Jojo over heaven

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62However, due to reasons I will not explain here, it is difficult for theyounger D'Arby brother to perform such an experiment... Because placing soulsin dolls is a hobby, so to warp that would likely not be an easy matter.Seeing as that ability is only due to his hobbies.But if I am to talk openly about him, he is still immature--- As is theolder D'Arby brother.Now then, is there some alternative?I know.I have come up with something as my pen has been moving--- Yes, withhis Stand, such an experiment may be possible.Enrico Pucci.Someone I met when I visited the United States of America. If I were touse his Stand Ability---

6321I planned to go to America in order to meet Pucci, but in the end I did notgo.--- That is because there has been some movement in that island nation in thefar East.According to a report by Nijimura, the one I sent to investigate, amember of the Joestar Bloodline, Holly Kuujou has broken into a fever andcollapsed.They called it a Stand Fever.This is somewhat difficult to comprehend, but it seems that there arecases where a Stand can cause harmful effects to its master.--- From the effectsof Jonathan Joestar's body, her ancestor, she has become a Stand User.Something normally positive. But this Stand is actually tormenting her body, itseems......A Stand is controlled by the strength of one's spirit--- the "soul It issomething controlled by one's fighting instinct. But on the other hand, a humanwith a peaceful personality would not be able to control it--- That is all you needto understand, I suppose.So it seems that Holly Kuujou has the sort of personality I thought shehad.--- She is a holy woman. And as I predicted, by her collapsing soostentatiously she has hindered me.Without a doubt, her father Joseph Joestar and her son Joutarou Kuujouwill come here to Egypt to defeat me in order to free her of her Stand curse.I thought that with my "goal" unclear, with it not conveyed throughspirit photography, they would not make a move so easily. But it seems with arelative's with the life of someone important to them in danger, they'verecklessly decided to venture this way.As a result, the one who cannot act carelessly is me.--- I may beimmortal and possessing of a mighty Stand, but to my regret I am still notaccustomed to my body. And what's more, I have that fatal weak point of the"sun


However, due to reasons I will not explain here, it is difficult for the

younger D'Arby brother to perform such an experiment... Because placing souls

in dolls is a hobby, so to warp that would likely not be an easy matter.

Seeing as that ability is only due to his hobbies.

But if I am to talk openly about him, he is still immature--- As is the

older D'Arby brother.

Now then, is there some alternative?

I know.

I have come up with something as my pen has been moving--- Yes, with

his Stand, such an experiment may be possible.

Enrico Pucci.

Someone I met when I visited the United States of America. If I were to

use his Stand Ability---

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