Jojo over heaven

from ichbinmehnlich More from this publisher

50In other words, the more she was the exact opposite of my mother, thebetter mother she would be.---- That was how I thought.That a mother was better off not as a holy woman, but as a wicked one.Therefore I chose that kind of woman to be the ones to mother mychildren. When such women were presented to me, I did not eat them. I did notsuck their blood or brainwash them; I let them go.Of course, the feelings of wanting children, of wanting a family and suchthings--- Family-oriented feelings are something that I have none of whatsoever.After growing up in that cesspool of a household, I would of course haveno such feelings--- I only did this because it was necessary. I merely "created"them.It was a measure taken for the purpose of going to heaven.--- Mychildren.This is something regarding events some decades in the future, thoughfor me a few decades is not all that long a period of time. I am certain that thosechildren spread all over the world will lead me to heaven.What I am concerned about, what I am worried about, is that they didnot only inherit my blood, but Jonathan's blood as well.--- Whose blood turns outto be more prevalent is sure to alter how things play out.

5115Father disliked nobles. Father hated nobles. One could say he loathedthem.--- No, you would be wrong if you said he didn't loathe them.He truly detested them.Yes. For my father, nobles were an evil that should be hated.--- The ideaof my father recognizing something else as evil seems utterly laughable, but onthat subject, that man was the picture of seriousness.For that prodigal father of mine, they were the only thing in his life hedealt with seriously. But you could also put it as he hated nobles.He would yell about how they were all snooty and self-important andhow the reason our live was so awful was because of them. How because theyexploited us, because they "took" from us, that we were so poor.--- He honestlydid say it quite often.But because I grew up with such a father, I took in those "teachings" ofhis. So not surprisingly, I did not have a good impression of the Joestar familyfrom the outset.Nobles were people despised even by that father of mine.They couldn't be very great people, I thought.And when I met the heir to the Joestar name, the son, Jonathan Joestar, Ibecame confident in those thoughts.Unshakably confident."So, you're Dio Brando?"When I saw him saying that with a smile on his face, I knew in aninstant.Intuitively, I knew.That I was right.That this boy--- was an "inheritorHe was neither a "giver" nor a "receiverAn "inheritor"---- I immediately became enraged.No, not enraged. I became infuriated.



Father disliked nobles. Father hated nobles. One could say he loathed

them.--- No, you would be wrong if you said he didn't loathe them.

He truly detested them.

Yes. For my father, nobles were an evil that should be hated.--- The idea

of my father recognizing something else as evil seems utterly laughable, but on

that subject, that man was the picture of seriousness.

For that prodigal father of mine, they were the only thing in his life he

dealt with seriously. But you could also put it as he hated nobles.

He would yell about how they were all snooty and self-important and

how the reason our live was so awful was because of them. How because they

exploited us, because they "took" from us, that we were so poor.--- He honestly

did say it quite often.

But because I grew up with such a father, I took in those "teachings" of

his. So not surprisingly, I did not have a good impression of the Joestar family

from the outset.

Nobles were people despised even by that father of mine.

They couldn't be very great people, I thought.

And when I met the heir to the Joestar name, the son, Jonathan Joestar, I

became confident in those thoughts.

Unshakably confident.

"So, you're Dio Brando?"

When I saw him saying that with a smile on his face, I knew in an


Intuitively, I knew.

That I was right.

That this boy--- was an "inheritor

He was neither a "giver" nor a "receiver

An "inheritor"---- I immediately became enraged.

No, not enraged. I became infuriated.

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