Unison: The menopause is a workplace issue - guidance and model policy

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The menopause is a workplace issue: guidance and model policy


Foreword 3

Why the menopause is a workplace issue 4

How branches can benefit from negotiating a workplace menopause policy 5

What is the menopause? 6

What are the possible menopausal symptoms and how could they impact on

work? 8

Why do branch officers and reps need to know about

menopausal symptoms? 10

Women’s experience at work 11

UNISON members’ experiences 13

Further sources of information to support women and raise awareness: 14

Changing workplace policies and practices 15

The role of the trade union 19

Further information for branches and union reps 22

Putting the case to an employer for a workplace menopause policy 24

The law and the menopause 26

Checklist for branches and reps 28

Model workplace survey on the menopause 30

Menopause and the workplace policy 32


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