Jojo over heaven

from ichbinmehnlich More from this publisher

86It also seems that they were at sea when they were wiped out, so onewould normally think that the stone mask would sink to the bottom of the sea,but by some twist of fate--- Perhaps by drifting on some sort of channel, it onceagain appeared in the annals of history.This time without such a long pause.It was quite soon after that--- Jonathan Joestar's mother was on a trip toLondon and bought it from an art dealer.Jonathan Joestar's mother.I was told she died in an accident on her way home from a trip.--- Andthat is when my father came to their "rescue --- So of course, I never met thewoman, but I heard that when the accident occurred, she was embracingJonathan as if to protect him, so I think I can infer what her personality was like.She was surely noble and proud.Probably a mother that was like a saint.Probably a mother like my own.......Well, she did also take an interest in and buy that eerie mask, so shecertainly was not an ordinary woman.If she had not lose her life in that accident--- And were she still alivewhen I was taken into the Joestar family, and she had become my adoptivemother, then my life may have become something very different.--- It is a bitinteresting to think about such things.As she was surely similar to my mother, I wonder how she would haveraised such a bad child as I was.--- Though she would just have ended up beingkilled by me, just like George Joestar.While I'm on that note, it seems that George Joestar hung that stonemask on his wall for quite some time as a memento of his wife, as an alternativeto a photograph. Though when Jonathan said he was going to be using it forresearch and half made it his, George Joestar didn't seem very reproachful aboutit.So he couldn't have been all that attached to it.

87Though I don't think he didn't have an attachment to the memories ofhis beloved wife---- When that happened, Jonathan just "inherited" it from LordJoestar.An "inheritorJonathan Joestar.......And because I, Dio, "took" that stone mask from him, the worldbecame much better. To a ridiculous degree.As if guided by gravity, that stone mask that had been buried in Mexicomade its way to me.Looking at it this way, I have a hunch that the Joestar wife dying in thecarriage accident was also possibly something caused by the stone mask. It'squite an odd thing.I think this is a good place to stop.I will continue writing about this tomorrow.


Though I don't think he didn't have an attachment to the memories of

his beloved wife---- When that happened, Jonathan just "inherited" it from Lord


An "inheritor

Jonathan Joestar.

......And because I, Dio, "took" that stone mask from him, the world

became much better. To a ridiculous degree.

As if guided by gravity, that stone mask that had been buried in Mexico

made its way to me.

Looking at it this way, I have a hunch that the Joestar wife dying in the

carriage accident was also possibly something caused by the stone mask. It's

quite an odd thing.

I think this is a good place to stop.

I will continue writing about this tomorrow.

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