Jojo over heaven

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90Regarding the structure of the stone mask--- Rereading my notes, I see Iwrote that I had come about learning of the mask's true nature through anaccidentally performed experiment on humans. But even learning about the"bone needles" that Jonathan talked about was somewhat of a coincidence.This is when Jonathan had challenged me to a duel in his rage over whatI did to Erina.--- He hit me quite mercilessly and I vomited up blood.That blood, by coincidence, truly by mere coincidence, splashed on thestone mask that was still hung on the wall at the time.--- And then the boneneedles sprung from the stone mask and it fell on the floor.Perhaps because the amount of blood was very little, the needles quicklydrew back in.--- Because of that, Jonathan thought that he was the only one thatwitnessed the phenomenon. But I, Dio, even in that utterly miserable state wherehe had made me cry, level-headedly witnessed what occurred.I saw the same thing Jonathan saw.The difference between us was that Jonathan started down the road ofarchaeology in order to find the cause of that phenomenon.--- While I, thinkingthat mechanism may someday become useful for me, kept my intentions secret.To be writing about a plan that was never actually put into motion iskind of shameful, but I still feel like I must record it precisely.If this notebook is being read by Enrico Pucci or by someone with asimilar personality, I don't think they will scorn before it.And if they do, that just means I didn't have a good eye for people.To put it simply, this is what my plan was.In order to usurp the Joestar family fortune, what I had to do was---"What I did because it was necessary" was first kill that adoptive father of mine,that man that fancied himself a gentleman, George Joestar.As a last resort, I chose murder by poisoning, but--- in the primary stages,I had come up of a murder using the stone mask.I would put the stone mask on him after he went to bed, splash blood onhim, activating it--- If a brain was stabbed by all those bone needles, that personshould die.

91At least, by normal rationale they would.That is what I thought at the time.If George Joestar were sent to the next life in such a way, the first one tobe under suspicion would be the one who had been studying that stone mask.---As well as the "only" one that knew of the stone mask's mechanism, the man'sson, Jonathan Joestar.If Jonathan fell under suspicion, and a case was built against him, hewould of course lose his inheritance rights to the family fortune. And then, as theonly son left, I would inherit everything.--- No, then I would have succeeded inmy plan to "take" it.With this outline of events that seemed to be quite effective at firstglance, at a point I was nearly convinced of using this idea. But the more Iadvanced in my thinking, I couldn't help but notice a large fault in this plan.If the heir, Jonathan Joestar, would be killing the head of the family atthe time, George Joestar, and he used a lethal weapon to kill him systematically,it is clear as day that the family name would suffer.The family's work as traders would surely have been lost.It wasn't only the Joestar family fortune I wanted--- it was also theirhonor and renown. At the very least, I did not intend to inherit a family namewith a bad reputation.Therefore, I abandoned this plan and decided to have George Joestar dieby poison after all.--- At the time, I figured the method I had most experiencewith would be best. I had thought something along the lines of having Jonathanmeet with some accident after the excitement had cooled down.But perhaps I really should have gone with the original plan......?Even if it wasn't for that letter, maybe it was a bit short-sighted to bekilling my adoptive father with the same method as I used with my biologicalfather?No, that's not right.


Regarding the structure of the stone mask--- Rereading my notes, I see I

wrote that I had come about learning of the mask's true nature through an

accidentally performed experiment on humans. But even learning about the

"bone needles" that Jonathan talked about was somewhat of a coincidence.

This is when Jonathan had challenged me to a duel in his rage over what

I did to Erina.--- He hit me quite mercilessly and I vomited up blood.

That blood, by coincidence, truly by mere coincidence, splashed on the

stone mask that was still hung on the wall at the time.--- And then the bone

needles sprung from the stone mask and it fell on the floor.

Perhaps because the amount of blood was very little, the needles quickly

drew back in.--- Because of that, Jonathan thought that he was the only one that

witnessed the phenomenon. But I, Dio, even in that utterly miserable state where

he had made me cry, level-headedly witnessed what occurred.

I saw the same thing Jonathan saw.

The difference between us was that Jonathan started down the road of

archaeology in order to find the cause of that phenomenon.--- While I, thinking

that mechanism may someday become useful for me, kept my intentions secret.

To be writing about a plan that was never actually put into motion is

kind of shameful, but I still feel like I must record it precisely.

If this notebook is being read by Enrico Pucci or by someone with a

similar personality, I don't think they will scorn before it.

And if they do, that just means I didn't have a good eye for people.

To put it simply, this is what my plan was.

In order to usurp the Joestar family fortune, what I had to do was---

"What I did because it was necessary" was first kill that adoptive father of mine,

that man that fancied himself a gentleman, George Joestar.

As a last resort, I chose murder by poisoning, but--- in the primary stages,

I had come up of a murder using the stone mask.

I would put the stone mask on him after he went to bed, splash blood on

him, activating it--- If a brain was stabbed by all those bone needles, that person

should die.

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