Jojo over heaven

from ichbinmehnlich More from this publisher

4211My father did not leave me anything.This is only natural, as my father did not have a penny to his name.He did have debts, but it was within the scope of something I couldmanage to come up with. Even the debts of my meager father were meager----Well, I suppose you couldn't expect anyone in that city to be foolish enough tolend that father of mine money.However, while that man did not bequeath to me anything, at death'sdoor, he pointed me on a certain "pathHe gave me certain "informationIf you could call that an inheritance, then I suppose you could call itmine.One could say that that was the one thing given to me by that manwhom had done nothing but take.----- At the very end of his life, that man, DarioBrando, went from a being "taker" to being a "giverThat made me unhappy.Crushingly unhappy.By converting just as the curtain was about to draw on his life, it seemedpossible to me that that man, that man whom you could not describe as anythingless than a scoundrel, may have gone to heaven. That idea made my skin crawl. Iknew the possibility was only very slight, but---- it was unbearable.The idea that at the end, he felt sympathy for the son he had sorelentlessly abused made my body feel like it would go into convulsions.I didn't think that my mother could have gone to heaven, but I thoughtmy father could have."If he did..." I thought."If he did, I would have to go to heaven.----- I would have to reunite withhim there so I could kill that man once again."That's the sort of thing I thought.

43However, it was only that moment in which I thought that.---- Call it anwild impulse. As I am now, I do not grope blindly for the way to get to heavenwith such minor impulses.Though if I do meet my father at my long sought after destination, I willof course kill him...... Merely as a side opportunity. I have not set my sights onheaven for the sake of such backwards-thinking impulses.I seek heaven for humanity's, yes, humanity's next stage of evolution.I do it to reach new heights.Much like when I donned the stone mask and became a vampire.Much like when I used the "Bow and Arrow" to become a Stand user---- Iwish to raise the stage higher.To become a true winner."Dio! Come here for a minute. I have something to tell you about."I don't have much time...... You know what I mean, right?"I'm going to die soon."The one worry I'll have after I die is about you, my only son..... Do youhear me, Dio?""When I die, take this letter and go to the home of the person it'saddressed to!"This guy is indebted to me...... I'm sure he'll look after you."He'll probably make you go to school, too!"This guy owes me a favor."Dio! When I die, go to the Joestar household! You've got a good head onyour shoulders! Become the richest man there's ever been!"He was an abysmal father.I call him father, but I do not think of him as a father.But that "inheritance" my father left me---- I decided to take thatunexpected "inheritance" with gratitude.----- I was more than capable of livingon my own, but I was going to use anything I had available.I felt like my life was finally really beginning.Yes, that's what it was.


However, it was only that moment in which I thought that.---- Call it an

wild impulse. As I am now, I do not grope blindly for the way to get to heaven

with such minor impulses.

Though if I do meet my father at my long sought after destination, I will

of course kill him...... Merely as a side opportunity. I have not set my sights on

heaven for the sake of such backwards-thinking impulses.

I seek heaven for humanity's, yes, humanity's next stage of evolution.

I do it to reach new heights.

Much like when I donned the stone mask and became a vampire.

Much like when I used the "Bow and Arrow" to become a Stand user---- I

wish to raise the stage higher.

To become a true winner.

"Dio! Come here for a minute. I have something to tell you about.

"I don't have much time...... You know what I mean, right?

"I'm going to die soon.

"The one worry I'll have after I die is about you, my only son..... Do you

hear me, Dio?"

"When I die, take this letter and go to the home of the person it's

addressed to!

"This guy is indebted to me...... I'm sure he'll look after you.

"He'll probably make you go to school, too!

"This guy owes me a favor.

"Dio! When I die, go to the Joestar household! You've got a good head on

your shoulders! Become the richest man there's ever been!"

He was an abysmal father.

I call him father, but I do not think of him as a father.

But that "inheritance" my father left me---- I decided to take that

unexpected "inheritance" with gratitude.----- I was more than capable of living

on my own, but I was going to use anything I had available.

I felt like my life was finally really beginning.

Yes, that's what it was.

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