Jojo over heaven

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I truly felt like I was boiling with rage.

Of course, at this point I was already devising a means to usurp the

Joestar Family's fortune. But I was planning to stay quiet and maintain a waitand-see

attitude. Jonathan Joestar was nothing more than prey to me. Meaning

that I had no expectations for that person. And I at least had no intention to act

against him in any way.

Towards both Lord Joestar and his son, Jonathan Joestar, I intended to be

a well-mannered, obedient young man.---- There is little use in discussing

intended plans from so long, over a hundred years, ago. But if they had

succeeded, my plan of usurping the Joestar Family's fortune would have perhaps


That perfect crime may have been realized perfectly.

No---- It is sure to have succeeded.

But I was not able to do that.

I succumbed to emotion. And in line with those passionate emotions, I

took them out on Jonathan's pet dog -- I believe his name was Danny -- kicking

him hard.

I had intended to kill him then and there -- and later I truly did kill that

dog -- but I kicked him very, very hard.

In response to my actions, Jonathan became enraged and yelled. But in

my mind, I wanted to become enraged and yell.

He said he wouldn't forgive me, but I could not forgive him.

Yes. I could not forgive him.

I could not forgive his smile.

I could not forgive him for approaching me.

I could not forgive his cheerfulness.

I could not forgive his friendly attitude.

I could not forgive such a spoiled, rich child who never knew suffering in

his life; that a man like this existed in this world.

He did not even give away the things he had.

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