

The Small Things

Matter campaign enables

customers to choose from

a range of products that

include center tables, arm

chairs, lounge chairs to

various accessories like

trays, vases, mugs, and so


At ISHO, we believethat it is

always the small things that

make a difference in our lives.

As far as shopping goes,

there's no better satisfaction

than getting your desired

products on the same day of

your purchase.A more subtle

aim of this campaign isto help

you buy a surprise gift for your

loved ones, which will surely

put a smile on their face. You

can get a quick mug for your

helpfulco-worker, a comfy

armchair for your dad's cozy

nook, an exquisite vase for

your unsuspecting partner, or

even a cushion tray for that

lazy but adoring friend, there's

so much more! You can have a

lot of fun with this campaign,

and make the small things in

your relationships stand out.

Alibaba profit tumbles, outlook

lowered as China reins in tech

SHANGHAI: Chinese e-

commerce leader Alibaba

Group said on Thursday its

latest quarterly profit

tumbled 81 percent and

lowered its outlook in the

face of slowing economic

growth and a government

crackdown on Big Tech,

reports BSS.

Alibaba said profit came

in at 5.37 billion yuan

($833 million) for the July-

September period, falling

from 28.77 billion yuan

earned over the same

stretch last year.

It cited no direct impact

on its profit from the

clampdown, instead

blaming the decline on

"increased investments in

key strategic areas" such as

lower-tier segments of its

consumer markets and

international operations.

However, revenue also

slightly missed forecasts by

analysts polled by

Bloomberg News.

The Hangzhou-based

company's revenuesgenerated

mainly by its

core e-commerce

operations-reached 200.7

billion yuan, up 29 percent.

It forecast revenue growth

of 20-23 percent for the full

2022 fiscal year, down

from at least 27 percent

that had been expected by

analysts. Alibaba also said

certain factors could

further impact eventual

results including "changes

in laws, regulations and

(the) regulatory

environment" such as those

related to privacy and data.

Alibaba's earnings have

been anticipated as a gauge

of how one of the country's

highest-profile companies

was faring under the

government's drive to rein

in big tech.

Chairman and CEO

Daniel Zhang, speaking

after the earnings

announcement, said

Alibaba would continue to

invest heavily in developing

its businesses and that

company executives

remained "very confident

in our business strategy

and our future."

Earlier on Thursday,

Alibaba's main e-

commerce rival JD.com

announced that it had fared

even more poorly, posting a

loss of 2.8 billion yuan.

Both companies have

shares listed in the United

States and Hong Kong.

Alibaba shares in New York

tumbled more than 10

percent in late morning

trading. JD.com rose three


China's ruling

Communist Party has

relied upon its tech giants

to push forward a digital

transformation in the


But it abruptly turned on

the sector late last year as

concerns mounted over its

aggressive expansion and

allegations of monopolistic

practices and data abusesparalleling

similar unease

with tech firms in the

United States and


Alibaba was first to feel

the wrath. Last year the

government scuppered

what would have been a

world-record stock IPO by

Alibaba's financial arm, Ant

Group, and in April fined

Alibaba a record $2.78

billion for anti-competitive

practices, which dragged

Alibaba to a rare quarterly

loss earlier this year. The

government has also

introduced new regulations

and other curbs aimed at

bringing major Chinese

digital players to heel,

sending their share prices


Last week, gaming and

messaging giant Tencent

reported its slowest

revenue growth since

2004. The government's

crackdown has included

measures to restrict playing

time by minors and has

slowed approvals for new

titles in the world's biggest

gaming market.

On Wednesday, Baidu

reported a net loss as the

government tightening

appeared to have weakened

prospects for its important

online marketing revenues.

Alibaba reported record

sales on its platforms

during its annual

November 1-11

"Singles Day" shopping

festival-China's answer to

the US "Black Friday" event

though it was markedly

more low key than in past

years due to the



Alibaba platforms

processed more than $85

billion worth of

transactions during the

promotion, a new record,

but the rate of growth was

well below past years as the

company faces increasing

competition from rivals like

JD.com and Pinduoduo.

Prime Bank organized a three-day long road-show with the slogan, 'Rejuvenate your Business with

New Spirits'. This road show was organized to demonstrate the bank's several services and also

human resources that can help the SME sector combat the deadly aftermath of COVID-19. Officials

from Prime Bank's head office and local branches, led by the head of SME Banking, Syed M. Omar

Tayub met thousands of SME entrepreneurs in the Mirpur, Mohammadpur,Islampur, Moulvibazar,

Chawk bazar, New Market and Elephant Road area of the capital. The idea was to promote wide array

of SME banking services of the bank among the entrepreneurs and association leaders, that can help

this industry negate the damage done by the pandemic. It is a timely initiative that will allow the ever

important SME business of this country with the help of the right financial tools. Photo : Courtesy

First Security Islami Bank Ltd inaugurated 54th Foundation Course at FSIBL Training Institute for

newly recruited Probationary Officers with a view to building skilled human resources for providing

better banking services recently. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director of the Bank inaugurated

the training program. In his inaugural speech, he has laid emphasize on building the bank as a

modern islami bank, wished probationers bright career, advised all to be careful, honest and sincere

in banking activities. Among others, A. K. M. Amjad Hussain, Principal, Abul Kalam Mojibur

Rahman and Shahid Mujtaba Jamal, Faculty Member of Training Institute were present in the program.

There are 28newly recruited officers of the bank participating in the course. Photo : Courtesy

WeDNeSDAY, NoveMBer 24, 2021


Uncapped Mahmudul, Raja

named in Tigers Test squad

SportS DeSk

Bangladesh on Monday named two

uncapped players -- Mahmudul Hasan

Joy and Rejaur Rahman Raja -- in the

squad for the opening match of twomatch

Test series against Pakistan.

Apart from them, there were little

surprises in the 16-member squad.

All-rounder Shakib Al Hasan is also

included in the squad but will have his

fitness assessed before being

considered for the first Test, starting

November 26 at Zahur Ahmed

Chowdhury Stadium in Chattogram.

Experienced opener Tamim Iqbal

earlier opted him out of the series due

to his injury.

The two newcomers made their way

into the squad based on their

performance in the longer version

format, said chief selector Minhajul

Abedin Nannu.

Chittagong Division batsman

Mahmudul Hasan Joy, a 21-year old,

has made a promising start to his first

class career with two hundreds already

in the ongoing National Cricket League.

The 22-year-old Raja, a pacer hailed

from Sylhet, representing the BCB HP

and Emerging Teams, has returned 33

wickets in 10 first class matches for

Sylhet Division and Islami Bank East


"It is still early days for him but

Mahmudul has showed good

temperament for the longer version,"

Abedin said.

"He is also an in-form batsman. With

injury concerns to Taskin (Ahmed) and

Shoriful (Islam), we needed to keep our

pace bowling options open and Raja got

the nod. We have been monitoring his

performances in first class

competitions. He is strong and

energetic and has a knack for taking


Abedin also said he believes that this

squad can put up a good fight against

Pakistan, who will be playing Test

series in Bangladesh for the first time

after 2015.

"There is a fair bit of experience if you

consider that Mominul (Haque),

Mushfiqur (Rahim), Shakib, Taijul

(Islam) and Miraz (Mehidy Hasan) are

all part of the squad. We will obviously

have to wait to see if Shakib makes it for

the first Test but these players have

been the most consistent performers

for us in Tests and their presence can

make a difference."

"We have options in the spin

department as well as in pace. The

team for the first Test is made up of

cricketers who have been playing

together regularly and they know the

demands of Test matches.

Pakistan are a formidable team but

we are confident that Bangladesh will

be competitive if we are disciplined and


The team of the second and final Test,

which is in Dhaka from December 4-8,

will be announced ahead of the match.

Bangladesh squad for first test:

Mominul Haque (Captain), Shadman

Islam, Saif Hasan, Najmul Hossain

Shanto, Mushfiqur Rahim, Litton

Kumer Das, Nurul Hasan Sohan,

Mehidy Hasan Miraz, Nayeem Hasan,

Taijul Islam, Ebadot Hossain

Chowdhury, Abu Jayed Chowdhury

Rahi, Yasir Ali Rabbi, Mahmudul

Hasan Joy, Rejaur Rahman Raja,

Shakib Al Hasan (subject to being

declared fit to play).

All-rounder Shakib Al Hasan is also included in the squad but will have his fitness assessed before

being considered for the first test, starting November 26 at Zahur Ahmed Chowdhury Stadium in


photo: BCB

PGA Tour to boost

2022 prize money

SportS DeSk

The PGA Tour said Monday it

plans to increase prize money

at its most lucrative events in

2022, pumping millions

more dollars into limited-field

tournaments in a move that

comes amid reports of a new

Saudi Arabia-backed golf

series, reports BSS.

In a memo sent to players

on Monday, PGA Tour

Commissioner Jay Monahan

outlined plans to boost purses

for players across the board.

"Financial rewards and

other benefits-not just for the

top players but for the entire

membership-are growing at

an extraordinary pace,"

Monahan wrote adding the

tour is "stronger than at any

time in our history."

The FedExCup bonus pool

for 2022 has increased by $15

million to $75 million, while

the FedEx Cup champion will

receive a whopping $18

million - up from the $15

million scooped by Patrick

Cantlay earlier this year.

The opening two events of

the FedEx Cup playoffs - the

St. Jude and the BMW

Championship - will each

increase their purses by more

than $5 million to $15 million.

The Players Championship

prize money has been

increased from $15 million to

$20 million, making it the

richest event in golf.

The PGA Tour's three

invitational events - the

Genesis Invitational, the

Arnold Palmer Invitational

and Jack Nicklaus's Memorial

will now offer $12 million

each in prize money - an

increase of nearly $3 million

per tournament.

The annual $10 million

bonus pool on offer for the

Tour's top 10 players during

the regular season has also

been doubled to $20 million.

The tour will also increase

money distributed via its

Player Impact Program.

Dortmund without

Haaland and Hummels

in Lisbon showdown

SportS DeSk

Borussia Dortmund will be without both

Mats Hummels and Erling Haaland when

they head to Portugal for Wednesday's

potential Champions League Group C

decider against Sporting Lisbon, reports


Level on points with two games to play in

the group stage, Sporting and Dortmund

meet on Wednesday in a clash which could

decide which of them joins group leaders

Ajax in the knockout stages.

Yet Dortmund will be deprived of two of

their best players in Hummels and Haaland

as they look to steer their Champions League

campaign back on course after back-to-back


Veteran defender Hummels is suspended

after he was controversially sent off in

Dortmund's 3-1 defeat to Ajax three weeks

ago. The club had said they would appeal the

red card, but coach Marco Rose admitted

last week that he did not expect the 2014

World Cup winner to be available.

"We all know that Mats is suspended in

Lisbon," he said, and hinted that Dan-Axel

Zagadou could take his place in central


Haaland, meanwhile, has been out for the

last four weeks with a hip injury.

Dortmund are hoping the Norwegian

striker, who has nine goals in just six league

appearances this season, will return to action

in time for their top- of-the-table clash with

Bundesliga leaders Bayern Munich on

December 4.

Rose's side head to Lisbon in good spirits,

having moved to within a point of Bayern

with a narrow win over Stuttgart at the

weekend. Sporting have had longer to

recover since their 2-1 cup win over Varzim

last Thursday. The victory was their ninth in

a row in all competitions, a run which goes

back to their last meeting with Dortmund, a

1-0 defeat in Germany in September.

Donyell Malen, who scored the winner for

Dortmund in that game, is likely to lead the

line again on Wednesday in Haaland's


The 22-year-old Dutch talent is in good

form, having netted his first Bundesliga

goal with a blistering strike against

Stuttgart on Saturday.

Borussia Dortmund will be without both Mats Hummels and erling

Haaland when they head to portugal for Wednesday's potential

Champions League Group C decider against Sporting Lisbon. photo: Ap

the Indians have been hurting since the eight-wicket hammering by kane Williamson's Black Caps

at the inaugural World test Championship final in Southampton in June.

photo: Ap

Lyon to play behind

closed doors as Payet

lodges official complaint

SportS DeSk

Lyon were on Monday

ordered to play home games

until at least December 8

behind closed doors after

their Ligue 1 fixture against

Marseille on the weekend was

abandoned after Dimitri

Payet was hit in the head by a


The Marseille captain

required treatment after

being struck on the side of the

head as he prepared to take a

corner for the visitors in the

fifth minute of Sunday's

match at Lyon's Parc OL

stadium, prompting both

teams to return to the

changing rooms.

Payet, who did not train on

Monday, has lodged a

complaint with the Lyon

public prosecutor

investigating the incident, a

Marseille club official told


"He was very scared and

he's fed up," the official said.

The French professional

football league (LFP) said that

"in light of the serious

incident that occurred during

the match", its disciplinary

committee had opened an

investigation and, as a

precaution, ruled that all

games at the Parc OL stadium

be played behind closed doors

until a ruling is made, which

will not come before

December 8.

Tamim ruled out

of New Zealand

Test series

SportS DeSk

Bangladesh opener Tamim

Iqbal needs another one

month to recover from the

fracture on his right thumb

and thus, the left-handed

opener is all but ruled out

from the upcoming tour of

New Zealand for a two-match

Test series.

Tamim had recovered from

what was initially thought to

be a single fracture, picked up

during his participation in the

Everest Premier League in

October this year.

However, due to slow

recovery, he underwent

further medical assessment,

on November 14, of the injury

which revealed he had carried

not one but two fracture on

the same finger.

Tamim travelled to London

earlier this week and met with

the doctors in Leeds.

The doctor suggested that

there is no need of a surgery

and Tamim should rest for

another one month and

undergo treatment advised.

The doctor will assess the

recovery by the end of

December. Bangladesh are

scheduled to travel to New

Zealand on December 8 for

the two-match series, set to

start in the first week of

January. Tamim is missing

out from the Pakistan Test

series at home too, which is

set to begin this Friday.

India pursue Test revenge

against top-ranked New Zealand

SportS DeSk

Buoyed by their T20 clean sweep, India will

look to avenge their defeat in the World Test

Championship final when they host a weary

New Zealand in the first Test in Kanpur from

Thursday, reports BSS.

The Indians have been hurting since the

eight-wicket hammering by Kane

Williamson's Black Caps at the inaugural

World Test Championship final in

Southampton in June.

But they routed the tourists, runners-up in

the T20 World Cup earlier this month, in the

recent three-game series, giving them

confidence that they can start the new World

Championship cycle in winning style.

However India -- under new coach Rahul

Dravid and second in the Test rankings

behind New Zealand -- will be without their

in-form opener Rohit Sharma, who has

opted out of the two-Test series, and skipper

Virat Kohli.

Kohli will return for the second Test in

Mumbai in early December while Ajinkya

Rahane will lead the side in his absence in


New Zealand will be boosted by the return

of captain Williamson, who was rested from

the T20 games following a gruelling schedule

that saw his side travel to India just the day

after losing the World Cup final in Dubai.

The World Cup itself followed hot on the

heels of the Indian Premier League.

India failed to make it to the semi-finals of

the T20 World Cup after going down to

Pakistan and New Zealand, an exit which at

least allowed them a breather.

It clearly helped, with India cruising to a

clean sweep over a jaded- looking New

Zealand in the three games, all played in less

than a week and in three different cities.

But Dravid was quick to offer a reality


"To be honest, we have to keep our feet on

the ground and be a bit realistic about this

win," said Dravid, after India won Sunday's

final game by 73 runs to wrap up the series 3-

0. (It's) not easy for New Zealand to play a

World Cup final and then to turn up three

days later and play three games in six days."

Veteran Black Caps batsman Ross Taylor,

returning to international action for the first

time since the Test final five months ago,

admitted retaining the crown would be a tall


We've gone so many years as underdogs.

But now coming in as champions, I guess the

element of surprise is gone," Taylor said

during a virtual press meet on Sunday.

Cricket Tasmania slams

'appalling' Paine treatment

SportS DeSk

Cricket Tasmania launched a scathing attack

on the sport's Australian governing body

Tuesday over its "appalling" treatment of

former Test skipper Tim Paine, saying anger

in the community was "palpable", reports

BSS. Paine, who was born and bred in

Tasmania, tearfully quit as captain on Friday

ahead of the Ashes against England over a

series of lewd text messages with a female

colleague in 2017 that were about to be made


He insisted he wasn't pushed out, but

Cricket Tasmania chair Andrew Gaggin said

Cricket Australia should have shown him

more loyalty. "In conversations I have had in

recent days it is clear that the anger amongst

the Tasmanian cricket community and

general public is palpable," he said in a

statement. "Tim Paine has been a beacon for

Australian cricket over the past four years

and instrumental in salvaging the reputation

Ronaldo pays tribute to 'outstanding

human' Solskjaer after sacking

SportS DeSk

Cristiano Ronaldo paid tribute on Monday to

"outstanding human being" Ole Gunnar

Solskjaer after the Norwegian was sacked as

Manchester United manager, reports BSS.

Ronaldo, who returned to Old Trafford in

August, has scored nine times in 13 games

for United this season but has failed to

prevent the club's slide down the Premier

League table after a series of embarrassing

results. Solskjaer was sacked on Sunday, less

than 24 hours after United's humiliating 4-1

defeat at Watford, which followed

chastening home losses to Liverpool and

Manchester City.

Ronaldo, 36, was a team-mate of

Solskjaer's in his first spell at the club under

of the national team after the calamity of

Cape Town. "Yet, at a time when CA should

have supported Tim, he was evidently

regarded as dispensable."

Paine took over in March 2018 in the wake

of the "sandpaper-gate" scandal that rocked

Australian cricket.

Then-captain Steve Smith and his deputy

David Warner were forced to step down for

their roles in trying to alter the condition of

the ball during a Cape Town Test against

South Africa.

Gaggin branded Paine's treatment by CA

"appalling -- the worst since Bill Lawry over

50 years ago".

Lawry became the first Australian Test

cricket captain to be dropped from a team

midway through the 1970-71 series against

England -- finding out from reporters.

Australia's cricket authorities

investigated the sexting allegations

against Paine in 2018 and cleared him of

any code of conduct breach.

Alex Ferguson. "He's been my striker when

I first came to Old Trafford and he's been my

coach since I came back to Man. United,"

Ronaldo said on Twitter.

But most of all, Ole is an outstanding

human being.

I wish him the best in whatever his life has

reserved for him. Good luck, my friend! You

deserve it!"

Former United midfielder Michael

Carrick, who was part of Solskjaer's coaching

team, will take charge of upcoming games

while the club look to appoint an interim

manager until the end of the season. United

are already realistically out of the Premier

League title race, 12 points behind leaders

Chelsea, and face a crucial Champions

League trip to Villarreal on Tuesday.

WeDNesDAY, NoVeMBeR 24, 2021










Father­ of­ the­ Nation­ Bangabandhu­ Sheikh­ Mujibur

Rahman.­ He­ will­ play­ the­ role­ of­ Tikka­ Khan­ in­ the






"I­ went­ to­ Mumbai­ for­ the­ audition,"­ said­ Zayed


play­ the­ role­ of­ Tikka­ Khan­ in­ this­ movie.



Bollywood­ favourite

couple­ Vicky­ Kaushal


set­ to­ tie­ the­ knot­ in

Rajasthan­ next­ month.

Reports­ of­ their­ alleged

wedding­ have­ got­ their

fans­ all­ excited.­ Amidst

these­ reports,­ celeb

astrologer­ now­ predicts

the­ compatibility­ and

future­ of­ the­ celebrity



wedding­ preparations

are­ in­ full­ swing,­ the

'Sooryavanshi'­ actress

has­ reportedly­ started

Bollywood­ director­ Shyam­ Benegal­ is­ making




Nusrat­ Imroz­ Tisha­ in­ the­ role­ Bangamata­ Sheikh






Though­ the­ movie­ was­ supposed­ to­ be­ released­ in









The­ two­ have­ even

found­ a­ love­ nest­ at­ a

luxurious­ apartment­ in

Juhu­ where­ Anushka



Now­ as­ per­ the

ETimes­ report,­ Pandit

Jagannath­ Guruji­ has

revealed­ to­ them­ how

Vicky­ Kaushal­ and

Katrina­ Kaif­ would­ be

with­ each­ other­ as­ life

partners.­ Based­ on­ the

astrological­ calculations

and­ face­ reading,­ he

said,­ "both­ Katrina­ and

Vicky­ are­ extremely

private­ people.­ Be­ it


they­ would­ prefer­ to



Hate­ to­ break­ it­ to­ the


be­ particularly­ happy


and­ speculations­ about


The­ astrologer­ also

spoke­ about­ what

destiny­ has­ in­ store­ for


said,­ "Katrina­ has


working­ professional,

who­ has­ made­ it­ big­ in

the­ tinsel­ town.­ Her

perseverance­ and­ focus


diva­ that­ she­ is.

However,­ after­ getting


likely­ to­ shift­ her­ focus

more­ toward­ her



she­ wants­ to­ take­ a



He­ further­ clarified



fewer­ projects­ as­ time

goes­ by.­ As­ for­ Vicky

Kaushal,­ the­ astrologer

said­ that­ he­ will­ rise­ to

stardom­ with­ time­ and

both­ will­ lead­ a­ happy


are­ very­ intelligent.­ As



other­ a­ lot­ as­ partners

and­ always­ be­ mindful



Source: Bollywood


"Nonajoler­ Kabbo"­ (The­ Salt­ in­ Our­ Waters),­ the­ highly

anticipated­ film­ about­ climate­ change,­ will­ get­ theatrical


Before­ the­ commercial­ release,­ the­ film­ will­ have­ a


Directed­ by­ debutant­ Rezwan­ Shahriar­ Sumit,­ the­ film



Co-produced­ by­ Rezwan­ Shahriar­ Sumit­ and­ French

producer­ Ilann­ Girard,­ the­ film­ has­ garnered­ immense

praise­ at­ multiple­ international­ film­ festivals­ including


Recently,­ the­ movie­ was­ screened­ at­ the­ 26th­ United

Nations­ Climate­ Change­ Conference­ (COP26),­ on­ 8


"Nonajoler­ Kabbo"­ will­ hit­ all­ the­ branches­ of­ Star

Cineplex,­ Blockbuster­ Cinema­ in­ Jamuna­ Future­ Park,

Narayanganj­ and­ Silver­ Screen­ in­ Chottogram,­ reports­ a



Bangladeshi­ filmmaker

Abdullah­ Mohammad

Saad's­ award-winning­ film

'Rehana­ Maryam­ Noor'

starring­ actress­ Azmeri

Haque­ Badhon­ has­ secured

nomination­ under­ the

competition­ category­ of

'New­ Asian­ Cinema'

programme­ in­ Polandbased­

Five­ Flavours­ Film


"Rehana­ embarks­ on­ an

angry­ journey­ through­ a

labyrinth­ of­ corridors,



her,­ cornering­ her­ in­ the

narrow,­ dark-blue­ frames,

creating­ an­ emotionless


since­ then,­ WWE­ wrestler-turned-Hollywood­ superstar­ and





from­ Friday,­ November­ 12,

Johnson­ joined­ a­ select

roundtable­ with­ journalists,

including­ an­ IANS

representative,­ to­ talk­ about






million­ to­ produce,­ 'Red

Notice',­ an­ action-comedy

drama­ also­ starring­ Ryan

Reynolds,­ Gal­ Gadot­ and­ the

UK-Indian­ actress­ Ritu­ Arya,




commercial­ success,­ according­ to­ 'The­ New­ York­ Observer'.









record­ of­ her­ lonely

mission,"­ the­ festival­ wrote

about­ the­ film­ on­ its


"With­ his­ second­ film,

tense­ like­ a­ full-blooded

thriller,­ Saad­ confirms­ that

he­ is­ an­ incredibly­ talented






of­ Five­ Flavours­ Film

Festival­ presents­ films­ that

show­ the­ modern­ reality­ of

the­ continent­ particularly

brave­ and­ interesting­ ways,

exploring­ interpersonal

relations,­ cultural­ tensions





you're­ passionate­ about­ it,­ then­ really­ that­ is­ what­ all­ that



has­ starred­ in­ blockbusters­ such­ as­ 'The­ Rundown',­ 'Walking



'Jumanji:­ Welcome­ to­ the

Jungle',­ its­ sequel­ 'Jumanji:

The­ Next­ Level',­ and­ most


In­ response­ to­ a­ question



is­ a­ smart­ question,­ but­ it­ is

tricky­ to­ answer­ because­ Gal

and­ I­ both­ have­ had­ the

opportunity­ to­ play­ some

iconic­ (characters).­ …­ We­ are

so­ lucky­ and­ blessed­ in­ our

careers­ to­ play­ iconic

characters…like­ Wonder


So­ you­ just­ have­ to­ find







Source: IANS

H o R o s c o p e




a­ perfectly­ controlled­ person.­ You

don't­ want­ to­ restrain­ your­ urges­ anymore!






(April­ 21­ -­ May­ 21)­ :­ The­ present

planetary­ aspects­ could­ change­ your

approach­ to­ life.­ Almost­ compulsively,













configuration­ can­ help­ you­ do­ that­ now.


natural­ charms­ if­ you­ can­ change­ your



(June­ 22­ -­ July­ 23)­ :­ Don't­ let­ your









(July­ 24­ -­ Aug.­ 23):­ Finally,­ today,


charge­ of­ things.­ You'll­ even­ feel


case,­ you'll­ beautifully­ coordinate­ the­ day.





(Aug.­ 24­ -­ Sept.­ 23): Unlike­ other


true­ feelings.­ Even­ when­ you­ hide



a­ sign­ of­ weakness,­ but­ today­ you'll­ show­ the





about­ to­ improve­ your­ love­ life.

You're­ no­ longer­ hung­ up­ about

your­ body.­ You're­ no­ longer

distracted­ by­ it­ during­ passionate­ moments.








energy­ will­ increase,­ thanks­ to­ the

prevailing­ planetary­ transits.­ You

thrive­ on­ your­ romantic­ desires­ and­ your

creativity.­ You­ should­ try­ to­ stay­ in­ control­ of

situations.­ Don't­ let­ your­ or­ anyone­ else's






and­ express­ itself­ vigorously.­ The











person­ you're­ talking­ to.­ Today­ you'll­ wonder­ if

you're­ missing­ out­ on­ interesting­ experiences­ by

controlling­ your­ emotions­ so­ tightly,­ or­ if­ your



(Jan.­ 21­ -­ Feb.­ 19)­ : You'll­ probably

feel­ a­ little­ lost­ today.­ You'll­ have­ to








(Feb.­ 20­ -­ Mar.­ 20)­ :­ Today­ you'll

change­ your­ approach­ to

relationships.­ In­ the­ past,­ they

were­ based­ on­ feelings,­ but­ now

you'll­ decide­ that­ they­ should­ be­ more

rational.­ You­ might­ feel­ that­ this­ sudden

change­ of­ attitude­ could­ detract­ from­ your





The Chinese dad

making medicine to

treat his dying son

KUNMING : Two-year-old

Haoyang has likely just

months to live-but the only

medicine that can help his rare

genetic condition is not found

anywhere in China and closed

borders due to the Covid-19

pandemic mean he cannot

travel for treatment, reports


Instead, his desperate father,

Xu Wei, has created a home

laboratory to create a remedy

for the boy himself. "I didn't

really have time to think about

whether to do it or not. It had

to be done," the 30-year-old

told AFP from his DIY lab in a

high-rise apartment building

in southwestern Kunming.

Is travel safe during the pandemic

this holiday season?

It depends. It can be safe if you're

fully vaccinated against COVID-19,

but officials say people who haven't

gotten the shots should delay travel,

reports UNB.

Regardless of vaccination status, all

travelers should keep taking

precautions like avoiding indoor,

unmasked crowds, says Dr. Keith

Armitage, an infectious disease expert

at Case Western Reserve University.

"The delta variant has really

brought us back to an earlier time in

the pandemic," he says.

The U.S. Centers for Disease

Control and Prevention says not to

travel if you're sick, or if you tested

positive for COVID-19 and your

isolation period isn't over yet - even if

you're fully vaccinated. Unvaccinated

people who decide to travel should get

a COVID-19 test one to three days

before travel and three to five days

after returning.

All travelers must still wear masks

on trains, planes and other indoor

public transportation areas, the

agency says.

Airlines say plane cabins are low

risk since they have good air

circulation and filtration. However,

there is no requirement for

vaccination or testing before domestic

flights, and passengers can remove

their face masks while eating or


Hotels aren't risky for the

vaccinated as long as they wear masks

around strangers, Armitage says.

More fraught are family gatherings

with unvaccinated individuals,

particularly for those who are older or

have health problems.

Health experts suggest looking at

the case levels and masking rules in

the place you are visiting before you


A Candle Lit Ceremony was held on Sunday at Shyamoli Park, organized by

Dhaka Ahsania Mission Health Sector to raise awareness, draw the attention

of government and law enforcement agencies, and remember the victims

of road accidents.

Photo : Courtesy

Pfizer vaccination program began in

Dhamoirhat upazila for HSC candidates to prevent

coronavirus. The vaccination program was

inaugurated at the Upazila Parishad meeting

room recently. At that time, Upazila Nirbahi

Officer Ganapati Roy, Upazila Health Officer Dr.

Swapan Kumar Biswas, Upazila Secondary

Education Officer Md Zulfiqar Ali and others

were also present.

Photo: Rejuan Alam

Govt allocates TK over 1cr as

agri-incentive in Manikganj

MANIKGANJ: The government has allocated TK one crore

two lac 66 thousand and five hundred for 10 thousand 900

farmers in all seven upazilas of the district to distribute

during the current Robi season, reports BSS.

Department of Agricultural Extension (DAE) officials here

said each farmer is getting seeds and fertilizers free of cost for

cultivating wheat, maize, mustard, sunflower, groundnut,

onion and mung bean on their land.

The distribution of allocated seeds and fertilizers has

already started among the listed farmers.

Saiful Islam, a farmer of Charguzuri village under

Manikganj Sadar Upazila, said he has already received the

seeds of wheat and fertilizers free of cost for cultivating on

one bigha of land from the agriculture department and

completed sowing.

Deputy Director of DAE Md. Shah Jahan Ali Biswas said

they are working restlessly to distribute the governmentallocated

seeds among the farmers in due time.

12 test positive for

COVID-19 in Ctg

CHATTOGRAM : A total of 12 people were detected positive

for coronavirus in the last 24 hours after testing 1,763

samples in seven COVID-19 laboratories in Chattogram

district, reports BSS.

Among the newly detected patients, 10 are from

Chattogram city and two other from different upazilas of the

district, hospital sources said.

The lowest COVID-19 positivity rate has continued in

Chattogram district.

Civil Surgeon Dr Ilias Chowdhury told BSS that

Chattogram district recorded lowest COVID-19 positivity

rate of 0.68 percent during the last 24 hours till Monday


With the newly infected cases, the number of coronavirus

patients stands at 102,362 in the district.

"The number of cured patients from the lethal virus stood

at 90,876 in the district with the recovery of 104 more

patients in the last 24 hours," Dr Ilias said, adding that the

percentage of recovery rate is 86.96.

With no new deaths recorded in the last 24 hours, the

death toll steady 1,330 in the district.

Czechs protest restrictions on

unvaccinated as cases soar

PRAGUE : Protesters marched through the Czech capital of

Prague on Monday to decry the government's restrictions on

unvaccinated people as new infections soared in the

European Union nation.

The protesters, who numbered in the hundreds, demanded

"Freedom!" for the unvaccinated and rejected the

government's push for people to get their vaccine shots.

They carried posters with pictures of politicians - including


GD-1719/21 (6x3)

GD-1722/21 (9x3)

A seminar on awareness and implementation of

Consumer Rights Protection Act 2009 has been

held at Morrelganj on Tuesday. Upazila chairman

Adv. Shah-e- Alam Bacchu was present as

the chief guest at the occasion under the chairmanship

of Upazila Nirbahi Officer Jahangir


Photo: M Palash Sharif

GD-1724/21 (10x3)

Wednesday, Dhaka: November 24, 2021; Agrahyan 9, 1428 BS; rabius-Sani 18, 1443 Hijri

Bangladesh's future

focus may be on nuclear

energy use: Dr Tawfiq

DHAKA : Bangladesh may go for

nuclear power use to meet its growing

consumption, said Prime Minister's

Energy Advisor Dr Tawfiq-e-Elahi


Taking advantage of advanced technologies,

Bangladesh may concentrate

on nuclear power in near future to

meet its energy demand as it has zero

emission," he said on Tuesday.

Dr Tawfiq was addressing the

first-ever stakeholders' meeting at a

city hotel on formulation of an integrated

energy and power sector

master plan.

The Power, Energy and Mineral

Resources Ministry organised the

meeting with State Minister for Power,

Energy and Mineral Resources Nasrul

Hamid in the chair.

Japan International Cooperation

Agency (JICA) is providing financial

and technical support for framing the

integrated plan for the energy and

power sector.

The function was addressed, among

others, by Principal Secretary to the

Prime Minister Dr Ahmad Kaikaus,

Japanese Ambassador ITO Naoki and

Power Secretary Habibur Rahman.

Dr Tawfiq urged JICA to focus on

technological advancement while formulating

the master plan as technologies

are fast changing in the energy and

power sector.

He also advised the officials concerned

to talk to local people to have

innovative ideas in finding solutions to

various problems in the sector.

Nasrul Hamid said Bangladesh

would require $21 billion if it wants to

meet its target of decarbonisation and

promote clean and renewable energy

by preparing an integrated master


Dr Ahmad Kaikaus said transmission

of gas and power is a very important

element for the integrated master

plan, and there should be a suitable

plan for the areas where gas and power

transmission lines to be installed.

Japanese Ambassador ITO Naoki

said the proposed integrated master

plan is instrumental for the energy and

power sector and it is being prepared

when Bangladesh and Japan are going

to celebrate its 50 years of partnership

and cooperation.

RAB arrests terrorists related

to Alauddin murder


An abduction drama was staged to

avoid arrest in the murder of self-confessed

pirate Alauddin at Maheshkhali

area in Cox's Bazar. The suspects were

finally arrested during the raid. Based

on the information provided by the

detainees, RAB recovered 10 weapons

buried in the hills of Nayapara in

Kalarmarchhara Union.

Cox's Bazar RAB-15's captain Lt.

Colonel Khairul Islam confirmed the incident.

He said the weapons were recovered

in the early hours of Monday (November

22) on the basis of information provided

by the detainees.

The arrested are Rafiqul Islam Prakash

Mamun, 28, son of late Mansur Alam

Prakash of Chamiraghona area of

Kalarmarchhara, Mohammad Rifat, 23,

son of MonirulAlam of Chiknipara and

Ayub Ali, 40, son of late Abdul Ali of

Mohammad Shah Ghona area.

According to the RAB, among the

arrested, Rafiqul Islam Prakash is the first

accused in the case of the murder of

Alauddin and Ayub Ali is the twelfth


Among the ammunition recovered were

four single barrel guns, one three quarter

gun, three LGs, one foreign pistol, one

magazine, two rounds of fresh ammunition

and five rounds of fresh ammunition.

Earlier, on November 5, a terrorist killed

Alauddin, 26, after returning from robbery.

The next day, the victim's brother

Sumon Uddin filed a case with the police

station mentioning the names of 18 people.

Whose case No. 05/313.

Major Sheikh Yusuf Ahmed, CPC commander

of Cox's Bazar RAB-15, said, "as

part of this, we arrested Rafiqul Islam

Mamun and his accomplice Rifat on

November 22 at 8 am from Faitang in

Lamar upazila of Bandarban.On the basis

of the information provided by them, we

were able to arrest Ayub Ali, the 12th

accused in the case, from Pahartali area of

Cox's Bazar city.

And on the basis of the information

given by Rafiqul Islam and Ayub Ali, we

recovered the weapons used for robbery

and murder while they were buried in

Murarkachha hill of Nayapara in

Kalarmarchhara. '

Cox's Bazar RAB-15's captain Lt.

Colonel Khairul Islam said, "Basically,

they staged a drama to the effect that they

had been abducted to avoid arrest in the

Alauddin murder case.That is why they

were hiding. As a result of their arrest, the

mystery of the murder has been revealed."

Lt. Colonel Khairul Islam said, "Transfer

to Maheshkhali police station is in process

to take further legal action against the

arrested accused."

Meanwhile, the locals have applauded

the arrest of the terrorists.

Incidentally, eight people have been

arrested so far in the self-confessed

pirate Alauddin murder case.

Winter has already begun. On Tuesday morning, the roads of Khulna-Satkhira road was

covered with thick fog.

Photo : Star Mail

BD, Thailand make

good progress towards

FTA : Thai envoy

DHAKA : Thailand has made made good

progress towards signing a bilateral free

trade agreement with Bangladesh, the

country's envoy said during a meeting

with Bangladeshi business leaders here

on Tuesday, reports UNB.

Ambassador Makawadee Sumitmor

said this during a meeting with FBCCI

President Md. Jashim Uddin at his office.

The ambassador said that positive

progress has been made on the free trade

agreement between Thailand and

Bangladesh, according to a FBCCI press


The envoy also expressed her country's

interest in increasing imports from

Bangladesh to boost bilateral trade.

The FBCCI president said Bangladesh

will need to sign FTA or PTA with other

countries as Dhaka will lose some international

trade advantages after graduation

to a developing economy in 2026.

However, before concluding a free

trade agreement, trade balance must be

established between the two countries

concerned, he said.

Bilateral trade between the two countries

has long been in favor of Thailand.

Therefore, he urged Thai investors to

invest in Bangladesh.

Thai investment can be lucrative, especially

in the agro-processing sector, he


At the same time, citing the examples

of China, Japan, Korea and India, he

mentioned that many countries have

taken separate economic zones for their

own investors.

He said Thailand can also take such a

step. The Thai ambassador said that if

the products are branded, there is a possibility

of creating huge demand for

Bangladeshi products in his country.

"In particular, there is a huge opportunity

to export readymade garments,

leather goods and fish from Bangladesh,"

she said.

No change in Khaleda's

condition: Fakhrul

DHAKA : BNP secretary general

Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir on

Tuesday said there has been no

improvement in the health condition

of BNP Chairperson Khaleda

Zia, now undergoing treatment at

Evercare Hospital in the capital

with multiple complications,

reports UNB.

"She's now in between life and

death. The medical board formed for

her treatment sat in a meeting today.

What we came to know so far is that

there has been no significant

improvement in her condition," said

Fakrul while talking to reporters at

BNP's Gulshan office.

"When I visited her several times I

found her mentally strong. Doctors

also said she is mentally very strong

despite her illness which will help her

respond to treatment," he said.

He urged the government to allow

her to go abroad for treatment without

further delay. "I urge the government

to allow her to go abroad without

considering the issue as political

one and considering her contributions

to the country and its people,"

said Fakrul.

"Doctors are giving her the best

ever treatment here, but her recovery

is not possible in the country due to

her critical condition. Doctors suggested

us names of three countries -

the UK, the USA or Germany-where

her treatment is possible," he added.

Khaleda, a 76-year-old former

prime minister, was readmitted to

Evercare Hospital on November 13,

six days after she had returned home

from the hospital.

The BNP chief's physicians said she

has been suffering from rheumatoid

arthritis, diabetes, critical cardiac,

kidney ophthalmological and dental

complications. The hemoglobin level

in her blood has also dropped.

On behalf of the family, Khaleda's

younger brother, Shamim Iskander,

submitted an application to the

Home Ministry on November 11 urging

the government to allow her to go

abroad for better treatment.

Law Minister Anisul Huq, however,

said recently that the BNP chairperson

has to make a fresh application first by

going back to jail to go abroad for treatment.

A delegation of pro-BNP lawyers on

Tuesday submitted a memorandum

to Law Minister Anisul Huq seeking

the government's permission to send

ailing Khaleda Zia abroad for treatment.

They argued that there is no legal

obstruction for the government in

allowing Khaleda to go abroad.

The minister said that they will

examine the memorandum.

Hemayet Hossain made

interim chairman of

Gazipur Dev Authority

DHAKA : The government today

appointed Housing and Public Works

Ministry's Additional Secretary Md

Hemayet Hossain as the interim chairman

of the Gazipur Unnayan

Kartripakkha (Gazipur Development

Authority or GDA), which was constituted

in 2020.

According to an official order,

Hemayet will discharge his duty in

addition to his current responsibility

in the public works ministry until

appointment of a fulltime GDA


The Gazipur Unnayan Kartripakkha

Bill 2020 was passed in the Jatiya

Sangsad on September 8 in 2020.

ACC raids subregistry


in Noakhali

DHAKA : Anti-Corruption Commission

(ACC) on Tuesday raided Sub-Registry

Office of Noakhali on the allegations of

bribery from service seekers against former

sub-registrar Abu Hena Mostafa

Kamal, reports UNB.

Deputy Director of ACC Public relation

office Muhammad Arif Sadeq told UNB

that Deputy Assistant Director of ACC

Integrated District Office, Noakhali Arif

Ahmed led the enforcement team during

the drive.

The ACC team visited the Sub-Registry

Office on the spot and spoke to the Sub-

Registrar in charge, he said.

The running sub-registrar told the

team that the accused sub-registrar Abu

Hena Mostafa Kamal had been transferred

from the office about a year ago.

The sub-registrar who has recently

taken new responsibilities informed that

he has taken all possible steps to stop all

kinds of irregularities.

The ACC team also recorded the statements

made by the service seekers at the

office as to whether there was any harassment

or attempted extortion.

Documents related to the complaint

have been collected, the spokesman of

the ACC added. The ACC enforcement

team will submit a detailed report along

with the commission after verifying the

information and evidence obtained during

the operation.

Dengue in Bangladesh

91 more


in 24 hrs

DHAKA : As many as 91 new dengue

patients have been hospitalised in 24

hours until Tuesday morning, health

authorities said. The number of fatalities

from the mosquito-borne disease

remained unchanged at 98 in the current

year as no fresh death was reported

during the period, according to the

Directorate General of Health Services


Of the deceased, 90 people died in

Dhaka division alone, two each in

Chattogram, Mymensingh and Khulna

divisions and one each in Rajshahi and

Barishal divisions.

Among the new patients, 75 are undergoing

treatment in hospitals in Dhaka

while the remaining 16 cases have been

reported from outside the division.

Some 493 patients diagnosed with

dengue are receiving treatment in the

country as of Tuesday.

Of them, 375 patients are receiving

treatment at different hospitals in the

capital while the remaining 118 were listed

outside Dhaka.

Since January, some 26,633 patients

have been admitted to different hospitals

with dengue in the country. So far,

26,042 dengue patients have left hospitals

after recovery, said DGHS.

In September, the country recorded

the highest number of 7,841 dengue

cases of the current year with 23 deaths.

In October, the number of dengue cases

came down to 5,604 with 22 deaths


Locals have become disturbed due to piles of garbage along the Dhaka-Chittagong highway.

The picture is taken from the capital's Sanir Akra area on Tuesday. Photo : Star Mail

Ageing bailey bridges turn death

traps in hilly Khagrachari roads

KHAGRACHARI : Built in the

80's the bailey bridges in this hilly

district were meant for carrying a

maximum of 5-ton trucks. Today,

goods-laden transports weighing

up to 25 tons cross the shaky

dilapidated bridges making the

structures vulnerable to accidents.

"The bailey bridges have now

become death traps," said the

driver of a 25-ton truck that regularly

carry construction materials

from the plains to the hills, speaking

on condition of anonymity.

According to the Khagrachari

Roads and Highways Department,

there are 10 risky bailey bridges in


Md Kashem, vice-president of

Khagrachari Chamber of

Commerce, said the bailey bridges

in the district are about 40 years

old. Now these bridges often collapse

under weight of vehicles

snapping road communications.

The Khagrachari Roads and

Urban Development Department

has promised to that concrete

bridges will be constructed to

replace all bailey bridges in


But locals see no sign of any

activity to replace the bailey

bridges, which were built as temporary

means of communication.

In the past four decades since

the bailey bridges were built

Khagrachari, a valley town, has

witnessed manifold growth in

tourism, trade and commerce. So

has increased the movement of

trucks and other vehicles putting

heavy pressure on the ageing iron

(or steel) structures.

Accidents due to collapse of the

bridges under the weight of heavy

trucks have been common.

An accident on a bridge early

this year left at least three people

killed, while another such accident

occurred in December last

year injuring eight people.

A number of cases have been

filed against us due to the accident

on the bridge at Longdu," some

transport workers alleged.

In this regard, transport workers

have demanded the construction

of a concrete bridge to replace

the risky bailey bridge at Longdu

of the district's Dighinala upazila.

Sabuj Chakma, Sub-Divisional

Engineer, Khagrachari Roads and

Highways Department, said 70

concrete bridges have been constructed

in the last few years. The

remaining bailey bridges are in

the process of being replaced, he


"Plans are afoot to build concrete

bridges to replace these risky

bailey bridges. If the project is

passed, a concrete bridge will be

constructed at Longdu too," he


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