SHILL Issue 13

Solana #SHILL zine

Solana #SHILL zine


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@itskay_k talks about cross-chain

artists working together and creating



Full colour spread of some mints

from the past weeks.



0.025 ◎


So what exactly is @alexhitchcroft

bullish about?








SHILL Issue #13

4 SolanaMechaWar

NFT project with a mission.





Women in NFT

@itskay_k talks about crosschain

NFT development.

Solana & Ethereum

Are we at a turning point in

crypto history?

NFT Degenz

Millz interviews on his


SHILL the Mint

NFT highlights.



You Want ALPHA?

@theWOOFerine spills the


Red Panda Squad

Update on the RPS and what


is coming soon.

In Primo Statur

Hedgie Hogs

16 Solanauts gives a synopsis 28 HedgehogMarket

of their first 2 months in the

make predictions with NFTs

Solana space.



18 29

NEW! Send your AUDIUS

playlist to


to be featured.

Tope Gainers Top News


Regular feature from TheX-

Astronaut and SolanaNews


Fresh new offerings for the


SHILL Issue #13 3


SMW Ch 4

Solana Mecha War

Stor Lehren switched the color display to a detailed map of the

region. He pointed to a region at the edge of the High Canyons.

“I say we head towards the

48th degree. We can exit

through the Overlord’s Pass

and reach Maran, the neoagora

bordering the Krokang

district.” Stor Lehren traced his

fingertips across the display.

“Since the neo-agora is known

to be a neutral zone, we can

set up a contact base there

before we enter Krokang.

With the uncertainties, this

can potentially be an S-Rank

mission. It is too risky to

contact the Imperial Code in

the open after this change

of tide. We need to set up an

indirect decoy line to alert

them for possible backup.”

“Good idea.” Lint Juru echoed

his sentiments. “We will need a refuel as well. The surprise

extended journey and the high optical shift is exhausting our


They passed several Golm squads on the way, the low hum

of their engine stopping several sensitive mecha pilots


SHILL Issue #13

momentarily in their tracks.

Like all others, they moved on,

as nothing unusual could be

picked up by their cameras.

The path between the high

cliffs gradually narrowed, until

a point where the spacecraft

could only pass through flying

tilted. Through the viewing

glass, Stor Lehren spotted

the expected indentations

on the cliff walls. Among

them, thousands of majestic

sculptures of men and

women were carved in

memory of the rulers of

the Exilio Clan. They were

entering the Overlord’s Pass.

disengaged the gravity pod.

He pushed the handle, and

the gravity pod floated some

distance from the main ship.

Stor Lehren hopped on the

pod and started adjusting the

control parameters. Lint Juru

hopped on not too long after,

wobbling the pod, dragging

with her a half-opened satchel

stuffed to the brim with instant

elkis packs.

“I don’t think it is a good idea

to fly out of the High Canyons.

With the High Canyons gone,

I suspect Exilion soldiers to

be swarming Maran too.”

“Then, let’s enter as Anduran

merchants with our gravity

pods.” Lint Juru suggested.

A shallow cavity was spotted

amongst the statues and Lint

Juru steered the spacecraft

carefully into the tight space.

He grabbed his satchel and

SHILL Issue #13 5

“You…” Stor Lehren raised his eyebrows and sneered. “Your

addiction is not getting any better, isn’t it?”

“None of your business.” Lint Juru snapped.

Stor Lehren manipulated the controls, the gravity pod

descended and floated towards the end of the Overlord’s Pass.

The path slowly widened again, the thorny shrubs becoming

leafier and greener as they advanced.

From afar, they saw hundreds of mecha heads before the

gravity pod floated into the open. After passing through

rows of immobile mechas attached to rusty transport stilts,

spacecraft of different sizes and origins were seen. Just like

Stor predicted, they were mostly Exilion-owned.


SHILL Issue #13

Stor pushed ahead until they arrived before a strange looking

body of water. Instead of a calm surface, thousands of partially

submerged pillars scattered across it. The height of each pillar

above the water surface was approximately three times the

height of a mecha sleeve.

As they flew closer, hundreds of layers of trading platforms

attached to the pillars could be seen. Flying between them were

air species, drones, gravity pods or mixture pods. Occasionally

slight splashes were heard from water and mixture pods

submerging or emerging from the water surface. The layers of

trading platforms underwater were mostly owned by water or

amphibic species coming from the Wet planets of the Jangrian


Stor was ordered to stop before the neo-agora entrance.

“Occupying any mecha or spacecraft slots?” A security guard

with a long snout asked, his left webbed hand gripping a

general Cube.


“Pod ID?”

“Anduran merchant pod. A-CN-1879.”

The guard’s stubby fingers tapped rapidly on the Cube and

not too long after an orange glow appeared on the pod’s

communication panel.

“All clear.” He nodded and motioned them to pass. He looked

behind them and yelled, “Next!”

Stor Lehren steered the gravity pod towards the neo-agora

electrical fieldscreen. Stor felt the air around him growing

warm as he pierced through the field. The orange glow flashed

three times and a voice announced, “Identification converged.”

The surrounding air cooled down and the voice responded

again, “Welcome to Maran.”

-All rights reserved by Solana Mecha War-

SHILL Issue #13 7



To begin with let’s learn a little bit about Women in Solana. When and

where did the concept come about?

Before I was in crypto I was dancing ballet professionally and the environment

was very female oriented. When joining the NFT community this

past summer, being the only woman on my team, it became obvious to

me that the female presence was lacking. This started me on my journey

to find “my people” and connect myself to other likeminded women in

the space.

After that inspirational pivot how did you go about forming a group? Who

makes up the core of the group?

After that realization hit me so hard, I made it my mission to help connect

people within the space. I started this discord server on a whim hoping

that at least the people who I had initially connected with would join. It

went viral and it was very apparent the need for this resource within the

community. We have a clear verification process to get into the server to

help keep it a safe space of just women & LGBTQ. So, the core group consists

of these individuals who are either in the NFT space or are looking

to learn more about NFTs.

You could have easily taken this action on the Ethereum platform. Why


The group itself is cross chain! Anybody from ETH or SOL or Tezos, etc.

can join our group. It’s been really fun chatting about these different

communities and how WIN really bridges the gap for women across different


Apart from Twitter you also manage a Discord for the group. How is that

coming along?

It’s been great! We now have 800+ women in the server with numbers

increasing every day. I want to work on providing more ways in which

people can be involved - different initiatives that resonate with people.

As well as providing more resources!


SHILL Issue #13


I recently had the privilege of dropping into a Twitter Space run by the

group. The session was well organized, supportive, and the floor was

open to all the listeners. Has the group been able to run these regularly

and if so, have you found that community engagement is still strong?

The community engagement has been fabulous! I host a regular coffee

chat for WIN every Friday and that’s been really awesome. Looking to expand

to 2-3 spaces for WIN a week in which we highlight different female

projects as well as discuss specific topics about Women In NFTs.

Many of your members are successful artists with their own Holaplex

stores or running their own mint events. Has the group explored a marketplace

built for women by women as a viable option in the future?

I’ve definitely been thinking about ideas around this. I actually set up a

Women In NFTs Holaplex store to be used in the future. The WIN admins

really want to start doing female focused auctions for charity in the

coming months. The idea would be that we would gather some female

artists together to create or donate NFTs to the storefront to auction off

in an “event” to be donated to female focused initiatives and charities.

We also want to start a WIN fund in which we help support women who

are entering the space.

I am sure there are quite a few artists that are yet to hit the scene who are

being mentored within your Discord. Can you think of some newcomers

we should be keeping an eye out for?

This is a great question!

@RyleeArmond @catlady_jane @elyxendra @petrichorate & more!

It is so important to highlight female creators and figures in this space.

I truly believe that the key to onboarding more women to this space is

connecting WOMEN to WOMEN. Having that initial connection and validation/safety

within the space is something that will help others thrive.

Looking forward to seeing where this journey takes us!

Kayla / @itskay_k

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SHILL Issue #13 11




Sarah Tran


•Solana price appears to be gearing up toward its next target at $310 before

putting further optimistic aims on the radar.

•The Ethereum-killer is one of the few currently existing public blockchains

that could scale to millions of transactions per second.

•Considering the SOL price history, the token could easily climb 800% to

over $1,500.

Solana price has witnessed a considerable

surge, climbing over 1,000% since

mid-July this year. The Ethereum-killer’s

rally is not over yet, as SOL could be repeating

history as a massively optimistic

target has been put on the radar since

a bullish chart pattern has formed. The

altcoin, which ranks fifth by market capitalization,

could easily outperform ETH as

the two tokens compete for adoption.

Solana price bolstered by rising adoption

Solana price could be bound for an explosive

surge as its native blockchain is one

of the few blockchains with a roadmap to

scale millions of transactions. According

to cryptocurrency billionaire Sam Bankman-Fried,

the protocol is one of the few

currently existing public blockchains that

could scale to millions of transactions per

second for fractions of a penny per transsolicons.holaplex.com


SHILL Issue #13


He added that not a lot of other blockchains have been

focusing on scalability and reducing fees, including

Ethereum. Bankman-Fried highlighted that mass-scale

application businesses would need to be able to take on

hundreds of millions to billions of users and transactions

per second.

Ethereum transactions take a comparatively long time to

get processed, and its gas fees – transaction fees – are

relatively high. The ETH alternative, Solana allows users

to pay much lower fees and receive faster transaction

times. The benefits that the SOL protocol provides incentivize

users to stay within the ecosystem, especially

for decentralized finance applications and non-fungible

SHILL Issue #13 13




Anything and everything related

to Solana NFTs. From minting,

to exploring projects, predicting

markets, to seeing where this

goes big picture. It’s going to be

an exciting ride and I’m happy

to take you all along for the ride!

Episode 7

In episode 7, an interview

with the lead dev of

Solanauts, TheCommish

about the project 2

months on.



SHILL Issue #13

token (NFT) purchases.

As Ethereum gas fees are back on the rise while activity

on the network is picking up, users could see the Solana

blockchain as a viable alternative. Since the protocol was

launched in April 2020, SOL price has risen by around

16,000% so far this year, becoming the fifth-largest cryptocurrency

by market capitalization in less than two


Solana price could easily octuple

Solana price has formed a bull pennant pattern on the

daily chart, suggesting an outlook that swings in favor of

buyers. By measuring the flagpole of the technical pattern,

SOL is expected to climb 89% and reach $310.

Since the breakout above the upper boundary of the

prevailing chart pattern at $166 on October 20, the bullish

outlook was validated and SOL already surged 57%,

reaching its all-time high at $260. Solana price is now

only 19% away from the upside short-term conservative

target at $310.

SOL/USDT daily chart

In the longer term, Solana price has the potential to climb

800% toward $1,523, the measurement of the ascent

from the bottom to the top of the flagpole of the bull pennant.

Although this figure may seem large at first, SOL

has seen a tremendous run of over 1,300% since the last

time the token has presented the same chart pattern.

The bull pennant pattern that formed on December 22

and broke out on March 26 presented a 94% upside target

for SOL but realized a 290% bull run. The slice above

the topside trend line of the pattern at $14 has eventually

witnessed Solana price surge by 1,360%, reaching the

top of the flagpole of the most recent chart pattern at


SHILL Issue #13 15





It is OFFICIALLY 2 months since we launched the Solanauts

into the #Solana orbit! It is wild how FAST and SLOW time

goes in crypto. Since we have launched, we thought it would

be a great idea to recap the community on what we have




We sold

out of the

first 500

NFT collection


Solana in

minutes! We were battling the 10,000 #NFT collection storm

and wanted to stand out with thoughtful ideas and an educated

approach. We have an AMAZING community that has

ushered in new members, and we are so grateful!

To grow our community, we introduced the first ‘Pass’ ever to


SHILL Issue #13

exist on Solana. The Launch Pass We airdropped half of the

supply (5k) for free and sold the remaining for .1 SOL, another

sell out! This pass is for those who LOVE space but don’t

have/want a Naut.

We partnered with

@ROXcollective to make a collection! The Space Gods An

amazing 9-piece set designed by the brilliant @FubbyFour-

Teen. Each piece went up for auction and we gave 55% of the

raise to @AlexsLemonade! Ridiculous $35,000 USD went to

fight childhood cancer!

cont p36...

SHILL Issue #13 17


Send your playlist to:


to be included in the next issue.


SHILL Issue #13





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SHILL Issue #13

ChimpFight Parasited

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SHILL Issue #13

BabyApe Parasited

SHILL Issue #13 23

You want




Yo @MagicEden_NFT wen can we get blue verified

ticks for collections. For new people coming into the

space we need this asap. TY


SHILL Issue #13

Said no more

jpegs a few

days ago but

just couldn’t

resist sniping

these two

white beauties

ranked 336 &

429. What’s the

logic…? There

are multiple

reasons but

the biggest is

seeing Neons


explode which

means Ghostly

White is next

on the cards

for a pump.

SHILL Issue #13 25





Our team has been working tirelessly behind the scenes and we would like to

share a thread of our progress update so far.

The RPS Private Website

@anondev_sol is currently finalizing the wallet authentication system for the

website. Once it is complete, we can deploy the website this week with features

like our Pandaboard and trait checker.

Animated Series + Gen2 Airdrop

The first animated series episode is almost complete. We can’t wait to show

you the beginning of the adventure of Seba! For every 2 Red Pandas you hold,


SHILL Issue #13

you’ll receive a gen2 Seba airdrop which will tie into our animated

series and game!

Questing Game

We are working hard on completing our litepaper which will include

details about our questing game. We want to bring innovation to the

Solana NFT space by providing deflationary mechanisms, NFT mutations

and a rewarding mechanism for playing!


Today, RPS will be at NFT NYC at the Magic Eden event! We will be

displaying Red Panda visuals at LUME Studios in Broadway.

Solana Breakpoint

Solana Breakpoint is the largest Solana conference which will be

held from the 7th till the 10th of November in Lisbon.

@anondev_sol is attending it! We have just ordered our first samples

of the merch and he will be the first to test them out.

Community events

We plan to hold many community events throughout the next couple

weeks for all holders (including prizes). We will kickoff with a fun

game on Wednesday (announced tomorrow) and a quiz on Friday.

Big FPS tournament is incoming too.

Mobile Game Feature

Surprise announcement: we are partnering with several large NFT

projects to develop a fun mobile game. We cannot tell you much

more at the moment Zipper-mouth face It will be a huge collaboration

in the NFT space.

It has been a testing week for the entire NFT ecosystem and we want

to thank all RPS holders for believing in us and holding on to their

Red Pandas. Our goal is to provide value to all our holders in the long

term and we are taking many steps to ensure this.

The NFT ecosystem is ever-changing and our strategies will adapt

to it. Please feel free to voice your feedback, ideas or concerns. We

value your input as it strengthens the project as well as our amazing


SHILL Issue #13 27


make predictions with NFTs


They tell stories. Stories of rare creatures around the world who lurk

in the shadows, sniffing for secrets. If you’re fortunate, you may

happen upon one of these 10,000 hedgehogs who offer to predict

your future.

We first heard the calls of “wen NFT?” when we released our inaugural

Beta Hog collectible earlier this year, as a way of expressing our

gratitude to early adopters of Hedgehog Markets’ devnet platform.

Today, we’d like to thank our community for being early adopters of

our mainnet platform by introducing our first NFT collection: Hedgie


We’re awed and inspired by the Solana NFT projects and

communities that have grown this year. Hedgie Hogs are our way of

not only enriching our existing Hedgehog Markets experience and

community, but also a major step forward in our predictions market

platform development. We’re focused on utility above all else to

ensure long-term value creation and sustainability for our Hedgie

Hog NFT holders, who are also our valued platform users.

Hedgehog Markets launched on Solana mainnet in September 2021

with a new, innovative take on prediction markets: a concept called

No-Loss Competitions. In a nutshell, Hedgehog offers an arcade-like

experience where users stake USDC to receive game tokens. Users

then take positions in parimutuel prediction markets with these game

tokens, either increasing or decreasing their total balance depending

on if they predicted correctly. At the end of the competition, no matter

how they performed, users can unstake their full USDC principal; if

they made a lot of correct predictions and landed on the competition

leaderboard, they are rewarded with a share of the prize pool! No

loss, up only.

continue p28...


SHILL Issue #13


7D volume

SHILL Issue #13 29

The first major utility for Hedgie Hogs is this: users can stake their

NFTs to enter exclusive no-loss competitions. And, we may be

biased, but we also think they’re super cute. Our first generative

collection consists of:

• Trader Hog

• Politics Hog

• Economist Hog

• American Football Hog

• Football (Soccer) Hog

We’ll be sharing samples of each on

Twitter and Discord this week. Which

ones are you most excited for? Keep

an eye out and let us know!

Mint and Shine

On November 24, 2021 at 1200 ET /

1700 UTC, you’ll have an opportunity

to mint your very own Hedgie Hog for

0.5 SOL! If you’re successful, we’d

love to see what unique Hedgie Hog

came home with you. Did you name

them? Are they your pfp? What’s their


If you miss the first mint, don’t worry;

we want to make sure you can try again! This first mint will be for

5,000 out of 10,000 Hedgie Hogs. There will be subsequent mints

and more occupations to come, but there will never be more than

10,000 Hedgie Hogs.

Mint revenue goes back to benefitting you, the community, in the

form of prize pools and platform incentives.

Platform Utility

Hedgie Hog NFT holders will gain access to a special Discord

channel where YOU decide the no-loss competitions exclusive to

Hedgie Hogs. Once competitions are live, you can stake your Hedgie

Hogs to enter. To begin, these competitions will run in the existing


SHILL Issue #13

no-loss format; for each correct outcome, users increase their game

token ROI and climb the leaderboard for a chance at the competition

prize pool.

We’re really excited about this feature. This is a way to give our users

a say in platform development and a say in what you play! Our goal is

to empower our community and is one additional step towards what

decentralization may look and feel like for Hedgehog Markets. This is

just the beginning; keep an eye out for platform avatars and other ingame

actions ;) Some fun potential

ideas also include merchandise

and community votes to determine

where funds should go to generate


Mint Date: Nov 24, 2021

Mint Time: 1200 ET / 1700 UTC

Mint Price: 0.5 SOL

Mint Supply: 5,000

Total Supply: 10,000

Location: TBA, info to come on

Twitter and Discord

The first major utility for Hedgie

Hogs is this: users can stake their

NFT to enter exclusive no-loss


About Hedgehog Markets

The mission of Hedgehog Markets is to provide direct, veritable,

and open access to the wisdom of crowds. Hedgehog Markets was

founded by George Yu, a former Google and Oscar Health engineer.

Interested in exploring ways to better predict future events and

noticing a lack of user-friendly ways to do so, building a decentralized

prediction markets platform became a natural extension of that

interest. Hedgehog Markets was built alongside eiVentures (EIV), a

venture studio focused on DeFi and decentralized applications. Learn

more about Hedgehog at https://hedgehog.markets and on Medium.

SHILL Issue #13 31

Top DAPPS / Top Gainer

The Astronaut @thexastronaut


SHILL Issue #13

Top NFT Followers / Top Gainer

The Astronaut @thexastronaut

SHILL Issue #13 33




SHILL Issue #13




SHILL Issue #13 35

We have also been so fortunate

to partner with amazing brands

on Solana and do some incredible

giveaways for our community! Too

many to name so we APOLOGIZE

to those we couldn’t include but we

gave away a @RustBots a @Grim__

Syndicate a @GeomsNFT and a @

GameKidzNFTamong others!


SHILL Issue #13

We have also been so fortunate

to have new collections make

tributes for our Solanaut project.

These connections make

us friends for life and it’s really

humbling when creators want

to associate with you THANK

YOU! Means a lot! @SolWhips

@SurgingBulls @DegenDogeMC


We have been so happy and fortunate

to work with some amazing

1/1 artists in the Solana ecosystem

to boost their visibility and

give back to our community!

@Peanug420 @josephtaylorart @

pinkskullqueen @basketNFT Look

at these. More 1/1’s coming too!


SHILL Issue #13 37

Can’t forget the community memes! We’ve had so many great

ones and it’s unfortunate we cannot share them all but here

are some of our favorites! Community effort is one of the

most humbling experiences! Most creators and community

builders will agree!

Speaking of community… we have conducted 3 different interviews

with @holaplex and @itskay_k,

@MilstGuga and @MonterreyRice, the ace himself @A2KDeFi and

have another one scheduled with

@JohnWickdout for his podcast! We want Anons to hear our

message and vision of the future!

So what’s next? We have another AMAZING and super UNIQUE

collection coming. An effort to repurpose PFP projects and

take ‘rarity’ down a non-traditional path! Solana Anonymous @


Everyone’s favorite identity in crypto is Anon, so we leaned into this


And finally, a super small collection of Star Systems! ONLY 25

unique clusters of stars, planets, supernovas, gamma rays and

more for space art collectors! We partnered with a fantastic 3D

artist to bring our vision of space to the masses. This is just a proto



SHILL Issue #13

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