Unison: The menopause is a workplace issue - guidance and model policy

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UNISON members’ experiences

One UNISON member and activist reports:

“My experience with dealing with

the menopause issues was awful.

At the time I thought I was having a

nervous breakdown. I was struggling

to concentrate and work was all

getting too much.

My line manager at the time was a

very young man who I had to try and

talk to. At first I made up a reason

for going sick but soon realised I

needed to tell him the real reason

why I was off work. I sat in his office

sweating and feeling like I was old

enough to be his mother! He was

struggling to understand what I was

talking about so I suggested that he

go home and speak to his own Mum

and ask her about the menopause!

I eventually went to my GP who was

happy to prescribe HRT which has

helped a great deal.

We need to be raising awareness

and sharing information on the

issues and how they impact on

women with our line managers.”

Another activist explains: “Currently I’m

not menopausal, I’m perimenopausal

and some time ago when I worked

in a school as a teaching assistant

I would describe myself as very

perimenopausal! So the hot flushes,

severe anemia, palpitations meant

that I was exhausted, the lack of

sleep, I was physically weak, I had

no stamina and I got breathless just

by walking down the corridor in the

school. I was struggling to work.

What I like about our workplace

menopause policy is the self-help

part. I did see my GP... and with the

support of my colleagues at work, I

was able to manage the symptoms

until they got better.

Her colleague had a different experience:

“I underwent surgery at the age of

36 for health reasons so entered

an immediate menopause... What

I didn’t expect, what I wasn’t

prepared for was the psychological

symptoms and their effect on me.

I literally did not recognise myself.

Almost overnight I went from a

confident 30-something to feeling

lost, numb and anxious and that is

something I’ve never experienced

before. I’m lucky, after a couple of

months, some HRT, some self-help,

I started to feel like my old self again.

That’s not to say all the symptoms

disappear but you learn to manage


But what made the world of

difference for me was the support

of my then line manager but also of

my colleagues, my friends and my

family. With their understanding I

felt confident and free, particularly

in the workplace to tell people how

I felt, to tell them I felt a little out of

sorts, or I’m popping outside just to

cool down, I didn’t need to look for

an excuse, I was able to be open

and honest to have that 5 minutes,

then come back and get on with my

working day.”


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